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      1 // Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 // found in the LICENSE file.
      5 #include "chromeos/network/policy_util.h"
      7 #include "base/logging.h"
      8 #include "base/values.h"
      9 #include "chromeos/network/network_profile.h"
     10 #include "chromeos/network/network_ui_data.h"
     11 #include "chromeos/network/onc/onc_merger.h"
     12 #include "chromeos/network/onc/onc_normalizer.h"
     13 #include "chromeos/network/onc/onc_signature.h"
     14 #include "chromeos/network/onc/onc_translator.h"
     15 #include "chromeos/network/onc/onc_utils.h"
     16 #include "chromeos/network/shill_property_util.h"
     17 #include "components/onc/onc_constants.h"
     18 #include "third_party/cros_system_api/dbus/service_constants.h"
     20 namespace chromeos {
     22 namespace policy_util {
     24 namespace {
     26 // This fake credential contains a random postfix which is extremly unlikely to
     27 // be used by any user.
     28 const char kFakeCredential[] = "FAKE_CREDENTIAL_VPaJDV9x";
     31 // Removes all kFakeCredential values from sensitive fields (determined by
     32 // onc::FieldIsCredential) of |onc_object|.
     33 void RemoveFakeCredentials(
     34     const onc::OncValueSignature& signature,
     35     base::DictionaryValue* onc_object) {
     36   base::DictionaryValue::Iterator it(*onc_object);
     37   while (!it.IsAtEnd()) {
     38     base::Value* value = NULL;
     39     std::string field_name = it.key();
     40     // We need the non-const entry to remove nested values but DictionaryValue
     41     // has no non-const iterator.
     42     onc_object->GetWithoutPathExpansion(field_name, &value);
     43     // Advance before delete.
     44     it.Advance();
     46     // If |value| is a dictionary, recurse.
     47     base::DictionaryValue* nested_object = NULL;
     48     if (value->GetAsDictionary(&nested_object)) {
     49       const onc::OncFieldSignature* field_signature =
     50           onc::GetFieldSignature(signature, field_name);
     51       if (field_signature)
     52         RemoveFakeCredentials(*field_signature->value_signature, nested_object);
     53       else
     54         LOG(ERROR) << "ONC has unrecoginzed field: " << field_name;
     55       continue;
     56     }
     58     // If |value| is a string, check if it is a fake credential.
     59     std::string string_value;
     60     if (value->GetAsString(&string_value) &&
     61         onc::FieldIsCredential(signature, field_name)) {
     62       if (string_value == kFakeCredential) {
     63         // The value wasn't modified by the UI, thus we remove the field to keep
     64         // the existing value that is stored in Shill.
     65         onc_object->RemoveWithoutPathExpansion(field_name, NULL);
     66       }
     67       // Otherwise, the value is set and modified by the UI, thus we keep that
     68       // value to overwrite whatever is stored in Shill.
     69     }
     70   }
     71 }
     73 // Returns true if |policy| matches |actual_network|, which must be part of a
     74 // ONC NetworkConfiguration. This should be the only such matching function
     75 // within Chrome. Shill does such matching in several functions for network
     76 // identification. For compatibility, we currently should stick to Shill's
     77 // matching behavior.
