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      1 // Copyright 2014 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 // found in the LICENSE file.
      5 #include "src/bootstrapper.h"
      7 #include "src/accessors.h"
      8 #include "src/code-stubs.h"
      9 #include "src/extensions/externalize-string-extension.h"
     10 #include "src/extensions/free-buffer-extension.h"
     11 #include "src/extensions/gc-extension.h"
     12 #include "src/extensions/statistics-extension.h"
     13 #include "src/extensions/trigger-failure-extension.h"
     14 #include "src/isolate-inl.h"
     15 #include "src/natives.h"
     16 #include "src/snapshot.h"
     17 #include "third_party/fdlibm/fdlibm.h"
     19 namespace v8 {
     20 namespace internal {
     22 NativesExternalStringResource::NativesExternalStringResource(
     23     Bootstrapper* bootstrapper,
     24     const char* source,
     25     size_t length)
     26     : data_(source), length_(length) {
     27   if (bootstrapper->delete_these_non_arrays_on_tear_down_ == NULL) {
     28     bootstrapper->delete_these_non_arrays_on_tear_down_ = new List<char*>(2);
     29   }
     30   // The resources are small objects and we only make a fixed number of
     31   // them, but let's clean them up on exit for neatness.
     32   bootstrapper->delete_these_non_arrays_on_tear_down_->
     33       Add(reinterpret_cast<char*>(this));
     34 }
     37 Bootstrapper::Bootstrapper(Isolate* isolate)
     38     : isolate_(isolate),
     39       nesting_(0),
     40       extensions_cache_(Script::TYPE_EXTENSION),
     41       delete_these_non_arrays_on_tear_down_(NULL),
     42       delete_these_arrays_on_tear_down_(NULL) {
     43 }
     46 Handle<String> Bootstrapper::NativesSourceLookup(int index) {
     47   DCHECK(0 <= index && index < Natives::GetBuiltinsCount());
     48   Heap* heap = isolate_->heap();
     49   if (heap->natives_source_cache()->get(index)->IsUndefined()) {
     50     // We can use external strings for the natives.
     51     Vector<const char> source = Natives::GetRawScriptSource(index);
     52     NativesExternalStringResource* resource =
     53         new NativesExternalStringResource(this,
     54                                           source.start(),
     55                                           source.length());
     56     // We do not expect this to throw an exception. Change this if it does.
     57     Handle<String> source_code = isolate_->factory()
     58                                      ->NewExternalStringFromOneByte(resource)
     59                                      .ToHandleChecked();
     60     heap->natives_source_cache()->set(index, *source_code);
     61   }
     62   Handle<Object> cached_source(heap->natives_source_cache()->get(index),
     63                                isolate_);
     64   return Handle<String>::cast(cached_source);
     65 }
     68 void Bootstrapper::Initialize(bool create_heap_objects) {
     69   extensions_cache_.Initialize(isolate_, create_heap_objects);
     70 }
     73 static const char* GCFunctionName() {
     74   bool flag_given = FLAG_expose_gc_as != NULL && strlen(FLAG_expose_gc_as) != 0;
     75   return flag_given ? FLAG_expose_gc_as : "gc";
     76 }
     79 v8::Extension* Bootstrapper::free_buffer_extension_ = NULL;
     80 v8::Extension* Bootstrapper::gc_extension_ = NULL;
     81 v8::Extension* Bootstrapper::externalize_string_extension_ = NULL;
     82 v8::Extension* Bootstrapper::statistics_extension_ = NULL;
     83 v8::Extension* Bootstrapper::trigger_failure_extension_ = NULL;
     86 void Bootstrapper::InitializeOncePerProcess() {
     87   free_buffer_extension_ = new FreeBufferExtension;
     88   v8::RegisterExtension(free_buffer_extension_);
     89   gc_extension_ = new GCExtension(GCFunctionName());
     90   v8::RegisterExtension(gc_extension_);
     91   externalize_string_extension_ = new ExternalizeStringExtension;
     92   v8::RegisterExtension(externalize_string_extension_);
     93   statistics_extension_ = new StatisticsExtension;
     94   v8::RegisterExtension(statistics_extension_);
     95   trigger_failure_extension_ = new TriggerFailureExtension;
     96   v8::RegisterExtension(trigger_failure_extension_);
     97 }
    100 void Bootstrapper::TearDownExtensions() {
    101   delete free_buffer_extension_;
    102   free_buffer_extension_ = NULL;
    103   delete gc_extension_;
    104   gc_extension_ = NULL;
    105   delete externalize_string_extension_;
    106   externalize_string_extension_ = NULL;
    107   delete statistics_extension_;
    108   statistics_extension_ = NULL;
    109   delete trigger_failure_extension_;
    110   trigger_failure_extension_ = NULL;
    111 }
    114 char* Bootstrapper::AllocateAutoDeletedArray(int bytes) {
    115   char* memory = new char[bytes];
    116   if (memory != NULL) {
    117     if (delete_these_arrays_on_tear_down_ == NULL) {
    118       delete_these_arrays_on_tear_down_ = new List<char*>(2);
    119     }
    120     delete_these_arrays_on_tear_down_->Add(memory);
    121   }
    122   return memory;
    123 }
    126 void Bootstrapper::TearDown() {
    127   if (delete_these_non_arrays_on_tear_down_ != NULL) {
    128     int len = delete_these_non_arrays_on_tear_down_->length();
    129     DCHECK(len < 28);  // Don't use this mechanism for unbounded allocations.
    130     for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
    131       delete delete_these_non_arrays_on_tear_down_->at(i);
    132       delete_these_non_arrays_on_tear_down_->at(i) = NULL;
    133     }
    134     delete delete_these_non_arrays_on_tear_down_;
    135     delete_these_non_arrays_on_tear_down_ = NULL;
    136   }
    138   if (delete_these_arrays_on_tear_down_ != NULL) {
    139     int len = delete_these_arrays_on_tear_down_->length();
    140     DCHECK(len < 1000);  // Don't use this mechanism for unbounded allocations.
    141     for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
    142       delete[] delete_these_arrays_on_tear_down_->at(i);
    143       delete_these_arrays_on_tear_down_->at(i) = NULL;
    144     }
    145     delete delete_these_arrays_on_tear_down_;
    146     delete_these_arrays_on_tear_down_ = NULL;
    147   }
    149   extensions_cache_.Initialize(isolate_, false);  // Yes, symmetrical
    150 }
    153 class Genesis BASE_EMBEDDED {
    154  public:
    155   Genesis(Isolate* isolate,
    156           MaybeHandle<JSGlobalProxy> maybe_global_proxy,
    157           v8::Handle<v8::ObjectTemplate> global_proxy_template,
    158           v8::ExtensionConfiguration* extensions);
    159   ~Genesis() { }
    161   Isolate* isolate() const { return isolate_; }
    162   Factory* factory() const { return isolate_->factory(); }
    163   Heap* heap() const { return isolate_->heap(); }
    165   Handle<Context> result() { return result_; }
    167  private:
    168   Handle<Context> native_context() { return native_context_; }
    170   // Creates some basic objects. Used for creating a context from scratch.
    171   void CreateRoots();
    172   // Creates the empty function.  Used for creating a context from scratch.
    173   Handle<JSFunction> CreateEmptyFunction(Isolate* isolate);
    174   // Creates the ThrowTypeError function. ECMA 5th Ed. 13.2.3
    175   Handle<JSFunction> GetStrictPoisonFunction();
    176   // Poison for sloppy generator function arguments/callee.
    177   Handle<JSFunction> GetGeneratorPoisonFunction();
    179   void CreateStrictModeFunctionMaps(Handle<JSFunction> empty);
    181   // Make the "arguments" and "caller" properties throw a TypeError on access.
    182   void PoisonArgumentsAndCaller(Handle<Map> map);
    184   // Creates the global objects using the global and the template passed in
    185   // through the API.  We call this regardless of whether we are building a
    186   // context from scratch or using a deserialized one from the partial snapshot
    187   // but in the latter case we don't use the objects it produces directly, as
    188   // we have to used the deserialized ones that are linked together with the
    189   // rest of the context snapshot.
    190   Handle<JSGlobalProxy> CreateNewGlobals(
    191       v8::Handle<v8::ObjectTemplate> global_proxy_template,
    192       MaybeHandle<JSGlobalProxy> maybe_global_proxy,
    193       Handle<GlobalObject>* global_object_out);
    194   // Hooks the given global proxy into the context.  If the context was created
    195   // by deserialization then this will unhook the global proxy that was
    196   // deserialized, leaving the GC to pick it up.
    197   void HookUpGlobalProxy(Handle<GlobalObject> global_object,
    198                          Handle<JSGlobalProxy> global_proxy);
    199   // Similarly, we want to use the global that has been created by the templates
    200   // passed through the API.  The global from the snapshot is detached from the
    201   // other objects in the snapshot.
    202   void HookUpGlobalObject(Handle<GlobalObject> global_object);
    203   // New context initialization.  Used for creating a context from scratch.
    204   void InitializeGlobal(Handle<GlobalObject> global_object,
    205                         Handle<JSFunction> empty_function);
    206   void InitializeExperimentalGlobal();
    207   // Installs the contents of the native .js files on the global objects.
    208   // Used for creating a context from scratch.
    209   void InstallNativeFunctions();
    210   void InstallExperimentalNativeFunctions();
    211   Handle<JSFunction> InstallInternalArray(Handle<JSBuiltinsObject> builtins,
    212                                           const char* name,
    213                                           ElementsKind elements_kind);
    214   bool InstallNatives();
    216   void InstallTypedArray(
    217       const char* name,
    218       ElementsKind elements_kind,
    219       Handle<JSFunction>* fun,
    220       Handle<Map>* external_map);
    221   bool InstallExperimentalNatives();
    222   void InstallBuiltinFunctionIds();
    223   void InstallJSFunctionResultCaches();
    224   void InitializeNormalizedMapCaches();
    226   enum ExtensionTraversalState {
    228   };
    230   class ExtensionStates {
    231    public:
    232     ExtensionStates();
    233     ExtensionTraversalState get_state(RegisteredExtension* extension);
    234     void set_state(RegisteredExtension* extension,
    235                    ExtensionTraversalState state);
    236    private:
    237     HashMap map_;
    238     DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ExtensionStates);
    239   };
    241   // Used both for deserialized and from-scratch contexts to add the extensions
    242   // provided.
    243   static bool InstallExtensions(Handle<Context> native_context,
    244                                 v8::ExtensionConfiguration* extensions);
    245   static bool InstallAutoExtensions(Isolate* isolate,
    246                                     ExtensionStates* extension_states);
    247   static bool InstallRequestedExtensions(Isolate* isolate,
    248                                          v8::ExtensionConfiguration* extensions,
    249                                          ExtensionStates* extension_states);
    250   static bool InstallExtension(Isolate* isolate,
    251                                const char* name,
    252                                ExtensionStates* extension_states);
    253   static bool InstallExtension(Isolate* isolate,
    254                                v8::RegisteredExtension* current,
    255                                ExtensionStates* extension_states);
    256   static bool InstallSpecialObjects(Handle<Context> native_context);
    257   bool InstallJSBuiltins(Handle<JSBuiltinsObject> builtins);
    258   bool ConfigureApiObject(Handle<JSObject> object,
    259                           Handle<ObjectTemplateInfo> object_template);
    260   bool ConfigureGlobalObjects(
    261       v8::Handle<v8::ObjectTemplate> global_proxy_template);
    263   // Migrates all properties from the 'from' object to the 'to'
    264   // object and overrides the prototype in 'to' with the one from
    265   // 'from'.
    266   void TransferObject(Handle<JSObject> from, Handle<JSObject> to);
    267   void TransferNamedProperties(Handle<JSObject> from, Handle<JSObject> to);
    268   void TransferIndexedProperties(Handle<JSObject> from, Handle<JSObject> to);
    270   enum FunctionMode {
    271     // With prototype.
    274     // Without prototype.
    276     BOUND_FUNCTION
    277   };
    279   static bool IsFunctionModeWithPrototype(FunctionMode function_mode) {
    280     return (function_mode == FUNCTION_WITH_WRITEABLE_PROTOTYPE ||
    281             function_mode == FUNCTION_WITH_READONLY_PROTOTYPE);
    282   }
    284   Handle<Map> CreateFunctionMap(FunctionMode function_mode);
    286   void SetFunctionInstanceDescriptor(Handle<Map> map,
    287                                      FunctionMode function_mode);
    288   void MakeFunctionInstancePrototypeWritable();
    290   Handle<Map> CreateStrictFunctionMap(
    291       FunctionMode function_mode,
    292       Handle<JSFunction> empty_function);
    294   void SetStrictFunctionInstanceDescriptor(Handle<Map> map,
    295                                            FunctionMode function_mode);
    297   static bool CompileBuiltin(Isolate* isolate, int index);
    298   static bool CompileExperimentalBuiltin(Isolate* isolate, int index);
    299   static bool CompileNative(Isolate* isolate,
    300                             Vector<const char> name,
    301                             Handle<String> source);
    302   static bool CompileScriptCached(Isolate* isolate,
    303                                   Vector<const char> name,
    304                                   Handle<String> source,
    305                                   SourceCodeCache* cache,
    306                                   v8::Extension* extension,
    307                                   Handle<Context> top_context,
    308                                   bool use_runtime_context);
    310   Isolate* isolate_;
    311   Handle<Context> result_;
    312   Handle<Context> native_context_;
    314   // Function maps. Function maps are created initially with a read only
    315   // prototype for the processing of JS builtins. Later the function maps are
    316   // replaced in order to make prototype writable. These are the final, writable
    317   // prototype, maps.
    318   Handle<Map> sloppy_function_map_writable_prototype_;
    319   Handle<Map> strict_function_map_writable_prototype_;
    320   Handle<JSFunction> strict_poison_function;
    321   Handle<JSFunction> generator_poison_function;
    323   BootstrapperActive active_;
    324   friend class Bootstrapper;
    325 };
    328 void Bootstrapper::Iterate(ObjectVisitor* v) {
    329   extensions_cache_.Iterate(v);
    330   v->Synchronize(VisitorSynchronization::kExtensions);
    331 }
    334 Handle<Context> Bootstrapper::CreateEnvironment(
    335     MaybeHandle<JSGlobalProxy> maybe_global_proxy,
    336     v8::Handle<v8::ObjectTemplate> global_proxy_template,
    337     v8::ExtensionConfiguration* extensions) {
    338   HandleScope scope(isolate_);
    339   Genesis genesis(
    340       isolate_, maybe_global_proxy, global_proxy_template, extensions);
    341   Handle<Context> env = genesis.result();
    342   if (env.is_null() || !InstallExtensions(env, extensions)) {
    343     return Handle<Context>();
    344   }
    345   return scope.CloseAndEscape(env);
    346 }
    349 static void SetObjectPrototype(Handle<JSObject> object, Handle<Object> proto) {
    350   // object.__proto__ = proto;
    351   Handle<Map> old_map = Handle<Map>(object->map());
    352   Handle<Map> new_map = Map::Copy(old_map);
    353   new_map->set_prototype(*proto);
    354   JSObject::MigrateToMap(object, new_map);
    355 }
    358 void Bootstrapper::DetachGlobal(Handle<Context> env) {
    359   Factory* factory = env->GetIsolate()->factory();
    360   Handle<JSGlobalProxy> global_proxy(JSGlobalProxy::cast(env->global_proxy()));
    361   global_proxy->set_native_context(*factory->null_value());
    362   SetObjectPrototype(global_proxy, factory->null_value());
    363   global_proxy->map()->set_constructor(*factory->null_value());
    364 }
    367 static Handle<JSFunction> InstallFunction(Handle<JSObject> target,
    368                                           const char* name,
    369                                           InstanceType type,
    370                                           int instance_size,
    371                                           MaybeHandle<JSObject> maybe_prototype,
    372                                           Builtins::Name call) {
    373   Isolate* isolate = target->GetIsolate();
    374   Factory* factory = isolate->factory();
    375   Handle<String> internalized_name = factory->InternalizeUtf8String(name);
    376   Handle<Code> call_code = Handle<Code>(isolate->builtins()->builtin(call));
    377   Handle<JSObject> prototype;
    378   Handle<JSFunction> function = maybe_prototype.ToHandle(&prototype)
    379       ? factory->NewFunction(internalized_name, call_code, prototype,
    380                              type, instance_size)
    381       : factory->NewFunctionWithoutPrototype(internalized_name, call_code);
    382   PropertyAttributes attributes;
    383   if (target->IsJSBuiltinsObject()) {
    384     attributes =
    385         static_cast<PropertyAttributes>(DONT_ENUM | DONT_DELETE | READ_ONLY);
    386   } else {
    387     attributes = DONT_ENUM;
    388   }
    389   JSObject::AddProperty(target, internalized_name, function, attributes);
    390   if (target->IsJSGlobalObject()) {
    391     function->shared()->set_instance_class_name(*internalized_name);
    392   }
    393   function->shared()->set_native(true);
    394   return function;
    395 }
    398 void Genesis::SetFunctionInstanceDescriptor(
    399     Handle<Map> map, FunctionMode function_mode) {
    400   int size = IsFunctionModeWithPrototype(function_mode) ? 5 : 4;
    401   Map::EnsureDescriptorSlack(map, size);
    403   PropertyAttributes attribs = static_cast<PropertyAttributes>(
    406   Handle<AccessorInfo> length =
    407       Accessors::FunctionLengthInfo(isolate(), attribs);
    408   {  // Add length.
