/bionic/libm/upstream-freebsd/lib/msun/src/ |
w_cabs.c | 2 * cabs() wrapper for hypot(). 16 cabs(double complex z) function 22 __weak_reference(cabs, cabsl);
w_cabsl.c | 2 * cabs() wrapper for hypot().
/external/clang/test/Sema/ |
warn-absolute-value.c | 13 double cabs(double _Complex); 38 (void)cabs(x); 39 // expected-warning@-1 {{using complex absolute value function 'cabs' when argument is of integer type}} 100 (void)cabs(x); 101 // expected-warning@-1 {{using complex absolute value function 'cabs' when argument is of integer type}} 169 (void)cabs(x); 170 // expected-warning@-1 {{using complex absolute value function 'cabs' when argument is of integer type}} 237 (void)cabs(x); 238 // expected-warning@-1 {{using complex absolute value function 'cabs' when argument is of floating point type}} 302 (void)cabs(x) [all...] |
/external/clang/test/SemaCXX/ |
warn-absolute-value.cpp | 14 double cabs(double _Complex); 59 (void)cabs(x); 60 // expected-warning@-1 {{using complex absolute value function 'cabs' when argument is of integer type}} 123 (void)cabs(x); 124 // expected-warning@-1 {{using complex absolute value function 'cabs' when argument is of integer type}} 194 (void)cabs(x); 195 // expected-warning@-1 {{using complex absolute value function 'cabs' when argument is of integer type}} 264 (void)cabs(x); 265 // expected-warning@-1 {{using complex absolute value function 'cabs' when argument is of floating point type}} 331 (void)cabs(x) [all...] |
/bionic/libm/include/ |
complex.h | 51 double cabs(double complex);
/development/ndk/platforms/android-L/include/ |
complex.h | 51 double cabs(double complex);
/external/chromium_org/third_party/WebKit/ManualTests/plugins/ |
timeout-dialog-displayed-over-navigation.html | 15 <object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=10,0,0,0" width="550" height="400" align="middle">
/external/chromium_org/third_party/WebKit/ManualTests/ |
show-hide-object.html | 52 <object id="scopeFlash" classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" width="300" height="200" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=6,0,0,0">
/prebuilts/gcc/linux-x86/host/x86_64-w64-mingw32-4.8/x86_64-w64-mingw32/include/ |
complex.h | 54 double __MINGW_ATTRIB_CONST cabs (double _Complex) __MINGW_ATTRIB_DEPRECATED_MSVC2005; 143 __CRT_INLINE double __MINGW_ATTRIB_CONST cabs (double _Complex _Z) function
/prebuilts/ndk/9/platforms/android-21/arch-arm/usr/include/ |
complex.h | 51 double cabs(double complex) __NDK_FPABI__;
/prebuilts/ndk/9/platforms/android-21/arch-arm64/usr/include/ |
complex.h | 51 double cabs(double complex) __NDK_FPABI__;
/prebuilts/ndk/9/platforms/android-21/arch-mips/usr/include/ |
complex.h | 51 double cabs(double complex) __NDK_FPABI__;
/prebuilts/ndk/9/platforms/android-21/arch-mips64/usr/include/ |
complex.h | 51 double cabs(double complex) __NDK_FPABI__;
/prebuilts/ndk/9/platforms/android-21/arch-x86/usr/include/ |
complex.h | 51 double cabs(double complex) __NDK_FPABI__;
/prebuilts/ndk/9/platforms/android-21/arch-x86_64/usr/include/ |
complex.h | 51 double cabs(double complex) __NDK_FPABI__;
/external/qemu/disas/ |
mips.c | [all...] |
/prebuilts/android-emulator/linux-x86_64/ |
emulator-mips | |
/prebuilts/gcc/linux-x86/host/x86_64-linux-glibc2.11-4.6/sysroot/usr/include/bits/ |
cmathcalls.h | 111 __MATHDECL (_Mdouble_,cabs, (_Mdouble_complex_ __z));
/prebuilts/gcc/linux-x86/host/x86_64-linux-glibc2.11-4.8/sysroot/usr/include/bits/ |
cmathcalls.h | 111 __MATHDECL (_Mdouble_,cabs, (_Mdouble_complex_ __z));
/frameworks/base/docs/html/design/patterns/ |
actionbar.jd | 244 duration of a particular sub-task. CABs are most typically used for tasks that involve acting on 261 <p>Use CABs whenever you allow the user to select data via long press. You can control the action
/external/clang/test/CodeGen/ |
libcall-declarations.c | 181 double cabs(double _Complex); 298 F(truncl), F(cabs), F(cabsf), F(cabsl), F(cacos), 480 // CHECK-NOERRNO: declare double @cabs(double, double) [[NUW]] 569 // CHECK-ERRNO: declare double @cabs(double, double) [[NUW]]
/prebuilts/gcc/darwin-x86/arm/arm-eabi-4.8/lib/gcc/arm-eabi/4.8/include/ |
tgmath.h | 121 #define fabs(z) __TGMATH_CPLX(z, fabs, cabs)
/prebuilts/gcc/darwin-x86/host/i686-apple-darwin-4.2.1/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin10/4.2.1/include/ |
tgmath.h | 132 #define fabs(z) __TGMATH_CPLX(z, fabs, cabs)
/prebuilts/gcc/darwin-x86/host/i686-apple-darwin-4.2.1/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin11/4.2.1/include/ |
tgmath.h | 132 #define fabs(z) __TGMATH_CPLX(z, fabs, cabs)
/prebuilts/gcc/linux-x86/arm/arm-eabi-4.8/lib/gcc/arm-eabi/4.8/include/ |
tgmath.h | 121 #define fabs(z) __TGMATH_CPLX(z, fabs, cabs)