     78 bool IsPolicyMatching(const base::DictionaryValue& policy,
     79                       const base::DictionaryValue& actual_network) {
     80   std::string policy_type;
     81   policy.GetStringWithoutPathExpansion(::onc::network_config::kType,
     82                                        &policy_type);
     83   std::string actual_network_type;
     84   actual_network.GetStringWithoutPathExpansion(::onc::network_config::kType,
     85                                                &actual_network_type);
     86   if (policy_type != actual_network_type)
     87     return false;
     89   if (actual_network_type == ::onc::network_type::kEthernet) {
     90     const base::DictionaryValue* policy_ethernet = NULL;
     91     policy.GetDictionaryWithoutPathExpansion(::onc::network_config::kEthernet,
     92                                              &policy_ethernet);
     93     const base::DictionaryValue* actual_ethernet = NULL;
     94     actual_network.GetDictionaryWithoutPathExpansion(
     95         ::onc::network_config::kEthernet, &actual_ethernet);
     96     if (!policy_ethernet || !actual_ethernet)
     97       return false;
     99     std::string policy_auth;
    100     policy_ethernet->GetStringWithoutPathExpansion(
    101         ::onc::ethernet::kAuthentication, &policy_auth);
    102     std::string actual_auth;
    103     actual_ethernet->GetStringWithoutPathExpansion(
    104         ::onc::ethernet::kAuthentication, &actual_auth);
    105     return policy_auth == actual_auth;
    106   } else if (actual_network_type == ::onc::network_type::kWiFi) {
    107     const base::DictionaryValue* policy_wifi = NULL;
    108     policy.GetDictionaryWithoutPathExpansion(::onc::network_config::kWiFi,
    109                                              &policy_wifi);
    110     const base::DictionaryValue* actual_wifi = NULL;
    111     actual_network.GetDictionaryWithoutPathExpansion(
    112         ::onc::network_config::kWiFi,
    113         &actual_wifi);
    114     if (!policy_wifi || !actual_wifi)
    115       return false;
    117     std::string policy_ssid;
    118     policy_wifi->GetStringWithoutPathExpansion(::onc::wifi::kSSID,
    119                                                &policy_ssid);
    120     std::string actual_ssid;
    121     actual_wifi->GetStringWithoutPathExpansion(::onc::wifi::kSSID,
    122                                                &actual_ssid);
    123     return (policy_ssid == actual_ssid);
    124   }
    125   return false;
    126 }
    128 base::DictionaryValue* GetOrCreateDictionary(const std::string& key,
    129                                              base::DictionaryValue* dict) {
    130   base::DictionaryValue* inner_dict = NULL;
    131   if (!dict->GetDictionaryWithoutPathExpansion(key, &inner_dict)) {
    132     inner_dict = new base::DictionaryValue;
    133     dict->SetWithoutPathExpansion(key, inner_dict);
    134   }
    135   return inner_dict;
    136 }
    138 base::DictionaryValue* GetOrCreateNestedDictionary(
    139     const std::string& key1,
    140     const std::string& key2,
    141     base::DictionaryValue* dict) {
    142   base::DictionaryValue* inner_dict = GetOrCreateDictionary(key1, dict);
    143   return GetOrCreateDictionary(key2, inner_dict);
    144 }
    146 void ApplyGlobalAutoconnectPolicy(
    147     NetworkProfile::Type profile_type,
    148     base::DictionaryValue* augmented_onc_network) {
    149   base::DictionaryValue* type_dictionary = NULL;
    150   augmented_onc_network->GetDictionaryWithoutPathExpansion(
    151       ::onc::network_config::kType, &type_dictionary);
    152   std::string type;
    153   if (!type_dictionary ||
    154       !type_dictionary->GetStringWithoutPathExpansion(
    155           ::onc::kAugmentationActiveSetting, &type) ||
    156       type.empty()) {
    157     LOG(ERROR) << "ONC dictionary with no Type.";
    158     return;
    159   }
    161   // Managed dictionaries don't contain empty dictionaries (see onc_merger.cc),
    162   // so add the Autoconnect dictionary in case Shill didn't report a value.
    163   base::DictionaryValue* auto_connect_dictionary = NULL;
    164   if (type == ::onc::network_type::kWiFi) {
    165     auto_connect_dictionary =
    166         GetOrCreateNestedDictionary(::onc::network_config::kWiFi,
    167                                     ::onc::wifi::kAutoConnect,
    168                                     augmented_onc_network);
    169   } else if (type == ::onc::network_type::kVPN) {
    170     auto_connect_dictionary =
    171         GetOrCreateNestedDictionary(::onc::network_config::kVPN,
    172                                     ::onc::vpn::kAutoConnect,
    173                                     augmented_onc_network);
    174   } else {
    175     return;  // Network type without auto-connect property.
