/external/chromium_org/third_party/WebKit/ManualTests/animation/ |
animation-direction-reverse-timing-functions-hardware.html | 51 #alternate .expected.delay_three_thirds { 57 #alternate-reverse .expected.delay_zero, #alternate-reverse .expected.delay_six_thirds { 64 #alternate div { 65 -webkit-animation-direction: alternate; 70 #alternate-reverse div { 71 -webkit-animation-direction: alternate-reverse; 102 <div class="wrapper" id="alternate"> 103 <div class="expected delay_zero">alternate</div> 104 <div class="animated delay_zero">alternate</div [all...] |
compositor-animation-playback-rate-reverse.html | 35 Playback rate is set to -1, direction is alternate 40 Playback rate is set to -1, direction is alternate, iterations is 5 - should finish a second later. 45 Playback rate is set to -1, direction is alternate-reverse 50 Playback rate is set to -1, direction is alternate-reverse, iterations is 5 - should finish a second later. 105 direction: 'alternate' 112 direction: 'alternate' 119 direction: 'alternate' 126 direction: 'alternate' 133 direction: 'alternate-reverse' 140 direction: 'alternate-reverse [all...] |
compositor-animation-iteration-start.html | 36 Iteration start is set to 0, iterations is 3, direction is set to alternate 41 Iteration start is set to 1, iterations is 3, direction is set to alternate-reverse 46 Iteration start is set to 1, iterations is 3, direction is set to alternate, playback rate is set to -1 103 direction: 'alternate', 109 direction: 'alternate', 116 direction: 'alternate-reverse', 123 direction: 'alternate-reverse', 130 direction: 'alternate', 138 direction: 'alternate',
compositor-animation-direction.html | 24 -webkit-animation-direction: alternate; 80 Direction alternate 85 Direction alternate-reverse
/external/chromium_org/base/mac/ |
scoped_objc_class_swizzler.mm | 23 SEL alternate) 25 Init(target, target, original, alternate); 42 SEL alternate) { 44 new_selector_impl_ = class_getInstanceMethod(source, alternate); 48 new_selector_impl_ = class_getClassMethod(source, alternate);
scoped_objc_class_swizzler.h | 26 // and |alternate|. 27 ScopedObjCClassSwizzler(Class target, SEL original, SEL alternate); 38 void Init(Class target, Class source, SEL original, SEL alternate);
/sdk/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.adt/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/gle2/ |
CanvasAlternateSelection.java | 22 * Information for the current alternate selection, i.e. the possible selected items 31 * Creates a new alternate selection based on the given originating view and the 32 * given list of alternate views. Both cannot be null. 42 /** Returns the list of alternate views. Cannot be null. */ 53 * Returns the current alternate view to select. 62 * This loops through the alternate views.
/external/chromium_org/third_party/WebKit/Source/core/html/ |
LinkRelAttributeTest.cpp | 90 testLinkRelAttribute("alternate stylesheet", true, InvalidIcon, true, false, false, false); 91 testLinkRelAttribute("stylesheet alternate", true, InvalidIcon, true, false, false, false); 92 testLinkRelAttribute("aLtErNaTe sTyLeShEeT", true, InvalidIcon, true, false, false, false); 93 testLinkRelAttribute("sTyLeShEeT aLtErNaTe", true, InvalidIcon, true, false, false, false); 95 testLinkRelAttribute("stylesheet icon prerender aLtErNaTe", true, Favicon, true, false, false, true); 96 testLinkRelAttribute("alternate subresource", false, InvalidIcon, true, false, true, false); 97 testLinkRelAttribute("alternate icon stylesheet", true, Favicon, true, false, false, false); 118 testLinkRelAttribute("alternate dNs-pReFeTcH", false, InvalidIcon, true, true, false, false); 125 testLinkRelAttribute("alternate stylesheet", true, InvalidIcon, true, false, false, false); 126 testLinkRelAttribute("stylesheet alternate", true, InvalidIcon, true, false, false, false) [all...] |
/external/chromium_org/ui/base/touch/ |
touch_device.cc | 9 // Platforms supporting touch link in an alternate implementation of this
/external/libcap-ng/libcap-ng-0.7/src/ |
libcap-ng.pc.in | 7 Description: An alternate posix capabilities library.