    409     CallbacksDescriptor d(Handle<Name>(Name::cast(length->name())),
    410                           length, attribs);
    411     map->AppendDescriptor(&d);
    412   }
    413   Handle<AccessorInfo> name =
    414       Accessors::FunctionNameInfo(isolate(), attribs);
    415   {  // Add name.
    416     CallbacksDescriptor d(Handle<Name>(Name::cast(name->name())),
    417                           name, attribs);
    418     map->AppendDescriptor(&d);
    419   }
    420   Handle<AccessorInfo> args =
    421       Accessors::FunctionArgumentsInfo(isolate(), attribs);
    422   {  // Add arguments.
    423     CallbacksDescriptor d(Handle<Name>(Name::cast(args->name())),
    424                           args, attribs);
    425     map->AppendDescriptor(&d);
    426   }
    427   Handle<AccessorInfo> caller =
    428       Accessors::FunctionCallerInfo(isolate(), attribs);
    429   {  // Add caller.
    430     CallbacksDescriptor d(Handle<Name>(Name::cast(caller->name())),
    431                           caller, attribs);
    432     map->AppendDescriptor(&d);
    433   }
    434   if (IsFunctionModeWithPrototype(function_mode)) {
    435     if (function_mode == FUNCTION_WITH_WRITEABLE_PROTOTYPE) {
    436       attribs = static_cast<PropertyAttributes>(attribs & ~READ_ONLY);
    437     }
    438     Handle<AccessorInfo> prototype =
    439         Accessors::FunctionPrototypeInfo(isolate(), attribs);
    440     CallbacksDescriptor d(Handle<Name>(Name::cast(prototype->name())),
    441                           prototype, attribs);
    442     map->AppendDescriptor(&d);
    443   }
    444 }
    447 Handle<Map> Genesis::CreateFunctionMap(FunctionMode function_mode) {
    448   Handle<Map> map = factory()->NewMap(JS_FUNCTION_TYPE, JSFunction::kSize);
    449   SetFunctionInstanceDescriptor(map, function_mode);
    450   map->set_function_with_prototype(IsFunctionModeWithPrototype(function_mode));
    451   return map;
    452 }
    455 Handle<JSFunction> Genesis::CreateEmptyFunction(Isolate* isolate) {
    456   // Allocate the map for function instances. Maps are allocated first and their
    457   // prototypes patched later, once empty function is created.
    459   // Functions with this map will not have a 'prototype' property, and
    460   // can not be used as constructors.
    461   Handle<Map> function_without_prototype_map =
    462       CreateFunctionMap(FUNCTION_WITHOUT_PROTOTYPE);
    463   native_context()->set_sloppy_function_without_prototype_map(
    464       *function_without_prototype_map);
    466   // Allocate the function map. This map is temporary, used only for processing
    467   // of builtins.
    468   // Later the map is replaced with writable prototype map, allocated below.
    469   Handle<Map> function_map =
    470       CreateFunctionMap(FUNCTION_WITH_READONLY_PROTOTYPE);
    471   native_context()->set_sloppy_function_map(*function_map);
    472   native_context()->set_sloppy_function_with_readonly_prototype_map(
    473       *function_map);
    475   // The final map for functions. Writeable prototype.
    476   // This map is installed in MakeFunctionInstancePrototypeWritable.
    477   sloppy_function_map_writable_prototype_ =
    478       CreateFunctionMap(FUNCTION_WITH_WRITEABLE_PROTOTYPE);
    480   Factory* factory = isolate->factory();
    482   Handle<String> object_name = factory->Object_string();
    484   {  // --- O b j e c t ---
    485     Handle<JSFunction> object_fun = factory->NewFunction(object_name);
    486     int unused = JSObject::kInitialGlobalObjectUnusedPropertiesCount;
    487     int instance_size = JSObject::kHeaderSize + kPointerSize * unused;
    488     Handle<Map> object_function_map =
    489         factory->NewMap(JS_OBJECT_TYPE, instance_size);
    490     object_function_map->set_inobject_properties(unused);
    491     JSFunction::SetInitialMap(object_fun, object_function_map,
    492                               isolate->factory()->null_value());
    493     object_function_map->set_unused_property_fields(unused);
    495     native_context()->set_object_function(*object_fun);
    497     // Allocate a new prototype for the object function.
    498     Handle<JSObject> prototype = factory->NewJSObject(
    499         isolate->object_function(),
    500         TENURED);
    501     Handle<Map> map = Map::Copy(handle(prototype->map()));
    502     map->set_is_prototype_map(true);
    503     prototype->set_map(*map);
    505     native_context()->set_initial_object_prototype(*prototype);
    506     // For bootstrapping set the array prototype to be the same as the object
    507     // prototype, otherwise the missing initial_array_prototype will cause
    508     // assertions during startup.
    509     native_context()->set_initial_array_prototype(*prototype);
    510     Accessors::FunctionSetPrototype(object_fun, prototype);
    511   }
    513   // Allocate the empty function as the prototype for function ECMAScript
    514   // 262 15.3.4.
    515   Handle<String> empty_string =
    516       factory->InternalizeOneByteString(STATIC_CHAR_VECTOR("Empty"));
    517   Handle<Code> code(isolate->builtins()->builtin(Builtins::kEmptyFunction));
    518   Handle<JSFunction> empty_function = factory->NewFunctionWithoutPrototype(
    519       empty_string, code);
    521   // Allocate the function map first and then patch the prototype later
    522   Handle<Map> empty_function_map =
    523       CreateFunctionMap(FUNCTION_WITHOUT_PROTOTYPE);
    524   DCHECK(!empty_function_map->is_dictionary_map());
    525   empty_function_map->set_prototype(
    526       native_context()->object_function()->prototype());
    527   empty_function_map->set_is_prototype_map(true);
    528   empty_function->set_map(*empty_function_map);
    530   // --- E m p t y ---
    531   Handle<String> source = factory->NewStringFromStaticChars("() {}");
    532   Handle<Script> script = factory->NewScript(source);
    533   script->set_type(Smi::FromInt(Script::TYPE_NATIVE));
    534   empty_function->shared()->set_script(*script);
    535   empty_function->shared()->set_start_position(0);
    536   empty_function->shared()->set_end_position(source->length());
    537   empty_function->shared()->DontAdaptArguments();
    539   // Set prototypes for the function maps.
    540   native_context()->sloppy_function_map()->set_prototype(*empty_function);
    541   native_context()->sloppy_function_without_prototype_map()->
    542       set_prototype(*empty_function);
    543   sloppy_function_map_writable_prototype_->set_prototype(*empty_function);
    544   return empty_function;
    545 }
    548 void Genesis::SetStrictFunctionInstanceDescriptor(
    549     Handle<Map> map, FunctionMode function_mode) {
    550   int size = IsFunctionModeWithPrototype(function_mode) ? 5 : 4;
    551   Map::EnsureDescriptorSlack(map, size);
    553   Handle<AccessorPair> arguments(factory()->NewAccessorPair());
    554   Handle<AccessorPair> caller(factory()->NewAccessorPair());
    555   PropertyAttributes rw_attribs =
    556       static_cast<PropertyAttributes>(DONT_ENUM | DONT_DELETE);
    557   PropertyAttributes ro_attribs =
    558       static_cast<PropertyAttributes>(DONT_ENUM | DONT_DELETE | READ_ONLY);
    560   // Add length.
    561   if (function_mode == BOUND_FUNCTION) {
    562     Handle<String> length_string = isolate()->factory()->length_string();
    563     FieldDescriptor d(length_string, 0, ro_attribs, Representation::Tagged());
    564     map->AppendDescriptor(&d);
    565   } else {
    566     DCHECK(function_mode == FUNCTION_WITH_WRITEABLE_PROTOTYPE ||
    567            function_mode == FUNCTION_WITH_READONLY_PROTOTYPE ||
    568            function_mode == FUNCTION_WITHOUT_PROTOTYPE);
    569     Handle<AccessorInfo> length =
    570         Accessors::FunctionLengthInfo(isolate(), ro_attribs);
    571     CallbacksDescriptor d(Handle<Name>(Name::cast(length->name())),
    572                           length, ro_attribs);
    573     map->AppendDescriptor(&d);
    574   }
    575   Handle<AccessorInfo> name =
    576       Accessors::FunctionNameInfo(isolate(), ro_attribs);
    577   {  // Add name.
    578     CallbacksDescriptor d(Handle<Name>(Name::cast(name->name())),
    579                           name, ro_attribs);
    580     map->AppendDescriptor(&d);
    581   }
    582   {  // Add arguments.
    583     CallbacksDescriptor d(factory()->arguments_string(), arguments,
    584                           rw_attribs);
    585     map->AppendDescriptor(&d);
    586   }
    587   {  // Add caller.
    588     CallbacksDescriptor d(factory()->caller_string(), caller, rw_attribs);
    589     map->AppendDescriptor(&d);
    590   }
    591   if (IsFunctionModeWithPrototype(function_mode)) {
    592     // Add prototype.
    593     PropertyAttributes attribs =
    594         function_mode == FUNCTION_WITH_WRITEABLE_PROTOTYPE ? rw_attribs
    595                                                            : ro_attribs;
    596     Handle<AccessorInfo> prototype =
    597         Accessors::FunctionPrototypeInfo(isolate(), attribs);
    598     CallbacksDescriptor d(Handle<Name>(Name::cast(prototype->name())),
    599                           prototype, attribs);
    600     map->AppendDescriptor(&d);
    601   }
    602 }
    605 // ECMAScript 5th Edition, 13.2.3
    606 Handle<JSFunction> Genesis::GetStrictPoisonFunction() {
    607   if (strict_poison_function.is_null()) {
    608     Handle<String> name = factory()->InternalizeOneByteString(
    609         STATIC_CHAR_VECTOR("ThrowTypeError"));
    610     Handle<Code> code(isolate()->builtins()->builtin(
    611         Builtins::kStrictModePoisonPill));
    612     strict_poison_function = factory()->NewFunctionWithoutPrototype(name, code);
    613     strict_poison_function->set_map(native_context()->sloppy_function_map());
    614     strict_poison_function->shared()->DontAdaptArguments();
    616     JSObject::PreventExtensions(strict_poison_function).Assert();
    617   }
    618   return strict_poison_function;
    619 }
    622 Handle<JSFunction> Genesis::GetGeneratorPoisonFunction() {
    623   if (generator_poison_function.is_null()) {
    624     Handle<String> name = factory()->InternalizeOneByteString(
    625         STATIC_CHAR_VECTOR("ThrowTypeError"));
    626     Handle<Code> code(isolate()->builtins()->builtin(
    627         Builtins::kGeneratorPoisonPill));
    628     generator_poison_function = factory()->NewFunctionWithoutPrototype(
    629         name, code);
    630     generator_poison_function->set_map(native_context()->sloppy_function_map());
    631     generator_poison_function->shared()->DontAdaptArguments();
    633     JSObject::PreventExtensions(generator_poison_function).Assert();
    634   }
    635   return generator_poison_function;
    636 }
    639 Handle<Map> Genesis::CreateStrictFunctionMap(
    640     FunctionMode function_mode,
    641     Handle<JSFunction> empty_function) {
    642   Handle<Map> map = factory()->NewMap(JS_FUNCTION_TYPE, JSFunction::kSize);
    643   SetStrictFunctionInstanceDescriptor(map, function_mode);
    644   map->set_function_with_prototype(IsFunctionModeWithPrototype(function_mode));
    645   map->set_prototype(*empty_function);
    646   return map;
    647 }
    650 void Genesis::CreateStrictModeFunctionMaps(Handle<JSFunction> empty) {
    651   // Allocate map for the prototype-less strict mode instances.
    652   Handle<Map> strict_function_without_prototype_map =
    653       CreateStrictFunctionMap(FUNCTION_WITHOUT_PROTOTYPE, empty);
    654   native_context()->set_strict_function_without_prototype_map(
    655       *strict_function_without_prototype_map);
    657   // Allocate map for the strict mode functions. This map is temporary, used
    658   // only for processing of builtins.
    659   // Later the map is replaced with writable prototype map, allocated below.
    660   Handle<Map> strict_function_map =
    661       CreateStrictFunctionMap(FUNCTION_WITH_READONLY_PROTOTYPE, empty);
    662   native_context()->set_strict_function_map(*strict_function_map);
    664   // The final map for the strict mode functions. Writeable prototype.
    665   // This map is installed in MakeFunctionInstancePrototypeWritable.
    666   strict_function_map_writable_prototype_ =
    667       CreateStrictFunctionMap(FUNCTION_WITH_WRITEABLE_PROTOTYPE, empty);
    668   // Special map for bound functions.
    669   Handle<Map> bound_function_map =
    670       CreateStrictFunctionMap(BOUND_FUNCTION, empty);
    671   native_context()->set_bound_function_map(*bound_function_map);
    673   // Complete the callbacks.
    674   PoisonArgumentsAndCaller(strict_function_without_prototype_map);
    675   PoisonArgumentsAndCaller(strict_function_map);
    676   PoisonArgumentsAndCaller(strict_function_map_writable_prototype_);
    677   PoisonArgumentsAndCaller(bound_function_map);
    678 }
    681 static void SetAccessors(Handle<Map> map,
    682                          Handle<String> name,
    683                          Handle<JSFunction> func) {
    684   DescriptorArray* descs = map->instance_descriptors();
    685   int number = descs->SearchWithCache(*name, *map);
    686   AccessorPair* accessors = AccessorPair::cast(descs->GetValue(number));
    687   accessors->set_getter(*func);
    688   accessors->set_setter(*func);
    689 }
    692 static void ReplaceAccessors(Handle<Map> map,
    693                              Handle<String> name,
    694                              PropertyAttributes attributes,
    695                              Handle<AccessorPair> accessor_pair) {
    696   DescriptorArray* descriptors = map->instance_descriptors();
    697   int idx = descriptors->SearchWithCache(*name, *map);
    698   CallbacksDescriptor descriptor(name, accessor_pair, attributes);
    699   descriptors->Replace(idx, &descriptor);
    700 }
    703 void Genesis::PoisonArgumentsAndCaller(Handle<Map> map) {
    704   SetAccessors(map, factory()->arguments_string(), GetStrictPoisonFunction());
    705   SetAccessors(map, factory()->caller_string(), GetStrictPoisonFunction());
    706 }
    709 static void AddToWeakNativeContextList(Context* context) {
    710   DCHECK(context->IsNativeContext());
    711   Heap* heap = context->GetIsolate()->heap();
    712 #ifdef DEBUG
    713   { // NOLINT
    714     DCHECK(context->get(Context::NEXT_CONTEXT_LINK)->IsUndefined());
    715     // Check that context is not in the list yet.
