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      1 //===--- Module.h - Describe a module ---------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
      2 //
      3 //                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
      4 //
      5 // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
      6 // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
      7 //
      8 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
      9 ///
     10 /// \file
     11 /// \brief Defines the clang::Module class, which describes a module in the
     12 /// source code.
     13 ///
     14 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
     18 #include "clang/Basic/SourceLocation.h"
     19 #include "llvm/ADT/DenseSet.h"
     20 #include "llvm/ADT/PointerIntPair.h"
     21 #include "llvm/ADT/PointerUnion.h"
     22 #include "llvm/ADT/SetVector.h"
     23 #include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
     24 #include "llvm/ADT/StringMap.h"
     25 #include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
     26 #include <string>
     27 #include <utility>
     28 #include <vector>
     30 namespace llvm {
     31   class raw_ostream;
     32 }
     34 namespace clang {
     36 class DirectoryEntry;
     37 class FileEntry;
     38 class FileManager;
     39 class LangOptions;
     40 class TargetInfo;
     41 class IdentifierInfo;
     43 /// \brief Describes the name of a module.
     44 typedef SmallVector<std::pair<std::string, SourceLocation>, 2> ModuleId;
     46 /// \brief Describes a module or submodule.
     47 class Module {
     48 public:
     49   /// \brief The name of this module.
     50   std::string Name;
     52   /// \brief The location of the module definition.
     53   SourceLocation DefinitionLoc;
     55   /// \brief The parent of this module. This will be NULL for the top-level
     56   /// module.
     57   Module *Parent;
     59   /// \brief The module map file that (along with the module name) uniquely
     60   /// identifies this module.
     61   ///
     62   /// The particular module that \c Name refers to may depend on how the module
     63   /// was found in header search. However, the combination of \c Name and
     64   /// \c ModuleMap will be globally unique for top-level modules. In the case of
     65   /// inferred modules, \c ModuleMap will contain the module map that allowed
     66   /// the inference (e.g. contained 'Module *') rather than the virtual
     67   /// inferred module map file.
     68   const FileEntry *ModuleMap;
     70   /// \brief The umbrella header or directory.
     71   llvm::PointerUnion<const DirectoryEntry *, const FileEntry *> Umbrella;
     73 private:
     74   /// \brief The submodules of this module, indexed by name.
     75   std::vector<Module *> SubModules;
     77   /// \brief A mapping from the submodule name to the index into the
     78   /// \c SubModules vector at which that submodule resides.
     79   llvm::StringMap<unsigned> SubModuleIndex;
     81   /// \brief The AST file if this is a top-level module which has a
     82   /// corresponding serialized AST file, or null otherwise.
     83   const FileEntry *ASTFile;
     85   /// \brief The top-level headers associated with this module.
     86   llvm::SmallSetVector<const FileEntry *, 2> TopHeaders;
     88   /// \brief top-level header filenames that aren't resolved to FileEntries yet.
     89   std::vector<std::string> TopHeaderNames;
     91   /// \brief Cache of modules visible to lookup in this module.
     92   mutable llvm::DenseSet<const Module*> VisibleModulesCache;
     94 public:
     95   /// \brief The headers that are part of this module.
     96   SmallVector<const FileEntry *, 2> NormalHeaders;
     98   /// \brief The headers that are explicitly excluded from this module.
     99   SmallVector<const FileEntry *, 2> ExcludedHeaders;
    101   /// \brief The headers that are private to this module.
    102   SmallVector<const FileEntry *, 2> PrivateHeaders;
    104   /// \brief Information about a header directive as found in the module map
    105   /// file.
    106   struct HeaderDirective {
    107     SourceLocation FileNameLoc;
    108     std::string FileName;
    109     bool IsUmbrella;
    110   };
    112   /// \brief Headers that are mentioned in the module map file but could not be
    113   /// found on the file system.
    114   SmallVector<HeaderDirective, 1> MissingHeaders;
    116   /// \brief An individual requirement: a feature name and a flag indicating
    117   /// the required state of that feature.
    118   typedef std::pair<std::string, bool> Requirement;
    120   /// \brief The set of language features required to use this module.
    121   ///
    122   /// If any of these requirements are not available, the \c IsAvailable bit
    123   /// will be false to indicate that this (sub)module is not available.
