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      1 // Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 // found in the LICENSE file.
      8 #include <list>
      9 #include <map>
     10 #include <set>
     11 #include <string>
     12 #include <vector>
     14 #include "base/callback_list.h"
     15 #include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
     16 #include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
     17 #include "base/observer_list.h"
     18 #include "base/prefs/pref_change_registrar.h"
     19 #include "components/google/core/browser/google_url_tracker.h"
     20 #include "components/keyed_service/core/keyed_service.h"
     21 #include "components/search_engines/default_search_manager.h"
     22 #include "components/search_engines/keyword_web_data_service.h"
     23 #include "components/search_engines/template_url.h"
     24 #include "components/search_engines/template_url_id.h"
     25 #include "components/webdata/common/web_data_service_consumer.h"
     26 #include "sync/api/sync_change.h"
     27 #include "sync/api/syncable_service.h"
     29 class GURL;
     30 class PrefService;
     31 class SearchHostToURLsMap;
     32 class SearchTermsData;
     33 class TemplateURL;
     34 struct TemplateURLData;
     35 class TemplateURLServiceClient;
     36 class TemplateURLServiceObserver;
     38 namespace rappor {
     39 class RapporService;
     40 }
     42 namespace syncer {
     43 class SyncData;
     44 class SyncErrorFactory;
     45 }
     47 // TemplateURLService is the backend for keywords. It's used by
     48 // KeywordAutocomplete.
     49 //
     50 // TemplateURLService stores a vector of TemplateURLs. The TemplateURLs are
     51 // persisted to the database maintained by KeywordWebDataService.
     52 // *ALL* mutations to the TemplateURLs must funnel through TemplateURLService.
     53 // This allows TemplateURLService to notify listeners of changes as well as keep
     54 // the database in sync.
     55 //
     56 // TemplateURLService does not load the vector of TemplateURLs in its
     57 // constructor (except for testing). Use the Load method to trigger a load.
     58 // When TemplateURLService has completed loading, observers are notified via
     59 // OnTemplateURLServiceChanged, or by a callback registered prior to calling
     60 // the Load method.
     61 //
     62 // TemplateURLService takes ownership of any TemplateURL passed to it. If there
     63 // is a KeywordWebDataService, deletion is handled by KeywordWebDataService,
     64 // otherwise TemplateURLService handles deletion.
     66 class TemplateURLService : public WebDataServiceConsumer,
     67                            public KeyedService,
     68                            public syncer::SyncableService {
     69  public:
     70   typedef std::map<std::string, std::string> QueryTerms;
     71   typedef std::vector<TemplateURL*> TemplateURLVector;
     72   // Type for a static function pointer that acts as a time source.
     73   typedef base::Time(TimeProvider)();
     74   typedef std::map<std::string, syncer::SyncData> SyncDataMap;
     75   typedef base::CallbackList<void(void)>::Subscription Subscription;
     77   // Struct used for initializing the data store with fake data.
     78   // Each initializer is mapped to a TemplateURL.
     79   struct Initializer {
     80     const char* const keyword;
     81     const char* const url;
     82     const char* const content;
     83   };
     85   struct URLVisitedDetails {
     86     GURL url;
     87     bool is_keyword_transition;
     88   };
     90   TemplateURLService(
     91       PrefService* prefs,
     92       scoped_ptr<SearchTermsData> search_terms_data,
     93       const scoped_refptr<KeywordWebDataService>& web_data_service,
     94       scoped_ptr<TemplateURLServiceClient> client,
     95       GoogleURLTracker* google_url_tracker,
     96       rappor::RapporService* rappor_service,
     97       const base::Closure& dsp_change_callback);
     98   // The following is for testing.
     99   TemplateURLService(const Initializer* initializers, const int count);
    100   virtual ~TemplateURLService();
    102   // Creates a TemplateURLData that was previously saved to |prefs| via
    103   // SaveDefaultSearchProviderToPrefs or set via policy.
    104   // Returns true if successful, false otherwise.
    105   // If the user or the policy has opted for no default search, this
    106   // returns true but default_provider is set to NULL.
    107   // |*is_managed| specifies whether the default is managed via policy.
    108   static bool LoadDefaultSearchProviderFromPrefs(
    109       PrefService* prefs,
    110       scoped_ptr<TemplateURLData>* default_provider_data,
    111       bool* is_managed);
    113   // Removes any unnecessary characters from a user input keyword.
