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      1 /*
      2  * Copyright 2014 Intel Corporation All Rights Reserved.
      3  *
      4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
      7  *
      8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      9  *
     10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     14  * limitations under the License.
     15  */
     17 package com.intel.thermal;
     19 import com.intel.thermal.ThermalManager;
     21 import android.util.Log;
     23 import java.io.File;
     24 import java.util.ArrayList;
     25 import java.util.Arrays;
     27 /**
     28  * The ThermalSensor class describes the attributes of a Thermal Sensor. This
     29  * class implements methods that retrieve temperature sensor information from
     30  * the kernel through the native interface.
     31  *
     32  * @hide
     33  */
     34 public class ThermalSensor {
     36     private static final String TAG = "ThermalSensor";
     37     private String mSensorPath;     /* sys path to read temp from */
     38     private String mSensorName;     /* name of the sensor */
     39     private String mInputTempPath;  /* sys path to read the current temp */
     40     private String mHighTempPath;   /* sys path to set the intermediate upper threshold */
     41     private String mLowTempPath;    /* sys path to set the intermediate lower threshold */
     42     private String mUEventDevPath;  /* sys path for uevent listener */
     43     private int mErrorCorrectionTemp; /* Temperature difference in mC */
     44     private int mSensorID = -1;
     45     private int mSensorState;       /* Thermal state of the sensor */
     46     private int mCurrTemp;          /* Holds the latest temperature of the sensor */
     47     private int mSensorSysfsIndx; /* Index of this sensor in the sysfs */
     48     private boolean mIsSensorActive = false; /* Whether this sensor is active */
     50     public void printAttrs() {
     51         Log.i(TAG, "mSensorName: " + mSensorName);
     52         Log.i(TAG, "mSensorPath: " + mSensorPath);
     53         Log.i(TAG, "mInputTempPath: " + mInputTempPath);
     54         Log.i(TAG, "mHighTempPath: " + mHighTempPath);
     55         Log.i(TAG, "mLowTempPath: " + mLowTempPath);
     56         Log.i(TAG, "mUEventDevPath: " + mUEventDevPath);
     57         Log.i(TAG, "mErrorCorrection: " + mErrorCorrectionTemp);
     58     }
     60     private void setSensorSysfsPath() {
     61         int indx = ThermalUtils.getThermalZoneIndex(mSensorName);
     62         // The battery subsystem exposes sensors under different names.
     63         // The only commonality among them is that all of them contain
     64         // the string "battery".
     65         if (indx == -1 && mSensorName.contains("battery")) {
     66             indx = ThermalUtils.getThermalZoneIndexContains("battery");
     67         }
     69         if (indx != -1) {
     70             mSensorPath = ThermalManager.sSysfsSensorBasePath + indx + "/";
     71         }
     73         mSensorSysfsIndx = indx;
     74     }
     76     public boolean getSensorActiveStatus() {
     77         return mIsSensorActive;
     78     }
     80     public String getSensorSysfsPath() {
     81         return mSensorPath;
     82     }
     84     public ThermalSensor() {
     85         mSensorState = ThermalManager.THERMAL_STATE_OFF;
     86         mCurrTemp = ThermalManager.INVALID_TEMP;
     87         mSensorPath = "auto";
     88         mInputTempPath = "auto";
     89         mHighTempPath = "auto";
     90         mLowTempPath = "auto";
     91         mUEventDevPath = "auto";
     93         // Set default value of 'correction temperature' to 1000mC
     94         mErrorCorrectionTemp = 1000;
     95     }
     97     public int getSensorID() {
     98         return mSensorID;
     99     }
    101     public int getSensorSysfsIndx() {
    102         return mSensorSysfsIndx;
    103     }
    105     public String getSensorPath() {
    106         return mSensorPath;
    107     }
    109     /**
    110      * This function sets the sensor path to the given String value. If the
    111      * String is "auto" it loops through the standard sysfs path, to obtain the
    112      * 'mSensorPath'. The standard sysfs path is /sys/class/
    113      * thermal/thermal_zoneX and the look up is based on 'mSensorName'.
    114      * If sensor path is "none", sensor temp is not read via any sysfs
    115      */
    116     public void setSensorPath(String path) {
    117         if (path.equalsIgnoreCase("auto")) {
    118             setSensorSysfsPath();
    119         } else {
    120             mSensorPath = path;
    121         }
    122     }
    124     private boolean isSensorSysfsValid(String path) {
    125         return ThermalUtils.isFileExists(path);
    126     }
    128     public String getSensorName() {
    129         return mSensorName;
    130     }
    132     public void setSensorName(String name) {
    133         mSensorName = name;
    134     }
    136     public void setUEventDevPath(String devPath) {
    137         mUEventDevPath = devPath;
    138     }
    140     public String getUEventDevPath() {
    141         return mUEventDevPath;
    142     }
    144     public void setErrorCorrectionTemp(int temp) {
    145         mErrorCorrectionTemp = temp;
    146     }
    148     public int getErrorCorrectionTemp() {
    149         return mErrorCorrectionTemp;
    150     }
    153     public void setInputTempPath(String name) {
    154         // sensor path is none, it means sensor temperature reporting is
    155         // not sysfs based. So turn sensor active by default.
