/external/chromium_org/ppapi/proxy/ |
nacl_message_scanner.h | 87 bool Grow(int64_t amount);
/external/chromium_org/third_party/WebKit/Source/platform/ |
PurgeableVector.h | 69 void grow(size_t);
/external/chromium_org/third_party/WebKit/Source/platform/graphics/filters/ |
ParallelJobs.h | 68 m_parameters.grow(numberOfJobs);
/external/chromium_org/third_party/WebKit/Source/wtf/ |
ArrayBufferBuilder.cpp | 59 // Grow exponentially if possible.
/external/chromium_org/third_party/WebKit/Source/wtf/text/ |
TextCodecUserDefined.cpp | 82 result.grow(resultLength + replacementLength + length - i);
/external/chromium_org/third_party/codesighs/ |
msmap.h | 135 ** How much to grow our arrays by.
/external/chromium_org/third_party/cython/src/Cython/Includes/cpython/ |
tuple.pxd | 63 # some other part of the code. The tuple will always grow or
/external/chromium_org/third_party/icu/source/test/intltest/ |
textfile.cpp | 154 // Grow by factor of 2 to prevent frequent allocation
/external/chromium_org/third_party/sqlite/src/test/ |
fallocate.test | 57 # causes a database file to grow, the database grows to its previous size
/external/chromium_org/ui/file_manager/video_player/css/ |
header.css | 22 flex-grow: 1;
/external/chromium_org/v8/src/ |
bignum.h | 84 // grow. There are no checks if the stack-allocated space is sufficient.
regexp-stack.h | 52 // either grow the stack or report an out-of-stack exception.
/external/deqp/modules/egl/ |
teglResizeTests.cpp | 508 { "grow", "Grow in both dimensions", 510 { "stretch_width", "Grow horizontally, shrink vertically", 512 { "stretch_height", "Grow vertically, shrink horizontally",
/external/dnsmasq/contrib/webmin/ |
README | 34 Therefore, the config file could possibly grow quite large.
/external/icu/icu4c/source/test/intltest/ |
textfile.cpp | 154 // Grow by factor of 2 to prevent frequent allocation
/external/jsilver/src/com/google/clearsilver/jsilver/functions/escape/ |
SimpleEscapingFunction.java | 38 // value so it's important not to have it grow too large. For now we have
/external/kernel-headers/original/uapi/asm-mips/asm/ |
mman.h | 36 #define MAP_AUTOGROW 0x040 /* File may grow by writing */
/external/libsepol/src/ |
util.c | 44 * grow as new uint32_t are added to an array. But rather
/external/llvm/lib/CodeGen/ |
EdgeBundles.cpp | 42 EC.grow(2 * MF->getNumBlockIDs());
/external/llvm/test/Instrumentation/AddressSanitizer/ |
adaptive_global_redzones.ll | 5 ; Here we check that the global redzone sizes grow with the object size.
/frameworks/base/libs/hwui/ |
TextureCache.h | 51 * Any texture added to the cache causing the cache to grow beyond the maximum
/frameworks/rs/ |
rsStream.cpp | 66 // We need to potentially grow more than once if the number of byes we write is substantial
/packages/apps/Gallery/src/com/android/camera/ |
HighlightView.java | 108 if (mMode == ModifyMode.Grow) { 298 // Don't let the cropping rectangle grow too fast. 299 // Grow at most half of the difference between the image rectangle and 392 enum ModifyMode { None, Move, Grow }
/packages/apps/Protips/res/values/ |
arrays.xml | 67 \nTo grow new icons</item>
/prebuilts/gcc/linux-x86/host/x86_64-linux-glibc2.11-4.6/x86_64-linux/include/c++/4.6/ext/pb_ds/detail/resize_policy/ |
sample_resize_trigger.hpp | 127 // Queries whether a grow is needed.