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      1 /*
      2  *  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
      3  *  contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
      4  *  this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
      5  *  The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
      6  *  (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
      7  *  the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
      8  *
      9  *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
     10  *
     11  *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     12  *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     13  *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     14  *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     15  *  limitations under the License.
     16  */
     18 package java.net;
     20 import android.system.ErrnoException;
     21 import android.system.GaiException;
     22 import android.system.StructAddrinfo;
     23 import dalvik.system.BlockGuard;
     24 import java.io.FileDescriptor;
     25 import java.io.IOException;
     26 import java.io.ObjectInputStream;
     27 import java.io.ObjectOutputStream;
     28 import java.io.ObjectStreamException;
     29 import java.io.ObjectStreamField;
     30 import java.io.Serializable;
     31 import java.nio.ByteOrder;
     32 import java.util.Arrays;
     33 import java.util.Collections;
     34 import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
     35 import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch;
     36 import java.util.List;
     37 import libcore.io.IoBridge;
     38 import libcore.io.Libcore;
     39 import libcore.io.Memory;
     40 import static android.system.OsConstants.*;
     42 /**
     43  * An Internet Protocol (IP) address. This can be either an IPv4 address or an IPv6 address, and
     44  * in practice you'll have an instance of either {@code Inet4Address} or {@code Inet6Address} (this
     45  * class cannot be instantiated directly). Most code does not need to distinguish between the two
     46  * families, and should use {@code InetAddress}.
     47  *
     48  * <p>An {@code InetAddress} may have a hostname (accessible via {@code getHostName}), but may not,
     49  * depending on how the {@code InetAddress} was created.
     50  *
     51  * <h4>IPv4 numeric address formats</h4>
     52  * <p>The {@code getAllByName} method accepts IPv4 addresses in the "decimal-dotted-quad" form only:
     53  * <ul>
     54  * <li>{@code ""} -
     55  * </ul>
     56  *
     57  * <h4>IPv6 numeric address formats</h4>
     58  * <p>The {@code getAllByName} method accepts IPv6 addresses in the following forms (this text
     59  * comes from <a href="http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2373.txt">RFC 2373</a>, which you should consult
     60  * for full details of IPv6 addressing):
     61  * <ul>
     62  * <li><p>The preferred form is {@code x:x:x:x:x:x:x:x}, where the 'x's are the
     63  * hexadecimal values of the eight 16-bit pieces of the address.
     64  * Note that it is not necessary to write the leading zeros in an
     65  * individual field, but there must be at least one numeral in every
     66  * field (except for the case described in the next bullet).
     67  * Examples:
     68  * <pre>
     69  *     FEDC:BA98:7654:3210:FEDC:BA98:7654:3210
     70  *     1080:0:0:0:8:800:200C:417A</pre>
     71  * </li>
     72  * <li>Due to some methods of allocating certain styles of IPv6
     73  * addresses, it will be common for addresses to contain long strings
     74  * of zero bits.  In order to make writing addresses containing zero
     75  * bits easier a special syntax is available to compress the zeros.
     76  * The use of "::" indicates multiple groups of 16-bits of zeros.
     77  * The "::" can only appear once in an address.  The "::" can also be
     78  * used to compress the leading and/or trailing zeros in an address.
     79  *
     80  * For example the following addresses:
     81  * <pre>
     82  *     1080:0:0:0:8:800:200C:417A  a unicast address
     83  *     FF01:0:0:0:0:0:0:101        a multicast address
     84  *     0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1             the loopback address
     85  *     0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0             the unspecified addresses</pre>
     86  * may be represented as:
     87  * <pre>
     88  *     1080::8:800:200C:417A       a unicast address
     89  *     FF01::101                   a multicast address
     90  *     ::1                         the loopback address
     91  *     ::                          the unspecified addresses</pre>
     92  * </li>
     93  * <li><p>An alternative form that is sometimes more convenient when dealing
     94  * with a mixed environment of IPv4 and IPv6 nodes is
     95  * {@code x:x:x:x:x:x:d.d.d.d}, where the 'x's are the hexadecimal values of
     96  * the six high-order 16-bit pieces of the address, and the 'd's are
     97  * the decimal values of the four low-order 8-bit pieces of the
     98  * address (standard IPv4 representation).  Examples:
     99  * <pre>
    100  *     0:0:0:0:0:0:
    101  *     0:0:0:0:0:FFFF:</pre>
    102  * or in compressed form:
    103  * <pre>
    104  *     ::
    105  *     ::FFFF:</pre>
    106  * </li>
    107  * </ul>
    108  * <p>Scopes are given using a trailing {@code %} followed by the scope id, as in
    109  * {@code 1080::8:800:200C:417A%2} or {@code 1080::8:800:200C:417A%en0}.