/external/chromium_org/net/http/ |
http_stream_factory_impl.cc | 110 AlternateProtocolInfo alternate = local 113 if (alternate.protocol != UNINITIALIZED_ALTERNATE_PROTOCOL) { 123 alternate_job->MarkAsAlternate(request_info.url, alternate); 154 AlternateProtocolInfo alternate = local 157 if (alternate.protocol != UNINITIALIZED_ALTERNATE_PROTOCOL) { 162 job->MarkAsAlternate(request_info.url, alternate); 195 AlternateProtocolInfo alternate = 197 if (alternate.protocol == ALTERNATE_PROTOCOL_BROKEN) { 204 if (!IsAlternateProtocolValid(alternate.protocol)) { 211 // idea already, but with Alternate-Protocol, it provides the ability for [all...] |
http_server_properties.h | 31 // Alternate Protocol was used without racing a normal connection. 33 // Alternate Protocol was used by winning a race with a normal connection. 35 // Alternate Protocol was not used by losing a race with a normal connection. 37 // Alternate Protocol was not used because no Alternate-Protocol information 38 // was available when the request was issued, but an Alternate-Protocol header 41 // Alternate Protocol was not used because it was marked broken. 74 ALTERNATE_PROTOCOL_BROKEN, // The alternate protocol is known to be broken. 140 // * Alternate-Protocol support 166 // Returns true if |server| has an Alternate-Protocol header [all...] |
http_server_properties_impl.h | 58 // If we don't have an alternate protocol in the map for any given host/port 84 // Returns true if |server| has an Alternate-Protocol header. 87 // Returns the Alternate-Protocol and port for |server|. 92 // Sets the Alternate-Protocol for |server|. 99 // Sets the Alternate-Protocol for |server| to be BROKEN. 102 // Returns true if Alternate-Protocol for |server| was recently BROKEN. 106 // Confirms that Alternate-Protocol for |server| is working. 109 // Clears the Alternate-Protocol for |server|. 112 // Returns all Alternate-Protocol mappings. 176 // Map from host:port to the number of times alternate protocol ha [all...] |
/external/chromium_org/third_party/WebKit/ManualTests/ |
transition-accelerated.html | 15 -webkit-animation: slow 2s infinite linear alternate; 19 -webkit-animation: fast 2s infinite linear alternate;
/external/chromium_org/components/google/core/browser/ |
google_switches.cc | 9 // Specifies an alternate URL to use for speaking to Google. Useful for testing.
/external/chromium_org/skia/config/ |
sk_ref_cnt_ext_release.h | 12 // Alternate implementation of SkRefCnt for Chromium release builds
/external/chromium_org/base/profiler/ |
alternate_timer.h | 20 // Provide type for an alternate timer function. 23 // Environment variable name that is used to activate alternate timer profiling 28 // Set an alternate timer function to replace the OS time function when
alternate_timer.cc | 21 // Set an alternate timer function to replace the OS time function when
/external/chromium_org/third_party/skia/experimental/PdfViewer/pdfparser/native/pdfapi/ |
SkPdfIccProfileStreamDictionary_autogen.cpp | 24 SkPdfNativeObject* ret = get("Alternate", ""); 30 SkPdfNativeObject* ret = get("Alternate", ""); 38 SkPdfNativeObject* ret = get("Alternate", ""); 44 SkPdfNativeObject* ret = get("Alternate", ""); 52 return get("Alternate", "") != NULL;
/external/skia/experimental/PdfViewer/pdfparser/native/pdfapi/ |
SkPdfIccProfileStreamDictionary_autogen.cpp | 24 SkPdfNativeObject* ret = get("Alternate", ""); 30 SkPdfNativeObject* ret = get("Alternate", ""); 38 SkPdfNativeObject* ret = get("Alternate", ""); 44 SkPdfNativeObject* ret = get("Alternate", ""); 52 return get("Alternate", "") != NULL;
/art/test/068-classloader/src/ |
InaccessibleBase.java | 18 * Non-public base class, inaccessible from alternate class loader.
InaccessibleInterface.java | 18 * Non-public interface class, inaccessible from alternate class loader.
/external/chromium_org/chrome/browser/resources/net_internals/ |
spdy_view.html | 4 <li>Use Alternate Protocol: <span jscontent="use_alternate_protocols"></span></li> 71 <h4>Alternate Protocol Mappings</h4> 72 <div id=spdy-view-alternate-protocol-mappings> 79 <th>Alternate Protocol</th>
/external/e2fsprogs/tests/f_crashdisk/ |
expect.1 | 8 is corrupt, and you might try running e2fsck with an alternate superblock:
/external/eclipse-basebuilder/basebuilder-3.6.2/org.eclipse.releng.basebuilder/plugins/org.eclipse.build.tools/scripts/ |
customTest.xml.template | 10 <!--copy in the properties file for testing with alternate vm args-->