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      1 //===-- DynamicLoaderDarwinKernel.cpp -----------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
      2 //
      3 //                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
      4 //
      5 // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
      6 // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
      7 //
      8 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
     10 #include "lldb/lldb-python.h"
     12 #include "lldb/Breakpoint/StoppointCallbackContext.h"
     13 #include "lldb/Core/DataBuffer.h"
     14 #include "lldb/Core/DataBufferHeap.h"
     15 #include "lldb/Core/Debugger.h"
     16 #include "lldb/Core/Log.h"
     17 #include "lldb/Core/Module.h"
     18 #include "lldb/Core/ModuleSpec.h"
     19 #include "lldb/Core/PluginManager.h"
     20 #include "lldb/Core/Section.h"
     21 #include "lldb/Core/State.h"
     22 #include "lldb/Host/Symbols.h"
     23 #include "lldb/Symbol/ObjectFile.h"
     24 #include "lldb/Target/RegisterContext.h"
     25 #include "lldb/Target/StackFrame.h"
     26 #include "lldb/Target/Target.h"
     27 #include "lldb/Target/Thread.h"
     28 #include "lldb/Target/ThreadPlanRunToAddress.h"
     29 #include "Plugins/Platform/MacOSX/PlatformDarwinKernel.h"
     31 #include "DynamicLoaderDarwinKernel.h"
     34 #ifdef ENABLE_DEBUG_PRINTF
     35 #include <stdio.h>
     36 #define DEBUG_PRINTF(fmt, ...) printf(fmt, ## __VA_ARGS__)
     37 #else
     38 #define DEBUG_PRINTF(fmt, ...)
     39 #endif
     41 using namespace lldb;
     42 using namespace lldb_private;
     44 // Progressively greater amounts of scanning we will allow
     45 // For some targets very early in startup, we can't do any random reads of memory or we can crash the device
     46 // so a setting is needed that can completely disable the KASLR scans.
     48 enum KASLRScanType
     49 {
     50     eKASLRScanNone = 0,         // No reading into the inferior at all
     51     eKASLRScanLowgloAddresses,  // Check one word of memory for a possible kernel addr, then see if a kernel is there
     52     eKASLRScanNearPC,           // Scan backwards from the current $pc looking for kernel; checking at 96 locations total
     53     eKASLRScanExhaustiveScan    // Scan through the entire possible kernel address range looking for a kernel
     54 };
     56 OptionEnumValueElement
     57 g_kaslr_kernel_scan_enum_values[] =
     58 {
     59     { eKASLRScanNone,            "none",            "Do not read memory looking for a Darwin kernel when attaching." },
     60     { eKASLRScanLowgloAddresses, "basic",           "Check for the Darwin kernel's load addr in the lowglo page (boot-args=debug) only." },
     61     { eKASLRScanNearPC,          "fast-scan",       "Scan near the pc value on attach to find the Darwin kernel's load address."},
     62     { eKASLRScanExhaustiveScan,  "exhaustive-scan", "Scan through the entire potential address range of Darwin kernel (only on 32-bit targets)."},
     63     { 0, NULL, NULL }
     64 };
     66 static PropertyDefinition
     67 g_properties[] =
     68 {
     69     { "load-kexts" , OptionValue::eTypeBoolean, true, true, NULL, NULL, "Automatically loads kext images when attaching to a kernel." },
     70     { "scan-type",   OptionValue::eTypeEnum,    true, eKASLRScanNearPC, NULL, g_kaslr_kernel_scan_enum_values, "Control how many reads lldb will make while searching for a Darwin kernel on attach." },
     71     {  NULL        , OptionValue::eTypeInvalid, false, 0  , NULL, NULL, NULL  }
     72 };
     74 enum {
     75     ePropertyLoadKexts,
     76     ePropertyScanType
     77 };
     79 class DynamicLoaderDarwinKernelProperties : public Properties
     80 {
     81 public:
     83     static ConstString &
     84     GetSettingName ()
     85     {
     86         static ConstString g_setting_name("darwin-kernel");
     87         return g_setting_name;
     88     }
     90     DynamicLoaderDarwinKernelProperties() :
     91         Properties ()
     92     {
     93         m_collection_sp.reset (new OptionValueProperties(GetSettingName()));
     94         m_collection_sp->Initialize(g_properties);
     95     }
     97     virtual
     98     ~DynamicLoaderDarwinKernelProperties()
     99     {
    100     }
    102     bool
    103     GetLoadKexts() const
    104     {
    105         const uint32_t idx = ePropertyLoadKexts;
    106         return m_collection_sp->GetPropertyAtIndexAsBoolean (NULL, idx, g_properties[idx].default_uint_value != 0);
    107     }
    109     KASLRScanType
    110     GetScanType() const
    111     {
    112         const uint32_t idx = ePropertyScanType;
    113         return (KASLRScanType) m_collection_sp->GetPropertyAtIndexAsEnumeration (NULL, idx, g_properties[idx].default_uint_value);
    114     }
    117 };
    119 typedef std::shared_ptr<DynamicLoaderDarwinKernelProperties> DynamicLoaderDarwinKernelPropertiesSP;
    121 static const DynamicLoaderDarwinKernelPropertiesSP &
    122 GetGlobalProperties()
    123 {
    124     static DynamicLoaderDarwinKernelPropertiesSP g_settings_sp;
    125     if (!g_settings_sp)
    126         g_settings_sp.reset (new DynamicLoaderDarwinKernelProperties ());
    127     return g_settings_sp;
    128 }
    130 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
    131 // Create an instance of this class. This function is filled into
    132 // the plugin info class that gets handed out by the plugin factory and
    133 // allows the lldb to instantiate an instance of this class.
    134 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
    135 DynamicLoader *
    136 DynamicLoaderDarwinKernel::CreateInstance (Process* process, bool force)
    137 {
    138     if (!force)
    139     {
    140         // If the user provided an executable binary and it is not a kernel,
    141         // this plugin should not create an instance.
    142         Module* exe_module = process->GetTarget().GetExecutableModulePointer();
    143         if (exe_module)
    144         {
    145             ObjectFile *object_file = exe_module->GetObjectFile();
    146             if (object_file)
    147             {
    148                 if (object_file->GetStrata() != ObjectFile::eStrataKernel)
    149                 {
    150                     return NULL;
    151                 }
    152             }
    153         }
    155         // If the target's architecture does not look like an Apple environment,
    156         // this plugin should not create an instance.
    157         const llvm::Triple &triple_ref = process->GetTarget().GetArchitecture().GetTriple();
    158         switch (triple_ref.getOS())
    159         {
    160             case llvm::Triple::Darwin:
    161             case llvm::Triple::MacOSX:
    162             case llvm::Triple::IOS:
    163                 if (triple_ref.getVendor() != llvm::Triple::Apple)
    164                 {
    165                    return NULL;
    166                 }
    167                 break;
    168             // If we have triple like armv7-unknown-unknown, we should try looking for a Darwin kernel.
    169             case llvm::Triple::UnknownOS:
    170                 break;
    171             default:
    172                 return NULL;
    173                 break;
    174         }
    175     }
    177     // At this point if there is an ExecutableModule, it is a kernel and the Target is some variant of an Apple system.
    178     // If the Process hasn't provided the kernel load address, we need to look around in memory to find it.
    180     addr_t kernel_load_address = SearchForDarwinKernel (process);
    181     if (kernel_load_address != LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS)
    182     {
    183         process->SetCanJIT(false);
    184         return new DynamicLoaderDarwinKernel (process, kernel_load_address);
    185     }
    186     return NULL;
    187 }
    189 lldb::addr_t
    190 DynamicLoaderDarwinKernel::SearchForDarwinKernel (Process *process)
    191 {
    192     addr_t kernel_load_address = process->GetImageInfoAddress();
    193     if (kernel_load_address == LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS)
    194     {
    195         kernel_load_address = SearchForKernelAtSameLoadAddr (process);
    196         if (kernel_load_address == LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS)
    197         {
    198             kernel_load_address = SearchForKernelWithDebugHints (process);
    199             if (kernel_load_address == LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS)
    200             {
    201                 kernel_load_address = SearchForKernelNearPC (process);
    202                 if (kernel_load_address == LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS)
    203                 {
    204                     kernel_load_address = SearchForKernelViaExhaustiveSearch (process);
    205                 }
    206             }
    207         }
    208     }
    209     return kernel_load_address;
    210 }
    212 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
    213 // Check if the kernel binary is loaded in memory without a slide.
