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      1 /*
      2  * Copyright (C) 2013 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
      3  *
      4  * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
      5  * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
      6  * met:
      7  *
      8  *     * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
      9  * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
     10  *     * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
     11  * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
     12  * in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
     13  * distribution.
     14  *     * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its
     15  * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
     16  * this software without specific prior written permission.
     17  *
     29  */
     31 #include "config.h"
     32 #include "core/rendering/RenderBlockFlow.h"
     34 #include "core/accessibility/AXObjectCache.h"
     35 #include "core/frame/FrameView.h"
     36 #include "core/frame/LocalFrame.h"
     37 #include "core/frame/Settings.h"
     38 #include "core/html/HTMLDialogElement.h"
     39 #include "core/paint/BlockFlowPainter.h"
     40 #include "core/rendering/HitTestLocation.h"
     41 #include "core/rendering/RenderFlowThread.h"
     42 #include "core/rendering/RenderLayer.h"
     43 #include "core/rendering/RenderMultiColumnFlowThread.h"
     44 #include "core/rendering/RenderPagedFlowThread.h"
     45 #include "core/rendering/RenderText.h"
     46 #include "core/rendering/RenderView.h"
     47 #include "core/rendering/TextAutosizer.h"
     48 #include "core/rendering/line/LineWidth.h"
     49 #include "core/rendering/svg/SVGTextRunRenderingContext.h"
     50 #include "platform/text/BidiTextRun.h"
     52 namespace blink {
     54 bool RenderBlockFlow::s_canPropagateFloatIntoSibling = false;
     56 struct SameSizeAsMarginInfo {
     57     uint16_t bitfields;
     58     LayoutUnit margins[2];
     59 };
     61 COMPILE_ASSERT(sizeof(RenderBlockFlow::MarginValues) == sizeof(LayoutUnit[4]), MarginValues_should_stay_small);
     63 class MarginInfo {
     64     // Collapsing flags for whether we can collapse our margins with our children's margins.
     65     bool m_canCollapseWithChildren : 1;
     66     bool m_canCollapseMarginBeforeWithChildren : 1;
     67     bool m_canCollapseMarginAfterWithChildren : 1;
     68     bool m_canCollapseMarginAfterWithLastChild: 1;
     70     // Whether or not we are a quirky container, i.e., do we collapse away top and bottom
     71     // margins in our container. Table cells and the body are the common examples. We
     72     // also have a custom style property for Safari RSS to deal with TypePad blog articles.
     73     bool m_quirkContainer : 1;
     75     // This flag tracks whether we are still looking at child margins that can all collapse together at the beginning of a block.
     76     // They may or may not collapse with the top margin of the block (|m_canCollapseTopWithChildren| tells us that), but they will
     77     // always be collapsing with one another. This variable can remain set to true through multiple iterations
     78     // as long as we keep encountering self-collapsing blocks.
     79     bool m_atBeforeSideOfBlock : 1;
     81     // This flag is set when we know we're examining bottom margins and we know we're at the bottom of the block.
     82     bool m_atAfterSideOfBlock : 1;
     84     // These variables are used to detect quirky margins that we need to collapse away (in table cells
     85     // and in the body element).
     86     bool m_hasMarginBeforeQuirk : 1;
     87     bool m_hasMarginAfterQuirk : 1;
     88     bool m_determinedMarginBeforeQuirk : 1;
     90     bool m_discardMargin : 1;
     92     // These flags track the previous maximal positive and negative margins.
     93     LayoutUnit m_positiveMargin;
     94     LayoutUnit m_negativeMargin;
     96 public:
     97     MarginInfo(RenderBlockFlow*, LayoutUnit beforeBorderPadding, LayoutUnit afterBorderPadding);
     99     void setAtBeforeSideOfBlock(bool b) { m_atBeforeSideOfBlock = b; }
    100     void setAtAfterSideOfBlock(bool b) { m_atAfterSideOfBlock = b; }
    101     void clearMargin()
    102     {
    103         m_positiveMargin = 0;
    104         m_negativeMargin = 0;
    105     }
    106     void setHasMarginBeforeQuirk(bool b) { m_hasMarginBeforeQuirk = b; }
    107     void setHasMarginAfterQuirk(bool b) { m_hasMarginAfterQuirk = b; }
    108     void setDeterminedMarginBeforeQuirk(bool b) { m_determinedMarginBeforeQuirk = b; }
    109     void setPositiveMargin(LayoutUnit p) { ASSERT(!m_discardMargin); m_positiveMargin = p; }
    110     void setNegativeMargin(LayoutUnit n) { ASSERT(!m_discardMargin); m_negativeMargin = n; }
    111     void setPositiveMarginIfLarger(LayoutUnit p)
    112     {
    113         ASSERT(!m_discardMargin);
    114         if (p > m_positiveMargin)
    115             m_positiveMargin = p;
    116     }
    117     void setNegativeMarginIfLarger(LayoutUnit n)
    118     {
    119         ASSERT(!m_discardMargin);
    120         if (n > m_negativeMargin)
    121             m_negativeMargin = n;
    122     }
    124     void setMargin(LayoutUnit p, LayoutUnit n) { ASSERT(!m_discardMargin); m_positiveMargin = p; m_negativeMargin = n; }
    125     void setCanCollapseMarginAfterWithChildren(bool collapse) { m_canCollapseMarginAfterWithChildren = collapse; }
    126     void setCanCollapseMarginAfterWithLastChild(bool collapse) { m_canCollapseMarginAfterWithLastChild = collapse; }
    127     void setDiscardMargin(bool value) { m_discardMargin = value; }
    129     bool atBeforeSideOfBlock() const { return m_atBeforeSideOfBlock; }
    130     bool canCollapseWithMarginBefore() const { return m_atBeforeSideOfBlock && m_canCollapseMarginBeforeWithChildren; }
    131     bool canCollapseWithMarginAfter() const { return m_atAfterSideOfBlock && m_canCollapseMarginAfterWithChildren; }
    132     bool canCollapseMarginBeforeWithChildren() const { return m_canCollapseMarginBeforeWithChildren; }
    133     bool canCollapseMarginAfterWithChildren() const { return m_canCollapseMarginAfterWithChildren; }
    134     bool canCollapseMarginAfterWithLastChild() const { return m_canCollapseMarginAfterWithLastChild; }
    135     bool quirkContainer() const { return m_quirkContainer; }
    136     bool determinedMarginBeforeQuirk() const { return m_determinedMarginBeforeQuirk; }
    137     bool hasMarginBeforeQuirk() const { return m_hasMarginBeforeQuirk; }
    138     bool hasMarginAfterQuirk() const { return m_hasMarginAfterQuirk; }
    139     LayoutUnit positiveMargin() const { return m_positiveMargin; }
    140     LayoutUnit negativeMargin() const { return m_negativeMargin; }
    141     bool discardMargin() const { return m_discardMargin; }
    142     LayoutUnit margin() const { return m_positiveMargin - m_negativeMargin; }
    143 };
    144 static bool inNormalFlow(RenderBox* child)
    145 {
    146     RenderBlock* curr = child->containingBlock();
    147     RenderView* renderView = child->view();
    148     while (curr && curr != renderView) {
    149         if (curr->hasColumns() || curr->isRenderFlowThread())
    150             return true;
    151         if (curr->isFloatingOrOutOfFlowPositioned())
    152             return false;
    153         curr = curr->containingBlock();
    154     }
    155     return true;
    156 }
    158 void RenderBlockFlow::RenderBlockFlowRareData::trace(Visitor* visitor)
    159 {
    160     visitor->trace(m_multiColumnFlowThread);
    161 }
    163 RenderBlockFlow::RenderBlockFlow(ContainerNode* node)
    164     : RenderBlock(node)
    165 {
    166     COMPILE_ASSERT(sizeof(MarginInfo) == sizeof(SameSizeAsMarginInfo), MarginInfo_should_stay_small);
    167     setChildrenInline(true);
    168 }
    170 RenderBlockFlow::~RenderBlockFlow()
    171 {
    172 }
    174 void RenderBlockFlow::trace(Visitor* visitor)
    175 {
    176     visitor->trace(m_rareData);
    177     RenderBlock::trace(visitor);
    178 }
    180 RenderBlockFlow* RenderBlockFlow::createAnonymous(Document* document)
    181 {
    182     RenderBlockFlow* renderer = new RenderBlockFlow(0);
    183     renderer->setDocumentForAnonymous(document);
    184     return renderer;
    185 }
    187 RenderObject* RenderBlockFlow::layoutSpecialExcludedChild(bool relayoutChildren, SubtreeLayoutScope& layoutScope)
    188 {
    189     RenderMultiColumnFlowThread* flowThread = multiColumnFlowThread();
    190     if (!flowThread)
    191         return 0;
    192     setLogicalTopForChild(flowThread, borderBefore() + paddingBefore());
    193     flowThread->layoutColumns(relayoutChildren, layoutScope);
    194     determineLogicalLeftPositionForChild(flowThread);
    195     return flowThread;
    196 }
    198 bool RenderBlockFlow::updateLogicalWidthAndColumnWidth()
    199 {
    200     bool relayoutChildren = RenderBlock::updateLogicalWidthAndColumnWidth();
    201     if (RenderMultiColumnFlowThread* flowThread = multiColumnFlowThread()) {
    202         if (flowThread->needsNewWidth())
    203             return true;
    204     }
    205     return relayoutChildren;
    206 }
    208 void RenderBlockFlow::checkForPaginationLogicalHeightChange(LayoutUnit& pageLogicalHeight, bool& pageLogicalHeightChanged, bool& hasSpecifiedPageLogicalHeight)
    209 {
    210     if (RenderMultiColumnFlowThread* flowThread = multiColumnFlowThread()) {
    211         LogicalExtentComputedValues computedValues;
    212         computeLogicalHeight(LayoutUnit(), logicalTop(), computedValues);
    213         LayoutUnit columnHeight = computedValues.m_extent - borderAndPaddingLogicalHeight() - scrollbarLogicalHeight();
    214         pageLogicalHeightChanged = columnHeight != flowThread->columnHeightAvailable();
    215         flowThread->setColumnHeightAvailable(std::max<LayoutUnit>(columnHeight, 0));
    216     } else if (hasColumns()) {
    217         ColumnInfo* colInfo = columnInfo();
    219         if (!pageLogicalHeight) {
    220             LayoutUnit oldLogicalHeight = logicalHeight();
    221             setLogicalHeight(0);
    222             // We need to go ahead and set our explicit page height if one exists, so that we can
    223             // avoid doing two layout passes.
    224             updateLogicalHeight();
    225             LayoutUnit columnHeight = contentLogicalHeight();
    226             if (columnHeight > 0) {
    227                 pageLogicalHeight = columnHeight;
    228                 hasSpecifiedPageLogicalHeight = true;
    229             }
    230             setLogicalHeight(oldLogicalHeight);
    231         }
    232         if (colInfo->columnHeight() != pageLogicalHeight && everHadLayout()) {
    233             colInfo->setColumnHeight(pageLogicalHeight);
    234             pageLogicalHeightChanged = true;
    235         }
    237         if (!hasSpecifiedPageLogicalHeight && !pageLogicalHeight)
    238             colInfo->clearForcedBreaks();
    239     } else if (isRenderFlowThread()) {
    240         RenderFlowThread* flowThread = toRenderFlowThread(this);
    242         // FIXME: This is a hack to always make sure we have a page logical height, if said height
    243         // is known. The page logical height thing in LayoutState is meaningless for flow
    244         // thread-based pagination (page height isn't necessarily uniform throughout the flow
    245         // thread), but as long as it is used universally as a means to determine whether page
    246         // height is known or not, we need this. Page height is unknown when column balancing is
    247         // enabled and flow thread height is still unknown (i.e. during the first layout pass). When
    248         // it's unknown, we need to prevent the pagination code from assuming page breaks everywhere
    249         // and thereby eating every top margin. It should be trivial to clean up and get rid of this
    250         // hack once the old multicol implementation is gone.
    251         pageLogicalHeight = flowThread->isPageLogicalHeightKnown() ? LayoutUnit(1) : LayoutUnit(0);
    253         pageLogicalHeightChanged = flowThread->pageLogicalSizeChanged();
    254     }
    255 }
    257 bool RenderBlockFlow::shouldRelayoutForPagination(LayoutUnit& pageLogicalHeight, LayoutUnit layoutOverflowLogicalBottom) const
    258 {
    259     // FIXME: We don't balance properly at all in the presence of forced page breaks. We need to understand what
    260     // the distance between forced page breaks is so that we can avoid making the minimum column height too tall.
    261     ColumnInfo* colInfo = columnInfo();
    262     LayoutUnit columnHeight = pageLogicalHeight;
    263     const int minColumnCount = colInfo->forcedBreaks() + 1;
    264     const int desiredColumnCount = colInfo->desiredColumnCount();
    265     if (minColumnCount >= desiredColumnCount) {
    266         // The forced page breaks are in control of the balancing. Just set the column height to the
    267         // maximum page break distance.
    268         if (!pageLogicalHeight) {
    269             LayoutUnit distanceBetweenBreaks = std::max<LayoutUnit>(colInfo->maximumDistanceBetweenForcedBreaks(),
    270                 view()->layoutState()->pageLogicalOffset(*this, borderBefore() + paddingBefore() + layoutOverflowLogicalBottom) - colInfo->forcedBreakOffset());
    271             columnHeight = std::max(colInfo->minimumColumnHeight(), distanceBetweenBreaks);
    272         }
    273     } else if (layoutOverflowLogicalBottom > boundedMultiply(pageLogicalHeight, desiredColumnCount)) {
    274         // Now that we know the intrinsic height of the columns, we have to rebalance them.
    275         columnHeight = std::max<LayoutUnit>(colInfo->minimumColumnHeight(), ceilf(layoutOverflowLogicalBottom.toFloat() / desiredColumnCount));
    276     }
    278     if (columnHeight && columnHeight != pageLogicalHeight) {
    279         pageLogicalHeight = columnHeight;
    280         return true;
    281     }
    283     return false;
    284 }
    286 void RenderBlockFlow::setColumnCountAndHeight(unsigned count, LayoutUnit pageLogicalHeight)
    287 {
    288     ColumnInfo* colInfo = columnInfo();
    289     if (pageLogicalHeight)
    290         colInfo->setColumnCountAndHeight(count, pageLogicalHeight);
    292     if (columnCount(colInfo)) {
    293         setLogicalHeight(borderBefore() + paddingBefore() + colInfo->columnHeight() + borderAfter() + paddingAfter() + scrollbarLogicalHeight());
    294         m_overflow.clear();
    295     }
    296 }
    298 void RenderBlockFlow::setBreakAtLineToAvoidWidow(int lineToBreak)
    299 {
    300     ASSERT(lineToBreak >= 0);
    301     ensureRareData();
    302     ASSERT(!m_rareData->m_didBreakAtLineToAvoidWidow);
    303     m_rareData->m_lineBreakToAvoidWidow = lineToBreak;
    304 }
    306 void RenderBlockFlow::setDidBreakAtLineToAvoidWidow()
    307 {
    308     ASSERT(!shouldBreakAtLineToAvoidWidow());
    310     // This function should be called only after a break was applied to avoid widows
    311     // so assert |m_rareData| exists.
    312     ASSERT(m_rareData);
    314     m_rareData->m_didBreakAtLineToAvoidWidow = true;
    315 }
    317 void RenderBlockFlow::clearDidBreakAtLineToAvoidWidow()
    318 {
    319     if (!m_rareData)
    320         return;
    322     m_rareData->m_didBreakAtLineToAvoidWidow = false;
    323 }
    325 void RenderBlockFlow::clearShouldBreakAtLineToAvoidWidow() const
    326 {
    327     ASSERT(shouldBreakAtLineToAvoidWidow());
    328     if (!m_rareData)
    329         return;
    331     m_rareData->m_lineBreakToAvoidWidow = -1;
    332 }
    334 bool RenderBlockFlow::isSelfCollapsingBlock() const
    335 {
    336     m_hasOnlySelfCollapsingChildren = RenderBlock::isSelfCollapsingBlock();
    337     return m_hasOnlySelfCollapsingChildren;
    338 }
    340 void RenderBlockFlow::layoutBlock(bool relayoutChildren)
    341 {
    342     ASSERT(needsLayout());
    343     ASSERT(isInlineBlockOrInlineTable() || !isInline());
    345     // If we are self-collapsing with self-collapsing descendants this will get set to save us burrowing through our
    346     // descendants every time in |isSelfCollapsingBlock|. We reset it here so that |isSelfCollapsingBlock| attempts to burrow
    347     // at least once and so that it always gives a reliable result reflecting the latest layout.
    348     m_hasOnlySelfCollapsingChildren = false;
    350     if (!relayoutChildren && simplifiedLayout())
    351         return;
    353     SubtreeLayoutScope layoutScope(*this);
    355     // Multiple passes might be required for column and pagination based layout
    356     // In the case of the old column code the number of passes will only be two
    357     // however, in the newer column code the number of passes could equal the
    358     // number of columns.
    359     bool done = false;
    360     LayoutUnit pageLogicalHeight = 0;
    361     while (!done)
    362         done = layoutBlockFlow(relayoutChildren, pageLogicalHeight, layoutScope);
    364     fitBorderToLinesIfNeeded();
    366     RenderView* renderView = view();
    367     if (renderView->layoutState()->pageLogicalHeight())
    368         setPageLogicalOffset(renderView->layoutState()->pageLogicalOffset(*this, logicalTop()));
    370     updateLayerTransformAfterLayout();
    372     // Update our scroll information if we're overflow:auto/scroll/hidden now that we know if
    373     // we overflow or not.
    374     updateScrollInfoAfterLayout();
    376     if (m_paintInvalidationLogicalTop != m_paintInvalidationLogicalBottom) {
    377         bool hasVisibleContent = style()->visibility() == VISIBLE;
    378         if (!hasVisibleContent) {
    379             RenderLayer* layer = enclosingLayer();
    380             layer->updateDescendantDependentFlags();
    381             hasVisibleContent = layer->hasVisibleContent();
    382         }
    383         if (hasVisibleContent)
    384             setShouldInvalidateOverflowForPaint(true);
    385     }
    387     if (isHTMLDialogElement(node()) && isOutOfFlowPositioned())
    388         positionDialog();
    390     clearNeedsLayout();
    391 }
    393 inline bool RenderBlockFlow::layoutBlockFlow(bool relayoutChildren, LayoutUnit &pageLogicalHeight, SubtreeLayoutScope& layoutScope)
    394 {
    395     LayoutUnit oldLeft = logicalLeft();
    396     bool logicalWidthChanged = updateLogicalWidthAndColumnWidth();
    397     relayoutChildren |= logicalWidthChanged;
    399     rebuildFloatsFromIntruding();
    401     bool pageLogicalHeightChanged = false;
    402     bool hasSpecifiedPageLogicalHeight = false;
    403     checkForPaginationLogicalHeightChange(pageLogicalHeight, pageLogicalHeightChanged, hasSpecifiedPageLogicalHeight);
    404     if (pageLogicalHeightChanged)
    405         relayoutChildren = true;
    407     LayoutState state(*this, locationOffset(), pageLogicalHeight, pageLogicalHeightChanged, columnInfo(), logicalWidthChanged);
    409     // We use four values, maxTopPos, maxTopNeg, maxBottomPos, and maxBottomNeg, to track
    410     // our current maximal positive and negative margins. These values are used when we
    411     // are collapsed with adjacent blocks, so for example, if you have block A and B
    412     // collapsing together, then you'd take the maximal positive margin from both A and B
    413     // and subtract it from the maximal negative margin from both A and B to get the
    414     // true collapsed margin. This algorithm is recursive, so when we finish layout()
    415     // our block knows its current maximal positive/negative values.
    416     //
    417     // Start out by setting our margin values to our current margins. Table cells have
    418     // no margins, so we don't fill in the values for table cells.
