Lines Matching full:roi
61 _CvRect16u rect; /* ROI for the connected component */
77 _CvRect16u rect; /* ROI for the connected component */
183 CvSize roi, CvFilter filter,
220 if( roi.width <= 0 || roi.height <= 0 || src_step < roi.width || dst_step < roi.width )
229 if( ((roi.width | roi.height) & ((1 << level) - 1)) != 0 )
243 buffer_size = roi.width * roi.height * (sizeof( float ) + sizeof( _CvPyramidBase ));
246 buffer_size += ((roi.width >> l) + 1) * ((roi.height >> l) + 1) * sizeof(_CvPyramid);
259 step = roi.width * sizeof( float );
264 cvInitMatHeader( &_src, roi.height, roi.width, CV_8UC1, src_image, src_step );
265 cvInitMatHeader( &_pyramida, roi.height, roi.width, CV_32FC1, pyramida, step );
267 /*_CV_CHECK( icvCvtTo_32f_C1R( src_image, src_step, pyramida, step, roi, CV_8UC1 ));*/
269 p_base = (_CvPyramidBase *) (buffer + step * roi.height);
273 for( i = 0; i < roi.height; i++ )
275 for( j = 0; j < roi.width; j++, p_base++ )
277 p_base->c = pyramida[i * roi.width + j];
283 size = roi;
308 p_cur->c = pyramida[i * roi.width + j];
323 size = roi;
350 size = roi;
351 step = roi.width;
364 for( i = 0; i < roi.height; i++, p_base += size.width )
512 size.width = roi.width >> level;
513 size.height = roi.height >> level;
533 icvSegmentClusterC1( cmp_seq, res_seq, threshold2, pyram[1], roi );
596 CvSize roi, CvFilter filter,
637 if( roi.width <= 0 || roi.height <= 0 ||
638 src_step < roi.width * 3 || dst_step < roi.width * 3 ) return CV_BADSIZE_ERR;
646 if( ((roi.width | roi.height) & ((1 << level) - 1)) != 0 )
660 buffer_size = roi.width * roi.height * (sizeof( _CvRGBf ) + sizeof( _CvPyramidBaseC3 ));
663 buffer_size += ((roi.width >> l) + 1) * ((roi.height >> l) + 1) * sizeof(_CvPyramidC3);
676 step = roi.width * sizeof( _CvRGBf );
681 cvInitMatHeader( &_src, roi.height, roi.width, CV_8UC3, src_image, src_step );
682 cvInitMatHeader( &_pyramida, roi.height, roi.width, CV_32FC3, pyramida, step );
685 cvSize( roi.width * 3, roi.height ), CV_8UC1 ));*/
688 p_base = (_CvPyramidBaseC3 *) (buffer + step * roi.height);
692 for( i = 0; i < roi.height; i++ )
694 for( j = 0; j < roi.width; j++, p_base++ )
696 p_base->c = ((_CvRGBf *) pyramida)[i * roi.width + j];
702 size = roi;
728 p_cur->c = ((_CvRGBf *) pyramida)[i * roi.width + j];
743 size = roi;
770 size = roi;
771 step = roi.width;
784 for( i = 0; i < roi.height; i++, p_base += size.width )
942 size.width = roi.width >> level;
943 size.height = roi.height >> level;
963 icvSegmentClusterC3( cmp_seq, res_seq, threshold2, pyram[1], roi );
1758 definition of the maximum roi size