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      1 /******************************************************************************
      2  *
      3  *  Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project
      4  *  Copyright 2002 - 2004 Open Interface North America, Inc. All rights reserved.
      5  *
      6  *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      7  *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      8  *  You may obtain a copy of the License at:
      9  *
     10  *  http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
     11  *
     12  *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     13  *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     14  *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     15  *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     16  *  limitations under the License.
     17  *
     18  ******************************************************************************/
     19 #ifndef _OI_UTILS_H
     20 #define _OI_UTILS_H
     21 /**
     22  * @file
     23  *
     24  * This file provides the interface for utility functions.
     25  * Among the utilities are strlen (string length), strcmp (string compare), and
     26  * other string manipulation functions. These are provided for those plaforms
     27  * where this functionality is not available in stdlib.
     28  */
     30 /**********************************************************************************
     31   $Revision: #1 $
     32 ***********************************************************************************/
     34 #include <stdarg.h>
     35 #include "oi_common.h"
     36 #include "oi_string.h"
     37 #include "oi_bt_spec.h"
     39 /** \addtogroup Misc Miscellaneous APIs */
     40 /**@{*/
     42 #ifdef __cplusplus
     43 extern "C" {
     44 #endif
     46 /**
     47  * Opaque type for a callback function handle. See OI_ScheduleCallbackFunction()
     48  */
     49 typedef OI_UINT32 OI_CALLBACK_HANDLE;
     52 /**
     53  * Function prototype for a timed procedure callback.
     54  *
     55  * @param arg                 Value that was passed into the OI_ScheduleCallback() function
     56  *
     57  */
     58 typedef void (*OI_SCHEDULED_CALLBACK)(void *arg);
     61 /**
     62  * Registers a function to be called when a timeout expires. This API uses BLUEmagic's internal
     63  * function dispatch mechanism, so applications that make extensive use of this facility may need to
     64  * increase the value of DispatchTableSize in the configuration block for the dispatcher (see
     65  * oi_bt_stack_config.h).
     66  *
     67  * @param callbackFunction    The function that will be called when the timeout expires
     68  *
     69  * @param arg                 Value that will be returned as the parameter to the callback function.
     70  *
     71  * @param timeout             A timeout expressed in OI_INTERVALs (tenths of seconds). This can be
     72  *                            zero in which case the callback function will be called as soon as
     73  *                            possible.
     74  *
     75  * @param handle              NULL or a pointer receive the callback handle.
     76  *
     77  * @return                    OI_OK if the function was reqistered, or an error status.
     78  */
     79 OI_STATUS OI_ScheduleCallbackFunction(OI_SCHEDULED_CALLBACK callbackFunction,
     80                                       void                 *arg,
     81                                       OI_INTERVAL           timeout,
     82                                       OI_CALLBACK_HANDLE   *handle);
     85 /**
     86  * Cancels a function registered with OI_ScheduleCallbackFunction() before its timer expires.
     87  *
     88  * @param handle              handle returned by  OI_ScheduleCallbackFunction().
     89  *
     90  * @return                    OI_OK if the function was cancelled, or an error status.
     91  */
     92 OI_STATUS OI_CancelCallbackFunction(OI_CALLBACK_HANDLE handle);
     95 /**
     96  * Registers a function to be called when a timeout expires. This version does not return a handle
     97  * so can only be canceled by calling OI_CancelCallback().
     98  *
     99  * @param callbackFunction    The function that will be called when the timeout expires
    100  *
    101  * @param arg                 Value that will be returned as the parameter to the callback function.
    102  *
    103  * @param timeout             A timeout expressed in OI_INTERVALs (tenths of seconds). This can be
    104  *                            zero in which case the callback function will be called as soon as
    105  *                            possible.
    106  *
    107  * @return                    OI_OK if the function was reqistered, or an error status.
    108  */
    109 #define OI_ScheduleCallback(f, a, t)  OI_ScheduleCallbackFunction(f, a, t, NULL);
    112 /**
    113  * Cancels a function registered with OI_ScheduleCallback() before its timer expires. This
    114  * function will cancel the first entry matches the indicated callback function pointer.
    115  *
    116  * @param callbackFunction    The function that was originally registered
    117  *
    118  * @return                    OI_OK if the function was cancelled, or an error status.
    119  */
    120 OI_STATUS OI_CancelCallback(OI_SCHEDULED_CALLBACK callbackFunction);
    123 /**
    124  * Parse a Bluetooth device address from the specified string.
    125  *
    126  * @param str   the string to parse
    127  * @param addr  the parsed address, if successful
    128  *
    129  * @return TRUE if an address was successfully parsed, FALSE otherwise
    130  */
    132 OI_BOOL OI_ParseBdAddr(const OI_CHAR *str,
    133                        OI_BD_ADDR    *addr) ;
    135 /**
    136  * Printf function for platforms which have no stdio or printf available.
