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      1 /*
      2  *  Copyright (c) 2012 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
      3  *
      4  *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
      5  *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
      6  *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
      7  *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
      8  *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
      9  */
     14 enum ViEErrors {
     15   // ViEBase.
     16   kViENotInitialized = 12000,        // Init has not been called successfully.
     17   kViEBaseVoEFailure,                // SetVoiceEngine. ViE failed to use VE instance. Check VE instance pointer.ConnectAudioChannel failed to set voice channel. Have SetVoiceEngine been called? Is the voice channel correct.
     18   kViEBaseChannelCreationFailed,     // CreateChannel.
     19   kViEBaseInvalidChannelId,          // The channel does not exist.
     20   kViEAPIDoesNotExist,               // Release called on Interface that has not been created.
     21   kViEBaseInvalidArgument,
     22   kViEBaseAlreadySending,            // StartSend called on channel that is already sending.
     23   kViEBaseNotSending,                // StopSend called on channel that is not sending.
     24   kViEBaseReceiveOnlyChannel,        // Can't send on a receive only channel.
     25   kViEBaseAlreadyReceiving,          // StartReceive called on channel that is already receiving.
     26   kViEBaseObserverAlreadyRegistered,  // RegisterObserver- an observer has already been set.
     27   kViEBaseObserverNotRegistered,     // DeregisterObserver - no observer has been registered.
     28   kViEBaseUnknownError,              // An unknown error has occurred. Check the log file.
     30   // ViECodec.
     31   kViECodecInvalidArgument  = 12100,    // Wrong input parameter to function.
     32   kViECodecObserverAlreadyRegistered,   // RegisterEncoderObserver, RegisterDecoderObserver.
     33   kViECodecObserverNotRegistered,       // DeregisterEncoderObserver, DeregisterDecoderObserver.
     34   kViECodecInvalidCodec,                // SetSendCodec,SetReceiveCodec- The codec structure is invalid.
     35   kViECodecInvalidChannelId,            // The channel does not exist.
     36   kViECodecInUse,                       // SetSendCodec- Can't change codec size or type when multiple channels use the same encoder.
     37   kViECodecReceiveOnlyChannel,          // SetSendCodec, can't change receive only channel.
     38   kViECodecUnknownError,                // An unknown error has occurred. Check the log file.
     40   // ViERender.
     41   kViERenderInvalidRenderId = 12200,  // No renderer with the ID exist. In AddRenderer - The render ID is invalid. No capture device, channel or file is allocated with that id.
     42   kViERenderAlreadyExists,            // AddRenderer: the renderer already exist.
     43   kViERenderInvalidFrameFormat,       // AddRender (external renderer). The user has requested a frame format that we don't support.
     44   kViERenderUnknownError,             // An unknown error has occurred. Check the log file.
     46   // ViECapture.
     47   kViECaptureDeviceAlreadyConnected = 12300,  // ConnectCaptureDevice - A capture device has already been connected to this video channel.
     48   kViECaptureDeviceDoesNotExist,              // No capture device exist with the provided capture id or unique name.
     49   kViECaptureDeviceInvalidChannelId,          // ConnectCaptureDevice, DisconnectCaptureDevice- No Channel exist with the provided channel id.
     50   kViECaptureDeviceNotConnected,              // DisconnectCaptureDevice- No capture device is connected to the channel.
     51   kViECaptureDeviceNotStarted,                // Stop- The capture device is not started.
     52   kViECaptureDeviceAlreadyStarted,            // Start- The capture device is already started.
     53   kViECaptureDeviceAlreadyAllocated,          // AllocateCaptureDevice The device is already allocated.
     54   kViECaptureDeviceMaxNoDevicesAllocated,     // AllocateCaptureDevice Max number of devices already allocated.
     55   kViECaptureObserverAlreadyRegistered,       // RegisterObserver- An observer is already registered. Need to deregister first.
     56   kViECaptureDeviceObserverNotRegistered,     // DeregisterObserver- No observer is registered.
     57   kViECaptureDeviceUnknownError,              // An unknown error has occurred. Check the log file.
     58   kViECaptureDeviceMacQtkitNotSupported,      // QTKit handles the capture devices automatically. Thus querying capture capabilities is not supported.
     60   // ViEFile.
     61   kViEFileInvalidChannelId  = 12400,  // No Channel exist with the provided channel id.
