Home | History | Annotate | Download | only in history
      1 // Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 // found in the LICENSE file.
      8 #include <set>
      9 #include <string>
     10 #include <utility>
     11 #include <vector>
     13 #include "base/containers/mru_cache.h"
     14 #include "base/files/file_path.h"
     15 #include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
     16 #include "base/memory/memory_pressure_listener.h"
     17 #include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
     18 #include "base/single_thread_task_runner.h"
     19 #include "base/task/cancelable_task_tracker.h"
     20 #include "chrome/browser/history/expire_history_backend.h"
     21 #include "chrome/browser/history/history_database.h"
     22 #include "chrome/browser/history/thumbnail_database.h"
     23 #include "chrome/browser/history/visit_tracker.h"
     24 #include "components/history/core/browser/history_types.h"
     25 #include "components/history/core/browser/keyword_id.h"
     26 #include "components/visitedlink/browser/visitedlink_delegate.h"
     27 #include "sql/init_status.h"
     29 #if defined(OS_ANDROID)
     30 #include "components/history/core/android/android_history_types.h"
     31 #endif
     33 class HistoryURLProvider;
     34 struct HistoryURLProviderParams;
     35 struct ImportedFaviconUsage;
     36 class SkBitmap;
     37 class TestingProfile;
     38 struct ThumbnailScore;
     40 namespace base {
     41 class MessageLoop;
     42 class SingleThreadTaskRunner;
     43 }
     45 namespace history {
     46 #if defined(OS_ANDROID)
     47 class AndroidProviderBackend;
     48 #endif
     50 class CommitLaterTask;
     51 struct DownloadRow;
     52 class HistoryClient;
     53 class HistoryDBTask;
     54 class InMemoryHistoryBackend;
     55 class TypedUrlSyncableService;
     56 class VisitFilter;
     58 // The maximum number of icons URLs per page which can be stored in the
     59 // thumbnail database.
     60 static const size_t kMaxFaviconsPerPage = 8;
     62 // The maximum number of bitmaps for a single icon URL which can be stored in
     63 // the thumbnail database.
     64 static const size_t kMaxFaviconBitmapsPerIconURL = 8;
     66 // Keeps track of a queued HistoryDBTask. This class lives solely on the
     67 // DB thread.
     68 class QueuedHistoryDBTask {
     69  public:
     70   QueuedHistoryDBTask(
     71       scoped_ptr<HistoryDBTask> task,
     72       scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner> origin_loop,
     73       const base::CancelableTaskTracker::IsCanceledCallback& is_canceled);
     74   ~QueuedHistoryDBTask();
     76   bool is_canceled();
     77   bool Run(HistoryBackend* backend, HistoryDatabase* db);
     78   void DoneRun();
     80  private:
     81   scoped_ptr<HistoryDBTask> task_;
     82   scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner> origin_loop_;
     83   base::CancelableTaskTracker::IsCanceledCallback is_canceled_;
     85   DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(QueuedHistoryDBTask);
     86 };
     88 // *See the .cc file for more information on the design.*
     89 //
     90 // Internal history implementation which does most of the work of the history
     91 // system. This runs on a background thread (to not block the browser when we
     92 // do expensive operations) and is NOT threadsafe, so it must only be called
     93 // from message handlers on the background thread. Invoking on another thread
     94 // requires threadsafe refcounting.
     95 //
     96 // Most functions here are just the implementations of the corresponding
     97 // functions in the history service. These functions are not documented
     98 // here, see the history service for behavior.
     99 class HistoryBackend : public base::RefCountedThreadSafe<HistoryBackend>,
    100                        public BroadcastNotificationDelegate {
    101  public:
    102   // Interface implemented by the owner of the HistoryBackend object. Normally,
    103   // the history service implements this to send stuff back to the main thread.
    104   // The unit tests can provide a different implementation if they don't have
    105   // a history service object.
    106   class Delegate {
    107    public:
    108     virtual ~Delegate() {}
    110     // Called when the database cannot be read correctly for some reason.
    111     virtual void NotifyProfileError(sql::InitStatus init_status) = 0;
    113     // Sets the in-memory history backend. The in-memory backend is created by
    114     // the main backend. For non-unit tests, this happens on the background
    115     // thread. It is to be used on the main thread, so this would transfer
    116     // it to the history service. Unit tests can override this behavior.
    117     //
    118     // This function is NOT guaranteed to be called. If there is an error,
    119     // there may be no in-memory database.
    120     virtual void SetInMemoryBackend(
    121         scoped_ptr<InMemoryHistoryBackend> backend) = 0;
    123     // Notify HistoryService that some URLs favicon changed that will forward
    124     // the events to the FaviconChangedObservers in the correct thread.
    125     virtual void NotifyFaviconChanged(const std::set<GURL>& urls) = 0;
    127     // Broadcasts the specified notification to the notification service.
    128     // This is implemented here because notifications must only be sent from
    129     // the main thread. This is the only method that doesn't identify the
    130     // caller because notifications must always be sent.
