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      1 // Copyright 2014 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 // found in the LICENSE file.
      5 // Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc. http://www.foxitsoftware.com
      7 #ifndef _REFLOWED_PAGE_H
      8 #define _REFLOWED_PAGE_H
      9 #include "../../include/reflow/reflowengine.h"
     10 #define GET_SIGNED(a) ( (a)>0 ? a/a : (a==0 ? 0 : -a/a) )
     11 class CRF_Data;
     12 class CRF_LineData;
     13 class CRF_CharData;
     14 class CRF_PathData;
     15 class CRF_ImageData;
     16 class CRF_Table;
     17 class CRF_AttrOperation;
     18 class CRF_OperationDate;
     19 class CPDF_ReflowedPage;
     20 class CPDF_Rect;
     21 class CFX_Object;
     22 typedef CFX_SegmentedArray<CRF_Data*> CRF_DataPtrArray;
     23 class CRF_CharState;
     24 typedef CFX_SegmentedArray<CRF_CharState> CRF_CharStateArray;
     25 #define SST_GE		1
     26 #define SST_BLSE	2
     27 #define SST_ILSE	3
     28 #define SST_IE		4
     29 class CPDF_LayoutProcessor_Reflow : public IPDF_LayoutProcessor, public CFX_Object
     30 {
     31 public:
     32     CPDF_LayoutProcessor_Reflow();
     33     ~CPDF_LayoutProcessor_Reflow();
     34     void Init(FX_FLOAT TopIndent, FX_FLOAT fWidth, FX_FLOAT fHeight, CPDF_ReflowedPage* pReflowedPage, int flags, FX_FLOAT lineSpace);
     36     LayoutStatus	StartProcess(IPDF_LayoutElement* pElement, IFX_Pause* pPause, const CFX_AffineMatrix* pPDFMatrix = NULL);
     37     LayoutStatus	Continue();
     38     int				GetPosition();
     39 protected:
     40     void	FitPageMode();
     41     void	ProcessElement(IPDF_LayoutElement* pElement, FX_FLOAT reflowWidth);
     42     FX_FLOAT GetElmWidth(IPDF_LayoutElement* pElement);
     43     CFX_FloatRect GetElmBBox(IPDF_LayoutElement* pElement);
     44     void	ProcessTable(FX_FLOAT dx);
     45     void	ProcessObjs(IPDF_LayoutElement* pElement, FX_FLOAT reflowWidth);
     46     void	ProcessObject(CPDF_PageObject* pObj, FX_FLOAT reflowWidth, CFX_AffineMatrix objMatrix);
     47     void	ProcessTextObject(CPDF_TextObject *pObj, FX_FLOAT reflowWidth, CFX_AffineMatrix objMatrix);
     48     void	ProcessPathObject(CPDF_PathObject *pObj, FX_FLOAT reflowWidth);
     49     void	ProcessUnitaryObjs(CPDF_PageObjects *pObjs, FX_FLOAT reflowWidth, CFX_AffineMatrix objMatrix);
     50     FX_INT32 LogicPreObj(CPDF_TextObject* pObj);
     51     int ProcessInsertObject(CPDF_TextObject* pObj, CFX_AffineMatrix formMatrix);
     52     FX_WCHAR GetPreChar();
     53     FX_BOOL IsSameTextObject(CPDF_TextObject* pTextObj1, CPDF_TextObject* pTextObj2);
     54     int GetCharWidth(FX_DWORD charCode, CPDF_Font* pFont) const;
     55     FX_BOOL	IsCanBreakAfter(FX_DWORD unicode);
     56     FX_BOOL	IsCanBreakBefore(FX_DWORD unicode);
     57     FX_INT32 GetElementTypes(LayoutType layoutType);
     58     void				CreateRFData(CPDF_PageObject* pObj, CFX_AffineMatrix* pMatrix = NULL);
     59     CRF_CharState*		GetCharState(CPDF_TextObject* pObj, CPDF_Font* pFont, FX_FLOAT fHeight, FX_ARGB color);
     60     FX_FLOAT		ConverWidth(FX_FLOAT width);
     61     void	AddData2CurrLine(CRF_Data* pData);
     62     void	AddTemp2CurrLine(int begin, int count );
     63     void	Transform(const CFX_AffineMatrix* pMatrix, CRF_Data* pData);
     64     void	Transform(const CFX_AffineMatrix* pMatrix, CRF_DataPtrArray* pDataArray, int beginPos, int count = 0);