    110  * See <a href="https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc4007.txt">RFC 4007</a> for more on IPv6's scoped
    111  * address architecture.
    112  *
    113  * <p>Additionally, for backwards compatibility, IPv6 addresses may be surrounded by square
    114  * brackets.
    115  *
    116  * <h4>DNS caching</h4>
    117  * <p>In Android 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich) and earlier, DNS caching was performed both by
    118  * InetAddress and by the C library, which meant that DNS TTLs could not be honored correctly.
    119  * In later releases, caching is done solely by the C library and DNS TTLs are honored.
    120  *
    121  * @see Inet4Address
    122  * @see Inet6Address
    123  */
    124 public class InetAddress implements Serializable {
    125     /** Our Java-side DNS cache. */
    126     private static final AddressCache addressCache = new AddressCache();
    128     private static final long serialVersionUID = 3286316764910316507L;
    130     /** Using NetID of NETID_UNSET indicates resolution should be done on default network. */
    131     private static final int NETID_UNSET = 0;
    133     private int family;
    135     byte[] ipaddress;
    137     String hostName;
    139     /**
    140      * Used by the DatagramSocket.disconnect implementation.
    141      * @hide internal use only
    142      */
    143     public static final InetAddress UNSPECIFIED = new InetAddress(AF_UNSPEC, null, null);
    145     /**
    146      * Constructs an {@code InetAddress}.
    147      *
    148      * Note: this constructor is for subclasses only.
    149      */
    150     InetAddress(int family, byte[] ipaddress, String hostName) {
    151         this.family = family;
    152         this.ipaddress = ipaddress;
    153         this.hostName = hostName;
    154     }
    156     /**
    157      * Compares this {@code InetAddress} instance against the specified address
    158      * in {@code obj}. Two addresses are equal if their address byte arrays have
    159      * the same length and if the bytes in the arrays are equal.
    160      *
    161      * @param obj
    162      *            the object to be tested for equality.
    163      * @return {@code true} if both objects are equal, {@code false} otherwise.
    164      */
    165     @Override
    166     public boolean equals(Object obj) {
    167         if (!(obj instanceof InetAddress)) {
    168             return false;
    169         }
    170         return Arrays.equals(this.ipaddress, ((InetAddress) obj).ipaddress);
    171     }
    173     /**
    174      * Returns the IP address represented by this {@code InetAddress} instance
    175      * as a byte array. The elements are in network order (the highest order
    176      * address byte is in the zeroth element).
    177      *
    178      * @return the address in form of a byte array.
    179      */
    180     public byte[] getAddress() {
    181         return ipaddress.clone();
    182     }
    184     /**
    185      * Converts an array of byte arrays representing raw IP addresses of a host
    186      * to an array of InetAddress objects.
    187      *
    188      * @param rawAddresses the raw addresses to convert.
    189      * @param hostName the hostname corresponding to the IP address.
    190      * @return the corresponding InetAddresses, appropriately sorted.
    191      */
    192     private static InetAddress[] bytesToInetAddresses(byte[][] rawAddresses, String hostName)
    193             throws UnknownHostException {
    194         // Convert the byte arrays to InetAddresses.
    195         InetAddress[] returnedAddresses = new InetAddress[rawAddresses.length];
    196         for (int i = 0; i < rawAddresses.length; i++) {
    197             returnedAddresses[i] = makeInetAddress(rawAddresses[i], hostName);
    198         }
    199         return returnedAddresses;
    200     }
    202     /**
    203      * Gets all IP addresses associated with the given {@code host} identified
    204      * by name or literal IP address. The IP address is resolved by the
    205      * configured name service. If the host name is empty or {@code null} an
    206      * {@code UnknownHostException} is thrown. If the host name is a literal IP
    207      * address string an array with the corresponding single {@code InetAddress}
    208      * is returned.
    209      *
    210      * @param host the hostname or literal IP string to be resolved.
    211      * @return the array of addresses associated with the specified host.
    212      * @throws UnknownHostException if the address lookup fails.
    213      */
    214     public static InetAddress[] getAllByName(String host) throws UnknownHostException {
    215         return getAllByNameImpl(host, NETID_UNSET).clone();
    216     }
    218     /**
    219      * Operates identically to {@code getAllByName} except host resolution is
    220      * performed on the network designated by {@code netId}.