    131     virtual void BroadcastNotifications(int type,
    132                                         scoped_ptr<HistoryDetails> details) = 0;
    134     // Invoked when the backend has finished loading the db.
    135     virtual void DBLoaded() = 0;
    137     virtual void NotifyVisitDBObserversOnAddVisit(
    138         const history::BriefVisitInfo& info) = 0;
    139   };
    141   // Init must be called to complete object creation. This object can be
    142   // constructed on any thread, but all other functions including Init() must
    143   // be called on the history thread.
    144   //
    145   // |history_dir| is the directory where the history files will be placed.
    146   // See the definition of BroadcastNotificationsCallback above. This function
    147   // takes ownership of the callback pointer.
    148   //
    149   // |history_client| is used to determine bookmarked URLs when deleting and
    150   // may be NULL.
    151   //
    152   // This constructor is fast and does no I/O, so can be called at any time.
    153   HistoryBackend(const base::FilePath& history_dir,
    154                  Delegate* delegate,
    155                  HistoryClient* history_client);
    157   // Must be called after creation but before any objects are created. If this
    158   // fails, all other functions will fail as well. (Since this runs on another
    159   // thread, we don't bother returning failure.)
    160   //
    161   // |languages| gives a list of language encodings with which the history
    162   // URLs and omnibox searches are interpreted.
    163   // |force_fail| can be set during unittests to unconditionally fail to init.
    164   void Init(const std::string& languages, bool force_fail);
    166   // Notification that the history system is shutting down. This will break
    167   // the refs owned by the delegate and any pending transaction so it will
    168   // actually be deleted.
    169   void Closing();
    171   void ClearCachedDataForContextID(ContextID context_id);
    173   // Navigation ----------------------------------------------------------------
    175   // |request.time| must be unique with high probability.
    176   void AddPage(const HistoryAddPageArgs& request);
    177   virtual void SetPageTitle(const GURL& url, const base::string16& title);
    178   void AddPageNoVisitForBookmark(const GURL& url, const base::string16& title);
    179   void UpdateWithPageEndTime(ContextID context_id,
    180                              int32 page_id,
    181                              const GURL& url,
    182                              base::Time end_ts);
    184   // Querying ------------------------------------------------------------------
    186   // Run the |callback| on the History thread.
    187   // history_url_provider.h has the temporal ordering for
    188   // the call sequence.
    189   // |callback| should handle the NULL database case.
    190   void ScheduleAutocomplete(const base::Callback<
    191       void(history::HistoryBackend*, history::URLDatabase*)>& callback);
    193   void IterateURLs(
    194       const scoped_refptr<visitedlink::VisitedLinkDelegate::URLEnumerator>&
    195           enumerator);
    196   void QueryURL(const GURL& url,
    197                 bool want_visits,
    198                 QueryURLResult* query_url_result);
    199   void QueryHistory(const base::string16& text_query,
    200                     const QueryOptions& options,
    201                     QueryResults* query_results);
    203   // Computes the most recent URL(s) that the given canonical URL has
    204   // redirected to. There may be more than one redirect in a row, so this
    205   // function will fill the given array with the entire chain. If there are
    206   // no redirects for the most recent visit of the URL, or the URL is not
    207   // in history, the array will be empty.
    208   void QueryRedirectsFrom(const GURL& url, RedirectList* redirects);
    210   // Similar to above function except computes a chain of redirects to the
    211   // given URL. Stores the most recent list of redirects ending at |url| in the
    212   // given RedirectList. For example, if we have the redirect list A -> B -> C,
    213   // then calling this function with url=C would fill redirects with {B, A}.
    214   void QueryRedirectsTo(const GURL& url, RedirectList* redirects);
    216   void GetVisibleVisitCountToHost(const GURL& url,
    217                                   VisibleVisitCountToHostResult* result);
    219   // Request the |result_count| most visited URLs and the chain of
    220   // redirects leading to each of these URLs. |days_back| is the
    221   // number of days of history to use. Used by TopSites.
    222   void QueryMostVisitedURLs(int result_count,
    223                             int days_back,
    224                             MostVisitedURLList* result);
    226   // Request the |result_count| URLs and the chain of redirects
    227   // leading to each of these URLs, filterd and sorted based on the |filter|.
    228   // If |debug| is enabled, additional data will be computed and provided.