     65     FX_FLOAT GetDatasWidth( int beginPos, int endpos);
     66     void	UpdateCurrLine();
     67     FX_BOOL	FinishedCurrLine();
     68     int m_flags;
     69     CFX_AffineMatrix m_PDFMatrix;
     70     LayoutStatus	m_Status;
     71     CPDF_TextObject* m_pPreObj;
     72     CFX_AffineMatrix m_perMatrix;
     73     IPDF_LayoutElement*	m_pLayoutElement;
     74     IPDF_LayoutElement* m_pRootElement;
     75     FX_FLOAT		m_CurrRefWidth;
     76     IFX_Pause*		m_pPause;
     77     LayoutEnum		m_CurrWritingMode;
     78     CPDF_ReflowedPage*	m_pReflowedPage;
     79     FX_FLOAT		m_fRefWidth;
     80     FX_FLOAT		m_TopIndent;
     81     FX_FLOAT		m_fLineSpace;
     82     FX_FLOAT		m_fScreenHeight;
     83     FX_FLOAT		m_fCurrMaxWidth;
     84     FX_FLOAT		m_fCurrLineWidth;
     85     FX_FLOAT		m_fCurrLineHeight;
     86     CRF_DataPtrArray*	m_pCurrLine;
     87     CRF_DataPtrArray*	m_pTempLine;
     88     FX_BOOL			m_bIllustration;
     89     FX_FLOAT		m_fLineHeight;
     90     LayoutEnum		m_TextAlign;
     91     FX_FLOAT		m_StartIndent;
     92     CFX_ArrayTemplate<CRF_Table*> m_TableArray;
     93     int				m_PausePosition;
     94 };
     95 struct RF_TableCell {
     96     int			m_BeginPos;
     97     int			m_EndPos;
     98     FX_FLOAT m_MaxWidth;
     99     FX_FLOAT m_PosX;
    100     FX_FLOAT	m_PosY;
    101     FX_FLOAT	m_CellWidth;
    102     FX_FLOAT m_CellHeight;
    103     int			m_RowSpan;
    104     int			m_ColSpan;
    105     LayoutEnum	m_BlockAlign;
    106     LayoutEnum	m_InlineAlign;
    107 };
    108 typedef CFX_ArrayTemplate<RF_TableCell*> CRF_TableCellArray;
    109 class CRF_Table : public CFX_Object
    110 {
    111 public:
    112     CRF_Table()
    113     {
    114         m_TableWidth = 0;
    115         m_nCol = 0;
    116     }
    117     CRF_TableCellArray  m_pCellArray;
    118     CFX_WordArray		m_nCell;
    119     int					m_nCol;
    120     FX_FLOAT			m_TableWidth;
    121     FX_FLOAT			m_ReflowPageHeight;
    122 };
    123 class CRF_CharState : public CFX_Object
    124 {
    125 public:
    126     CPDF_Font*	m_pFont;
    127     FX_ARGB		m_Color;
    128     FX_BOOL		m_bVert;
    129     FX_FLOAT m_fFontSize;
    130     FX_FLOAT m_fAscent;
    131     FX_FLOAT m_fDescent;
    133     CPDF_TextObject*	m_pTextObj;
    134 };
    135 class CRF_PageInfo : public CFX_Object
    136 {
    137 public:
    138     CRF_PageInfo(CPDF_PageObject* pPageObj, CRF_PageInfo* pParent = NULL)
    139         : m_pPageObj(pPageObj) , m_pParent(pParent)
    140     {
    141     }
    142     CPDF_PageObject* GetPageObj()
    143     {
    144         return m_pPageObj;
    145     }
    146     CPDF_Dictionary* GetFormDict()
    147     {
    148         if (NULL == m_pParent) {
    149             return NULL;
    150         }
    151         CPDF_PageObject* pParentObj = m_pParent->GetPageObj();
    152         if (NULL == pParentObj || PDFPAGE_FORM != pParentObj->m_Type) {
    153             return NULL;
    154         }
    155         return ((CPDF_FormObject*)pParentObj)->m_pForm->m_pResources;
    156     }
    157 protected:
    158     CPDF_PageObject*		m_pPageObj;
    159     CRF_PageInfo*			m_pParent;
    160 };
    161 class CPDF_ReflowedPage : public IPDF_ReflowedPage, public CFX_PrivateData, public CFX_Object
    162 {
    163 public:
    165     CPDF_ReflowedPage(CFX_GrowOnlyPool*	pMemoryPool);
