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      1 /* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
      2 /* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
      3  * Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
      4  *
      5  * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
      6  * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
      7  * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
      8  * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
      9  *
     10  * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
     11  * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
     12  * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
     13  * License.
     14  *
     15  * The Original Code is mozilla.org code.
     16  *
     17  * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
     18  * Netscape Communications Corporation.
     19  * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1998
     20  * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
     21  *
     22  * Contributor(s):
     23  *
     24  * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
     25  * either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
     26  * the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
     27  * in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
     28  * of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
     29  * under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to
     30  * use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your
     31  * decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
     32  * and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete
     33  * the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under
     34  * the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
     35  *
     36  * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */
     38 #ifndef npfunctions_h_
     39 #define npfunctions_h_
     41 #ifdef __OS2__
     42 #pragma pack(1)
     43 #define NP_LOADDS _System
     44 #else
     45 #define NP_LOADDS
     46 #endif
     48 #include "npapi.h"
     49 #include "npruntime.h"
     51 typedef NPError      (* NP_LOADDS NPP_NewProcPtr)(NPMIMEType pluginType, NPP instance, uint16_t mode, int16_t argc, char* argn[], char* argv[], NPSavedData* saved);
     52 typedef NPError      (* NP_LOADDS NPP_DestroyProcPtr)(NPP instance, NPSavedData** save);
     53 typedef NPError      (* NP_LOADDS NPP_SetWindowProcPtr)(NPP instance, NPWindow* window);
     54 typedef NPError      (* NP_LOADDS NPP_NewStreamProcPtr)(NPP instance, NPMIMEType type, NPStream* stream, NPBool seekable, uint16_t* stype);
     55 typedef NPError      (* NP_LOADDS NPP_DestroyStreamProcPtr)(NPP instance, NPStream* stream, NPReason reason);
     56 typedef int32_t      (* NP_LOADDS NPP_WriteReadyProcPtr)(NPP instance, NPStream* stream);
     57 typedef int32_t      (* NP_LOADDS NPP_WriteProcPtr)(NPP instance, NPStream* stream, int32_t offset, int32_t len, void* buffer);
     58 typedef void         (* NP_LOADDS NPP_StreamAsFileProcPtr)(NPP instance, NPStream* stream, const char* fname);
     59 typedef void         (* NP_LOADDS NPP_PrintProcPtr)(NPP instance, NPPrint* platformPrint);
     60 typedef int16_t      (* NP_LOADDS NPP_HandleEventProcPtr)(NPP instance, void* event);
     61 typedef void         (* NP_LOADDS NPP_URLNotifyProcPtr)(NPP instance, const char* url, NPReason reason, void* notifyData);
     62 /* Any NPObjects returned to the browser via NPP_GetValue should be retained
     63    by the plugin on the way out. The browser is responsible for releasing. */
     64 typedef NPError      (* NP_LOADDS NPP_GetValueProcPtr)(NPP instance, NPPVariable variable, void *ret_value);