    716     for (Object* current = heap->native_contexts_list();
    717          !current->IsUndefined();
    718          current = Context::cast(current)->get(Context::NEXT_CONTEXT_LINK)) {
    719       DCHECK(current != context);
    720     }
    721   }
    722 #endif
    723   context->set(Context::NEXT_CONTEXT_LINK, heap->native_contexts_list());
    724   heap->set_native_contexts_list(context);
    725 }
    728 void Genesis::CreateRoots() {
    729   // Allocate the native context FixedArray first and then patch the
    730   // closure and extension object later (we need the empty function
    731   // and the global object, but in order to create those, we need the
    732   // native context).
    733   native_context_ = factory()->NewNativeContext();
    734   AddToWeakNativeContextList(*native_context());
    735   isolate()->set_context(*native_context());
    737   // Allocate the message listeners object.
    738   {
    739     v8::NeanderArray listeners(isolate());
    740     native_context()->set_message_listeners(*listeners.value());
    741   }
    742 }
    745 Handle<JSGlobalProxy> Genesis::CreateNewGlobals(
    746     v8::Handle<v8::ObjectTemplate> global_proxy_template,
    747     MaybeHandle<JSGlobalProxy> maybe_global_proxy,
    748     Handle<GlobalObject>* global_object_out) {
    749   // The argument global_proxy_template aka data is an ObjectTemplateInfo.
    750   // It has a constructor pointer that points at global_constructor which is a
    751   // FunctionTemplateInfo.
    752   // The global_proxy_constructor is used to create or reinitialize the
    753   // global_proxy. The global_proxy_constructor also has a prototype_template
    754   // pointer that points at js_global_object_template which is an
    755   // ObjectTemplateInfo.
    756   // That in turn has a constructor pointer that points at
    757   // js_global_object_constructor which is a FunctionTemplateInfo.
    758   // js_global_object_constructor is used to make js_global_object_function
    759   // js_global_object_function is used to make the new global_object.
    760   //
    761   // --- G l o b a l ---
    762   // Step 1: Create a fresh JSGlobalObject.
    763   Handle<JSFunction> js_global_object_function;
    764   Handle<ObjectTemplateInfo> js_global_object_template;
    765   if (!global_proxy_template.IsEmpty()) {
    766     // Get prototype template of the global_proxy_template.
    767     Handle<ObjectTemplateInfo> data =
    768         v8::Utils::OpenHandle(*global_proxy_template);
    769     Handle<FunctionTemplateInfo> global_constructor =
    770         Handle<FunctionTemplateInfo>(
    771             FunctionTemplateInfo::cast(data->constructor()));
    772     Handle<Object> proto_template(global_constructor->prototype_template(),
    773                                   isolate());
    774     if (!proto_template->IsUndefined()) {
    775       js_global_object_template =
    776           Handle<ObjectTemplateInfo>::cast(proto_template);
    777     }
    778   }
    780   if (js_global_object_template.is_null()) {
    781     Handle<String> name = Handle<String>(heap()->empty_string());
    782     Handle<Code> code = Handle<Code>(isolate()->builtins()->builtin(
    783         Builtins::kIllegal));
    784     Handle<JSObject> prototype =
    785         factory()->NewFunctionPrototype(isolate()->object_function());
    786     js_global_object_function = factory()->NewFunction(
    787         name, code, prototype, JS_GLOBAL_OBJECT_TYPE, JSGlobalObject::kSize);
    788 #ifdef DEBUG
    789     LookupIterator it(prototype, factory()->constructor_string(),
    790                       LookupIterator::OWN_SKIP_INTERCEPTOR);
    791     Handle<Object> value = JSReceiver::GetProperty(&it).ToHandleChecked();
    792     DCHECK(it.IsFound());
    793     DCHECK_EQ(*isolate()->object_function(), *value);
    794 #endif
    795   } else {
    796     Handle<FunctionTemplateInfo> js_global_object_constructor(
    797         FunctionTemplateInfo::cast(js_global_object_template->constructor()));
    798     js_global_object_function =
    799         factory()->CreateApiFunction(js_global_object_constructor,
    800                                      factory()->the_hole_value(),
    801                                      factory()->GlobalObjectType);
    802   }
    804   js_global_object_function->initial_map()->set_is_hidden_prototype();
    805   js_global_object_function->initial_map()->set_dictionary_map(true);
    806   Handle<GlobalObject> global_object =
    807       factory()->NewGlobalObject(js_global_object_function);
    808   if (global_object_out != NULL) {
    809     *global_object_out = global_object;
    810   }
    812   // Step 2: create or re-initialize the global proxy object.
    813   Handle<JSFunction> global_proxy_function;
    814   if (global_proxy_template.IsEmpty()) {
    815     Handle<String> name = Handle<String>(heap()->empty_string());
    816     Handle<Code> code = Handle<Code>(isolate()->builtins()->builtin(
    817         Builtins::kIllegal));
    818     global_proxy_function = factory()->NewFunction(
    819         name, code, JS_GLOBAL_PROXY_TYPE, JSGlobalProxy::kSize);
    820   } else {
    821     Handle<ObjectTemplateInfo> data =
    822         v8::Utils::OpenHandle(*global_proxy_template);
    823     Handle<FunctionTemplateInfo> global_constructor(
    824             FunctionTemplateInfo::cast(data->constructor()));
    825     global_proxy_function =
    826         factory()->CreateApiFunction(global_constructor,
    827                                      factory()->the_hole_value(),
    828                                      factory()->GlobalProxyType);
    829   }
    831   Handle<String> global_name = factory()->global_string();
    832   global_proxy_function->shared()->set_instance_class_name(*global_name);
    833   global_proxy_function->initial_map()->set_is_access_check_needed(true);
    835   // Set global_proxy.__proto__ to js_global after ConfigureGlobalObjects
    836   // Return the global proxy.
    838   Handle<JSGlobalProxy> global_proxy;
    839   if (maybe_global_proxy.ToHandle(&global_proxy)) {
    840     factory()->ReinitializeJSGlobalProxy(global_proxy, global_proxy_function);
    841   } else {
    842     global_proxy = Handle<JSGlobalProxy>::cast(
    843         factory()->NewJSObject(global_proxy_function, TENURED));
    844     global_proxy->set_hash(heap()->undefined_value());
    845   }
    846   return global_proxy;
    847 }
    850 void Genesis::HookUpGlobalProxy(Handle<GlobalObject> global_object,
    851                                 Handle<JSGlobalProxy> global_proxy) {
    852   // Set the native context for the global object.
    853   global_object->set_native_context(*native_context());
    854   global_object->set_global_context(*native_context());
    855   global_object->set_global_proxy(*global_proxy);
    856   global_proxy->set_native_context(*native_context());
    857   native_context()->set_global_proxy(*global_proxy);
    858 }
    861 void Genesis::HookUpGlobalObject(Handle<GlobalObject> global_object) {
    862   Handle<GlobalObject> global_object_from_snapshot(
    863       GlobalObject::cast(native_context()->extension()));
    864   Handle<JSBuiltinsObject> builtins_global(native_context()->builtins());
    865   native_context()->set_extension(*global_object);
    866   native_context()->set_global_object(*global_object);
    867   native_context()->set_security_token(*global_object);
    868   static const PropertyAttributes attributes =
    869       static_cast<PropertyAttributes>(READ_ONLY | DONT_DELETE);
    870   Runtime::DefineObjectProperty(builtins_global, factory()->global_string(),
    871                                 global_object, attributes).Assert();
    872   // Set up the reference from the global object to the builtins object.
    873   JSGlobalObject::cast(*global_object)->set_builtins(*builtins_global);
    874   TransferNamedProperties(global_object_from_snapshot, global_object);
    875   TransferIndexedProperties(global_object_from_snapshot, global_object);
    876 }
    879 // This is only called if we are not using snapshots.  The equivalent
    880 // work in the snapshot case is done in HookUpGlobalObject.
    881 void Genesis::InitializeGlobal(Handle<GlobalObject> global_object,
    882                                Handle<JSFunction> empty_function) {
    883   // --- N a t i v e   C o n t e x t ---
    884   // Use the empty function as closure (no scope info).
    885   native_context()->set_closure(*empty_function);
    886   native_context()->set_previous(NULL);
    887   // Set extension and global object.
    888   native_context()->set_extension(*global_object);
    889   native_context()->set_global_object(*global_object);
    890   // Security setup: Set the security token of the native context to the global
    891   // object. This makes the security check between two different contexts fail
    892   // by default even in case of global object reinitialization.
    893   native_context()->set_security_token(*global_object);
    895   Isolate* isolate = global_object->GetIsolate();
    896   Factory* factory = isolate->factory();
    897   Heap* heap = isolate->heap();
    899   Handle<String> object_name = factory->Object_string();
    900   JSObject::AddProperty(
    901       global_object, object_name, isolate->object_function(), DONT_ENUM);
    903   Handle<JSObject> global(native_context()->global_object());
    905   // Install global Function object
    906   InstallFunction(global, "Function", JS_FUNCTION_TYPE, JSFunction::kSize,
    907                   empty_function, Builtins::kIllegal);
    909   {  // --- A r r a y ---
    910     Handle<JSFunction> array_function =
    911         InstallFunction(global, "Array", JS_ARRAY_TYPE, JSArray::kSize,
    912                         isolate->initial_object_prototype(),
    913                         Builtins::kArrayCode);
    914     array_function->shared()->DontAdaptArguments();
    915     array_function->shared()->set_function_data(Smi::FromInt(kArrayCode));
    917     // This seems a bit hackish, but we need to make sure Array.length
    918     // is 1.
    919     array_function->shared()->set_length(1);
    921     Handle<Map> initial_map(array_function->initial_map());
    923     // This assert protects an optimization in
    924     // HGraphBuilder::JSArrayBuilder::EmitMapCode()
    925     DCHECK(initial_map->elements_kind() == GetInitialFastElementsKind());
    926     Map::EnsureDescriptorSlack(initial_map, 1);
    928     PropertyAttributes attribs = static_cast<PropertyAttributes>(
    929         DONT_ENUM | DONT_DELETE);
    931     Handle<AccessorInfo> array_length =
    932         Accessors::ArrayLengthInfo(isolate, attribs);
    933     {  // Add length.
    934       CallbacksDescriptor d(
    935           Handle<Name>(Name::cast(array_length->name())),
    936           array_length, attribs);
    937       array_function->initial_map()->AppendDescriptor(&d);
    938     }
    940     // array_function is used internally. JS code creating array object should
    941     // search for the 'Array' property on the global object and use that one
    942     // as the constructor. 'Array' property on a global object can be
    943     // overwritten by JS code.
    944     native_context()->set_array_function(*array_function);
    946     // Cache the array maps, needed by ArrayConstructorStub
    947     CacheInitialJSArrayMaps(native_context(), initial_map);
    948     ArrayConstructorStub array_constructor_stub(isolate);
    949     Handle<Code> code = array_constructor_stub.GetCode();
    950     array_function->shared()->set_construct_stub(*code);
    951   }
    953   {  // --- N u m b e r ---
    954     Handle<JSFunction> number_fun =
    955         InstallFunction(global, "Number", JS_VALUE_TYPE, JSValue::kSize,
    956                         isolate->initial_object_prototype(),
    957                         Builtins::kIllegal);
    958     native_context()->set_number_function(*number_fun);
    959   }
    961   {  // --- B o o l e a n ---
    962     Handle<JSFunction> boolean_fun =
    963         InstallFunction(global, "Boolean", JS_VALUE_TYPE, JSValue::kSize,
    964                         isolate->initial_object_prototype(),
    965                         Builtins::kIllegal);
    966     native_context()->set_boolean_function(*boolean_fun);
    967   }
    969   {  // --- S t r i n g ---
    970     Handle<JSFunction> string_fun =
    971         InstallFunction(global, "String", JS_VALUE_TYPE, JSValue::kSize,
    972                         isolate->initial_object_prototype(),
    973                         Builtins::kIllegal);
    974     string_fun->shared()->set_construct_stub(
    975         isolate->builtins()->builtin(Builtins::kStringConstructCode));
    976     native_context()->set_string_function(*string_fun);
    978     Handle<Map> string_map =
    979         Handle<Map>(native_context()->string_function()->initial_map());
    980     Map::EnsureDescriptorSlack(string_map, 1);
    982     PropertyAttributes attribs = static_cast<PropertyAttributes>(
    983         DONT_ENUM | DONT_DELETE | READ_ONLY);
    984     Handle<AccessorInfo> string_length(
    985         Accessors::StringLengthInfo(isolate, attribs));
    987     {  // Add length.
    988       CallbacksDescriptor d(factory->length_string(), string_length, attribs);
    989       string_map->AppendDescriptor(&d);
    990     }
    991   }
    993   {
    994     // --- S y m b o l ---
    995     Handle<JSFunction> symbol_fun = InstallFunction(
    996         global, "Symbol", JS_VALUE_TYPE, JSValue::kSize,
    997         isolate->initial_object_prototype(), Builtins::kIllegal);
    998     native_context()->set_symbol_function(*symbol_fun);
    999   }
   1001   {  // --- D a t e ---
   1002     // Builtin functions for Date.prototype.
   1003     Handle<JSFunction> date_fun =
   1004         InstallFunction(global, "Date", JS_DATE_TYPE, JSDate::kSize,
   1005                         isolate->initial_object_prototype(),
   1006                         Builtins::kIllegal);
   1008     native_context()->set_date_function(*date_fun);
   1009   }
   1012   {  // -- R e g E x p
   1013     // Builtin functions for RegExp.prototype.
   1014     Handle<JSFunction> regexp_fun =
   1015         InstallFunction(global, "RegExp", JS_REGEXP_TYPE, JSRegExp::kSize,
   1016                         isolate->initial_object_prototype(),
   1017                         Builtins::kIllegal);
   1018     native_context()->set_regexp_function(*regexp_fun);
   1020     DCHECK(regexp_fun->has_initial_map());
   1021     Handle<Map> initial_map(regexp_fun->initial_map());
   1023     DCHECK_EQ(0, initial_map->inobject_properties());
   1025     PropertyAttributes final =
   1026         static_cast<PropertyAttributes>(DONT_ENUM | DONT_DELETE | READ_ONLY);
   1027     Map::EnsureDescriptorSlack(initial_map, 5);
   1029     {
   1030       // ECMA-262, section
   1031       FieldDescriptor field(factory->source_string(),
   1032                             JSRegExp::kSourceFieldIndex,
   1033                             final,
   1034                             Representation::Tagged());
   1035       initial_map->AppendDescriptor(&field);
   1036     }
   1037     {
   1038       // ECMA-262, section
   1039       FieldDescriptor field(factory->global_string(),
   1040                             JSRegExp::kGlobalFieldIndex,
   1041                             final,
   1042                             Representation::Tagged());
   1043       initial_map->AppendDescriptor(&field);
   1044     }
   1045     {
   1046       // ECMA-262, section
   1047       FieldDescriptor field(factory->ignore_case_string(),
   1048                             JSRegExp::kIgnoreCaseFieldIndex,
   1049                             final,
   1050                             Representation::Tagged());
   1051       initial_map->AppendDescriptor(&field);
   1052     }
   1053     {
   1054       // ECMA-262, section
   1055       FieldDescriptor field(factory->multiline_string(),
   1056                             JSRegExp::kMultilineFieldIndex,
   1057                             final,
   1058                             Representation::Tagged());
   1059       initial_map->AppendDescriptor(&field);
   1060     }
   1061     {
   1062       // ECMA-262, section
   1063       PropertyAttributes writable =
   1064           static_cast<PropertyAttributes>(DONT_ENUM | DONT_DELETE);
   1065       FieldDescriptor field(factory->last_index_string(),
   1066                             JSRegExp::kLastIndexFieldIndex,
   1067                             writable,
   1068                             Representation::Tagged());
   1069       initial_map->AppendDescriptor(&field);
   1070     }
   1072     initial_map->set_inobject_properties(5);
   1073     initial_map->set_pre_allocated_property_fields(5);
   1074     initial_map->set_unused_property_fields(0);
   1075     initial_map->set_instance_size(
   1076         initial_map->instance_size() + 5 * kPointerSize);
   1077     initial_map->set_visitor_id(StaticVisitorBase::GetVisitorId(*initial_map));
   1079     // RegExp prototype object is itself a RegExp.