    229   void QueryFilteredURLs(int result_count,
    230                          const history::VisitFilter& filter,
    231                          bool debug,
    232                          history::FilteredURLList* result);
    234   // Favicon -------------------------------------------------------------------
    236   void GetFavicons(
    237       const std::vector<GURL>& icon_urls,
    238       int icon_types,
    239       const std::vector<int>& desired_sizes,
    240       std::vector<favicon_base::FaviconRawBitmapResult>* bitmap_results);
    242   void GetLargestFaviconForURL(
    243       const GURL& page_url,
    244       const std::vector<int>& icon_types,
    245       int minimum_size_in_pixels,
    246       favicon_base::FaviconRawBitmapResult* bitmap_result);
    248   void GetFaviconsForURL(
    249       const GURL& page_url,
    250       int icon_types,
    251       const std::vector<int>& desired_sizes,
    252       std::vector<favicon_base::FaviconRawBitmapResult>* bitmap_results);
    254   void GetFaviconForID(
    255       favicon_base::FaviconID favicon_id,
    256       int desired_size,
    257       std::vector<favicon_base::FaviconRawBitmapResult>* bitmap_results);
    259   void UpdateFaviconMappingsAndFetch(
    260       const GURL& page_url,
    261       const std::vector<GURL>& icon_urls,
    262       int icon_types,
    263       const std::vector<int>& desired_sizes,
    264       std::vector<favicon_base::FaviconRawBitmapResult>* bitmap_results);
    266   void MergeFavicon(const GURL& page_url,
    267                     const GURL& icon_url,
    268                     favicon_base::IconType icon_type,
    269                     scoped_refptr<base::RefCountedMemory> bitmap_data,
    270                     const gfx::Size& pixel_size);
    272   void SetFavicons(const GURL& page_url,
    273                    favicon_base::IconType icon_type,
    274                    const GURL& icon_url,
    275                    const std::vector<SkBitmap>& bitmaps);
    277   void SetFaviconsOutOfDateForPage(const GURL& page_url);
    279   void CloneFavicons(const GURL& old_page_url, const GURL& new_page_url);
    281   void SetImportedFavicons(
    282       const std::vector<ImportedFaviconUsage>& favicon_usage);
    284   // Downloads -----------------------------------------------------------------
    286   uint32 GetNextDownloadId();
    287   void QueryDownloads(std::vector<DownloadRow>* rows);
    288   void UpdateDownload(const DownloadRow& data);
    289   bool CreateDownload(const history::DownloadRow& history_info);
    290   void RemoveDownloads(const std::set<uint32>& ids);
    292   // Keyword search terms ------------------------------------------------------
    294   void SetKeywordSearchTermsForURL(const GURL& url,
    295                                    KeywordID keyword_id,
    296                                    const base::string16& term);
    298   void DeleteAllSearchTermsForKeyword(KeywordID keyword_id);
    300   void DeleteKeywordSearchTermForURL(const GURL& url);
    302   void DeleteMatchingURLsForKeyword(KeywordID keyword_id,
    303                                     const base::string16& term);
    305 #if defined(OS_ANDROID)
    306   // Android Provider ---------------------------------------------------------
    308   // History and bookmarks ----------------------------------------------------
    309   // Inserts the given values into history backend.
    310   AndroidURLID InsertHistoryAndBookmark(const HistoryAndBookmarkRow& row);
    312   // Runs the given query on history backend and returns the result.
    313   //
    314   // |projections| is the vector of the result columns.
    315   // |selection| is the SQL WHERE clause without 'WHERE'.
    316   // |selection_args| is the arguments for WHERE clause.
    317   // |sort_order| is the SQL ORDER clause.
    318   history::AndroidStatement* QueryHistoryAndBookmarks(
    319       const std::vector<HistoryAndBookmarkRow::ColumnID>& projections,
    320       const std::string& selection,
    321       const std::vector<base::string16>& selection_args,
    322       const std::string& sort_order);
    324   // Returns the number of row updated by the update query.
    325   //
    326   // |row| is the value to update.
    327   // |selection| is the SQL WHERE clause without 'WHERE'.
    328   // |selection_args| is the arguments for the WHERE clause.
    329   int UpdateHistoryAndBookmarks(
    330       const HistoryAndBookmarkRow& row,
    331       const std::string& selection,
    332       const std::vector<base::string16>& selection_args);
    334   // Deletes the specified rows and returns the number of rows deleted.
    335   //
    336   // |selection| is the SQL WHERE clause without 'WHERE'.
    337   // |selection_args| is the arguments for the WHERE clause.
    338   //
    339   // If |selection| is empty all history and bookmarks are deleted.
    340   int DeleteHistoryAndBookmarks(
    341       const std::string& selection,
    342       const std::vector<base::string16>& selection_args);
    344   // Deletes the matched history and returns the number of rows deleted.
    345   int DeleteHistory(const std::string& selection,
    346                     const std::vector<base::string16>& selection_args);
    348   // Statement ----------------------------------------------------------------
    349   // Move the statement's current position.
    350   int MoveStatement(history::AndroidStatement* statement,
    351                     int current_pos,
    352                     int destination);
    354   // Close the given statement. The ownership is transfered.
    355   void CloseStatement(AndroidStatement* statement);
    357   // Search terms -------------------------------------------------------------
    358   // Inserts the given values and returns the SearchTermID of the inserted row.
    359   SearchTermID InsertSearchTerm(const SearchRow& row);
    361   // Returns the number of row updated by the update query.
    362   //
    363   // |row| is the value to update.
    364   // |selection| is the SQL WHERE clause without 'WHERE'.
    365   // |selection_args| is the arguments for the WHERE clause.
    366   int UpdateSearchTerms(const SearchRow& row,
    367                         const std::string& selection,
    368                         const std::vector<base::string16> selection_args);
    370   // Deletes the matched rows and returns the number of deleted rows.