     65 typedef NPError      (* NP_LOADDS NPP_SetValueProcPtr)(NPP instance, NPNVariable variable, void *value);
     66 typedef NPBool       (* NP_LOADDS NPP_GotFocusPtr)(NPP instance, NPFocusDirection direction);
     67 typedef void         (* NP_LOADDS NPP_LostFocusPtr)(NPP instance);
     68 typedef void         (* NP_LOADDS NPP_URLRedirectNotifyPtr)(NPP instance, const char* url, int32_t status, void* notifyData);
     69 typedef NPError      (* NP_LOADDS NPP_ClearSiteDataPtr)(const char* site, uint64_t flags, uint64_t maxAge);
     70 typedef char**       (* NP_LOADDS NPP_GetSitesWithDataPtr)(void);
     72 typedef NPError      (*NPN_GetValueProcPtr)(NPP instance, NPNVariable variable, void *ret_value);
     73 typedef NPError      (*NPN_SetValueProcPtr)(NPP instance, NPPVariable variable, void *value);
     74 typedef NPError      (*NPN_GetURLNotifyProcPtr)(NPP instance, const char* url, const char* window, void* notifyData);
     75 typedef NPError      (*NPN_PostURLNotifyProcPtr)(NPP instance, const char* url, const char* window, uint32_t len, const char* buf, NPBool file, void* notifyData);
     76 typedef NPError      (*NPN_GetURLProcPtr)(NPP instance, const char* url, const char* window);
     77 typedef NPError      (*NPN_PostURLProcPtr)(NPP instance, const char* url, const char* window, uint32_t len, const char* buf, NPBool file);
     78 typedef NPError      (*NPN_RequestReadProcPtr)(NPStream* stream, NPByteRange* rangeList);
     79 typedef NPError      (*NPN_NewStreamProcPtr)(NPP instance, NPMIMEType type, const char* window, NPStream** stream);
     80 typedef int32_t      (*NPN_WriteProcPtr)(NPP instance, NPStream* stream, int32_t len, void* buffer);
     81 typedef NPError      (*NPN_DestroyStreamProcPtr)(NPP instance, NPStream* stream, NPReason reason);
     82 typedef void         (*NPN_StatusProcPtr)(NPP instance, const char* message);
     83 /* Browser manages the lifetime of the buffer returned by NPN_UserAgent, don't
     84    depend on it sticking around and don't free it. */
     85 typedef const char*  (*NPN_UserAgentProcPtr)(NPP instance);
     86 typedef void*        (*NPN_MemAllocProcPtr)(uint32_t size);
     87 typedef void         (*NPN_MemFreeProcPtr)(void* ptr);
     88 typedef uint32_t     (*NPN_MemFlushProcPtr)(uint32_t size);
     89 typedef void         (*NPN_ReloadPluginsProcPtr)(NPBool reloadPages);
     90 typedef void*        (*NPN_GetJavaEnvProcPtr)(void);
     91 typedef void*        (*NPN_GetJavaPeerProcPtr)(NPP instance);
     92 typedef void         (*NPN_InvalidateRectProcPtr)(NPP instance, NPRect *rect);
     93 typedef void         (*NPN_InvalidateRegionProcPtr)(NPP instance, NPRegion region);
     94 typedef void         (*NPN_ForceRedrawProcPtr)(NPP instance);
     95 typedef NPIdentifier (*NPN_GetStringIdentifierProcPtr)(const NPUTF8* name);
     96 typedef void         (*NPN_GetStringIdentifiersProcPtr)(const NPUTF8** names, int32_t nameCount, NPIdentifier* identifiers);
     97 typedef NPIdentifier (*NPN_GetIntIdentifierProcPtr)(int32_t intid);
     98 typedef bool         (*NPN_IdentifierIsStringProcPtr)(NPIdentifier identifier);
     99 typedef NPUTF8*      (*NPN_UTF8FromIdentifierProcPtr)(NPIdentifier identifier);
    100 typedef int32_t      (*NPN_IntFromIdentifierProcPtr)(NPIdentifier identifier);
    101 typedef NPObject*    (*NPN_CreateObjectProcPtr)(NPP npp, NPClass *aClass);
    102 typedef NPObject*    (*NPN_RetainObjectProcPtr)(NPObject *obj);
    103 typedef void         (*NPN_ReleaseObjectProcPtr)(NPObject *obj);
    104 typedef bool         (*NPN_InvokeProcPtr)(NPP npp, NPObject* obj, NPIdentifier methodName, const NPVariant *args, uint32_t argCount, NPVariant *result);
    105 typedef bool         (*NPN_InvokeDefaultProcPtr)(NPP npp, NPObject* obj, const NPVariant *args, uint32_t argCount, NPVariant *result);