   1080     Handle<Map> proto_map = Map::Copy(initial_map);
   1081     proto_map->set_prototype(native_context()->initial_object_prototype());
   1082     Handle<JSObject> proto = factory->NewJSObjectFromMap(proto_map);
   1083     proto->InObjectPropertyAtPut(JSRegExp::kSourceFieldIndex,
   1084                                  heap->query_colon_string());
   1085     proto->InObjectPropertyAtPut(JSRegExp::kGlobalFieldIndex,
   1086                                  heap->false_value());
   1087     proto->InObjectPropertyAtPut(JSRegExp::kIgnoreCaseFieldIndex,
   1088                                  heap->false_value());
   1089     proto->InObjectPropertyAtPut(JSRegExp::kMultilineFieldIndex,
   1090                                  heap->false_value());
   1091     proto->InObjectPropertyAtPut(JSRegExp::kLastIndexFieldIndex,
   1092                                  Smi::FromInt(0),
   1093                                  SKIP_WRITE_BARRIER);  // It's a Smi.
   1094     proto_map->set_is_prototype_map(true);
   1095     initial_map->set_prototype(*proto);
   1096     factory->SetRegExpIrregexpData(Handle<JSRegExp>::cast(proto),
   1097                                    JSRegExp::IRREGEXP, factory->empty_string(),
   1098                                    JSRegExp::Flags(0), 0);
   1099   }
   1101   {  // -- J S O N
   1102     Handle<String> name = factory->InternalizeUtf8String("JSON");
   1103     Handle<JSFunction> cons = factory->NewFunction(name);
   1104     JSFunction::SetInstancePrototype(cons,
   1105         Handle<Object>(native_context()->initial_object_prototype(), isolate));
   1106     cons->SetInstanceClassName(*name);
   1107     Handle<JSObject> json_object = factory->NewJSObject(cons, TENURED);
   1108     DCHECK(json_object->IsJSObject());
   1109     JSObject::AddProperty(global, name, json_object, DONT_ENUM);
   1110     native_context()->set_json_object(*json_object);
   1111   }
   1113   {  // -- A r r a y B u f f e r
   1114     Handle<JSFunction> array_buffer_fun =
   1115         InstallFunction(
   1116             global, "ArrayBuffer", JS_ARRAY_BUFFER_TYPE,
   1117             JSArrayBuffer::kSizeWithInternalFields,
   1118             isolate->initial_object_prototype(),
   1119             Builtins::kIllegal);
   1120     native_context()->set_array_buffer_fun(*array_buffer_fun);
   1121   }
   1123   {  // -- T y p e d A r r a y s
   1124 #define INSTALL_TYPED_ARRAY(Type, type, TYPE, ctype, size)                    \
   1125     {                                                                         \
   1126       Handle<JSFunction> fun;                                                 \
   1127       Handle<Map> external_map;                                               \
   1128       InstallTypedArray(#Type "Array",                                        \
   1129           TYPE##_ELEMENTS,                                                    \
   1130           &fun,                                                               \
   1131           &external_map);                                                     \
   1132       native_context()->set_##type##_array_fun(*fun);                         \
   1133       native_context()->set_##type##_array_external_map(*external_map);       \
   1134     }
   1136 #undef INSTALL_TYPED_ARRAY
   1138     Handle<JSFunction> data_view_fun =
   1139         InstallFunction(
   1140             global, "DataView", JS_DATA_VIEW_TYPE,
   1141             JSDataView::kSizeWithInternalFields,
   1142             isolate->initial_object_prototype(),
   1143             Builtins::kIllegal);
   1144     native_context()->set_data_view_fun(*data_view_fun);
   1145   }
   1147   // -- M a p
   1148   InstallFunction(global, "Map", JS_MAP_TYPE, JSMap::kSize,
   1149                   isolate->initial_object_prototype(), Builtins::kIllegal);
   1151   // -- S e t
   1152   InstallFunction(global, "Set", JS_SET_TYPE, JSSet::kSize,
   1153                   isolate->initial_object_prototype(), Builtins::kIllegal);
   1155   {  // Set up the iterator result object
   1156     STATIC_ASSERT(JSGeneratorObject::kResultPropertyCount == 2);
   1157     Handle<JSFunction> object_function(native_context()->object_function());
   1158     Handle<Map> iterator_result_map =
   1159         Map::Create(isolate, JSGeneratorObject::kResultPropertyCount);
   1160     DCHECK_EQ(JSGeneratorObject::kResultSize,
   1161               iterator_result_map->instance_size());
   1162     DCHECK_EQ(JSGeneratorObject::kResultPropertyCount,
   1163               iterator_result_map->inobject_properties());
   1164     Map::EnsureDescriptorSlack(iterator_result_map,
   1165                                JSGeneratorObject::kResultPropertyCount);
   1167     FieldDescriptor value_descr(factory->value_string(),
   1168                                 JSGeneratorObject::kResultValuePropertyIndex,
   1169                                 NONE, Representation::Tagged());
   1170     iterator_result_map->AppendDescriptor(&value_descr);
   1172     FieldDescriptor done_descr(factory->done_string(),
   1173                                JSGeneratorObject::kResultDonePropertyIndex,
   1174                                NONE, Representation::Tagged());
   1175     iterator_result_map->AppendDescriptor(&done_descr);
   1177     iterator_result_map->set_unused_property_fields(0);
   1178     iterator_result_map->set_pre_allocated_property_fields(
   1179         JSGeneratorObject::kResultPropertyCount);
   1180     DCHECK_EQ(JSGeneratorObject::kResultSize,
   1181               iterator_result_map->instance_size());
   1182     native_context()->set_iterator_result_map(*iterator_result_map);
   1183   }
   1185   // -- W e a k M a p
   1186   InstallFunction(global, "WeakMap", JS_WEAK_MAP_TYPE, JSWeakMap::kSize,
   1187                   isolate->initial_object_prototype(), Builtins::kIllegal);
   1188   // -- W e a k S e t
   1189   InstallFunction(global, "WeakSet", JS_WEAK_SET_TYPE, JSWeakSet::kSize,
   1190                   isolate->initial_object_prototype(), Builtins::kIllegal);
   1192   {  // --- sloppy arguments map
   1193     // Make sure we can recognize argument objects at runtime.
   1194     // This is done by introducing an anonymous function with
   1195     // class_name equals 'Arguments'.
   1196     Handle<String> arguments_string = factory->Arguments_string();
   1197     Handle<Code> code(isolate->builtins()->builtin(Builtins::kIllegal));
   1198     Handle<JSFunction> function = factory->NewFunctionWithoutPrototype(
   1199         arguments_string, code);
   1200     function->shared()->set_instance_class_name(*arguments_string);
   1202     Handle<Map> map =
   1203         factory->NewMap(JS_OBJECT_TYPE, Heap::kSloppyArgumentsObjectSize);
   1204     // Create the descriptor array for the arguments object.
   1205     Map::EnsureDescriptorSlack(map, 2);
   1207     {  // length
   1208       FieldDescriptor d(factory->length_string(), Heap::kArgumentsLengthIndex,
   1209                         DONT_ENUM, Representation::Tagged());
   1210       map->AppendDescriptor(&d);
   1211     }
   1212     {  // callee
   1213       FieldDescriptor d(factory->callee_string(), Heap::kArgumentsCalleeIndex,
   1214                         DONT_ENUM, Representation::Tagged());
   1215       map->AppendDescriptor(&d);
   1216     }
   1217     // @@iterator method is added later.
   1219     map->set_function_with_prototype(true);
   1220     map->set_pre_allocated_property_fields(2);
   1221     map->set_inobject_properties(2);
   1222     native_context()->set_sloppy_arguments_map(*map);
   1224     DCHECK(!function->has_initial_map());
   1225     JSFunction::SetInitialMap(function, map,
   1226                               isolate->initial_object_prototype());
   1228     DCHECK(map->inobject_properties() > Heap::kArgumentsCalleeIndex);
   1229     DCHECK(map->inobject_properties() > Heap::kArgumentsLengthIndex);
   1230     DCHECK(!map->is_dictionary_map());
   1231     DCHECK(IsFastObjectElementsKind(map->elements_kind()));
   1232   }
   1234   {  // --- aliased arguments map
   1235     Handle<Map> map = Map::Copy(isolate->sloppy_arguments_map());
   1236     map->set_elements_kind(SLOPPY_ARGUMENTS_ELEMENTS);
   1237     DCHECK_EQ(2, map->pre_allocated_property_fields());
   1238     native_context()->set_aliased_arguments_map(*map);
   1239   }
   1241   {  // --- strict mode arguments map
   1242     const PropertyAttributes attributes =
   1243       static_cast<PropertyAttributes>(DONT_ENUM | DONT_DELETE | READ_ONLY);
   1245     // Create the ThrowTypeError functions.
   1246     Handle<AccessorPair> callee = factory->NewAccessorPair();
   1247     Handle<AccessorPair> caller = factory->NewAccessorPair();
   1249     Handle<JSFunction> poison = GetStrictPoisonFunction();
   1251     // Install the ThrowTypeError functions.
   1252     callee->set_getter(*poison);
   1253     callee->set_setter(*poison);
   1254     caller->set_getter(*poison);
   1255     caller->set_setter(*poison);
   1257     // Create the map. Allocate one in-object field for length.
   1258     Handle<Map> map = factory->NewMap(JS_OBJECT_TYPE,
   1259                                       Heap::kStrictArgumentsObjectSize);
   1260     // Create the descriptor array for the arguments object.
   1261     Map::EnsureDescriptorSlack(map, 3);
   1263     {  // length
   1264       FieldDescriptor d(factory->length_string(), Heap::kArgumentsLengthIndex,
   1265                         DONT_ENUM, Representation::Tagged());
   1266       map->AppendDescriptor(&d);
   1267     }
   1268     {  // callee
   1269       CallbacksDescriptor d(factory->callee_string(), callee, attributes);
   1270       map->AppendDescriptor(&d);
   1271     }
   1272     {  // caller
   1273       CallbacksDescriptor d(factory->caller_string(), caller, attributes);
   1274       map->AppendDescriptor(&d);
   1275     }
   1276     // @@iterator method is added later.
   1278     map->set_function_with_prototype(true);
   1279     map->set_prototype(native_context()->object_function()->prototype());
   1280     map->set_pre_allocated_property_fields(1);
   1281     map->set_inobject_properties(1);
   1283     // Copy constructor from the sloppy arguments boilerplate.
   1284     map->set_constructor(
   1285         native_context()->sloppy_arguments_map()->constructor());
   1287     native_context()->set_strict_arguments_map(*map);
   1289     DCHECK(map->inobject_properties() > Heap::kArgumentsLengthIndex);
   1290     DCHECK(!map->is_dictionary_map());
   1291     DCHECK(IsFastObjectElementsKind(map->elements_kind()));
   1292   }
   1294   {  // --- context extension
   1295     // Create a function for the context extension objects.
   1296     Handle<Code> code = Handle<Code>(
   1297         isolate->builtins()->builtin(Builtins::kIllegal));
   1298     Handle<JSFunction> context_extension_fun = factory->NewFunction(
   1299         factory->empty_string(), code, JS_CONTEXT_EXTENSION_OBJECT_TYPE,
   1300         JSObject::kHeaderSize);
   1302     Handle<String> name = factory->InternalizeOneByteString(
   1303         STATIC_CHAR_VECTOR("context_extension"));
   1304     context_extension_fun->shared()->set_instance_class_name(*name);
   1305     native_context()->set_context_extension_function(*context_extension_fun);
   1306   }
   1309   {
   1310     // Set up the call-as-function delegate.
   1311     Handle<Code> code =
   1312         Handle<Code>(isolate->builtins()->builtin(
   1313             Builtins::kHandleApiCallAsFunction));
   1314     Handle<JSFunction> delegate = factory->NewFunction(
   1315         factory->empty_string(), code, JS_OBJECT_TYPE, JSObject::kHeaderSize);
   1316     native_context()->set_call_as_function_delegate(*delegate);
   1317     delegate->shared()->DontAdaptArguments();
   1318   }
   1320   {
   1321     // Set up the call-as-constructor delegate.
   1322     Handle<Code> code =
   1323         Handle<Code>(isolate->builtins()->builtin(
   1324             Builtins::kHandleApiCallAsConstructor));
   1325     Handle<JSFunction> delegate = factory->NewFunction(
   1326         factory->empty_string(), code, JS_OBJECT_TYPE, JSObject::kHeaderSize);
   1327     native_context()->set_call_as_constructor_delegate(*delegate);
   1328     delegate->shared()->DontAdaptArguments();
   1329   }
   1331   // Initialize the embedder data slot.
   1332   Handle<FixedArray> embedder_data = factory->NewFixedArray(3);
   1333   native_context()->set_embedder_data(*embedder_data);
   1334 }
   1337 void Genesis::InstallTypedArray(
   1338     const char* name,
   1339     ElementsKind elements_kind,
   1340     Handle<JSFunction>* fun,
   1341     Handle<Map>* external_map) {
   1342   Handle<JSObject> global = Handle<JSObject>(native_context()->global_object());
   1343   Handle<JSFunction> result = InstallFunction(
   1344       global, name, JS_TYPED_ARRAY_TYPE, JSTypedArray::kSize,
   1345       isolate()->initial_object_prototype(), Builtins::kIllegal);
   1347   Handle<Map> initial_map = isolate()->factory()->NewMap(
   1348       JS_TYPED_ARRAY_TYPE,
   1349       JSTypedArray::kSizeWithInternalFields,
   1350       elements_kind);
   1351   JSFunction::SetInitialMap(result, initial_map,
   1352                             handle(initial_map->prototype(), isolate()));
   1353   *fun = result;
   1355   ElementsKind external_kind = GetNextTransitionElementsKind(elements_kind);
   1356   *external_map = Map::AsElementsKind(initial_map, external_kind);
   1357 }
   1360 void Genesis::InitializeExperimentalGlobal() {
   1361   // TODO(erikcorry): Move this into Genesis::InitializeGlobal once we no
   1362   // longer need to live behind a flag.
   1363   Handle<JSObject> builtins(native_context()->builtins());
   1365   Handle<HeapObject> flag(
   1366       FLAG_harmony_regexps ? heap()->true_value() : heap()->false_value());
   1367   PropertyAttributes attributes =
   1368       static_cast<PropertyAttributes>(DONT_DELETE | READ_ONLY);
   1369   Runtime::DefineObjectProperty(builtins, factory()->harmony_regexps_string(),
   1370                                 flag, attributes).Assert();
   1371 }
   1374 bool Genesis::CompileBuiltin(Isolate* isolate, int index) {
   1375   Vector<const char> name = Natives::GetScriptName(index);
   1376   Handle<String> source_code =
   1377       isolate->bootstrapper()->NativesSourceLookup(index);
   1378   return CompileNative(isolate, name, source_code);
   1379 }
   1382 bool Genesis::CompileExperimentalBuiltin(Isolate* isolate, int index) {
   1383   Vector<const char> name = ExperimentalNatives::GetScriptName(index);
   1384   Factory* factory = isolate->factory();
   1385   Handle<String> source_code;
   1387       isolate, source_code, factory->NewStringFromAscii(
   1388                                 ExperimentalNatives::GetRawScriptSource(index)),
   1389       false);
   1390   return CompileNative(isolate, name, source_code);
   1391 }
   1394 bool Genesis::CompileNative(Isolate* isolate,
   1395                             Vector<const char> name,
   1396                             Handle<String> source) {
   1397   HandleScope scope(isolate);
   1398   SuppressDebug compiling_natives(isolate->debug());
   1399   // During genesis, the boilerplate for stack overflow won't work until the
   1400   // environment has been at least partially initialized. Add a stack check
   1401   // before entering JS code to catch overflow early.