    124   SmallVector<Requirement, 2> Requirements;
    126   /// \brief Whether this module is missing a feature from \c Requirements.
    127   unsigned IsMissingRequirement : 1;
    129   /// \brief Whether this module is available in the current translation unit.
    130   ///
    131   /// If the module is missing headers or does not meet all requirements then
    132   /// this bit will be 0.
    133   unsigned IsAvailable : 1;
    135   /// \brief Whether this module was loaded from a module file.
    136   unsigned IsFromModuleFile : 1;
    138   /// \brief Whether this is a framework module.
    139   unsigned IsFramework : 1;
    141   /// \brief Whether this is an explicit submodule.
    142   unsigned IsExplicit : 1;
    144   /// \brief Whether this is a "system" module (which assumes that all
    145   /// headers in it are system headers).
    146   unsigned IsSystem : 1;
    148   /// \brief Whether this is an 'extern "C"' module (which implicitly puts all
    149   /// headers in it within an 'extern "C"' block, and allows the module to be
    150   /// imported within such a block).
    151   unsigned IsExternC : 1;
    153   /// \brief Whether this is an inferred submodule (module * { ... }).
    154   unsigned IsInferred : 1;
    156   /// \brief Whether we should infer submodules for this module based on
    157   /// the headers.
    158   ///
    159   /// Submodules can only be inferred for modules with an umbrella header.
    160   unsigned InferSubmodules : 1;
    162   /// \brief Whether, when inferring submodules, the inferred submodules
    163   /// should be explicit.
    164   unsigned InferExplicitSubmodules : 1;
    166   /// \brief Whether, when inferring submodules, the inferr submodules should
    167   /// export all modules they import (e.g., the equivalent of "export *").
    168   unsigned InferExportWildcard : 1;
    170   /// \brief Whether the set of configuration macros is exhaustive.
    171   ///
    172   /// When the set of configuration macros is exhaustive, meaning
    173   /// that no identifier not in this list should affect how the module is
    174   /// built.
    175   unsigned ConfigMacrosExhaustive : 1;
    177   /// \brief Describes the visibility of the various names within a
    178   /// particular module.
    179   enum NameVisibilityKind {
    180     /// \brief All of the names in this module are hidden.
    181     ///
    182     Hidden,
    183     /// \brief Only the macro names in this module are visible.
    184     MacrosVisible,
    185     /// \brief All of the names in this module are visible.
    186     AllVisible
    187   };
    189   /// \brief The visibility of names within this particular module.
    190   NameVisibilityKind NameVisibility;
    192   /// \brief The location at which macros within this module became visible.
    193   SourceLocation MacroVisibilityLoc;
    195   /// \brief The location of the inferred submodule.
    196   SourceLocation InferredSubmoduleLoc;
    198   /// \brief The set of modules imported by this module, and on which this
    199   /// module depends.
    200   SmallVector<Module *, 2> Imports;
    202   /// \brief Describes an exported module.
    203   ///
    204   /// The pointer is the module being re-exported, while the bit will be true
    205   /// to indicate that this is a wildcard export.
    206   typedef llvm::PointerIntPair<Module *, 1, bool> ExportDecl;
    208   /// \brief The set of export declarations.
    209   SmallVector<ExportDecl, 2> Exports;
    211   /// \brief Describes an exported module that has not yet been resolved
    212   /// (perhaps because the module it refers to has not yet been loaded).
    213   struct UnresolvedExportDecl {
    214     /// \brief The location of the 'export' keyword in the module map file.
    215     SourceLocation ExportLoc;
    217     /// \brief The name of the module.
    218     ModuleId Id;
    220     /// \brief Whether this export declaration ends in a wildcard, indicating
    221     /// that all of its submodules should be exported (rather than the named
    222     /// module itself).
    223     bool Wildcard;
    224   };
    226   /// \brief The set of export declarations that have yet to be resolved.
    227   SmallVector<UnresolvedExportDecl, 2> UnresolvedExports;
    229   /// \brief The directly used modules.
    230   SmallVector<Module *, 2> DirectUses;
    232   /// \brief The set of use declarations that have yet to be resolved.
    233   SmallVector<ModuleId, 2> UnresolvedDirectUses;
    235   /// \brief A library or framework to link against when an entity from this
    236   /// module is used.