    176   }
    178   std::string policy_source;
    179   if (profile_type == NetworkProfile::TYPE_USER)
    180     policy_source = ::onc::kAugmentationUserPolicy;
    181   else if(profile_type == NetworkProfile::TYPE_SHARED)
    182     policy_source = ::onc::kAugmentationDevicePolicy;
    183   else
    184     NOTREACHED();
    186   auto_connect_dictionary->SetBooleanWithoutPathExpansion(policy_source, false);
    187   auto_connect_dictionary->SetStringWithoutPathExpansion(
    188       ::onc::kAugmentationEffectiveSetting, policy_source);
    189 }
    191 }  // namespace
    193 scoped_ptr<base::DictionaryValue> CreateManagedONC(
    194     const base::DictionaryValue* global_policy,
    195     const base::DictionaryValue* network_policy,
    196     const base::DictionaryValue* user_settings,
    197     const base::DictionaryValue* active_settings,
    198     const NetworkProfile* profile) {
    199   const base::DictionaryValue* user_policy = NULL;
    200   const base::DictionaryValue* device_policy = NULL;
    201   const base::DictionaryValue* nonshared_user_settings = NULL;
    202   const base::DictionaryValue* shared_user_settings = NULL;
    204   if (profile) {
    205     if (profile->type() == NetworkProfile::TYPE_SHARED) {
    206       device_policy = network_policy;
    207       shared_user_settings = user_settings;
    208     } else if (profile->type() == NetworkProfile::TYPE_USER) {
    209       user_policy = network_policy;
    210       nonshared_user_settings = user_settings;
    211     } else {
    212       NOTREACHED();
    213     }
    214   }
    216   // This call also removes credentials from policies.
    217   scoped_ptr<base::DictionaryValue> augmented_onc_network =
    218       onc::MergeSettingsAndPoliciesToAugmented(
    219           onc::kNetworkConfigurationSignature,
    220           user_policy,
    221           device_policy,
    222           nonshared_user_settings,
    223           shared_user_settings,
    224           active_settings);
    226   // If present, apply the Autoconnect policy only to networks that are not
    227   // managed by policy.
    228   if (!network_policy && global_policy && profile) {
    229     bool allow_only_policy_autoconnect = false;
    230     global_policy->GetBooleanWithoutPathExpansion(
    231         ::onc::global_network_config::kAllowOnlyPolicyNetworksToAutoconnect,
    232         &allow_only_policy_autoconnect);
    233     if (allow_only_policy_autoconnect) {
    234       ApplyGlobalAutoconnectPolicy(profile->type(),
    235                                    augmented_onc_network.get());
    236     }
    237   }
    239   return augmented_onc_network.Pass();
    240 }
    242 void SetShillPropertiesForGlobalPolicy(
    243     const base::DictionaryValue& shill_dictionary,
    244     const base::DictionaryValue& global_network_policy,
    245     base::DictionaryValue* shill_properties_to_update) {
    246   // kAllowOnlyPolicyNetworksToAutoconnect is currently the only global config.
    248   std::string type;
    249   shill_dictionary.GetStringWithoutPathExpansion(shill::kTypeProperty, &type);
    250   if (NetworkTypePattern::Ethernet().MatchesType(type))
    251     return;  // Autoconnect for Ethernet cannot be configured.
    253   // By default all networks are allowed to autoconnect.
    254   bool only_policy_autoconnect = false;
    255   global_network_policy.GetBooleanWithoutPathExpansion(
    256       ::onc::global_network_config::kAllowOnlyPolicyNetworksToAutoconnect,
    257       &only_policy_autoconnect);
    258   if (!only_policy_autoconnect)
    259     return;
    261   bool old_autoconnect = false;
    262   if (shill_dictionary.GetBooleanWithoutPathExpansion(
    263           shill::kAutoConnectProperty, &old_autoconnect) &&
    264       !old_autoconnect) {
    265     // Autoconnect is already explictly disabled. No need to set it again.
    266     return;
    267   }
    269   // If autconnect is not explicitly set yet, it might automatically be enabled
    270   // by Shill. To prevent that, disable it explicitly.
