/prebuilts/ndk/9/platforms/android-21/arch-x86/usr/include/android/ |
input.h | 297 * may not be the window currently touched. 567 /* Get a bitfield indicating which edges, if any, were touched by this motion event. [all...] |
/prebuilts/ndk/9/platforms/android-21/arch-x86_64/usr/include/android/ |
input.h | 297 * may not be the window currently touched. 567 /* Get a bitfield indicating which edges, if any, were touched by this motion event. [all...] |
/frameworks/base/docs/html/guide/topics/appwidgets/ |
index.jd | [all...] |
/external/chromium_org/ui/native_theme/ |
native_theme_win.cc | 672 // which pixels get touched by the paint operation. After paint, set any 709 // Pixel wasn't touched - make it fully transparent. 712 // Pixel was touched but has incorrect alpha of 0, make it fully opaque. [all...] |
/external/stressapptest/src/ |
sat.cc | 369 bool touched = page_bitmap_[offset] & mask; local 370 if (touched && !valid_range) { 373 } else if (!touched && valid_range) { [all...] |
/frameworks/base/core/java/android/widget/ |
ListPopupWindow.java | 832 * the list expand when touched. [all...] |
/frameworks/support/v7/appcompat/src/android/support/v7/widget/ |
ListPopupWindow.java | 850 * the list expand when touched. [all...] |
/cts/hostsidetests/appsecurity/test-apps/UsePermissionDiffCert/src/com/android/cts/usespermissiondiffcertapp/ |
AccessPermissionWithDiffSigTest.java | [all...] |
/external/chromium_org/third_party/libjpeg_turbo/ |
jpeglib.h | 411 * should not be touched by a surrounding application. 637 * should not be touched by a surrounding application. [all...] |
/external/jpeg/ |
jpeglib.h | 361 * should not be touched by a surrounding application. 577 * should not be touched by a surrounding application. [all...] |
/external/llvm/lib/Transforms/Scalar/ |
LoopIdiomRecognize.cpp | 792 // know that every byte is touched in the loop. 854 // know that every byte is touched in the loop. [all...] |
/external/pdfium/core/include/thirdparties/libjpeg/ |
jpeglib.h | 424 * should not be touched by a surrounding application.
636 * should not be touched by a surrounding application.
[all...] |
/external/pdfium/core/src/fxcodec/libjpeg/ |
jpeglib.h | 424 * should not be touched by a surrounding application.
636 * should not be touched by a surrounding application.
[all...] |
/external/qemu/distrib/jpeg-6b/ |
jpeglib.h | 361 * should not be touched by a surrounding application. 577 * should not be touched by a surrounding application. [all...] |
/frameworks/base/docs/html/guide/topics/ui/ |
dialogs.jd | 561 // User touched the dialog's positive button 567 // User touched the dialog's negative button [all...] |
/bionic/linker/ |
linker_phdr.cpp | 477 // here and put every page touched by the segment as read-only.
/docs/source.android.com/src/devices/tech/input/ |
dumpsys.jd | 303 Its state dump shows information about which window is being touched, the
key-layout-files.jd | 275 <pre><code><!-- Specifies the amount of time to disable virtual keys after the screen is touched
/external/bzip2/ |
bzip2.1 | 311 amount of real memory touched is proportional to the size of the file,
bzip2.1.preformatted | 253 touched is proportional to the size of the file, since the
bzip2.txt | 250 touched is proportional to the size of the file, since the
/external/chromium_org/cc/trees/ |
layer_tree_host_impl.h | 576 // from this when they are touched by a create or destroy from the UI resource
/external/chromium_org/chrome/browser/sync/glue/ |
sync_backend_host_impl.cc | 428 // touched.
/external/chromium_org/chrome/installer/setup/ |
install_worker_unittest.cc | 175 // actually be touched. [all...] |
/external/chromium_org/components/component_updater/ |
background_downloader_win.cc | 83 // Jobs that are not touched in 90 days (or a value set by group policy) are