/hardware/ti/omap3/omx/audio/src/openmax_il/g711_dec/src/ |
OMX_G711Dec_Utils.c | 540 OMX_U8 *pBufParmsTemp = NULL; 557 pBufParmsTemp = (OMX_U8*)pTemp_lcml->pFrameParam; [all...] |
/device/lge/mako/camera/inc/ |
omx_jpeg_common.h | 259 OMX_IN OMX_U8* buffer); 299 OMX_OUT OMX_U8* role,
/frameworks/av/media/libstagefright/omx/ |
SoftOMXComponent.cpp | 190 OMX_U8 *ptr) { 294 OMX_U8 * /* ptr */) {
/hardware/intel/common/omx-components/videocodec/ |
OMXVideoDecoderAVC.cpp | 199 OMX_U8 *temp = new OMX_U8 [mBufferSize];
/hardware/qcom/media/mm-core/omxcore/inc/ |
OMX_QCOMExtns.h | 365 OMX_U8 data[1]; /** Buffer to store the header information */ 452 OMX_U8 *pData; // cdata (codec_data/extradata)
OMX_Video.h | [all...] |
/hardware/samsung_slsi/exynos5/exynos_omx/openmax/exynos_omx/core/ |
Exynos_OMX_Core.c | 282 OMX_INOUT OMX_U8 **compNames) 320 OMX_OUT OMX_U8 **roles)
/hardware/ti/omap3/omx/audio/src/openmax_il/wbamr_enc/src/ |
OMX_WbAmrEnc_Utils.c | 270 OMX_U8); 554 OMX_MEMFREE_STRUCT_DSPALIGN(pTemp_lcml->pFrameParam, OMX_U8); 583 OMX_MEMFREE_STRUCT_DSPALIGN(pTemp_lcml->pFrameParam, OMX_U8); 687 OMX_U8 inputPortFlag = 0, outputPortFlag = 0; [all...] |
/hardware/ti/omap3/omx/video/src/openmax_il/video_decode/src/ |
OMX_VideoDecoder.c | 99 extern OMX_ERRORTYPE IncrementCount (OMX_U8 * pCounter, pthread_mutex_t *pMutex); 100 extern OMX_ERRORTYPE DecrementCount (OMX_U8 * pCounter, pthread_mutex_t *pMutex); 228 OMX_IN OMX_U8* pBuffer); 256 OMX_OUT OMX_U8 *cRole, [all...] |
/hardware/ti/omap4xxx/camera/OMXCameraAdapter/ |
OMXExif.cpp | 243 OMX_U8** memmgr_buf_array = NULL; 275 memmgr_buf_array = (OMX_U8 **)memMgr.allocateBuffer(0, 0, NULL, buf_size, 1); 276 sharedBuffer.pSharedBuff = ( OMX_U8 * ) memmgr_buf_array[0]; 429 exifTags->ucGpsAltitudeRef = (OMX_U8) mEXIFData.mGPSData.mAltitudeRef; 462 exifTags->ucGpsVersionId[0] = ( OMX_U8 ) mEXIFData.mGPSData.mVersionId[0]; 463 exifTags->ucGpsVersionId[1] = ( OMX_U8 ) mEXIFData.mGPSData.mVersionId[1]; 464 exifTags->ucGpsVersionId[2] = ( OMX_U8 ) mEXIFData.mGPSData.mVersionId[2]; 465 exifTags->ucGpsVersionId[3] = ( OMX_U8 ) mEXIFData.mGPSData.mVersionId[3];
/hardware/qcom/media/mm-video-legacy/vidc/vdec/src/ |
omx_vdec_copper.cpp | [all...] |
frameparser.cpp | 148 OMX_U8 *pdest = NULL,*psource = NULL, match_found = FALSE, is_byte_match = 0; 524 OMX_U8 *pdest = NULL,*psource = NULL; 626 void frame_parse::parse_additional_start_code(OMX_U8 *psource,
/hardware/ti/omap4xxx/domx/domx/omx_proxy_common/src/ |
omx_proxy_common.c | 109 static OMX_ERRORTYPE RPC_MapBuffer_Ducati(OMX_U8 * pBuf, OMX_U32 nBufLineSize, 110 OMX_U32 nBufLines, OMX_U8 ** pMappedBuf, OMX_PTR pBufToBeMapped); 130 OMX_IN OMX_U32 nSizeBytes, OMX_IN OMX_U8 * pBuffer); 275 (OMX_U8 *) pCompPrv->tBufList[count]. 660 OMX_U8* pMemptr = NULL; 749 pMemptr = (OMX_U8*) MemMgr_Alloc(blocks, 2); 771 pMemptr = (OMX_U8*) MemMgr_Alloc(&block, 1); 833 OMX_U8 *pBuffer = NULL; 944 OMX_IN OMX_U32 nSizeBytes, OMX_IN OMX_U8 * pBuffer) [all...] |
/hardware/intel/common/wrs_omxil_core/base/src/ |