    137  * OI_Printf supports the basic formatting types, with the exception of
    138  * floating point types. Additionally, OI_Printf supports several formats
    139  * specific to BLUEmagic 3.0 software:
    140  *
    141  * \%!   prints the string for an #OI_STATUS value.
    142  *       @code OI_Printf("There was an error %!", status); @endcode
    143  *
    144  * \%@   prints a hex dump of a buffer.
    145  *       Requires a pointer to the buffer and a signed integer length
    146  *       (0 for default length). If the buffer is large, only an excerpt will
    147  *       be printed.
    148  *       @code OI_Printf("Contents of buffer %@", buffer, sizeof(buffer)); @endcode
    149  *
    150  * \%:   prints a Bluetooth address in the form "HH:HH:HH:HH:HH:HH".
    151  *       Requires a pointer to an #OI_BD_ADDR.
    152  *       @code OI_Printf("Bluetooth address %:", &bdaddr); @endcode
    153  *
    154  * \%^   decodes and prints a data element as formatted XML.
    155  *       Requires a pointer to an #OI_DATAELEM.
    156  *       @code OI_Printf("Service attribute list is:\n%^", &attributes); @endcode
    157  *
    158  * \%/   prints the base file name of a path, that is, the final substring
    159  *       following a '/' or '\\' character. Requires a pointer to a null
    160  *       terminated string.
    161  *       @code OI_Printf("File %/", "c:\\dir1\\dir2\\file.txt"); @endcode
    162  *
    163  * \%~   prints a string, escaping characters as needed to display it in
    164  *       ASCII. Requires a pointer to an #OI_PSTR and an #OI_UNICODE_ENCODING
    165  *       parameter.
    166  *       @code OI_Printf("Identifier %~", &id, OI_UNICODE_UTF16_BE); @endcode
    167  *
    168  * \%[   inserts an ANSI color escape sequence. Requires a single character
    169  *       identifying the color to select. Colors are red (r/R), green (g/G),
    170  *       blue (b/B), yellow (y/Y), cyan (c/C), magenta (m/M), white (W),
    171  *       light-gray (l/L), dark-gray (d/D), and black (0). The lower case is
    172  *       dim, the upper case is bright (except in the case of light-gray and
    173  *       dark-gray, where bright and dim are identical). Any other value will
    174  *       select the default color.
    175  *       @code OI_Printf("%[red text %[black %[normal\n", 'r', '0', 0); @endcode
    176  *
    177  * \%a   same as \%s, except '\\r' and '\\n' are output as "<cr>" and "<lf>".
    178  *       \%?a is valid, but \%la is not.
    179  *
    180  * \%b   prints an integer in base 2.
    181  *       @code OI_Printf("Bits are %b", I); @endcode
    182  *
    183  * \%lb  prints a long integer in base 2.
    184  *
    185  * \%?b  prints the least significant N bits of an integer (or long integer)
    186  *       in base 2. Requires the integer and a length N.
    187  *       @code OI_Printf("Bottom 4 bits are: %?b", I, 4); @endcode
    188  *
    189  * \%B   prints an integer as boolean text, "TRUE" or "FALSE".
    190  *       @code OI_Printf("The value 0 is %B, the value 1 is %B", 0, 1); @endcode
    191  *
    192  * \%?s  prints a substring up to a specified maximum length.
    193  *       Requires a pointer to a string and a length parameter.
    194  *       @code OI_Printf("String prefix is %?s", str, 3); @endcode
    195  *
    196  * \%ls  same as \%S.
    197  *
    198  * \%S   prints a UTF16 string as UTF8 (plain ASCII, plus 8-bit char sequences
    199  *       where needed). Requires a pointer to #OI_CHAR16. \%?S is valid. The
    200  *       length parameter is in OI_CHAR16 characters.
    201  *
    202  * \%T   prints time, formatted as "secs.msecs".
    203  *       Requires pointer to #OI_TIME struct, NULL pointer prints current time.
    204  *       @code OI_Printf("The time now is %T", NULL); @endcode
    205  *
    206  *  @param format   The format string
    207  *
    208  */
    209 void OI_Printf(const OI_CHAR *format, ...);
    212 /**
    213  * Var-args version OI_Printf
    214  *
    215  * @param format   Same as for OI_Printf.
    216  *
    217  * @param argp     Var-args list.
    218  */
    219 void OI_VPrintf(const OI_CHAR *format, va_list argp);
    222 /**
    223  * Writes a formatted string to a buffer. This function supports the same format specifiers as
    224  * OI_Printf().
    225  *
    226  * @param buffer   Destination buffer for the formatted string.
    227  *
    228  * @param bufLen   The length of the destination buffer.
    229  *
    230  * @param format   The format string
    231  *
    232  * @return   Number of characters written or -1 in the case of an error.
    233  */
    234 OI_INT32 OI_SNPrintf(OI_CHAR *buffer,
    235                     OI_UINT16 bufLen,
    236                     const OI_CHAR* format, ...);
    239 /**
    240  * Var-args version OI_SNPrintf
    241  *
    242  * @param buffer   Destination buffer for the formatted string.