    371   //
    372   // |selection| is the SQL WHERE clause without 'WHERE'.
    373   // |selection_args| is the arguments for WHERE clause.
    374   //
    375   // If |selection| is empty all search terms will be deleted.
    376   int DeleteSearchTerms(const std::string& selection,
    377                         const std::vector<base::string16> selection_args);
    379   // Returns the result of the given query.
    380   //
    381   // |projections| specifies the result columns.
    382   // |selection| is the SQL WHERE clause without 'WHERE'.
    383   // |selection_args| is the arguments for WHERE clause.
    384   // |sort_order| is the SQL ORDER clause.
    385   history::AndroidStatement* QuerySearchTerms(
    386       const std::vector<SearchRow::ColumnID>& projections,
    387       const std::string& selection,
    388       const std::vector<base::string16>& selection_args,
    389       const std::string& sort_order);
    391 #endif  // defined(OS_ANDROID)
    393   // Generic operations --------------------------------------------------------
    395   void ProcessDBTask(
    396       scoped_ptr<HistoryDBTask> task,
    397       scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner> origin_loop,
    398       const base::CancelableTaskTracker::IsCanceledCallback& is_canceled);
    400   virtual bool GetAllTypedURLs(URLRows* urls);
    402   virtual bool GetVisitsForURL(URLID id, VisitVector* visits);
    404   // Fetches up to |max_visits| most recent visits for the passed URL.
    405   virtual bool GetMostRecentVisitsForURL(URLID id,
    406                                          int max_visits,
    407                                          VisitVector* visits);
    409   // For each element in |urls|, updates the pre-existing URLRow in the database
    410   // with the same ID; or ignores the element if no such row exists. Returns the
    411   // number of records successfully updated.
    412   virtual size_t UpdateURLs(const history::URLRows& urls);
    414   // While adding visits in batch, the source needs to be provided.
    415   virtual bool AddVisits(const GURL& url,
    416                          const std::vector<history::VisitInfo>& visits,
    417                          VisitSource visit_source);
    419   virtual bool RemoveVisits(const VisitVector& visits);
    421   // Returns the VisitSource associated with each one of the passed visits.
    422   // If there is no entry in the map for a given visit, that means the visit
    423   // was SOURCE_BROWSED. Returns false if there is no HistoryDatabase..
    424   bool GetVisitsSource(const VisitVector& visits, VisitSourceMap* sources);
    426   virtual bool GetURL(const GURL& url, history::URLRow* url_row);
    428   // Returns the syncable service for syncing typed urls. The returned service
    429   // is owned by |this| object.
    430   virtual TypedUrlSyncableService* GetTypedUrlSyncableService() const;
    432   // Deleting ------------------------------------------------------------------
    434   virtual void DeleteURLs(const std::vector<GURL>& urls);
    436   virtual void DeleteURL(const GURL& url);
    438   // Calls ExpireHistoryBackend::ExpireHistoryBetween and commits the change.
    439   void ExpireHistoryBetween(
    440       const std::set<GURL>& restrict_urls,
    441       base::Time begin_time,
    442       base::Time end_time);
    444   // Finds the URLs visited at |times| and expires all their visits within
    445   // [|begin_time|, |end_time|). All times in |times| should be in
    446   // [|begin_time|, |end_time|). This is used when expiration request is from
    447   // server side, i.e. web history deletes, where only visit times (possibly
    448   // incomplete) are transmitted to protect user's privacy.
    449   void ExpireHistoryForTimes(const std::set<base::Time>& times,
    450                              base::Time begin_time, base::Time end_time);
    452   // Calls ExpireHistoryBetween() once for each element in the vector.
    453   // The fields of |ExpireHistoryArgs| map directly to the arguments of
    454   // of ExpireHistoryBetween().
    455   void ExpireHistory(const std::vector<ExpireHistoryArgs>& expire_list);
    457   // Bookmarks -----------------------------------------------------------------
    459   // Notification that a URL is no longer bookmarked. If there are no visits
    460   // for the specified url, it is deleted.
    461   void URLsNoLongerBookmarked(const std::set<GURL>& urls);
    463   // Callbacks To Kill Database When It Gets Corrupted -------------------------
    465   // Called by the database to report errors.  Schedules one call to
    466   // KillHistoryDatabase() in case of corruption.
    467   void DatabaseErrorCallback(int error, sql::Statement* stmt);
    469   // Raze the history database. It will be recreated in a future run. Hopefully
    470   // things go better then. Continue running but without reading or storing any
    471   // state into the HistoryBackend databases. Close all of the databases managed
    472   // HistoryBackend as there are no provisions for accessing the other databases
    473   // managed by HistoryBackend when the history database cannot be accessed.
    474   void KillHistoryDatabase();
    476   // Testing -------------------------------------------------------------------
    478   // Sets the task to run and the message loop to run it on when this object
    479   // is destroyed. See HistoryService::SetOnBackendDestroyTask for a more
    480   // complete description.