    214 // First verify that the ExecutableModule is a kernel before we proceed.
    215 // Returns the address of the kernel if one was found, else LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS.
    216 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
    217 lldb::addr_t
    218 DynamicLoaderDarwinKernel::SearchForKernelAtSameLoadAddr (Process *process)
    219 {
    220     Module *exe_module = process->GetTarget().GetExecutableModulePointer();
    221     if (exe_module == NULL)
    222         return LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS;
    224     ObjectFile *exe_objfile = exe_module->GetObjectFile();
    225     if (exe_objfile == NULL)
    226         return LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS;
    228     if (exe_objfile->GetType() != ObjectFile::eTypeExecutable || exe_objfile->GetStrata() != ObjectFile::eStrataKernel)
    229         return LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS;
    231     if (!exe_objfile->GetHeaderAddress().IsValid())
    232         return LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS;
    234     if (CheckForKernelImageAtAddress (exe_objfile->GetHeaderAddress().GetFileAddress(), process) == exe_module->GetUUID())
    235         return exe_objfile->GetHeaderAddress().GetFileAddress();
    237     return LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS;
    238 }
    240 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
    241 // If the debug flag is included in the boot-args nvram setting, the kernel's load address
    242 // will be noted in the lowglo page at a fixed address
    243 // Returns the address of the kernel if one was found, else LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS.
    244 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
    245 lldb::addr_t
    246 DynamicLoaderDarwinKernel::SearchForKernelWithDebugHints (Process *process)
    247 {
    248     if (GetGlobalProperties()->GetScanType() == eKASLRScanNone)
    249         return LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS;
    251     Error read_err;
    252     addr_t addr = LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS;
    253     if (process->GetTarget().GetArchitecture().GetAddressByteSize() == 8)
    254     {
    255         addr = process->ReadUnsignedIntegerFromMemory (0xffffff8000002010ULL, 8, LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS, read_err);
    256     }
    257     else
    258     {
    259         addr = process->ReadUnsignedIntegerFromMemory (0xffff0110, 4, LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS, read_err);
    260     }
    262     if (addr == 0)
    263         addr = LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS;
    265     if (addr != LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS)
    266     {
    267         if (CheckForKernelImageAtAddress (addr, process).IsValid())
    268             return addr;
    269     }
    271     return LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS;
    272 }
    274 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
    275 // If the kernel is currently executing when lldb attaches, and we don't have
    276 // a better way of finding the kernel's load address, try searching backwards
    277 // from the current pc value looking for the kernel's Mach header in memory.
    278 // Returns the address of the kernel if one was found, else LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS.
    279 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
    280 lldb::addr_t
    281 DynamicLoaderDarwinKernel::SearchForKernelNearPC (Process *process)
    282 {
    283     if (GetGlobalProperties()->GetScanType() == eKASLRScanNone
    284         || GetGlobalProperties()->GetScanType() == eKASLRScanLowgloAddresses)
    285     {
    286         return LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS;
    287     }
    289     ThreadSP thread = process->GetThreadList().GetSelectedThread ();
    290     if (thread.get() == NULL)
    291         return LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS;
    292     addr_t pc = thread->GetRegisterContext ()->GetPC(LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS);
    294     if (pc == LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS)
    295         return LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS;
    297     addr_t kernel_range_low;
    298     if (process->GetTarget().GetArchitecture().GetAddressByteSize() == 8)
    299     {
    300         kernel_range_low = 1ULL << 63;
    301     }
    302     else
    303     {
    304         kernel_range_low = 1ULL << 31;
    305     }
    307     // Outside the normal kernel address range, this is probably userland code running right now
    308     if (pc < kernel_range_low)
    309         return LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS;
    311     // The kernel will load at at one megabyte boundary (0x100000), or at that boundary plus
    312     // an offset of one page (0x1000) or two, depending on the device.
    314     // Round the current pc down to the nearest one megabyte boundary - the place where we will start searching.
    315     addr_t addr = pc & ~0xfffff;
    317     int i = 0;
    318     while (i < 32 && pc >= kernel_range_low)
    319     {
    320         if (CheckForKernelImageAtAddress (addr, process).IsValid())
    321             return addr;
    322         if (CheckForKernelImageAtAddress (addr + 0x1000, process).IsValid())
    323             return addr + 0x1000;
    324         if (CheckForKernelImageAtAddress (addr + 0x2000, process).IsValid())
    325             return addr + 0x2000;
    326         i++;
    327         addr -= 0x100000;
    328     }
    330     return LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS;
    331 }
    333 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
    334 // Scan through the valid address range for a kernel binary.
    335 // This is uselessly slow in 64-bit environments so we don't even try it.
    336 // This scan is not enabled by default even for 32-bit targets.
    337 // Returns the address of the kernel if one was found, else LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS.
    338 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
    339 lldb::addr_t
    340 DynamicLoaderDarwinKernel::SearchForKernelViaExhaustiveSearch (Process *process)
    341 {
    342     if (GetGlobalProperties()->GetScanType() != eKASLRScanExhaustiveScan)
    343     {
    344         return LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS;
    345     }
    347     addr_t kernel_range_low, kernel_range_high;
    348     if (process->GetTarget().GetArchitecture().GetAddressByteSize() == 8)
    349     {
    350         kernel_range_low = 1ULL << 63;
    351         kernel_range_high = UINT64_MAX;
    352     }
    353     else
    354     {
    355         kernel_range_low = 1ULL << 31;
    356         kernel_range_high = UINT32_MAX;
    357     }
    359     // Stepping through memory at one-megabyte resolution looking for a kernel
    360     // rarely works (fast enough) with a 64-bit address space -- for now, let's
    361     // not even bother.  We may be attaching to something which *isn't* a kernel
    362     // and we don't want to spin for minutes on-end looking for a kernel.
    363     if (process->GetTarget().GetArchitecture().GetAddressByteSize() == 8)
    364         return LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS;
    366     addr_t addr = kernel_range_low;
    368     while (addr >= kernel_range_low && addr < kernel_range_high)
    369     {
    370         if (CheckForKernelImageAtAddress (addr, process).IsValid())
    371             return addr;
    372         if (CheckForKernelImageAtAddress (addr + 0x1000, process).IsValid())
    373             return addr + 0x1000;
    374         if (CheckForKernelImageAtAddress (addr + 0x2000, process).IsValid())
    375             return addr + 0x2000;
    376         addr += 0x100000;
    377     }
    378     return LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS;
    379 }
    381 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
    382 // Given an address in memory, look to see if there is a kernel image at that
    383 // address.
    384 // Returns a UUID; if a kernel was not found at that address, UUID.IsValid() will be false.
    385 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
    386 lldb_private::UUID
    387 DynamicLoaderDarwinKernel::CheckForKernelImageAtAddress (lldb::addr_t addr, Process *process)
    388 {
    389     if (addr == LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS)
    390         return UUID();
    392     // First try a quick test -- read the first 4 bytes and see if there is a valid Mach-O magic field there
    393     // (the first field of the mach_header/mach_header_64 struct).
    395     Error read_error;
    396     uint64_t result = process->ReadUnsignedIntegerFromMemory (addr, 4, LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS, read_error);
    397     if (result != llvm::MachO::HeaderMagic64
    398         && result != llvm::MachO::HeaderMagic32
    399         && result != llvm::MachO::HeaderMagic32Swapped
    400         && result != llvm::MachO::HeaderMagic64Swapped)
    401     {
    402         return UUID();
    403     }
    405     // Read the mach header and see whether it looks like a kernel
    406     llvm::MachO::mach_header header;
    407     if (process->DoReadMemory (addr, &header, sizeof(header), read_error) != sizeof(header))
    408         return UUID();
    410     if (header.magic == llvm::MachO::HeaderMagic32Swapped ||
    411         header.magic == llvm::MachO::HeaderMagic64Swapped)
    412     {
    413         header.magic        = llvm::ByteSwap_32(header.magic);
    414         header.cputype      = llvm::ByteSwap_32(header.cputype);
    415         header.cpusubtype   = llvm::ByteSwap_32(header.cpusubtype);
    416         header.filetype     = llvm::ByteSwap_32(header.filetype);
    417         header.ncmds        = llvm::ByteSwap_32(header.ncmds);
    418         header.sizeofcmds   = llvm::ByteSwap_32(header.sizeofcmds);
    419         header.flags        = llvm::ByteSwap_32(header.flags);
    420     }
    422     // A kernel is an executable which does not have the dynamic link object flag set.