    114   // This removes the leading scheme, "www." and any trailing slash.
    115   static base::string16 CleanUserInputKeyword(const base::string16& keyword);
    117   // Saves enough of url to |prefs| so that it can be loaded from preferences on
    118   // start up.
    119   static void SaveDefaultSearchProviderToPrefs(const TemplateURL* url,
    120                                                PrefService* prefs);
    122   // Returns true if there is no TemplateURL that conflicts with the
    123   // keyword/url pair, or there is one but it can be replaced. If there is an
    124   // existing keyword that can be replaced and template_url_to_replace is
    125   // non-NULL, template_url_to_replace is set to the keyword to replace.
    126   //
    127   // url gives the url of the search query. The url is used to avoid generating
    128   // a TemplateURL for an existing TemplateURL that shares the same host.
    129   bool CanReplaceKeyword(const base::string16& keyword,
    130                          const GURL& url,
    131                          TemplateURL** template_url_to_replace);
    133   // Returns (in |matches|) all TemplateURLs whose keywords begin with |prefix|,
    134   // sorted shortest keyword-first. If |support_replacement_only| is true, only
    135   // TemplateURLs that support replacement are returned.
    136   void FindMatchingKeywords(const base::string16& prefix,
    137                             bool support_replacement_only,
    138                             TemplateURLVector* matches);
    140   // Looks up |keyword| and returns the element it maps to.  Returns NULL if
    141   // the keyword was not found.
    142   // The caller should not try to delete the returned pointer; the data store
    143   // retains ownership of it.
    144   TemplateURL* GetTemplateURLForKeyword(const base::string16& keyword);
    146   // Returns that TemplateURL with the specified GUID, or NULL if not found.
    147   // The caller should not try to delete the returned pointer; the data store
    148   // retains ownership of it.
    149   TemplateURL* GetTemplateURLForGUID(const std::string& sync_guid);
    151   // Returns the first TemplateURL found with a URL using the specified |host|,
    152   // or NULL if there are no such TemplateURLs
    153   TemplateURL* GetTemplateURLForHost(const std::string& host);
    155   // Takes ownership of |template_url| and adds it to this model.  For obvious
    156   // reasons, it is illegal to Add() the same |template_url| pointer twice.
    157   // Returns true if the Add is successful.
    158   bool Add(TemplateURL* template_url);
    160   // Like Add(), but overwrites the |template_url|'s values with the provided
    161   // ones.
    162   void AddWithOverrides(TemplateURL* template_url,
    163                         const base::string16& short_name,
    164                         const base::string16& keyword,
    165                         const std::string& url);
    167   // Adds a search engine with the specified info.
    168   void AddExtensionControlledTURL(
    169       TemplateURL* template_url,
    170       scoped_ptr<TemplateURL::AssociatedExtensionInfo> info);
    172   // Removes the keyword from the model. This deletes the supplied TemplateURL.
    173   // This fails if the supplied template_url is the default search provider.
    174   void Remove(TemplateURL* template_url);
    176   // Removes any TemplateURL of the specified |type| associated with
    177   // |extension_id|. Unlike with Remove(), this can be called when the
    178   // TemplateURL in question is the current default search provider.
    179   void RemoveExtensionControlledTURL(const std::string& extension_id,
    180                                      TemplateURL::Type type);
    182   // Removes all auto-generated keywords that were created on or after the
    183   // date passed in.
    184   void RemoveAutoGeneratedSince(base::Time created_after);
    186   // Removes all auto-generated keywords that were created in the specified
    187   // range.
    188   void RemoveAutoGeneratedBetween(base::Time created_after,
    189                                   base::Time created_before);
    191   // Removes all auto-generated keywords that were created in the specified
    192   // range for a specified |origin|. If |origin| is empty, deletes all
    193   // auto-generated keywords in the range.
    194   void RemoveAutoGeneratedForOriginBetween(const GURL& origin,
    195                                            base::Time created_after,
    196                                            base::Time created_before);
    198   // Adds a TemplateURL for an extension with an omnibox keyword.
    199   // Only 1 keyword is allowed for a given extension. If a keyword
    200   // already exists for this extension, does nothing.