     62   kViEFileInvalidArgument,            // Incorrect input argument
     63   kViEFileAlreadyRecording,           // StartRecordOutgoingVideo - already recording channel
     64   kViEFileVoENotSet,                  // StartRecordOutgoingVideo. Failed to access voice engine. Has SetVoiceEngine been called?
     65   kViEFileNotRecording,               // StopRecordOutgoingVideo
     66   kViEFileMaxNoOfFilesOpened,         // StartPlayFile
     67   kViEFileNotPlaying,                 // StopPlayFile. The file with the provided id is not playing.
     68   kViEFileObserverAlreadyRegistered,  // RegisterObserver
     69   kViEFileObserverNotRegistered,      // DeregisterObserver
     70   kViEFileInputAlreadyConnected,      // SendFileOnChannel- the video channel already have a connected input.
     71   kViEFileNotConnected,               // StopSendFileOnChannel- No file is being sent on the channel.
     72   kViEFileVoEFailure,                 // SendFileOnChannel,StartPlayAudioLocally - failed to play audio stream
     73   kViEFileInvalidRenderId,            // SetRenderTimeoutImage and SetRenderStartImage: Renderer with the provided render id does not exist.
     74   kViEFileInvalidFile,                // Can't open the file with provided filename. Is the path and file format correct?
     75   kViEFileInvalidCapture,             // Can't use ViEPicture. Is the object correct?
     76   kViEFileSetRenderTimeoutError,      // SetRenderTimeoutImage- Please see log file.
     77   kViEFileSetStartImageError,         // SetRenderStartImage error. Please see log file.
     78   kViEFileUnknownError,               // An unknown error has occurred. Check the log file.
     80   // ViENetwork.
     81   kViENetworkInvalidChannelId = 12500,   // No Channel exist with the provided channel id.
     82   kViENetworkAlreadyReceiving,           // SetLocalReceiver: Can not change ports while receiving.
     83   kViENetworkLocalReceiverNotSet,        // GetLocalReceiver: SetLocalReceiver not called.
     84   kViENetworkAlreadySending,             // SetSendDestination
     85   kViENetworkDestinationNotSet,          // GetSendDestination
     86   kViENetworkInvalidArgument,            // GetLocalIP- Check function  arguments.
     87   kViENetworkSendCodecNotSet,            // SetSendGQoS- Need to set the send codec first.
     88   kViENetworkServiceTypeNotSupported,    // SetSendGQoS
     89   kViENetworkNotSupported,               // SetSendGQoS Not supported on this OS.
     90   kViENetworkUnknownError,               // An unknown error has occurred. Check the log file.
     92   // ViERTP_RTCP.
     93   kViERtpRtcpInvalidChannelId = 12600,   // No Channel exist with the provided channel id.
     94   kViERtpRtcpAlreadySending,             // The channel is already sending. Need to stop send before calling this API.
     95   kViERtpRtcpNotSending,                 // The channel needs to be sending in order for this function to work.
     96   kViERtpRtcpRtcpDisabled,               // Functions failed because RTCP is disabled.
     97   kViERtpRtcpObserverAlreadyRegistered,  // An observer is already registered. Need to deregister the old first.
     98   kViERtpRtcpObserverNotRegistered,      // No observer registered.
     99   kViERtpRtcpUnknownError,               // An unknown error has occurred. Check the log file.
    101   // ViEImageProcess.
    102   kViEImageProcessInvalidChannelId  = 12800,  // No Channel exist with the provided channel id.
    103   kViEImageProcessInvalidCaptureId,          // No capture device exist with the provided capture id.
    104   kViEImageProcessFilterExists,              // RegisterCaptureEffectFilter,RegisterSendEffectFilter,RegisterRenderEffectFilter - Effect filter already registered.
    105   kViEImageProcessFilterDoesNotExist,        // DeRegisterCaptureEffectFilter,DeRegisterSendEffectFilter,DeRegisterRenderEffectFilter - Effect filter not registered.
    106   kViEImageProcessAlreadyEnabled,            // EnableDeflickering,EnableColorEnhancement- Function already enabled.
    107   kViEImageProcessAlreadyDisabled,           // EnableDeflickering,EnableColorEnhancement- Function already disabled.
    108   kViEImageProcessUnknownError               // An unknown error has occurred. Check the log file.
    109 };