    166     ~CPDF_ReflowedPage();
    167     CFX_PrivateData*	GetPrivateDataCtrl()
    168     {
    169         return this;
    170     };
    171     void		GetDisplayMatrix(CFX_AffineMatrix& matrix, FX_INT32 xPos, FX_INT32 yPos, FX_INT32 xSize, FX_INT32 ySize, FX_INT32 iRotate, const CFX_AffineMatrix* pPageMatrix);
    173     FX_FLOAT	GetPageHeight() ;
    174     FX_FLOAT	GetPageWidth()
    175     {
    176         return m_PageWidth;
    177     };
    178     void		FocusGetData(const CFX_AffineMatrix matrix, FX_INT32 x, FX_INT32 y, CFX_ByteString& str);
    179     FX_BOOL		FocusGetPosition(const CFX_AffineMatrix matrix, CFX_ByteString str, FX_INT32& x, FX_INT32& y);
    180     CRF_DataPtrArray*	m_pReflowed;
    181     FX_FLOAT			m_PageWidth;
    182     FX_FLOAT			m_PageHeight;
    183     FX_BOOL				m_bWaiting;
    184     CRF_CharStateArray*	m_pCharState;
    185     CFX_GrowOnlyPool*	m_pMemoryPool;
    186     FX_BOOL				m_bCreateMemoryPool;
    187     CPDF_Page*			m_pPDFPage;
    188     FX_BOOL					RetainPageObjsMemberShip();
    189     void					MarkPageObjMemberShip(CPDF_PageObject* pObj, CRF_PageInfo* pParent);
    190     void					ReleasePageObjsMemberShip();
    191     CPDF_Dictionary*		GetFormResDict(CPDF_PageObject* pObj);
    193     CFX_MapPtrToPtr*		m_pPageInfos;
    194 };
    195 class CPDF_ProgressiveReflowPageParser : public IPDF_ProgressiveReflowPageParser, public CFX_Object
    196 {
    197 public:
    198     CPDF_ProgressiveReflowPageParser();
    199     ~CPDF_ProgressiveReflowPageParser() ;
    200     void			Init();
    202     ParseStatus		GetStatus()
    203     {
    204         return m_Status;
    205     };
    207     void			SetParserStyle(RF_ParseStyle style)
    208     {
    209         m_ParseStyle = style;
    210     };
    211     void			Start(IPDF_ReflowedPage* pReflowPage, CPDF_Page* pPage, FX_FLOAT TopIndent, FX_FLOAT fWidth, FX_FLOAT fHeight, IFX_Pause* pPause, int flags);
    212     void			Continue(IFX_Pause* pPause);
    213     int				GetPosition() ;
    215     void			Clear();
    216     ParseStatus		m_Status;
    217 protected:
    218     RF_ParseStyle		m_ParseStyle;
    219     CPDF_Page*			m_pPDFPage;
    220     IFX_Pause*			m_pPause;
    221     CPDF_ReflowedPage*	m_pReflowPage;
    222     FX_FLOAT			m_TopIndent;
    223     FX_FLOAT			m_ReflowedWidth;
    224     FX_FLOAT			m_fScreenHeight;
    225     IPDF_LayoutProvider*	m_pProvider;
    226     IPDF_LayoutProcessor*	m_pReflowEngine;
    227     int					m_nObjProcessed;
    228     int m_flags;
    229 };
    230 class CPDF_ProgressiveReflowPageRender : public IPDF_ProgressiveReflowPageRender, public CFX_Object
    231 {
    232 public:
    233     CPDF_ProgressiveReflowPageRender();
    234     ~CPDF_ProgressiveReflowPageRender() ;
    236     RenderStatus			GetStatus()
    237     {
    238         return m_Status;
    239     };
    242     void		SetDisplayColor(FX_COLORREF color);
    243     void		Start(IPDF_ReflowedPage* pReflowPage, CFX_RenderDevice* pDevice, const CFX_AffineMatrix* pMatrix, IFX_Pause* pPause, int DitherBits);
    244     void		Continue(IFX_Pause* pPause);
    245     int			GetPosition();
    248     void				Clear();
    249 protected:
    250     void				Display(IFX_Pause* pPause);
    251     RenderStatus m_Status;
    252     CPDF_ReflowedPage*	m_pReflowPage;
    253     CFX_AffineMatrix*	m_pDisplayMatrix;
    254     int					m_CurrNum;