    221      *
    222      * @param host the hostname or literal IP string to be resolved.
    223      * @param netId the network to use for host resolution.
    224      * @return the array of addresses associated with the specified host.
    225      * @throws UnknownHostException if the address lookup fails.
    226      * @hide internal use only
    227      */
    228     public static InetAddress[] getAllByNameOnNet(String host, int netId) throws UnknownHostException {
    229         return getAllByNameImpl(host, netId).clone();
    230     }
    232     /**
    233      * Returns the InetAddresses for {@code host} on network {@code netId}. The
    234      * returned array is shared and must be cloned before it is returned to
    235      * application code.
    236      */
    237     private static InetAddress[] getAllByNameImpl(String host, int netId) throws UnknownHostException {
    238         if (host == null || host.isEmpty()) {
    239             return loopbackAddresses();
    240         }
    242         // Is it a numeric address?
    243         InetAddress result = parseNumericAddressNoThrow(host);
    244         if (result != null) {
    245             result = disallowDeprecatedFormats(host, result);
    246             if (result == null) {
    247                 throw new UnknownHostException("Deprecated IPv4 address format: " + host);
    248             }
    249             return new InetAddress[] { result };
    250         }
    252         return lookupHostByName(host, netId).clone();
    253     }
    255     private static InetAddress makeInetAddress(byte[] bytes, String hostName) throws UnknownHostException {
    256         if (bytes.length == 4) {
    257             return new Inet4Address(bytes, hostName);
    258         } else if (bytes.length == 16) {
    259             return new Inet6Address(bytes, hostName, 0);
    260         } else {
    261             throw badAddressLength(bytes);
    262         }
    263     }
    265     private static InetAddress disallowDeprecatedFormats(String address, InetAddress inetAddress) {
    266         // Only IPv4 addresses are problematic.
    267         if (!(inetAddress instanceof Inet4Address) || address.indexOf(':') != -1) {
    268             return inetAddress;
    269         }
    270         // If inet_pton(3) can't parse it, it must have been a deprecated format.
    271         // We need to return inet_pton(3)'s result to ensure that numbers assumed to be octal
    272         // by getaddrinfo(3) are reinterpreted by inet_pton(3) as decimal.
    273         return Libcore.os.inet_pton(AF_INET, address);
    274     }
    276     private static InetAddress parseNumericAddressNoThrow(String address) {
    277         // Accept IPv6 addresses (only) in square brackets for compatibility.
    278         if (address.startsWith("[") && address.endsWith("]") && address.indexOf(':') != -1) {
    279             address = address.substring(1, address.length() - 1);
    280         }
    281         StructAddrinfo hints = new StructAddrinfo();
    282         hints.ai_flags = AI_NUMERICHOST;
    283         InetAddress[] addresses = null;
    284         try {
    285             addresses = Libcore.os.android_getaddrinfo(address, hints, NETID_UNSET);
    286         } catch (GaiException ignored) {
    287         }
    288         return (addresses != null) ? addresses[0] : null;
    289     }
    291     /**
    292      * Returns the address of a host according to the given host string name
    293      * {@code host}. The host string may be either a machine name or a dotted
    294      * string IP address. If the latter, the {@code hostName} field is
    295      * determined upon demand. {@code host} can be {@code null} which means that
    296      * an address of the loopback interface is returned.
    297      *
    298      * @param host
    299      *            the hostName to be resolved to an address or {@code null}.
    300      * @return the {@code InetAddress} instance representing the host.
    301      * @throws UnknownHostException
    302      *             if the address lookup fails.
    303      */
    304     public static InetAddress getByName(String host) throws UnknownHostException {
    305         return getAllByNameImpl(host, NETID_UNSET)[0];
    306     }
    308     /**
    309      * Operates identically to {@code getByName} except host resolution is
    310      * performed on the network designated by {@code netId}.
    311      *
    312      * @param host
    313      *            the hostName to be resolved to an address or {@code null}.
    314      * @param netId the network to use for host resolution.
    315      * @return the {@code InetAddress} instance representing the host.
    316      * @throws UnknownHostException if the address lookup fails.
    317      * @hide internal use only
    318      */
    319     public static InetAddress getByNameOnNet(String host, int netId) throws UnknownHostException {
    320         return getAllByNameImpl(host, netId)[0];
    321     }
    323     /**
    324      * Returns the numeric representation of this IP address (such as "").
    325      */
    326     public String getHostAddress() {
    327         return Libcore.os.getnameinfo(this, NI_NUMERICHOST); // Can't throw.