    201   void RegisterOmniboxKeyword(const std::string& extension_id,
    202                               const std::string& extension_name,
    203                               const std::string& keyword,
    204                               const std::string& template_url_string);
    206   // Returns the set of URLs describing the keywords. The elements are owned
    207   // by TemplateURLService and should not be deleted.
    208   TemplateURLVector GetTemplateURLs();
    210   // Increment the usage count of a keyword.
    211   // Called when a URL is loaded that was generated from a keyword.
    212   void IncrementUsageCount(TemplateURL* url);
    214   // Resets the title, keyword and search url of the specified TemplateURL.
    215   // The TemplateURL is marked as not replaceable.
    216   void ResetTemplateURL(TemplateURL* url,
    217                         const base::string16& title,
    218                         const base::string16& keyword,
    219                         const std::string& search_url);
    221   // Return true if the given |url| can be made the default. This returns false
    222   // regardless of |url| if the default search provider is managed by policy or
    223   // controlled by an extension.
    224   bool CanMakeDefault(const TemplateURL* url);
    226   // Set the default search provider.  |url| may be null.
    227   // This will assert if the default search is managed; the UI should not be
    228   // invoking this method in that situation.
    229   void SetUserSelectedDefaultSearchProvider(TemplateURL* url);
    231   // Returns the default search provider. If the TemplateURLService hasn't been
    232   // loaded, the default search provider is pulled from preferences.
    233   //
    234   // NOTE: At least in unittest mode, this may return NULL.
    235   TemplateURL* GetDefaultSearchProvider();
    237   // Returns true if the |url| is a search results page from the default search
    238   // provider.
    239   bool IsSearchResultsPageFromDefaultSearchProvider(const GURL& url);
    241   // Returns true if the default search is managed through group policy.
    242   bool is_default_search_managed() const {
    243     return default_search_provider_source_ == DefaultSearchManager::FROM_POLICY;
    244   }
    246   // Returns true if the default search provider is controlled by an extension.
    247   bool IsExtensionControlledDefaultSearch();
    249   // Returns the default search specified in the prepopulated data, if it
    250   // exists.  If not, returns first URL in |template_urls_|, or NULL if that's
    251   // empty. The returned object is owned by TemplateURLService and can be
    252   // destroyed at any time so should be used right after the call.
    253   TemplateURL* FindNewDefaultSearchProvider();
    255   // Performs the same actions that happen when the prepopulate data version is
    256   // revved: all existing prepopulated entries are checked against the current
    257   // prepopulate data, any now-extraneous safe_for_autoreplace() entries are
    258   // removed, any existing engines are reset to the provided data (except for
    259   // user-edited names or keywords), and any new prepopulated engines are
    260   // added.
    261   //
    262   // After this, the default search engine is reset to the default entry in the
    263   // prepopulate data.
    264   void RepairPrepopulatedSearchEngines();
    266   // Observers used to listen for changes to the model.
    267   // TemplateURLService does NOT delete the observers when deleted.
    268   void AddObserver(TemplateURLServiceObserver* observer);
    269   void RemoveObserver(TemplateURLServiceObserver* observer);
    271   // Loads the keywords. This has no effect if the keywords have already been
    272   // loaded.
    273   // Observers are notified when loading completes via the method
    274   // OnTemplateURLServiceChanged.
    275   void Load();
    277   // Registers a callback to be called when the service has loaded.
    278   //
    279   // If the service has already loaded, this function does nothing.
    280   scoped_ptr<Subscription> RegisterOnLoadedCallback(
    281       const base::Closure& callback);
    283 #if defined(UNIT_TEST)
    284   void set_loaded(bool value) { loaded_ = value; }
    285 #endif
    287   // Whether or not the keywords have been loaded.
    288   bool loaded() { return loaded_; }
    290   // Notification that the keywords have been loaded.
    291   // This is invoked from WebDataService, and should not be directly
    292   // invoked.
    293   virtual void OnWebDataServiceRequestDone(
    294       KeywordWebDataService::Handle h,
    295       const WDTypedResult* result) OVERRIDE;
    297   // Returns the locale-direction-adjusted short name for the given keyword.
    298   // Also sets the out param to indicate whether the keyword belongs to an
    299   // Omnibox extension.
    300   base::string16 GetKeywordShortName(const base::string16& keyword,
    301                                      bool* is_omnibox_api_extension_keyword);
    303   // Called by the history service when a URL is visited.
