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      1 /* Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      2  * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3  * found in the LICENSE file.
      4  */
      6 /* From ppp_instance.idl modified Thu Apr 25 13:07:47 2013. */
      8 #ifndef PPAPI_C_PPP_INSTANCE_H_
      9 #define PPAPI_C_PPP_INSTANCE_H_
     11 #include "ppapi/c/pp_bool.h"
     12 #include "ppapi/c/pp_instance.h"
     13 #include "ppapi/c/pp_macros.h"
     14 #include "ppapi/c/pp_point.h"
     15 #include "ppapi/c/pp_rect.h"
     16 #include "ppapi/c/pp_resource.h"
     17 #include "ppapi/c/pp_size.h"
     18 #include "ppapi/c/pp_stdint.h"
     20 #define PPP_INSTANCE_INTERFACE_1_0 "PPP_Instance;1.0"
     21 #define PPP_INSTANCE_INTERFACE_1_1 "PPP_Instance;1.1"
     24 /**
     25  * @file
     26  * This file defines the <code>PPP_Instance</code> structure - a series of
     27  * pointers to methods that you must implement in your module.
     28  */
     31 /**
     32  * @addtogroup Interfaces
     33  * @{
     34  */
     35 /**
     36  * The <code>PPP_Instance</code> interface contains pointers to a series of
     37  * functions that you must implement in your module. These functions can be
     38  * trivial (simply return the default return value) unless you want your module
     39  * to handle events such as change of focus or input events (keyboard/mouse)
     40  * events.
     41  */
     42 struct PPP_Instance_1_1 {
     43   /**
     44    * DidCreate() is a creation handler that is called when a new instance is
     45    * created. This function is called for each instantiation on the page,
     46    * corresponding to one \<embed\> tag on the page.
     47    *
     48    * Generally you would handle this call by initializing the information
     49    * your module associates with an instance and creating a mapping from the
     50    * given <code>PP_Instance</code> handle to this data. The
     51    * <code>PP_Instance</code> handle will be used in subsequent calls to
     52    * identify which instance the call pertains to.
     53    *
     54    * It's possible for more than one instance to be created in a single module.
     55    * This means that you may get more than one <code>OnCreate</code> without an
     56    * <code>OnDestroy</code> in between, and should be prepared to maintain
     57    * multiple states associated with each instance.
     58    *
     59    * If this function reports a failure (by returning <code>PP_FALSE</code>),
     60    * the instance will be deleted.
     61    *
     62    * @param[in] instance A new <code>PP_Instance</code> identifying one
     63    * instance of a module. This is an opaque handle.
     64    *
     65    * @param[in] argc The number of arguments contained in <code>argn</code>
     66    * and <code>argv</code>.
     67    *
     68    * @param[in] argn An array of argument names.  These argument names are
     69    * supplied in the \<embed\> tag, for example:
     70    * <code>\<embed id="nacl_module" dimensions="2"\></code> will produce two
     71    * argument names: "id" and "dimensions."
     72    *
     73    * @param[in] argv An array of argument values.  These are the values of the
     74    * arguments listed in the \<embed\> tag, for example
     75    * <code>\<embed id="nacl_module" dimensions="2"\></code> will produce two
     76    * argument values: "nacl_module" and "2".  The indices of these values match
     77    * the indices of the corresponding names in <code>argn</code>.
     78    *
     79    * @return <code>PP_TRUE</code> on success or <code>PP_FALSE</code> on
     80    * failure.
     81    */
     82   PP_Bool (*DidCreate)(PP_Instance instance,
     83                        uint32_t argc,
     84                        const char* argn[],
     85                        const char* argv[]);
     86   /**
     87    * DidDestroy() is an instance destruction handler. This function is called
     88    * in many cases (see below) when a module instance is destroyed. It will be
     89    * called even if DidCreate() returned failure.
     90    *
     91    * Generally you will handle this call by deallocating the tracking
     92    * information and the <code>PP_Instance</code> mapping you created in the
     93    * DidCreate() call. You can also free resources associated with this
     94    * instance but this isn't required; all resources associated with the deleted
     95    * instance will be automatically freed when this function returns.
     96    *
     97    * The instance identifier will still be valid during this call, so the module
     98    * can perform cleanup-related tasks. Once this function returns, the
     99    * <code>PP_Instance</code> handle will be invalid. This means that you can't
    100    * do any asynchronous operations like network requests, file writes or
    101    * messaging from this function since they will be immediately canceled.