    328     }
    330     /**
    331      * Returns the host name corresponding to this IP address. This may or may not be a
    332      * fully-qualified name. If the IP address could not be resolved, the numeric representation
    333      * is returned instead (see {@link #getHostAddress}).
    334      */
    335     public String getHostName() {
    336         if (hostName == null) {
    337             try {
    338                 hostName = getHostByAddrImpl(this).hostName;
    339             } catch (UnknownHostException ex) {
    340                 hostName = getHostAddress();
    341             }
    342         }
    343         return hostName;
    344     }
    346     /**
    347      * Returns the fully qualified hostname corresponding to this IP address.
    348      */
    349     public String getCanonicalHostName() {
    350         try {
    351             return getHostByAddrImpl(this).hostName;
    352         } catch (UnknownHostException ex) {
    353             return getHostAddress();
    354         }
    355     }
    357     /**
    358      * Returns an {@code InetAddress} for the local host if possible, or the
    359      * loopback address otherwise. This method works by getting the hostname,
    360      * performing a DNS lookup, and then taking the first returned address.
    361      * For devices with multiple network interfaces and/or multiple addresses
    362      * per interface, this does not necessarily return the {@code InetAddress}
    363      * you want.
    364      *
    365      * <p>Multiple interface/address configurations were relatively rare
    366      * when this API was designed, but multiple interfaces are the default for
    367      * modern mobile devices (with separate wifi and radio interfaces), and
    368      * the need to support both IPv4 and IPv6 has made multiple addresses
    369      * commonplace. New code should thus avoid this method except where it's
    370      * basically being used to get a loopback address or equivalent.
    371      *
    372      * <p>There are two main ways to get a more specific answer:
    373      * <ul>
    374      * <li>If you have a connected socket, you should probably use
    375      * {@link Socket#getLocalAddress} instead: that will give you the address
    376      * that's actually in use for that connection. (It's not possible to ask
    377      * the question "what local address would a connection to a given remote
    378      * address use?"; you have to actually make the connection and see.)</li>
    379      * <li>For other use cases, see {@link NetworkInterface}, which lets you
    380      * enumerate all available network interfaces and their addresses.</li>
    381      * </ul>
    382      *
    383      * <p>Note that if the host doesn't have a hostname set&nbsp;&ndash; as
    384      * Android devices typically don't&nbsp;&ndash; this method will
    385      * effectively return the loopback address, albeit by getting the name
    386      * {@code localhost} and then doing a lookup to translate that to
    387      * {@code}.
    388      *
    389      * @return an {@code InetAddress} representing the local host, or the
    390      * loopback address.
    391      * @throws UnknownHostException
    392      *             if the address lookup fails.
    393      */
    394     public static InetAddress getLocalHost() throws UnknownHostException {
    395         String host = Libcore.os.uname().nodename;
    396         return lookupHostByName(host, NETID_UNSET)[0];
    397     }
    399     /**
    400      * Gets the hashcode of the represented IP address.
    401      *
    402      * @return the appropriate hashcode value.
    403      */
    404     @Override
    405     public int hashCode() {
    406         return Arrays.hashCode(ipaddress);
    407     }
    409     /**
    410      * Resolves a hostname to its IP addresses using a cache.
    411      *
    412      * @param host the hostname to resolve.
    413      * @param netId the network to perform resolution upon.
    414      * @return the IP addresses of the host.
    415      */
    416     private static InetAddress[] lookupHostByName(String host, int netId)
    417             throws UnknownHostException {
    418         BlockGuard.getThreadPolicy().onNetwork();
    419         // Do we have a result cached?
    420         Object cachedResult = addressCache.get(host, netId);
    421         if (cachedResult != null) {
    422             if (cachedResult instanceof InetAddress[]) {
    423                 // A cached positive result.
    424                 return (InetAddress[]) cachedResult;
    425             } else {
    426                 // A cached negative result.
    427                 throw new UnknownHostException((String) cachedResult);
    428             }
    429         }
    430         try {
    431             StructAddrinfo hints = new StructAddrinfo();
    432             hints.ai_flags = AI_ADDRCONFIG;
    433             hints.ai_family = AF_UNSPEC;
    434             // If we don't specify a socket type, every address will appear twice, once
    435             // for SOCK_STREAM and one for SOCK_DGRAM. Since we do not return the family
    436             // anyway, just pick one.