    304   void OnHistoryURLVisited(const URLVisitedDetails& details);
    306   // KeyedService implementation.
    307   virtual void Shutdown() OVERRIDE;
    309   // syncer::SyncableService implementation.
    311   // Returns all syncable TemplateURLs from this model as SyncData. This should
    312   // include every search engine and no Extension keywords.
    313   virtual syncer::SyncDataList GetAllSyncData(
    314       syncer::ModelType type) const OVERRIDE;
    315   // Process new search engine changes from Sync, merging them into our local
    316   // data. This may send notifications if local search engines are added,
    317   // updated or removed.
    318   virtual syncer::SyncError ProcessSyncChanges(
    319       const tracked_objects::Location& from_here,
    320       const syncer::SyncChangeList& change_list) OVERRIDE;
    321   // Merge initial search engine data from Sync and push any local changes up
    322   // to Sync. This may send notifications if local search engines are added,
    323   // updated or removed.
    324   virtual syncer::SyncMergeResult MergeDataAndStartSyncing(
    325       syncer::ModelType type,
    326       const syncer::SyncDataList& initial_sync_data,
    327       scoped_ptr<syncer::SyncChangeProcessor> sync_processor,
    328       scoped_ptr<syncer::SyncErrorFactory> sync_error_factory) OVERRIDE;
    329   virtual void StopSyncing(syncer::ModelType type) OVERRIDE;
    331   // Processes a local TemplateURL change for Sync. |turl| is the TemplateURL
    332   // that has been modified, and |type| is the Sync ChangeType that took place.
    333   // This may send a new SyncChange to the cloud. If our model has not yet been
    334   // associated with Sync, or if this is triggered by a Sync change, then this
    335   // does nothing.
    336   void ProcessTemplateURLChange(const tracked_objects::Location& from_here,
    337                                 const TemplateURL* turl,
    338                                 syncer::SyncChange::SyncChangeType type);
    340   // Returns a SearchTermsData which can be used to call TemplateURL methods.
    341   const SearchTermsData& search_terms_data() const {
    342     return *search_terms_data_;
    343   }
    345   // Returns a SyncData with a sync representation of the search engine data
    346   // from |turl|.
    347   static syncer::SyncData CreateSyncDataFromTemplateURL(
    348       const TemplateURL& turl);
    350   // Creates a new heap-allocated TemplateURL* which is populated by overlaying
    351   // |sync_data| atop |existing_turl|.  |existing_turl| may be NULL; if not it
    352   // remains unmodified.  The caller owns the returned TemplateURL*.
    353   //
    354   // If the created TemplateURL is migrated in some way from out-of-date sync
    355   // data, an appropriate SyncChange is added to |change_list|.  If the sync
    356   // data is bad for some reason, an ACTION_DELETE change is added and the
    357   // function returns NULL.
    358   static TemplateURL* CreateTemplateURLFromTemplateURLAndSyncData(
    359       PrefService* prefs,
    360       const SearchTermsData& search_terms_data,
    361       TemplateURL* existing_turl,
    362       const syncer::SyncData& sync_data,
    363       syncer::SyncChangeList* change_list);
    365   // Returns a map mapping Sync GUIDs to pointers to syncer::SyncData.
    366   static SyncDataMap CreateGUIDToSyncDataMap(
    367       const syncer::SyncDataList& sync_data);
    369 #if defined(UNIT_TEST)
    370   // Sets a different time provider function, such as
    371   // base::MockTimeProvider::StaticNow, for testing calls to base::Time::Now.
