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      1 /*
      2  * Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project
      3  *
      4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
      7  *
      8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      9  *
     10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     14  * limitations under the License.
     15  */
     17 package android.app;
     19 import android.content.Context;
     20 import android.content.pm.ActivityInfo;
     21 import android.content.pm.PackageManager;
     22 import android.content.res.AssetManager;
     23 import android.content.res.Configuration;
     24 import android.graphics.PixelFormat;
     25 import android.os.Build;
     26 import android.os.Bundle;
     27 import android.os.Looper;
     28 import android.os.MessageQueue;
     29 import android.util.AttributeSet;
     30 import android.view.InputQueue;
     31 import android.view.Surface;
     32 import android.view.SurfaceHolder;
     33 import android.view.View;
     34 import android.view.ViewTreeObserver.OnGlobalLayoutListener;
     35 import android.view.WindowManager;
     36 import android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodManager;
     38 import java.io.File;
     40 /**
     41  * Convenience for implementing an activity that will be implemented
     42  * purely in native code.  That is, a game (or game-like thing).  There
     43  * is no need to derive from this class; you can simply declare it in your
     44  * manifest, and use the NDK APIs from there.
     45  *
     46  * <p>A typical manifest would look like:
     47  *
     48  * {@sample development/ndk/platforms/android-9/samples/native-activity/AndroidManifest.xml
     49  *      manifest}
     50  *
     51  * <p>A very simple example of native code that is run by NativeActivity
     52  * follows.  This reads input events from the user and uses OpenGLES to
     53  * draw into the native activity's window.
     54  *
     55  * {@sample development/ndk/platforms/android-9/samples/native-activity/jni/main.c all}
     56  */
     57 public class NativeActivity extends Activity implements SurfaceHolder.Callback2,
     58         InputQueue.Callback, OnGlobalLayoutListener {
     59     /**
     60      * Optional meta-that can be in the manifest for this component, specifying
     61      * the name of the native shared library to load.  If not specified,
     62      * "main" is used.
     63      */
     64     public static final String META_DATA_LIB_NAME = "android.app.lib_name";
     66     /**
     67      * Optional meta-that can be in the manifest for this component, specifying
     68      * the name of the main entry point for this native activity in the
     69      * {@link #META_DATA_LIB_NAME} native code.  If not specified,
     70      * "ANativeActivity_onCreate" is used.
     71      */
     72     public static final String META_DATA_FUNC_NAME = "android.app.func_name";
     74     private static final String KEY_NATIVE_SAVED_STATE = "android:native_state";
     76     private NativeContentView mNativeContentView;
     77     private InputMethodManager mIMM;
     79     private long mNativeHandle;
     81     private InputQueue mCurInputQueue;
     82     private SurfaceHolder mCurSurfaceHolder;
     84     final int[] mLocation = new int[2];
     85     int mLastContentX;
     86     int mLastContentY;
     87     int mLastContentWidth;
     88     int mLastContentHeight;
     90     private boolean mDispatchingUnhandledKey;
     92     private boolean mDestroyed;
     94     private native long loadNativeCode(String path, String funcname, MessageQueue queue,
     95             String internalDataPath, String obbPath, String externalDataPath, int sdkVersion,
     96             AssetManager assetMgr, byte[] savedState);
     97     private native void unloadNativeCode(long handle);
     98     private native void onStartNative(long handle);
     99     private native void onResumeNative(long handle);
    100     private native byte[] onSaveInstanceStateNative(long handle);
    101     private native void onPauseNative(long handle);
    102     private native void onStopNative(long handle);
    103     private native void onConfigurationChangedNative(long handle);
    104     private native void onLowMemoryNative(long handle);
    105     private native void onWindowFocusChangedNative(long handle, boolean focused);
    106     private native void onSurfaceCreatedNative(long handle, Surface surface);
    107     private native void onSurfaceChangedNative(long handle, Surface surface,