    106 typedef bool         (*NPN_EvaluateProcPtr)(NPP npp, NPObject *obj, NPString *script, NPVariant *result);
    107 typedef bool         (*NPN_GetPropertyProcPtr)(NPP npp, NPObject *obj, NPIdentifier propertyName, NPVariant *result);
    108 typedef bool         (*NPN_SetPropertyProcPtr)(NPP npp, NPObject *obj, NPIdentifier propertyName, const NPVariant *value);
    109 typedef bool         (*NPN_RemovePropertyProcPtr)(NPP npp, NPObject *obj, NPIdentifier propertyName);
    110 typedef bool         (*NPN_HasPropertyProcPtr)(NPP npp, NPObject *obj, NPIdentifier propertyName);
    111 typedef bool         (*NPN_HasMethodProcPtr)(NPP npp, NPObject *obj, NPIdentifier propertyName);
    112 typedef void         (*NPN_ReleaseVariantValueProcPtr)(NPVariant *variant);
    113 typedef void         (*NPN_SetExceptionProcPtr)(NPObject *obj, const NPUTF8 *message);
    114 typedef void         (*NPN_PushPopupsEnabledStateProcPtr)(NPP npp, NPBool enabled);
    115 typedef void         (*NPN_PopPopupsEnabledStateProcPtr)(NPP npp);
    116 typedef bool         (*NPN_EnumerateProcPtr)(NPP npp, NPObject *obj, NPIdentifier **identifier, uint32_t *count);
    117 typedef void         (*NPN_PluginThreadAsyncCallProcPtr)(NPP instance, void (*func)(void *), void *userData);
    118 typedef bool         (*NPN_ConstructProcPtr)(NPP npp, NPObject* obj, const NPVariant *args, uint32_t argCount, NPVariant *result);
    119 typedef NPError      (*NPN_GetValueForURLPtr)(NPP npp, NPNURLVariable variable, const char *url, char **value, uint32_t *len);
    120 typedef NPError      (*NPN_SetValueForURLPtr)(NPP npp, NPNURLVariable variable, const char *url, const char *value, uint32_t len);
    121 typedef NPError      (*NPN_GetAuthenticationInfoPtr)(NPP npp, const char *protocol, const char *host, int32_t port, const char *scheme, const char *realm, char **username, uint32_t *ulen, char **password, uint32_t *plen);
    122 typedef uint32_t     (*NPN_ScheduleTimerPtr)(NPP instance, uint32_t interval, NPBool repeat, void (*timerFunc)(NPP npp, uint32_t timerID));
    123 typedef void         (*NPN_UnscheduleTimerPtr)(NPP instance, uint32_t timerID);
    124 typedef NPError      (*NPN_PopUpContextMenuPtr)(NPP instance, NPMenu* menu);
    125 typedef NPBool       (*NPN_ConvertPointPtr)(NPP instance, double sourceX, double sourceY, NPCoordinateSpace sourceSpace, double *destX, double *destY, NPCoordinateSpace destSpace);
    126 typedef NPBool       (*NPN_HandleEventPtr)(NPP instance, void *event, NPBool handled);
    127 typedef NPBool       (*NPN_UnfocusInstancePtr)(NPP instance, NPFocusDirection direction);
    128 typedef void         (*NPN_URLRedirectResponsePtr)(NPP instance, void* notifyData, NPBool allow);
    130 typedef struct _NPPluginFuncs {
    131   uint16_t size;
    132   uint16_t version;
    133   NPP_NewProcPtr newp;
    134   NPP_DestroyProcPtr destroy;
    135   NPP_SetWindowProcPtr setwindow;
    136   NPP_NewStreamProcPtr newstream;
    137   NPP_DestroyStreamProcPtr destroystream;
    138   NPP_StreamAsFileProcPtr asfile;
    139   NPP_WriteReadyProcPtr writeready;
    140   NPP_WriteProcPtr write;
    141   NPP_PrintProcPtr print;
    142   NPP_HandleEventProcPtr event;
    143   NPP_URLNotifyProcPtr urlnotify;
    144   void* javaClass;
    145   NPP_GetValueProcPtr getvalue;
    146   NPP_SetValueProcPtr setvalue;
    147   NPP_GotFocusPtr gotfocus;
    148   NPP_LostFocusPtr lostfocus;
    149   NPP_URLRedirectNotifyPtr urlredirectnotify;
    150   NPP_ClearSiteDataPtr clearsitedata;
    151   NPP_GetSitesWithDataPtr getsiteswithdata;
    152 } NPPluginFuncs;
    154 typedef struct _NPNetscapeFuncs {
    155   uint16_t size;
    156   uint16_t version;
    157   NPN_GetURLProcPtr geturl;
    158   NPN_PostURLProcPtr posturl;
    159   NPN_RequestReadProcPtr requestread;