    372   void set_time_provider(TimeProvider* time_provider) {
    373     time_provider_ = time_provider;
    374   }
    375 #endif
    377  private:
    378   FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(TemplateURLServiceTest, TestManagedDefaultSearch);
    379   FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(TemplateURLServiceTest,
    380                            UpdateKeywordSearchTermsForURL);
    381   FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(TemplateURLServiceTest,
    382                            DontUpdateKeywordSearchForNonReplaceable);
    383   FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(TemplateURLServiceTest, ChangeGoogleBaseValue);
    384   FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(TemplateURLServiceTest, MergeDeletesUnusedProviders);
    385   FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(TemplateURLServiceSyncTest, UniquifyKeyword);
    386   FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(TemplateURLServiceSyncTest,
    387                            IsLocalTemplateURLBetter);
    388   FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(TemplateURLServiceSyncTest,
    389                            ResolveSyncKeywordConflict);
    390   FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(TemplateURLServiceSyncTest, PreSyncDeletes);
    391   FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(TemplateURLServiceSyncTest, MergeInSyncTemplateURL);
    393   friend class InstantUnitTestBase;
    394   friend class TemplateURLServiceTestUtil;
    396   typedef std::map<base::string16, TemplateURL*> KeywordToTemplateMap;
    397   typedef std::map<std::string, TemplateURL*> GUIDToTemplateMap;
    399   // Declaration of values to be used in an enumerated histogram to tally
    400   // changes to the default search provider from various entry points. In
    401   // particular, we use this to see what proportion of changes are from Sync
    402   // entry points, to help spot erroneous Sync activity.
    403   enum DefaultSearchChangeOrigin {
    404     // Various known Sync entry points.
    406     DSP_CHANGE_SYNC_ADD,
    409     // "Other" origins. We differentiate between Sync and not Sync so we know if
    410     // certain changes were intentionally from the system, or possibly some
    411     // unintentional change from when we were Syncing.
    413     // All changes that don't fall into another category; we can't reorder the
    414     // list for clarity as this would screw up stat collection.
    415     DSP_CHANGE_OTHER,
    416     // Changed through "Profile Reset" feature.
    418     // Changed by an extension through the Override Settings API.
    420     // New DSP during database/prepopulate data load, which was not previously
    421     // in the known engine set, and with no previous value in prefs.  The
    422     // typical time to see this is during first run.
    424     // Boundary value.
    425     DSP_CHANGE_MAX,
    426   };
    428   // Helper functor for FindMatchingKeywords(), for finding the range of
    429   // keywords which begin with a prefix.
    430   class LessWithPrefix;
    432   void Init(const Initializer* initializers, int num_initializers);
    434   void RemoveFromMaps(TemplateURL* template_url);
    436   void AddToMaps(TemplateURL* template_url);
    438   // Sets the keywords. This is used once the keywords have been loaded.
    439   // This does NOT notify the delegate or the database.
    440   //
    441   // This transfers ownership of the elements in |urls| to |this|, and may
    442   // delete some elements, so it's not safe for callers to access any elements
    443   // after calling; to reinforce this, this function clears |urls| on exit.
    444   void SetTemplateURLs(TemplateURLVector* urls);
    446   // Transitions to the loaded state.
    447   void ChangeToLoadedState();
    449   // Called by DefaultSearchManager when the effective default search engine has
    450   // changed.
    451   void OnDefaultSearchChange(const TemplateURLData* new_dse_data,
    452                              DefaultSearchManager::Source source);
    454   // Applies a DSE change and reports metrics if appropriate.
    455   void ApplyDefaultSearchChange(const TemplateURLData* new_dse_data,
    456                                 DefaultSearchManager::Source source);
    459   // Applies a DSE change. May be called at startup or after transitioning to
    460   // the loaded state. Returns true if a change actually occurred.
    461   bool ApplyDefaultSearchChangeNoMetrics(const TemplateURLData* new_dse_data,
    462                                          DefaultSearchManager::Source source);
    464   // Returns true if there is no TemplateURL that has a search url with the
    465   // specified host, or the only TemplateURLs matching the specified host can
    466   // be replaced.
    467   bool CanReplaceKeywordForHost(const std::string& host,
    468                                 TemplateURL** to_replace);
    470   // Returns true if the TemplateURL is replaceable. This doesn't look at the
    471   // uniqueness of the keyword or host and is intended to be called after those
    472   // checks have been done. This returns true if the TemplateURL doesn't appear
    473   // in the default list and is marked as safe_for_autoreplace.
    474   bool CanReplace(const TemplateURL* t_url);
    476   // Like GetTemplateURLForKeyword(), but ignores extension-provided keywords.
    477   TemplateURL* FindNonExtensionTemplateURLForKeyword(
    478       const base::string16& keyword);
    480   // Updates the information in |existing_turl| using the information from
    481   // |new_values|, but the ID for |existing_turl| is retained.  Notifying
    482   // observers is the responsibility of the caller.  Returns whether
    483   // |existing_turl| was found in |template_urls_| and thus could be updated.