    237   struct LinkLibrary {
    238     LinkLibrary() : IsFramework(false) { }
    239     LinkLibrary(const std::string &Library, bool IsFramework)
    240       : Library(Library), IsFramework(IsFramework) { }
    242     /// \brief The library to link against.
    243     ///
    244     /// This will typically be a library or framework name, but can also
    245     /// be an absolute path to the library or framework.
    246     std::string Library;
    248     /// \brief Whether this is a framework rather than a library.
    249     bool IsFramework;
    250   };
    252   /// \brief The set of libraries or frameworks to link against when
    253   /// an entity from this module is used.
    254   llvm::SmallVector<LinkLibrary, 2> LinkLibraries;
    256   /// \brief The set of "configuration macros", which are macros that
    257   /// (intentionally) change how this module is built.
    258   std::vector<std::string> ConfigMacros;
    260   /// \brief An unresolved conflict with another module.
    261   struct UnresolvedConflict {
    262     /// \brief The (unresolved) module id.
    263     ModuleId Id;
    265     /// \brief The message provided to the user when there is a conflict.
    266     std::string Message;
    267   };
    269   /// \brief The list of conflicts for which the module-id has not yet been
    270   /// resolved.
    271   std::vector<UnresolvedConflict> UnresolvedConflicts;
    273   /// \brief A conflict between two modules.
    274   struct Conflict {
    275     /// \brief The module that this module conflicts with.
    276     Module *Other;
    278     /// \brief The message provided to the user when there is a conflict.
    279     std::string Message;
    280   };
    282   /// \brief The list of conflicts.
    283   std::vector<Conflict> Conflicts;
    285   /// \brief Construct a new module or submodule.
    286   ///
    287   /// For an explanation of \p ModuleMap, see Module::ModuleMap.
    288   Module(StringRef Name, SourceLocation DefinitionLoc, Module *Parent,
    289          const FileEntry *ModuleMap, bool IsFramework, bool IsExplicit);
    291   ~Module();
    293   /// \brief Determine whether this module is available for use within the
    294   /// current translation unit.
    295   bool isAvailable() const { return IsAvailable; }
    297   /// \brief Determine whether this module is available for use within the
    298   /// current translation unit.
    299   ///
    300   /// \param LangOpts The language options used for the current
    301   /// translation unit.
    302   ///
    303   /// \param Target The target options used for the current translation unit.
    304   ///
    305   /// \param Req If this module is unavailable, this parameter
    306   /// will be set to one of the requirements that is not met for use of
    307   /// this module.
    308   bool isAvailable(const LangOptions &LangOpts,
    309                    const TargetInfo &Target,
    310                    Requirement &Req,
    311                    HeaderDirective &MissingHeader) const;
    313   /// \brief Determine whether this module is a submodule.
    314   bool isSubModule() const { return Parent != nullptr; }
    316   /// \brief Determine whether this module is a submodule of the given other
    317   /// module.
    318   bool isSubModuleOf(const Module *Other) const;
    320   /// \brief Determine whether this module is a part of a framework,
    321   /// either because it is a framework module or because it is a submodule
    322   /// of a framework module.
    323   bool isPartOfFramework() const {
    324     for (const Module *Mod = this; Mod; Mod = Mod->Parent)
    325       if (Mod->IsFramework)
    326         return true;
    328     return false;
    329   }
    331   /// \brief Determine whether this module is a subframework of another
    332   /// framework.
    333   bool isSubFramework() const {
    334     return IsFramework && Parent && Parent->isPartOfFramework();
    335   }
    337   /// \brief Retrieve the full name of this module, including the path from
    338   /// its top-level module.
    339   std::string getFullModuleName() const;
    341   /// \brief Retrieve the top-level module for this (sub)module, which may
    342   /// be this module.
    343   Module *getTopLevelModule() {
    344     return const_cast<Module *>(
    345              const_cast<const Module *>(this)->getTopLevelModule());
    346   }
    348   /// \brief Retrieve the top-level module for this (sub)module, which may
    349   /// be this module.
    350   const Module *getTopLevelModule() const;
    352   /// \brief Retrieve the name of the top-level module.
    353   ///
    354   StringRef getTopLevelModuleName() const {
    355     return getTopLevelModule()->Name;
    356   }
    358   /// \brief The serialized AST file for this module, if one was created.