    437             hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM;
    438             InetAddress[] addresses = Libcore.os.android_getaddrinfo(host, hints, netId);
    439             // TODO: should getaddrinfo set the hostname of the InetAddresses it returns?
    440             for (InetAddress address : addresses) {
    441                 address.hostName = host;
    442             }
    443             addressCache.put(host, netId, addresses);
    444             return addresses;
    445         } catch (GaiException gaiException) {
    446             // If the failure appears to have been a lack of INTERNET permission, throw a clear
    447             // SecurityException to aid in debugging this common mistake.
    448             // http://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=15722
    449             if (gaiException.getCause() instanceof ErrnoException) {
    450                 if (((ErrnoException) gaiException.getCause()).errno == EACCES) {
    451                     throw new SecurityException("Permission denied (missing INTERNET permission?)", gaiException);
    452                 }
    453             }
    454             // Otherwise, throw an UnknownHostException.
    455             String detailMessage = "Unable to resolve host \"" + host + "\": " + Libcore.os.gai_strerror(gaiException.error);
    456             addressCache.putUnknownHost(host, netId, detailMessage);
    457             throw gaiException.rethrowAsUnknownHostException(detailMessage);
    458         }
    459     }
    461     /**
    462      * Removes all entries from the VM's DNS cache. This does not affect the C library's DNS
    463      * cache, nor any caching DNS servers between you and the canonical server.
    464      * @hide
    465      */
    466     public static void clearDnsCache() {
    467         addressCache.clear();
    468     }
    470     private static InetAddress getHostByAddrImpl(InetAddress address) throws UnknownHostException {
    471         BlockGuard.getThreadPolicy().onNetwork();
    472         try {
    473             String hostname = Libcore.os.getnameinfo(address, NI_NAMEREQD);
    474             return makeInetAddress(address.ipaddress.clone(), hostname);
    475         } catch (GaiException gaiException) {
    476             throw gaiException.rethrowAsUnknownHostException();
    477         }
    478     }
    480     /**
    481      * Returns a string containing the host name (if available) and host address.
    482      * For example: {@code "www.google.com/"} or {@code "/"}.
    483      *
    484      * <p>IPv6 addresses may additionally include an interface name or scope id.
    485      * For example: {@code "www.google.com/2001:4860:4001:803::1013%eth0"} or
    486      * {@code "/2001:4860:4001:803::1013%2"}.
    487      */
    488     @Override public String toString() {
    489         return (hostName == null ? "" : hostName) + "/" + getHostAddress();
    490     }
    492     /**
    493      * Returns true if the string is a valid numeric IPv4 or IPv6 address (such as "").
    494      * This copes with all forms of address that Java supports, detailed in the {@link InetAddress}
    495      * class documentation.
    496      *
    497      * @hide used by frameworks/base to ensure that a getAllByName won't cause a DNS lookup.
    498      */
    499     public static boolean isNumeric(String address) {
    500         InetAddress inetAddress = parseNumericAddressNoThrow(address);
    501         return inetAddress != null && disallowDeprecatedFormats(address, inetAddress) != null;
    502     }
    504     /**
    505      * Returns an InetAddress corresponding to the given numeric address (such
    506      * as {@code ""} or {@code "2001:4860:800d::68"}).
    507      * This method will never do a DNS lookup. Non-numeric addresses are errors.
    508      *
    509      * @hide used by frameworks/base's NetworkUtils.numericToInetAddress
    510      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code numericAddress} is not a numeric address
    511      */
    512     public static InetAddress parseNumericAddress(String numericAddress) {
    513         if (numericAddress == null || numericAddress.isEmpty()) {
    514             return Inet6Address.LOOPBACK;
    515         }
    516         InetAddress result = parseNumericAddressNoThrow(numericAddress);
    517         result = disallowDeprecatedFormats(numericAddress, result);
    518         if (result == null) {
    519             throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not a numeric address: " + numericAddress);
    520         }
    521         return result;
    522     }
    524     private static InetAddress[] loopbackAddresses() {
    525         return new InetAddress[] { Inet6Address.LOOPBACK, Inet4Address.LOOPBACK };
    526     }
    528     /**
    529      * Returns the IPv6 loopback address {@code ::1} or the IPv4 loopback address {@code}.
    530      * @since 1.7
    531      */
    532     public static InetAddress getLoopbackAddress() {
    533         return Inet6Address.LOOPBACK;
    534     }
    536     /**
    537      * Returns whether this is the IPv6 unspecified wildcard address {@code ::}
    538      * or the IPv4 "any" address, {@code}.
