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      1 // Copyright 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 // found in the LICENSE file.
      5 #ifndef CC_TREES_THREAD_PROXY_H_
      6 #define CC_TREES_THREAD_PROXY_H_
      8 #include <string>
     10 #include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
     11 #include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
     12 #include "base/time/time.h"
     13 #include "cc/animation/animation_events.h"
     14 #include "cc/base/completion_event.h"
     15 #include "cc/base/delayed_unique_notifier.h"
     16 #include "cc/resources/resource_update_controller.h"
     17 #include "cc/scheduler/scheduler.h"
     18 #include "cc/trees/layer_tree_host_impl.h"
     19 #include "cc/trees/proxy.h"
     20 #include "cc/trees/proxy_timing_history.h"
     22 namespace base {
     23 class SingleThreadTaskRunner;
     24 }
     26 namespace cc {
     28 class ContextProvider;
     29 class InputHandlerClient;
     30 class LayerTreeHost;
     31 class ResourceUpdateQueue;
     32 class Scheduler;
     33 class ScopedThreadProxy;
     35 class CC_EXPORT ThreadProxy : public Proxy,
     36                     NON_EXPORTED_BASE(LayerTreeHostImplClient),
     37                     NON_EXPORTED_BASE(SchedulerClient),
     38                     NON_EXPORTED_BASE(ResourceUpdateControllerClient) {
     39  public:
     40   static scoped_ptr<Proxy> Create(
     41       LayerTreeHost* layer_tree_host,
     42       scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner> main_task_runner,
     43       scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner> impl_task_runner);
     45   virtual ~ThreadProxy();
     47   struct BeginMainFrameAndCommitState {
     48     BeginMainFrameAndCommitState();
     49     ~BeginMainFrameAndCommitState();
     51     unsigned int begin_frame_id;
     52     BeginFrameArgs begin_frame_args;
     53     scoped_ptr<ScrollAndScaleSet> scroll_info;
     54     size_t memory_allocation_limit_bytes;
     55     int memory_allocation_priority_cutoff;
     56     bool evicted_ui_resources;
     57   };
     59   struct MainThreadOnly {
     60     MainThreadOnly(ThreadProxy* proxy, int layer_tree_host_id);
     61     ~MainThreadOnly();
     63     const int layer_tree_host_id;
     65     // Set only when SetNeedsAnimate is called.
     66     bool animate_requested;
     67     // Set only when SetNeedsCommit is called.
     68     bool commit_requested;
     69     // Set by SetNeedsAnimate, SetNeedsUpdateLayers, and SetNeedsCommit.
     70     bool commit_request_sent_to_impl_thread;
     72     bool started;
     73     bool manage_tiles_pending;
     74     bool can_cancel_commit;
     75     bool defer_commits;
     77     RendererCapabilities renderer_capabilities_main_thread_copy;
     79     scoped_ptr<BeginMainFrameAndCommitState> pending_deferred_commit;
     80     base::WeakPtrFactory<ThreadProxy> weak_factory;
     81   };
     83   // Accessed on the main thread, or when main thread is blocked.
     84   struct MainThreadOrBlockedMainThread {
     85     explicit MainThreadOrBlockedMainThread(LayerTreeHost* host);
     86     ~MainThreadOrBlockedMainThread();
     88     PrioritizedResourceManager* contents_texture_manager();
     90     LayerTreeHost* layer_tree_host;
     91     bool commit_waits_for_activation;
     92     bool main_thread_inside_commit;
     94     base::TimeTicks last_monotonic_frame_begin_time;
     95   };
     97   struct CompositorThreadOnly {
     98     CompositorThreadOnly(
     99         ThreadProxy* proxy,
    100         int layer_tree_host_id,
    101         RenderingStatsInstrumentation* rendering_stats_instrumentation);
    102     ~CompositorThreadOnly();
    104     const int layer_tree_host_id;
    106     // Copy of the main thread side contents texture manager for work
    107     // that needs to be done on the compositor thread.
    108     PrioritizedResourceManager* contents_texture_manager;
    110     scoped_ptr<Scheduler> scheduler;
    112     // Set when the main thread is waiting on a
    113     // ScheduledActionSendBeginMainFrame to be issued.
    114     CompletionEvent* begin_main_frame_sent_completion_event;
    116     // Set when the main thread is waiting on a commit to complete.
    117     CompletionEvent* commit_completion_event;
    119     // Set when the main thread is waiting on a pending tree activation.
    120     CompletionEvent* completion_event_for_commit_held_on_tree_activation;
    122     scoped_ptr<ResourceUpdateController> current_resource_update_controller;
    124     // Set when the next draw should post DidCommitAndDrawFrame to the main
    125     // thread.
    126     bool next_frame_is_newly_committed_frame;
    128     bool inside_draw;
    130     bool input_throttled_until_commit;
    132     // Set when we freeze animations to avoid checkerboarding.
    133     bool animations_frozen_until_next_draw;
    134     base::TimeTicks animation_time;
    136     // Whether a commit has been completed since the last time animations were
    137     // ticked. If this happens, we need to animate again.