    423     if (header.filetype == llvm::MachO::HeaderFileTypeExecutable
    424         && (header.flags & llvm::MachO::HeaderFlagBitIsDynamicLinkObject) == 0)
    425     {
    426         // Create a full module to get the UUID
    427         ModuleSP memory_module_sp = process->ReadModuleFromMemory (FileSpec ("temp_mach_kernel", false), addr);
    428         if (!memory_module_sp.get())
    429             return UUID();
    431         ObjectFile *exe_objfile = memory_module_sp->GetObjectFile();
    432         if (exe_objfile == NULL)
    433             return UUID();
    435         if (exe_objfile->GetType() == ObjectFile::eTypeExecutable && exe_objfile->GetStrata() == ObjectFile::eStrataKernel)
    436         {
    437             ArchSpec kernel_arch (eArchTypeMachO, header.cputype, header.cpusubtype);
    438             if (!process->GetTarget().GetArchitecture().IsCompatibleMatch(kernel_arch))
    439             {
    440                 process->GetTarget().SetArchitecture (kernel_arch);
    441             }
    442             return memory_module_sp->GetUUID();
    443         }
    444     }
    446     return UUID();
    447 }
    449 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
    450 // Constructor
    451 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
    452 DynamicLoaderDarwinKernel::DynamicLoaderDarwinKernel (Process* process, lldb::addr_t kernel_addr) :
    453     DynamicLoader(process),
    454     m_kernel_load_address (kernel_addr),
    455     m_kernel(),
    456     m_kext_summary_header_ptr_addr (),
    457     m_kext_summary_header_addr (),
    458     m_kext_summary_header (),
    459     m_known_kexts (),
    460     m_mutex(Mutex::eMutexTypeRecursive),
    461     m_break_id (LLDB_INVALID_BREAK_ID)
    462 {
    463     PlatformSP platform_sp(Platform::FindPlugin (process, PlatformDarwinKernel::GetPluginNameStatic ()));
    464     // Only select the darwin-kernel Platform if we've been asked to load kexts.
    465     // It can take some time to scan over all of the kext info.plists and that
    466     // shouldn't be done if kext loading is explicitly disabled.
    467     if (platform_sp.get() && GetGlobalProperties()->GetLoadKexts())
    468     {
    469         process->GetTarget().SetPlatform (platform_sp);
    470     }
    471 }
    473 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
    474 // Destructor
    475 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
    476 DynamicLoaderDarwinKernel::~DynamicLoaderDarwinKernel()
    477 {
    478     Clear(true);
    479 }
    481 void
    482 DynamicLoaderDarwinKernel::UpdateIfNeeded()
    483 {
    484     LoadKernelModuleIfNeeded();
    485     SetNotificationBreakpointIfNeeded ();
    486 }
    487 //------------------------------------------------------------------
    488 /// Called after attaching a process.
    489 ///
    490 /// Allow DynamicLoader plug-ins to execute some code after
    491 /// attaching to a process.
    492 //------------------------------------------------------------------
    493 void
    494 DynamicLoaderDarwinKernel::DidAttach ()
    495 {
    496     PrivateInitialize(m_process);
    497     UpdateIfNeeded();
    498 }
    500 //------------------------------------------------------------------
    501 /// Called after attaching a process.
    502 ///
    503 /// Allow DynamicLoader plug-ins to execute some code after
    504 /// attaching to a process.
    505 //------------------------------------------------------------------
    506 void
    507 DynamicLoaderDarwinKernel::DidLaunch ()
    508 {
    509     PrivateInitialize(m_process);
    510     UpdateIfNeeded();
    511 }
    514 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
    515 // Clear out the state of this class.
    516 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
    517 void
    518 DynamicLoaderDarwinKernel::Clear (bool clear_process)
    519 {
    520     Mutex::Locker locker(m_mutex);
    522     if (m_process->IsAlive() && LLDB_BREAK_ID_IS_VALID(m_break_id))
    523         m_process->ClearBreakpointSiteByID(m_break_id);
    525     if (clear_process)
    526         m_process = NULL;
    527     m_kernel.Clear();
    528     m_known_kexts.clear();
    529     m_kext_summary_header_ptr_addr.Clear();
    530     m_kext_summary_header_addr.Clear();
    531     m_break_id = LLDB_INVALID_BREAK_ID;
    532 }
    535 bool
    536 DynamicLoaderDarwinKernel::KextImageInfo::LoadImageAtFileAddress (Process *process)
    537 {
    538     if (IsLoaded())
    539         return true;
    541     if (m_module_sp)
    542     {
    543         bool changed = false;
    544         if (m_module_sp->SetLoadAddress (process->GetTarget(), 0, changed))
    545             m_load_process_stop_id = process->GetStopID();
    546     }
    547     return false;
    548 }
    550 void
    551 DynamicLoaderDarwinKernel::KextImageInfo::SetModule (ModuleSP module_sp)
    552 {
    553     m_module_sp = module_sp;
    554     if (module_sp.get() && module_sp->GetObjectFile())
    555     {
    556         if (module_sp->GetObjectFile()->GetType() == ObjectFile::eTypeExecutable
    557             && module_sp->GetObjectFile()->GetStrata() == ObjectFile::eStrataKernel)
    558         {
    559             m_kernel_image = true;
    560         }
    561         else
    562         {
    563             m_kernel_image = false;
    564         }
    565     }
    566 }
    568 ModuleSP
    569 DynamicLoaderDarwinKernel::KextImageInfo::GetModule ()
    570 {
    571     return m_module_sp;
    572 }
    574 void
    575 DynamicLoaderDarwinKernel::KextImageInfo::SetLoadAddress (addr_t load_addr)
    576 {
    577     m_load_address = load_addr;
    578 }
    580 addr_t
    581 DynamicLoaderDarwinKernel::KextImageInfo::GetLoadAddress () const
    582 {
    583     return m_load_address;
    584 }
    586 uint64_t
    587 DynamicLoaderDarwinKernel::KextImageInfo::GetSize () const
    588 {
    589     return m_size;
    590 }
    592 void
    593 DynamicLoaderDarwinKernel::KextImageInfo::SetSize (uint64_t size)
    594 {
    595     m_size = size;
    596 }
    598 uint32_t
    599 DynamicLoaderDarwinKernel::KextImageInfo::GetProcessStopId () const
    600 {
    601     return m_load_process_stop_id;
    602 }
    604 void
    605 DynamicLoaderDarwinKernel::KextImageInfo::SetProcessStopId (uint32_t stop_id)
    606 {
    607     m_load_process_stop_id = stop_id;
    608 }
    610 bool
    611 DynamicLoaderDarwinKernel::KextImageInfo::operator== (const KextImageInfo &rhs)
    612 {
    613     if (m_uuid.IsValid() || rhs.GetUUID().IsValid())
    614     {
    615         if (m_uuid == rhs.GetUUID())
    616         {
    617             return true;
    618         }
    619         return false;
    620     }
    622     if (m_name == rhs.GetName() && m_load_address == rhs.GetLoadAddress())
    623         return true;
    625     return false;
    626 }
    628 void
    629 DynamicLoaderDarwinKernel::KextImageInfo::SetName (const char *name)
    630 {
    631     m_name = name;
    632 }
    634 std::string
    635 DynamicLoaderDarwinKernel::KextImageInfo::GetName () const
    636 {
    637     return m_name;
    638 }
    640 void
    641 DynamicLoaderDarwinKernel::KextImageInfo::SetUUID (const UUID &uuid)
    642 {
    643     m_uuid = uuid;
    644 }
    646 UUID
    647 DynamicLoaderDarwinKernel::KextImageInfo::GetUUID () const
    648 {
    649     return m_uuid;
    650 }
    652 // Given the m_load_address from the kext summaries, and a UUID, try to create an in-memory
    653 // Module at that address.  Require that the MemoryModule have a matching UUID and detect
    654 // if this MemoryModule is a kernel or a kext.