    271   shill_properties_to_update->SetBooleanWithoutPathExpansion(
    272       shill::kAutoConnectProperty, false);
    273 }
    275 scoped_ptr<base::DictionaryValue> CreateShillConfiguration(
    276     const NetworkProfile& profile,
    277     const std::string& guid,
    278     const base::DictionaryValue* global_policy,
    279     const base::DictionaryValue* network_policy,
    280     const base::DictionaryValue* user_settings) {
    281   scoped_ptr<base::DictionaryValue> effective;
    282   ::onc::ONCSource onc_source = ::onc::ONC_SOURCE_NONE;
    283   if (network_policy) {
    284     if (profile.type() == NetworkProfile::TYPE_SHARED) {
    285       effective = onc::MergeSettingsAndPoliciesToEffective(
    286           NULL,  // no user policy
    287           network_policy,  // device policy
    288           NULL,  // no user settings
    289           user_settings);  // shared settings
    290       onc_source = ::onc::ONC_SOURCE_DEVICE_POLICY;
    291     } else if (profile.type() == NetworkProfile::TYPE_USER) {
    292       effective = onc::MergeSettingsAndPoliciesToEffective(
    293           network_policy,  // user policy
    294           NULL,  // no device policy
    295           user_settings,  // user settings
    296           NULL);  // no shared settings
    297       onc_source = ::onc::ONC_SOURCE_USER_POLICY;
    298     } else {
    299       NOTREACHED();
    300     }
    301   } else if (user_settings) {
    302     effective.reset(user_settings->DeepCopy());
    303     // TODO(pneubeck): change to source ONC_SOURCE_USER
    304     onc_source = ::onc::ONC_SOURCE_NONE;
    305   } else {
    306     NOTREACHED();
    307     onc_source = ::onc::ONC_SOURCE_NONE;
    308   }
    310   RemoveFakeCredentials(onc::kNetworkConfigurationSignature,
    311                         effective.get());
    313   effective->SetStringWithoutPathExpansion(::onc::network_config::kGUID, guid);
    315   // Remove irrelevant fields.
    316   onc::Normalizer normalizer(true /* remove recommended fields */);
    317   effective = normalizer.NormalizeObject(&onc::kNetworkConfigurationSignature,
    318                                          *effective);
    320   scoped_ptr<base::DictionaryValue> shill_dictionary(
    321       onc::TranslateONCObjectToShill(&onc::kNetworkConfigurationSignature,
    322                                      *effective));
    324   shill_dictionary->SetStringWithoutPathExpansion(shill::kProfileProperty,
    325                                                   profile.path);
    327   if (!network_policy && global_policy) {
    328     // The network isn't managed. Global network policies have to be applied.
    329     SetShillPropertiesForGlobalPolicy(
    330         *shill_dictionary, *global_policy, shill_dictionary.get());
    331   }
    333   scoped_ptr<NetworkUIData> ui_data(NetworkUIData::CreateFromONC(onc_source));
    335   if (user_settings) {
    336     // Shill doesn't know that sensitive data is contained in the UIData
    337     // property and might write it into logs or other insecure places. Thus, we
    338     // have to remove or mask credentials.
    339     //
    340     // Shill's GetProperties doesn't return credentials. Masking credentials
    341     // instead of just removing them, allows remembering if a credential is set
    342     // or not.
    343     scoped_ptr<base::DictionaryValue> sanitized_user_settings(
    344         onc::MaskCredentialsInOncObject(onc::kNetworkConfigurationSignature,
    345                                         *user_settings,
    346                                         kFakeCredential));
    347     ui_data->set_user_settings(sanitized_user_settings.Pass());
    348   }
    350   shill_property_util::SetUIData(*ui_data, shill_dictionary.get());
    352   VLOG(2) << "Created Shill properties: " << *shill_dictionary;
    354   return shill_dictionary.Pass();
    355 }
    357 const base::DictionaryValue* FindMatchingPolicy(
    358     const GuidToPolicyMap& policies,
    359     const base::DictionaryValue& actual_network) {
    360   for (GuidToPolicyMap::const_iterator it = policies.begin();
    361        it != policies.end(); ++it) {
    362     if (IsPolicyMatching(*it->second, actual_network))
    363       return it->second;
    364   }
    365   return NULL;
    366 }
    368 }  // namespace policy_util
    370 }  // namespace chromeos