    539      */
    540     public boolean isAnyLocalAddress() {
    541         return false;
    542     }
    544     /**
    545      * Returns whether this address is a link-local address or not.
    546      *
    547      * <p>Valid IPv6 link-local addresses have the prefix {@code fe80::/10}.
    548      *
    549      * <p><a href="http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3484.txt">RFC 3484</a>
    550      * "Default Address Selection for Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6)" states
    551      * that both IPv4 auto-configuration addresses (prefix {@code 169.254/16}) and
    552      * IPv4 loopback addresses (prefix {@code 127/8}) have link-local scope, but
    553      * {@link Inet4Address} only considers the auto-configuration addresses
    554      * to have link-local scope. That is: the IPv4 loopback address returns false.
    555      */
    556     public boolean isLinkLocalAddress() {
    557         return false;
    558     }
    560     /**
    561      * Returns whether this address is a loopback address or not.
    562      *
    563      * <p>Valid IPv4 loopback addresses have the prefix {@code 127/8}.
    564      *
    565      * <p>The only valid IPv6 loopback address is {@code ::1}.
    566      */
    567     public boolean isLoopbackAddress() {
    568         return false;
    569     }
    571     /**
    572      * Returns whether this address is a global multicast address or not.
    573      *
    574      * <p>Valid IPv6 global multicast addresses have the prefix {@code ffxe::/16},
    575      * where {@code x} is a set of flags and the additional 112 bits make
    576      * up the global multicast address space.
    577      *
    578      * <p>Valid IPv4 global multicast addresses are the range of addresses
    579      * from {@code} to {@code}.
    580      */
    581     public boolean isMCGlobal() {
    582         return false;
    583     }
    585     /**
    586      * Returns whether this address is a link-local multicast address or not.
    587      *
    588      * <p>Valid IPv6 link-local multicast addresses have the prefix {@code ffx2::/16},
    589      * where x is a set of flags and the additional 112 bits make up the link-local multicast
    590      * address space.
    591      *
    592      * <p>Valid IPv4 link-local multicast addresses have the prefix {@code 224.0.0/24}.
    593      */
    594     public boolean isMCLinkLocal() {
    595         return false;
    596     }
    598     /**
    599      * Returns whether this address is a node-local multicast address or not.
    600      *
    601      * <p>Valid IPv6 node-local multicast addresses have the prefix {@code ffx1::/16},
    602      * where x is a set of flags and the additional 112 bits make up the link-local multicast
    603      * address space.
    604      *
    605      * <p>There are no valid IPv4 node-local multicast addresses.
    606      */
    607     public boolean isMCNodeLocal() {
    608         return false;
    609     }
    611     /**
    612      * Returns whether this address is a organization-local multicast address or not.
    613      *
    614      * <p>Valid IPv6 organization-local multicast addresses have the prefix {@code ffx8::/16},
    615      * where x is a set of flags and the additional 112 bits make up the link-local multicast
    616      * address space.
    617      *
    618      * <p>Valid IPv4 organization-local multicast addresses have the prefix {@code 239.192/14}.
    619      */
    620     public boolean isMCOrgLocal() {
    621         return false;
    622     }
    624     /**
    625      * Returns whether this address is a site-local multicast address or not.
    626      *
    627      * <p>Valid IPv6 site-local multicast addresses have the prefix {@code ffx5::/16},
    628      * where x is a set of flags and the additional 112 bits make up the link-local multicast
    629      * address space.
    630      *
    631      * <p>Valid IPv4 site-local multicast addresses have the prefix {@code 239.255/16}.
    632      */
    633     public boolean isMCSiteLocal() {
    634         return false;
    635     }
    637     /**
    638      * Returns whether this address is a multicast address or not.
    639      *
    640      * <p>Valid IPv6 multicast addresses have the prefix {@code ff::/8}.
    641      *
    642      * <p>Valid IPv4 multicast addresses have the prefix {@code 224/4}.
    643      */
    644     public boolean isMulticastAddress() {
    645         return false;
    646     }
    648     /**
    649      * Returns whether this address is a site-local address or not.
    650      *
    651      * <p>For the purposes of this method, valid IPv6 site-local addresses have
    652      * the deprecated prefix {@code fec0::/10} from
    653      * <a href="http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1884.txt">RFC 1884</a>,
    654      * <i>not</i> the modern prefix {@code fc00::/7} from
    655      * <a href="http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc4193.txt">RFC 4193</a>.