portbase.cpp | 326 OMX_U8 *pBuffer) 456 buffer_hdr->pBuffer = (OMX_U8 *)(((OMX_U32)((OMX_U8 *)buffer_hdr + sizeof(*buffer_hdr)) / mem_alignment + 1) * mem_alignment); 458 buffer_hdr->pBuffer = (OMX_U8 *)buffer_hdr + sizeof(*buffer_hdr); 989 const char *GetPortStateName(OMX_U8 state) 997 OMX_ERRORTYPE PortBase::TransState(OMX_U8 transition) 999 OMX_U8 current; [all...] |
componentbase.cpp | 205 const OMX_U8 **roles) 218 this->roles = (OMX_U8 **)malloc(sizeof(OMX_STRING) * nr_roles); 222 this->roles[0] = (OMX_U8 *)malloc(OMX_MAX_STRINGNAME_SIZE * nr_roles); 918 OMX_IN OMX_U8 *pBuffer) 940 OMX_IN OMX_U8 *pBuffer) [all...] |
/hardware/qcom/media/mm-video-v4l2/vidc/vdec/inc/ |
omx_vdec.h | 338 OMX_U8 *role, 421 OMX_U8 *buffer); 429 OMX_U8* buffer); 569 OMX_U8 *buf_addr; 605 OMX_U8 *buffer); 684 OMX_OTHER_EXTRADATATYPE *p_concealmb, OMX_U8 *conceal_mb_data); 835 OMX_U8 m_cRole[OMX_MAX_STRINGNAME_SIZE]; [all...] |
/hardware/ti/omap3/omx/audio/src/openmax_il/nbamr_dec/src/ |
OMX_AmrDec_Utils.c | [all...] |
/hardware/ti/omap3/omx/audio/src/openmax_il/nbamr_enc/src/ |
OMX_AmrEnc_Utils.c | 273 OMX_MALLOC_SIZE_DSPALIGN(pTemp_lcml->pBufferParam, sizeof(NBAMRENC_ParamStruct),OMX_U8); 647 OMX_U8 inputPortFlag=0,outputPortFlag=0; [all...] |
/hardware/ti/omap4-aah/camera/OMXCameraAdapter/ |
OMXExif.cpp | 273 sharedBuffer.pSharedBuff = (OMX_U8*)camera_buffer_get_omx_ptr(&memmgr_buf_array[0]); 274 startPtr = ( OMX_U8 * ) memmgr_buf_array[0].opaque; 427 exifTags->ucGpsAltitudeRef = (OMX_U8) mEXIFData.mGPSData.mAltitudeRef; 460 exifTags->ucGpsVersionId[0] = ( OMX_U8 ) mEXIFData.mGPSData.mVersionId[0]; 461 exifTags->ucGpsVersionId[1] = ( OMX_U8 ) mEXIFData.mGPSData.mVersionId[1]; 462 exifTags->ucGpsVersionId[2] = ( OMX_U8 ) mEXIFData.mGPSData.mVersionId[2]; 463 exifTags->ucGpsVersionId[3] = ( OMX_U8 ) mEXIFData.mGPSData.mVersionId[3];
/hardware/ti/omap3/omx/audio/src/openmax_il/g722_dec/tests/ |
G722DecTest.c | 703 OMX_U8 writeValue = 0; 715 write(Event_Pipe[1], &writeValue, sizeof(OMX_U8)); 746 write(Event_Pipe[1], &writeValue, sizeof(OMX_U8)); 756 write(Event_Pipe[1], &writeValue, sizeof(OMX_U8)); [all...] |
/frameworks/av/media/libstagefright/codecs/on2/h264dec/omxdl/arm11/api/ |
armCOMM.h | 273 OMXResult armSwapElem(OMX_U8 *pBuf1, OMX_U8 *pBuf2, OMX_INT elemSize); 309 * OMX_U8 -- returns the size of the positive value 312 OMX_U8 armLogSize (
/frameworks/av/media/libstagefright/codecs/on2/h264dec/omxdl/arm_neon/api/ |
armCOMM.h | 273 OMXResult armSwapElem(OMX_U8 *pBuf1, OMX_U8 *pBuf2, OMX_INT elemSize); 309 * OMX_U8 -- returns the size of the positive value 312 OMX_U8 armLogSize (
/frameworks/av/media/libstagefright/codecs/on2/h264dec/omxdl/reference/api/ |
armCOMM.h | 273 OMXResult armSwapElem(OMX_U8 *pBuf1, OMX_U8 *pBuf2, OMX_INT elemSize); 309 * OMX_U8 -- returns the size of the positive value 312 OMX_U8 armLogSize (
/frameworks/native/include/media/openmax/ |
OMX_Video.h | [all...] |
/hardware/qcom/media/mm-core/inc/ |
OMX_Video.h | [all...] |