    655 //
    656 // Returns true if m_memory_module_sp is now set to a valid Module.
    658 bool
    659 DynamicLoaderDarwinKernel::KextImageInfo::ReadMemoryModule (Process *process)
    660 {
    661     if (m_memory_module_sp.get() != NULL)
    662         return true;
    663     if (m_load_address == LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS)
    664         return false;
    666     FileSpec file_spec;
    667     file_spec.SetFile (m_name.c_str(), false);
    669     ModuleSP memory_module_sp = process->ReadModuleFromMemory (file_spec, m_load_address);
    671     if (memory_module_sp.get() == NULL)
    672         return false;
    674     bool is_kernel = false;
    675     if (memory_module_sp->GetObjectFile())
    676     {
    677         if (memory_module_sp->GetObjectFile()->GetType() == ObjectFile::eTypeExecutable
    678             && memory_module_sp->GetObjectFile()->GetStrata() == ObjectFile::eStrataKernel)
    679         {
    680             is_kernel = true;
    681         }
    682         else if (memory_module_sp->GetObjectFile()->GetType() == ObjectFile::eTypeSharedLibrary)
    683         {
    684             is_kernel = false;
    685         }
    686     }
    688     // If this is a kext, and the kernel specified what UUID we should find at this
    689     // load address, require that the memory module have a matching UUID or something
    690     // has gone wrong and we should discard it.
    691     if (m_uuid.IsValid())
    692     {
    693         if (m_uuid != memory_module_sp->GetUUID())
    694         {
    695             return false;
    696         }
    697     }
    699     // If the in-memory Module has a UUID, let's use that.
    700     if (!m_uuid.IsValid() && memory_module_sp->GetUUID().IsValid())
    701     {
    702         m_uuid = memory_module_sp->GetUUID();
    703     }
    705     m_memory_module_sp = memory_module_sp;
    706     m_kernel_image = is_kernel;
    707     if (is_kernel)
    708     {
    709         if (memory_module_sp->GetArchitecture().IsValid())
    710         {
    711             process->GetTarget().SetArchitecture(memory_module_sp->GetArchitecture());
    712         }
    713         if (m_uuid.IsValid())
    714         {
    715             Module* exe_module = process->GetTarget().GetExecutableModulePointer();
    716             if (exe_module && exe_module->GetUUID().IsValid())
    717             {
    718                 if (m_uuid != exe_module->GetUUID())
    719                 {
    720                     Stream *s = &process->GetTarget().GetDebugger().GetOutputStream();
    721                     if (s)
    722                     {
    723                         s->Printf ("warning: Host-side kernel file has Mach-O UUID of %s but remote kernel has a UUID of %s -- a mismatched kernel file will result in a poor debugger experience.\n",
    724                                    exe_module->GetUUID().GetAsString().c_str(),
    725                                    m_uuid.GetAsString().c_str());
    726                         s->Flush ();
    727                     }
    728                 }
    729             }
    730         }
    731     }
    733     return true;
    734 }
    736 bool
    737 DynamicLoaderDarwinKernel::KextImageInfo::IsKernel () const
    738 {
    739     return m_kernel_image == true;
    740 }
    742 void
    743 DynamicLoaderDarwinKernel::KextImageInfo::SetIsKernel (bool is_kernel)
    744 {
    745     m_kernel_image = is_kernel;
    746 }
    748 bool
    749 DynamicLoaderDarwinKernel::KextImageInfo::LoadImageUsingMemoryModule (Process *process)
    750 {
    751     if (IsLoaded())
    752         return true;
    755     Target &target = process->GetTarget();
    757     // If we don't have / can't create a memory module for this kext, don't try to load it - we won't
    758     // have the correct segment load addresses.
    759     if (!ReadMemoryModule (process))
    760     {
    761         return false;
    762     }
    764     bool uuid_is_valid = m_uuid.IsValid();
    766     if (IsKernel() && uuid_is_valid && m_memory_module_sp.get())
    767     {
    768         Stream *s = &target.GetDebugger().GetOutputStream();
    769         if (s)
    770         {
    771             s->Printf ("Kernel UUID: %s\n", m_memory_module_sp->GetUUID().GetAsString().c_str());
    772             s->Printf ("Load Address: 0x%" PRIx64 "\n", m_load_address);
    773         }
    774     }
    776     if (!m_module_sp)
    777     {
    778         // See if the kext has already been loaded into the target, probably by the user doing target modules add.
    779         const ModuleList &target_images = target.GetImages();
    780         m_module_sp = target_images.FindModule(m_uuid);
    782         // Search for the kext on the local filesystem via the UUID
    783         if (!m_module_sp && uuid_is_valid)
    784         {
    785             ModuleSpec module_spec;
    786             module_spec.GetUUID() = m_uuid;
    787             module_spec.GetArchitecture() = target.GetArchitecture();
    789             // For the kernel, we really do need an on-disk file copy of the binary to do anything useful.
    790             // This will force a clal to
    791             if (IsKernel())
    792             {
    793                 if (Symbols::DownloadObjectAndSymbolFile (module_spec, true))
    794                 {
    795                     if (module_spec.GetFileSpec().Exists())
    796                     {
    797                         m_module_sp.reset(new Module (module_spec.GetFileSpec(), target.GetArchitecture()));
    798                         if (m_module_sp.get() && m_module_sp->MatchesModuleSpec (module_spec))
    799                         {
    800                             ModuleList loaded_module_list;
    801                             loaded_module_list.Append (m_module_sp);
    802                             target.ModulesDidLoad (loaded_module_list);
    803                         }
    804                     }
    805                 }
    806             }
    808             // If the current platform is PlatformDarwinKernel, create a ModuleSpec with the filename set
    809             // to be the bundle ID for this kext, e.g. "com.apple.filesystems.msdosfs", and ask the platform
    810             // to find it.
    811             PlatformSP platform_sp (target.GetPlatform());
    812             if (platform_sp)
    813             {
    814                 ConstString platform_name (platform_sp->GetPluginName());
    815                 static ConstString g_platform_name (PlatformDarwinKernel::GetPluginNameStatic());
    816                 if (platform_name == g_platform_name)
    817                 {
    818                     ModuleSpec kext_bundle_module_spec(module_spec);
    819                     FileSpec kext_filespec(m_name.c_str(), false);
    820                     kext_bundle_module_spec.GetFileSpec() = kext_filespec;
    821                     platform_sp->GetSharedModule (kext_bundle_module_spec, m_module_sp, &target.GetExecutableSearchPaths(), NULL, NULL);
    822                 }
    823             }
    825             // Ask the Target to find this file on the local system, if possible.
    826             // This will search in the list of currently-loaded files, look in the
    827             // standard search paths on the system, and on a Mac it will try calling
    828             // the DebugSymbols framework with the UUID to find the binary via its
    829             // search methods.
    830             if (!m_module_sp)
    831             {
    832                 m_module_sp = target.GetSharedModule (module_spec);
    833             }
    835             if (IsKernel() && !m_module_sp)
    836             {
    837                 Stream *s = &target.GetDebugger().GetOutputStream();
    838                 if (s)
    839                 {
    840                     s->Printf ("WARNING: Unable to locate kernel binary on the debugger system.\n");
    841                 }
    842             }
    843         }
    845         // If we managed to find a module, append it to the target's list of images.