   1402   StackLimitCheck check(isolate);
   1403   if (check.HasOverflowed()) return false;
   1405   bool result = CompileScriptCached(isolate,
   1406                                     name,
   1407                                     source,
   1408                                     NULL,
   1409                                     NULL,
   1410                                     Handle<Context>(isolate->context()),
   1411                                     true);
   1412   DCHECK(isolate->has_pending_exception() != result);
   1413   if (!result) isolate->clear_pending_exception();
   1414   return result;
   1415 }
   1418 bool Genesis::CompileScriptCached(Isolate* isolate,
   1419                                   Vector<const char> name,
   1420                                   Handle<String> source,
   1421                                   SourceCodeCache* cache,
   1422                                   v8::Extension* extension,
   1423                                   Handle<Context> top_context,
   1424                                   bool use_runtime_context) {
   1425   Factory* factory = isolate->factory();
   1426   HandleScope scope(isolate);
   1427   Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> function_info;
   1429   // If we can't find the function in the cache, we compile a new
   1430   // function and insert it into the cache.
   1431   if (cache == NULL || !cache->Lookup(name, &function_info)) {
   1432     DCHECK(source->IsOneByteRepresentation());
   1433     Handle<String> script_name =
   1434         factory->NewStringFromUtf8(name).ToHandleChecked();
   1435     function_info = Compiler::CompileScript(
   1436         source, script_name, 0, 0, false, top_context, extension, NULL,
   1437         ScriptCompiler::kNoCompileOptions,
   1438         use_runtime_context ? NATIVES_CODE : NOT_NATIVES_CODE);
   1439     if (function_info.is_null()) return false;
   1440     if (cache != NULL) cache->Add(name, function_info);
   1441   }
   1443   // Set up the function context. Conceptually, we should clone the
   1444   // function before overwriting the context but since we're in a
   1445   // single-threaded environment it is not strictly necessary.
   1446   DCHECK(top_context->IsNativeContext());
   1447   Handle<Context> context =
   1448       Handle<Context>(use_runtime_context
   1449                       ? Handle<Context>(top_context->runtime_context())
   1450                       : top_context);
   1451   Handle<JSFunction> fun =
   1452       factory->NewFunctionFromSharedFunctionInfo(function_info, context);
   1454   // Call function using either the runtime object or the global
   1455   // object as the receiver. Provide no parameters.
   1456   Handle<Object> receiver =
   1457       Handle<Object>(use_runtime_context
   1458                      ? top_context->builtins()
   1459                      : top_context->global_object(),
   1460                      isolate);
   1461   return !Execution::Call(
   1462       isolate, fun, receiver, 0, NULL).is_null();
   1463 }
   1466 static Handle<JSObject> ResolveBuiltinIdHolder(Handle<Context> native_context,
   1467                                                const char* holder_expr) {
   1468   Isolate* isolate = native_context->GetIsolate();
   1469   Factory* factory = isolate->factory();
   1470   Handle<GlobalObject> global(native_context->global_object());
   1471   const char* period_pos = strchr(holder_expr, '.');
   1472   if (period_pos == NULL) {
   1473     return Handle<JSObject>::cast(
   1474         Object::GetPropertyOrElement(
   1475             global, factory->InternalizeUtf8String(holder_expr))
   1476             .ToHandleChecked());
   1477   }
   1478   const char* inner = period_pos + 1;
   1479   DCHECK_EQ(NULL, strchr(inner, '.'));
   1480   Vector<const char> property(holder_expr,
   1481                               static_cast<int>(period_pos - holder_expr));
   1482   Handle<String> property_string = factory->InternalizeUtf8String(property);
   1483   DCHECK(!property_string.is_null());
   1484   Handle<JSObject> object = Handle<JSObject>::cast(
   1485       Object::GetProperty(global, property_string).ToHandleChecked());
   1486   if (strcmp("prototype", inner) == 0) {
   1487     Handle<JSFunction> function = Handle<JSFunction>::cast(object);
   1488     return Handle<JSObject>(JSObject::cast(function->prototype()));
   1489   }
   1490   Handle<String> inner_string = factory->InternalizeUtf8String(inner);
   1491   DCHECK(!inner_string.is_null());
   1492   Handle<Object> value =
   1493       Object::GetProperty(object, inner_string).ToHandleChecked();
   1494   return Handle<JSObject>::cast(value);
   1495 }
   1498 #define INSTALL_NATIVE(Type, name, var)                                     \
   1499   Handle<String> var##_name =                                               \
   1500       factory()->InternalizeOneByteString(STATIC_CHAR_VECTOR(name));        \
   1501   Handle<Object> var##_native =                                             \
   1502       Object::GetProperty(handle(native_context()->builtins()), var##_name) \
   1503           .ToHandleChecked();                                               \
   1504   native_context()->set_##var(Type::cast(*var##_native));
   1506 #define INSTALL_NATIVE_MATH(name)                                    \
   1507   {                                                                  \
   1508     Handle<Object> fun =                                             \
   1509         ResolveBuiltinIdHolder(native_context(), "Math." #name);     \
   1510     native_context()->set_math_##name##_fun(JSFunction::cast(*fun)); \
   1511   }
   1513 void Genesis::InstallNativeFunctions() {
   1514   HandleScope scope(isolate());
   1515   INSTALL_NATIVE(JSFunction, "CreateDate", create_date_fun);
   1517   INSTALL_NATIVE(JSFunction, "ToNumber", to_number_fun);
   1518   INSTALL_NATIVE(JSFunction, "ToString", to_string_fun);
   1519   INSTALL_NATIVE(JSFunction, "ToDetailString", to_detail_string_fun);
   1520   INSTALL_NATIVE(JSFunction, "ToObject", to_object_fun);
   1521   INSTALL_NATIVE(JSFunction, "ToInteger", to_integer_fun);
   1522   INSTALL_NATIVE(JSFunction, "ToUint32", to_uint32_fun);
   1523   INSTALL_NATIVE(JSFunction, "ToInt32", to_int32_fun);
   1525   INSTALL_NATIVE(JSFunction, "GlobalEval", global_eval_fun);
   1526   INSTALL_NATIVE(JSFunction, "Instantiate", instantiate_fun);
   1527   INSTALL_NATIVE(JSFunction, "ConfigureTemplateInstance",
   1528                  configure_instance_fun);
   1529   INSTALL_NATIVE(JSFunction, "GetStackTraceLine", get_stack_trace_line_fun);
   1530   INSTALL_NATIVE(JSObject, "functionCache", function_cache);
   1531   INSTALL_NATIVE(JSFunction, "ToCompletePropertyDescriptor",
   1532                  to_complete_property_descriptor);
   1534   INSTALL_NATIVE(JSFunction, "IsPromise", is_promise);
   1535   INSTALL_NATIVE(JSFunction, "PromiseCreate", promise_create);
   1536   INSTALL_NATIVE(JSFunction, "PromiseResolve", promise_resolve);
   1537   INSTALL_NATIVE(JSFunction, "PromiseReject", promise_reject);
   1538   INSTALL_NATIVE(JSFunction, "PromiseChain", promise_chain);
   1539   INSTALL_NATIVE(JSFunction, "PromiseCatch", promise_catch);
   1540   INSTALL_NATIVE(JSFunction, "PromiseThen", promise_then);
   1542   INSTALL_NATIVE(JSFunction, "NotifyChange", observers_notify_change);
   1543   INSTALL_NATIVE(JSFunction, "EnqueueSpliceRecord", observers_enqueue_splice);
   1544   INSTALL_NATIVE(JSFunction, "BeginPerformSplice",
   1545                  observers_begin_perform_splice);
   1546   INSTALL_NATIVE(JSFunction, "EndPerformSplice",
   1547                  observers_end_perform_splice);
   1548   INSTALL_NATIVE(JSFunction, "NativeObjectObserve",
   1549                  native_object_observe);
   1550   INSTALL_NATIVE(JSFunction, "NativeObjectGetNotifier",
   1551                  native_object_get_notifier);
   1552   INSTALL_NATIVE(JSFunction, "NativeObjectNotifierPerformChange",
   1553                  native_object_notifier_perform_change);
   1555   INSTALL_NATIVE(Symbol, "symbolIterator", iterator_symbol);
   1556   INSTALL_NATIVE(Symbol, "symbolUnscopables", unscopables_symbol);
   1557   INSTALL_NATIVE(JSFunction, "ArrayValues", array_values_iterator);
   1559   INSTALL_NATIVE_MATH(abs)
   1560   INSTALL_NATIVE_MATH(acos)
   1561   INSTALL_NATIVE_MATH(asin)
   1562   INSTALL_NATIVE_MATH(atan)
   1563   INSTALL_NATIVE_MATH(atan2)
   1564   INSTALL_NATIVE_MATH(ceil)
   1565   INSTALL_NATIVE_MATH(cos)
   1566   INSTALL_NATIVE_MATH(exp)
   1567   INSTALL_NATIVE_MATH(floor)
   1568   INSTALL_NATIVE_MATH(imul)
   1569   INSTALL_NATIVE_MATH(log)
   1570   INSTALL_NATIVE_MATH(max)
   1571   INSTALL_NATIVE_MATH(min)
   1572   INSTALL_NATIVE_MATH(pow)
   1573   INSTALL_NATIVE_MATH(random)
   1574   INSTALL_NATIVE_MATH(round)
   1575   INSTALL_NATIVE_MATH(sin)
   1576   INSTALL_NATIVE_MATH(sqrt)
   1577   INSTALL_NATIVE_MATH(tan)
   1578 }
   1581 void Genesis::InstallExperimentalNativeFunctions() {
   1582   if (FLAG_harmony_proxies) {
   1583     INSTALL_NATIVE(JSFunction, "DerivedHasTrap", derived_has_trap);
   1584     INSTALL_NATIVE(JSFunction, "DerivedGetTrap", derived_get_trap);
   1585     INSTALL_NATIVE(JSFunction, "DerivedSetTrap", derived_set_trap);
   1586     INSTALL_NATIVE(JSFunction, "ProxyEnumerate", proxy_enumerate);
   1587   }
   1588 }
   1590 #undef INSTALL_NATIVE
   1593 Handle<JSFunction> Genesis::InstallInternalArray(
   1594     Handle<JSBuiltinsObject> builtins,
   1595     const char* name,
   1596     ElementsKind elements_kind) {
   1597   // --- I n t e r n a l   A r r a y ---
   1598   // An array constructor on the builtins object that works like
   1599   // the public Array constructor, except that its prototype
   1600   // doesn't inherit from Object.prototype.
   1601   // To be used only for internal work by builtins. Instances
   1602   // must not be leaked to user code.
   1603   Handle<JSObject> prototype =
   1604       factory()->NewJSObject(isolate()->object_function(), TENURED);
   1605   Handle<JSFunction> array_function = InstallFunction(
   1606       builtins, name, JS_ARRAY_TYPE, JSArray::kSize,
   1607       prototype, Builtins::kInternalArrayCode);
   1609   InternalArrayConstructorStub internal_array_constructor_stub(isolate());
   1610   Handle<Code> code = internal_array_constructor_stub.GetCode();
   1611   array_function->shared()->set_construct_stub(*code);
   1612   array_function->shared()->DontAdaptArguments();
   1614   Handle<Map> original_map(array_function->initial_map());
   1615   Handle<Map> initial_map = Map::Copy(original_map);
   1616   initial_map->set_elements_kind(elements_kind);
   1617   JSFunction::SetInitialMap(array_function, initial_map, prototype);
   1619   // Make "length" magic on instances.
   1620   Map::EnsureDescriptorSlack(initial_map, 1);
   1622   PropertyAttributes attribs = static_cast<PropertyAttributes>(
   1623       DONT_ENUM | DONT_DELETE);
   1625   Handle<AccessorInfo> array_length =
   1626       Accessors::ArrayLengthInfo(isolate(), attribs);
   1627   {  // Add length.
   1628     CallbacksDescriptor d(
   1629         Handle<Name>(Name::cast(array_length->name())), array_length, attribs);
   1630     array_function->initial_map()->AppendDescriptor(&d);
   1631   }
   1633   return array_function;
   1634 }
   1637 bool Genesis::InstallNatives() {
   1638   HandleScope scope(isolate());
   1640   // Create a function for the builtins object. Allocate space for the
   1641   // JavaScript builtins, a reference to the builtins object
   1642   // (itself) and a reference to the native_context directly in the object.
   1643   Handle<Code> code = Handle<Code>(
   1644       isolate()->builtins()->builtin(Builtins::kIllegal));
   1645   Handle<JSFunction> builtins_fun = factory()->NewFunction(
   1646       factory()->empty_string(), code, JS_BUILTINS_OBJECT_TYPE,
   1647       JSBuiltinsObject::kSize);
   1649   Handle<String> name =
   1650       factory()->InternalizeOneByteString(STATIC_CHAR_VECTOR("builtins"));
   1651   builtins_fun->shared()->set_instance_class_name(*name);
   1652   builtins_fun->initial_map()->set_dictionary_map(true);
   1653   builtins_fun->initial_map()->set_prototype(heap()->null_value());
   1655   // Allocate the builtins object.
   1656   Handle<JSBuiltinsObject> builtins =
   1657       Handle<JSBuiltinsObject>::cast(factory()->NewGlobalObject(builtins_fun));
   1658   builtins->set_builtins(*builtins);
   1659   builtins->set_native_context(*native_context());
   1660   builtins->set_global_context(*native_context());
   1661   builtins->set_global_proxy(native_context()->global_proxy());
   1664   // Set up the 'global' properties of the builtins object. The
   1665   // 'global' property that refers to the global object is the only
   1666   // way to get from code running in the builtins context to the
   1667   // global object.
   1668   static const PropertyAttributes attributes =
   1669       static_cast<PropertyAttributes>(READ_ONLY | DONT_DELETE);
   1670   Handle<String> global_string =
   1671       factory()->InternalizeOneByteString(STATIC_CHAR_VECTOR("global"));
   1672   Handle<Object> global_obj(native_context()->global_object(), isolate());
   1673   JSObject::AddProperty(builtins, global_string, global_obj, attributes);
   1674   Handle<String> builtins_string =
   1675       factory()->InternalizeOneByteString(STATIC_CHAR_VECTOR("builtins"));
   1676   JSObject::AddProperty(builtins, builtins_string, builtins, attributes);
   1678   // Set up the reference from the global object to the builtins object.
   1679   JSGlobalObject::cast(native_context()->global_object())->
   1680       set_builtins(*builtins);
   1682   // Create a bridge function that has context in the native context.
   1683   Handle<JSFunction> bridge = factory()->NewFunction(factory()->empty_string());
   1684   DCHECK(bridge->context() == *isolate()->native_context());
   1686   // Allocate the builtins context.
   1687   Handle<Context> context =
   1688     factory()->NewFunctionContext(Context::MIN_CONTEXT_SLOTS, bridge);
   1689   context->set_global_object(*builtins);  // override builtins global object
   1691   native_context()->set_runtime_context(*context);
   1693   {  // -- S c r i p t
   1694     // Builtin functions for Script.