    359   const FileEntry *getASTFile() const {
    360     return getTopLevelModule()->ASTFile;
    361   }
    363   /// \brief Set the serialized AST file for the top-level module of this module.
    364   void setASTFile(const FileEntry *File) {
    365     assert((File == nullptr || getASTFile() == nullptr ||
    366             getASTFile() == File) && "file path changed");
    367     getTopLevelModule()->ASTFile = File;
    368   }
    370   /// \brief Retrieve the directory for which this module serves as the
    371   /// umbrella.
    372   const DirectoryEntry *getUmbrellaDir() const;
    374   /// \brief Retrieve the header that serves as the umbrella header for this
    375   /// module.
    376   const FileEntry *getUmbrellaHeader() const {
    377     return Umbrella.dyn_cast<const FileEntry *>();
    378   }
    380   /// \brief Determine whether this module has an umbrella directory that is
    381   /// not based on an umbrella header.
    382   bool hasUmbrellaDir() const {
    383     return Umbrella && Umbrella.is<const DirectoryEntry *>();
    384   }
    386   /// \brief Add a top-level header associated with this module.
    387   void addTopHeader(const FileEntry *File) {
    388     assert(File);
    389     TopHeaders.insert(File);
    390   }
    392   /// \brief Add a top-level header filename associated with this module.
    393   void addTopHeaderFilename(StringRef Filename) {
    394     TopHeaderNames.push_back(Filename);
    395   }
    397   /// \brief The top-level headers associated with this module.
    398   ArrayRef<const FileEntry *> getTopHeaders(FileManager &FileMgr);
    400   /// \brief Add the given feature requirement to the list of features
    401   /// required by this module.
    402   ///
    403   /// \param Feature The feature that is required by this module (and
    404   /// its submodules).
    405   ///
    406   /// \param RequiredState The required state of this feature: \c true
    407   /// if it must be present, \c false if it must be absent.
    408   ///
    409   /// \param LangOpts The set of language options that will be used to
    410   /// evaluate the availability of this feature.
    411   ///
    412   /// \param Target The target options that will be used to evaluate the
    413   /// availability of this feature.
    414   void addRequirement(StringRef Feature, bool RequiredState,
    415                       const LangOptions &LangOpts,
    416                       const TargetInfo &Target);
    418   /// \brief Mark this module and all of its submodules as unavailable.
    419   void markUnavailable(bool MissingRequirement = false);
    421   /// \brief Find the submodule with the given name.
    422   ///
    423   /// \returns The submodule if found, or NULL otherwise.
    424   Module *findSubmodule(StringRef Name) const;
    426   /// \brief Determine whether the specified module would be visible to
    427   /// a lookup at the end of this module.
    428   ///
    429   /// FIXME: This may return incorrect results for (submodules of) the
    430   /// module currently being built, if it's queried before we see all
    431   /// of its imports.
    432   bool isModuleVisible(const Module *M) const {
    433     if (VisibleModulesCache.empty())
    434       buildVisibleModulesCache();
    435     return VisibleModulesCache.count(M);
    436   }
    438   typedef std::vector<Module *>::iterator submodule_iterator;
    439   typedef std::vector<Module *>::const_iterator submodule_const_iterator;
    441   submodule_iterator submodule_begin() { return SubModules.begin(); }
    442   submodule_const_iterator submodule_begin() const {return SubModules.begin();}
    443   submodule_iterator submodule_end()   { return SubModules.end(); }
    444   submodule_const_iterator submodule_end() const { return SubModules.end(); }
    446   /// \brief Appends this module's list of exported modules to \p Exported.
    447   ///
    448   /// This provides a subset of immediately imported modules (the ones that are
    449   /// directly exported), not the complete set of exported modules.
    450   void getExportedModules(SmallVectorImpl<Module *> &Exported) const;
    452   static StringRef getModuleInputBufferName() {
    453     return "<module-includes>";
    454   }
    456   /// \brief Print the module map for this module to the given stream.
    457   ///
    458   void print(raw_ostream &OS, unsigned Indent = 0) const;
    460   /// \brief Dump the contents of this module to the given output stream.
    461   void dump() const;
    463 private:
    464   void buildVisibleModulesCache() const;
    465 };
    467 } // end namespace clang
    470 #endif // LLVM_CLANG_BASIC_MODULE_H