    419     if (!isTableCell()) {
    420         initMaxMarginValues();
    421         setHasMarginBeforeQuirk(style()->hasMarginBeforeQuirk());
    422         setHasMarginAfterQuirk(style()->hasMarginAfterQuirk());
    423         setPaginationStrut(0);
    424     }
    426     LayoutUnit beforeEdge = borderBefore() + paddingBefore();
    427     LayoutUnit afterEdge = borderAfter() + paddingAfter() + scrollbarLogicalHeight();
    428     LayoutUnit previousHeight = logicalHeight();
    429     setLogicalHeight(beforeEdge);
    431     m_paintInvalidationLogicalTop = 0;
    432     m_paintInvalidationLogicalBottom = 0;
    433     if (!firstChild() && !isAnonymousBlock())
    434         setChildrenInline(true);
    436     TextAutosizer::LayoutScope textAutosizerLayoutScope(this);
    438     if (childrenInline())
    439         layoutInlineChildren(relayoutChildren, m_paintInvalidationLogicalTop, m_paintInvalidationLogicalBottom, afterEdge);
    440     else
    441         layoutBlockChildren(relayoutChildren, layoutScope, beforeEdge, afterEdge);
    443     // Expand our intrinsic height to encompass floats.
    444     if (lowestFloatLogicalBottom() > (logicalHeight() - afterEdge) && createsBlockFormattingContext())
    445         setLogicalHeight(lowestFloatLogicalBottom() + afterEdge);
    447     if (RenderMultiColumnFlowThread* flowThread = multiColumnFlowThread()) {
    448         if (flowThread->recalculateColumnHeights()) {
    449             setChildNeedsLayout(MarkOnlyThis);
    450             return false;
    451         }
    452     } else if (hasColumns()) {
    453         OwnPtr<RenderOverflow> savedOverflow = m_overflow.release();
    454         if (childrenInline())
    455             addOverflowFromInlineChildren();
    456         else
    457             addOverflowFromBlockChildren();
    458         LayoutUnit layoutOverflowLogicalBottom = (isHorizontalWritingMode() ? layoutOverflowRect().maxY() : layoutOverflowRect().maxX()) - borderBefore() - paddingBefore();
    459         m_overflow = savedOverflow.release();
    461         if (!hasSpecifiedPageLogicalHeight && shouldRelayoutForPagination(pageLogicalHeight, layoutOverflowLogicalBottom)) {
    462             setEverHadLayout(true);
    463             return false;
    464         }
    466         setColumnCountAndHeight(ceilf(layoutOverflowLogicalBottom.toFloat() / pageLogicalHeight.toFloat()), pageLogicalHeight.toFloat());
    467     }
    469     if (shouldBreakAtLineToAvoidWidow()) {
    470         setEverHadLayout(true);
    471         return false;
    472     }
    474     // Calculate our new height.
    475     LayoutUnit oldHeight = logicalHeight();
    476     LayoutUnit oldClientAfterEdge = clientLogicalBottom();
    478     updateLogicalHeight();
    479     LayoutUnit newHeight = logicalHeight();
    480     if (oldHeight > newHeight && !childrenInline()) {
    481         // One of our children's floats may have become an overhanging float for us.
    482         for (RenderObject* child = lastChild(); child; child = child->previousSibling()) {
    483             if (child->isRenderBlockFlow() && !child->isFloatingOrOutOfFlowPositioned()) {
    484                 RenderBlockFlow* block = toRenderBlockFlow(child);
    485                 if (block->lowestFloatLogicalBottom() + block->logicalTop() <= newHeight)
    486                     break;
    487                 addOverhangingFloats(block, false);
    488             }
    489         }
    490     }
    492     bool heightChanged = (previousHeight != newHeight);
    493     if (heightChanged)
    494         relayoutChildren = true;
    496     layoutPositionedObjects(relayoutChildren || isDocumentElement(), oldLeft != logicalLeft() ? ForcedLayoutAfterContainingBlockMoved : DefaultLayout);
    498     // Add overflow from children (unless we're multi-column, since in that case all our child overflow is clipped anyway).
    499     computeOverflow(oldClientAfterEdge);
    501     m_descendantsWithFloatsMarkedForLayout = false;
    502     return true;
    503 }
    505 void RenderBlockFlow::determineLogicalLeftPositionForChild(RenderBox* child)
    506 {
    507     LayoutUnit startPosition = borderStart() + paddingStart();
    508     LayoutUnit initialStartPosition = startPosition;
    509     if (style()->shouldPlaceBlockDirectionScrollbarOnLogicalLeft())
    510         startPosition -= verticalScrollbarWidth();
    511     LayoutUnit totalAvailableLogicalWidth = borderAndPaddingLogicalWidth() + availableLogicalWidth();
    513     LayoutUnit childMarginStart = marginStartForChild(child);
    514     LayoutUnit newPosition = startPosition + childMarginStart;
    516     LayoutUnit positionToAvoidFloats;
    517     if (child->avoidsFloats() && containsFloats() && !flowThreadContainingBlock())
    518         positionToAvoidFloats = startOffsetForLine(logicalTopForChild(child), false, logicalHeightForChild(child));
    520     // If the child has an offset from the content edge to avoid floats then use that, otherwise let any negative
    521     // margin pull it back over the content edge or any positive margin push it out.
    522     // If the child is being centred then the margin calculated to do that has factored in any offset required to
    523     // avoid floats, so use it if necessary.
    524     if (style()->textAlign() == WEBKIT_CENTER || child->style()->marginStartUsing(style()).isAuto())
    525         newPosition = std::max(newPosition, positionToAvoidFloats + childMarginStart);
    526     else if (positionToAvoidFloats > initialStartPosition)
    527         newPosition = std::max(newPosition, positionToAvoidFloats);
    529     setLogicalLeftForChild(child, style()->isLeftToRightDirection() ? newPosition : totalAvailableLogicalWidth - newPosition - logicalWidthForChild(child));
    530 }
    532 void RenderBlockFlow::setLogicalLeftForChild(RenderBox* child, LayoutUnit logicalLeft)
    533 {
    534     if (isHorizontalWritingMode()) {
    535         child->setX(logicalLeft);
    536     } else {
    537         child->setY(logicalLeft);
    538     }
    539 }
    541 void RenderBlockFlow::setLogicalTopForChild(RenderBox* child, LayoutUnit logicalTop)
    542 {
    543     if (isHorizontalWritingMode()) {
    544         child->setY(logicalTop);
    545     } else {
    546         child->setX(logicalTop);
    547     }
    548 }
    550 void RenderBlockFlow::layoutBlockChild(RenderBox* child, MarginInfo& marginInfo, LayoutUnit& previousFloatLogicalBottom)
    551 {
    552     LayoutUnit oldPosMarginBefore = maxPositiveMarginBefore();
    553     LayoutUnit oldNegMarginBefore = maxNegativeMarginBefore();
    555     // The child is a normal flow object. Compute the margins we will use for collapsing now.
    556     child->computeAndSetBlockDirectionMargins(this);
    558     // Try to guess our correct logical top position. In most cases this guess will
    559     // be correct. Only if we're wrong (when we compute the real logical top position)
    560     // will we have to potentially relayout.
    561     LayoutUnit estimateWithoutPagination;
    562     LayoutUnit logicalTopEstimate = estimateLogicalTopPosition(child, marginInfo, estimateWithoutPagination);
    564     // Cache our old rect so that we can dirty the proper paint invalidation rects if the child moves.
    565     LayoutRect oldRect = child->frameRect();
    566     LayoutUnit oldLogicalTop = logicalTopForChild(child);
    568     // Go ahead and position the child as though it didn't collapse with the top.
    569     setLogicalTopForChild(child, logicalTopEstimate);
    571     RenderBlockFlow* childRenderBlockFlow = child->isRenderBlockFlow() ? toRenderBlockFlow(child) : 0;
    572     bool markDescendantsWithFloats = false;
    573     if (logicalTopEstimate != oldLogicalTop && childRenderBlockFlow && !childRenderBlockFlow->avoidsFloats() && childRenderBlockFlow->containsFloats()) {
    574         markDescendantsWithFloats = true;
    575     } else if (UNLIKELY(logicalTopEstimate.mightBeSaturated())) {
    576         // logicalTopEstimate, returned by estimateLogicalTopPosition, might be saturated for
    577         // very large elements. If it does the comparison with oldLogicalTop might yield a
    578         // false negative as adding and removing margins, borders etc from a saturated number
    579         // might yield incorrect results. If this is the case always mark for layout.
    580         markDescendantsWithFloats = true;
    581     } else if (!child->avoidsFloats() || child->shrinkToAvoidFloats()) {
    582         // If an element might be affected by the presence of floats, then always mark it for
    583         // layout.
    584         LayoutUnit fb = std::max(previousFloatLogicalBottom, lowestFloatLogicalBottom());
    585         if (fb > logicalTopEstimate)
    586             markDescendantsWithFloats = true;
    587     }
    589     if (childRenderBlockFlow) {
    590         if (markDescendantsWithFloats)
    591             childRenderBlockFlow->markAllDescendantsWithFloatsForLayout();
    592         if (!child->isWritingModeRoot())
    593             previousFloatLogicalBottom = std::max(previousFloatLogicalBottom, oldLogicalTop + childRenderBlockFlow->lowestFloatLogicalBottom());
    594     }
    596     SubtreeLayoutScope layoutScope(*child);
    597     if (!child->needsLayout())
    598         child->markForPaginationRelayoutIfNeeded(layoutScope);
    600     bool childHadLayout = child->everHadLayout();
    601     bool childNeededLayout = child->needsLayout();
    602     if (childNeededLayout)
    603         child->layout();
    605     // Cache if we are at the top of the block right now.
    606     bool atBeforeSideOfBlock = marginInfo.atBeforeSideOfBlock();
    607     bool childIsSelfCollapsing = child->isSelfCollapsingBlock();
    609     // Now determine the correct ypos based off examination of collapsing margin
    610     // values.
    611     LayoutUnit logicalTopBeforeClear = collapseMargins(child, marginInfo, childIsSelfCollapsing);
    613     // Now check for clear.
    614     LayoutUnit logicalTopAfterClear = clearFloatsIfNeeded(child, marginInfo, oldPosMarginBefore, oldNegMarginBefore, logicalTopBeforeClear, childIsSelfCollapsing);
    616     bool paginated = view()->layoutState()->isPaginated();
    617     if (paginated) {
    618         logicalTopAfterClear = adjustBlockChildForPagination(logicalTopAfterClear, estimateWithoutPagination, child,
    619             atBeforeSideOfBlock && logicalTopBeforeClear == logicalTopAfterClear);
    620     }
    622     setLogicalTopForChild(child, logicalTopAfterClear);
    624     // Now we have a final top position. See if it really does end up being different from our estimate.
    625     // clearFloatsIfNeeded can also mark the child as needing a layout even though we didn't move. This happens
    626     // when collapseMargins dynamically adds overhanging floats because of a child with negative margins.
    627     if (logicalTopAfterClear != logicalTopEstimate || child->needsLayout() || (paginated && childRenderBlockFlow && childRenderBlockFlow->shouldBreakAtLineToAvoidWidow())) {
    628         SubtreeLayoutScope layoutScope(*child);
    629         if (child->shrinkToAvoidFloats()) {
    630             // The child's width depends on the line width.
    631             // When the child shifts to clear an item, its width can
    632             // change (because it has more available line width).
    633             // So go ahead and mark the item as dirty.
    634             layoutScope.setChildNeedsLayout(child);
    635         }
    637         if (childRenderBlockFlow && !childRenderBlockFlow->avoidsFloats() && childRenderBlockFlow->containsFloats())
    638             childRenderBlockFlow->markAllDescendantsWithFloatsForLayout();
    640         if (!child->needsLayout())
    641             child->markForPaginationRelayoutIfNeeded(layoutScope);
    643         // Our guess was wrong. Make the child lay itself out again.
    644         child->layoutIfNeeded();
    645     }
    647     // If we previously encountered a self-collapsing sibling of this child that had clearance then
    648     // we set this bit to ensure we would not collapse the child's margins, and those of any subsequent
    649     // self-collapsing siblings, with our parent. If this child is not self-collapsing then it can
    650     // collapse its margins with the parent so reset the bit.
    651     if (!marginInfo.canCollapseMarginAfterWithLastChild() && !childIsSelfCollapsing)
    652         marginInfo.setCanCollapseMarginAfterWithLastChild(true);
    654     // We are no longer at the top of the block if we encounter a non-empty child.
    655     // This has to be done after checking for clear, so that margins can be reset if a clear occurred.
    656     if (marginInfo.atBeforeSideOfBlock() && !childIsSelfCollapsing)
    657         marginInfo.setAtBeforeSideOfBlock(false);
    659     // Now place the child in the correct left position
    660     determineLogicalLeftPositionForChild(child);
    662     LayoutSize childOffset = child->location() - oldRect.location();
    664     // Update our height now that the child has been placed in the correct position.
    665     setLogicalHeight(logicalHeight() + logicalHeightForChild(child));
    666     if (mustSeparateMarginAfterForChild(child)) {
    667         setLogicalHeight(logicalHeight() + marginAfterForChild(child));
    668         marginInfo.clearMargin();
    669     }
    670     // If the child has overhanging floats that intrude into following siblings (or possibly out
    671     // of this block), then the parent gets notified of the floats now.
    672     if (childRenderBlockFlow)
    673         addOverhangingFloats(childRenderBlockFlow, !childNeededLayout);
    675     // If the child moved, we have to invalidate it's paint  as well as any floating/positioned
    676     // descendants. An exception is if we need a layout. In this case, we know we're going to
    677     // invalidate our paint (and the child) anyway.
    678     bool didNotDoFullLayoutAndMoved = childHadLayout && !selfNeedsLayout() && (childOffset.width() || childOffset.height());
    679     bool didNotLayoutAndNeedsPaintInvalidation = !childHadLayout && child->checkForPaintInvalidation();
    681     if (didNotDoFullLayoutAndMoved || didNotLayoutAndNeedsPaintInvalidation)
    682         child->invalidatePaintForOverhangingFloats(true);
    684     if (paginated) {
    685         // Check for an after page/column break.
    686         LayoutUnit newHeight = applyAfterBreak(child, logicalHeight(), marginInfo);
    687         if (newHeight != height())
    688             setLogicalHeight(newHeight);
    689     }
    690 }
    692 LayoutUnit RenderBlockFlow::adjustBlockChildForPagination(LayoutUnit logicalTopAfterClear, LayoutUnit estimateWithoutPagination, RenderBox* child, bool atBeforeSideOfBlock)
    693 {
    694     RenderBlockFlow* childBlockFlow = child->isRenderBlockFlow() ? toRenderBlockFlow(child) : 0;
    696     if (estimateWithoutPagination != logicalTopAfterClear) {
    697         // Our guess prior to pagination movement was wrong. Before we attempt to paginate, let's try again at the new
    698         // position.
    699         setLogicalHeight(logicalTopAfterClear);
    700         setLogicalTopForChild(child, logicalTopAfterClear);
    702         if (child->shrinkToAvoidFloats()) {
    703             // The child's width depends on the line width.
    704             // When the child shifts to clear an item, its width can
    705             // change (because it has more available line width).
    706             // So go ahead and mark the item as dirty.
    707             child->setChildNeedsLayout(MarkOnlyThis);
    708         }
    710         SubtreeLayoutScope layoutScope(*child);
    712         if (childBlockFlow) {
    713             if (!childBlockFlow->avoidsFloats() && childBlockFlow->containsFloats())
    714                 childBlockFlow->markAllDescendantsWithFloatsForLayout();
    715             if (!child->needsLayout())
    716                 child->markForPaginationRelayoutIfNeeded(layoutScope);
    717         }
    719         // Our guess was wrong. Make the child lay itself out again.
    720         child->layoutIfNeeded();
    721     }
    723     LayoutUnit oldTop = logicalTopAfterClear;
    725     // If the object has a page or column break value of "before", then we should shift to the top of the next page.
    726     LayoutUnit result = applyBeforeBreak(child, logicalTopAfterClear);
    728     // For replaced elements and scrolled elements, we want to shift them to the next page if they don't fit on the current one.
    729     LayoutUnit logicalTopBeforeUnsplittableAdjustment = result;
    730     LayoutUnit logicalTopAfterUnsplittableAdjustment = adjustForUnsplittableChild(child, result);
    732     LayoutUnit paginationStrut = 0;
    733     LayoutUnit unsplittableAdjustmentDelta = logicalTopAfterUnsplittableAdjustment - logicalTopBeforeUnsplittableAdjustment;
    734     LayoutUnit childLogicalHeight = child->logicalHeight();
    735     if (unsplittableAdjustmentDelta) {
    736         setPageBreak(result, childLogicalHeight - unsplittableAdjustmentDelta);
    737         paginationStrut = unsplittableAdjustmentDelta;
    738     } else if (childBlockFlow && childBlockFlow->paginationStrut()) {
    739         paginationStrut = childBlockFlow->paginationStrut();
    740     }
    742     if (paginationStrut) {
    743         // We are willing to propagate out to our parent block as long as we were at the top of the block prior
    744         // to collapsing our margins, and as long as we didn't clear or move as a result of other pagination.
    745         if (atBeforeSideOfBlock && oldTop == result && !isOutOfFlowPositioned() && !isTableCell()) {
    746             // FIXME: Should really check if we're exceeding the page height before propagating the strut, but we don't
    747             // have all the information to do so (the strut only has the remaining amount to push). Gecko gets this wrong too
    748             // and pushes to the next page anyway, so not too concerned about it.
    749             setPaginationStrut(result + paginationStrut);
    750             if (childBlockFlow)
    751                 childBlockFlow->setPaginationStrut(0);
    752         } else {
    753             result += paginationStrut;
    754         }
    755     }
    757     if (!unsplittableAdjustmentDelta) {
    758         if (LayoutUnit pageLogicalHeight = pageLogicalHeightForOffset(result)) {
    759             LayoutUnit remainingLogicalHeight = pageRemainingLogicalHeightForOffset(result, ExcludePageBoundary);
    760             LayoutUnit spaceShortage = childLogicalHeight - remainingLogicalHeight;
    761             if (spaceShortage > 0) {
    762                 // If the child crosses a column boundary, report a break, in case nothing inside it
    763                 // has already done so. The column balancer needs to know how much it has to stretch
    764                 // the columns to make more content fit. If no breaks are reported (but do occur),
    765                 // the balancer will have no clue. Only measure the space after the last column
    766                 // boundary, in case it crosses more than one.
    767                 LayoutUnit spaceShortageInLastColumn = intMod(spaceShortage, pageLogicalHeight);
    768                 setPageBreak(result, spaceShortageInLastColumn ? spaceShortageInLastColumn : spaceShortage);
    769             } else if (remainingLogicalHeight == pageLogicalHeight && offsetFromLogicalTopOfFirstPage() + child->logicalTop()) {
    770                 // We're at the very top of a page or column, and it's not the first one. This child
    771                 // may turn out to be the smallest piece of content that causes a page break, so we
    772                 // need to report it.
    773                 setPageBreak(result, childLogicalHeight);
    774             }
    775         }
    776     }
    778     // Similar to how we apply clearance. Go ahead and boost height() to be the place where we're going to position the child.
    779     setLogicalHeight(logicalHeight() + (result - oldTop));
    781     // Return the final adjusted logical top.
    782     return result;
    783 }
    785 static inline LayoutUnit calculateMinimumPageHeight(RenderStyle* renderStyle, RootInlineBox* lastLine, LayoutUnit lineTop, LayoutUnit lineBottom)
    786 {
    787     // We may require a certain minimum number of lines per page in order to satisfy
    788     // orphans and widows, and that may affect the minimum page height.
    789     unsigned lineCount = std::max<unsigned>(renderStyle->hasAutoOrphans() ? 1 : renderStyle->orphans(), renderStyle->hasAutoWidows() ? 1 : renderStyle->widows());
    790     if (lineCount > 1) {
    791         RootInlineBox* line = lastLine;
    792         for (unsigned i = 1; i < lineCount && line->prevRootBox(); i++)
    793             line = line->prevRootBox();
    795         // FIXME: Paginating using line overflow isn't all fine. See FIXME in
    796         // adjustLinePositionForPagination() for more details.