    484   //
    485   // NOTE: This should not be called with an extension keyword as there are no
    486   // updates needed in that case.
    487   bool UpdateNoNotify(TemplateURL* existing_turl,
    488                       const TemplateURL& new_values);
    490   // If the TemplateURL comes from a prepopulated URL available in the current
    491   // country, update all its fields save for the keyword, short name and id so
    492   // that they match the internal prepopulated URL. TemplateURLs not coming from
    493   // a prepopulated URL are not modified.
    494   static void UpdateTemplateURLIfPrepopulated(TemplateURL* existing_turl,
    495                                               PrefService* prefs);
    497   // If the TemplateURL's sync GUID matches the kSyncedDefaultSearchProviderGUID
    498   // preference it will be used to update the DSE in memory and as persisted in
    499   // preferences.
    500   void MaybeUpdateDSEAfterSync(TemplateURL* synced_turl);
    502   // Iterates through the TemplateURLs to see if one matches the visited url.
    503   // For each TemplateURL whose url matches the visited url
    504   // SetKeywordSearchTermsForURL is invoked.
    505   void UpdateKeywordSearchTermsForURL(const URLVisitedDetails& details);
    507   // If necessary, generates a visit for the site http:// + t_url.keyword().
    508   void AddTabToSearchVisit(const TemplateURL& t_url);
    510   // Requests the Google URL tracker to check the server if necessary.
    511   void RequestGoogleURLTrackerServerCheckIfNecessary();
    513   // Invoked when the Google base URL has changed. Updates the mapping for all
    514   // TemplateURLs that have a replacement term of {google:baseURL} or
    515   // {google:baseSuggestURL}.
    516   void GoogleBaseURLChanged();
    518   // Adds a new TemplateURL to this model. TemplateURLService will own the
    519   // reference, and delete it when the TemplateURL is removed.
    520   // If |newly_adding| is false, we assume that this TemplateURL was already
    521   // part of the model in the past, and therefore we don't need to do things
    522   // like assign it an ID or notify sync.
    523   // This function guarantees that on return the model will not have two
    524   // non-extension TemplateURLs with the same keyword.  If that means that it
    525   // cannot add the provided argument, it will delete it and return false.
    526   // Caller is responsible for notifying observers if this function returns
    527   // true.
    528   bool AddNoNotify(TemplateURL* template_url, bool newly_adding);
    530   // Removes the keyword from the model. This deletes the supplied TemplateURL.
    531   // This fails if the supplied template_url is the default search provider.
    532   // Caller is responsible for notifying observers.
    533   void RemoveNoNotify(TemplateURL* template_url);
    535   // Like ResetTemplateURL(), but instead of notifying observers, returns
    536   // whether anything has changed.
    537   bool ResetTemplateURLNoNotify(TemplateURL* url,
    538                                 const base::string16& title,
    539                                 const base::string16& keyword,
    540                                 const std::string& search_url);
    542   // Notify the observers that the model has changed.  This is done only if the
    543   // model is loaded.
    544   void NotifyObservers();
    546   // Updates |template_urls| so that the only "created by policy" entry is
    547   // |default_from_prefs|. |default_from_prefs| may be NULL if there is no
    548   // policy-defined DSE in effect.
    549   void UpdateProvidersCreatedByPolicy(
    550       TemplateURLVector* template_urls,
    551       const TemplateURLData* default_from_prefs);
    553   // Resets the sync GUID of the specified TemplateURL and persists the change
    554   // to the database. This does not notify observers.
    555   void ResetTemplateURLGUID(TemplateURL* url, const std::string& guid);
    557   // Attempts to generate a unique keyword for |turl| based on its original
    558   // keyword. If its keyword is already unique, that is returned. Otherwise, it
    559   // tries to return the autogenerated keyword if that is unique to the Service,
    560   // and finally it repeatedly appends special characters to the keyword until
    561   // it is unique to the Service. If |force| is true, then this will only
    562   // execute the special character appending functionality.
    563   base::string16 UniquifyKeyword(const TemplateURL& turl, bool force);
    565   // Returns true iff |local_turl| is considered "better" than |sync_turl| for
    566   // the purposes of resolving conflicts. |local_turl| must be a TemplateURL
    567   // known to the local model (though it may already be synced), and |sync_turl|
    568   // is a new TemplateURL known to Sync but not yet known to the local model.