    481   void SetOnBackendDestroyTask(base::MessageLoop* message_loop,
    482                                const base::Closure& task);
    484   // Adds the given rows to the database if it doesn't exist. A visit will be
    485   // added for each given URL at the last visit time in the URLRow if the
    486   // passed visit type != SOURCE_SYNCED (the sync code manages visits itself).
    487   // Each visit will have the visit_source type set.
    488   void AddPagesWithDetails(const URLRows& info, VisitSource visit_source);
    490 #if defined(UNIT_TEST)
    491   HistoryDatabase* db() const { return db_.get(); }
    493   ExpireHistoryBackend* expire_backend() { return &expirer_; }
    494 #endif
    496   // Returns true if the passed visit time is already expired (used by the sync
    497   // code to avoid syncing visits that would immediately be expired).
    498   virtual bool IsExpiredVisitTime(const base::Time& time);
    500   base::Time GetFirstRecordedTimeForTest() {
    501     return first_recorded_time_;
    502   }
    504  protected:
    505   virtual ~HistoryBackend();
    507  private:
    508   friend class base::RefCountedThreadSafe<HistoryBackend>;
    509   friend class CommitLaterTask;  // The commit task needs to call Commit().
    510   friend class HistoryBackendTest;
    511   friend class HistoryBackendDBTest;  // So the unit tests can poke our innards.
    512   FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(HistoryBackendTest, DeleteAll);
    513   FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(HistoryBackendTest, DeleteAllThenAddData);
    514   FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(HistoryBackendTest, AddPagesWithDetails);
    515   FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(HistoryBackendTest, UpdateURLs);
    516   FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(HistoryBackendTest, ImportedFaviconsTest);
    517   FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(HistoryBackendTest, URLsNoLongerBookmarked);
    518   FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(HistoryBackendTest, StripUsernamePasswordTest);
    519   FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(HistoryBackendTest, DeleteThumbnailsDatabaseTest);
    520   FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(HistoryBackendTest, AddPageVisitSource);
    521   FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(HistoryBackendTest, AddPageVisitNotLastVisit);
    522   FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(HistoryBackendTest,
    523                            AddPageVisitFiresNotificationWithCorrectDetails);
    524   FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(HistoryBackendTest, AddPageArgsSource);
    525   FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(HistoryBackendTest, AddVisitsSource);
    526   FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(HistoryBackendTest, GetMostRecentVisits);
    527   FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(HistoryBackendTest, RemoveVisitsSource);
    528   FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(HistoryBackendTest, RemoveVisitsTransitions);
    529   FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(HistoryBackendTest, MigrationVisitSource);
    530   FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(HistoryBackendTest,
    531                            SetFaviconMappingsForPageAndRedirects);
    532   FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(HistoryBackendTest,
    533                            SetFaviconMappingsForPageDuplicates);
    534   FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(HistoryBackendTest, SetFaviconsDeleteBitmaps);
    535   FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(HistoryBackendTest, SetFaviconsReplaceBitmapData);
    536   FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(HistoryBackendTest,
    537                            SetFaviconsSameFaviconURLForTwoPages);
    538   FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(HistoryBackendTest,
    539                            UpdateFaviconMappingsAndFetchNoChange);
    540   FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(HistoryBackendTest, MergeFaviconPageURLNotInDB);
    541   FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(HistoryBackendTest, MergeFaviconPageURLInDB);
    542   FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(HistoryBackendTest, MergeFaviconMaxFaviconsPerPage);
    543   FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(HistoryBackendTest,
    544                            MergeFaviconIconURLMappedToDifferentPageURL);
    545   FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(HistoryBackendTest,
    546                            MergeFaviconMaxFaviconBitmapsPerIconURL);
    547   FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(HistoryBackendTest,
    548                            UpdateFaviconMappingsAndFetchMultipleIconTypes);
    549   FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(HistoryBackendTest, GetFaviconsFromDBEmpty);
    550   FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(HistoryBackendTest,
    551                            GetFaviconsFromDBNoFaviconBitmaps);
    552   FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(HistoryBackendTest,
    553                            GetFaviconsFromDBSelectClosestMatch);
    554   FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(HistoryBackendTest, GetFaviconsFromDBIconType);
    555   FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(HistoryBackendTest, GetFaviconsFromDBExpired);
    556   FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(HistoryBackendTest,
    557                            UpdateFaviconMappingsAndFetchNoDB);
    558   FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(HistoryBackendTest,
    559                            CloneFaviconIsRestrictedToSameDomain);
    560   FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(HistoryBackendTest, QueryFilteredURLs);
    561   FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(HistoryBackendTest, UpdateVisitDuration);
    562   FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(HistoryBackendTest, ExpireHistoryForTimes);
    563   FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(HistoryBackendTest, DeleteFTSIndexDatabases);
    565   friend class ::TestingProfile;
    567   // Computes the name of the specified database on disk.
    568   base::FilePath GetArchivedFileName() const;
    569   base::FilePath GetThumbnailFileName() const;
    571   // Returns the name of the Favicons database. This is the new name
    572   // of the Thumbnails database.