    797         LayoutRect overflow = line->logicalVisualOverflowRect(line->lineTop(), line->lineBottom());
    798         lineTop = std::min(line->lineTopWithLeading(), overflow.y());
    799     }
    800     return lineBottom - lineTop;
    801 }
    803 void RenderBlockFlow::adjustLinePositionForPagination(RootInlineBox* lineBox, LayoutUnit& delta, RenderFlowThread* flowThread)
    804 {
    805     // FIXME: For now we paginate using line overflow. This ensures that lines don't overlap at all when we
    806     // put a strut between them for pagination purposes. However, this really isn't the desired rendering, since
    807     // the line on the top of the next page will appear too far down relative to the same kind of line at the top
    808     // of the first column.
    809     //
    810     // The rendering we would like to see is one where the lineTopWithLeading is at the top of the column, and any line overflow
    811     // simply spills out above the top of the column. This effect would match what happens at the top of the first column.
    812     // We can't achieve this rendering, however, until we stop columns from clipping to the column bounds (thus allowing
    813     // for overflow to occur), and then cache visible overflow for each column rect.
    814     //
    815     // Furthermore, the paint we have to do when a column has overflow has to be special. We need to exclude
    816     // content that paints in a previous column (and content that paints in the following column).
    817     //
    818     // For now we'll at least honor the lineTopWithLeading when paginating if it is above the logical top overflow. This will
    819     // at least make positive leading work in typical cases.
    820     //
    821     // FIXME: Another problem with simply moving lines is that the available line width may change (because of floats).
    822     // Technically if the location we move the line to has a different line width than our old position, then we need to dirty the
    823     // line and all following lines.
    824     LayoutRect logicalVisualOverflow = lineBox->logicalVisualOverflowRect(lineBox->lineTop(), lineBox->lineBottom());
    825     LayoutUnit logicalOffset = std::min(lineBox->lineTopWithLeading(), logicalVisualOverflow.y());
    826     LayoutUnit logicalBottom = std::max(lineBox->lineBottomWithLeading(), logicalVisualOverflow.maxY());
    827     LayoutUnit lineHeight = logicalBottom - logicalOffset;
    828     updateMinimumPageHeight(logicalOffset, calculateMinimumPageHeight(style(), lineBox, logicalOffset, logicalBottom));
    829     logicalOffset += delta;
    830     lineBox->setPaginationStrut(0);
    831     lineBox->setIsFirstAfterPageBreak(false);
    832     LayoutUnit pageLogicalHeight = pageLogicalHeightForOffset(logicalOffset);
    833     bool hasUniformPageLogicalHeight = !flowThread || flowThread->regionsHaveUniformLogicalHeight();
    834     // If lineHeight is greater than pageLogicalHeight, but logicalVisualOverflow.height() still fits, we are
    835     // still going to add a strut, so that the visible overflow fits on a single page.
    836     if (!pageLogicalHeight || (hasUniformPageLogicalHeight && logicalVisualOverflow.height() > pageLogicalHeight)) {
    837         // FIXME: In case the line aligns with the top of the page (or it's slightly shifted downwards) it will not be marked as the first line in the page.
    838         // From here, the fix is not straightforward because it's not easy to always determine when the current line is the first in the page.
    839         return;
    840     }
    841     LayoutUnit remainingLogicalHeight = pageRemainingLogicalHeightForOffset(logicalOffset, ExcludePageBoundary);
    843     int lineIndex = lineCount(lineBox);
    844     if (remainingLogicalHeight < lineHeight || (shouldBreakAtLineToAvoidWidow() && lineBreakToAvoidWidow() == lineIndex)) {
    845         if (shouldBreakAtLineToAvoidWidow() && lineBreakToAvoidWidow() == lineIndex) {
    846             clearShouldBreakAtLineToAvoidWidow();
    847             setDidBreakAtLineToAvoidWidow();
    848         }
    849         if (lineHeight > pageLogicalHeight) {
    850             // Split the top margin in order to avoid splitting the visible part of the line.
    851             remainingLogicalHeight -= std::min(lineHeight - pageLogicalHeight, std::max<LayoutUnit>(0, logicalVisualOverflow.y() - lineBox->lineTopWithLeading()));
    852         }
    853         LayoutUnit totalLogicalHeight = lineHeight + std::max<LayoutUnit>(0, logicalOffset);
    854         LayoutUnit pageLogicalHeightAtNewOffset = hasUniformPageLogicalHeight ? pageLogicalHeight : pageLogicalHeightForOffset(logicalOffset + remainingLogicalHeight);
    855         setPageBreak(logicalOffset, lineHeight - remainingLogicalHeight);
    856         if (((lineBox == firstRootBox() && totalLogicalHeight < pageLogicalHeightAtNewOffset) || (!style()->hasAutoOrphans() && style()->orphans() >= lineIndex))
    857             && !isOutOfFlowPositioned() && !isTableCell()) {
    858             setPaginationStrut(remainingLogicalHeight + std::max<LayoutUnit>(0, logicalOffset));
    859         } else {
    860             delta += remainingLogicalHeight;
    861             lineBox->setPaginationStrut(remainingLogicalHeight);
    862             lineBox->setIsFirstAfterPageBreak(true);
    863         }
    864     } else if (remainingLogicalHeight == pageLogicalHeight) {
    865         // We're at the very top of a page or column.
    866         if (lineBox != firstRootBox())
    867             lineBox->setIsFirstAfterPageBreak(true);
    868         if (lineBox != firstRootBox() || offsetFromLogicalTopOfFirstPage())
    869             setPageBreak(logicalOffset, lineHeight);
    870     }
    871 }
    873 LayoutUnit RenderBlockFlow::adjustForUnsplittableChild(RenderBox* child, LayoutUnit logicalOffset, bool includeMargins)
    874 {
    875     bool checkColumnBreaks = view()->layoutState()->isPaginatingColumns() || flowThreadContainingBlock();
    876     bool checkPageBreaks = !checkColumnBreaks && view()->layoutState()->pageLogicalHeight();
    877     bool isUnsplittable = child->isUnsplittableForPagination() || (checkColumnBreaks && child->style()->columnBreakInside() == PBAVOID)
    878         || (checkPageBreaks && child->style()->pageBreakInside() == PBAVOID);
    879     if (!isUnsplittable)
    880         return logicalOffset;
    881     LayoutUnit childLogicalHeight = logicalHeightForChild(child) + (includeMargins ? marginBeforeForChild(child) + marginAfterForChild(child) : LayoutUnit());
    882     LayoutUnit pageLogicalHeight = pageLogicalHeightForOffset(logicalOffset);
    883     updateMinimumPageHeight(logicalOffset, childLogicalHeight);
    884     if (!pageLogicalHeight || childLogicalHeight > pageLogicalHeight)
    885         return logicalOffset;
    886     LayoutUnit remainingLogicalHeight = pageRemainingLogicalHeightForOffset(logicalOffset, ExcludePageBoundary);
    887     if (remainingLogicalHeight < childLogicalHeight)
    888         return logicalOffset + remainingLogicalHeight;
    889     return logicalOffset;
    890 }
    892 void RenderBlockFlow::rebuildFloatsFromIntruding()
    893 {
    894     if (m_floatingObjects)
    895         m_floatingObjects->setHorizontalWritingMode(isHorizontalWritingMode());
    897     HashSet<RenderBox*> oldIntrudingFloatSet;
    898     if (!childrenInline() && m_floatingObjects) {
    899         const FloatingObjectSet& floatingObjectSet = m_floatingObjects->set();
    900         FloatingObjectSetIterator end = floatingObjectSet.end();
    901         for (FloatingObjectSetIterator it = floatingObjectSet.begin(); it != end; ++it) {
    902             FloatingObject* floatingObject = it->get();
    903             if (!floatingObject->isDescendant())
    904                 oldIntrudingFloatSet.add(floatingObject->renderer());
    905         }
    906     }
    908     // Inline blocks are covered by the isReplaced() check in the avoidFloats method.
    909     if (avoidsFloats() || isDocumentElement() || isRenderView() || isFloatingOrOutOfFlowPositioned() || isTableCell()) {
    910         if (m_floatingObjects) {
    911             m_floatingObjects->clear();
    912         }
    913         if (!oldIntrudingFloatSet.isEmpty())
    914             markAllDescendantsWithFloatsForLayout();
    915         return;
    916     }
    918     RendererToFloatInfoMap floatMap;
    920     if (m_floatingObjects) {
    921         if (childrenInline())
    922             m_floatingObjects->moveAllToFloatInfoMap(floatMap);
    923         else
    924             m_floatingObjects->clear();
    925     }
    927     // We should not process floats if the parent node is not a RenderBlockFlow. Otherwise, we will add
    928     // floats in an invalid context. This will cause a crash arising from a bad cast on the parent.
    929     // See <rdar://problem/8049753>, where float property is applied on a text node in a SVG.
    930     if (!parent() || !parent()->isRenderBlockFlow())
    931         return;
    933     // Attempt to locate a previous sibling with overhanging floats. We skip any elements that
    934     // may have shifted to avoid floats, and any objects whose floats cannot interact with objects
    935     // outside it (i.e. objects that create a new block formatting context).
    936     RenderBlockFlow* parentBlockFlow = toRenderBlockFlow(parent());
    937     bool parentHasFloats = false;
    938     RenderObject* prev = previousSibling();
    939     while (prev && (!prev->isBox() || !prev->isRenderBlock() || toRenderBlock(prev)->avoidsFloats() || toRenderBlock(prev)->createsBlockFormattingContext())) {
    940         if (prev->isFloating())
    941             parentHasFloats = true;
    942         prev = prev->previousSibling();
    943     }
    945     // First add in floats from the parent. Self-collapsing blocks let their parent track any floats that intrude into
    946     // them (as opposed to floats they contain themselves) so check for those here too.
    947     LayoutUnit logicalTopOffset = logicalTop();
    948     bool parentHasIntrudingFloats = !parentHasFloats && (!prev || toRenderBlockFlow(prev)->isSelfCollapsingBlock()) && parentBlockFlow->lowestFloatLogicalBottom() > logicalTopOffset;
    949     if (parentHasFloats || parentHasIntrudingFloats)
    950         addIntrudingFloats(parentBlockFlow, parentBlockFlow->logicalLeftOffsetForContent(), logicalTopOffset);
    952     // Add overhanging floats from the previous RenderBlockFlow, but only if it has a float that intrudes into our space.
    953     if (prev) {
    954         RenderBlockFlow* blockFlow = toRenderBlockFlow(prev);
    955         logicalTopOffset -= blockFlow->logicalTop();
    956         if (blockFlow->lowestFloatLogicalBottom() > logicalTopOffset)
    957             addIntrudingFloats(blockFlow, 0, logicalTopOffset);
    958     }
    960     if (childrenInline()) {
    961         LayoutUnit changeLogicalTop = LayoutUnit::max();
    962         LayoutUnit changeLogicalBottom = LayoutUnit::min();
    963         if (m_floatingObjects) {
    964             const FloatingObjectSet& floatingObjectSet = m_floatingObjects->set();
    965             FloatingObjectSetIterator end = floatingObjectSet.end();
    966             for (FloatingObjectSetIterator it = floatingObjectSet.begin(); it != end; ++it) {
    967                 FloatingObject* floatingObject = it->get();
    968                 FloatingObject* oldFloatingObject = floatMap.get(floatingObject->renderer());
    969                 LayoutUnit logicalBottom = logicalBottomForFloat(floatingObject);
    970                 if (oldFloatingObject) {
    971                     LayoutUnit oldLogicalBottom = logicalBottomForFloat(oldFloatingObject);
    972                     if (logicalWidthForFloat(floatingObject) != logicalWidthForFloat(oldFloatingObject) || logicalLeftForFloat(floatingObject) != logicalLeftForFloat(oldFloatingObject)) {
    973                         changeLogicalTop = 0;
    974                         changeLogicalBottom = std::max(changeLogicalBottom, std::max(logicalBottom, oldLogicalBottom));
    975                     } else {
    976                         if (logicalBottom != oldLogicalBottom) {
    977                             changeLogicalTop = std::min(changeLogicalTop, std::min(logicalBottom, oldLogicalBottom));
    978                             changeLogicalBottom = std::max(changeLogicalBottom, std::max(logicalBottom, oldLogicalBottom));
    979                         }
    980                         LayoutUnit logicalTop = logicalTopForFloat(floatingObject);
    981                         LayoutUnit oldLogicalTop = logicalTopForFloat(oldFloatingObject);
    982                         if (logicalTop != oldLogicalTop) {
    983                             changeLogicalTop = std::min(changeLogicalTop, std::min(logicalTop, oldLogicalTop));
    984                             changeLogicalBottom = std::max(changeLogicalBottom, std::max(logicalTop, oldLogicalTop));
    985                         }
    986                     }
    988                     if (oldFloatingObject->originatingLine() && !selfNeedsLayout()) {
    989                         ASSERT(oldFloatingObject->originatingLine()->renderer() == this);
    990                         oldFloatingObject->originatingLine()->markDirty();
    991                     }
    993                     floatMap.remove(floatingObject->renderer());
    994                 } else {
    995                     changeLogicalTop = 0;
    996                     changeLogicalBottom = std::max(changeLogicalBottom, logicalBottom);
    997                 }
    998             }
    999         }
   1001         RendererToFloatInfoMap::iterator end = floatMap.end();
   1002         for (RendererToFloatInfoMap::iterator it = floatMap.begin(); it != end; ++it) {
   1003             OwnPtr<FloatingObject>& floatingObject = it->value;
   1004             if (!floatingObject->isDescendant()) {
   1005                 changeLogicalTop = 0;
   1006                 changeLogicalBottom = std::max(changeLogicalBottom, logicalBottomForFloat(floatingObject.get()));
   1007             }
   1008         }
   1010         markLinesDirtyInBlockRange(changeLogicalTop, changeLogicalBottom);
   1011     } else if (!oldIntrudingFloatSet.isEmpty()) {
   1012         // If there are previously intruding floats that no longer intrude, then children with floats
   1013         // should also get layout because they might need their floating object lists cleared.
   1014         if (m_floatingObjects->set().size() < oldIntrudingFloatSet.size()) {
   1015             markAllDescendantsWithFloatsForLayout();
   1016         } else {
   1017             const FloatingObjectSet& floatingObjectSet = m_floatingObjects->set();
   1018             FloatingObjectSetIterator end = floatingObjectSet.end();
   1019             for (FloatingObjectSetIterator it = floatingObjectSet.begin(); it != end && !oldIntrudingFloatSet.isEmpty(); ++it)
   1020                 oldIntrudingFloatSet.remove((*it)->renderer());
   1021             if (!oldIntrudingFloatSet.isEmpty())
   1022                 markAllDescendantsWithFloatsForLayout();
   1023         }
   1024     }
   1025 }
   1027 void RenderBlockFlow::layoutBlockChildren(bool relayoutChildren, SubtreeLayoutScope& layoutScope, LayoutUnit beforeEdge, LayoutUnit afterEdge)
   1028 {
   1029     dirtyForLayoutFromPercentageHeightDescendants(layoutScope);
   1031     // The margin struct caches all our current margin collapsing state. The compact struct caches state when we encounter compacts,
   1032     MarginInfo marginInfo(this, beforeEdge, afterEdge);
   1034     // Fieldsets need to find their legend and position it inside the border of the object.
   1035     // The legend then gets skipped during normal layout. The same is true for ruby text.
   1036     // It doesn't get included in the normal layout process but is instead skipped.
   1037     RenderObject* childToExclude = layoutSpecialExcludedChild(relayoutChildren, layoutScope);
   1039     LayoutUnit previousFloatLogicalBottom = 0;
   1041     RenderBox* next = firstChildBox();
   1042     RenderBox* lastNormalFlowChild = 0;
   1044     while (next) {
   1045         RenderBox* child = next;
   1046         next = child->nextSiblingBox();
   1048         // FIXME: this should only be set from clearNeedsLayout crbug.com/361250
   1049         child->setLayoutDidGetCalled(true);
   1051         if (childToExclude == child)
   1052             continue; // Skip this child, since it will be positioned by the specialized subclass (fieldsets and ruby runs).
   1054         updateBlockChildDirtyBitsBeforeLayout(relayoutChildren, child);
   1056         if (child->isOutOfFlowPositioned()) {
   1057             child->containingBlock()->insertPositionedObject(child);
   1058             adjustPositionedBlock(child, marginInfo);
   1059             continue;
   1060         }
   1061         if (child->isFloating()) {
   1062             insertFloatingObject(child);
   1063             adjustFloatingBlock(marginInfo);
   1064             continue;
   1065         }
   1067         // Lay out the child.
   1068         layoutBlockChild(child, marginInfo, previousFloatLogicalBottom);
   1069         lastNormalFlowChild = child;
   1070     }
   1072     // Now do the handling of the bottom of the block, adding in our bottom border/padding and
   1073     // determining the correct collapsed bottom margin information.
   1074     handleAfterSideOfBlock(lastNormalFlowChild, beforeEdge, afterEdge, marginInfo);
   1075 }
   1077 // Our MarginInfo state used when laying out block children.
   1078 MarginInfo::MarginInfo(RenderBlockFlow* blockFlow, LayoutUnit beforeBorderPadding, LayoutUnit afterBorderPadding)
   1079     : m_canCollapseMarginAfterWithLastChild(true)
   1080     , m_atBeforeSideOfBlock(true)
   1081     , m_atAfterSideOfBlock(false)
   1082     , m_hasMarginBeforeQuirk(false)
   1083     , m_hasMarginAfterQuirk(false)
   1084     , m_determinedMarginBeforeQuirk(false)
   1085     , m_discardMargin(false)
   1086 {
   1087     RenderStyle* blockStyle = blockFlow->style();
   1088     ASSERT(blockFlow->isRenderView() || blockFlow->parent());
   1089     m_canCollapseWithChildren = !blockFlow->createsBlockFormattingContext() && !blockFlow->isRenderFlowThread() && !blockFlow->isRenderView();
   1091     m_canCollapseMarginBeforeWithChildren = m_canCollapseWithChildren && !beforeBorderPadding && blockStyle->marginBeforeCollapse() != MSEPARATE;
   1093     // If any height other than auto is specified in CSS, then we don't collapse our bottom
   1094     // margins with our children's margins. To do otherwise would be to risk odd visual
   1095     // effects when the children overflow out of the parent block and yet still collapse
   1096     // with it. We also don't collapse if we have any bottom border/padding.
   1097     m_canCollapseMarginAfterWithChildren = m_canCollapseWithChildren && !afterBorderPadding
   1098         && (blockStyle->logicalHeight().isAuto() && !blockStyle->logicalHeight().value()) && blockStyle->marginAfterCollapse() != MSEPARATE;
   1100     m_quirkContainer = blockFlow->isTableCell() || blockFlow->isBody();
   1102     m_discardMargin = m_canCollapseMarginBeforeWithChildren && blockFlow->mustDiscardMarginBefore();
   1104     m_positiveMargin = (m_canCollapseMarginBeforeWithChildren && !blockFlow->mustDiscardMarginBefore()) ? blockFlow->maxPositiveMarginBefore() : LayoutUnit();
   1105     m_negativeMargin = (m_canCollapseMarginBeforeWithChildren && !blockFlow->mustDiscardMarginBefore()) ? blockFlow->maxNegativeMarginBefore() : LayoutUnit();
   1106 }
   1108 RenderBlockFlow::MarginValues RenderBlockFlow::marginValuesForChild(RenderBox* child) const
   1109 {
   1110     LayoutUnit childBeforePositive = 0;
   1111     LayoutUnit childBeforeNegative = 0;
   1112     LayoutUnit childAfterPositive = 0;
   1113     LayoutUnit childAfterNegative = 0;
   1115     LayoutUnit beforeMargin = 0;
   1116     LayoutUnit afterMargin = 0;
   1118     RenderBlockFlow* childRenderBlockFlow = child->isRenderBlockFlow() ? toRenderBlockFlow(child) : 0;
   1120     // If the child has the same directionality as we do, then we can just return its
   1121     // margins in the same direction.