    160   NPN_NewStreamProcPtr newstream;
    161   NPN_WriteProcPtr write;
    162   NPN_DestroyStreamProcPtr destroystream;
    163   NPN_StatusProcPtr status;
    164   NPN_UserAgentProcPtr uagent;
    165   NPN_MemAllocProcPtr memalloc;
    166   NPN_MemFreeProcPtr memfree;
    167   NPN_MemFlushProcPtr memflush;
    168   NPN_ReloadPluginsProcPtr reloadplugins;
    169   NPN_GetJavaEnvProcPtr getJavaEnv;
    170   NPN_GetJavaPeerProcPtr getJavaPeer;
    171   NPN_GetURLNotifyProcPtr geturlnotify;
    172   NPN_PostURLNotifyProcPtr posturlnotify;
    173   NPN_GetValueProcPtr getvalue;
    174   NPN_SetValueProcPtr setvalue;
    175   NPN_InvalidateRectProcPtr invalidaterect;
    176   NPN_InvalidateRegionProcPtr invalidateregion;
    177   NPN_ForceRedrawProcPtr forceredraw;
    178   NPN_GetStringIdentifierProcPtr getstringidentifier;
    179   NPN_GetStringIdentifiersProcPtr getstringidentifiers;
    180   NPN_GetIntIdentifierProcPtr getintidentifier;
    181   NPN_IdentifierIsStringProcPtr identifierisstring;
    182   NPN_UTF8FromIdentifierProcPtr utf8fromidentifier;
    183   NPN_IntFromIdentifierProcPtr intfromidentifier;
    184   NPN_CreateObjectProcPtr createobject;
    185   NPN_RetainObjectProcPtr retainobject;
    186   NPN_ReleaseObjectProcPtr releaseobject;
    187   NPN_InvokeProcPtr invoke;
    188   NPN_InvokeDefaultProcPtr invokeDefault;
    189   NPN_EvaluateProcPtr evaluate;
    190   NPN_GetPropertyProcPtr getproperty;
    191   NPN_SetPropertyProcPtr setproperty;
    192   NPN_RemovePropertyProcPtr removeproperty;
    193   NPN_HasPropertyProcPtr hasproperty;
    194   NPN_HasMethodProcPtr hasmethod;
    195   NPN_ReleaseVariantValueProcPtr releasevariantvalue;
    196   NPN_SetExceptionProcPtr setexception;
    197   NPN_PushPopupsEnabledStateProcPtr pushpopupsenabledstate;
    198   NPN_PopPopupsEnabledStateProcPtr poppopupsenabledstate;
    199   NPN_EnumerateProcPtr enumerate;
    200   NPN_PluginThreadAsyncCallProcPtr pluginthreadasynccall;
    201   NPN_ConstructProcPtr construct;
    202   NPN_GetValueForURLPtr getvalueforurl;
    203   NPN_SetValueForURLPtr setvalueforurl;
    204   NPN_GetAuthenticationInfoPtr getauthenticationinfo;
    205   NPN_ScheduleTimerPtr scheduletimer;
    206   NPN_UnscheduleTimerPtr unscheduletimer;
    207   NPN_PopUpContextMenuPtr popupcontextmenu;
    208   NPN_ConvertPointPtr convertpoint;
    209   NPN_HandleEventPtr handleevent;
    210   NPN_UnfocusInstancePtr unfocusinstance;
    211   NPN_URLRedirectResponsePtr urlredirectresponse;
    212 } NPNetscapeFuncs;
    214 #ifdef XP_MACOSX
    215 /*
    216  * Mac OS X version(s) of NP_GetMIMEDescription(const char *)
    217  * These can be called to retreive MIME information from the plugin dynamically
    218  *
    219  * Note: For compatibility with Quicktime, BPSupportedMIMEtypes is another way
    220  *       to get mime info from the plugin only on OSX and may not be supported
    221  *       in furture version -- use NP_GetMIMEDescription instead
    222  */
    223 enum
    224 {
    225  kBPSupportedMIMETypesStructVers_1    = 1
    226 };
    227 typedef struct _BPSupportedMIMETypes
    228 {
    229  SInt32    structVersion;      /* struct version */
    230  Handle    typeStrings;        /* STR# formated handle, allocated by plug-in */
    231  Handle    infoStrings;        /* STR# formated handle, allocated by plug-in */
    232 } BPSupportedMIMETypes;
    233 OSErr BP_GetSupportedMIMETypes(BPSupportedMIMETypes *mimeInfo, UInt32 flags);
    234 #define NP_GETMIMEDESCRIPTION_NAME "NP_GetMIMEDescription"
    235 typedef const char* (*NP_GetMIMEDescriptionProcPtr)(void);
    236 typedef OSErr (*BP_GetSupportedMIMETypesProcPtr)(BPSupportedMIMETypes*, UInt32);
    237 #endif
    239 #endif /* npfunctions_h_ */