    138     bool did_commit_after_animating;
    140     DelayedUniqueNotifier smoothness_priority_expiration_notifier;
    142     ProxyTimingHistory timing_history;
    144     scoped_ptr<LayerTreeHostImpl> layer_tree_host_impl;
    145     base::WeakPtrFactory<ThreadProxy> weak_factory;
    146   };
    148   const MainThreadOnly& main() const;
    149   const MainThreadOrBlockedMainThread& blocked_main() const;
    150   const CompositorThreadOnly& impl() const;
    152   // Proxy implementation
    153   virtual void FinishAllRendering() OVERRIDE;
    154   virtual bool IsStarted() const OVERRIDE;
    155   virtual void SetOutputSurface(scoped_ptr<OutputSurface>) OVERRIDE;
    156   virtual void SetLayerTreeHostClientReady() OVERRIDE;
    157   virtual void SetVisible(bool visible) OVERRIDE;
    158   virtual const RendererCapabilities& GetRendererCapabilities() const OVERRIDE;
    159   virtual void SetNeedsAnimate() OVERRIDE;
    160   virtual void SetNeedsUpdateLayers() OVERRIDE;
    161   virtual void SetNeedsCommit() OVERRIDE;
    162   virtual void SetNeedsRedraw(const gfx::Rect& damage_rect) OVERRIDE;
    163   virtual void SetNextCommitWaitsForActivation() OVERRIDE;
    164   virtual void NotifyInputThrottledUntilCommit() OVERRIDE;
    165   virtual void SetDeferCommits(bool defer_commits) OVERRIDE;
    166   virtual bool CommitRequested() const OVERRIDE;
    167   virtual bool BeginMainFrameRequested() const OVERRIDE;
    168   virtual void MainThreadHasStoppedFlinging() OVERRIDE;
    169   virtual void Start() OVERRIDE;
    170   virtual void Stop() OVERRIDE;
    171   virtual size_t MaxPartialTextureUpdates() const OVERRIDE;
    172   virtual void ForceSerializeOnSwapBuffers() OVERRIDE;
    173   virtual bool SupportsImplScrolling() const OVERRIDE;
    174   virtual void SetDebugState(const LayerTreeDebugState& debug_state) OVERRIDE;
    175   virtual void AsValueInto(base::debug::TracedValue* value) const OVERRIDE;
    176   virtual bool MainFrameWillHappenForTesting() OVERRIDE;
    178   // LayerTreeHostImplClient implementation
    179   virtual void UpdateRendererCapabilitiesOnImplThread() OVERRIDE;
    180   virtual void DidLoseOutputSurfaceOnImplThread() OVERRIDE;
    181   virtual void CommitVSyncParameters(base::TimeTicks timebase,
    182                                      base::TimeDelta interval) OVERRIDE;
    183   virtual void SetEstimatedParentDrawTime(base::TimeDelta draw_time) OVERRIDE;
    184   virtual void BeginFrame(const BeginFrameArgs& args) OVERRIDE;
    185   virtual void SetMaxSwapsPendingOnImplThread(int max) OVERRIDE;
    186   virtual void DidSwapBuffersOnImplThread() OVERRIDE;
    187   virtual void DidSwapBuffersCompleteOnImplThread() OVERRIDE;
    188   virtual void OnCanDrawStateChanged(bool can_draw) OVERRIDE;
    189   virtual void NotifyReadyToActivate() OVERRIDE;
    190   // Please call these 3 functions through
    191   // LayerTreeHostImpl's SetNeedsRedraw(), SetNeedsRedrawRect() and
    192   // SetNeedsAnimate().
    193   virtual void SetNeedsRedrawOnImplThread() OVERRIDE;
    194   virtual void SetNeedsRedrawRectOnImplThread(const gfx::Rect& dirty_rect)
    195       OVERRIDE;
    196   virtual void SetNeedsAnimateOnImplThread() OVERRIDE;
    197   virtual void SetNeedsManageTilesOnImplThread() OVERRIDE;
    198   virtual void DidInitializeVisibleTileOnImplThread() OVERRIDE;
    199   virtual void SetNeedsCommitOnImplThread() OVERRIDE;
    200   virtual void PostAnimationEventsToMainThreadOnImplThread(
    201       scoped_ptr<AnimationEventsVector> queue) OVERRIDE;
    202   virtual bool ReduceContentsTextureMemoryOnImplThread(size_t limit_bytes,
    203                                                        int priority_cutoff)
    204       OVERRIDE;
    205   virtual bool IsInsideDraw() OVERRIDE;
    206   virtual void RenewTreePriority() OVERRIDE;
    207   virtual void PostDelayedScrollbarFadeOnImplThread(
    208       const base::Closure& start_fade,
    209       base::TimeDelta delay) OVERRIDE;
    210   virtual void DidActivateSyncTree() OVERRIDE;
    211   virtual void DidManageTiles() OVERRIDE;
    213   // SchedulerClient implementation
    214   virtual void SetNeedsBeginFrame(bool enable) OVERRIDE;
    215   virtual void WillBeginImplFrame(const BeginFrameArgs& args) OVERRIDE;
    216   virtual void ScheduledActionSendBeginMainFrame() OVERRIDE;
    217   virtual DrawResult ScheduledActionDrawAndSwapIfPossible() OVERRIDE;
    218   virtual DrawResult ScheduledActionDrawAndSwapForced() OVERRIDE;
    219   virtual void ScheduledActionAnimate() OVERRIDE;