    573   base::FilePath GetFaviconsFileName() const;
    575 #if defined(OS_ANDROID)
    576   // Returns the name of android cache database.
    577   base::FilePath GetAndroidCacheFileName() const;
    579   // Populate a map from a |MostVisitedURLList|. The map assigns a rank to each
    580   // top URL and its redirects. This should only be done once at backend
    581   // initialization.
    582   // This can be removed for M31. (See issue 248761.)
    584   void PopulateMostVisitedURLMap();
    585   // Record counts of page visits by rank. If a url is not ranked, record the
    586   // page visit in a slot corresponding to |max_top_url_count|, which should
    587   // be one greater than the largest rank of any url in |top_urls|.
    588   // This can be removed for M31. (See issue 248761.)
    589   void RecordTopPageVisitStats(const GURL& url);
    590 #endif
    592   class URLQuerier;
    593   friend class URLQuerier;
    595   // Does the work of Init.
    596   void InitImpl(const std::string& languages);
    598   // Called when the system is under memory pressure.
    599   void OnMemoryPressure(
    600       base::MemoryPressureListener::MemoryPressureLevel memory_pressure_level);
    602   // Closes all databases managed by HistoryBackend. Commits any pending
    603   // transactions.
    604   void CloseAllDatabases();
    606   // Adds a single visit to the database, updating the URL information such
    607   // as visit and typed count. The visit ID of the added visit and the URL ID
    608   // of the associated URL (whether added or not) is returned. Both values will
    609   // be 0 on failure.
    610   //
    611   // This does not schedule database commits, it is intended to be used as a
    612   // subroutine for AddPage only. It also assumes the database is valid.
    613   std::pair<URLID, VisitID> AddPageVisit(const GURL& url,
    614                                          base::Time time,
    615                                          VisitID referring_visit,
    616                                          ui::PageTransition transition,
    617                                          VisitSource visit_source);
    619   // Returns a redirect chain in |redirects| for the VisitID
    620   // |cur_visit|. |cur_visit| is assumed to be valid. Assumes that
    621   // this HistoryBackend object has been Init()ed successfully.
    622   void GetRedirectsFromSpecificVisit(
    623       VisitID cur_visit, history::RedirectList* redirects);
    625   // Similar to the above function except returns a redirect list ending
    626   // at |cur_visit|.
    627   void GetRedirectsToSpecificVisit(
    628       VisitID cur_visit, history::RedirectList* redirects);
    630   // Update the visit_duration information in visits table.
    631   void UpdateVisitDuration(VisitID visit_id, const base::Time end_ts);
    633   // Querying ------------------------------------------------------------------
    635   // Backends for QueryHistory. *Basic() handles queries that are not
    636   // text search queries and can just be given directly to the history DB.
    637   // The *Text() version performs a brute force query of the history DB to
    638   // search for results which match the given text query.
    639   // Both functions assume QueryHistory already checked the DB for validity.
    640   void QueryHistoryBasic(const QueryOptions& options, QueryResults* result);
    641   void QueryHistoryText(const base::string16& text_query,
    642                         const QueryOptions& options,
    643                         QueryResults* result);
    645   // Committing ----------------------------------------------------------------
    647   // We always keep a transaction open on the history database so that multiple
    648   // transactions can be batched. Periodically, these are flushed (use
    649   // ScheduleCommit). This function does the commit to write any new changes to
    650   // disk and opens a new transaction. This will be called automatically by
    651   // ScheduleCommit, or it can be called explicitly if a caller really wants
    652   // to write something to disk.
    653   void Commit();
    655   // Schedules a commit to happen in the future. We do this so that many
    656   // operations over a period of time will be batched together. If there is
    657   // already a commit scheduled for the future, this will do nothing.
    658   void ScheduleCommit();
    660   // Cancels the scheduled commit, if any. If there is no scheduled commit,
    661   // does nothing.
    662   void CancelScheduledCommit();
    664   // Segments ------------------------------------------------------------------
    666   // Walks back a segment chain to find the last visit with a non null segment
    667   // id and returns it. If there is none found, returns 0.
    668   SegmentID GetLastSegmentID(VisitID from_visit);
    670   // Update the segment information. This is called internally when a page is
    671   // added. Return the segment id of the segment that has been updated.
    672   SegmentID UpdateSegments(const GURL& url,
    673                            VisitID from_visit,
    674                            VisitID visit_id,
    675                            ui::PageTransition transition_type,
    676                            const base::Time ts);
    678   // Favicons ------------------------------------------------------------------
    680   // Used by both UpdateFaviconMappingsAndFetch and GetFavicons.
    681   // If |page_url| is non-null, the icon urls for |page_url| (and all
    682   // redirects) are set to the subset of |icon_urls| for which icons are
    683   // already stored in the database.
    684   // If |page_url| is non-null, |icon_types| can be multiple icon types
    685   // only if |icon_types| == TOUCH_ICON | TOUCH_PRECOMPOSED_ICON.
    686   // If multiple icon types are specified, |page_url| will be mapped to the
    687   // icon URLs of the largest type available in the database.