   1122     if (!child->isWritingModeRoot()) {
   1123         if (childRenderBlockFlow) {
   1124             childBeforePositive = childRenderBlockFlow->maxPositiveMarginBefore();
   1125             childBeforeNegative = childRenderBlockFlow->maxNegativeMarginBefore();
   1126             childAfterPositive = childRenderBlockFlow->maxPositiveMarginAfter();
   1127             childAfterNegative = childRenderBlockFlow->maxNegativeMarginAfter();
   1128         } else {
   1129             beforeMargin = child->marginBefore();
   1130             afterMargin = child->marginAfter();
   1131         }
   1132     } else if (child->isHorizontalWritingMode() == isHorizontalWritingMode()) {
   1133         // The child has a different directionality. If the child is parallel, then it's just
   1134         // flipped relative to us. We can use the margins for the opposite edges.
   1135         if (childRenderBlockFlow) {
   1136             childBeforePositive = childRenderBlockFlow->maxPositiveMarginAfter();
   1137             childBeforeNegative = childRenderBlockFlow->maxNegativeMarginAfter();
   1138             childAfterPositive = childRenderBlockFlow->maxPositiveMarginBefore();
   1139             childAfterNegative = childRenderBlockFlow->maxNegativeMarginBefore();
   1140         } else {
   1141             beforeMargin = child->marginAfter();
   1142             afterMargin = child->marginBefore();
   1143         }
   1144     } else {
   1145         // The child is perpendicular to us, which means its margins don't collapse but are on the
   1146         // "logical left/right" sides of the child box. We can just return the raw margin in this case.
   1147         beforeMargin = marginBeforeForChild(child);
   1148         afterMargin = marginAfterForChild(child);
   1149     }
   1151     // Resolve uncollapsing margins into their positive/negative buckets.
   1152     if (beforeMargin) {
   1153         if (beforeMargin > 0)
   1154             childBeforePositive = beforeMargin;
   1155         else
   1156             childBeforeNegative = -beforeMargin;
   1157     }
   1158     if (afterMargin) {
   1159         if (afterMargin > 0)
   1160             childAfterPositive = afterMargin;
   1161         else
   1162             childAfterNegative = -afterMargin;
   1163     }
   1165     return RenderBlockFlow::MarginValues(childBeforePositive, childBeforeNegative, childAfterPositive, childAfterNegative);
   1166 }
   1168 LayoutUnit RenderBlockFlow::collapseMargins(RenderBox* child, MarginInfo& marginInfo, bool childIsSelfCollapsing)
   1169 {
   1170     bool childDiscardMarginBefore = mustDiscardMarginBeforeForChild(child);
   1171     bool childDiscardMarginAfter = mustDiscardMarginAfterForChild(child);
   1173     // The child discards the before margin when the the after margin has discard in the case of a self collapsing block.
   1174     childDiscardMarginBefore = childDiscardMarginBefore || (childDiscardMarginAfter && childIsSelfCollapsing);
   1176     // Get the four margin values for the child and cache them.
   1177     const RenderBlockFlow::MarginValues childMargins = marginValuesForChild(child);
   1179     // Get our max pos and neg top margins.
   1180     LayoutUnit posTop = childMargins.positiveMarginBefore();
   1181     LayoutUnit negTop = childMargins.negativeMarginBefore();
   1183     // For self-collapsing blocks, collapse our bottom margins into our
   1184     // top to get new posTop and negTop values.
   1185     if (childIsSelfCollapsing) {
   1186         posTop = std::max(posTop, childMargins.positiveMarginAfter());
   1187         negTop = std::max(negTop, childMargins.negativeMarginAfter());
   1188     }
   1190     // See if the top margin is quirky. We only care if this child has
   1191     // margins that will collapse with us.
   1192     bool topQuirk = hasMarginBeforeQuirk(child);
   1194     if (marginInfo.canCollapseWithMarginBefore()) {
   1195         if (!childDiscardMarginBefore && !marginInfo.discardMargin()) {
   1196             // This child is collapsing with the top of the
   1197             // block. If it has larger margin values, then we need to update
   1198             // our own maximal values.
   1199             if (!document().inQuirksMode() || !marginInfo.quirkContainer() || !topQuirk)
   1200                 setMaxMarginBeforeValues(std::max(posTop, maxPositiveMarginBefore()), std::max(negTop, maxNegativeMarginBefore()));
   1202             // The minute any of the margins involved isn't a quirk, don't
   1203             // collapse it away, even if the margin is smaller (www.webreference.com
   1204             // has an example of this, a <dt> with 0.8em author-specified inside
   1205             // a <dl> inside a <td>.
   1206             if (!marginInfo.determinedMarginBeforeQuirk() && !topQuirk && (posTop - negTop)) {
   1207                 setHasMarginBeforeQuirk(false);
   1208                 marginInfo.setDeterminedMarginBeforeQuirk(true);
   1209             }
   1211             if (!marginInfo.determinedMarginBeforeQuirk() && topQuirk && !marginBefore()) {
   1212                 // We have no top margin and our top child has a quirky margin.
   1213                 // We will pick up this quirky margin and pass it through.
   1214                 // This deals with the <td><div><p> case.
   1215                 // Don't do this for a block that split two inlines though. You do
   1216                 // still apply margins in this case.
   1217                 setHasMarginBeforeQuirk(true);
   1218             }
   1219         } else {
   1220             // The before margin of the container will also discard all the margins it is collapsing with.
   1221             setMustDiscardMarginBefore();
   1222         }
   1223     }
   1225     // Once we find a child with discardMarginBefore all the margins collapsing with us must also discard.
   1226     if (childDiscardMarginBefore) {
   1227         marginInfo.setDiscardMargin(true);
   1228         marginInfo.clearMargin();
   1229     }
   1231     if (marginInfo.quirkContainer() && marginInfo.atBeforeSideOfBlock() && (posTop - negTop))
   1232         marginInfo.setHasMarginBeforeQuirk(topQuirk);
   1234     LayoutUnit beforeCollapseLogicalTop = logicalHeight();
   1235     LayoutUnit logicalTop = beforeCollapseLogicalTop;
   1237     LayoutUnit clearanceForSelfCollapsingBlock;
   1238     RenderObject* prev = child->previousSibling();
   1239     RenderBlockFlow* previousBlockFlow =  prev && prev->isRenderBlockFlow() && !prev->isFloatingOrOutOfFlowPositioned() ? toRenderBlockFlow(prev) : 0;
   1240     // If the child's previous sibling is a self-collapsing block that cleared a float then its top border edge has been set at the bottom border edge
   1241     // of the float. Since we want to collapse the child's top margin with the self-collapsing block's top and bottom margins we need to adjust our parent's height to match the
   1242     // margin top of the self-collapsing block. If the resulting collapsed margin leaves the child still intruding into the float then we will want to clear it.
   1243     if (!marginInfo.canCollapseWithMarginBefore() && previousBlockFlow && previousBlockFlow->isSelfCollapsingBlock()) {
   1244         clearanceForSelfCollapsingBlock = previousBlockFlow->marginOffsetForSelfCollapsingBlock();
   1245         setLogicalHeight(logicalHeight() - clearanceForSelfCollapsingBlock);
   1246     }
   1248     if (childIsSelfCollapsing) {
   1249         // For a self collapsing block both the before and after margins get discarded. The block doesn't contribute anything to the height of the block.
   1250         // Also, the child's top position equals the logical height of the container.
   1251         if (!childDiscardMarginBefore && !marginInfo.discardMargin()) {
   1252             // This child has no height. We need to compute our
   1253             // position before we collapse the child's margins together,
   1254             // so that we can get an accurate position for the zero-height block.
   1255             LayoutUnit collapsedBeforePos = std::max(marginInfo.positiveMargin(), childMargins.positiveMarginBefore());
   1256             LayoutUnit collapsedBeforeNeg = std::max(marginInfo.negativeMargin(), childMargins.negativeMarginBefore());
   1257             marginInfo.setMargin(collapsedBeforePos, collapsedBeforeNeg);
   1259             // Now collapse the child's margins together, which means examining our
   1260             // bottom margin values as well.
   1261             marginInfo.setPositiveMarginIfLarger(childMargins.positiveMarginAfter());
   1262             marginInfo.setNegativeMarginIfLarger(childMargins.negativeMarginAfter());
   1264             if (!marginInfo.canCollapseWithMarginBefore()) {
   1265                 // We need to make sure that the position of the self-collapsing block
   1266                 // is correct, since it could have overflowing content
   1267                 // that needs to be positioned correctly (e.g., a block that
   1268                 // had a specified height of 0 but that actually had subcontent).
   1269                 logicalTop = logicalHeight() + collapsedBeforePos - collapsedBeforeNeg;
   1270             }
   1271         }
   1272     } else {
   1273         if (mustSeparateMarginBeforeForChild(child)) {
   1274             ASSERT(!marginInfo.discardMargin() || (marginInfo.discardMargin() && !marginInfo.margin()));
   1275             // If we are at the before side of the block and we collapse, ignore the computed margin
   1276             // and just add the child margin to the container height. This will correctly position
   1277             // the child inside the container.
   1278             LayoutUnit separateMargin = !marginInfo.canCollapseWithMarginBefore() ? marginInfo.margin() : LayoutUnit(0);
   1279             setLogicalHeight(logicalHeight() + separateMargin + marginBeforeForChild(child));
   1280             logicalTop = logicalHeight();
   1281         } else if (!marginInfo.discardMargin() && (!marginInfo.atBeforeSideOfBlock()
   1282             || (!marginInfo.canCollapseMarginBeforeWithChildren()
   1283             && (!document().inQuirksMode() || !marginInfo.quirkContainer() || !marginInfo.hasMarginBeforeQuirk())))) {
   1284             // We're collapsing with a previous sibling's margins and not
   1285             // with the top of the block.
   1286             setLogicalHeight(logicalHeight() + std::max(marginInfo.positiveMargin(), posTop) - std::max(marginInfo.negativeMargin(), negTop));
   1287             logicalTop = logicalHeight();
   1288         }
   1290         marginInfo.setDiscardMargin(childDiscardMarginAfter);
   1292         if (!marginInfo.discardMargin()) {
   1293             marginInfo.setPositiveMargin(childMargins.positiveMarginAfter());
   1294             marginInfo.setNegativeMargin(childMargins.negativeMarginAfter());
   1295         } else {
   1296             marginInfo.clearMargin();
   1297         }
   1299         if (marginInfo.margin())
   1300             marginInfo.setHasMarginAfterQuirk(hasMarginAfterQuirk(child));
   1301     }
   1303     // If margins would pull us past the top of the next page, then we need to pull back and pretend like the margins
   1304     // collapsed into the page edge.
   1305     LayoutState* layoutState = view()->layoutState();
   1306     if (layoutState->isPaginated() && layoutState->pageLogicalHeight() && logicalTop > beforeCollapseLogicalTop) {
   1307         LayoutUnit oldLogicalTop = logicalTop;
   1308         logicalTop = std::min(logicalTop, nextPageLogicalTop(beforeCollapseLogicalTop));
   1309         setLogicalHeight(logicalHeight() + (logicalTop - oldLogicalTop));
   1310     }
   1312     if (previousBlockFlow) {
   1313         // If |child| is a self-collapsing block it may have collapsed into a previous sibling and although it hasn't reduced the height of the parent yet
   1314         // any floats from the parent will now overhang.
   1315         LayoutUnit oldLogicalHeight = logicalHeight();
   1316         setLogicalHeight(logicalTop);
   1317         if (!previousBlockFlow->avoidsFloats() && (previousBlockFlow->logicalTop() + previousBlockFlow->lowestFloatLogicalBottom()) > logicalTop)
   1318             addOverhangingFloats(previousBlockFlow, false);
   1319         setLogicalHeight(oldLogicalHeight);
   1321         // If |child|'s previous sibling is a self-collapsing block that cleared a float and margin collapsing resulted in |child| moving up
   1322         // into the margin area of the self-collapsing block then the float it clears is now intruding into |child|. Layout again so that we can look for
   1323         // floats in the parent that overhang |child|'s new logical top.
   1324         bool logicalTopIntrudesIntoFloat = clearanceForSelfCollapsingBlock > 0 && logicalTop < beforeCollapseLogicalTop;
   1325         if (logicalTopIntrudesIntoFloat && containsFloats() && !child->avoidsFloats() && lowestFloatLogicalBottom() > logicalTop)
   1326             child->setNeedsLayoutAndFullPaintInvalidation();
   1327     }
   1329     return logicalTop;
   1330 }
   1332 void RenderBlockFlow::adjustPositionedBlock(RenderBox* child, const MarginInfo& marginInfo)
   1333 {
   1334     bool isHorizontal = isHorizontalWritingMode();
   1335     bool hasStaticBlockPosition = child->style()->hasStaticBlockPosition(isHorizontal);
   1337     LayoutUnit logicalTop = logicalHeight();
   1338     updateStaticInlinePositionForChild(child, logicalTop);
   1340     if (!marginInfo.canCollapseWithMarginBefore()) {
   1341         // Positioned blocks don't collapse margins, so add the margin provided by
   1342         // the container now. The child's own margin is added later when calculating its logical top.
   1343         LayoutUnit collapsedBeforePos = marginInfo.positiveMargin();
   1344         LayoutUnit collapsedBeforeNeg = marginInfo.negativeMargin();
   1345         logicalTop += collapsedBeforePos - collapsedBeforeNeg;
   1346     }
   1348     RenderLayer* childLayer = child->layer();
   1349     if (childLayer->staticBlockPosition() != logicalTop) {
   1350         childLayer->setStaticBlockPosition(logicalTop);
   1351         if (hasStaticBlockPosition)
   1352             child->setChildNeedsLayout(MarkOnlyThis);
   1353     }
   1354 }
   1356 LayoutUnit RenderBlockFlow::clearFloatsIfNeeded(RenderBox* child, MarginInfo& marginInfo, LayoutUnit oldTopPosMargin, LayoutUnit oldTopNegMargin, LayoutUnit yPos, bool childIsSelfCollapsing)
   1357 {
   1358     LayoutUnit heightIncrease = getClearDelta(child, yPos);
   1359     if (!heightIncrease)
   1360         return yPos;
   1362     if (childIsSelfCollapsing) {
   1363         bool childDiscardMargin = mustDiscardMarginBeforeForChild(child) || mustDiscardMarginAfterForChild(child);
   1365         // For self-collapsing blocks that clear, they can still collapse their
   1366         // margins with following siblings. Reset the current margins to represent
   1367         // the self-collapsing block's margins only.
   1368         // If DISCARD is specified for -webkit-margin-collapse, reset the margin values.
   1369         RenderBlockFlow::MarginValues childMargins = marginValuesForChild(child);
   1370         if (!childDiscardMargin) {
   1371             marginInfo.setPositiveMargin(std::max(childMargins.positiveMarginBefore(), childMargins.positiveMarginAfter()));
   1372             marginInfo.setNegativeMargin(std::max(childMargins.negativeMarginBefore(), childMargins.negativeMarginAfter()));
   1373         } else {
   1374             marginInfo.clearMargin();
   1375         }
   1376         marginInfo.setDiscardMargin(childDiscardMargin);
   1378         // CSS2.1 states:
   1379         // "If the top and bottom margins of an element with clearance are adjoining, its margins collapse with
   1380         // the adjoining margins of following siblings but that resulting margin does not collapse with the bottom margin of the parent block."
   1381         // So the parent's bottom margin cannot collapse through this block or any subsequent self-collapsing blocks. Set a bit to ensure
   1382         // this happens; it will get reset if we encounter an in-flow sibling that is not self-collapsing.
   1383         marginInfo.setCanCollapseMarginAfterWithLastChild(false);
   1385         // For now set the border-top of |child| flush with the bottom border-edge of the float so it can layout any floating or positioned children of
   1386         // its own at the correct vertical position. If subsequent siblings attempt to collapse with |child|'s margins in |collapseMargins| we will
   1387         // adjust the height of the parent to |child|'s margin top (which if it is positive sits up 'inside' the float it's clearing) so that all three
   1388         // margins can collapse at the correct vertical position.
   1389         // Per CSS2.1 we need to ensure that any negative margin-top clears |child| beyond the bottom border-edge of the float so that the top border edge of the child
   1390         // (i.e. its clearance)  is at a position that satisfies the equation: "the amount of clearance is set so that clearance + margin-top = [height of float],
   1391         // i.e., clearance = [height of float] - margin-top".
   1392         setLogicalHeight(child->logicalTop() + childMargins.negativeMarginBefore());
   1393     } else {
   1394         // Increase our height by the amount we had to clear.
   1395         setLogicalHeight(logicalHeight() + heightIncrease);
   1396     }
   1398     if (marginInfo.canCollapseWithMarginBefore()) {
   1399         // We can no longer collapse with the top of the block since a clear
   1400         // occurred. The empty blocks collapse into the cleared block.
   1401         setMaxMarginBeforeValues(oldTopPosMargin, oldTopNegMargin);
   1402         marginInfo.setAtBeforeSideOfBlock(false);
   1404         // In case the child discarded the before margin of the block we need to reset the mustDiscardMarginBefore flag to the initial value.
   1405         setMustDiscardMarginBefore(style()->marginBeforeCollapse() == MDISCARD);
   1406     }
   1408     return yPos + heightIncrease;
   1409 }
   1411 void RenderBlockFlow::setCollapsedBottomMargin(const MarginInfo& marginInfo)
   1412 {
   1413     if (marginInfo.canCollapseWithMarginAfter() && !marginInfo.canCollapseWithMarginBefore()) {
   1414         // Update the after side margin of the container to discard if the after margin of the last child also discards and we collapse with it.
   1415         // Don't update the max margin values because we won't need them anyway.
   1416         if (marginInfo.discardMargin()) {
   1417             setMustDiscardMarginAfter();
   1418             return;
   1419         }
   1421         // Update our max pos/neg bottom margins, since we collapsed our bottom margins
   1422         // with our children.
   1423         setMaxMarginAfterValues(std::max(maxPositiveMarginAfter(), marginInfo.positiveMargin()), std::max(maxNegativeMarginAfter(), marginInfo.negativeMargin()));
   1425         if (!marginInfo.hasMarginAfterQuirk())
   1426             setHasMarginAfterQuirk(false);
   1428         if (marginInfo.hasMarginAfterQuirk() && !marginAfter()) {
   1429             // We have no bottom margin and our last child has a quirky margin.
   1430             // We will pick up this quirky margin and pass it through.
   1431             // This deals with the <td><div><p> case.
   1432             setHasMarginAfterQuirk(true);
   1433         }
   1434     }
   1435 }
   1437 void RenderBlockFlow::marginBeforeEstimateForChild(RenderBox* child, LayoutUnit& positiveMarginBefore, LayoutUnit& negativeMarginBefore, bool& discardMarginBefore) const
   1438 {
   1439     // Give up if in quirks mode and we're a body/table cell and the top margin of the child box is quirky.
   1440     // Give up if the child specified -webkit-margin-collapse: separate that prevents collapsing.
   1441     // FIXME: Use writing mode independent accessor for marginBeforeCollapse.
   1442     if ((document().inQuirksMode() && hasMarginBeforeQuirk(child) && (isTableCell() || isBody())) || child->style()->marginBeforeCollapse() == MSEPARATE)
   1443         return;
   1445     // The margins are discarded by a child that specified -webkit-margin-collapse: discard.
   1446     // FIXME: Use writing mode independent accessor for marginBeforeCollapse.