    569   // The criteria for if |local_turl| is better than |sync_turl| is whether any
    570   // of the following are true:
    571   //  * |local_turl|'s last_modified timestamp is newer than sync_turl.
    572   //  * |local_turl| is created by policy.
    573   //  * |local_turl| is the local default search provider.
    574   bool IsLocalTemplateURLBetter(const TemplateURL* local_turl,
    575                                 const TemplateURL* sync_turl);
    577   // Given two synced TemplateURLs with a conflicting keyword, one of which
    578   // needs to be added to or updated in the local model (|unapplied_sync_turl|)
    579   // and one which is already known to the local model (|applied_sync_turl|),
    580   // prepares the local model so that |unapplied_sync_turl| can be added to it,
    581   // or applied as an update to an existing TemplateURL.
    582   // Since both entries are known to Sync and one of their keywords will change,
    583   // an ACTION_UPDATE will be appended to |change_list| to reflect this change.
    584   // Note that |applied_sync_turl| must not be an extension keyword.
    585   void ResolveSyncKeywordConflict(TemplateURL* unapplied_sync_turl,
    586                                   TemplateURL* applied_sync_turl,
    587                                   syncer::SyncChangeList* change_list);
    589   // Adds |sync_turl| into the local model, possibly removing or updating a
    590   // local TemplateURL to make room for it. This expects |sync_turl| to be a new
    591   // entry from Sync, not currently known to the local model. |sync_data| should
    592   // be a SyncDataMap where the contents are entries initially known to Sync
    593   // during MergeDataAndStartSyncing.
    594   // Any necessary updates to Sync will be appended to |change_list|. This can
    595   // include updates on local TemplateURLs, if they are found in |sync_data|.
    596   // |initial_data| should be a SyncDataMap of the entries known to the local
    597   // model during MergeDataAndStartSyncing. If |sync_turl| replaces a local
    598   // entry, that entry is removed from |initial_data| to prevent it from being
    599   // sent up to Sync.
    600   // |merge_result| tracks the changes made to the local model. Added/modified/
    601   // deleted are updated depending on how the |sync_turl| is merged in.
    602   // This should only be called from MergeDataAndStartSyncing.
    603   void MergeInSyncTemplateURL(TemplateURL* sync_turl,
    604                               const SyncDataMap& sync_data,
    605                               syncer::SyncChangeList* change_list,
    606                               SyncDataMap* local_data,
    607                               syncer::SyncMergeResult* merge_result);
    609   // Goes through a vector of TemplateURLs and ensure that both the in-memory
    610   // and database copies have valid sync_guids. This is to fix crbug.com/102038,
    611   // where old entries were being pushed to Sync without a sync_guid.
    612   void PatchMissingSyncGUIDs(TemplateURLVector* template_urls);
    614   void OnSyncedDefaultSearchProviderGUIDChanged();
    616   // Adds |template_urls| to |template_urls_|.
    617   //
    618   // This transfers ownership of the elements in |template_urls| to |this|, and
    619   // may delete some elements, so it's not safe for callers to access any
    620   // elements after calling; to reinforce this, this function clears
    621   // |template_urls| on exit.
    622   void AddTemplateURLs(TemplateURLVector* template_urls);
    624   // Returns the TemplateURL corresponding to |prepopulated_id|, if any.
    625   TemplateURL* FindPrepopulatedTemplateURL(int prepopulated_id);
    627   // Returns the TemplateURL associated with |extension_id|, if any.
    628   TemplateURL* FindTemplateURLForExtension(const std::string& extension_id,
    629                                            TemplateURL::Type type);
    631   // Finds the extension-supplied TemplateURL that matches |data|, if any.
    632   TemplateURL* FindMatchingExtensionTemplateURL(const TemplateURLData& data,
    633                                                 TemplateURL::Type type);
    635   // Finds the most recently-installed NORMAL_CONTROLLED_BY_EXTENSION engine
    636   // that supports replacement and wants to be default, if any. Notifies the
    637   // DefaultSearchManager, which might change the effective default search
    638   // engine.
    639   void UpdateExtensionDefaultSearchEngine();
    642   // ---------- Browser state related members ---------------------------------
    643   PrefService* prefs_;
    645   scoped_ptr<SearchTermsData> search_terms_data_;
    647   // ---------- Dependencies on other components ------------------------------
    648   // Service used to store entries.