    156         // If the sensor path does not exist, deactivate the sensor.
    157         if (mSensorPath != null && mSensorPath.equalsIgnoreCase("none")) {
    158             mIsSensorActive = true;
    159         } else {
    160             if (name != null && name.equalsIgnoreCase("auto")) {
    161                 name = "temp";
    162             }
    163             mInputTempPath = mSensorPath + name;
    164             if (!isSensorSysfsValid(mInputTempPath)) {
    165                 mIsSensorActive = false;
    166                 Log.i(TAG, "Sensor:" + mSensorName + " path:" + mInputTempPath
    167                         + " is invalid...deactivaing Sensor");
    168             } else {
    169                 mIsSensorActive = true;
    170             }
    171         }
    172     }
    174     public String getSensorInputTempPath() {
    175         return mInputTempPath;
    176     }
    178     public void setHighTempPath(String name) {
    179         if (name != null && name.equalsIgnoreCase("auto")) {
    180             mHighTempPath = mSensorPath + ThermalManager.sSysfsSensorHighTempPath;
    181         } else {
    182             if (mSensorPath != null && mSensorPath.equalsIgnoreCase("none")) {
    183                 mHighTempPath = "invalid";
    184             } else {
    185                 mHighTempPath = mSensorPath + name;
    186             }
    187         }
    188     }
    190     public String getSensorHighTempPath() {
    191         return mHighTempPath;
    192     }
    194     public void setLowTempPath(String name) {
    195         if (name != null && name.equalsIgnoreCase("auto")) {
    196             mLowTempPath = mSensorPath + ThermalManager.sSysfsSensorLowTempPath;
    197         } else {
    198             if (mSensorPath != null && mSensorPath.equalsIgnoreCase("none")) {
    199                 mLowTempPath = "invalid";
    200             } else {
    201                 mLowTempPath = mSensorPath + name;
    202             }
    203         }
    204     }
    206     public String getSensorLowTempPath() {
    207         return mLowTempPath;
    208     }
    210     public void setCurrTemp(int temp) {
    211         mCurrTemp = temp;
    212     }
    214     public int getCurrTemp() {
    215         return mCurrTemp;
    216     }
    218     /**
    219      * Method that actually does a Sysfs read.
    220      */
    221     public int readSensorTemp() {
    222         int val = ThermalUtils.readSysfsTemp(mInputTempPath);
    223         if (val <= ThermalManager.ABS_ZERO) {
    224             // Error will be returned as negative offset from absolute zero in milli degree C
    225             Log.e(TAG, "readSensorTemp failed with error:" + (val - ThermalManager.ABS_ZERO));
    226             val = ThermalManager.INVALID_TEMP;
    227         }
    228         return val;
    229     }
    231     /**
    232      * Method to read the current temperature from sensor. This method should be
    233      * used only when we want to obtain the latest temperature from sensors.
    234      * Otherwise, the getCurrTemp method should be used, which returns the
    235      * previously read value.
    236      */
    237     public void updateSensorTemp() {
    238         int val = readSensorTemp();
    239         if (val != ThermalManager.INVALID_TEMP) {
    240             setCurrTemp(val);
    241         }
    242     }
    244     public int getSensorThermalState() {
    245         return mSensorState;
    246     }
    248     public void setSensorThermalState(int state) {
    249         mSensorState = state;
    250     }
    252     public void setAutoValues() {
    253         if (mSensorPath.equalsIgnoreCase("auto")) {
    254             setSensorPath(mSensorPath);
    255         }
    256         if (mInputTempPath.equalsIgnoreCase("auto")) {
    257             setInputTempPath(mInputTempPath);
    258         }
    259         if (mHighTempPath.equalsIgnoreCase("auto")) {
    260             setHighTempPath(mHighTempPath);
    261         }
    262         if (mLowTempPath.equalsIgnoreCase("auto")) {
    263             setLowTempPath(mLowTempPath);
    264         }
    265         if (mUEventDevPath.equalsIgnoreCase("auto")) {
    266             // build the sensor UEvent listener path
    267             if (mSensorSysfsIndx == -1) {
    268                 mUEventDevPath = "invalid";
    269                 Log.i(TAG, "Cannot build UEvent path for sensor:" + mSensorName);
    270                 return;
    271             } else {
    272                 mUEventDevPath = ThermalManager.sUEventDevPath + mSensorSysfsIndx;
    273             }
    274         } else if (!mUEventDevPath.contains("DEVPATH=")) {
    275             mUEventDevPath = "DEVPATH=" + mUEventDevPath;
    276         }
    277     }
    279 }