   1695     Handle<JSFunction> script_fun = InstallFunction(
   1696         builtins, "Script", JS_VALUE_TYPE, JSValue::kSize,
   1697         isolate()->initial_object_prototype(), Builtins::kIllegal);
   1698     Handle<JSObject> prototype =
   1699         factory()->NewJSObject(isolate()->object_function(), TENURED);
   1700     Accessors::FunctionSetPrototype(script_fun, prototype);
   1701     native_context()->set_script_function(*script_fun);
   1703     Handle<Map> script_map = Handle<Map>(script_fun->initial_map());
   1704     Map::EnsureDescriptorSlack(script_map, 14);
   1706     PropertyAttributes attribs =
   1707         static_cast<PropertyAttributes>(DONT_ENUM | DONT_DELETE | READ_ONLY);
   1709     Handle<AccessorInfo> script_column =
   1710         Accessors::ScriptColumnOffsetInfo(isolate(), attribs);
   1711     {
   1712       CallbacksDescriptor d(Handle<Name>(Name::cast(script_column->name())),
   1713                            script_column, attribs);
   1714       script_map->AppendDescriptor(&d);
   1715     }
   1717     Handle<AccessorInfo> script_id =
   1718         Accessors::ScriptIdInfo(isolate(), attribs);
   1719     {
   1720       CallbacksDescriptor d(Handle<Name>(Name::cast(script_id->name())),
   1721                             script_id, attribs);
   1722       script_map->AppendDescriptor(&d);
   1723     }
   1726     Handle<AccessorInfo> script_name =
   1727         Accessors::ScriptNameInfo(isolate(), attribs);
   1728     {
   1729       CallbacksDescriptor d(Handle<Name>(Name::cast(script_name->name())),
   1730                             script_name, attribs);
   1731       script_map->AppendDescriptor(&d);
   1732     }
   1734     Handle<AccessorInfo> script_line =
   1735         Accessors::ScriptLineOffsetInfo(isolate(), attribs);
   1736     {
   1737       CallbacksDescriptor d(Handle<Name>(Name::cast(script_line->name())),
   1738                            script_line, attribs);
   1739       script_map->AppendDescriptor(&d);
   1740     }
   1742     Handle<AccessorInfo> script_source =
   1743         Accessors::ScriptSourceInfo(isolate(), attribs);
   1744     {
   1745       CallbacksDescriptor d(Handle<Name>(Name::cast(script_source->name())),
   1746                             script_source, attribs);
   1747       script_map->AppendDescriptor(&d);
   1748     }
   1750     Handle<AccessorInfo> script_type =
   1751         Accessors::ScriptTypeInfo(isolate(), attribs);
   1752     {
   1753       CallbacksDescriptor d(Handle<Name>(Name::cast(script_type->name())),
   1754                             script_type, attribs);
   1755       script_map->AppendDescriptor(&d);
   1756     }
   1758     Handle<AccessorInfo> script_compilation_type =
   1759         Accessors::ScriptCompilationTypeInfo(isolate(), attribs);
   1760     {
   1761       CallbacksDescriptor d(
   1762           Handle<Name>(Name::cast(script_compilation_type->name())),
   1763           script_compilation_type, attribs);
   1764       script_map->AppendDescriptor(&d);
   1765     }
   1767     Handle<AccessorInfo> script_line_ends =
   1768         Accessors::ScriptLineEndsInfo(isolate(), attribs);
   1769     {
   1770       CallbacksDescriptor d(Handle<Name>(Name::cast(script_line_ends->name())),
   1771                             script_line_ends, attribs);
   1772       script_map->AppendDescriptor(&d);
   1773     }
   1775     Handle<AccessorInfo> script_context_data =
   1776         Accessors::ScriptContextDataInfo(isolate(), attribs);
   1777     {
   1778       CallbacksDescriptor d(
   1779           Handle<Name>(Name::cast(script_context_data->name())),
   1780           script_context_data, attribs);
   1781       script_map->AppendDescriptor(&d);
   1782     }
   1784     Handle<AccessorInfo> script_eval_from_script =
   1785         Accessors::ScriptEvalFromScriptInfo(isolate(), attribs);
   1786     {
   1787       CallbacksDescriptor d(
   1788           Handle<Name>(Name::cast(script_eval_from_script->name())),
   1789           script_eval_from_script, attribs);
   1790       script_map->AppendDescriptor(&d);
   1791     }
   1793     Handle<AccessorInfo> script_eval_from_script_position =
   1794         Accessors::ScriptEvalFromScriptPositionInfo(isolate(), attribs);
   1795     {
   1796       CallbacksDescriptor d(
   1797           Handle<Name>(Name::cast(script_eval_from_script_position->name())),
   1798           script_eval_from_script_position, attribs);
   1799       script_map->AppendDescriptor(&d);
   1800     }
   1802     Handle<AccessorInfo> script_eval_from_function_name =
   1803         Accessors::ScriptEvalFromFunctionNameInfo(isolate(), attribs);
   1804     {
   1805       CallbacksDescriptor d(
   1806           Handle<Name>(Name::cast(script_eval_from_function_name->name())),
   1807           script_eval_from_function_name, attribs);
   1808       script_map->AppendDescriptor(&d);
   1809     }
   1811     Handle<AccessorInfo> script_source_url =
   1812         Accessors::ScriptSourceUrlInfo(isolate(), attribs);
   1813     {
   1814       CallbacksDescriptor d(Handle<Name>(Name::cast(script_source_url->name())),
   1815                             script_source_url, attribs);
   1816       script_map->AppendDescriptor(&d);
   1817     }
   1819     Handle<AccessorInfo> script_source_mapping_url =
   1820         Accessors::ScriptSourceMappingUrlInfo(isolate(), attribs);
   1821     {
   1822       CallbacksDescriptor d(
   1823           Handle<Name>(Name::cast(script_source_mapping_url->name())),
   1824           script_source_mapping_url, attribs);
   1825       script_map->AppendDescriptor(&d);
   1826     }
   1828     // Allocate the empty script.
   1829     Handle<Script> script = factory()->NewScript(factory()->empty_string());
   1830     script->set_type(Smi::FromInt(Script::TYPE_NATIVE));
   1831     heap()->public_set_empty_script(*script);
   1832   }
   1833   {
   1834     // Builtin function for OpaqueReference -- a JSValue-based object,
   1835     // that keeps its field isolated from JavaScript code. It may store
   1836     // objects, that JavaScript code may not access.
   1837     Handle<JSFunction> opaque_reference_fun = InstallFunction(
   1838         builtins, "OpaqueReference", JS_VALUE_TYPE, JSValue::kSize,
   1839         isolate()->initial_object_prototype(), Builtins::kIllegal);
   1840     Handle<JSObject> prototype =
   1841         factory()->NewJSObject(isolate()->object_function(), TENURED);
   1842     Accessors::FunctionSetPrototype(opaque_reference_fun, prototype);
   1843     native_context()->set_opaque_reference_function(*opaque_reference_fun);
   1844   }
   1846   // InternalArrays should not use Smi-Only array optimizations. There are too
   1847   // many places in the C++ runtime code (e.g. RegEx) that assume that
   1848   // elements in InternalArrays can be set to non-Smi values without going
   1849   // through a common bottleneck that would make the SMI_ONLY -> FAST_ELEMENT
   1850   // transition easy to trap. Moreover, they rarely are smi-only.
   1851   {
   1852     Handle<JSFunction> array_function =
   1853         InstallInternalArray(builtins, "InternalArray", FAST_HOLEY_ELEMENTS);
   1854     native_context()->set_internal_array_function(*array_function);
   1855   }
   1857   {
   1858     InstallInternalArray(builtins, "InternalPackedArray", FAST_ELEMENTS);
   1859   }
   1861   {  // -- S e t I t e r a t o r
   1862     Handle<JSFunction> set_iterator_function = InstallFunction(
   1863         builtins, "SetIterator", JS_SET_ITERATOR_TYPE, JSSetIterator::kSize,
   1864         isolate()->initial_object_prototype(), Builtins::kIllegal);
   1865     native_context()->set_set_iterator_map(
   1866         set_iterator_function->initial_map());
   1867   }
   1869   {  // -- M a p I t e r a t o r
   1870     Handle<JSFunction> map_iterator_function = InstallFunction(
   1871         builtins, "MapIterator", JS_MAP_ITERATOR_TYPE, JSMapIterator::kSize,
   1872         isolate()->initial_object_prototype(), Builtins::kIllegal);
   1873     native_context()->set_map_iterator_map(
   1874         map_iterator_function->initial_map());
   1875   }
   1877   {
   1878     // Create generator meta-objects and install them on the builtins object.
   1879     Handle<JSObject> builtins(native_context()->builtins());
   1880     Handle<JSObject> generator_object_prototype =
   1881         factory()->NewJSObject(isolate()->object_function(), TENURED);
   1882     Handle<JSFunction> generator_function_prototype =
   1883         InstallFunction(builtins, "GeneratorFunctionPrototype",
   1884                         JS_FUNCTION_TYPE, JSFunction::kHeaderSize,
   1885                         generator_object_prototype, Builtins::kIllegal);
   1886     InstallFunction(builtins, "GeneratorFunction", JS_FUNCTION_TYPE,
   1887                     JSFunction::kSize, generator_function_prototype,
   1888                     Builtins::kIllegal);
   1890     // Create maps for generator functions and their prototypes.  Store those
   1891     // maps in the native context.
   1892     Handle<Map> generator_function_map =
   1893         Map::Copy(sloppy_function_map_writable_prototype_);
   1894     generator_function_map->set_prototype(*generator_function_prototype);
   1895     native_context()->set_sloppy_generator_function_map(
   1896         *generator_function_map);
   1898     // The "arguments" and "caller" instance properties aren't specified, so
   1899     // technically we could leave them out.  They make even less sense for
   1900     // generators than for functions.  Still, the same argument that it makes
   1901     // sense to keep them around but poisoned in strict mode applies to
   1902     // generators as well.  With poisoned accessors, naive callers can still
   1903     // iterate over the properties without accessing them.
   1904     //
   1905     // We can't use PoisonArgumentsAndCaller because that mutates accessor pairs
   1906     // in place, and the initial state of the generator function map shares the
   1907     // accessor pair with sloppy functions.  Also the error message should be
   1908     // different.  Also unhappily, we can't use the API accessors to implement
   1909     // poisoning, because API accessors present themselves as data properties,
   1910     // not accessor properties, and so getOwnPropertyDescriptor raises an
   1911     // exception as it tries to get the values.  Sadness.
   1912     Handle<AccessorPair> poison_pair(factory()->NewAccessorPair());
   1913     PropertyAttributes rw_attribs =
   1914         static_cast<PropertyAttributes>(DONT_ENUM | DONT_DELETE);
   1915     Handle<JSFunction> poison_function = GetGeneratorPoisonFunction();
   1916     poison_pair->set_getter(*poison_function);
   1917     poison_pair->set_setter(*poison_function);
   1918     ReplaceAccessors(generator_function_map, factory()->arguments_string(),
   1919                      rw_attribs, poison_pair);
   1920     ReplaceAccessors(generator_function_map, factory()->caller_string(),
   1921                      rw_attribs, poison_pair);
   1923     Handle<Map> strict_function_map(native_context()->strict_function_map());
   1924     Handle<Map> strict_generator_function_map = Map::Copy(strict_function_map);
   1925     // "arguments" and "caller" already poisoned.
   1926     strict_generator_function_map->set_prototype(*generator_function_prototype);
   1927     native_context()->set_strict_generator_function_map(
   1928         *strict_generator_function_map);
   1930     Handle<JSFunction> object_function(native_context()->object_function());
   1931     Handle<Map> generator_object_prototype_map = Map::Create(isolate(), 0);
   1932     generator_object_prototype_map->set_prototype(*generator_object_prototype);
   1933     native_context()->set_generator_object_prototype_map(
   1934         *generator_object_prototype_map);
   1935   }
   1937   if (FLAG_disable_native_files) {
   1938     PrintF("Warning: Running without installed natives!\n");
   1939     return true;
   1940   }
   1942   // Install natives.
   1943   for (int i = Natives::GetDebuggerCount();
   1944        i < Natives::GetBuiltinsCount();
   1945        i++) {
   1946     if (!CompileBuiltin(isolate(), i)) return false;
   1947     // TODO(ager): We really only need to install the JS builtin
   1948     // functions on the builtins object after compiling and running
   1949     // runtime.js.
   1950     if (!InstallJSBuiltins(builtins)) return false;
   1951   }
   1953   InstallNativeFunctions();
   1955   // Store the map for the string prototype after the natives has been compiled
   1956   // and the String function has been set up.
   1957   Handle<JSFunction> string_function(native_context()->string_function());
   1958   DCHECK(JSObject::cast(
   1959       string_function->initial_map()->prototype())->HasFastProperties());
   1960   native_context()->set_string_function_prototype_map(
   1961       HeapObject::cast(string_function->initial_map()->prototype())->map());
   1963   // Install Function.prototype.call and apply.
   1964   {
   1965     Handle<String> key = factory()->Function_string();
   1966     Handle<JSFunction> function =
   1967         Handle<JSFunction>::cast(Object::GetProperty(
   1968             handle(native_context()->global_object()), key).ToHandleChecked());
   1969     Handle<JSObject> proto =
   1970         Handle<JSObject>(JSObject::cast(function->instance_prototype()));
   1972     // Install the call and the apply functions.
   1973     Handle<JSFunction> call =
   1974         InstallFunction(proto, "call", JS_OBJECT_TYPE, JSObject::kHeaderSize,
   1975                         MaybeHandle<JSObject>(), Builtins::kFunctionCall);
   1976     Handle<JSFunction> apply =
   1977         InstallFunction(proto, "apply", JS_OBJECT_TYPE, JSObject::kHeaderSize,
   1978                         MaybeHandle<JSObject>(), Builtins::kFunctionApply);
   1979     if (FLAG_vector_ics) {
   1980       // Apply embeds an IC, so we need a type vector of size 1 in the shared
   1981       // function info.
   1982       Handle<TypeFeedbackVector> feedback_vector =
   1983           factory()->NewTypeFeedbackVector(1);
   1984       apply->shared()->set_feedback_vector(*feedback_vector);
   1985     }
   1987     // Make sure that Function.prototype.call appears to be compiled.
   1988     // The code will never be called, but inline caching for call will
   1989     // only work if it appears to be compiled.
   1990     call->shared()->DontAdaptArguments();
   1991     DCHECK(call->is_compiled());
   1993     // Set the expected parameters for apply to 2; required by builtin.
   1994     apply->shared()->set_formal_parameter_count(2);
   1996     // Set the lengths for the functions to satisfy ECMA-262.
   1997     call->shared()->set_length(1);
   1998     apply->shared()->set_length(2);
   1999   }
   2001   InstallBuiltinFunctionIds();
   2003   // Create a constructor for RegExp results (a variant of Array that
   2004   // predefines the two properties index and match).
   2005   {
   2006     // RegExpResult initial map.
   2008     // Find global.Array.prototype to inherit from.
   2009     Handle<JSFunction> array_constructor(native_context()->array_function());
   2010     Handle<JSObject> array_prototype(
   2011         JSObject::cast(array_constructor->instance_prototype()));
   2013     // Add initial map.
   2014     Handle<Map> initial_map =
   2015         factory()->NewMap(JS_ARRAY_TYPE, JSRegExpResult::kSize);
   2016     initial_map->set_constructor(*array_constructor);
   2018     // Set prototype on map.
   2019     initial_map->set_non_instance_prototype(false);
   2020     initial_map->set_prototype(*array_prototype);
   2022     // Update map with length accessor from Array and add "index" and "input".