    846         // If we also have a memory module, require that they have matching UUIDs
    847         if (m_module_sp)
    848         {
    849             bool uuid_match_ok = true;
    850             if (m_memory_module_sp)
    851             {
    852                 if (m_module_sp->GetUUID() != m_memory_module_sp->GetUUID())
    853                 {
    854                     uuid_match_ok = false;
    855                 }
    856             }
    857             if (uuid_match_ok)
    858             {
    859                 target.GetImages().AppendIfNeeded(m_module_sp);
    860                 if (IsKernel() && target.GetExecutableModulePointer() != m_module_sp.get())
    861                 {
    862                     target.SetExecutableModule (m_module_sp, false);
    863                 }
    864             }
    865         }
    866     }
    868     if (!m_module_sp && !IsKernel() && m_uuid.IsValid() && !m_name.empty())
    869     {
    870         Stream *s = &target.GetDebugger().GetOutputStream();
    871         if (s)
    872         {
    873             s->Printf ("warning: Can't find binary/dSYM for %s (%s)\n",
    874                        m_name.c_str(), m_uuid.GetAsString().c_str());
    875         }
    876     }
    878     static ConstString g_section_name_LINKEDIT ("__LINKEDIT");
    880     if (m_memory_module_sp && m_module_sp)
    881     {
    882         if (m_module_sp->GetUUID() == m_memory_module_sp->GetUUID())
    883         {
    884             ObjectFile *ondisk_object_file = m_module_sp->GetObjectFile();
    885             ObjectFile *memory_object_file = m_memory_module_sp->GetObjectFile();
    887             if (memory_object_file && ondisk_object_file)
    888             {
    889                 // The memory_module for kexts may have an invalid __LINKEDIT seg; skip it.
    890                 const bool ignore_linkedit = !IsKernel ();
    892                 SectionList *ondisk_section_list = ondisk_object_file->GetSectionList ();
    893                 SectionList *memory_section_list = memory_object_file->GetSectionList ();
    894                 if (memory_section_list && ondisk_section_list)
    895                 {
    896                     const uint32_t num_ondisk_sections = ondisk_section_list->GetSize();
    897                     // There may be CTF sections in the memory image so we can't
    898                     // always just compare the number of sections (which are actually
    899                     // segments in mach-o parlance)
    900                     uint32_t sect_idx = 0;
    902                     // Use the memory_module's addresses for each section to set the
    903                     // file module's load address as appropriate.  We don't want to use
    904                     // a single slide value for the entire kext - different segments may
    905                     // be slid different amounts by the kext loader.
    907                     uint32_t num_sections_loaded = 0;
    908                     for (sect_idx=0; sect_idx<num_ondisk_sections; ++sect_idx)
    909                     {
    910                         SectionSP ondisk_section_sp(ondisk_section_list->GetSectionAtIndex(sect_idx));
    911                         if (ondisk_section_sp)
    912                         {
    913                             // Don't ever load __LINKEDIT as it may or may not be actually
    914                             // mapped into memory and there is no current way to tell.
    915                             // I filed rdar://problem/12851706 to track being able to tell
    916                             // if the __LINKEDIT is actually mapped, but until then, we need
    917                             // to not load the __LINKEDIT
    918                             if (ignore_linkedit && ondisk_section_sp->GetName() == g_section_name_LINKEDIT)
    919                                 continue;
    921                             const Section *memory_section = memory_section_list->FindSectionByName(ondisk_section_sp->GetName()).get();
    922                             if (memory_section)
    923                             {
    924                                 target.GetSectionLoadList().SetSectionLoadAddress (ondisk_section_sp, memory_section->GetFileAddress());
    925                                 ++num_sections_loaded;
    926                             }
    927                         }
    928                     }
    929                     if (num_sections_loaded > 0)
    930                         m_load_process_stop_id = process->GetStopID();
    931                     else
    932                         m_module_sp.reset(); // No sections were loaded
    933                 }
    934                 else
    935                     m_module_sp.reset(); // One or both section lists
    936             }
    937             else
    938                 m_module_sp.reset(); // One or both object files missing
    939         }
    940         else
    941             m_module_sp.reset(); // UUID mismatch
    942     }
    944     bool is_loaded = IsLoaded();
    946     if (is_loaded && m_module_sp && IsKernel())
    947     {
    948         Stream *s = &target.GetDebugger().GetOutputStream();
    949         if (s)
    950         {
    951             ObjectFile *kernel_object_file = m_module_sp->GetObjectFile();
    952             if (kernel_object_file)
    953             {
    954                 addr_t file_address = kernel_object_file->GetHeaderAddress().GetFileAddress();
    955                 if (m_load_address != LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS && file_address != LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS)
    956                 {
    957                     s->Printf ("Kernel slid 0x%" PRIx64 " in memory.\n", m_load_address - file_address);
    958                 }
    959             }
    960             {
    961                 s->Printf ("Loaded kernel file %s\n",
    962                            m_module_sp->GetFileSpec().GetPath().c_str());
    963             }
    964             s->Flush ();
    965         }
    966     }
    967     return is_loaded;
    968 }
    970 uint32_t
    971 DynamicLoaderDarwinKernel::KextImageInfo::GetAddressByteSize ()
    972 {
    973     if (m_memory_module_sp)
    974         return m_memory_module_sp->GetArchitecture().GetAddressByteSize();
    975     if (m_module_sp)
    976         return m_module_sp->GetArchitecture().GetAddressByteSize();
    977     return 0;
    978 }
    980 lldb::ByteOrder
    981 DynamicLoaderDarwinKernel::KextImageInfo::GetByteOrder()
    982 {
    983     if (m_memory_module_sp)
    984         return m_memory_module_sp->GetArchitecture().GetByteOrder();
    985     if (m_module_sp)
    986         return m_module_sp->GetArchitecture().GetByteOrder();
    987     return lldb::endian::InlHostByteOrder();
    988 }
    990 lldb_private::ArchSpec
    991 DynamicLoaderDarwinKernel::KextImageInfo::GetArchitecture () const
    992 {
    993     if (m_memory_module_sp)
    994         return m_memory_module_sp->GetArchitecture();
    995     if (m_module_sp)
    996         return m_module_sp->GetArchitecture();
    997     return lldb_private::ArchSpec ();
    998 }
   1001 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
   1002 // Load the kernel module and initialize the "m_kernel" member. Return
   1003 // true _only_ if the kernel is loaded the first time through (subsequent
   1004 // calls to this function should return false after the kernel has been
   1005 // already loaded).
   1006 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
   1007 void
   1008 DynamicLoaderDarwinKernel::LoadKernelModuleIfNeeded()
   1009 {
   1010     if (!m_kext_summary_header_ptr_addr.IsValid())
   1011     {
   1012         m_kernel.Clear();
   1013         m_kernel.SetModule (m_process->GetTarget().GetExecutableModule());
   1014         m_kernel.SetIsKernel(true);
   1016         ConstString kernel_name("mach_kernel");
   1017         if (m_kernel.GetModule().get()
   1018             && m_kernel.GetModule()->GetObjectFile()
   1019             && !m_kernel.GetModule()->GetObjectFile()->GetFileSpec().GetFilename().IsEmpty())
   1020         {
   1021             kernel_name = m_kernel.GetModule()->GetObjectFile()->GetFileSpec().GetFilename();
   1022         }
   1023         m_kernel.SetName (kernel_name.AsCString());
   1025         if (m_kernel.GetLoadAddress() == LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS)
   1026         {
   1027             m_kernel.SetLoadAddress(m_kernel_load_address);
   1028             if (m_kernel.GetLoadAddress() == LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS && m_kernel.GetModule())
   1029             {
   1030                 // We didn't get a hint from the process, so we will
   1031                 // try the kernel at the address that it exists at in
   1032                 // the file if we have one
   1033                 ObjectFile *kernel_object_file = m_kernel.GetModule()->GetObjectFile();
   1034                 if (kernel_object_file)
   1035                 {
   1036                     addr_t load_address = kernel_object_file->GetHeaderAddress().GetLoadAddress(&m_process->GetTarget());
   1037                     addr_t file_address = kernel_object_file->GetHeaderAddress().GetFileAddress();
   1038                     if (load_address != LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS && load_address != 0)
   1039                     {
   1040                         m_kernel.SetLoadAddress (load_address);
   1041                         if (load_address != file_address)
   1042                         {
   1043                             // Don't accidentally relocate the kernel to the File address --
   1044                             // the Load address has already been set to its actual in-memory address.
   1045                             // Mark it as IsLoaded.