    688   void UpdateFaviconMappingsAndFetchImpl(
    689       const GURL* page_url,
    690       const std::vector<GURL>& icon_urls,
    691       int icon_types,
    692       const std::vector<int>& desired_sizes,
    693       std::vector<favicon_base::FaviconRawBitmapResult>* results);
    695   // Set the favicon bitmaps for |icon_id|.
    696   // For each entry in |bitmaps|, if a favicon bitmap already exists at the
    697   // entry's pixel size, replace the favicon bitmap's data with the entry's
    698   // bitmap data. Otherwise add a new favicon bitmap.
    699   // Any favicon bitmaps already mapped to |icon_id| whose pixel size does not
    700   // match the pixel size of one of |bitmaps| is deleted.
    701   // Returns true if any of the bitmap data at |icon_id| is changed as a result
    702   // of calling this method.
    703   bool SetFaviconBitmaps(favicon_base::FaviconID icon_id,
    704                          const std::vector<SkBitmap>& bitmaps);
    706   // Returns true if the bitmap data at |bitmap_id| equals |new_bitmap_data|.
    707   bool IsFaviconBitmapDataEqual(
    708       FaviconBitmapID bitmap_id,
    709       const scoped_refptr<base::RefCountedMemory>& new_bitmap_data);
    711   // Returns true if there are favicons for |page_url| and one of the types in
    712   // |icon_types|.
    713   // |favicon_bitmap_results| is set to the favicon bitmaps whose edge sizes
    714   // most closely match |desired_sizes|. If |desired_sizes| has a '0' entry, the
    715   // largest favicon bitmap with one of the icon types in |icon_types| is
    716   // returned. If |icon_types| contains multiple icon types and there are
    717   // several matched icon types in the database, results will only be returned
    718   // for a single icon type in the priority of TOUCH_PRECOMPOSED_ICON,
    719   // TOUCH_ICON, and FAVICON. See the comment for
    720   // GetFaviconResultsForBestMatch() for more details on how
    721   // |favicon_bitmap_results| is constructed.
    722   bool GetFaviconsFromDB(
    723       const GURL& page_url,
    724       int icon_types,
    725       const std::vector<int>& desired_sizes,
    726       std::vector<favicon_base::FaviconRawBitmapResult>*
    727           favicon_bitmap_results);
    729   // Returns the favicon bitmaps whose edge sizes most closely match
    730   // |desired_sizes| in |favicon_bitmap_results|. If |desired_sizes| has a '0'
    731   // entry, only the largest favicon bitmap is returned. Goodness is computed
    732   // via SelectFaviconFrameIndices(). It is computed on a per FaviconID basis,
    733   // thus all |favicon_bitmap_results| are guaranteed to be for the same
    734   // FaviconID. |favicon_bitmap_results| will have at most one entry for each
    735   // desired edge size. There will be fewer entries if the same favicon bitmap
    736   // is the best result for multiple edge sizes.
    737   // Returns true if there were no errors.
    738   bool GetFaviconBitmapResultsForBestMatch(
    739       const std::vector<favicon_base::FaviconID>& candidate_favicon_ids,
    740       const std::vector<int>& desired_sizes,
    741       std::vector<favicon_base::FaviconRawBitmapResult>*
    742           favicon_bitmap_results);
    744   // Maps the favicon ids in |icon_ids| to |page_url| (and all redirects)
    745   // for |icon_type|.
    746   // Returns true if the mappings for the page or any of its redirects were
    747   // changed.
    748   bool SetFaviconMappingsForPageAndRedirects(
    749       const GURL& page_url,
    750       favicon_base::IconType icon_type,
    751       const std::vector<favicon_base::FaviconID>& icon_ids);
    753   // Maps the favicon ids in |icon_ids| to |page_url| for |icon_type|.
    754   // Returns true if the function changed some of |page_url|'s mappings.
    755   bool SetFaviconMappingsForPage(
    756       const GURL& page_url,
    757       favicon_base::IconType icon_type,
    758       const std::vector<favicon_base::FaviconID>& icon_ids);
    760   // Returns all the page URLs in the redirect chain for |page_url|. If there
    761   // are no known redirects for |page_url|, returns a vector with |page_url|.
    762   void GetCachedRecentRedirects(const GURL& page_url,
    763                                 history::RedirectList* redirect_list);
    765   // Send notification that the favicon has changed for |page_url| and all its
    766   // redirects.
    767   void SendFaviconChangedNotificationForPageAndRedirects(
    768       const GURL& page_url);
    770   // Generic stuff -------------------------------------------------------------
    772   // Processes the next scheduled HistoryDBTask, scheduling this method
    773   // to be invoked again if there are more tasks that need to run.