    102    *
    103    * <strong>Note:</strong> This function will always be skipped on untrusted
    104    * (Native Client) implementations. This function may be skipped on trusted
    105    * implementations in certain circumstances when Chrome does "fast shutdown"
    106    * of a web page. Fast shutdown will happen in some cases when all module
    107    * instances are being deleted, and no cleanup functions will be called.
    108    * The module will just be unloaded and the process terminated.
    109    *
    110    * @param[in] instance A <code>PP_Instance</code> identifying one instance
    111    * of a module.
    112    */
    113   void (*DidDestroy)(PP_Instance instance);
    114   /**
    115    * <code>DidChangeView() is called when the position, size, or other view
    116    * attributes of the instance has changed.
    117    */
    118   void (*DidChangeView)(PP_Instance instance, PP_Resource view);
    119   /**
    120    * DidChangeFocus() is called when an instance has gained or lost focus.
    121    * Having focus means that keyboard events will be sent to the instance.
    122    * An instance's default condition is that it will not have focus.
    123    *
    124    * The focus flag takes into account both browser tab and window focus as
    125    * well as focus of the plugin element on the page. In order to be deemed
    126    * to have focus, the browser window must be topmost, the tab must be
    127    * selected in the window, and the instance must be the focused element on
    128    * the page.
    129    *
    130    * <strong>Note:</strong>Clicks on instances will give focus only if you
    131    * handle the click event. Return <code>true</code> from
    132    * <code>HandleInputEvent</code> in <code>PPP_InputEvent</code> (or use
    133    * unfiltered events) to signal that the click event was handled. Otherwise,
    134    * the browser will bubble the event and give focus to the element on the page
    135    * that actually did end up consuming it. If you're not getting focus, check
    136    * to make sure you're either requesting them via
    137    * <code>RequestInputEvents()<code> (which implicitly marks all input events
    138    * as consumed) or via <code>RequestFilteringInputEvents()</code> and
    139    * returning true from your event handler.
    140    *
    141    * @param[in] instance A <code>PP_Instance</code> identifying the instance
    142    * receiving the input event.
    143    *
    144    * @param[in] has_focus Indicates the new focused state of the instance.
    145    */
    146   void (*DidChangeFocus)(PP_Instance instance, PP_Bool has_focus);
    147   /**
    148    * HandleDocumentLoad() is called after initialize for a full-frame
    149    * instance that was instantiated based on the MIME type of a DOMWindow
    150    * navigation. This situation only applies to modules that are pre-registered
    151    * to handle certain MIME types. If you haven't specifically registered to
    152    * handle a MIME type or aren't positive this applies to you, your
    153    * implementation of this function can just return <code>PP_FALSE</code>.
    154    *
    155    * The given <code>url_loader</code> corresponds to a
    156    * <code>PPB_URLLoader</code> instance that is already opened. Its response
    157    * headers may be queried using <code>PPB_URLLoader::GetResponseInfo</code>.
    158    * The reference count for the URL loader is not incremented automatically on
    159    * behalf of the module. You need to increment the reference count yourself
    160    * if you are going to keep a reference to it.
    161    *
    162    * This method returns <code>PP_FALSE</code> if the module cannot handle the
    163    * data. In response to this method, the module should call
    164    * ReadResponseBody() to read the incoming data.
    165    *
    166    * @param[in] instance A <code>PP_Instance</code> identifying the instance
    167    * that should do the load.
    168    *
    169    * @param[in] url_loader An open <code>PPB_URLLoader</code> instance.
    170    *
    171    * @return <code>PP_TRUE</code> if the data was handled,
    172    * <code>PP_FALSE</code> otherwise.  If you return false, the load will be
    173    * canceled for you.
    174    */
    175   PP_Bool (*HandleDocumentLoad)(PP_Instance instance, PP_Resource url_loader);
    176 };
    178 typedef struct PPP_Instance_1_1 PPP_Instance;
    180 struct PPP_Instance_1_0 {
    181   PP_Bool (*DidCreate)(PP_Instance instance,
    182                        uint32_t argc,
    183                        const char* argn[],
    184                        const char* argv[]);
    185   void (*DidDestroy)(PP_Instance instance);
    186   void (*DidChangeView)(PP_Instance instance,
    187                         const struct PP_Rect* position,
    188                         const struct PP_Rect* clip);
    189   void (*DidChangeFocus)(PP_Instance instance, PP_Bool has_focus);
    190   PP_Bool (*HandleDocumentLoad)(PP_Instance instance, PP_Resource url_loader);
    191 };
    192 /**
    193  * @}
    194  */
    196 #endif  /* PPAPI_C_PPP_INSTANCE_H_ */