   1447     if (child->style()->marginBeforeCollapse() == MDISCARD) {
   1448         positiveMarginBefore = 0;
   1449         negativeMarginBefore = 0;
   1450         discardMarginBefore = true;
   1451         return;
   1452     }
   1454     LayoutUnit beforeChildMargin = marginBeforeForChild(child);
   1455     positiveMarginBefore = std::max(positiveMarginBefore, beforeChildMargin);
   1456     negativeMarginBefore = std::max(negativeMarginBefore, -beforeChildMargin);
   1458     if (!child->isRenderBlockFlow())
   1459         return;
   1461     RenderBlockFlow* childBlockFlow = toRenderBlockFlow(child);
   1462     if (childBlockFlow->childrenInline() || childBlockFlow->isWritingModeRoot())
   1463         return;
   1465     MarginInfo childMarginInfo(childBlockFlow, childBlockFlow->borderBefore() + childBlockFlow->paddingBefore(), childBlockFlow->borderAfter() + childBlockFlow->paddingAfter());
   1466     if (!childMarginInfo.canCollapseMarginBeforeWithChildren())
   1467         return;
   1469     RenderBox* grandchildBox = childBlockFlow->firstChildBox();
   1470     for ( ; grandchildBox; grandchildBox = grandchildBox->nextSiblingBox()) {
   1471         if (!grandchildBox->isFloatingOrOutOfFlowPositioned())
   1472             break;
   1473     }
   1475     // Give up if there is clearance on the box, since it probably won't collapse into us.
   1476     if (!grandchildBox || grandchildBox->style()->clear() != CNONE)
   1477         return;
   1479     // Make sure to update the block margins now for the grandchild box so that we're looking at current values.
   1480     if (grandchildBox->needsLayout()) {
   1481         grandchildBox->computeAndSetBlockDirectionMargins(this);
   1482         if (grandchildBox->isRenderBlock()) {
   1483             RenderBlock* grandchildBlock = toRenderBlock(grandchildBox);
   1484             grandchildBlock->setHasMarginBeforeQuirk(grandchildBox->style()->hasMarginBeforeQuirk());
   1485             grandchildBlock->setHasMarginAfterQuirk(grandchildBox->style()->hasMarginAfterQuirk());
   1486         }
   1487     }
   1489     // Collapse the margin of the grandchild box with our own to produce an estimate.
   1490     childBlockFlow->marginBeforeEstimateForChild(grandchildBox, positiveMarginBefore, negativeMarginBefore, discardMarginBefore);
   1491 }
   1493 LayoutUnit RenderBlockFlow::estimateLogicalTopPosition(RenderBox* child, const MarginInfo& marginInfo, LayoutUnit& estimateWithoutPagination)
   1494 {
   1495     // FIXME: We need to eliminate the estimation of vertical position, because when it's wrong we sometimes trigger a pathological
   1496     // relayout if there are intruding floats.
   1497     LayoutUnit logicalTopEstimate = logicalHeight();
   1498     if (!marginInfo.canCollapseWithMarginBefore()) {
   1499         LayoutUnit positiveMarginBefore = 0;
   1500         LayoutUnit negativeMarginBefore = 0;
   1501         bool discardMarginBefore = false;
   1502         if (child->selfNeedsLayout()) {
   1503             // Try to do a basic estimation of how the collapse is going to go.
   1504             marginBeforeEstimateForChild(child, positiveMarginBefore, negativeMarginBefore, discardMarginBefore);
   1505         } else {
   1506             // Use the cached collapsed margin values from a previous layout. Most of the time they
   1507             // will be right.
   1508             RenderBlockFlow::MarginValues marginValues = marginValuesForChild(child);
   1509             positiveMarginBefore = std::max(positiveMarginBefore, marginValues.positiveMarginBefore());
   1510             negativeMarginBefore = std::max(negativeMarginBefore, marginValues.negativeMarginBefore());
   1511             discardMarginBefore = mustDiscardMarginBeforeForChild(child);
   1512         }
   1514         // Collapse the result with our current margins.
   1515         if (!discardMarginBefore)
   1516             logicalTopEstimate += std::max(marginInfo.positiveMargin(), positiveMarginBefore) - std::max(marginInfo.negativeMargin(), negativeMarginBefore);
   1517     }
   1519     // Adjust logicalTopEstimate down to the next page if the margins are so large that we don't fit on the current
   1520     // page.
   1521     LayoutState* layoutState = view()->layoutState();
   1522     if (layoutState->isPaginated() && layoutState->pageLogicalHeight() && logicalTopEstimate > logicalHeight())
   1523         logicalTopEstimate = std::min(logicalTopEstimate, nextPageLogicalTop(logicalHeight()));
   1525     logicalTopEstimate += getClearDelta(child, logicalTopEstimate);
   1527     estimateWithoutPagination = logicalTopEstimate;
   1529     if (layoutState->isPaginated()) {
   1530         // If the object has a page or column break value of "before", then we should shift to the top of the next page.
   1531         logicalTopEstimate = applyBeforeBreak(child, logicalTopEstimate);
   1533         // For replaced elements and scrolled elements, we want to shift them to the next page if they don't fit on the current one.
   1534         logicalTopEstimate = adjustForUnsplittableChild(child, logicalTopEstimate);
   1536         if (!child->selfNeedsLayout() && child->isRenderBlockFlow())
   1537             logicalTopEstimate += toRenderBlockFlow(child)->paginationStrut();
   1538     }
   1540     return logicalTopEstimate;
   1541 }
   1543 LayoutUnit RenderBlockFlow::marginOffsetForSelfCollapsingBlock()
   1544 {
   1545     ASSERT(isSelfCollapsingBlock());
   1546     RenderBlockFlow* parentBlock = toRenderBlockFlow(parent());
   1547     if (parentBlock && style()->clear() && parentBlock->getClearDelta(this, logicalHeight()))
   1548         return marginValuesForChild(this).positiveMarginBefore();
   1549     return LayoutUnit();
   1550 }
   1552 void RenderBlockFlow::adjustFloatingBlock(const MarginInfo& marginInfo)
   1553 {
   1554     // The float should be positioned taking into account the bottom margin
   1555     // of the previous flow. We add that margin into the height, get the
   1556     // float positioned properly, and then subtract the margin out of the
   1557     // height again. In the case of self-collapsing blocks, we always just
   1558     // use the top margins, since the self-collapsing block collapsed its
   1559     // own bottom margin into its top margin.
   1560     //
   1561     // Note also that the previous flow may collapse its margin into the top of
   1562     // our block. If this is the case, then we do not add the margin in to our
   1563     // height when computing the position of the float. This condition can be tested
   1564     // for by simply calling canCollapseWithMarginBefore. See
   1565     // http://www.hixie.ch/tests/adhoc/css/box/block/margin-collapse/046.html for
   1566     // an example of this scenario.
   1567     LayoutUnit marginOffset = marginInfo.canCollapseWithMarginBefore() ? LayoutUnit() : marginInfo.margin();
   1568     setLogicalHeight(logicalHeight() + marginOffset);
   1569     positionNewFloats();
   1570     setLogicalHeight(logicalHeight() - marginOffset);
   1571 }
   1573 void RenderBlockFlow::handleAfterSideOfBlock(RenderBox* lastChild, LayoutUnit beforeSide, LayoutUnit afterSide, MarginInfo& marginInfo)
   1574 {
   1575     marginInfo.setAtAfterSideOfBlock(true);
   1577     // If our last child was a self-collapsing block with clearance then our logical height is flush with the
   1578     // bottom edge of the float that the child clears. The correct vertical position for the margin-collapsing we want
   1579     // to perform now is at the child's margin-top - so adjust our height to that position.
   1580     if (lastChild && lastChild->isRenderBlockFlow() && lastChild->isSelfCollapsingBlock())
   1581         setLogicalHeight(logicalHeight() - toRenderBlockFlow(lastChild)->marginOffsetForSelfCollapsingBlock());
   1583     if (marginInfo.canCollapseMarginAfterWithChildren() && !marginInfo.canCollapseMarginAfterWithLastChild())
   1584         marginInfo.setCanCollapseMarginAfterWithChildren(false);
   1586     // If we can't collapse with children then go ahead and add in the bottom margin.
   1587     if (!marginInfo.discardMargin() && (!marginInfo.canCollapseWithMarginAfter() && !marginInfo.canCollapseWithMarginBefore()
   1588         && (!document().inQuirksMode() || !marginInfo.quirkContainer() || !marginInfo.hasMarginAfterQuirk())))
   1589         setLogicalHeight(logicalHeight() + marginInfo.margin());
   1591     // Now add in our bottom border/padding.
   1592     setLogicalHeight(logicalHeight() + afterSide);
   1594     // Negative margins can cause our height to shrink below our minimal height (border/padding).
   1595     // If this happens, ensure that the computed height is increased to the minimal height.
   1596     setLogicalHeight(std::max(logicalHeight(), beforeSide + afterSide));
   1598     // Update our bottom collapsed margin info.
   1599     setCollapsedBottomMargin(marginInfo);
   1600 }
   1602 void RenderBlockFlow::setMustDiscardMarginBefore(bool value)
   1603 {
   1604     if (style()->marginBeforeCollapse() == MDISCARD) {
   1605         ASSERT(value);
   1606         return;
   1607     }
   1609     if (!m_rareData && !value)
   1610         return;
   1612     if (!m_rareData)
   1613         m_rareData = adoptPtrWillBeNoop(new RenderBlockFlowRareData(this));
   1615     m_rareData->m_discardMarginBefore = value;
   1616 }
   1618 void RenderBlockFlow::setMustDiscardMarginAfter(bool value)
   1619 {
   1620     if (style()->marginAfterCollapse() == MDISCARD) {
   1621         ASSERT(value);
   1622         return;
   1623     }
   1625     if (!m_rareData && !value)
   1626         return;
   1628     if (!m_rareData)
   1629         m_rareData = adoptPtrWillBeNoop(new RenderBlockFlowRareData(this));
   1631     m_rareData->m_discardMarginAfter = value;
   1632 }
   1634 bool RenderBlockFlow::mustDiscardMarginBefore() const
   1635 {
   1636     return style()->marginBeforeCollapse() == MDISCARD || (m_rareData && m_rareData->m_discardMarginBefore);
   1637 }
   1639 bool RenderBlockFlow::mustDiscardMarginAfter() const
   1640 {
   1641     return style()->marginAfterCollapse() == MDISCARD || (m_rareData && m_rareData->m_discardMarginAfter);
   1642 }
   1644 bool RenderBlockFlow::mustDiscardMarginBeforeForChild(const RenderBox* child) const
   1645 {
   1646     ASSERT(!child->selfNeedsLayout());
   1647     if (!child->isWritingModeRoot())
   1648         return child->isRenderBlockFlow() ? toRenderBlockFlow(child)->mustDiscardMarginBefore() : (child->style()->marginBeforeCollapse() == MDISCARD);
   1649     if (child->isHorizontalWritingMode() == isHorizontalWritingMode())
   1650         return child->isRenderBlockFlow() ? toRenderBlockFlow(child)->mustDiscardMarginAfter() : (child->style()->marginAfterCollapse() == MDISCARD);
   1652     // FIXME: We return false here because the implementation is not geometrically complete. We have values only for before/after, not start/end.
   1653     // In case the boxes are perpendicular we assume the property is not specified.
   1654     return false;
   1655 }
   1657 bool RenderBlockFlow::mustDiscardMarginAfterForChild(const RenderBox* child) const
   1658 {
   1659     ASSERT(!child->selfNeedsLayout());
   1660     if (!child->isWritingModeRoot())
   1661         return child->isRenderBlockFlow() ? toRenderBlockFlow(child)->mustDiscardMarginAfter() : (child->style()->marginAfterCollapse() == MDISCARD);
   1662     if (child->isHorizontalWritingMode() == isHorizontalWritingMode())
   1663         return child->isRenderBlockFlow() ? toRenderBlockFlow(child)->mustDiscardMarginBefore() : (child->style()->marginBeforeCollapse() == MDISCARD);
   1665     // FIXME: See |mustDiscardMarginBeforeForChild| above.
   1666     return false;
   1667 }
   1669 void RenderBlockFlow::setMaxMarginBeforeValues(LayoutUnit pos, LayoutUnit neg)
   1670 {
   1671     if (!m_rareData) {
   1672         if (pos == RenderBlockFlowRareData::positiveMarginBeforeDefault(this) && neg == RenderBlockFlowRareData::negativeMarginBeforeDefault(this))
   1673             return;
   1674         m_rareData = adoptPtrWillBeNoop(new RenderBlockFlowRareData(this));
   1675     }
   1676     m_rareData->m_margins.setPositiveMarginBefore(pos);
   1677     m_rareData->m_margins.setNegativeMarginBefore(neg);
   1678 }
   1680 void RenderBlockFlow::setMaxMarginAfterValues(LayoutUnit pos, LayoutUnit neg)
   1681 {
   1682     if (!m_rareData) {
   1683         if (pos == RenderBlockFlowRareData::positiveMarginAfterDefault(this) && neg == RenderBlockFlowRareData::negativeMarginAfterDefault(this))
   1684             return;
   1685         m_rareData = adoptPtrWillBeNoop(new RenderBlockFlowRareData(this));
   1686     }
   1687     m_rareData->m_margins.setPositiveMarginAfter(pos);
   1688     m_rareData->m_margins.setNegativeMarginAfter(neg);
   1689 }
   1691 bool RenderBlockFlow::mustSeparateMarginBeforeForChild(const RenderBox* child) const
   1692 {
   1693     ASSERT(!child->selfNeedsLayout());
   1694     const RenderStyle* childStyle = child->style();
   1695     if (!child->isWritingModeRoot())
   1696         return childStyle->marginBeforeCollapse() == MSEPARATE;
   1697     if (child->isHorizontalWritingMode() == isHorizontalWritingMode())
   1698         return childStyle->marginAfterCollapse() == MSEPARATE;
   1700     // FIXME: See |mustDiscardMarginBeforeForChild| above.
   1701     return false;
   1702 }
   1704 bool RenderBlockFlow::mustSeparateMarginAfterForChild(const RenderBox* child) const
   1705 {
   1706     ASSERT(!child->selfNeedsLayout());
   1707     const RenderStyle* childStyle = child->style();
   1708     if (!child->isWritingModeRoot())
   1709         return childStyle->marginAfterCollapse() == MSEPARATE;
   1710     if (child->isHorizontalWritingMode() == isHorizontalWritingMode())
   1711         return childStyle->marginBeforeCollapse() == MSEPARATE;
   1713     // FIXME: See |mustDiscardMarginBeforeForChild| above.
   1714     return false;
   1715 }
   1717 LayoutUnit RenderBlockFlow::applyBeforeBreak(RenderBox* child, LayoutUnit logicalOffset)
   1718 {
   1719     // FIXME: Add page break checking here when we support printing.
   1720     RenderFlowThread* flowThread = flowThreadContainingBlock();
   1721     bool isInsideMulticolFlowThread = flowThread;
   1722     bool checkColumnBreaks = isInsideMulticolFlowThread || view()->layoutState()->isPaginatingColumns();
   1723     bool checkPageBreaks = !checkColumnBreaks && view()->layoutState()->pageLogicalHeight(); // FIXME: Once columns can print we have to check this.
   1724     bool checkBeforeAlways = (checkColumnBreaks && child->style()->columnBreakBefore() == PBALWAYS)
   1725         || (checkPageBreaks && child->style()->pageBreakBefore() == PBALWAYS);
   1726     if (checkBeforeAlways && inNormalFlow(child)) {
   1727         if (checkColumnBreaks) {
   1728             if (isInsideMulticolFlowThread) {
   1729                 LayoutUnit offsetBreakAdjustment = 0;
   1730                 if (flowThread->addForcedRegionBreak(offsetFromLogicalTopOfFirstPage() + logicalOffset, child, true, &offsetBreakAdjustment))
   1731                     return logicalOffset + offsetBreakAdjustment;
   1732             } else {
   1733                 view()->layoutState()->addForcedColumnBreak(*child, logicalOffset);
   1734             }
   1735         }
   1736         return nextPageLogicalTop(logicalOffset, IncludePageBoundary);
   1737     }
   1738     return logicalOffset;
   1739 }
   1741 LayoutUnit RenderBlockFlow::applyAfterBreak(RenderBox* child, LayoutUnit logicalOffset, MarginInfo& marginInfo)
   1742 {
   1743     // FIXME: Add page break checking here when we support printing.
   1744     RenderFlowThread* flowThread = flowThreadContainingBlock();
   1745     bool isInsideMulticolFlowThread = flowThread;
   1746     bool checkColumnBreaks = isInsideMulticolFlowThread || view()->layoutState()->isPaginatingColumns();
   1747     bool checkPageBreaks = !checkColumnBreaks && view()->layoutState()->pageLogicalHeight(); // FIXME: Once columns can print we have to check this.
   1748     bool checkAfterAlways = (checkColumnBreaks && child->style()->columnBreakAfter() == PBALWAYS)
   1749         || (checkPageBreaks && child->style()->pageBreakAfter() == PBALWAYS);
   1750     if (checkAfterAlways && inNormalFlow(child)) {
   1751         LayoutUnit marginOffset = marginInfo.canCollapseWithMarginBefore() ? LayoutUnit() : marginInfo.margin();
   1753         // So our margin doesn't participate in the next collapsing steps.
   1754         marginInfo.clearMargin();
   1756         if (checkColumnBreaks) {
   1757             if (isInsideMulticolFlowThread) {
   1758                 LayoutUnit offsetBreakAdjustment = 0;
   1759                 if (flowThread->addForcedRegionBreak(offsetFromLogicalTopOfFirstPage() + logicalOffset + marginOffset, child, false, &offsetBreakAdjustment))
   1760                     return logicalOffset + marginOffset + offsetBreakAdjustment;
   1761             } else {
   1762                 view()->layoutState()->addForcedColumnBreak(*child, logicalOffset);
   1763             }
   1764         }
   1765         return nextPageLogicalTop(logicalOffset, IncludePageBoundary);
   1766     }
   1767     return logicalOffset;
   1768 }
   1770 void RenderBlockFlow::addOverflowFromFloats()
   1771 {
   1772     if (!m_floatingObjects)
   1773         return;
   1775     const FloatingObjectSet& floatingObjectSet = m_floatingObjects->set();
   1776     FloatingObjectSetIterator end = floatingObjectSet.end();
   1777     for (FloatingObjectSetIterator it = floatingObjectSet.begin(); it != end; ++it) {
   1778         FloatingObject* floatingObject = it->get();
   1779         if (floatingObject->isDescendant())
   1780             addOverflowFromChild(floatingObject->renderer(), IntSize(xPositionForFloatIncludingMargin(floatingObject), yPositionForFloatIncludingMargin(floatingObject)));
   1781     }
   1782 }
   1784 void RenderBlockFlow::computeOverflow(LayoutUnit oldClientAfterEdge, bool recomputeFloats)
   1785 {
   1786     RenderBlock::computeOverflow(oldClientAfterEdge, recomputeFloats);
   1787     if (!hasColumns() && (recomputeFloats || createsBlockFormattingContext() || hasSelfPaintingLayer()))
   1788         addOverflowFromFloats();
   1789 }
   1791 RootInlineBox* RenderBlockFlow::createAndAppendRootInlineBox()
   1792 {
   1793     RootInlineBox* rootBox = createRootInlineBox();
   1794     m_lineBoxes.appendLineBox(rootBox);
   1796     return rootBox;
   1797 }
   1799 void RenderBlockFlow::deleteLineBoxTree()
   1800 {
   1801     if (containsFloats())
   1802         m_floatingObjects->clearLineBoxTreePointers();
   1804     m_lineBoxes.deleteLineBoxTree();
   1805 }
   1807 void RenderBlockFlow::markAllDescendantsWithFloatsForLayout(RenderBox* floatToRemove, bool inLayout)
   1808 {
   1809     if (!everHadLayout() && !containsFloats())
   1810         return;
   1812     if (m_descendantsWithFloatsMarkedForLayout && !floatToRemove)
   1813         return;
   1814     m_descendantsWithFloatsMarkedForLayout |= !floatToRemove;
   1816     MarkingBehavior markParents = inLayout ? MarkOnlyThis : MarkContainingBlockChain;
   1817     setChildNeedsLayout(markParents);
   1819     if (floatToRemove)
   1820         removeFloatingObject(floatToRemove);
   1822     // Iterate over our children and mark them as needed.