    649   scoped_refptr<KeywordWebDataService> web_data_service_;
    651   scoped_ptr<TemplateURLServiceClient> client_;
    653   GoogleURLTracker* google_url_tracker_;
    655   // ---------- Metrics related members ---------------------------------------
    656   rappor::RapporService* rappor_service_;
    658   // This closure is run when the default search provider is set to Google.
    659   base::Closure dsp_change_callback_;
    662   PrefChangeRegistrar pref_change_registrar_;
    664   // Mapping from keyword to the TemplateURL.
    665   KeywordToTemplateMap keyword_to_template_map_;
    667   // Mapping from Sync GUIDs to the TemplateURL.
    668   GUIDToTemplateMap guid_to_template_map_;
    670   TemplateURLVector template_urls_;
    672   ObserverList<TemplateURLServiceObserver> model_observers_;
    674   // Maps from host to set of TemplateURLs whose search url host is host.
    675   // NOTE: This is always non-NULL; we use a scoped_ptr<> to avoid circular
    676   // header dependencies.
    677   scoped_ptr<SearchHostToURLsMap> provider_map_;
    679   // Whether the keywords have been loaded.
    680   bool loaded_;
    682   // Set when the web data service fails to load properly.  This prevents
    683   // further communication with sync or writing to prefs, so we don't persist
    684   // inconsistent state data anywhere.
    685   bool load_failed_;
    687   // If non-zero, we're waiting on a load.
    688   KeywordWebDataService::Handle load_handle_;
    690   // All visits that occurred before we finished loading. Once loaded
    691   // UpdateKeywordSearchTermsForURL is invoked for each element of the vector.
    692   std::vector<URLVisitedDetails> visits_to_add_;
    694   // Once loaded, the default search provider.  This is a pointer to a
    695   // TemplateURL owned by |template_urls_|.
    696   TemplateURL* default_search_provider_;
    698   // A temporary location for the DSE until Web Data has been loaded and it can
    699   // be merged into |template_urls_|.
    700   scoped_ptr<TemplateURL> initial_default_search_provider_;
    702   // Source of the default search provider.
    703   DefaultSearchManager::Source default_search_provider_source_;
    705   // ID assigned to next TemplateURL added to this model. This is an ever
    706   // increasing integer that is initialized from the database.
    707   TemplateURLID next_id_;
    709   // Function returning current time in base::Time units.
    710   TimeProvider* time_provider_;
    712   // Do we have an active association between the TemplateURLs and sync models?
    713   // Set in MergeDataAndStartSyncing, reset in StopSyncing. While this is not
    714   // set, we ignore any local search engine changes (when we start syncing we
    715   // will look up the most recent values anyways).
    716   bool models_associated_;
    718   // Whether we're currently processing changes from the syncer. While this is
    719   // true, we ignore any local search engine changes, since we triggered them.
    720   bool processing_syncer_changes_;
    722   // Sync's syncer::SyncChange handler. We push all our changes through this.
    723   scoped_ptr<syncer::SyncChangeProcessor> sync_processor_;
    725   // Sync's error handler. We use it to create a sync error.
    726   scoped_ptr<syncer::SyncErrorFactory> sync_error_factory_;
    728   // A set of sync GUIDs denoting TemplateURLs that have been removed from this
    729   // model or the underlying KeywordWebDataService prior to
    730   // MergeDataAndStartSyncing.
    731   // This set is used to determine what entries from the server we want to
    732   // ignore locally and return a delete command for.
    733   std::set<std::string> pre_sync_deletes_;
    735   // This is used to log the origin of changes to the default search provider.
    736   // We set this value to increasingly specific values when we know what is the
    737   // cause/origin of a default search change.
    738   DefaultSearchChangeOrigin dsp_change_origin_;
    740   // Stores a list of callbacks to be run after TemplateURLService has loaded.
    741   base::CallbackList<void(void)> on_loaded_callbacks_;
    743   // Helper class to manage the default search engine.
    744   DefaultSearchManager default_search_manager_;
    746   scoped_ptr<GoogleURLTracker::Subscription> google_url_updated_subscription_;
    748   DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(TemplateURLService);
    749 };