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      1 // Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 // found in the LICENSE file.
      5 #include "pdf/progress_control.h"
      7 #include <algorithm>
      9 #include "base/logging.h"
     10 #include "pdf/draw_utils.h"
     11 #include "pdf/resource_consts.h"
     12 #include "ppapi/cpp/dev/font_dev.h"
     14 namespace chrome_pdf {
     16 const double ProgressControl::kCompleted = 100.0;
     18 // There is a bug outputting text with alpha 0xFF (opaque) to an intermediate
     19 // image. It outputs alpha channgel of the text pixels to 0xFF (transparent).
     20 // And it breaks next alpha blending.
     21 // For now, let's use alpha 0xFE to work around this bug.
     22 // TODO(gene): investigate this bug.
     23 const uint32 kProgressTextColor = 0xFEDDE6FC;
     24 const uint32 kProgressTextSize = 16;
     25 const uint32 kImageTextSpacing = 8;
     26 const uint32 kTopPadding = 8;
     27 const uint32 kBottomPadding = 12;
     28 const uint32 kLeftPadding = 10;
     29 const uint32 kRightPadding = 10;
     31 int ScaleInt(int val, float scale) {
     32   return static_cast<int>(val * scale);
     33 }
     35 ProgressControl::ProgressControl()
     36     : progress_(0.0),
     37       device_scale_(1.0) {
     38 }
     40 ProgressControl::~ProgressControl() {
     41 }
     43 bool ProgressControl::CreateProgressControl(
     44     uint32 id,
     45     bool visible,
     46     Control::Owner* delegate,
     47     double progress,
     48     float device_scale,
     49     const std::vector<pp::ImageData>& images,
     50     const pp::ImageData& background,
     51     const std::string& text) {
     52   progress_ = progress;
     53   text_ = text;
     54   bool res = Control::Create(id, pp::Rect(), visible, delegate);
     55   if (res)
     56     Reconfigure(background, images, device_scale);
     57   return res;
     58 }
     60 void ProgressControl::Reconfigure(const pp::ImageData& background,
     61                                   const std::vector<pp::ImageData>& images,
     62                                   float device_scale) {
     63   DCHECK(images.size() != 0);
     64   images_ = images;
     65   background_ = background;
     66   device_scale_ = device_scale;
     67   pp::Size ctrl_size;
     68   CalculateLayout(owner()->GetInstance(), images_, background_, text_,
     69       device_scale_, &ctrl_size, &image_rc_, &text_rc_);
     70   pp::Rect rc(pp::Point(), ctrl_size);
     71   Control::SetRect(rc, false);
     72   PrepareBackground();
     73 }
     75 // static
     76 void ProgressControl::CalculateLayout(pp::Instance* instance,
     77                                       const std::vector<pp::ImageData>& images,
     78                                       const pp::ImageData& background,
     79                                       const std::string& text,
     80                                       float device_scale,
     81                                       pp::Size* ctrl_size,
     82                                       pp::Rect* image_rc,
     83                                       pp::Rect* text_rc) {
     84   DCHECK(images.size() != 0);
     85   int image_width = 0;
     86   int image_height = 0;
     87   for (size_t i = 0; i < images.size(); i++) {
     88     image_width = std::max(image_width, images[i].size().width());
     89     image_height = std::max(image_height, images[i].size().height());
     90   }
     92   pp::FontDescription_Dev description;
     93   description.set_family(PP_FONTFAMILY_SANSSERIF);
     94   description.set_size(ScaleInt(kProgressTextSize, device_scale));
     95   description.set_weight(PP_FONTWEIGHT_BOLD);
     96   pp::Font_Dev font(instance, description);
     97   int text_length = font.MeasureSimpleText(text);
     99   pp::FontDescription_Dev desc;
    100   PP_FontMetrics_Dev metrics;
    101   font.Describe(&desc, &metrics);
    102   int text_height = metrics.height;
    104   *ctrl_size = pp::Size(
    105       image_width + text_length +
    106       ScaleInt(kImageTextSpacing + kLeftPadding + kRightPadding, device_scale),
    107       std::max(image_height, text_height) +
    108       ScaleInt(kTopPadding + kBottomPadding, device_scale));
    110   int offset_x = 0;