    656      *
    657      * <p><a href="http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3484.txt">RFC 3484</a>
    658      * "Default Address Selection for Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6)" states
    659      * that IPv4 private addresses have the prefix {@code 10/8}, {@code 172.16/12},
    660      * or {@code 192.168/16}.
    661      *
    662      * @return {@code true} if this instance represents a site-local address,
    663      *         {@code false} otherwise.
    664      */
    665     public boolean isSiteLocalAddress() {
    666         return false;
    667     }
    669     /**
    670      * Tries to reach this {@code InetAddress}. This method first tries to use
    671      * ICMP <i>(ICMP ECHO REQUEST)</i>, falling back to a TCP connection
    672      * on port 7 (Echo) of the remote host.
    673      *
    674      * @param timeout
    675      *            timeout in milliseconds before the test fails if no connection
    676      *            could be established.
    677      * @return {@code true} if this address is reachable, {@code false}
    678      *         otherwise.
    679      * @throws IOException
    680      *             if an error occurs during an I/O operation.
    681      * @throws IllegalArgumentException
    682      *             if timeout is less than zero.
    683      */
    684     public boolean isReachable(int timeout) throws IOException {
    685         return isReachable(null, 0, timeout);
    686     }
    688     /**
    689      * Tries to reach this {@code InetAddress}. This method first tries to use
    690      * ICMP <i>(ICMP ECHO REQUEST)</i>, falling back to a TCP connection
    691      * on port 7 (Echo) of the remote host.
    692      *
    693      * @param networkInterface
    694      *            the network interface on which to connection should be
    695      *            established.
    696      * @param ttl
    697      *            the maximum count of hops (time-to-live).
    698      * @param timeout
    699      *            timeout in milliseconds before the test fails if no connection
    700      *            could be established.
    701      * @return {@code true} if this address is reachable, {@code false}
    702      *         otherwise.
    703      * @throws IOException
    704      *             if an error occurs during an I/O operation.
    705      * @throws IllegalArgumentException
    706      *             if ttl or timeout is less than zero.
    707      */
    708     public boolean isReachable(NetworkInterface networkInterface, final int ttl, final int timeout) throws IOException {
    709         if (ttl < 0 || timeout < 0) {
    710             throw new IllegalArgumentException("ttl < 0 || timeout < 0");
    711         }
    713         // The simple case.
    714         if (networkInterface == null) {
    715             return isReachable(this, null, timeout);
    716         }
    718         // Try each NetworkInterface in parallel.
    719         // Use a thread pool Executor?
    720         List<InetAddress> sourceAddresses = Collections.list(networkInterface.getInetAddresses());
    721         if (sourceAddresses.isEmpty()) {
    722             return false;
    723         }
    724         final InetAddress destinationAddress = this;
    725         final CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(sourceAddresses.size());
    726         final AtomicBoolean isReachable = new AtomicBoolean(false);
    727         for (final InetAddress sourceAddress : sourceAddresses) {
    728             new Thread() {
    729                 @Override public void run() {
    730                     try {
    731                         if (isReachable(destinationAddress, sourceAddress, timeout)) {
    732                             isReachable.set(true);
    733                             // Wake the main thread so it can return success without
    734                             // waiting for any other threads to time out.
    735                             while (latch.getCount() > 0) {
    736                                 latch.countDown();
    737                             }
    738                         }
    739                     } catch (IOException ignored) {
    740                     }
    741                     latch.countDown();
    742                 }
    743             }.start();
    744         }
    745         try {
    746             latch.await();
    747         } catch (InterruptedException ignored) {
    748             Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); // Leave the interrupted bit set.
    749         }
    750         return isReachable.get();
    751     }
    753     private boolean isReachable(InetAddress destination, InetAddress source, int timeout) throws IOException {
    754         // TODO: try ICMP first (http://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=20106)
    755         FileDescriptor fd = IoBridge.socket(true);
    756         boolean reached = false;
    757         try {
    758             if (source != null) {
    759                 IoBridge.bind(fd, source, 0);
    760             }
    761             IoBridge.connect(fd, destination, 7, timeout);
    762             reached = true;
    763         } catch (IOException e) {
    764             if (e.getCause() instanceof ErrnoException) {
    765                 // "Connection refused" means the IP address was reachable.
    766                 reached = (((ErrnoException) e.getCause()).errno == ECONNREFUSED);
    767             }
    768         }
    770         IoBridge.closeAndSignalBlockedThreads(fd);
    772         return reached;
    773     }
    775     /**
    776      * Equivalent to {@code getByAddress(null, ipAddress)}. Handy for addresses with
    777      * no associated hostname.
