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      1 // Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 // found in the LICENSE file.
      5 cr.define('options', function() {
      6   /** @const */ var Page = cr.ui.pageManager.Page;
      7   /** @const */ var SettingsDialog = options.SettingsDialog;
      9   /**
     10    * HomePageOverlay class
     11    * Dialog that allows users to set the home page.
     12    * @constructor
     13    * @extends {options.SettingsDialog}
     14    */
     15   function HomePageOverlay() {
     16     SettingsDialog.call(this, 'homePageOverlay',
     17         loadTimeData.getString('homePageOverlayTabTitle'),
     18         'home-page-overlay',
     19         assertInstanceof($('home-page-confirm'), HTMLButtonElement),
     20         assertInstanceof($('home-page-cancel'), HTMLButtonElement));
     21   }
     23   cr.addSingletonGetter(HomePageOverlay);
     25   HomePageOverlay.prototype = {
     26     __proto__: SettingsDialog.prototype,
     28     /**
     29      * An autocomplete list that can be attached to the home page URL field.
     30      * @type {cr.ui.AutocompleteList}
     31      * @private
     32      */
     33     autocompleteList_: null,
     35     /** @override */
     36     initializePage: function() {
     37       SettingsDialog.prototype.initializePage.call(this);
     39       var self = this;
     40       options.Preferences.getInstance().addEventListener(
     41           'homepage_is_newtabpage',
     42           this.handleHomepageIsNTPPrefChange.bind(this));
     44       var urlField = $('homepage-url-field');
     45       urlField.addEventListener('keydown', function(event) {
     46         // Don't auto-submit when the user selects something from the
     47         // auto-complete list.
     48         if (event.keyIdentifier == 'Enter' && !self.autocompleteList_.hidden)
     49           event.stopPropagation();
     50       });
     51       urlField.addEventListener('change', this.updateFavicon_.bind(this));
     53       var suggestionList = new cr.ui.AutocompleteList();
     54       suggestionList.autoExpands = true;
     55       suggestionList.requestSuggestions =
     56           this.requestAutocompleteSuggestions_.bind(this);
     57       $('home-page-overlay').appendChild(suggestionList);
     58       this.autocompleteList_ = suggestionList;
     60       urlField.addEventListener('focus', function(event) {
     61         self.autocompleteList_.attachToInput(urlField);
     62       });
     63       urlField.addEventListener('blur', function(event) {
     64         self.autocompleteList_.detach();
     65       });
     66     },
     68     /** @override */
     69     didShowPage: function() {
     70       this.updateFavicon_();
     71     },
     73     /**
     74      * Updates the state of the homepage text input and its controlled setting
     75      * indicator when the |homepage_is_newtabpage| pref changes. The input is
     76      * enabled only if the homepage is not the NTP. The indicator is always
     77      * enabled but treats the input's value as read-only if the homepage is the
     78      * NTP.
     79      * @param {Event} event Pref change event.
     80      */
     81     handleHomepageIsNTPPrefChange: function(event) {
     82       var urlField = $('homepage-url-field');
     83       var urlFieldIndicator = $('homepage-url-field-indicator');
     84       urlField.setDisabled('homepage-is-ntp', event.value.value);
     85       urlFieldIndicator.readOnly = event.value.value;
     86     },
     88     /**
     89      * Updates the background of the url field to show the favicon for the
     90      * URL that is currently typed in.
     91      * @private
     92      */
     93     updateFavicon_: function() {
     94       var urlField = $('homepage-url-field');
     95       urlField.style.backgroundImage = getFaviconImageSet(urlField.value);
     96     },
     98     /**
     99      * Sends an asynchronous request for new autocompletion suggestions for the
    100      * the given query. When new suggestions are available, the C++ handler will
    101      * call updateAutocompleteSuggestions_.
    102      * @param {string} query List of autocomplete suggestions.
    103      * @private
    104      */
    105     requestAutocompleteSuggestions_: function(query) {
    106       chrome.send('requestAutocompleteSuggestionsForHomePage', [query]);
    107     },
    109     /**
    110      * Updates the autocomplete suggestion list with the given entries.
    111      * @param {Array} suggestions List of autocomplete suggestions.
    112      * @private
    113      */
    114     updateAutocompleteSuggestions_: function(suggestions) {
    115       var list = this.autocompleteList_;
    116       // If the trigger for this update was a value being selected from the
    117       // current list, do nothing.
    118       if (list.targetInput && list.selectedItem &&
    119           list.selectedItem.url == list.targetInput.value) {
    120         return;
    121       }
    122       list.suggestions = suggestions;
    123     },
    125     /**
    126      * Sets the 'show home button' and 'home page is new tab page' preferences.
    127      * (The home page url preference is set automatically by the SettingsDialog
    128      * code.)
    129      */
    130     handleConfirm: function() {
    131       // Strip whitespace.
    132       var urlField = $('homepage-url-field');
    133       var homePageValue = urlField.value.replace(/\s*/g, '');
    134       urlField.value = homePageValue;
    136       // Don't save an empty URL for the home page. If the user left the field
    137       // empty, switch to the New Tab page.
    138       if (!homePageValue)
    139         $('homepage-use-ntp').checked = true;
    141       SettingsDialog.prototype.handleConfirm.call(this);
    142     },
    143   };
    145   HomePageOverlay.updateAutocompleteSuggestions = function() {
    146     var instance = HomePageOverlay.getInstance();
    147     instance.updateAutocompleteSuggestions_.apply(instance, arguments);
    148   };
    150   // Export
    151   return {
    152     HomePageOverlay: HomePageOverlay
    153   };
    154 });