    111   int offset_y = 0;
    112   if (ctrl_size->width() < background.size().width()) {
    113     offset_x += (background.size().width() - ctrl_size->width()) / 2;
    114     ctrl_size->set_width(background.size().width());
    115   }
    116   if (ctrl_size->height() < background.size().height()) {
    117     offset_y += (background.size().height() - ctrl_size->height()) / 2;
    118     ctrl_size->set_height(background.size().height());
    119   }
    121   *image_rc = pp::Rect(ScaleInt(kLeftPadding, device_scale) + offset_x,
    122                        ScaleInt(kTopPadding, device_scale) + offset_y,
    123                        image_width,
    124                        image_height);
    126   *text_rc = pp::Rect(
    127       ctrl_size->width() - text_length -
    128       ScaleInt(kRightPadding, device_scale) - offset_x,
    129       (ctrl_size->height() - text_height) / 2,
    130       text_length,
    131       text_height);
    132 }
    134 size_t ProgressControl::GetImageIngex() const {
    135   return static_cast<size_t>((progress_ / 100.0) * images_.size());
    136 }
    138 void ProgressControl::Paint(pp::ImageData* image_data, const pp::Rect& rc) {
    139   if (!visible())
    140     return;
    142   pp::Rect draw_rc = rect().Intersect(rc);
    143   if (draw_rc.IsEmpty())
    144     return;
    146   pp::ImageData buffer(owner()->GetInstance(), ctrl_background_.format(),
    147                        ctrl_background_.size(), false);
    148   CopyImage(ctrl_background_, pp::Rect(ctrl_background_.size()),
    149             &buffer, pp::Rect(ctrl_background_.size()), false);
    151   size_t index = GetImageIngex();
    152   if (index >= images_.size())
    153     index = images_.size() - 1;
    155   AlphaBlend(images_[index],
    156              pp::Rect(images_[index].size()),
    157              &buffer,
    158              image_rc_.point(),
    159              kOpaqueAlpha);
    161   pp::Rect image_draw_rc(draw_rc);
    162   image_draw_rc.Offset(-rect().x(), -rect().y());
    163   AlphaBlend(buffer,
    164              image_draw_rc,
    165              image_data,
    166              draw_rc.point(),
    167              transparency());
    168 }
    170 void ProgressControl::SetProgress(double progress) {
    171   size_t old_index = GetImageIngex();
    172   progress_ = progress;
    173   size_t new_index = GetImageIngex();
    174   if (progress_ >= kCompleted) {
    175     progress_ = kCompleted;
    176     owner()->OnEvent(id(), EVENT_ID_PROGRESS_COMPLETED, NULL);
    177   }
    178   if (visible() && old_index != new_index)
    179     owner()->Invalidate(id(), rect());
    180 }
    182 void ProgressControl::PrepareBackground() {
    183   AdjustBackground();
    185   pp::FontDescription_Dev description;
    186   description.set_family(PP_FONTFAMILY_SANSSERIF);
    187   description.set_size(ScaleInt(kProgressTextSize,  device_scale_));
    188   description.set_weight(PP_FONTWEIGHT_BOLD);
    189   pp::Font_Dev font(owner()->GetInstance(), description);
    191   pp::FontDescription_Dev desc;
    192   PP_FontMetrics_Dev metrics;
    193   font.Describe(&desc, &metrics);
    195   pp::Point text_origin = pp::Point(text_rc_.x(),
    196       (text_rc_.y() + text_rc_.bottom() + metrics.x_height) / 2);
    197   font.DrawTextAt(&ctrl_background_, pp::TextRun_Dev(text_), text_origin,
    198       kProgressTextColor, pp::Rect(ctrl_background_.size()), false);
    199 }
    201 void ProgressControl::AdjustBackground() {
    202   ctrl_background_ = pp::ImageData(owner()->GetInstance(),
    203                                    PP_IMAGEDATAFORMAT_BGRA_PREMUL,
    204                                    rect().size(),
    205                                    false);
    207   if (rect().size() == background_.size()) {
    208     CopyImage(background_, pp::Rect(background_.size()),
    209         &ctrl_background_, pp::Rect(ctrl_background_.size()), false);
    210     return;
    211   }
    213   // We need to stretch background to new dimentions. To do so, we split
    214   // background into 9 different parts. We copy corner rects (1,3,7,9) as is,
    215   // stretch rectangles between corners (2,4,6,8) in 1 dimention, and
    216   // stretch center rect (5) in 2 dimentions.