    774   void ProcessDBTaskImpl();
    776   virtual void BroadcastNotifications(
    777       int type,
    778       scoped_ptr<HistoryDetails> details) OVERRIDE;
    779   virtual void NotifySyncURLsModified(URLRows* rows) OVERRIDE;
    780   virtual void NotifySyncURLsDeleted(bool all_history,
    781                                      bool expired,
    782                                      URLRows* rows) OVERRIDE;
    784   // Deleting all history ------------------------------------------------------
    786   // Deletes all history. This is a special case of deleting that is separated
    787   // from our normal dependency-following method for performance reasons. The
    788   // logic lives here instead of ExpireHistoryBackend since it will cause
    789   // re-initialization of some databases (e.g. Thumbnails) that could fail.
    790   // When these databases are not valid, our pointers must be NULL, so we need
    791   // to handle this type of operation to keep the pointers in sync.
    792   void DeleteAllHistory();
    794   // Given a vector of all URLs that we will keep, removes all thumbnails
    795   // referenced by any URL, and also all favicons that aren't used by those
    796   // URLs.
    797   bool ClearAllThumbnailHistory(const URLRows& kept_urls);
    799   // Deletes all information in the history database, except for the supplied
    800   // set of URLs in the URL table (these should correspond to the bookmarked
    801   // URLs).
    802   //
    803   // The IDs of the URLs may change.
    804   bool ClearAllMainHistory(const URLRows& kept_urls);
    806   // Deletes the FTS index database files, which are no longer used.
    807   void DeleteFTSIndexDatabases();
    809   // Returns the HistoryClient, blocking until the bookmarks are loaded. This
    810   // may return NULL during testing.
    811   HistoryClient* GetHistoryClient();
    813   // Notify any observers of an addition to the visit database.
    814   void NotifyVisitObservers(const VisitRow& visit);
    816   // Data ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    818   // Delegate. See the class definition above for more information. This will
    819   // be NULL before Init is called and after Cleanup, but is guaranteed
    820   // non-NULL in between.
    821   scoped_ptr<Delegate> delegate_;
    823   // Directory where database files will be stored.
    824   base::FilePath history_dir_;
    826   // The history/thumbnail databases. Either MAY BE NULL if the database could
    827   // not be opened, all users must first check for NULL and return immediately
    828   // if it is. The thumbnail DB may be NULL when the history one isn't, but not
    829   // vice-versa.
    830   scoped_ptr<HistoryDatabase> db_;
    831   bool scheduled_kill_db_;  // Database is being killed due to error.
    832   scoped_ptr<ThumbnailDatabase> thumbnail_db_;
    834   // Manages expiration between the various databases.
    835   ExpireHistoryBackend expirer_;
    837   // A commit has been scheduled to occur sometime in the future. We can check
    838   // non-null-ness to see if there is a commit scheduled in the future, and we
    839   // can use the pointer to cancel the scheduled commit. There can be only one
    840   // scheduled commit at a time (see ScheduleCommit).
    841   scoped_refptr<CommitLaterTask> scheduled_commit_;
    843   // Maps recent redirect destination pages to the chain of redirects that
    844   // brought us to there. Pages that did not have redirects or were not the
    845   // final redirect in a chain will not be in this list, as well as pages that
    846   // redirected "too long" ago (as determined by ExpireOldRedirects above).
    847   // It is used to set titles & favicons for redirects to that of the
    848   // destination.
    849   //
    850   // As with AddPage, the last item in the redirect chain will be the
    851   // destination of the redirect (i.e., the key into recent_redirects_);
    852   typedef base::MRUCache<GURL, history::RedirectList> RedirectCache;
    853   RedirectCache recent_redirects_;
    855   // Timestamp of the first entry in our database.
    856   base::Time first_recorded_time_;
    858   // When set, this is the task that should be invoked on destruction.
    859   base::MessageLoop* backend_destroy_message_loop_;
    860   base::Closure backend_destroy_task_;
    862   // Tracks page transition types.
    863   VisitTracker tracker_;
    865   // A boolean variable to track whether we have already purged obsolete segment
    866   // data.
    867   bool segment_queried_;
    869   // List of QueuedHistoryDBTasks to run;
    870   std::list<QueuedHistoryDBTask*> queued_history_db_tasks_;
    872   // Used to determine if a URL is bookmarked; may be NULL.
    873   //
    874   // Use GetHistoryClient to access this, which makes sure the bookmarks are
    875   // loaded before returning.
    876   HistoryClient* history_client_;
    878 #if defined(OS_ANDROID)
    879   // Used to provide the Android ContentProvider APIs.
    880   scoped_ptr<AndroidProviderBackend> android_provider_backend_;
    882   // Used to provide UMA on the number of page visits that are to the most
    883   // visited URLs. This is here because the backend both has access to this
    884   // information and is notified of page visits. The top sites service should
    885   // be used instead whenever possible.
    886   std::map<GURL, int> most_visited_urls_map_;
    887 #endif
    889   // Used to manage syncing of the typed urls datatype. This will be NULL
    890   // before Init is called.
    891   scoped_ptr<TypedUrlSyncableService> typed_url_syncable_service_;
    893   // Listens for the system being under memory pressure.
    894   scoped_ptr<base::MemoryPressureListener> memory_pressure_listener_;
    896   DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(HistoryBackend);
    897 };
    899 }  // namespace history