   1823     if (!childrenInline()) {
   1824         for (RenderObject* child = firstChild(); child; child = child->nextSibling()) {
   1825             if ((!floatToRemove && child->isFloatingOrOutOfFlowPositioned()) || !child->isRenderBlock())
   1826                 continue;
   1827             if (!child->isRenderBlockFlow()) {
   1828                 RenderBlock* childBlock = toRenderBlock(child);
   1829                 if (childBlock->shrinkToAvoidFloats() && childBlock->everHadLayout())
   1830                     childBlock->setChildNeedsLayout(markParents);
   1831                 continue;
   1832             }
   1833             RenderBlockFlow* childBlockFlow = toRenderBlockFlow(child);
   1834             if ((floatToRemove ? childBlockFlow->containsFloat(floatToRemove) : childBlockFlow->containsFloats()) || childBlockFlow->shrinkToAvoidFloats())
   1835                 childBlockFlow->markAllDescendantsWithFloatsForLayout(floatToRemove, inLayout);
   1836         }
   1837     }
   1838 }
   1840 void RenderBlockFlow::markSiblingsWithFloatsForLayout(RenderBox* floatToRemove)
   1841 {
   1842     if (!m_floatingObjects)
   1843         return;
   1845     const FloatingObjectSet& floatingObjectSet = m_floatingObjects->set();
   1846     FloatingObjectSetIterator end = floatingObjectSet.end();
   1848     for (RenderObject* next = nextSibling(); next; next = next->nextSibling()) {
   1849         if (!next->isRenderBlockFlow() || next->isFloatingOrOutOfFlowPositioned() || toRenderBlockFlow(next)->avoidsFloats())
   1850             continue;
   1852         RenderBlockFlow* nextBlock = toRenderBlockFlow(next);
   1853         for (FloatingObjectSetIterator it = floatingObjectSet.begin(); it != end; ++it) {
   1854             RenderBox* floatingBox = (*it)->renderer();
   1855             if (floatToRemove && floatingBox != floatToRemove)
   1856                 continue;
   1857             if (nextBlock->containsFloat(floatingBox))
   1858                 nextBlock->markAllDescendantsWithFloatsForLayout(floatingBox);
   1859         }
   1860     }
   1861 }
   1863 LayoutUnit RenderBlockFlow::getClearDelta(RenderBox* child, LayoutUnit logicalTop)
   1864 {
   1865     // There is no need to compute clearance if we have no floats.
   1866     if (!containsFloats())
   1867         return 0;
   1869     // At least one float is present. We need to perform the clearance computation.
   1870     bool clearSet = child->style()->clear() != CNONE;
   1871     LayoutUnit logicalBottom = 0;
   1872     switch (child->style()->clear()) {
   1873     case CNONE:
   1874         break;
   1875     case CLEFT:
   1876         logicalBottom = lowestFloatLogicalBottom(FloatingObject::FloatLeft);
   1877         break;
   1878     case CRIGHT:
   1879         logicalBottom = lowestFloatLogicalBottom(FloatingObject::FloatRight);
   1880         break;
   1881     case CBOTH:
   1882         logicalBottom = lowestFloatLogicalBottom();
   1883         break;
   1884     }
   1886     // We also clear floats if we are too big to sit on the same line as a float (and wish to avoid floats by default).
   1887     LayoutUnit result = clearSet ? std::max<LayoutUnit>(0, logicalBottom - logicalTop) : LayoutUnit();
   1888     if (!result && child->avoidsFloats()) {
   1889         LayoutUnit newLogicalTop = logicalTop;
   1890         while (true) {
   1891             LayoutUnit availableLogicalWidthAtNewLogicalTopOffset = availableLogicalWidthForLine(newLogicalTop, false, logicalHeightForChild(child));
   1892             if (availableLogicalWidthAtNewLogicalTopOffset == availableLogicalWidthForContent())
   1893                 return newLogicalTop - logicalTop;
   1895             LayoutRect borderBox = child->borderBoxRect();
   1896             LayoutUnit childLogicalWidthAtOldLogicalTopOffset = isHorizontalWritingMode() ? borderBox.width() : borderBox.height();
   1898             // FIXME: None of this is right for perpendicular writing-mode children.
   1899             LayoutUnit childOldLogicalWidth = child->logicalWidth();
   1900             LayoutUnit childOldMarginLeft = child->marginLeft();
   1901             LayoutUnit childOldMarginRight = child->marginRight();
   1902             LayoutUnit childOldLogicalTop = child->logicalTop();
   1904             child->setLogicalTop(newLogicalTop);
   1905             child->updateLogicalWidth();
   1906             borderBox = child->borderBoxRect();
   1907             LayoutUnit childLogicalWidthAtNewLogicalTopOffset = isHorizontalWritingMode() ? borderBox.width() : borderBox.height();
   1909             child->setLogicalTop(childOldLogicalTop);
   1910             child->setLogicalWidth(childOldLogicalWidth);
   1911             child->setMarginLeft(childOldMarginLeft);
   1912             child->setMarginRight(childOldMarginRight);
   1914             if (childLogicalWidthAtNewLogicalTopOffset <= availableLogicalWidthAtNewLogicalTopOffset) {
   1915                 // Even though we may not be moving, if the logical width did shrink because of the presence of new floats, then
   1916                 // we need to force a relayout as though we shifted. This happens because of the dynamic addition of overhanging floats
   1917                 // from previous siblings when negative margins exist on a child (see the addOverhangingFloats call at the end of collapseMargins).
   1918                 if (childLogicalWidthAtOldLogicalTopOffset != childLogicalWidthAtNewLogicalTopOffset)
   1919                     child->setChildNeedsLayout(MarkOnlyThis);
   1920                 return newLogicalTop - logicalTop;
   1921             }
   1923             newLogicalTop = nextFloatLogicalBottomBelow(newLogicalTop);
   1924             ASSERT(newLogicalTop >= logicalTop);
   1925             if (newLogicalTop < logicalTop)
   1926                 break;
   1927         }
   1928         ASSERT_NOT_REACHED();
   1929     }
   1930     return result;
   1931 }
   1933 void RenderBlockFlow::createFloatingObjects()
   1934 {
   1935     m_floatingObjects = adoptPtr(new FloatingObjects(this, isHorizontalWritingMode()));
   1936 }
   1938 void RenderBlockFlow::styleWillChange(StyleDifference diff, const RenderStyle& newStyle)
   1939 {
   1940     RenderStyle* oldStyle = style();
   1941     s_canPropagateFloatIntoSibling = oldStyle ? !isFloatingOrOutOfFlowPositioned() && !avoidsFloats() : false;
   1942     if (oldStyle && parent() && diff.needsFullLayout() && oldStyle->position() != newStyle.position()
   1943         && containsFloats() && !isFloating() && !isOutOfFlowPositioned() && newStyle.hasOutOfFlowPosition())
   1944             markAllDescendantsWithFloatsForLayout();
   1946     RenderBlock::styleWillChange(diff, newStyle);
   1947 }
   1949 void RenderBlockFlow::styleDidChange(StyleDifference diff, const RenderStyle* oldStyle)
   1950 {
   1951     RenderBlock::styleDidChange(diff, oldStyle);
   1953     // After our style changed, if we lose our ability to propagate floats into next sibling
   1954     // blocks, then we need to find the top most parent containing that overhanging float and
   1955     // then mark its descendants with floats for layout and clear all floats from its next
   1956     // sibling blocks that exist in our floating objects list. See bug 56299 and 62875.
   1957     bool canPropagateFloatIntoSibling = !isFloatingOrOutOfFlowPositioned() && !avoidsFloats();
   1958     if (diff.needsFullLayout() && s_canPropagateFloatIntoSibling && !canPropagateFloatIntoSibling && hasOverhangingFloats()) {
   1959         RenderBlockFlow* parentBlockFlow = this;
   1960         const FloatingObjectSet& floatingObjectSet = m_floatingObjects->set();
   1961         FloatingObjectSetIterator end = floatingObjectSet.end();
   1963         for (RenderObject* curr = parent(); curr && !curr->isRenderView(); curr = curr->parent()) {
   1964             if (curr->isRenderBlockFlow()) {
   1965                 RenderBlockFlow* currBlock = toRenderBlockFlow(curr);
   1967                 if (currBlock->hasOverhangingFloats()) {
   1968                     for (FloatingObjectSetIterator it = floatingObjectSet.begin(); it != end; ++it) {
   1969                         RenderBox* renderer = (*it)->renderer();
   1970                         if (currBlock->hasOverhangingFloat(renderer)) {
   1971                             parentBlockFlow = currBlock;
   1972                             break;
   1973                         }
   1974                     }
   1975                 }
   1976             }
   1977         }
   1979         parentBlockFlow->markAllDescendantsWithFloatsForLayout();
   1980         parentBlockFlow->markSiblingsWithFloatsForLayout();
   1981     }
   1983     if (diff.needsFullLayout() || !oldStyle)
   1984         createOrDestroyMultiColumnFlowThreadIfNeeded(oldStyle);
   1985 }
   1987 void RenderBlockFlow::updateStaticInlinePositionForChild(RenderBox* child, LayoutUnit logicalTop)
   1988 {
   1989     if (child->style()->isOriginalDisplayInlineType())
   1990         setStaticInlinePositionForChild(child, startAlignedOffsetForLine(logicalTop, false));
   1991     else
   1992         setStaticInlinePositionForChild(child, startOffsetForContent());
   1993 }
   1995 void RenderBlockFlow::setStaticInlinePositionForChild(RenderBox* child, LayoutUnit inlinePosition)
   1996 {
   1997     child->layer()->setStaticInlinePosition(inlinePosition);
   1998 }
   2000 void RenderBlockFlow::addChild(RenderObject* newChild, RenderObject* beforeChild)
   2001 {
   2002     if (RenderMultiColumnFlowThread* flowThread = multiColumnFlowThread()) {
   2003         flowThread->addChild(newChild, beforeChild);
   2004         return;
   2005     }
   2006     RenderBlock::addChild(newChild, beforeChild);
   2007 }
   2009 void RenderBlockFlow::moveAllChildrenIncludingFloatsTo(RenderBlock* toBlock, bool fullRemoveInsert)
   2010 {
   2011     RenderBlockFlow* toBlockFlow = toRenderBlockFlow(toBlock);
   2012     moveAllChildrenTo(toBlockFlow, fullRemoveInsert);
   2014     // When a portion of the render tree is being detached, anonymous blocks
   2015     // will be combined as their children are deleted. In this process, the
   2016     // anonymous block later in the tree is merged into the one preceeding it.
   2017     // It can happen that the later block (this) contains floats that the
   2018     // previous block (toBlockFlow) did not contain, and thus are not in the
   2019     // floating objects list for toBlockFlow. This can result in toBlockFlow containing
   2020     // floats that are not in it's floating objects list, but are in the
   2021     // floating objects lists of siblings and parents. This can cause problems
   2022     // when the float itself is deleted, since the deletion code assumes that
   2023     // if a float is not in it's containing block's floating objects list, it
   2024     // isn't in any floating objects list. In order to preserve this condition
   2025     // (removing it has serious performance implications), we need to copy the
   2026     // floating objects from the old block (this) to the new block (toBlockFlow).
   2027     // The float's metrics will likely all be wrong, but since toBlockFlow is
   2028     // already marked for layout, this will get fixed before anything gets
   2029     // displayed.
   2030     // See bug https://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=230907
   2031     if (m_floatingObjects) {
   2032         if (!toBlockFlow->m_floatingObjects)
   2033             toBlockFlow->createFloatingObjects();
   2035         const FloatingObjectSet& fromFloatingObjectSet = m_floatingObjects->set();
   2036         FloatingObjectSetIterator end = fromFloatingObjectSet.end();
   2038         for (FloatingObjectSetIterator it = fromFloatingObjectSet.begin(); it != end; ++it) {
   2039             FloatingObject* floatingObject = it->get();
   2041             // Don't insert the object again if it's already in the list
   2042             if (toBlockFlow->containsFloat(floatingObject->renderer()))
   2043                 continue;
   2045             toBlockFlow->m_floatingObjects->add(floatingObject->unsafeClone());
   2046         }
   2047     }
   2049 }
   2051 void RenderBlockFlow::invalidatePaintForOverhangingFloats(bool paintAllDescendants)
   2052 {
   2053     // Invalidate paint of any overhanging floats (if we know we're the one to paint them).
   2054     // Otherwise, bail out.
   2055     if (!hasOverhangingFloats())
   2056         return;
   2058     const FloatingObjectSet& floatingObjectSet = m_floatingObjects->set();
   2059     FloatingObjectSetIterator end = floatingObjectSet.end();
   2060     for (FloatingObjectSetIterator it = floatingObjectSet.begin(); it != end; ++it) {
   2061         FloatingObject* floatingObject = it->get();
   2062         // Only issue paint invaldiations for the object if it is overhanging, is not in its own layer, and
   2063         // is our responsibility to paint (m_shouldPaint is set). When paintAllDescendants is true, the latter
   2064         // condition is replaced with being a descendant of us.
   2065         if (logicalBottomForFloat(floatingObject) > logicalHeight()
   2066             && !floatingObject->renderer()->hasSelfPaintingLayer()
   2067             && (floatingObject->shouldPaint() || (paintAllDescendants && floatingObject->renderer()->isDescendantOf(this)))) {
   2069             RenderBox* floatingRenderer = floatingObject->renderer();
   2070             floatingRenderer->setShouldDoFullPaintInvalidation(true);
   2071             floatingRenderer->invalidatePaintForOverhangingFloats(false);
   2072         }
   2073     }
   2074 }
   2076 void RenderBlockFlow::invalidatePaintForOverflow()
   2077 {
   2078     // FIXME: We could tighten up the left and right invalidation points if we let layoutInlineChildren fill them in based off the particular lines
   2079     // it had to lay out. We wouldn't need the hasOverflowClip() hack in that case either.
   2080     LayoutUnit paintInvalidationLogicalLeft = logicalLeftVisualOverflow();
   2081     LayoutUnit paintInvalidationLogicalRight = logicalRightVisualOverflow();
   2082     if (hasOverflowClip()) {
   2083         // If we have clipped overflow, we should use layout overflow as well, since visual overflow from lines didn't propagate to our block's overflow.
   2084         // Note the old code did this as well but even for overflow:visible. The addition of hasOverflowClip() at least tightens up the hack a bit.
   2085         // layoutInlineChildren should be patched to compute the entire paint invalidation rect.
   2086         paintInvalidationLogicalLeft = std::min(paintInvalidationLogicalLeft, logicalLeftLayoutOverflow());
   2087         paintInvalidationLogicalRight = std::max(paintInvalidationLogicalRight, logicalRightLayoutOverflow());
   2088     }
   2090     LayoutRect paintInvalidationRect;
   2091     if (isHorizontalWritingMode())
   2092         paintInvalidationRect = LayoutRect(paintInvalidationLogicalLeft, m_paintInvalidationLogicalTop, paintInvalidationLogicalRight - paintInvalidationLogicalLeft, m_paintInvalidationLogicalBottom - m_paintInvalidationLogicalTop);
   2093     else
   2094         paintInvalidationRect = LayoutRect(m_paintInvalidationLogicalTop, paintInvalidationLogicalLeft, m_paintInvalidationLogicalBottom - m_paintInvalidationLogicalTop, paintInvalidationLogicalRight - paintInvalidationLogicalLeft);
   2096     // The paint invalidation rect may be split across columns, in which case adjustRectForColumns() will return the union.
   2097     adjustRectForColumns(paintInvalidationRect);
   2099     if (hasOverflowClip()) {
   2100         // Adjust the paint invalidation rect for scroll offset
   2101         paintInvalidationRect.move(-scrolledContentOffset());
   2103         // Don't allow this rect to spill out of our overflow box.
   2104         paintInvalidationRect.intersect(LayoutRect(LayoutPoint(), size()));
   2105     }
   2107     // Make sure the rect is still non-empty after intersecting for overflow above
   2108     if (!paintInvalidationRect.isEmpty()) {
   2109         // Hits in media/event-attributes.html
   2110         DisableCompositingQueryAsserts disabler;
   2112         invalidatePaintRectangle(paintInvalidationRect); // We need to do a partial paint invalidation of our content.
   2113         if (hasReflection())
   2114             invalidatePaintRectangle(reflectedRect(paintInvalidationRect));
   2115     }
   2117     m_paintInvalidationLogicalTop = 0;
   2118     m_paintInvalidationLogicalBottom = 0;
   2119 }
   2121 void RenderBlockFlow::paintFloats(PaintInfo& paintInfo, const LayoutPoint& paintOffset, bool preservePhase)
   2122 {
   2123     BlockFlowPainter(*this).paintFloats(paintInfo, paintOffset, preservePhase);
   2124 }
   2126 void RenderBlockFlow::clipOutFloatingObjects(const RenderBlock* rootBlock, const PaintInfo* paintInfo, const LayoutPoint& rootBlockPhysicalPosition, const LayoutSize& offsetFromRootBlock) const
   2127 {
   2128     if (m_floatingObjects) {
   2129         const FloatingObjectSet& floatingObjectSet = m_floatingObjects->set();
   2130         FloatingObjectSetIterator end = floatingObjectSet.end();
   2131         for (FloatingObjectSetIterator it = floatingObjectSet.begin(); it != end; ++it) {
   2132             FloatingObject* floatingObject = it->get();
   2133             LayoutRect floatBox(offsetFromRootBlock.width() + xPositionForFloatIncludingMargin(floatingObject),
   2134                 offsetFromRootBlock.height() + yPositionForFloatIncludingMargin(floatingObject),
   2135                 floatingObject->renderer()->width(), floatingObject->renderer()->height());
   2136             rootBlock->flipForWritingMode(floatBox);
   2137             floatBox.move(rootBlockPhysicalPosition.x(), rootBlockPhysicalPosition.y());
   2138             paintInfo->context->clipOut(pixelSnappedIntRect(floatBox));
   2139         }
   2140     }
   2141 }
   2143 void RenderBlockFlow::clearFloats(EClear clear)
   2144 {
   2145     positionNewFloats();
   2146     // set y position
   2147     LayoutUnit newY = 0;
   2148     switch (clear) {
   2149     case CLEFT:
   2150         newY = lowestFloatLogicalBottom(FloatingObject::FloatLeft);
   2151         break;
   2152     case CRIGHT:
   2153         newY = lowestFloatLogicalBottom(FloatingObject::FloatRight);
   2154         break;
   2155     case CBOTH:
   2156         newY = lowestFloatLogicalBottom();
   2157     default:
   2158         break;
   2159     }
   2160     if (height() < newY)
   2161         setLogicalHeight(newY);
   2162 }
   2164 bool RenderBlockFlow::containsFloat(RenderBox* renderer) const
   2165 {
   2166     return m_floatingObjects && m_floatingObjects->set().contains<FloatingObjectHashTranslator>(renderer);
   2167 }
   2169 void RenderBlockFlow::removeFloatingObjects()
   2170 {
   2171     if (!m_floatingObjects)
   2172         return;
   2174     markSiblingsWithFloatsForLayout();
   2176     m_floatingObjects->clear();
   2177 }
   2179 LayoutPoint RenderBlockFlow::flipFloatForWritingModeForChild(const FloatingObject* child, const LayoutPoint& point) const
   2180 {
   2181     if (!style()->isFlippedBlocksWritingMode())
   2182         return point;
   2184     // This is similar to RenderBox::flipForWritingModeForChild. We have to subtract out our left/top offsets twice, since
   2185     // it's going to get added back in. We hide this complication here so that the calling code looks normal for the unflipped
   2186     // case.