    778      */
    779     public static InetAddress getByAddress(byte[] ipAddress) throws UnknownHostException {
    780         return getByAddress(null, ipAddress, 0);
    781     }
    783     /**
    784      * Returns an {@code InetAddress} corresponding to the given network-order
    785      * bytes {@code ipAddress} and {@code scopeId}.
    786      *
    787      * <p>For an IPv4 address, the byte array must be of length 4.
    788      * For IPv6, the byte array must be of length 16. Any other length will cause an {@code
    789      * UnknownHostException}.
    790      *
    791      * <p>No reverse lookup is performed. The given {@code hostName} (which may be null) is
    792      * associated with the new {@code InetAddress} with no validation done.
    793      *
    794      * <p>(Note that numeric addresses such as {@code ""} are names for the
    795      * purposes of this API. Most callers probably want {@link #getAllByName} instead.)
    796      *
    797      * @throws UnknownHostException if {@code ipAddress} is null or the wrong length.
    798      */
    799     public static InetAddress getByAddress(String hostName, byte[] ipAddress) throws UnknownHostException {
    800         return getByAddress(hostName, ipAddress, 0);
    801     }
    803     private static InetAddress getByAddress(String hostName, byte[] ipAddress, int scopeId) throws UnknownHostException {
    804         if (ipAddress == null) {
    805             throw new UnknownHostException("ipAddress == null");
    806         }
    807         if (ipAddress.length == 4) {
    808             return new Inet4Address(ipAddress.clone(), hostName);
    809         } else if (ipAddress.length == 16) {
    810             // First check to see if the address is an IPv6-mapped
    811             // IPv4 address. If it is, then we can make it a IPv4
    812             // address, otherwise, we'll create an IPv6 address.
    813             if (isIPv4MappedAddress(ipAddress)) {
    814                 return new Inet4Address(ipv4MappedToIPv4(ipAddress), hostName);
    815             } else {
    816                 return new Inet6Address(ipAddress.clone(), hostName, scopeId);
    817             }
    818         } else {
    819             throw badAddressLength(ipAddress);
    820         }
    821     }
    823     private static UnknownHostException badAddressLength(byte[] bytes) throws UnknownHostException {
    824         throw new UnknownHostException("Address is neither 4 or 16 bytes: " + Arrays.toString(bytes));
    825     }
    827     private static boolean isIPv4MappedAddress(byte[] ipAddress) {
    828         // Check if the address matches ::FFFF:d.d.d.d
    829         // The first 10 bytes are 0. The next to are -1 (FF).
    830         // The last 4 bytes are varied.
    831         if (ipAddress == null || ipAddress.length != 16) {
    832             return false;
    833         }
    834         for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
    835             if (ipAddress[i] != 0) {
    836                 return false;
    837             }
    838         }
    839         if (ipAddress[10] != -1 || ipAddress[11] != -1) {
    840             return false;
    841         }
    842         return true;
    843     }
    845     private static byte[] ipv4MappedToIPv4(byte[] mappedAddress) {
    846         byte[] ipv4Address = new byte[4];
    847         for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
    848             ipv4Address[i] = mappedAddress[12 + i];
    849         }
    850         return ipv4Address;
    851     }
    853     private static final ObjectStreamField[] serialPersistentFields = {
    854         new ObjectStreamField("address", int.class),
    855         new ObjectStreamField("family", int.class),
    856         new ObjectStreamField("hostName", String.class),
    857     };
    859     private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream stream) throws IOException {
    860         ObjectOutputStream.PutField fields = stream.putFields();
    861         if (ipaddress == null) {
    862             fields.put("address", 0);
    863         } else {
    864             fields.put("address", Memory.peekInt(ipaddress, 0, ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN));
    865         }
    866         fields.put("family", family);
    867         fields.put("hostName", hostName);
    869         stream.writeFields();
    870     }
    872     private void readObject(ObjectInputStream stream) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
    873         ObjectInputStream.GetField fields = stream.readFields();
    874         int addr = fields.get("address", 0);
    875         ipaddress = new byte[4];
    876         Memory.pokeInt(ipaddress, 0, addr, ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN);
    877         hostName = (String) fields.get("hostName", null);
    878         family = fields.get("family", 2);
    879     }
    881     /*
    882      * The spec requires that if we encounter a generic InetAddress in
    883      * serialized form then we should interpret it as an Inet4Address.
    884      */
    885     private Object readResolve() throws ObjectStreamException {
    886         return new Inet4Address(ipaddress, hostName);
    887     }
    888 }