   1046                             m_kernel.SetProcessStopId (m_process->GetStopID());
   1047                         }
   1048                     }
   1049                     else
   1050                     {
   1051                         m_kernel.SetLoadAddress(file_address);
   1052                     }
   1053                 }
   1054             }
   1055         }
   1057         if (m_kernel.GetLoadAddress() != LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS)
   1058         {
   1059             if (!m_kernel.LoadImageUsingMemoryModule (m_process))
   1060             {
   1061                 m_kernel.LoadImageAtFileAddress (m_process);
   1062             }
   1063         }
   1065         if (m_kernel.IsLoaded() && m_kernel.GetModule())
   1066         {
   1067             static ConstString kext_summary_symbol ("gLoadedKextSummaries");
   1068             const Symbol *symbol = m_kernel.GetModule()->FindFirstSymbolWithNameAndType (kext_summary_symbol, eSymbolTypeData);
   1069             if (symbol)
   1070             {
   1071                 m_kext_summary_header_ptr_addr = symbol->GetAddress();
   1072                 // Update all image infos
   1073                 ReadAllKextSummaries ();
   1074             }
   1075         }
   1076         else
   1077         {
   1078             m_kernel.Clear();
   1079         }
   1080     }
   1081 }
   1083 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
   1084 // Static callback function that gets called when our DYLD notification
   1085 // breakpoint gets hit. We update all of our image infos and then
   1086 // let our super class DynamicLoader class decide if we should stop
   1087 // or not (based on global preference).
   1088 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
   1089 bool
   1090 DynamicLoaderDarwinKernel::BreakpointHitCallback (void *baton,
   1091                                                   StoppointCallbackContext *context,
   1092                                                   user_id_t break_id,
   1093                                                   user_id_t break_loc_id)
   1094 {
   1095     return static_cast<DynamicLoaderDarwinKernel*>(baton)->BreakpointHit (context, break_id, break_loc_id);
   1096 }
   1098 bool
   1099 DynamicLoaderDarwinKernel::BreakpointHit (StoppointCallbackContext *context,
   1100                                           user_id_t break_id,
   1101                                           user_id_t break_loc_id)
   1102 {
   1103     Log *log(GetLogIfAnyCategoriesSet (LIBLLDB_LOG_DYNAMIC_LOADER));
   1104     if (log)
   1105         log->Printf ("DynamicLoaderDarwinKernel::BreakpointHit (...)\n");
   1107     ReadAllKextSummaries ();
   1109     if (log)
   1110         PutToLog(log);
   1112     return GetStopWhenImagesChange();
   1113 }
   1116 bool
   1117 DynamicLoaderDarwinKernel::ReadKextSummaryHeader ()
   1118 {
   1119     Mutex::Locker locker(m_mutex);
   1121     // the all image infos is already valid for this process stop ID
   1123     if (m_kext_summary_header_ptr_addr.IsValid())
   1124     {
   1125         const uint32_t addr_size = m_kernel.GetAddressByteSize ();
   1126         const ByteOrder byte_order = m_kernel.GetByteOrder();
   1127         Error error;
   1128         // Read enough bytes for a "OSKextLoadedKextSummaryHeader" structure
   1129         // which is currenty 4 uint32_t and a pointer.
   1130         uint8_t buf[24];
   1131         DataExtractor data (buf, sizeof(buf), byte_order, addr_size);
   1132         const size_t count = 4 * sizeof(uint32_t) + addr_size;
   1133         const bool prefer_file_cache = false;
   1134         if (m_process->GetTarget().ReadPointerFromMemory (m_kext_summary_header_ptr_addr,
   1135                                                           prefer_file_cache,
   1136                                                           error,
   1137                                                           m_kext_summary_header_addr))
   1138         {
   1139             // We got a valid address for our kext summary header and make sure it isn't NULL
   1140             if (m_kext_summary_header_addr.IsValid() &&
   1141                 m_kext_summary_header_addr.GetFileAddress() != 0)
   1142             {
   1143                 const size_t bytes_read = m_process->GetTarget().ReadMemory (m_kext_summary_header_addr, prefer_file_cache, buf, count, error);
   1144                 if (bytes_read == count)
   1145                 {
   1146                     lldb::offset_t offset = 0;
   1147                     m_kext_summary_header.version = data.GetU32(&offset);
   1148                     if (m_kext_summary_header.version >= 2)
   1149                     {
   1150                         m_kext_summary_header.entry_size = data.GetU32(&offset);
   1151                     }
   1152                     else
   1153                     {
   1154                         // Versions less than 2 didn't have an entry size, it was hard coded
   1155                         m_kext_summary_header.entry_size = KERNEL_MODULE_ENTRY_SIZE_VERSION_1;
   1156                     }
   1157                     m_kext_summary_header.entry_count = data.GetU32(&offset);
   1158                     return true;
   1159                 }
   1160             }
   1161         }
   1162     }
   1163     m_kext_summary_header_addr.Clear();
   1164     return false;
   1165 }
   1167 // We've either (a) just attached to a new kernel, or (b) the kexts-changed breakpoint was hit
   1168 // and we need to figure out what kexts have been added or removed.
   1169 // Read the kext summaries from the inferior kernel memory, compare them against the
   1170 // m_known_kexts vector and update the m_known_kexts vector as needed to keep in sync with the
   1171 // inferior.
   1173 bool
   1174 DynamicLoaderDarwinKernel::ParseKextSummaries (const Address &kext_summary_addr, uint32_t count)
   1175 {
   1176     KextImageInfo::collection kext_summaries;
   1177     Log *log(GetLogIfAnyCategoriesSet (LIBLLDB_LOG_DYNAMIC_LOADER));
   1178     if (log)
   1179         log->Printf ("Kexts-changed breakpoint hit, there are %d kexts currently.\n", count);
   1181     Mutex::Locker locker(m_mutex);
   1183     if (!ReadKextSummaries (kext_summary_addr, count, kext_summaries))
   1184         return false;
   1186     // read the plugin.dynamic-loader.darwin-kernel.load-kexts setting -- if the user requested no
   1187     // kext loading, don't print any messages about kexts & don't try to read them.
   1188     const bool load_kexts = GetGlobalProperties()->GetLoadKexts();
   1190     // By default, all kexts we've loaded in the past are marked as "remove" and all of the kexts
   1191     // we just found out about from ReadKextSummaries are marked as "add".
   1192     std::vector<bool> to_be_removed(m_known_kexts.size(), true);
   1193     std::vector<bool> to_be_added(count, true);
   1195     int number_of_new_kexts_being_added = 0;
   1196     int number_of_old_kexts_being_removed = m_known_kexts.size();
   1198     const uint32_t new_kexts_size = kext_summaries.size();
   1199     const uint32_t old_kexts_size = m_known_kexts.size();
   1201     // The m_known_kexts vector may have entries that have been Cleared,
   1202     // or are a kernel.
   1203     for (uint32_t old_kext = 0; old_kext < old_kexts_size; old_kext++)
   1204     {
   1205         bool ignore = false;
   1206         KextImageInfo &image_info = m_known_kexts[old_kext];
   1207         if (image_info.IsKernel())
   1208         {
   1209             ignore = true;
   1210         }
   1211         else if (image_info.GetLoadAddress() == LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS && !image_info.GetModule())
   1212         {
   1213             ignore = true;
   1214         }
   1216         if (ignore)
   1217         {
   1218             number_of_old_kexts_being_removed--;
   1219             to_be_removed[old_kext] = false;
   1220         }
   1221     }
   1223     // Scan over the list of kexts we just read from the kernel, note those that
   1224     // need to be added and those already loaded.
   1225     for (uint32_t new_kext = 0; new_kext < new_kexts_size; new_kext++)
   1226     {
   1227         bool add_this_one = true;
   1228         for (uint32_t old_kext = 0; old_kext < old_kexts_size; old_kext++)
   1229         {
   1230             if (m_known_kexts[old_kext] == kext_summaries[new_kext])
   1231             {
   1232                 // We already have this kext, don't re-load it.
   1233                 to_be_added[new_kext] = false;
   1234                 // This kext is still present, do not remove it.