   2187     if (isHorizontalWritingMode())
   2188         return LayoutPoint(point.x(), point.y() + height() - child->renderer()->height() - 2 * yPositionForFloatIncludingMargin(child));
   2189     return LayoutPoint(point.x() + width() - child->renderer()->width() - 2 * xPositionForFloatIncludingMargin(child), point.y());
   2190 }
   2192 LayoutUnit RenderBlockFlow::logicalLeftOffsetForPositioningFloat(LayoutUnit logicalTop, LayoutUnit fixedOffset, bool applyTextIndent, LayoutUnit* heightRemaining) const
   2193 {
   2194     LayoutUnit offset = fixedOffset;
   2195     if (m_floatingObjects && m_floatingObjects->hasLeftObjects())
   2196         offset = m_floatingObjects->logicalLeftOffsetForPositioningFloat(fixedOffset, logicalTop, heightRemaining);
   2197     return adjustLogicalLeftOffsetForLine(offset, applyTextIndent);
   2198 }
   2200 LayoutUnit RenderBlockFlow::logicalRightOffsetForPositioningFloat(LayoutUnit logicalTop, LayoutUnit fixedOffset, bool applyTextIndent, LayoutUnit* heightRemaining) const
   2201 {
   2202     LayoutUnit offset = fixedOffset;
   2203     if (m_floatingObjects && m_floatingObjects->hasRightObjects())
   2204         offset = m_floatingObjects->logicalRightOffsetForPositioningFloat(fixedOffset, logicalTop, heightRemaining);
   2205     return adjustLogicalRightOffsetForLine(offset, applyTextIndent);
   2206 }
   2208 LayoutUnit RenderBlockFlow::adjustLogicalLeftOffsetForLine(LayoutUnit offsetFromFloats, bool applyTextIndent) const
   2209 {
   2210     LayoutUnit left = offsetFromFloats;
   2212     if (applyTextIndent && style()->isLeftToRightDirection())
   2213         left += textIndentOffset();
   2215     return left;
   2216 }
   2218 LayoutUnit RenderBlockFlow::adjustLogicalRightOffsetForLine(LayoutUnit offsetFromFloats, bool applyTextIndent) const
   2219 {
   2220     LayoutUnit right = offsetFromFloats;
   2222     if (applyTextIndent && !style()->isLeftToRightDirection())
   2223         right -= textIndentOffset();
   2225     return right;
   2226 }
   2228 LayoutPoint RenderBlockFlow::computeLogicalLocationForFloat(const FloatingObject* floatingObject, LayoutUnit logicalTopOffset) const
   2229 {
   2230     RenderBox* childBox = floatingObject->renderer();
   2231     LayoutUnit logicalLeftOffset = logicalLeftOffsetForContent(); // Constant part of left offset.
   2232     LayoutUnit logicalRightOffset; // Constant part of right offset.
   2233     logicalRightOffset = logicalRightOffsetForContent();
   2235     LayoutUnit floatLogicalWidth = std::min(logicalWidthForFloat(floatingObject), logicalRightOffset - logicalLeftOffset); // The width we look for.
   2237     LayoutUnit floatLogicalLeft;
   2239     bool insideFlowThread = flowThreadContainingBlock();
   2241     if (childBox->style()->floating() == LeftFloat) {
   2242         LayoutUnit heightRemainingLeft = 1;
   2243         LayoutUnit heightRemainingRight = 1;
   2244         floatLogicalLeft = logicalLeftOffsetForPositioningFloat(logicalTopOffset, logicalLeftOffset, false, &heightRemainingLeft);
   2245         while (logicalRightOffsetForPositioningFloat(logicalTopOffset, logicalRightOffset, false, &heightRemainingRight) - floatLogicalLeft < floatLogicalWidth) {
   2246             logicalTopOffset += std::min(heightRemainingLeft, heightRemainingRight);
   2247             floatLogicalLeft = logicalLeftOffsetForPositioningFloat(logicalTopOffset, logicalLeftOffset, false, &heightRemainingLeft);
   2248             if (insideFlowThread) {
   2249                 // Have to re-evaluate all of our offsets, since they may have changed.
   2250                 logicalRightOffset = logicalRightOffsetForContent(); // Constant part of right offset.
   2251                 logicalLeftOffset = logicalLeftOffsetForContent(); // Constant part of left offset.
   2252                 floatLogicalWidth = std::min(logicalWidthForFloat(floatingObject), logicalRightOffset - logicalLeftOffset);
   2253             }
   2254         }
   2255         floatLogicalLeft = std::max(logicalLeftOffset - borderAndPaddingLogicalLeft(), floatLogicalLeft);
   2256     } else {
   2257         LayoutUnit heightRemainingLeft = 1;
   2258         LayoutUnit heightRemainingRight = 1;
   2259         floatLogicalLeft = logicalRightOffsetForPositioningFloat(logicalTopOffset, logicalRightOffset, false, &heightRemainingRight);
   2260         while (floatLogicalLeft - logicalLeftOffsetForPositioningFloat(logicalTopOffset, logicalLeftOffset, false, &heightRemainingLeft) < floatLogicalWidth) {
   2261             logicalTopOffset += std::min(heightRemainingLeft, heightRemainingRight);
   2262             floatLogicalLeft = logicalRightOffsetForPositioningFloat(logicalTopOffset, logicalRightOffset, false, &heightRemainingRight);
   2263             if (insideFlowThread) {
   2264                 // Have to re-evaluate all of our offsets, since they may have changed.
   2265                 logicalRightOffset = logicalRightOffsetForContent(); // Constant part of right offset.
   2266                 logicalLeftOffset = logicalLeftOffsetForContent(); // Constant part of left offset.
   2267                 floatLogicalWidth = std::min(logicalWidthForFloat(floatingObject), logicalRightOffset - logicalLeftOffset);
   2268             }
   2269         }
   2270         // Use the original width of the float here, since the local variable
   2271         // |floatLogicalWidth| was capped to the available line width. See
   2272         // fast/block/float/clamped-right-float.html.
   2273         floatLogicalLeft -= logicalWidthForFloat(floatingObject);
   2274     }
   2276     return LayoutPoint(floatLogicalLeft, logicalTopOffset);
   2277 }
   2279 FloatingObject* RenderBlockFlow::insertFloatingObject(RenderBox* floatBox)
   2280 {
   2281     ASSERT(floatBox->isFloating());
   2283     // Create the list of special objects if we don't aleady have one
   2284     if (!m_floatingObjects) {
   2285         createFloatingObjects();
   2286     } else {
   2287         // Don't insert the object again if it's already in the list
   2288         const FloatingObjectSet& floatingObjectSet = m_floatingObjects->set();
   2289         FloatingObjectSetIterator it = floatingObjectSet.find<FloatingObjectHashTranslator>(floatBox);
   2290         if (it != floatingObjectSet.end())
   2291             return it->get();
   2292     }
   2294     // Create the special object entry & append it to the list
   2296     OwnPtr<FloatingObject> newObj = FloatingObject::create(floatBox);
   2298     // Our location is irrelevant if we're unsplittable or no pagination is in effect.
   2299     // Just go ahead and lay out the float.
   2300     bool isChildRenderBlock = floatBox->isRenderBlock();
   2301     if (isChildRenderBlock && !floatBox->needsLayout() && view()->layoutState()->pageLogicalHeightChanged())
   2302         floatBox->setChildNeedsLayout(MarkOnlyThis);
   2304     bool needsBlockDirectionLocationSetBeforeLayout = isChildRenderBlock && view()->layoutState()->needsBlockDirectionLocationSetBeforeLayout();
   2305     if (!needsBlockDirectionLocationSetBeforeLayout || isWritingModeRoot()) { // We are unsplittable if we're a block flow root.
   2306         floatBox->layoutIfNeeded();
   2307     } else {
   2308         floatBox->updateLogicalWidth();
   2309         floatBox->computeAndSetBlockDirectionMargins(this);
   2310     }
   2312     setLogicalWidthForFloat(newObj.get(), logicalWidthForChild(floatBox) + marginStartForChild(floatBox) + marginEndForChild(floatBox));
   2314     return m_floatingObjects->add(newObj.release());
   2315 }
   2317 void RenderBlockFlow::removeFloatingObject(RenderBox* floatBox)
   2318 {
   2319     if (m_floatingObjects) {
   2320         const FloatingObjectSet& floatingObjectSet = m_floatingObjects->set();
   2321         FloatingObjectSetIterator it = floatingObjectSet.find<FloatingObjectHashTranslator>(floatBox);
   2322         if (it != floatingObjectSet.end()) {
   2323             FloatingObject* floatingObject = it->get();
   2324             if (childrenInline()) {
   2325                 LayoutUnit logicalTop = logicalTopForFloat(floatingObject);
   2326                 LayoutUnit logicalBottom = logicalBottomForFloat(floatingObject);
   2328                 // Fix for https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=54995.
   2329                 if (logicalBottom < 0 || logicalBottom < logicalTop || logicalTop == LayoutUnit::max()) {
   2330                     logicalBottom = LayoutUnit::max();
   2331                 } else {
   2332                     // Special-case zero- and less-than-zero-height floats: those don't touch
   2333                     // the line that they're on, but it still needs to be dirtied. This is
   2334                     // accomplished by pretending they have a height of 1.
   2335                     logicalBottom = std::max(logicalBottom, logicalTop + 1);
   2336                 }
   2337                 if (floatingObject->originatingLine()) {
   2338                     if (!selfNeedsLayout()) {
   2339                         ASSERT(floatingObject->originatingLine()->renderer() == this);
   2340                         floatingObject->originatingLine()->markDirty();
   2341                     }
   2342 #if ENABLE(ASSERT)
   2343                     floatingObject->setOriginatingLine(0);
   2344 #endif
   2345                 }
   2346                 markLinesDirtyInBlockRange(0, logicalBottom);
   2347             }
   2348             m_floatingObjects->remove(floatingObject);
   2349         }
   2350     }
   2351 }
   2353 void RenderBlockFlow::removeFloatingObjectsBelow(FloatingObject* lastFloat, int logicalOffset)
   2354 {
   2355     if (!containsFloats())
   2356         return;
   2358     const FloatingObjectSet& floatingObjectSet = m_floatingObjects->set();
   2359     FloatingObject* curr = floatingObjectSet.last().get();
   2360     while (curr != lastFloat && (!curr->isPlaced() || logicalTopForFloat(curr) >= logicalOffset)) {
   2361         m_floatingObjects->remove(curr);
   2362         if (floatingObjectSet.isEmpty())
   2363             break;
   2364         curr = floatingObjectSet.last().get();
   2365     }
   2366 }
   2368 bool RenderBlockFlow::positionNewFloats()
   2369 {
   2370     if (!m_floatingObjects)
   2371         return false;
   2373     const FloatingObjectSet& floatingObjectSet = m_floatingObjects->set();
   2374     if (floatingObjectSet.isEmpty())
   2375         return false;
   2377     // If all floats have already been positioned, then we have no work to do.
   2378     if (floatingObjectSet.last()->isPlaced())
   2379         return false;
   2381     // Move backwards through our floating object list until we find a float that has
   2382     // already been positioned. Then we'll be able to move forward, positioning all of
   2383     // the new floats that need it.
   2384     FloatingObjectSetIterator it = floatingObjectSet.end();
   2385     --it; // Go to last item.
   2386     FloatingObjectSetIterator begin = floatingObjectSet.begin();
   2387     FloatingObject* lastPlacedFloatingObject = 0;
   2388     while (it != begin) {
   2389         --it;
   2390         if ((*it)->isPlaced()) {
   2391             lastPlacedFloatingObject = it->get();
   2392             ++it;
   2393             break;
   2394         }
   2395     }
   2397     LayoutUnit logicalTop = logicalHeight();
   2399     // The float cannot start above the top position of the last positioned float.
   2400     if (lastPlacedFloatingObject)
   2401         logicalTop = std::max(logicalTopForFloat(lastPlacedFloatingObject), logicalTop);
   2403     FloatingObjectSetIterator end = floatingObjectSet.end();
   2404     // Now walk through the set of unpositioned floats and place them.
   2405     for (; it != end; ++it) {
   2406         FloatingObject* floatingObject = it->get();
   2407         // The containing block is responsible for positioning floats, so if we have floats in our
   2408         // list that come from somewhere else, do not attempt to position them.
   2409         if (floatingObject->renderer()->containingBlock() != this)
   2410             continue;
   2412         RenderBox* childBox = floatingObject->renderer();
   2414         // FIXME Investigate if this can be removed. crbug.com/370006
   2415         childBox->setMayNeedPaintInvalidation(true);
   2417         LayoutUnit childLogicalLeftMargin = style()->isLeftToRightDirection() ? marginStartForChild(childBox) : marginEndForChild(childBox);
   2418         if (childBox->style()->clear() & CLEFT)
   2419             logicalTop = std::max(lowestFloatLogicalBottom(FloatingObject::FloatLeft), logicalTop);
   2420         if (childBox->style()->clear() & CRIGHT)
   2421             logicalTop = std::max(lowestFloatLogicalBottom(FloatingObject::FloatRight), logicalTop);
   2423         LayoutPoint floatLogicalLocation = computeLogicalLocationForFloat(floatingObject, logicalTop);
   2425         setLogicalLeftForFloat(floatingObject, floatLogicalLocation.x());
   2427         setLogicalLeftForChild(childBox, floatLogicalLocation.x() + childLogicalLeftMargin);
   2428         setLogicalTopForChild(childBox, floatLogicalLocation.y() + marginBeforeForChild(childBox));
   2430         SubtreeLayoutScope layoutScope(*childBox);
   2431         LayoutState* layoutState = view()->layoutState();
   2432         bool isPaginated = layoutState->isPaginated();
   2433         if (isPaginated && !childBox->needsLayout())
   2434             childBox->markForPaginationRelayoutIfNeeded(layoutScope);
   2436         childBox->layoutIfNeeded();
   2438         if (isPaginated) {
   2439             // If we are unsplittable and don't fit, then we need to move down.
   2440             // We include our margins as part of the unsplittable area.
   2441             LayoutUnit newLogicalTop = adjustForUnsplittableChild(childBox, floatLogicalLocation.y(), true);
   2443             // See if we have a pagination strut that is making us move down further.
   2444             // Note that an unsplittable child can't also have a pagination strut, so this is
   2445             // exclusive with the case above.
   2446             RenderBlockFlow* childBlockFlow = childBox->isRenderBlockFlow() ? toRenderBlockFlow(childBox) : 0;
   2447             if (childBlockFlow && childBlockFlow->paginationStrut()) {
   2448                 newLogicalTop += childBlockFlow->paginationStrut();
   2449                 childBlockFlow->setPaginationStrut(0);
   2450             }
   2452             if (newLogicalTop != floatLogicalLocation.y()) {
   2453                 floatingObject->setPaginationStrut(newLogicalTop - floatLogicalLocation.y());
   2455                 floatLogicalLocation = computeLogicalLocationForFloat(floatingObject, newLogicalTop);
   2456                 setLogicalLeftForFloat(floatingObject, floatLogicalLocation.x());
   2458                 setLogicalLeftForChild(childBox, floatLogicalLocation.x() + childLogicalLeftMargin);
   2459                 setLogicalTopForChild(childBox, floatLogicalLocation.y() + marginBeforeForChild(childBox));
   2461                 if (childBox->isRenderBlock())
   2462                     childBox->setChildNeedsLayout(MarkOnlyThis);
   2463                 childBox->layoutIfNeeded();
   2464             }
   2465         }
   2467         setLogicalTopForFloat(floatingObject, floatLogicalLocation.y());
   2469         setLogicalHeightForFloat(floatingObject, logicalHeightForChild(childBox) + marginBeforeForChild(childBox) + marginAfterForChild(childBox));
   2471         m_floatingObjects->addPlacedObject(floatingObject);
   2473         if (ShapeOutsideInfo* shapeOutside = childBox->shapeOutsideInfo())
   2474             shapeOutside->setReferenceBoxLogicalSize(logicalSizeForChild(childBox));
   2475     }
   2476     return true;
   2477 }
   2479 bool RenderBlockFlow::hasOverhangingFloat(RenderBox* renderer)
   2480 {
   2481     if (!m_floatingObjects || hasColumns() || !parent())
   2482         return false;
   2484     const FloatingObjectSet& floatingObjectSet = m_floatingObjects->set();
   2485     FloatingObjectSetIterator it = floatingObjectSet.find<FloatingObjectHashTranslator>(renderer);
   2486     if (it == floatingObjectSet.end())
   2487         return false;
   2489     return logicalBottomForFloat(it->get()) > logicalHeight();
   2490 }
   2492 void RenderBlockFlow::addIntrudingFloats(RenderBlockFlow* prev, LayoutUnit logicalLeftOffset, LayoutUnit logicalTopOffset)
   2493 {
   2494     ASSERT(!avoidsFloats());
   2496     // If we create our own block formatting context then our contents don't interact with floats outside it, even those from our parent.
   2497     if (createsBlockFormattingContext())
   2498         return;
   2500     // If the parent or previous sibling doesn't have any floats to add, don't bother.
   2501     if (!prev->m_floatingObjects)
   2502         return;
   2504     logicalLeftOffset += marginLogicalLeft();
   2506     const FloatingObjectSet& prevSet = prev->m_floatingObjects->set();
   2507     FloatingObjectSetIterator prevEnd = prevSet.end();
   2508     for (FloatingObjectSetIterator prevIt = prevSet.begin(); prevIt != prevEnd; ++prevIt) {
   2509         FloatingObject* floatingObject = prevIt->get();
   2510         if (logicalBottomForFloat(floatingObject) > logicalTopOffset) {
   2511             if (!m_floatingObjects || !m_floatingObjects->set().contains(floatingObject)) {
   2512                 // We create the floating object list lazily.
   2513                 if (!m_floatingObjects)
   2514                     createFloatingObjects();
   2516                 // Applying the child's margin makes no sense in the case where the child was passed in.
   2517                 // since this margin was added already through the modification of the |logicalLeftOffset| variable
   2518                 // above. |logicalLeftOffset| will equal the margin in this case, so it's already been taken
   2519                 // into account. Only apply this code if prev is the parent, since otherwise the left margin
   2520                 // will get applied twice.
   2521                 LayoutSize offset = isHorizontalWritingMode()
   2522                     ? LayoutSize(logicalLeftOffset - (prev != parent() ? prev->marginLeft() : LayoutUnit()), logicalTopOffset)
   2523                     : LayoutSize(logicalTopOffset, logicalLeftOffset - (prev != parent() ? prev->marginTop() : LayoutUnit()));
   2525                 m_floatingObjects->add(floatingObject->copyToNewContainer(offset));
   2526             }
   2527         }
   2528     }
   2529 }
   2531 void RenderBlockFlow::addOverhangingFloats(RenderBlockFlow* child, bool makeChildPaintOtherFloats)
   2532 {
   2533     // Prevent floats from being added to the canvas by the root element, e.g., <html>.
   2534     if (!child->containsFloats() || child->isRenderRegion() || child->createsBlockFormattingContext())
   2535         return;
   2537     LayoutUnit childLogicalTop = child->logicalTop();
   2538     LayoutUnit childLogicalLeft = child->logicalLeft();
   2540     // Floats that will remain the child's responsibility to paint should factor into its
   2541     // overflow.
   2542     FloatingObjectSetIterator childEnd = child->m_floatingObjects->set().end();
   2543     for (FloatingObjectSetIterator childIt = child->m_floatingObjects->set().begin(); childIt != childEnd; ++childIt) {
   2544         FloatingObject* floatingObject = childIt->get();
   2545         LayoutUnit logicalBottomForFloat = std::min(this->logicalBottomForFloat(floatingObject), LayoutUnit::max() - childLogicalTop);
   2546         LayoutUnit logicalBottom = childLogicalTop + logicalBottomForFloat;
   2548         if (logicalBottom > logicalHeight()) {
   2549             // If the object is not in the list, we add it now.
   2550             if (!containsFloat(floatingObject->renderer())) {
   2551                 LayoutSize offset = isHorizontalWritingMode() ? LayoutSize(-childLogicalLeft, -childLogicalTop) : LayoutSize(-childLogicalTop, -childLogicalLeft);
   2552                 bool shouldPaint = false;
   2554                 // The nearest enclosing layer always paints the float (so that zindex and stacking
   2555                 // behaves properly). We always want to propagate the desire to paint the float as
   2556                 // far out as we can, to the outermost block that overlaps the float, stopping only
   2557                 // if we hit a self-painting layer boundary.