    108             int format, int width, int height);
    109     private native void onSurfaceRedrawNeededNative(long handle, Surface surface);
    110     private native void onSurfaceDestroyedNative(long handle);
    111     private native void onInputQueueCreatedNative(long handle, long queuePtr);
    112     private native void onInputQueueDestroyedNative(long handle, long queuePtr);
    113     private native void onContentRectChangedNative(long handle, int x, int y, int w, int h);
    115     static class NativeContentView extends View {
    116         NativeActivity mActivity;
    118         public NativeContentView(Context context) {
    119             super(context);
    120         }
    122         public NativeContentView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
    123             super(context, attrs);
    124         }
    125     }
    127     @Override
    128     protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    129         String libname = "main";
    130         String funcname = "ANativeActivity_onCreate";
    131         ActivityInfo ai;
    133         mIMM = (InputMethodManager)getSystemService(Context.INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE);
    135         getWindow().takeSurface(this);
    136         getWindow().takeInputQueue(this);
    137         getWindow().setFormat(PixelFormat.RGB_565);
    138         getWindow().setSoftInputMode(
    139                 WindowManager.LayoutParams.SOFT_INPUT_STATE_UNSPECIFIED
    140                 | WindowManager.LayoutParams.SOFT_INPUT_ADJUST_RESIZE);
    142         mNativeContentView = new NativeContentView(this);
    143         mNativeContentView.mActivity = this;
    144         setContentView(mNativeContentView);
    145         mNativeContentView.requestFocus();
    146         mNativeContentView.getViewTreeObserver().addOnGlobalLayoutListener(this);
    148         try {
    149             ai = getPackageManager().getActivityInfo(
    150                     getIntent().getComponent(), PackageManager.GET_META_DATA);
    151             if (ai.metaData != null) {
    152                 String ln = ai.metaData.getString(META_DATA_LIB_NAME);
    153                 if (ln != null) libname = ln;
    154                 ln = ai.metaData.getString(META_DATA_FUNC_NAME);
    155                 if (ln != null) funcname = ln;
    156             }
    157         } catch (PackageManager.NameNotFoundException e) {
    158             throw new RuntimeException("Error getting activity info", e);
    159         }
    161         String path = null;
    163         File libraryFile = new File(ai.applicationInfo.nativeLibraryDir,
    164                 System.mapLibraryName(libname));
    165         if (libraryFile.exists()) {
    166             path = libraryFile.getPath();
    167         }
    169         if (path == null) {
    170             throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unable to find native library: " + libname);
    171         }
    173         byte[] nativeSavedState = savedInstanceState != null
    174                 ? savedInstanceState.getByteArray(KEY_NATIVE_SAVED_STATE) : null;
    176         mNativeHandle = loadNativeCode(path, funcname, Looper.myQueue(),
    177                 getAbsolutePath(getFilesDir()), getAbsolutePath(getObbDir()),
    178                 getAbsolutePath(getExternalFilesDir(null)),
    179                 Build.VERSION.SDK_INT, getAssets(), nativeSavedState);
    181         if (mNativeHandle == 0) {
    182             throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unable to load native library: " + path);
    183         }
    184         super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);
    185     }
    187     private static String getAbsolutePath(File file) {
    188         return (file != null) ? file.getAbsolutePath() : null;
    189     }
    191     @Override
    192     protected void onDestroy() {
    193         mDestroyed = true;
    194         if (mCurSurfaceHolder != null) {
    195             onSurfaceDestroyedNative(mNativeHandle);
    196             mCurSurfaceHolder = null;
    197         }
    198         if (mCurInputQueue != null) {
    199             onInputQueueDestroyedNative(mNativeHandle, mCurInputQueue.getNativePtr());
    200             mCurInputQueue = null;
    201         }
    202         unloadNativeCode(mNativeHandle);
    203         super.onDestroy();
    204     }
    206     @Override
    207     protected void onPause() {
    208         super.onPause();
