Lines Matching refs:rc
131 ESR_ReturnCode rc;
138 rc = self->getFilename(self, filename, len);
139 return rc;
164 ESR_ReturnCode rc;
171 rc = self->vfprintf(self, result, format, args);
172 return rc;
199 ESR_ReturnCode rc;
210 rc = ESR_READ_ERROR;
211 PLogError(ESR_rc2str(rc));
217 PLogError(L("%s: reached end of file before finding token"), ESR_rc2str(rc));
235 rc = ESR_READ_ERROR;
236 PLogError(ESR_rc2str(rc));
248 rc = ESR_SEEK_ERROR;
249 PLogError(ESR_rc2str(rc));
258 PLogError(L("%s: token was not number (%s)"), ESR_rc2str(rc), number);
262 CHKLOG(rc, lstrtoi(number, value, 10));
263 return rc;
267 return rc;
273 ESR_ReturnCode rc = ESR_SUCCESS;
284 rc = ESR_READ_ERROR;
285 PLogError(ESR_rc2str(rc));
291 PLogError(L("%s: reached end of file before finding token"), ESR_rc2str(rc));
309 rc = ESR_READ_ERROR;
310 PLogError(ESR_rc2str(rc));
322 rc = ESR_SEEK_ERROR;
323 PLogError(ESR_rc2str(rc));
328 return rc;
332 return rc;
338 ESR_ReturnCode rc;
347 rc = PFileSystemCreatePFile(filename, isLittleEndian, &result);
348 if (rc != ESR_SUCCESS)
350 rc = result->open(result, mode);
351 if (rc != ESR_SUCCESS)
361 ESR_ReturnCode rc;
363 rc = PFileRead(stream, buffer, size, &count);
364 if (rc != ESR_SUCCESS)
371 ESR_ReturnCode rc;
373 rc = PFileWrite(stream, buffer, size, &count);
374 if (rc != ESR_SUCCESS)
381 ESR_ReturnCode rc;
383 rc = PFileDestroy(stream);
384 if (rc != ESR_SUCCESS)
396 ESR_ReturnCode rc;
398 rc = PFileSeek(stream, offset, origin);
399 if (rc != ESR_SUCCESS)
407 ESR_ReturnCode rc;
409 rc = PFileGetPosition(stream, &result);
410 if (rc != ESR_SUCCESS)
442 ESR_ReturnCode rc;
444 rc = PFileFlush(stream);
445 if (rc != ESR_SUCCESS)
453 ESR_ReturnCode rc;
455 rc = PFileFgets(self, string, n, &result);
456 if (rc != ESR_SUCCESS)
464 ESR_ReturnCode rc;
466 rc = PFileFgetc(self, &result);
467 if (rc != ESR_SUCCESS)
479 ESR_ReturnCode rc;
482 rc = PFileVfprintf(stream, &result, format, args);
484 if (rc != ESR_SUCCESS)
496 ESR_ReturnCode rc;
498 rc = PFileVfprintf(stream, &result, format, argptr);
499 if (rc != ESR_SUCCESS)
512 ESR_ReturnCode rc;
515 rc = PFileVfprintf(PSTDOUT, &result, format, args);
517 if (rc != ESR_SUCCESS)