    243  *
    244  * @param bufLen   The length of the destination buffer.
    245  *
    246  * @param format   The format string
    247  *
    248  * @param argp     Var-args list.
    249  *
    250  * @return   Number of characters written or -1 in the case of an error.
    251  */
    252 OI_INT32 OI_VSNPrintf(OI_CHAR *buffer,
    253                      OI_UINT16 bufLen,
    254                      const OI_CHAR *format, va_list argp);
    257 /**
    258  * Convert a string to an integer.
    259  *
    260  * @param str  the string to parse
    261  *
    262  * @return the integer value of the string or 0 if the string could not be parsed
    263  */
    264 OI_INT OI_atoi(const OI_CHAR *str);
    267 /**
    268  * Parse a signed integer in a string.
    269  *
    270  * Skips leading whitespace (space and tabs only) and parses a decimal or hex string. Hex string
    271  * must be prefixed by "0x". Returns pointer to first character following the integer. Returns the
    272  * pointer passed in if the string does not describe an integer.
    273  *
    274  * @param str    String to parse.
    275  *
    276  * @param val    Pointer to receive the parsed integer value.
    277  *
    278  * @return       A pointer to the first character following the integer or the pointer passed in.
    279  */
    280 const OI_CHAR* OI_ScanInt(const OI_CHAR *str,
    281                           OI_INT32 *val);
    284 /**
    285  * Parse an unsigned integer in a string.
    286  *
    287  * Skips leading whitespace (space and tabs only) and parses a decimal or hex string. Hex string
    288  * must be prefixed by "0x". Returns pointer to first character following the integer. Returns the
    289  * pointer passed in if the string does not describe an integer.
    290  *
    291  * @param str    String to parse.
    292  *
    293  * @param val    Pointer to receive the parsed unsigned integer value.
    294  *
    295  * @return       A pointer to the first character following the unsigned integer or the pointer passed in.
    296  */
    297 const OI_CHAR* OI_ScanUInt(const OI_CHAR *str,
    298                            OI_UINT32 *val);
    300 /**
    301  * Parse a whitespace delimited substring out of a string.
    302  *
    303  * @param str     Input string to parse.
    304  * @param outStr  Buffer to return the substring
    305  * @param len     Length of outStr
    306  *
    307  *
    308  * @return       A pointer to the first character following the substring or the pointer passed in.
    309  */
    310 const OI_CHAR* OI_ScanStr(const OI_CHAR *str,
    311                           OI_CHAR *outStr,
    312                           OI_UINT16 len);
    315 /**
    316  * Parse a string for one of a set of alternative value. Skips leading whitespace (space and tabs
    317  * only) and parses text matching one of the alternative strings. Returns pointer to first character
    318  * following the matched text.
    319  *
    320  * @param str    String to parse.
    321  *
    322  * @param alts   Alternative matching strings separated by '|'
    323  *
    324  * @param index  Pointer to receive the index of the matching alternative, return value is -1 if
    325  *               there is no match.
    326  *
    327  * @return       A pointer to the first character following the matched value or the pointer passed in
    328  *               if there was no matching text.
    329  */
    330 const OI_CHAR* OI_ScanAlt(const OI_CHAR *str,
    331                           const OI_CHAR *alts,
    332                           OI_INT *index);
    334 /**
    335  * Parse a string for a BD Addr. Skips leading whitespace (space and tabs only) and parses a
    336  * Bluetooth device address with nibbles optionally separated by colons. Return pointet to first
    337  * character following the BD Addr.
    338  *
    339  * @param str    String to parse.
    340  *
    341  * @param addr   Pointer to receive the Bluetooth device address
    342  *
    343  * @return       A pointer to the first character following the BD Addr or the pointer passed in.
    344  */
    345 const OI_CHAR* OI_ScanBdAddr(const OI_CHAR *str,
    346                              OI_BD_ADDR *addr);
    349 /** Get a character from a digit integer value (0 - 9). */
    350 #define OI_DigitToChar(d) ((d) + '0')
    352 /**
    353  * Determine Maximum and Minimum between two arguments.
    354  *
    355  * @param a  1st value
    356  * @param b  2nd value
    357  *
    358  * @return the max or min value between a & b
    359  */
    360 #define OI_MAX(a, b) (((a) < (b)) ? (b) : (a) )
    361 #define OI_MIN(a, b) (((a) > (b)) ? (b) : (a) )
    363 /**
    364  * Compare two BD_ADDRs
    365  * SAME_BD_ADDR - Boolean: TRUE if they are the same address
    366  */
    368 #define SAME_BD_ADDR(x, y)      (0 == OI_MemCmp((x),(y),OI_BD_ADDR_BYTE_SIZE) )
    370 #ifdef __cplusplus
    371 }
    372 #endif
    374 /**@}*/
    376 #endif /* _OI_UTILS_H */