    255     IFX_FontEncoding*	m_pFontEncoding;
    256     CFX_RenderDevice*	m_pFXDevice;
    257     int					m_DitherBits;
    258     FX_COLORREF			m_DisplayColor;
    259     typedef struct CRF_TextDataAtt {
    260         CRF_TextDataAtt()
    261         {
    262             pFont = NULL;
    263             fFontSize = 0.0f;
    264             Color = 0;
    265         }
    266         CRF_TextDataAtt(CPDF_Font* font, FX_FLOAT fontSize, FX_ARGB color)
    267         {
    268             pFont = font;
    269             fFontSize = fontSize;
    270             Color = color;
    271         }
    272         CPDF_Font*  pFont;
    273         FX_FLOAT    fFontSize;
    274         FX_ARGB		Color;
    275     } CRF_TEXTDATAATT;
    276     inline bool isTextDataAttSame(CRF_TEXTDATAATT data1, CRF_TEXTDATAATT data2)
    277     {
    278         if (data1.pFont != data2.pFont) {
    279             return false;
    280         }
    281         if (data1.Color != data2.Color) {
    282             return false;
    283         }
    284         if (fabs(data1.fFontSize - data2.fFontSize) > 0.0f) {
    285             return false;
    286         }
    287         return true;
    288     };
    289 };
    290 #define TYPE_UNKNOW		0
    291 #define TYPE_TEXT		1
    292 #define TYPE_PATH		2
    293 #define TYPE_IMAGE		3
    294 #define TYPE_LINE		4
    295 class CRF_Data : public CFX_Object
    296 {
    297 public:
    298     typedef enum {Unknow, Text, Image, Path, Line, paragraph} RF_DataType;
    299     CRF_Data()
    300     {
    301         m_Type = Unknow;
    302         m_Width = 0;
    303         m_PosY = 0;
    304         m_PosX = 0;
    305         m_Height = 0;
    306     }
    307     RF_DataType	GetType()
    308     {
    309         return m_Type;
    310     }
    311     virtual		~CRF_Data() {}
    312     RF_DataType 	m_Type;
    313     FX_FLOAT	m_PosX;
    314     FX_FLOAT	m_PosY;
    315     FX_FLOAT	m_Width;
    316     FX_FLOAT	m_Height;
    317 };
    318 class CRF_LineData : public CRF_Data
    319 {
    320 public:
    321     CRF_LineData()
    322     {
    323         m_Type = Line;
    324     }
    325 };
    326 class CRF_CharData : public CRF_Data
    327 {
    328 public:
    329     CRF_CharData()
    330     {
    331         m_Type = Text;
    332         m_CharCode = -1;
    333     }
    334     CRF_CharState*	m_pCharState;
    335     FX_DWORD		m_CharCode;
    336 };
    337 class CRF_ImageData : public CRF_Data
    338 {
    339 public:
    340     CRF_ImageData()
    341     {
    342         m_Type = Image;
    343         m_pBitmap = NULL;
    344     }
    345     ~CRF_ImageData()
    346     {
    347         if(m_pBitmap) {
    348             delete m_pBitmap;
    349         }
    350         m_pBitmap = NULL;
    351     }
    352     CFX_AffineMatrix m_Matrix;
    353     CFX_DIBitmap*	m_pBitmap;
    354 };
    355 class CRF_PathData : public CRF_Data
    356 {
    357 public:
    358     CRF_PathData()
    359     {
    360         m_Type = Path;
    361         m_bDecoration = FALSE;
    362     }
    363     ~CRF_PathData() {};
    364     FX_BOOL			m_bDecoration;
    365     CPDF_Path			m_pPathData;
    366     CFX_AffineMatrix	m_pPath2Device;
    367     CPDF_GraphState		m_pGraphState;
    368     FX_ARGB		m_fill_argb;
    369     FX_ARGB		m_stroke_argb;
    370     int			m_fill_mode;
    371 };
    372 #endif