    217   //    |---|---|---|
    218   //    | 1 | 2 | 3 |
    219   //    |---|---|---|
    220   //    | 4 | 5 | 6 |
    221   //    |---|---|---|
    222   //    | 7 | 8 | 9 |
    223   //    |---|---|---|
    224   int slice_x = background_.size().width() / 3;
    225   int slice_y = background_.size().height() / 3;
    227   // Copy rect 1
    228   pp::Rect src_rc(0, 0, slice_x, slice_y);
    229   pp::Rect dest_rc(0, 0, slice_x, slice_y);
    230   CopyImage(background_, src_rc, &ctrl_background_, dest_rc, false);
    232   // Copy rect 3
    233   src_rc.set_x(background_.size().width() - slice_x);
    234   dest_rc.set_x(ctrl_background_.size().width() - slice_x);
    235   CopyImage(background_, src_rc, &ctrl_background_, dest_rc, false);
    237   // Copy rect 9
    238   src_rc.set_y(background_.size().height() - slice_y);
    239   dest_rc.set_y(ctrl_background_.size().height() - slice_y);
    240   CopyImage(background_, src_rc, &ctrl_background_, dest_rc, false);
    242   // Copy rect 7
    243   src_rc.set_x(0);
    244   dest_rc.set_x(0);
    245   CopyImage(background_, src_rc, &ctrl_background_, dest_rc, false);
    247   // Stretch rect 2
    248   src_rc = pp::Rect(
    249       slice_x, 0, background_.size().width() - 2 * slice_x, slice_y);
    250   dest_rc = pp::Rect(
    251       slice_x, 0, ctrl_background_.size().width() - 2 * slice_x, slice_y);
    252   CopyImage(background_, src_rc, &ctrl_background_, dest_rc, true);
    254   // Copy rect 8
    255   src_rc.set_y(background_.size().height() - slice_y);
    256   dest_rc.set_y(ctrl_background_.size().height() - slice_y);
    257   CopyImage(background_, src_rc, &ctrl_background_, dest_rc, true);
    259   // Stretch rect 4
    260   src_rc = pp::Rect(
    261       0, slice_y, slice_x, background_.size().height() - 2 * slice_y);
    262   dest_rc = pp::Rect(
    263       0, slice_y, slice_x, ctrl_background_.size().height() - 2 * slice_y);
    264   CopyImage(background_, src_rc, &ctrl_background_, dest_rc, true);
    266   // Copy rect 6
    267   src_rc.set_x(background_.size().width() - slice_x);
    268   dest_rc.set_x(ctrl_background_.size().width() - slice_x);
    269   CopyImage(background_, src_rc, &ctrl_background_, dest_rc, true);
    271   // Stretch rect 5
    272   src_rc = pp::Rect(slice_x,
    273                     slice_y,
    274                     background_.size().width() - 2 * slice_x,
    275                     background_.size().height() - 2 * slice_y);
    276   dest_rc = pp::Rect(slice_x,
    277                      slice_y,
    278                      ctrl_background_.size().width() - 2 * slice_x,
    279                      ctrl_background_.size().height() - 2 * slice_y);
    280   CopyImage(background_, src_rc, &ctrl_background_, dest_rc, true);
    281 }
    283 }  // namespace chrome_pdf