    209         onPauseNative(mNativeHandle);
    210     }
    212     @Override
    213     protected void onResume() {
    214         super.onResume();
    215         onResumeNative(mNativeHandle);
    216     }
    218     @Override
    219     protected void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState) {
    220         super.onSaveInstanceState(outState);
    221         byte[] state = onSaveInstanceStateNative(mNativeHandle);
    222         if (state != null) {
    223             outState.putByteArray(KEY_NATIVE_SAVED_STATE, state);
    224         }
    225     }
    227     @Override
    228     protected void onStart() {
    229         super.onStart();
    230         onStartNative(mNativeHandle);
    231     }
    233     @Override
    234     protected void onStop() {
    235         super.onStop();
    236         onStopNative(mNativeHandle);
    237     }
    239     @Override
    240     public void onConfigurationChanged(Configuration newConfig) {
    241         super.onConfigurationChanged(newConfig);
    242         if (!mDestroyed) {
    243             onConfigurationChangedNative(mNativeHandle);
    244         }
    245     }
    247     @Override
    248     public void onLowMemory() {
    249         super.onLowMemory();
    250         if (!mDestroyed) {
    251             onLowMemoryNative(mNativeHandle);
    252         }
    253     }
    255     @Override
    256     public void onWindowFocusChanged(boolean hasFocus) {
    257         super.onWindowFocusChanged(hasFocus);
    258         if (!mDestroyed) {
    259             onWindowFocusChangedNative(mNativeHandle, hasFocus);
    260         }
    261     }
    263     public void surfaceCreated(SurfaceHolder holder) {
    264         if (!mDestroyed) {
    265             mCurSurfaceHolder = holder;
    266             onSurfaceCreatedNative(mNativeHandle, holder.getSurface());
    267         }
    268     }
    270     public void surfaceChanged(SurfaceHolder holder, int format, int width, int height) {
    271         if (!mDestroyed) {
    272             mCurSurfaceHolder = holder;
    273             onSurfaceChangedNative(mNativeHandle, holder.getSurface(), format, width, height);
    274         }
    275     }
    277     public void surfaceRedrawNeeded(SurfaceHolder holder) {
    278         if (!mDestroyed) {
    279             mCurSurfaceHolder = holder;
    280             onSurfaceRedrawNeededNative(mNativeHandle, holder.getSurface());
    281         }
    282     }
    284     public void surfaceDestroyed(SurfaceHolder holder) {
    285         mCurSurfaceHolder = null;
    286         if (!mDestroyed) {
    287             onSurfaceDestroyedNative(mNativeHandle);
    288         }
    289     }
    291     public void onInputQueueCreated(InputQueue queue) {
    292         if (!mDestroyed) {
    293             mCurInputQueue = queue;
    294             onInputQueueCreatedNative(mNativeHandle, queue.getNativePtr());
    295         }
    296     }
    298     public void onInputQueueDestroyed(InputQueue queue) {
    299         if (!mDestroyed) {
    300             onInputQueueDestroyedNative(mNativeHandle, queue.getNativePtr());
    301             mCurInputQueue = null;
    302         }
    303     }
    305     public void onGlobalLayout() {
    306         mNativeContentView.getLocationInWindow(mLocation);
    307         int w = mNativeContentView.getWidth();
    308         int h = mNativeContentView.getHeight();
    309         if (mLocation[0] != mLastContentX || mLocation[1] != mLastContentY
    310                 || w != mLastContentWidth || h != mLastContentHeight) {
    311             mLastContentX = mLocation[0];
    312             mLastContentY = mLocation[1];
    313             mLastContentWidth = w;
    314             mLastContentHeight = h;
    315             if (!mDestroyed) {
    316                 onContentRectChangedNative(mNativeHandle, mLastContentX,
    317                         mLastContentY, mLastContentWidth, mLastContentHeight);
    318             }
    319         }
    320     }
    322     void setWindowFlags(int flags, int mask) {
    323         getWindow().setFlags(flags, mask);
    324     }
    326     void setWindowFormat(int format) {
    327         getWindow().setFormat(format);
    328     }
    330     void showIme(int mode) {
    331         mIMM.showSoftInput(mNativeContentView, mode);
    332     }
    334     void hideIme(int mode) {
    335         mIMM.hideSoftInputFromWindow(mNativeContentView.getWindowToken(), mode);
    336     }
    337 }