   2558                 if (floatingObject->renderer()->enclosingFloatPaintingLayer() == enclosingFloatPaintingLayer()) {
   2559                     floatingObject->setShouldPaint(false);
   2560                     shouldPaint = true;
   2561                 }
   2562                 // We create the floating object list lazily.
   2563                 if (!m_floatingObjects)
   2564                     createFloatingObjects();
   2566                 m_floatingObjects->add(floatingObject->copyToNewContainer(offset, shouldPaint, true));
   2567             }
   2568         } else {
   2569             if (makeChildPaintOtherFloats && !floatingObject->shouldPaint() && !floatingObject->renderer()->hasSelfPaintingLayer()
   2570                 && floatingObject->renderer()->isDescendantOf(child) && floatingObject->renderer()->enclosingFloatPaintingLayer() == child->enclosingFloatPaintingLayer()) {
   2571                 // The float is not overhanging from this block, so if it is a descendant of the child, the child should
   2572                 // paint it (the other case is that it is intruding into the child), unless it has its own layer or enclosing
   2573                 // layer.
   2574                 // If makeChildPaintOtherFloats is false, it means that the child must already know about all the floats
   2575                 // it should paint.
   2576                 floatingObject->setShouldPaint(true);
   2577             }
   2579             // Since the float doesn't overhang, it didn't get put into our list. We need to go ahead and add its overflow in to the
   2580             // child now.
   2581             if (floatingObject->isDescendant())
   2582                 child->addOverflowFromChild(floatingObject->renderer(), LayoutSize(xPositionForFloatIncludingMargin(floatingObject), yPositionForFloatIncludingMargin(floatingObject)));
   2583         }
   2584     }
   2585 }
   2587 LayoutUnit RenderBlockFlow::lowestFloatLogicalBottom(FloatingObject::Type floatType) const
   2588 {
   2589     if (!m_floatingObjects)
   2590         return 0;
   2592     return m_floatingObjects->lowestFloatLogicalBottom(floatType);
   2593 }
   2595 LayoutUnit RenderBlockFlow::nextFloatLogicalBottomBelow(LayoutUnit logicalHeight, ShapeOutsideFloatOffsetMode offsetMode) const
   2596 {
   2597     if (!m_floatingObjects)
   2598         return logicalHeight;
   2600     LayoutUnit logicalBottom;
   2601     const FloatingObjectSet& floatingObjectSet = m_floatingObjects->set();
   2602     FloatingObjectSetIterator end = floatingObjectSet.end();
   2603     for (FloatingObjectSetIterator it = floatingObjectSet.begin(); it != end; ++it) {
   2604         FloatingObject* floatingObject = it->get();
   2605         LayoutUnit floatLogicalBottom = logicalBottomForFloat(floatingObject);
   2606         ShapeOutsideInfo* shapeOutside = floatingObject->renderer()->shapeOutsideInfo();
   2607         if (shapeOutside && (offsetMode == ShapeOutsideFloatShapeOffset)) {
   2608             LayoutUnit shapeLogicalBottom = logicalTopForFloat(floatingObject) + marginBeforeForChild(floatingObject->renderer()) + shapeOutside->shapeLogicalBottom();
   2609             // Use the shapeLogicalBottom unless it extends outside of the margin box, in which case it is clipped.
   2610             if (shapeLogicalBottom < floatLogicalBottom)
   2611                 floatLogicalBottom = shapeLogicalBottom;
   2612         }
   2613         if (floatLogicalBottom > logicalHeight)
   2614             logicalBottom = logicalBottom ? std::min(floatLogicalBottom, logicalBottom) : floatLogicalBottom;
   2615     }
   2617     return logicalBottom;
   2618 }
   2620 bool RenderBlockFlow::hitTestFloats(const HitTestRequest& request, HitTestResult& result, const HitTestLocation& locationInContainer, const LayoutPoint& accumulatedOffset)
   2621 {
   2622     if (!m_floatingObjects)
   2623         return false;
   2625     LayoutPoint adjustedLocation = accumulatedOffset;
   2626     if (isRenderView()) {
   2627         adjustedLocation += toLayoutSize(toRenderView(this)->frameView()->scrollPosition());
   2628     }
   2630     const FloatingObjectSet& floatingObjectSet = m_floatingObjects->set();
   2631     FloatingObjectSetIterator begin = floatingObjectSet.begin();
   2632     for (FloatingObjectSetIterator it = floatingObjectSet.end(); it != begin;) {
   2633         --it;
   2634         FloatingObject* floatingObject = it->get();
   2635         if (floatingObject->shouldPaint() && !floatingObject->renderer()->hasSelfPaintingLayer()) {
   2636             LayoutUnit xOffset = xPositionForFloatIncludingMargin(floatingObject) - floatingObject->renderer()->x();
   2637             LayoutUnit yOffset = yPositionForFloatIncludingMargin(floatingObject) - floatingObject->renderer()->y();
   2638             LayoutPoint childPoint = flipFloatForWritingModeForChild(floatingObject, adjustedLocation + LayoutSize(xOffset, yOffset));
   2639             if (floatingObject->renderer()->hitTest(request, result, locationInContainer, childPoint)) {
   2640                 updateHitTestResult(result, locationInContainer.point() - toLayoutSize(childPoint));
   2641                 return true;
   2642             }
   2643         }
   2644     }
   2646     return false;
   2647 }
   2649 void RenderBlockFlow::adjustForBorderFit(LayoutUnit x, LayoutUnit& left, LayoutUnit& right) const
   2650 {
   2651     if (style()->visibility() != VISIBLE)
   2652         return;
   2654     // We don't deal with relative positioning. Our assumption is that you shrink to fit the lines without accounting
   2655     // for either overflow or translations via relative positioning.
   2656     if (childrenInline()) {
   2657         for (RootInlineBox* box = firstRootBox(); box; box = box->nextRootBox()) {
   2658             if (box->firstChild())
   2659                 left = std::min(left, x + static_cast<LayoutUnit>(box->firstChild()->x()));
   2660             if (box->lastChild())
   2661                 right = std::max(right, x + static_cast<LayoutUnit>(ceilf(box->lastChild()->logicalRight())));
   2662         }
   2663     } else {
   2664         for (RenderBox* obj = firstChildBox(); obj; obj = obj->nextSiblingBox()) {
   2665             if (!obj->isFloatingOrOutOfFlowPositioned()) {
   2666                 if (obj->isRenderBlockFlow() && !obj->hasOverflowClip()) {
   2667                     toRenderBlockFlow(obj)->adjustForBorderFit(x + obj->x(), left, right);
   2668                 } else if (obj->style()->visibility() == VISIBLE) {
   2669                     // We are a replaced element or some kind of non-block-flow object.
   2670                     left = std::min(left, x + obj->x());
   2671                     right = std::max(right, x + obj->x() + obj->width());
   2672                 }
   2673             }
   2674         }
   2675     }
   2677     if (m_floatingObjects) {
   2678         const FloatingObjectSet& floatingObjectSet = m_floatingObjects->set();
   2679         FloatingObjectSetIterator end = floatingObjectSet.end();
   2680         for (FloatingObjectSetIterator it = floatingObjectSet.begin(); it != end; ++it) {
   2681             FloatingObject* floatingObject = it->get();
   2682             // Only examine the object if our m_shouldPaint flag is set.
   2683             if (floatingObject->shouldPaint()) {
   2684                 LayoutUnit floatLeft = xPositionForFloatIncludingMargin(floatingObject) - floatingObject->renderer()->x();
   2685                 LayoutUnit floatRight = floatLeft + floatingObject->renderer()->width();
   2686                 left = std::min(left, floatLeft);
   2687                 right = std::max(right, floatRight);
   2688             }
   2689         }
   2690     }
   2691 }
   2693 void RenderBlockFlow::fitBorderToLinesIfNeeded()
   2694 {
   2695     if (style()->borderFit() == BorderFitBorder || hasOverrideWidth())
   2696         return;
   2698     // Walk any normal flow lines to snugly fit.
   2699     LayoutUnit left = LayoutUnit::max();
   2700     LayoutUnit right = LayoutUnit::min();
   2701     LayoutUnit oldWidth = contentWidth();
   2702     adjustForBorderFit(0, left, right);
   2704     // Clamp to our existing edges. We can never grow. We only shrink.
   2705     LayoutUnit leftEdge = borderLeft() + paddingLeft();
   2706     LayoutUnit rightEdge = leftEdge + oldWidth;
   2707     left = std::min(rightEdge, std::max(leftEdge, left));
   2708     right = std::max(left, std::min(rightEdge, right));
   2710     LayoutUnit newContentWidth = right - left;
   2711     if (newContentWidth == oldWidth)
   2712         return;
   2714     setOverrideLogicalContentWidth(newContentWidth);
   2715     layoutBlock(false);
   2716     clearOverrideLogicalContentWidth();
   2717 }
   2719 LayoutUnit RenderBlockFlow::logicalLeftFloatOffsetForLine(LayoutUnit logicalTop, LayoutUnit fixedOffset, LayoutUnit logicalHeight) const
   2720 {
   2721     if (m_floatingObjects && m_floatingObjects->hasLeftObjects())
   2722         return m_floatingObjects->logicalLeftOffset(fixedOffset, logicalTop, logicalHeight);
   2724     return fixedOffset;
   2725 }
   2727 LayoutUnit RenderBlockFlow::logicalRightFloatOffsetForLine(LayoutUnit logicalTop, LayoutUnit fixedOffset, LayoutUnit logicalHeight) const
   2728 {
   2729     if (m_floatingObjects && m_floatingObjects->hasRightObjects())
   2730         return m_floatingObjects->logicalRightOffset(fixedOffset, logicalTop, logicalHeight);
   2732     return fixedOffset;
   2733 }
   2735 GapRects RenderBlockFlow::inlineSelectionGaps(const RenderBlock* rootBlock, const LayoutPoint& rootBlockPhysicalPosition, const LayoutSize& offsetFromRootBlock,
   2736     LayoutUnit& lastLogicalTop, LayoutUnit& lastLogicalLeft, LayoutUnit& lastLogicalRight, const PaintInfo* paintInfo) const
   2737 {
   2738     GapRects result;
   2740     bool containsStart = selectionState() == SelectionStart || selectionState() == SelectionBoth;
   2742     if (!firstLineBox()) {
   2743         if (containsStart) {
   2744             // Go ahead and update our lastLogicalTop to be the bottom of the block.  <hr>s or empty blocks with height can trip this
   2745             // case.
   2746             lastLogicalTop = rootBlock->blockDirectionOffset(offsetFromRootBlock) + logicalHeight();
   2747             lastLogicalLeft = logicalLeftSelectionOffset(rootBlock, logicalHeight());
   2748             lastLogicalRight = logicalRightSelectionOffset(rootBlock, logicalHeight());
   2749         }
   2750         return result;
   2751     }
   2753     RootInlineBox* lastSelectedLine = 0;
   2754     RootInlineBox* curr;
   2755     for (curr = firstRootBox(); curr && !curr->hasSelectedChildren(); curr = curr->nextRootBox()) { }
   2757     // Now paint the gaps for the lines.
   2758     for (; curr && curr->hasSelectedChildren(); curr = curr->nextRootBox()) {
   2759         LayoutUnit selTop =  curr->selectionTopAdjustedForPrecedingBlock();
   2760         LayoutUnit selHeight = curr->selectionHeightAdjustedForPrecedingBlock();
   2762         if (!containsStart && !lastSelectedLine && selectionState() != SelectionStart && selectionState() != SelectionBoth) {
   2763             result.uniteCenter(blockSelectionGap(rootBlock, rootBlockPhysicalPosition, offsetFromRootBlock, lastLogicalTop,
   2764                 lastLogicalLeft, lastLogicalRight, selTop, paintInfo));
   2765         }
   2767         LayoutRect logicalRect(curr->logicalLeft(), selTop, curr->logicalWidth(), selTop + selHeight);
   2768         logicalRect.move(isHorizontalWritingMode() ? offsetFromRootBlock : offsetFromRootBlock.transposedSize());
   2769         LayoutRect physicalRect = rootBlock->logicalRectToPhysicalRect(rootBlockPhysicalPosition, logicalRect);
   2770         if (!paintInfo || (isHorizontalWritingMode() && physicalRect.y() < paintInfo->rect.maxY() && physicalRect.maxY() > paintInfo->rect.y())
   2771             || (!isHorizontalWritingMode() && physicalRect.x() < paintInfo->rect.maxX() && physicalRect.maxX() > paintInfo->rect.x()))
   2772             result.unite(curr->lineSelectionGap(rootBlock, rootBlockPhysicalPosition, offsetFromRootBlock, selTop, selHeight, paintInfo));
   2774         lastSelectedLine = curr;
   2775     }
   2777     if (containsStart && !lastSelectedLine) {
   2778         // VisibleSelection must start just after our last line.
   2779         lastSelectedLine = lastRootBox();
   2780     }
   2782     if (lastSelectedLine && selectionState() != SelectionEnd && selectionState() != SelectionBoth) {
   2783         // Go ahead and update our lastY to be the bottom of the last selected line.
   2784         lastLogicalTop = rootBlock->blockDirectionOffset(offsetFromRootBlock) + lastSelectedLine->selectionBottom();
   2785         lastLogicalLeft = logicalLeftSelectionOffset(rootBlock, lastSelectedLine->selectionBottom());
   2786         lastLogicalRight = logicalRightSelectionOffset(rootBlock, lastSelectedLine->selectionBottom());
   2787     }
   2788     return result;
   2789 }
   2791 void RenderBlockFlow::setPaginationStrut(LayoutUnit strut)
   2792 {
   2793     if (!m_rareData) {
   2794         if (!strut)
   2795             return;
   2796         m_rareData = adoptPtrWillBeNoop(new RenderBlockFlowRareData(this));
   2797     }
   2798     m_rareData->m_paginationStrut = strut;
   2799 }
   2801 bool RenderBlockFlow::avoidsFloats() const
   2802 {
   2803     // Floats can't intrude into our box if we have a non-auto column count or width.
   2804     // Note: we need to use RenderBox::avoidsFloats here since RenderBlock::avoidsFloats is always true.
   2805     return RenderBox::avoidsFloats() || !style()->hasAutoColumnCount() || !style()->hasAutoColumnWidth();
   2806 }
   2808 LayoutUnit RenderBlockFlow::logicalLeftSelectionOffset(const RenderBlock* rootBlock, LayoutUnit position) const
   2809 {
   2810     LayoutUnit logicalLeft = logicalLeftOffsetForLine(position, false);
   2811     if (logicalLeft == logicalLeftOffsetForContent())
   2812         return RenderBlock::logicalLeftSelectionOffset(rootBlock, position);
   2814     const RenderBlock* cb = this;
   2815     while (cb != rootBlock) {
   2816         logicalLeft += cb->logicalLeft();
   2817         cb = cb->containingBlock();
   2818     }
   2819     return logicalLeft;
   2820 }
   2822 LayoutUnit RenderBlockFlow::logicalRightSelectionOffset(const RenderBlock* rootBlock, LayoutUnit position) const
   2823 {
   2824     LayoutUnit logicalRight = logicalRightOffsetForLine(position, false);
   2825     if (logicalRight == logicalRightOffsetForContent())
   2826         return RenderBlock::logicalRightSelectionOffset(rootBlock, position);
   2828     const RenderBlock* cb = this;
   2829     while (cb != rootBlock) {
   2830         logicalRight += cb->logicalLeft();
   2831         cb = cb->containingBlock();
   2832     }
   2833     return logicalRight;
   2834 }
   2836 RootInlineBox* RenderBlockFlow::createRootInlineBox()
   2837 {
   2838     return new RootInlineBox(*this);
   2839 }
   2841 bool RenderBlockFlow::isPagedOverflow(const RenderStyle* style)
   2842 {
   2843     return style->isOverflowPaged() && node() != document().viewportDefiningElement();
   2844 }
   2846 RenderBlockFlow::FlowThreadType RenderBlockFlow::flowThreadType(const RenderStyle* style)
   2847 {
   2848     if (isPagedOverflow(style))
   2849         return PagedFlowThread;
   2850     if (style->specifiesColumns())
   2851         return MultiColumnFlowThread;
   2852     return NoFlowThread;
   2853 }
   2855 RenderMultiColumnFlowThread* RenderBlockFlow::createMultiColumnFlowThread(FlowThreadType type)
   2856 {
   2857     switch (type) {
   2858     case MultiColumnFlowThread:
   2859         return RenderMultiColumnFlowThread::createAnonymous(document(), style());
   2860     case PagedFlowThread:
   2861         // Paged overflow is currently done using the multicol implementation.
   2862         return RenderPagedFlowThread::createAnonymous(document(), style());
   2863     default:
   2864         ASSERT_NOT_REACHED();
   2865         return nullptr;
   2866     }
   2867 }
   2869 void RenderBlockFlow::createOrDestroyMultiColumnFlowThreadIfNeeded(const RenderStyle* oldStyle)
   2870 {
   2871     if (!document().regionBasedColumnsEnabled())
   2872         return;
   2874     // Paged overflow trumps multicol in this implementation. Ideally, it should be possible to have
   2875     // both paged overflow and multicol on the same element, but then we need two flow
   2876     // threads. Anyway, this is nothing to worry about until we can actually nest multicol properly
   2877     // inside other fragmentation contexts.
   2878     FlowThreadType type = flowThreadType(style());
   2880     if (multiColumnFlowThread()) {
   2881         ASSERT(oldStyle);
   2882         if (type != flowThreadType(oldStyle)) {
   2883             // If we're no longer to be multicol/paged, destroy the flow thread. Also destroy it
   2884             // when switching between multicol and paged, since that affects the column set
   2885             // structure (multicol containers may have spanners, paged containers may not).
   2886             multiColumnFlowThread()->evacuateAndDestroy();
   2887             ASSERT(!multiColumnFlowThread());
   2888         }
   2889     }
   2891     if (type == NoFlowThread || multiColumnFlowThread())
   2892         return;
   2894     RenderMultiColumnFlowThread* flowThread = createMultiColumnFlowThread(type);
   2895     addChild(flowThread);
   2896     flowThread->populate();
   2897     RenderBlockFlowRareData& rareData = ensureRareData();
   2898     ASSERT(!rareData.m_multiColumnFlowThread);
   2899     rareData.m_multiColumnFlowThread = flowThread;
   2900 }
   2902 RenderBlockFlow::RenderBlockFlowRareData& RenderBlockFlow::ensureRareData()
   2903 {
   2904     if (m_rareData)
   2905         return *m_rareData;
   2907     m_rareData = adoptPtrWillBeNoop(new RenderBlockFlowRareData(this));
   2908     return *m_rareData;
   2909 }
   2911 void RenderBlockFlow::positionDialog()
   2912 {
   2913     HTMLDialogElement* dialog = toHTMLDialogElement(node());
   2914     if (dialog->centeringMode() == HTMLDialogElement::NotCentered)
   2915         return;
   2917     bool canCenterDialog = (style()->position() == AbsolutePosition || style()->position() == FixedPosition)
   2918         && style()->hasAutoTopAndBottom();
   2920     if (dialog->centeringMode() == HTMLDialogElement::Centered) {
   2921         if (canCenterDialog)
   2922             setY(dialog->centeredPosition());
   2923         return;
   2924     }
   2926     ASSERT(dialog->centeringMode() == HTMLDialogElement::NeedsCentering);
   2927     if (!canCenterDialog) {
   2928         dialog->setNotCentered();
   2929         return;
   2930     }
   2932     FrameView* frameView = document().view();
   2933     LayoutUnit top = (style()->position() == FixedPosition) ? 0 : frameView->scrollOffset().height();
   2934     int visibleHeight = frameView->visibleContentRect(IncludeScrollbars).height();
   2935     if (height() < visibleHeight)
   2936         top += (visibleHeight - height()) / 2;
   2937     setY(top);
   2938     dialog->setCentered(top);
   2939 }
   2941 } // namespace blink