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      1 // Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 // found in the LICENSE file.
      5 #include "ash/desktop_background/desktop_background_view.h"
      7 #include <limits>
      9 #include "ash/ash_export.h"
     10 #include "ash/desktop_background/desktop_background_controller.h"
     11 #include "ash/desktop_background/desktop_background_widget_controller.h"
     12 #include "ash/desktop_background/user_wallpaper_delegate.h"
     13 #include "ash/display/display_manager.h"
     14 #include "ash/root_window_controller.h"
     15 #include "ash/session/session_state_delegate.h"
     16 #include "ash/shell.h"
     17 #include "ash/shell_window_ids.h"
     18 #include "ash/wm/overview/window_selector_controller.h"
     19 #include "ash/wm/window_animations.h"
     20 #include "base/message_loop/message_loop.h"
     21 #include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h"
     22 #include "ui/aura/window_event_dispatcher.h"
     23 #include "ui/compositor/layer.h"
     24 #include "ui/gfx/canvas.h"
     25 #include "ui/gfx/image/image.h"
     26 #include "ui/gfx/size_conversions.h"
     27 #include "ui/gfx/transform.h"
     28 #include "ui/views/widget/widget.h"
     30 namespace ash {
     31 namespace {
     33 // For our scaling ratios we need to round positive numbers.
     34 int RoundPositive(double x) {
     35   return static_cast<int>(floor(x + 0.5));
     36 }
     38 // A view that controls the child view's layer so that the layer
     39 // always has the same size as the display's original, un-scaled size
     40 // in DIP. The layer then transformed to fit to the virtual screen
     41 // size when laid-out.
     42 // This is to avoid scaling the image at painting time, then scaling
     43 // it back to the screen size in the compositor.
     44 class LayerControlView : public views::View {
     45  public:
     46   explicit LayerControlView(views::View* view) {
     47     AddChildView(view);
     48     view->SetPaintToLayer(true);
     49   }
     51   // Overrides views::View.
     52   virtual void Layout() OVERRIDE {
     53     gfx::Display display = Shell::GetScreen()->GetDisplayNearestWindow(
     54         GetWidget()->GetNativeView());
     55     DisplayManager* display_manager = Shell::GetInstance()->display_manager();
     56     DisplayInfo info = display_manager->GetDisplayInfo(display.id());
     57     float ui_scale = info.GetEffectiveUIScale();
     58     gfx::SizeF pixel_size = display.size();
     59     pixel_size.Scale(1.0f / ui_scale);
     60     gfx::Size rounded_size = gfx::ToCeiledSize(pixel_size);
     61     DCHECK_EQ(1, child_count());
     62     views::View* child = child_at(0);
     63     child->SetBounds(0, 0, rounded_size.width(), rounded_size.height());
     64     gfx::Transform transform;
     65     transform.Scale(ui_scale, ui_scale);
     66     child->SetTransform(transform);
     67   }
     69  private:
     70   DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(LayerControlView);
     71 };
     73 }  // namespace
     75 // This event handler receives events in the pre-target phase and takes care of
     76 // the following:
     77 //   - Disabling overview mode on touch release.
     78 //   - Disabling overview mode on mouse release.