   1235                 to_be_removed[old_kext] = false;
   1237                 number_of_old_kexts_being_removed--;
   1238                 add_this_one = false;
   1239                 break;
   1240             }
   1241         }
   1242         if (add_this_one)
   1243         {
   1244             number_of_new_kexts_being_added++;
   1245         }
   1246     }
   1248     if (number_of_new_kexts_being_added == 0 && number_of_old_kexts_being_removed == 0)
   1249         return true;
   1251     Stream *s = &m_process->GetTarget().GetDebugger().GetOutputStream();
   1252     if (s && load_kexts)
   1253     {
   1254         if (number_of_new_kexts_being_added > 0 && number_of_old_kexts_being_removed > 0)
   1255         {
   1256             s->Printf ("Loading %d kext modules and unloading %d kext modules ", number_of_new_kexts_being_added, number_of_old_kexts_being_removed);
   1257         }
   1258         else if (number_of_new_kexts_being_added > 0)
   1259         {
   1260             s->Printf ("Loading %d kext modules ", number_of_new_kexts_being_added);
   1261         }
   1262         else if (number_of_old_kexts_being_removed > 0)
   1263         {
   1264             s->Printf ("Unloading %d kext modules ", number_of_old_kexts_being_removed);
   1265         }
   1266     }
   1268     if (log)
   1269     {
   1270         if (load_kexts)
   1271         {
   1272             log->Printf ("DynamicLoaderDarwinKernel::ParseKextSummaries: %d kexts added, %d kexts removed", number_of_new_kexts_being_added, number_of_old_kexts_being_removed);
   1273         }
   1274         else
   1275         {
   1276             log->Printf ("DynamicLoaderDarwinKernel::ParseKextSummaries kext loading is disabled, else would have %d kexts added, %d kexts removed", number_of_new_kexts_being_added, number_of_old_kexts_being_removed);
   1277         }
   1278     }
   1281     if (number_of_new_kexts_being_added > 0)
   1282     {
   1283         ModuleList loaded_module_list;
   1285         const uint32_t num_of_new_kexts = kext_summaries.size();
   1286         for (uint32_t new_kext = 0; new_kext < num_of_new_kexts; new_kext++)
   1287         {
   1288             if (to_be_added[new_kext] == true)
   1289             {
   1290                 KextImageInfo &image_info = kext_summaries[new_kext];
   1291                 if (load_kexts)
   1292                 {
   1293                     if (!image_info.LoadImageUsingMemoryModule (m_process))
   1294                     {
   1295                         image_info.LoadImageAtFileAddress (m_process);
   1296                     }
   1297                 }
   1299                 m_known_kexts.push_back(image_info);
   1301                 if (image_info.GetModule() && m_process->GetStopID() == image_info.GetProcessStopId())
   1302                     loaded_module_list.AppendIfNeeded (image_info.GetModule());
   1304                 if (s && load_kexts)
   1305                     s->Printf (".");
   1307                 if (log)
   1308                     kext_summaries[new_kext].PutToLog (log);
   1309             }
   1310         }
   1311         m_process->GetTarget().ModulesDidLoad (loaded_module_list);
   1312     }
   1314     if (number_of_old_kexts_being_removed > 0)
   1315     {
   1316         ModuleList loaded_module_list;
   1317         const uint32_t num_of_old_kexts = m_known_kexts.size();
   1318         for (uint32_t old_kext = 0; old_kext < num_of_old_kexts; old_kext++)
   1319         {
   1320             ModuleList unloaded_module_list;
   1321             if (to_be_removed[old_kext])
   1322             {
   1323                 KextImageInfo &image_info = m_known_kexts[old_kext];
   1324                 // You can't unload the kernel.
   1325                 if (!image_info.IsKernel())
   1326                 {
   1327                     if (image_info.GetModule())
   1328                     {
   1329                         unloaded_module_list.AppendIfNeeded (image_info.GetModule());
   1330                     }
   1331                     if (s)
   1332                         s->Printf (".");
   1333                     image_info.Clear();
   1334                     // should pull it out of the KextImageInfos vector but that would mutate the list and invalidate
   1335                     // the to_be_removed bool vector; leaving it in place once Cleared() is relatively harmless.
   1336                 }
   1337             }
   1338             m_process->GetTarget().ModulesDidUnload (unloaded_module_list);
   1339         }
   1340     }
   1342     if (s && load_kexts)
   1343     {
   1344         s->Printf (" done.\n");
   1345         s->Flush ();
   1346     }
   1348     return true;
   1349 }
   1351 uint32_t
   1352 DynamicLoaderDarwinKernel::ReadKextSummaries (const Address &kext_summary_addr,
   1353                                               uint32_t image_infos_count,
   1354                                               KextImageInfo::collection &image_infos)
   1355 {
   1356     const ByteOrder endian = m_kernel.GetByteOrder();
   1357     const uint32_t addr_size = m_kernel.GetAddressByteSize();
   1359     image_infos.resize(image_infos_count);
   1360     const size_t count = image_infos.size() * m_kext_summary_header.entry_size;
   1361     DataBufferHeap data(count, 0);
   1362     Error error;
   1364     const bool prefer_file_cache = false;
   1365     const size_t bytes_read = m_process->GetTarget().ReadMemory (kext_summary_addr,
   1366                                                                  prefer_file_cache,
   1367                                                                  data.GetBytes(),
   1368                                                                  data.GetByteSize(),
   1369                                                                  error);
   1370     if (bytes_read == count)
   1371     {
   1373         DataExtractor extractor (data.GetBytes(), data.GetByteSize(), endian, addr_size);
   1374         uint32_t i=0;
   1375         for (uint32_t kext_summary_offset = 0;
   1376              i < image_infos.size() && extractor.ValidOffsetForDataOfSize(kext_summary_offset, m_kext_summary_header.entry_size);
   1377              ++i, kext_summary_offset += m_kext_summary_header.entry_size)
   1378         {
   1379             lldb::offset_t offset = kext_summary_offset;
   1380             const void *name_data = extractor.GetData(&offset, KERNEL_MODULE_MAX_NAME);
   1381             if (name_data == NULL)
   1382                 break;
   1383             image_infos[i].SetName ((const char *) name_data);
   1384             UUID uuid (extractor.GetData (&offset, 16), 16);
   1385             image_infos[i].SetUUID (uuid);
   1386             image_infos[i].SetLoadAddress (extractor.GetU64(&offset));
   1387             image_infos[i].SetSize (extractor.GetU64(&offset));
   1388         }
   1389         if (i < image_infos.size())
   1390             image_infos.resize(i);
   1391     }
   1392     else
   1393     {
   1394         image_infos.clear();
   1395     }
   1396     return image_infos.size();
   1397 }
   1399 bool
   1400 DynamicLoaderDarwinKernel::ReadAllKextSummaries ()
   1401 {
   1402     Mutex::Locker locker(m_mutex);
   1404     if (ReadKextSummaryHeader ())
   1405     {
   1406         if (m_kext_summary_header.entry_count > 0 && m_kext_summary_header_addr.IsValid())
   1407         {
   1408             Address summary_addr (m_kext_summary_header_addr);
   1409             summary_addr.Slide(m_kext_summary_header.GetSize());
   1410             if (!ParseKextSummaries (summary_addr, m_kext_summary_header.entry_count))
   1411             {
   1412                 m_known_kexts.clear();
   1413             }
   1414             return true;
   1415         }
   1416     }
   1417     return false;
   1418 }
   1420 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
   1421 // Dump an image info structure to the file handle provided.
   1422 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
   1423 void
   1424 DynamicLoaderDarwinKernel::KextImageInfo::PutToLog (Log *log) const
   1425 {
   1426     if (log == NULL)
   1427         return;
   1428     const uint8_t *u = (uint8_t *) m_uuid.GetBytes();
   1430     if (m_load_address == LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS)
   1431     {
   1432         if (u)
   1433         {
   1434             log->Printf("\tuuid=%2.2X%2.2X%2.2X%2.2X-%2.2X%2.2X-%2.2X%2.2X-%2.2X%2.2X-%2.2X%2.2X%2.2X%2.2X%2.2X%2.2X name=\"%s\" (UNLOADED)",
   1435                         u[ 0], u[ 1], u[ 2], u[ 3],
   1436                         u[ 4], u[ 5], u[ 6], u[ 7],
   1437                         u[ 8], u[ 9], u[10], u[11],
   1438                         u[12], u[13], u[14], u[15],
   1439                         m_name.c_str());
   1440         }
   1441         else
   1442             log->Printf("\tname=\"%s\" (UNLOADED)", m_name.c_str());
   1443     }
   1444     else
   1445     {
   1446         if (u)
   1447         {
   1448             log->Printf("\taddr=0x%16.16" PRIx64 " size=0x%16.16" PRIx64 " uuid=%2.2X%2.2X%2.2X%2.2X-%2.2X%2.2X-%2.2X%2.2X-%2.2X%2.2X-%2.2X%2.2X%2.2X%2.2X%2.2X%2.2X name=\"%s\"",
   1449                         m_load_address, m_size,
   1450                         u[ 0], u[ 1], u[ 2], u[ 3], u[ 4], u[ 5], u[ 6], u[ 7],
   1451                         u[ 8], u[ 9], u[10], u[11], u[12], u[13], u[14], u[15],
   1452                         m_name.c_str());
   1453         }
   1454         else
   1455         {
   1456             log->Printf("\t[0x%16.16" PRIx64 " - 0x%16.16" PRIx64 ") name=\"%s\"",
   1457                         m_load_address, m_load_address+m_size, m_name.c_str());
   1458         }
   1459     }
   1460 }
   1462 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
   1463 // Dump the _dyld_all_image_infos members and all current image infos
   1464 // that we have parsed to the file handle provided.