    220   virtual void ScheduledActionCommit() OVERRIDE;
    221   virtual void ScheduledActionUpdateVisibleTiles() OVERRIDE;
    222   virtual void ScheduledActionActivateSyncTree() OVERRIDE;
    223   virtual void ScheduledActionBeginOutputSurfaceCreation() OVERRIDE;
    224   virtual void ScheduledActionManageTiles() OVERRIDE;
    225   virtual void DidAnticipatedDrawTimeChange(base::TimeTicks time) OVERRIDE;
    226   virtual base::TimeDelta DrawDurationEstimate() OVERRIDE;
    227   virtual base::TimeDelta BeginMainFrameToCommitDurationEstimate() OVERRIDE;
    228   virtual base::TimeDelta CommitToActivateDurationEstimate() OVERRIDE;
    229   virtual void DidBeginImplFrameDeadline() OVERRIDE;
    231   // ResourceUpdateControllerClient implementation
    232   virtual void ReadyToFinalizeTextureUpdates() OVERRIDE;
    234  protected:
    235   ThreadProxy(LayerTreeHost* layer_tree_host,
    236               scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner> main_task_runner,
    237               scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner> impl_task_runner);
    239  private:
    240   // Called on main thread.
    241   void SetRendererCapabilitiesMainThreadCopy(
    242       const RendererCapabilities& capabilities);
    243   void BeginMainFrame(
    244       scoped_ptr<BeginMainFrameAndCommitState> begin_main_frame_state);
    245   void DidCommitAndDrawFrame();
    246   void DidCompleteSwapBuffers();
    247   void SetAnimationEvents(scoped_ptr<AnimationEventsVector> queue);
    248   void DidLoseOutputSurface();
    249   void RequestNewOutputSurface();
    250   void DidInitializeOutputSurface(bool success,
    251                                   const RendererCapabilities& capabilities);
    252   void SendCommitRequestToImplThreadIfNeeded();
    254   // Called on impl thread.
    255   struct SchedulerStateRequest;
    257   void StartCommitOnImplThread(CompletionEvent* completion,
    258                                ResourceUpdateQueue* queue);
    259   void BeginMainFrameAbortedOnImplThread(bool did_handle);
    260   void FinishAllRenderingOnImplThread(CompletionEvent* completion);
    261   void InitializeImplOnImplThread(CompletionEvent* completion);
    262   void SetLayerTreeHostClientReadyOnImplThread();
    263   void SetVisibleOnImplThread(CompletionEvent* completion, bool visible);
    264   void UpdateBackgroundAnimateTicking();
    265   void HasInitializedOutputSurfaceOnImplThread(
    266       CompletionEvent* completion,
    267       bool* has_initialized_output_surface);
    268   void DeleteContentsTexturesOnImplThread(CompletionEvent* completion);
    269   void InitializeOutputSurfaceOnImplThread(
    270       scoped_ptr<OutputSurface> output_surface);
    271   void FinishGLOnImplThread(CompletionEvent* completion);
    272   void LayerTreeHostClosedOnImplThread(CompletionEvent* completion);
    273   DrawResult DrawSwapInternal(bool forced_draw);
    274   void ForceSerializeOnSwapBuffersOnImplThread(CompletionEvent* completion);
    275   void MainFrameWillHappenOnImplThreadForTesting(CompletionEvent* completion,
    276                                                  bool* main_frame_will_happen);
    277   void AsValueOnImplThread(CompletionEvent* completion,
    278                            base::debug::TracedValue* state) const;
    279   void SetSwapUsedIncompleteTileOnImplThread(bool used_incomplete_tile);
    280   void MainThreadHasStoppedFlingingOnImplThread();
    281   void SetInputThrottledUntilCommitOnImplThread(bool is_throttled);
    282   void SetDebugStateOnImplThread(const LayerTreeDebugState& debug_state);
    284   LayerTreeHost* layer_tree_host();
    285   const LayerTreeHost* layer_tree_host() const;
    287   // Use accessors instead of this variable directly.
    288   MainThreadOnly main_thread_only_vars_unsafe_;
    289   MainThreadOnly& main();
    291   // Use accessors instead of this variable directly.
    292   MainThreadOrBlockedMainThread main_thread_or_blocked_vars_unsafe_;
    293   MainThreadOrBlockedMainThread& blocked_main();
    295   // Use accessors instead of this variable directly.
    296   CompositorThreadOnly compositor_thread_vars_unsafe_;
    297   CompositorThreadOnly& impl();
    299   base::WeakPtr<ThreadProxy> main_thread_weak_ptr_;
    300   base::WeakPtr<ThreadProxy> impl_thread_weak_ptr_;
    302   DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ThreadProxy);
    303 };
    305 }  // namespace cc
    307 #endif  // CC_TREES_THREAD_PROXY_H_