     79 class PreEventDispatchHandler : public ui::EventHandler {
     80  public:
     81   PreEventDispatchHandler() {}
     82   virtual ~PreEventDispatchHandler() {}
     84  private:
     85   // ui::EventHandler:
     86   virtual void OnMouseEvent(ui::MouseEvent* event) OVERRIDE {
     87     CHECK_EQ(ui::EP_PRETARGET, event->phase());
     88     WindowSelectorController* controller =
     89         Shell::GetInstance()->window_selector_controller();
     90     if (event->type() == ui::ET_MOUSE_RELEASED && controller->IsSelecting()) {
     91       controller->ToggleOverview();
     92       event->StopPropagation();
     93     }
     94   }
     96   virtual void OnGestureEvent(ui::GestureEvent* event) OVERRIDE {
     97     CHECK_EQ(ui::EP_PRETARGET, event->phase());
     98     WindowSelectorController* controller =
     99         Shell::GetInstance()->window_selector_controller();
    100     if (event->type() == ui::ET_GESTURE_TAP && controller->IsSelecting()) {
    101       controller->ToggleOverview();
    102       event->StopPropagation();
    103     }
    104   }
    106   DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(PreEventDispatchHandler);
    107 };
    109 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    110 // DesktopBackgroundView, public:
    112 DesktopBackgroundView::DesktopBackgroundView()
    113     : pre_dispatch_handler_(new PreEventDispatchHandler()) {
    114   set_context_menu_controller(this);
    115   AddPreTargetHandler(pre_dispatch_handler_.get());
    116 }
    118 DesktopBackgroundView::~DesktopBackgroundView() {
    119   RemovePreTargetHandler(pre_dispatch_handler_.get());
    120 }
    122 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    123 // DesktopBackgroundView, views::View overrides:
    125 void DesktopBackgroundView::OnPaint(gfx::Canvas* canvas) {
    126   // Scale the image while maintaining the aspect ratio, cropping as
    127   // necessary to fill the background. Ideally the image should be larger
    128   // than the largest display supported, if not we will scale and center it if
    129   // the layout is WALLPAPER_LAYOUT_CENTER_CROPPED.
    130   DesktopBackgroundController* controller =
    131       Shell::GetInstance()->desktop_background_controller();
    132   gfx::ImageSkia wallpaper = controller->GetWallpaper();
    133   WallpaperLayout wallpaper_layout = controller->GetWallpaperLayout();
    135   if (wallpaper.isNull()) {
    136     canvas->FillRect(GetLocalBounds(), SK_ColorBLACK);
    137     return;
    138   }
    140   gfx::NativeView native_view = GetWidget()->GetNativeView();
    141   gfx::Display display = gfx::Screen::GetScreenFor(native_view)->
    142       GetDisplayNearestWindow(native_view);
    144   DisplayManager* display_manager = Shell::GetInstance()->display_manager();
    145   DisplayInfo display_info = display_manager->GetDisplayInfo(display.id());
    146   float scaling = display_info.GetEffectiveUIScale();
    147   if (scaling <= 1.0f)
    148     scaling = 1.0f;
    149   // Allow scaling up to the UI scaling.
    150   // TODO(oshima): Create separate layer that fits to the image and then
    151   // scale to avoid artifacts and be more efficient when clipped.
    152   gfx::Rect wallpaper_rect(
    153       0, 0, wallpaper.width() * scaling, wallpaper.height() * scaling);
    155   if (wallpaper_layout == WALLPAPER_LAYOUT_CENTER_CROPPED) {
    156     // The dimension with the smallest ratio must be cropped, the other one
    157     // is preserved. Both are set in gfx::Size cropped_size.
    158     double horizontal_ratio = static_cast<double>(width()) /
    159         static_cast<double>(wallpaper.width());
    160     double vertical_ratio = static_cast<double>(height()) /
    161         static_cast<double>(wallpaper.height());
    163     gfx::Size cropped_size;
    164     if (vertical_ratio > horizontal_ratio) {
    165       cropped_size = gfx::Size(
    166           RoundPositive(static_cast<double>(width()) / vertical_ratio),
    167           wallpaper.height());
    168     } else {
    169       cropped_size = gfx::Size(wallpaper.width(),
    170           RoundPositive(static_cast<double>(height()) / horizontal_ratio));
    171     }
    173     gfx::Rect wallpaper_cropped_rect(
    174         0, 0, wallpaper.width(), wallpaper.height());
    175     wallpaper_cropped_rect.ClampToCenteredSize(cropped_size);
    176     canvas->DrawImageInt(wallpaper,
    177         wallpaper_cropped_rect.x(), wallpaper_cropped_rect.y(),
    178         wallpaper_cropped_rect.width(), wallpaper_cropped_rect.height(),
    179         0, 0, width(), height(),
    180         true);
    181   } else if (wallpaper_layout == WALLPAPER_LAYOUT_TILE) {
    182     canvas->TileImageInt(wallpaper, 0, 0, width(), height());
    183   } else if (wallpaper_layout == WALLPAPER_LAYOUT_STRETCH) {
    184     // This is generally not recommended as it may show artifacts.