   1465 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
   1466 void
   1467 DynamicLoaderDarwinKernel::PutToLog(Log *log) const
   1468 {
   1469     if (log == NULL)
   1470         return;
   1472     Mutex::Locker locker(m_mutex);
   1473     log->Printf("gLoadedKextSummaries = 0x%16.16" PRIx64 " { version=%u, entry_size=%u, entry_count=%u }",
   1474                 m_kext_summary_header_addr.GetFileAddress(),
   1475                 m_kext_summary_header.version,
   1476                 m_kext_summary_header.entry_size,
   1477                 m_kext_summary_header.entry_count);
   1479     size_t i;
   1480     const size_t count = m_known_kexts.size();
   1481     if (count > 0)
   1482     {
   1483         log->PutCString("Loaded:");
   1484         for (i = 0; i<count; i++)
   1485             m_known_kexts[i].PutToLog(log);
   1486     }
   1487 }
   1489 void
   1490 DynamicLoaderDarwinKernel::PrivateInitialize(Process *process)
   1491 {
   1492     DEBUG_PRINTF("DynamicLoaderDarwinKernel::%s() process state = %s\n", __FUNCTION__, StateAsCString(m_process->GetState()));
   1493     Clear(true);
   1494     m_process = process;
   1495 }
   1497 void
   1498 DynamicLoaderDarwinKernel::SetNotificationBreakpointIfNeeded ()
   1499 {
   1500     if (m_break_id == LLDB_INVALID_BREAK_ID && m_kernel.GetModule())
   1501     {
   1502         DEBUG_PRINTF("DynamicLoaderDarwinKernel::%s() process state = %s\n", __FUNCTION__, StateAsCString(m_process->GetState()));
   1505         const bool internal_bp = true;
   1506         const LazyBool skip_prologue = eLazyBoolNo;
   1507         FileSpecList module_spec_list;
   1508         module_spec_list.Append (m_kernel.GetModule()->GetFileSpec());
   1509         Breakpoint *bp = m_process->GetTarget().CreateBreakpoint (&module_spec_list,
   1510                                                                   NULL,
   1511                                                                   "OSKextLoadedKextSummariesUpdated",
   1512                                                                   eFunctionNameTypeFull,
   1513                                                                   skip_prologue,
   1514                                                                   internal_bp).get();
   1516         bp->SetCallback (DynamicLoaderDarwinKernel::BreakpointHitCallback, this, true);
   1517         m_break_id = bp->GetID();
   1518     }
   1519 }
   1521 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
   1522 // Member function that gets called when the process state changes.
   1523 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
   1524 void
   1525 DynamicLoaderDarwinKernel::PrivateProcessStateChanged (Process *process, StateType state)
   1526 {
   1527     DEBUG_PRINTF("DynamicLoaderDarwinKernel::%s(%s)\n", __FUNCTION__, StateAsCString(state));
   1528     switch (state)
   1529     {
   1530     case eStateConnected:
   1531     case eStateAttaching:
   1532     case eStateLaunching:
   1533     case eStateInvalid:
   1534     case eStateUnloaded:
   1535     case eStateExited:
   1536     case eStateDetached:
   1537         Clear(false);
   1538         break;
   1540     case eStateStopped:
   1541         UpdateIfNeeded();
   1542         break;
   1544     case eStateRunning:
   1545     case eStateStepping:
   1546     case eStateCrashed:
   1547     case eStateSuspended:
   1548         break;
   1549     }
   1550 }
   1552 ThreadPlanSP
   1553 DynamicLoaderDarwinKernel::GetStepThroughTrampolinePlan (Thread &thread, bool stop_others)
   1554 {
   1555     ThreadPlanSP thread_plan_sp;
   1556     Log *log(GetLogIfAllCategoriesSet (LIBLLDB_LOG_STEP));
   1557     if (log)
   1558         log->Printf ("Could not find symbol for step through.");
   1559     return thread_plan_sp;
   1560 }
   1562 Error
   1563 DynamicLoaderDarwinKernel::CanLoadImage ()
   1564 {
   1565     Error error;
   1566     error.SetErrorString("always unsafe to load or unload shared libraries in the darwin kernel");
   1567     return error;
   1568 }
   1570 void
   1571 DynamicLoaderDarwinKernel::Initialize()
   1572 {
   1573     PluginManager::RegisterPlugin (GetPluginNameStatic(),
   1574                                    GetPluginDescriptionStatic(),
   1575                                    CreateInstance,
   1576                                    DebuggerInitialize);
   1577 }
   1579 void
   1580 DynamicLoaderDarwinKernel::Terminate()
   1581 {
   1582     PluginManager::UnregisterPlugin (CreateInstance);
   1583 }
   1585 void
   1586 DynamicLoaderDarwinKernel::DebuggerInitialize (lldb_private::Debugger &debugger)
   1587 {
   1588     if (!PluginManager::GetSettingForDynamicLoaderPlugin (debugger, DynamicLoaderDarwinKernelProperties::GetSettingName()))
   1589     {
   1590         const bool is_global_setting = true;
   1591         PluginManager::CreateSettingForDynamicLoaderPlugin (debugger,
   1592                                                             GetGlobalProperties()->GetValueProperties(),
   1593                                                             ConstString ("Properties for the DynamicLoaderDarwinKernel plug-in."),
   1594                                                             is_global_setting);
   1595     }
   1596 }
   1598 lldb_private::ConstString
   1599 DynamicLoaderDarwinKernel::GetPluginNameStatic()
   1600 {
   1601     static ConstString g_name("darwin-kernel");
   1602     return g_name;
   1603 }
   1605 const char *
   1606 DynamicLoaderDarwinKernel::GetPluginDescriptionStatic()
   1607 {
   1608     return "Dynamic loader plug-in that watches for shared library loads/unloads in the MacOSX kernel.";
   1609 }
   1612 //------------------------------------------------------------------
   1613 // PluginInterface protocol
   1614 //------------------------------------------------------------------
   1615 lldb_private::ConstString
   1616 DynamicLoaderDarwinKernel::GetPluginName()
   1617 {
   1618     return GetPluginNameStatic();
   1619 }
   1621 uint32_t
   1622 DynamicLoaderDarwinKernel::GetPluginVersion()
   1623 {
   1624     return 1;
   1625 }
   1627 lldb::ByteOrder
   1628 DynamicLoaderDarwinKernel::GetByteOrderFromMagic (uint32_t magic)
   1629 {
   1630     switch (magic)
   1631     {
   1632         case llvm::MachO::HeaderMagic32:
   1633         case llvm::MachO::HeaderMagic64:
   1634             return lldb::endian::InlHostByteOrder();
   1636         case llvm::MachO::HeaderMagic32Swapped:
   1637         case llvm::MachO::HeaderMagic64Swapped:
   1638             if (lldb::endian::InlHostByteOrder() == lldb::eByteOrderBig)
   1639                 return lldb::eByteOrderLittle;
   1640             else
   1641                 return lldb::eByteOrderBig;
   1643         default:
   1644             break;
   1645     }
   1646     return lldb::eByteOrderInvalid;
   1647 }