   2023     Map::EnsureDescriptorSlack(initial_map, 3);
   2025     {
   2026       JSFunction* array_function = native_context()->array_function();
   2027       Handle<DescriptorArray> array_descriptors(
   2028           array_function->initial_map()->instance_descriptors());
   2029       Handle<String> length = factory()->length_string();
   2030       int old = array_descriptors->SearchWithCache(
   2031           *length, array_function->initial_map());
   2032       DCHECK(old != DescriptorArray::kNotFound);
   2033       CallbacksDescriptor desc(length,
   2034                                handle(array_descriptors->GetValue(old),
   2035                                       isolate()),
   2036                                array_descriptors->GetDetails(old).attributes());
   2037       initial_map->AppendDescriptor(&desc);
   2038     }
   2039     {
   2040       FieldDescriptor index_field(factory()->index_string(),
   2041                                   JSRegExpResult::kIndexIndex,
   2042                                   NONE,
   2043                                   Representation::Tagged());
   2044       initial_map->AppendDescriptor(&index_field);
   2045     }
   2047     {
   2048       FieldDescriptor input_field(factory()->input_string(),
   2049                                   JSRegExpResult::kInputIndex,
   2050                                   NONE,
   2051                                   Representation::Tagged());
   2052       initial_map->AppendDescriptor(&input_field);
   2053     }
   2055     initial_map->set_inobject_properties(2);
   2056     initial_map->set_pre_allocated_property_fields(2);
   2057     initial_map->set_unused_property_fields(0);
   2059     native_context()->set_regexp_result_map(*initial_map);
   2060   }
   2062   // Add @@iterator method to the arguments object maps.
   2063   {
   2064     PropertyAttributes attribs = DONT_ENUM;
   2065     Handle<AccessorInfo> arguments_iterator =
   2066         Accessors::ArgumentsIteratorInfo(isolate(), attribs);
   2067     {
   2068       CallbacksDescriptor d(Handle<Name>(native_context()->iterator_symbol()),
   2069                             arguments_iterator, attribs);
   2070       Handle<Map> map(native_context()->sloppy_arguments_map());
   2071       Map::EnsureDescriptorSlack(map, 1);
   2072       map->AppendDescriptor(&d);
   2073     }
   2074     {
   2075       CallbacksDescriptor d(Handle<Name>(native_context()->iterator_symbol()),
   2076                             arguments_iterator, attribs);
   2077       Handle<Map> map(native_context()->aliased_arguments_map());
   2078       Map::EnsureDescriptorSlack(map, 1);
   2079       map->AppendDescriptor(&d);
   2080     }
   2081     {
   2082       CallbacksDescriptor d(Handle<Name>(native_context()->iterator_symbol()),
   2083                             arguments_iterator, attribs);
   2084       Handle<Map> map(native_context()->strict_arguments_map());
   2085       Map::EnsureDescriptorSlack(map, 1);
   2086       map->AppendDescriptor(&d);
   2087     }
   2088   }
   2090 #ifdef VERIFY_HEAP
   2091   builtins->ObjectVerify();
   2092 #endif
   2094   return true;
   2095 }
   2098 #define INSTALL_EXPERIMENTAL_NATIVE(i, flag, file)                \
   2099   if (FLAG_harmony_##flag &&                                      \
   2100       strcmp(ExperimentalNatives::GetScriptName(i).start(),       \
   2101           "native " file) == 0) {                                 \
   2102     if (!CompileExperimentalBuiltin(isolate(), i)) return false;  \
   2103   }
   2106 bool Genesis::InstallExperimentalNatives() {
   2107   for (int i = ExperimentalNatives::GetDebuggerCount();
   2108        i < ExperimentalNatives::GetBuiltinsCount();
   2109        i++) {
   2110     INSTALL_EXPERIMENTAL_NATIVE(i, proxies, "proxy.js")
   2111     INSTALL_EXPERIMENTAL_NATIVE(i, strings, "harmony-string.js")
   2112     INSTALL_EXPERIMENTAL_NATIVE(i, arrays, "harmony-array.js")
   2113     INSTALL_EXPERIMENTAL_NATIVE(i, classes, "harmony-classes.js")
   2114   }
   2116   InstallExperimentalNativeFunctions();
   2117   return true;
   2118 }
   2121 static void InstallBuiltinFunctionId(Handle<JSObject> holder,
   2122                                      const char* function_name,
   2123                                      BuiltinFunctionId id) {
   2124   Isolate* isolate = holder->GetIsolate();
   2125   Handle<Object> function_object =
   2126       Object::GetProperty(isolate, holder, function_name).ToHandleChecked();
   2127   Handle<JSFunction> function = Handle<JSFunction>::cast(function_object);
   2128   function->shared()->set_function_data(Smi::FromInt(id));
   2129 }
   2132 void Genesis::InstallBuiltinFunctionIds() {
   2133   HandleScope scope(isolate());
   2134 #define INSTALL_BUILTIN_ID(holder_expr, fun_name, name) \
   2135   {                                                     \
   2136     Handle<JSObject> holder = ResolveBuiltinIdHolder(   \
   2137         native_context(), #holder_expr);                \
   2138     BuiltinFunctionId id = k##name;                     \
   2139     InstallBuiltinFunctionId(holder, #fun_name, id);    \
   2140   }
   2142 #undef INSTALL_BUILTIN_ID
   2143 }
   2146 // Do not forget to update macros.py with named constant
   2147 // of cache id.
   2149   F(16, native_context()->regexp_function())
   2152 static FixedArray* CreateCache(int size, Handle<JSFunction> factory_function) {
   2153   Factory* factory = factory_function->GetIsolate()->factory();
   2154   // Caches are supposed to live for a long time, allocate in old space.
   2155   int array_size = JSFunctionResultCache::kEntriesIndex + 2 * size;
   2156   // Cannot use cast as object is not fully initialized yet.
   2157   JSFunctionResultCache* cache = reinterpret_cast<JSFunctionResultCache*>(
   2158       *factory->NewFixedArrayWithHoles(array_size, TENURED));
   2159   cache->set(JSFunctionResultCache::kFactoryIndex, *factory_function);
   2160   cache->MakeZeroSize();
   2161   return cache;
   2162 }
   2165 void Genesis::InstallJSFunctionResultCaches() {
   2166   const int kNumberOfCaches = 0 +
   2167 #define F(size, func) + 1
   2169 #undef F
   2170   ;
   2172   Handle<FixedArray> caches =
   2173       factory()->NewFixedArray(kNumberOfCaches, TENURED);
   2175   int index = 0;
   2177 #define F(size, func) do {                                              \
   2178     FixedArray* cache = CreateCache((size), Handle<JSFunction>(func));  \
   2179     caches->set(index++, cache);                                        \
   2180   } while (false)
   2184 #undef F
   2186   native_context()->set_jsfunction_result_caches(*caches);
   2187 }
   2190 void Genesis::InitializeNormalizedMapCaches() {
   2191   Handle<NormalizedMapCache> cache = NormalizedMapCache::New(isolate());
   2192   native_context()->set_normalized_map_cache(*cache);
   2193 }
   2196 bool Bootstrapper::InstallExtensions(Handle<Context> native_context,
   2197                                      v8::ExtensionConfiguration* extensions) {
   2198   BootstrapperActive active(this);
   2199   SaveContext saved_context(isolate_);
   2200   isolate_->set_context(*native_context);
   2201   return Genesis::InstallExtensions(native_context, extensions) &&
   2202       Genesis::InstallSpecialObjects(native_context);
   2203 }
   2206 bool Genesis::InstallSpecialObjects(Handle<Context> native_context) {
   2207   Isolate* isolate = native_context->GetIsolate();
   2208   // Don't install extensions into the snapshot.
   2209   if (isolate->serializer_enabled()) return true;
   2211   Factory* factory = isolate->factory();
   2212   HandleScope scope(isolate);
   2213   Handle<JSGlobalObject> global(JSGlobalObject::cast(
   2214       native_context->global_object()));
   2216   Handle<JSObject> Error = Handle<JSObject>::cast(
   2217       Object::GetProperty(isolate, global, "Error").ToHandleChecked());
   2218   Handle<String> name =
   2219       factory->InternalizeOneByteString(STATIC_CHAR_VECTOR("stackTraceLimit"));
   2220   Handle<Smi> stack_trace_limit(Smi::FromInt(FLAG_stack_trace_limit), isolate);
   2221   JSObject::AddProperty(Error, name, stack_trace_limit, NONE);
   2223   // Expose the natives in global if a name for it is specified.
   2224   if (FLAG_expose_natives_as != NULL && strlen(FLAG_expose_natives_as) != 0) {
   2225     Handle<String> natives =
   2226         factory->InternalizeUtf8String(FLAG_expose_natives_as);
   2227     uint32_t dummy_index;
   2228     if (natives->AsArrayIndex(&dummy_index)) return true;
   2229     JSObject::AddProperty(global, natives, handle(global->builtins()),
   2230                           DONT_ENUM);
   2231   }
   2233   // Expose the stack trace symbol to native JS.
   2234   RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION_VALUE(isolate,
   2235                             JSObject::SetOwnPropertyIgnoreAttributes(
   2236                                 handle(native_context->builtins(), isolate),
   2237                                 factory->InternalizeOneByteString(
   2238                                     STATIC_CHAR_VECTOR("stack_trace_symbol")),
   2239                                 factory->stack_trace_symbol(), NONE),
   2240                             false);
   2242   // Expose the debug global object in global if a name for it is specified.
   2243   if (FLAG_expose_debug_as != NULL && strlen(FLAG_expose_debug_as) != 0) {
   2244     // If loading fails we just bail out without installing the
   2245     // debugger but without tanking the whole context.
   2246     Debug* debug = isolate->debug();
   2247     if (!debug->Load()) return true;
   2248     Handle<Context> debug_context = debug->debug_context();
   2249     // Set the security token for the debugger context to the same as
   2250     // the shell native context to allow calling between these (otherwise
   2251     // exposing debug global object doesn't make much sense).
   2252     debug_context->set_security_token(native_context->security_token());
   2253     Handle<String> debug_string =
   2254         factory->InternalizeUtf8String(FLAG_expose_debug_as);
   2255     uint32_t index;
   2256     if (debug_string->AsArrayIndex(&index)) return true;
   2257     Handle<Object> global_proxy(debug_context->global_proxy(), isolate);
   2258     JSObject::AddProperty(global, debug_string, global_proxy, DONT_ENUM);
   2259   }
   2260   return true;
   2261 }
   2264 static uint32_t Hash(RegisteredExtension* extension) {
   2265   return v8::internal::ComputePointerHash(extension);
   2266 }
   2269 Genesis::ExtensionStates::ExtensionStates() : map_(HashMap::PointersMatch, 8) {}
   2271 Genesis::ExtensionTraversalState Genesis::ExtensionStates::get_state(
   2272     RegisteredExtension* extension) {
   2273   i::HashMap::Entry* entry = map_.Lookup(extension, Hash(extension), false);
   2274   if (entry == NULL) {
   2275     return UNVISITED;
   2276   }
   2277   return static_cast<ExtensionTraversalState>(
   2278       reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(entry->value));
   2279 }
   2281 void Genesis::ExtensionStates::set_state(RegisteredExtension* extension,
   2282                                          ExtensionTraversalState state) {
   2283   map_.Lookup(extension, Hash(extension), true)->value =
   2284       reinterpret_cast<void*>(static_cast<intptr_t>(state));
   2285 }
   2288 bool Genesis::InstallExtensions(Handle<Context> native_context,
   2289                                 v8::ExtensionConfiguration* extensions) {
   2290   Isolate* isolate = native_context->GetIsolate();
   2291   ExtensionStates extension_states;  // All extensions have state UNVISITED.
   2292   return InstallAutoExtensions(isolate, &extension_states) &&
   2293       (!FLAG_expose_free_buffer ||
   2294        InstallExtension(isolate, "v8/free-buffer", &extension_states)) &&
   2295       (!FLAG_expose_gc ||
   2296        InstallExtension(isolate, "v8/gc", &extension_states)) &&
   2297       (!FLAG_expose_externalize_string ||
   2298        InstallExtension(isolate, "v8/externalize", &extension_states)) &&
   2299       (!FLAG_track_gc_object_stats ||
   2300        InstallExtension(isolate, "v8/statistics", &extension_states)) &&
   2301       (!FLAG_expose_trigger_failure ||
   2302        InstallExtension(isolate, "v8/trigger-failure", &extension_states)) &&
   2303       InstallRequestedExtensions(isolate, extensions, &extension_states);
   2304 }
   2307 bool Genesis::InstallAutoExtensions(Isolate* isolate,
   2308                                     ExtensionStates* extension_states) {
   2309   for (v8::RegisteredExtension* it = v8::RegisteredExtension::first_extension();
   2310        it != NULL;
   2311        it = it->next()) {
   2312     if (it->extension()->auto_enable() &&
   2313         !InstallExtension(isolate, it, extension_states)) {
   2314       return false;
   2315     }
   2316   }
   2317   return true;
   2318 }
   2321 bool Genesis::InstallRequestedExtensions(Isolate* isolate,
   2322                                          v8::ExtensionConfiguration* extensions,
   2323                                          ExtensionStates* extension_states) {
   2324   for (const char** it = extensions->begin(); it != extensions->end(); ++it) {
   2325     if (!InstallExtension(isolate, *it, extension_states)) return false;
   2326   }
   2327   return true;
   2328 }
   2331 // Installs a named extension.  This methods is unoptimized and does
   2332 // not scale well if we want to support a large number of extensions.
   2333 bool Genesis::InstallExtension(Isolate* isolate,
   2334                                const char* name,
   2335                                ExtensionStates* extension_states) {
   2336   for (v8::RegisteredExtension* it = v8::RegisteredExtension::first_extension();
   2337        it != NULL;
   2338        it = it->next()) {
   2339     if (strcmp(name, it->extension()->name()) == 0) {
   2340       return InstallExtension(isolate, it, extension_states);
   2341     }
   2342   }
   2343   return Utils::ApiCheck(false,
   2344                          "v8::Context::New()",
   2345                          "Cannot find required extension");
   2346 }
   2349 bool Genesis::InstallExtension(Isolate* isolate,
   2350                                v8::RegisteredExtension* current,
   2351                                ExtensionStates* extension_states) {
   2352   HandleScope scope(isolate);
   2354   if (extension_states->get_state(current) == INSTALLED) return true;
   2355   // The current node has already been visited so there must be a
   2356   // cycle in the dependency graph; fail.
   2357   if (!Utils::ApiCheck(extension_states->get_state(current) != VISITED,
   2358                        "v8::Context::New()",
   2359                        "Circular extension dependency")) {
   2360     return false;
   2361   }
   2362   DCHECK(extension_states->get_state(current) == UNVISITED);
   2363   extension_states->set_state(current, VISITED);
   2364   v8::Extension* extension = current->extension();
   2365   // Install the extension's dependencies
   2366   for (int i = 0; i < extension->dependency_count(); i++) {
   2367     if (!InstallExtension(isolate,
   2368                           extension->dependencies()[i],
   2369                           extension_states)) {
   2370       return false;
   2371     }
   2372   }
   2373   // We do not expect this to throw an exception. Change this if it does.
   2374   Handle<String> source_code =
   2375       isolate->factory()
   2376           ->NewExternalStringFromOneByte(extension->source())
   2377           .ToHandleChecked();
   2378   bool result = CompileScriptCached(isolate,
   2379                                     CStrVector(extension->name()),
   2380                                     source_code,
   2381                                     isolate->bootstrapper()->extensions_cache(),
   2382                                     extension,
   2383                                     Handle<Context>(isolate->context()),
   2384                                     false);
   2385   DCHECK(isolate->has_pending_exception() != result);
   2386   if (!result) {
   2387     // We print out the name of the extension that fail to install.
   2388     // When an error is thrown during bootstrapping we automatically print
   2389     // the line number at which this happened to the console in the isolate
   2390     // error throwing functionality.