    185     canvas->DrawImageInt(wallpaper, 0, 0, wallpaper.width(),
    186         wallpaper.height(), 0, 0, width(), height(), true);
    187   } else {
    188     // Fill with black to make sure that the entire area is opaque.
    189     canvas->FillRect(GetLocalBounds(), SK_ColorBLACK);
    190     // All other are simply centered, and not scaled (but may be clipped).
    191     canvas->DrawImageInt(
    192         wallpaper,
    193         0, 0, wallpaper.width(), wallpaper.height(),
    194         (width() - wallpaper_rect.width()) / 2,
    195         (height() - wallpaper_rect.height()) / 2,
    196         wallpaper_rect.width(),
    197         wallpaper_rect.height(),
    198         true);
    199   }
    200 }
    202 bool DesktopBackgroundView::OnMousePressed(const ui::MouseEvent& event) {
    203   return true;
    204 }
    206 void DesktopBackgroundView::ShowContextMenuForView(
    207     views::View* source,
    208     const gfx::Point& point,
    209     ui::MenuSourceType source_type) {
    210   Shell::GetInstance()->ShowContextMenu(point, source_type);
    211 }
    213 views::Widget* CreateDesktopBackground(aura::Window* root_window,
    214                                        int container_id) {
    215   DesktopBackgroundController* controller =
    216       Shell::GetInstance()->desktop_background_controller();
    217   UserWallpaperDelegate* wallpaper_delegate =
    218       Shell::GetInstance()->user_wallpaper_delegate();
    220   views::Widget* desktop_widget = new views::Widget;
    221   views::Widget::InitParams params(
    222       views::Widget::InitParams::TYPE_WINDOW_FRAMELESS);
    223   if (controller->GetWallpaper().isNull())
    224     params.opacity = views::Widget::InitParams::TRANSLUCENT_WINDOW;
    225   params.parent = root_window->GetChildById(container_id);
    226   desktop_widget->Init(params);
    227   desktop_widget->GetNativeWindow()->layer()->SetMasksToBounds(true);
    228   desktop_widget->SetContentsView(
    229       new LayerControlView(new DesktopBackgroundView()));
    230   int animation_type = wallpaper_delegate->GetAnimationType();
    231   wm::SetWindowVisibilityAnimationType(
    232       desktop_widget->GetNativeView(), animation_type);
    234   RootWindowController* root_window_controller =
    235       GetRootWindowController(root_window);
    237   // Enable wallpaper transition for the following cases:
    238   // 1. Initial(OOBE) wallpaper animation.
    239   // 2. Wallpaper fades in from a non empty background.
    240   // 3. From an empty background, chrome transit to a logged in user session.
    241   // 4. From an empty background, guest user logged in.
    242   if (wallpaper_delegate->ShouldShowInitialAnimation() ||
    243       root_window_controller->animating_wallpaper_controller() ||
    244       Shell::GetInstance()->session_state_delegate()->NumberOfLoggedInUsers()) {
    245     wm::SetWindowVisibilityAnimationTransition(
    246         desktop_widget->GetNativeView(), wm::ANIMATE_SHOW);
    247     int duration_override = wallpaper_delegate->GetAnimationDurationOverride();
    248     if (duration_override) {
    249       wm::SetWindowVisibilityAnimationDuration(
    250           desktop_widget->GetNativeView(),
    251           base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(duration_override));
    252     }
    253   } else {
    254     // Disable animation if transition to login screen from an empty background.
    255     wm::SetWindowVisibilityAnimationTransition(
    256         desktop_widget->GetNativeView(), wm::ANIMATE_NONE);
    257   }
    259   desktop_widget->SetBounds(params.parent->bounds());
    260   return desktop_widget;
    261 }
    263 }  // namespace ash