   2391     base::OS::PrintError("Error installing extension '%s'.\n",
   2392                          current->extension()->name());
   2393     isolate->clear_pending_exception();
   2394   }
   2395   extension_states->set_state(current, INSTALLED);
   2396   isolate->NotifyExtensionInstalled();
   2397   return result;
   2398 }
   2401 bool Genesis::InstallJSBuiltins(Handle<JSBuiltinsObject> builtins) {
   2402   HandleScope scope(isolate());
   2403   for (int i = 0; i < Builtins::NumberOfJavaScriptBuiltins(); i++) {
   2404     Builtins::JavaScript id = static_cast<Builtins::JavaScript>(i);
   2405     Handle<Object> function_object = Object::GetProperty(
   2406         isolate(), builtins, Builtins::GetName(id)).ToHandleChecked();
   2407     Handle<JSFunction> function = Handle<JSFunction>::cast(function_object);
   2408     builtins->set_javascript_builtin(id, *function);
   2409     // TODO(mstarzinger): This is just a temporary hack to make TurboFan work,
   2410     // the correct solution is to restore the context register after invoking
   2411     // builtins from full-codegen.
   2412     function->shared()->set_optimization_disabled(true);
   2413     if (!Compiler::EnsureCompiled(function, CLEAR_EXCEPTION)) {
   2414       return false;
   2415     }
   2416     builtins->set_javascript_builtin_code(id, function->shared()->code());
   2417   }
   2418   return true;
   2419 }
   2422 bool Genesis::ConfigureGlobalObjects(
   2423     v8::Handle<v8::ObjectTemplate> global_proxy_template) {
   2424   Handle<JSObject> global_proxy(
   2425       JSObject::cast(native_context()->global_proxy()));
   2426   Handle<JSObject> global_object(
   2427       JSObject::cast(native_context()->global_object()));
   2429   if (!global_proxy_template.IsEmpty()) {
   2430     // Configure the global proxy object.
   2431     Handle<ObjectTemplateInfo> global_proxy_data =
   2432         v8::Utils::OpenHandle(*global_proxy_template);
   2433     if (!ConfigureApiObject(global_proxy, global_proxy_data)) return false;
   2435     // Configure the global object.
   2436     Handle<FunctionTemplateInfo> proxy_constructor(
   2437         FunctionTemplateInfo::cast(global_proxy_data->constructor()));
   2438     if (!proxy_constructor->prototype_template()->IsUndefined()) {
   2439       Handle<ObjectTemplateInfo> global_object_data(
   2440           ObjectTemplateInfo::cast(proxy_constructor->prototype_template()));
   2441       if (!ConfigureApiObject(global_object, global_object_data)) return false;
   2442     }
   2443   }
   2445   SetObjectPrototype(global_proxy, global_object);
   2447   native_context()->set_initial_array_prototype(
   2448       JSArray::cast(native_context()->array_function()->prototype()));
   2450   return true;
   2451 }
   2454 bool Genesis::ConfigureApiObject(Handle<JSObject> object,
   2455                                  Handle<ObjectTemplateInfo> object_template) {
   2456   DCHECK(!object_template.is_null());
   2457   DCHECK(FunctionTemplateInfo::cast(object_template->constructor())
   2458              ->IsTemplateFor(object->map()));;
   2460   MaybeHandle<JSObject> maybe_obj =
   2461       Execution::InstantiateObject(object_template);
   2462   Handle<JSObject> obj;
   2463   if (!maybe_obj.ToHandle(&obj)) {
   2464     DCHECK(isolate()->has_pending_exception());
   2465     isolate()->clear_pending_exception();
   2466     return false;
   2467   }
   2468   TransferObject(obj, object);
   2469   return true;
   2470 }
   2473 void Genesis::TransferNamedProperties(Handle<JSObject> from,
   2474                                       Handle<JSObject> to) {
   2475   if (from->HasFastProperties()) {
   2476     Handle<DescriptorArray> descs =
   2477         Handle<DescriptorArray>(from->map()->instance_descriptors());
   2478     for (int i = 0; i < from->map()->NumberOfOwnDescriptors(); i++) {
   2479       PropertyDetails details = descs->GetDetails(i);
   2480       switch (details.type()) {
   2481         case FIELD: {
   2482           HandleScope inner(isolate());
   2483           Handle<Name> key = Handle<Name>(descs->GetKey(i));
   2484           FieldIndex index = FieldIndex::ForDescriptor(from->map(), i);
   2485           DCHECK(!descs->GetDetails(i).representation().IsDouble());
   2486           Handle<Object> value = Handle<Object>(from->RawFastPropertyAt(index),
   2487                                                 isolate());
   2488           JSObject::AddProperty(to, key, value, details.attributes());
   2489           break;
   2490         }
   2491         case CONSTANT: {
   2492           HandleScope inner(isolate());
   2493           Handle<Name> key = Handle<Name>(descs->GetKey(i));
   2494           Handle<Object> constant(descs->GetConstant(i), isolate());
   2495           JSObject::AddProperty(to, key, constant, details.attributes());
   2496           break;
   2497         }
   2498         case CALLBACKS: {
   2499           Handle<Name> key(descs->GetKey(i));
   2500           LookupIterator it(to, key, LookupIterator::OWN_SKIP_INTERCEPTOR);
   2501           CHECK_NE(LookupIterator::ACCESS_CHECK, it.state());
   2502           // If the property is already there we skip it
   2503           if (it.IsFound()) continue;
   2504           HandleScope inner(isolate());
   2505           DCHECK(!to->HasFastProperties());
   2506           // Add to dictionary.
   2507           Handle<Object> callbacks(descs->GetCallbacksObject(i), isolate());
   2508           PropertyDetails d = PropertyDetails(
   2509               details.attributes(), CALLBACKS, i + 1);
   2510           JSObject::SetNormalizedProperty(to, key, callbacks, d);
   2511           break;
   2512         }
   2513         // Do not occur since the from object has fast properties.
   2514         case NORMAL:
   2515           UNREACHABLE();
   2516           break;
   2517       }
   2518     }
   2519   } else {
   2520     Handle<NameDictionary> properties =
   2521         Handle<NameDictionary>(from->property_dictionary());
   2522     int capacity = properties->Capacity();
   2523     for (int i = 0; i < capacity; i++) {
   2524       Object* raw_key(properties->KeyAt(i));
   2525       if (properties->IsKey(raw_key)) {
   2526         DCHECK(raw_key->IsName());
   2527         // If the property is already there we skip it.
   2528         Handle<Name> key(Name::cast(raw_key));
   2529         LookupIterator it(to, key, LookupIterator::OWN_SKIP_INTERCEPTOR);
   2530         CHECK_NE(LookupIterator::ACCESS_CHECK, it.state());
   2531         if (it.IsFound()) continue;
   2532         // Set the property.
   2533         Handle<Object> value = Handle<Object>(properties->ValueAt(i),
   2534                                               isolate());
   2535         DCHECK(!value->IsCell());
   2536         if (value->IsPropertyCell()) {
   2537           value = Handle<Object>(PropertyCell::cast(*value)->value(),
   2538                                  isolate());
   2539         }
   2540         PropertyDetails details = properties->DetailsAt(i);
   2541         JSObject::AddProperty(to, key, value, details.attributes());
   2542       }
   2543     }
   2544   }
   2545 }
   2548 void Genesis::TransferIndexedProperties(Handle<JSObject> from,
   2549                                         Handle<JSObject> to) {
   2550   // Cloning the elements array is sufficient.
   2551   Handle<FixedArray> from_elements =
   2552       Handle<FixedArray>(FixedArray::cast(from->elements()));
   2553   Handle<FixedArray> to_elements = factory()->CopyFixedArray(from_elements);
   2554   to->set_elements(*to_elements);
   2555 }
   2558 void Genesis::TransferObject(Handle<JSObject> from, Handle<JSObject> to) {
   2559   HandleScope outer(isolate());
   2561   DCHECK(!from->IsJSArray());
   2562   DCHECK(!to->IsJSArray());
   2564   TransferNamedProperties(from, to);
   2565   TransferIndexedProperties(from, to);
   2567   // Transfer the prototype (new map is needed).
   2568   Handle<Object> proto(from->map()->prototype(), isolate());
   2569   SetObjectPrototype(to, proto);
   2570 }
   2573 void Genesis::MakeFunctionInstancePrototypeWritable() {
   2574   // The maps with writable prototype are created in CreateEmptyFunction
   2575   // and CreateStrictModeFunctionMaps respectively. Initially the maps are
   2576   // created with read-only prototype for JS builtins processing.
   2577   DCHECK(!sloppy_function_map_writable_prototype_.is_null());
   2578   DCHECK(!strict_function_map_writable_prototype_.is_null());
   2580   // Replace function instance maps to make prototype writable.
   2581   native_context()->set_sloppy_function_map(
   2582       *sloppy_function_map_writable_prototype_);
   2583   native_context()->set_strict_function_map(
   2584       *strict_function_map_writable_prototype_);
   2585 }
   2588 class NoTrackDoubleFieldsForSerializerScope {
   2589  public:
   2590   explicit NoTrackDoubleFieldsForSerializerScope(Isolate* isolate)
   2591       : flag_(FLAG_track_double_fields) {
   2592     if (isolate->serializer_enabled()) {
   2593       // Disable tracking double fields because heap numbers treated as
   2594       // immutable by the serializer.
   2595       FLAG_track_double_fields = false;
   2596     }
   2597   }
   2599   ~NoTrackDoubleFieldsForSerializerScope() {
   2600     FLAG_track_double_fields = flag_;
   2601   }
   2603  private:
   2604   bool flag_;
   2605 };
   2608 Genesis::Genesis(Isolate* isolate,
   2609                  MaybeHandle<JSGlobalProxy> maybe_global_proxy,
   2610                  v8::Handle<v8::ObjectTemplate> global_proxy_template,
   2611                  v8::ExtensionConfiguration* extensions)
   2612     : isolate_(isolate),
   2613       active_(isolate->bootstrapper()) {
   2614   NoTrackDoubleFieldsForSerializerScope disable_scope(isolate);
   2615   result_ = Handle<Context>::null();
   2616   // Before creating the roots we must save the context and restore it
   2617   // on all function exits.
   2618   SaveContext saved_context(isolate);
   2620   // During genesis, the boilerplate for stack overflow won't work until the
   2621   // environment has been at least partially initialized. Add a stack check
   2622   // before entering JS code to catch overflow early.
   2623   StackLimitCheck check(isolate);
   2624   if (check.HasOverflowed()) return;
   2626   // We can only de-serialize a context if the isolate was initialized from
   2627   // a snapshot. Otherwise we have to build the context from scratch.
   2628   if (isolate->initialized_from_snapshot()) {
   2629     native_context_ = Snapshot::NewContextFromSnapshot(isolate);
   2630   } else {
   2631     native_context_ = Handle<Context>();
   2632   }
   2634   if (!native_context().is_null()) {
   2635     AddToWeakNativeContextList(*native_context());
   2636     isolate->set_context(*native_context());
   2637     isolate->counters()->contexts_created_by_snapshot()->Increment();
   2638     Handle<GlobalObject> global_object;
   2639     Handle<JSGlobalProxy> global_proxy = CreateNewGlobals(
   2640         global_proxy_template, maybe_global_proxy, &global_object);
   2642     HookUpGlobalProxy(global_object, global_proxy);
   2643     HookUpGlobalObject(global_object);
   2644     native_context()->builtins()->set_global_proxy(
   2645         native_context()->global_proxy());
   2647     if (!ConfigureGlobalObjects(global_proxy_template)) return;
   2648   } else {
   2649     // We get here if there was no context snapshot.
   2650     CreateRoots();
   2651     Handle<JSFunction> empty_function = CreateEmptyFunction(isolate);
   2652     CreateStrictModeFunctionMaps(empty_function);
   2653     Handle<GlobalObject> global_object;
   2654     Handle<JSGlobalProxy> global_proxy = CreateNewGlobals(
   2655         global_proxy_template, maybe_global_proxy, &global_object);
   2656     HookUpGlobalProxy(global_object, global_proxy);
   2657     InitializeGlobal(global_object, empty_function);
   2658     InstallJSFunctionResultCaches();
   2659     InitializeNormalizedMapCaches();
   2660     if (!InstallNatives()) return;
   2662     MakeFunctionInstancePrototypeWritable();
   2664     if (!ConfigureGlobalObjects(global_proxy_template)) return;
   2665     isolate->counters()->contexts_created_from_scratch()->Increment();
   2666   }
   2668   // Install experimental natives.
   2669   if (!InstallExperimentalNatives()) return;
   2670   InitializeExperimentalGlobal();
   2672   // We can't (de-)serialize typed arrays currently, but we are lucky: The state
   2673   // of the random number generator needs no initialization during snapshot
   2674   // creation time and we don't need trigonometric functions then.
   2675   if (!isolate->serializer_enabled()) {
   2676     // Initially seed the per-context random number generator using the
   2677     // per-isolate random number generator.
   2678     const int num_elems = 2;
   2679     const int num_bytes = num_elems * sizeof(uint32_t);
   2680     uint32_t* state = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(malloc(num_bytes));
   2682     do {
   2683       isolate->random_number_generator()->NextBytes(state, num_bytes);
   2684     } while (state[0] == 0 || state[1] == 0);
   2686     v8::Local<v8::ArrayBuffer> buffer = v8::ArrayBuffer::New(
   2687         reinterpret_cast<v8::Isolate*>(isolate), state, num_bytes);
   2688     Utils::OpenHandle(*buffer)->set_should_be_freed(true);
   2689     v8::Local<v8::Uint32Array> ta = v8::Uint32Array::New(buffer, 0, num_elems);
   2690     Handle<JSBuiltinsObject> builtins(native_context()->builtins());
   2691     Runtime::DefineObjectProperty(builtins, factory()->InternalizeOneByteString(
   2692                                                 STATIC_CHAR_VECTOR("rngstate")),
   2693                                   Utils::OpenHandle(*ta), NONE).Assert();
   2695     // Initialize trigonometric lookup tables and constants.
   2696     const int constants_size = arraysize(fdlibm::MathConstants::constants);
   2697     const int table_num_bytes = constants_size * kDoubleSize;
   2698     v8::Local<v8::ArrayBuffer> trig_buffer = v8::ArrayBuffer::New(
   2699         reinterpret_cast<v8::Isolate*>(isolate),
   2700         const_cast<double*>(fdlibm::MathConstants::constants), table_num_bytes);
   2701     v8::Local<v8::Float64Array> trig_table =
   2702         v8::Float64Array::New(trig_buffer, 0, constants_size);
   2704     Runtime::DefineObjectProperty(
   2705         builtins,
   2706         factory()->InternalizeOneByteString(STATIC_CHAR_VECTOR("kMath")),
   2707         Utils::OpenHandle(*trig_table), NONE).Assert();
   2708   }
   2710   result_ = native_context();
   2711 }
   2714 // Support for thread preemption.
   2716 // Reserve space for statics needing saving and restoring.
   2717 int Bootstrapper::ArchiveSpacePerThread() {
   2718   return sizeof(NestingCounterType);
   2719 }
   2722 // Archive statics that are thread-local.
   2723 char* Bootstrapper::ArchiveState(char* to) {
   2724   *reinterpret_cast<NestingCounterType*>(to) = nesting_;
   2725   nesting_ = 0;
   2726   return to + sizeof(NestingCounterType);
   2727 }
   2730 // Restore statics that are thread-local.
   2731 char* Bootstrapper::RestoreState(char* from) {
   2732   nesting_ = *reinterpret_cast<NestingCounterType*>(from);
   2733   return from + sizeof(NestingCounterType);
   2734 }
   2737 // Called when the top-level V8 mutex is destroyed.
   2738 void Bootstrapper::FreeThreadResources() {
   2739   DCHECK(!IsActive());
   2740 }
   2742 } }  // namespace v8::internal