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      1 // Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 // found in the LICENSE file.
      4 //
      5 // The |Feedback| object keeps track of each instance of user feedback in a map
      6 // |misspellings_|. This is a map from uint32 hashes to |Misspelling| objects.
      7 //
      8 // Each misspelling should be present in only one renderer process. The
      9 // |Feedback| objects keeps track of misspelling-renderer relationship in the
     10 // |renderers_| map of renderer process identifiers to a set of hashes.
     11 //
     12 // When the user adds a misspelling to their custom dictionary, all of the
     13 // |Misspelling| objects with the same misspelled string are updated. The
     14 // |Feedback| object facilitates efficient access to these misspellings through
     15 // a |text_| map of misspelled strings to a set of hashes.
     17 #include "chrome/browser/spellchecker/feedback.h"
     19 #include <algorithm>
     20 #include <iterator>
     22 #include "base/stl_util.h"
     24 namespace spellcheck {
     26 Feedback::Feedback() {
     27 }
     29 Feedback::~Feedback() {
     30 }
     32 Misspelling* Feedback::GetMisspelling(uint32 hash) {
     33   HashMisspellingMap::iterator misspelling_it = misspellings_.find(hash);
     34   if (misspelling_it == misspellings_.end())
     35     return NULL;
     36   return &misspelling_it->second;
     37 }
     39 void Feedback::FinalizeRemovedMisspellings(
     40     int renderer_process_id,
     41     const std::vector<uint32>& remaining_markers) {
     42   RendererHashesMap::iterator renderer_it =
     43       renderers_.find(renderer_process_id);
     44   if (renderer_it == renderers_.end() || renderer_it->second.empty())
     45     return;
     46   HashCollection& renderer_hashes = renderer_it->second;
     47   HashCollection remaining_hashes(remaining_markers.begin(),
     48                                   remaining_markers.end());
     49   std::vector<uint32> removed_hashes =
     50       base::STLSetDifference<std::vector<uint32> >(renderer_hashes,
     51                                                    remaining_hashes);
     52   for (std::vector<uint32>::const_iterator hash_it = removed_hashes.begin();
     53        hash_it != removed_hashes.end();
     54        ++hash_it) {
     55     HashMisspellingMap::iterator misspelling_it = misspellings_.find(*hash_it);
     56     if (misspelling_it != misspellings_.end() &&
     57         !misspelling_it->second.action.IsFinal()) {
     58       misspelling_it->second.action.Finalize();
     59     }
     60   }
     61 }
     63 bool Feedback::RendererHasMisspellings(int renderer_process_id) const {
     64   RendererHashesMap::const_iterator renderer_it =
     65       renderers_.find(renderer_process_id);
     66   return renderer_it != renderers_.end() && !renderer_it->second.empty();
     67 }
     69 std::vector<Misspelling> Feedback::GetMisspellingsInRenderer(
     70     int renderer_process_id) const {
     71   std::vector<Misspelling> misspellings_in_renderer;
     72   RendererHashesMap::const_iterator renderer_it =
     73       renderers_.find(renderer_process_id);
     74   if (renderer_it == renderers_.end() || renderer_it->second.empty())
     75     return misspellings_in_renderer;
     76   const HashCollection& renderer_hashes = renderer_it->second;
     77   for (HashCollection::const_iterator hash_it = renderer_hashes.begin();
     78        hash_it != renderer_hashes.end();
     79        ++hash_it) {
     80     HashMisspellingMap::const_iterator misspelling_it =
     81         misspellings_.find(*hash_it);
     82     if (misspelling_it != misspellings_.end())
     83       misspellings_in_renderer.push_back(misspelling_it->second);
     84   }
     85   return misspellings_in_renderer;
     86 }
     88 void Feedback::EraseFinalizedMisspellings(int renderer_process_id) {
     89   RendererHashesMap::iterator renderer_it =
     90       renderers_.find(renderer_process_id);
     91   if (renderer_it == renderers_.end())
     92     return;
     93   HashCollection& renderer_hashes = renderer_it->second;
     94   for (HashCollection::const_iterator hash_it = renderer_hashes.begin();
     95        hash_it != renderer_hashes.end();) {
     96     HashMisspellingMap::iterator misspelling_it = misspellings_.find(*hash_it);
     97     HashCollection::iterator erasable_hash_it = hash_it;
     98     ++hash_it;
     99     if (misspelling_it == misspellings_.end())
    100       continue;
    101     const Misspelling& misspelling = misspelling_it->second;
    102     if (!misspelling.action.IsFinal())
    103       continue;
    104     renderer_hashes.erase(erasable_hash_it);
    105     text_[misspelling.GetMisspelledString()].erase(misspelling.hash);
    106     misspellings_.erase(misspelling_it);
    107   }
    108   if (renderer_hashes.empty())
    109     renderers_.erase(renderer_it);
    110 }
    112 bool Feedback::HasMisspelling(uint32 hash) const {
    113   return !!misspellings_.count(hash);
    114 }
    116 void Feedback::AddMisspelling(int renderer_process_id,
    117                               const Misspelling& misspelling) {
    118   HashMisspellingMap::iterator misspelling_it =
    119       misspellings_.find(misspelling.hash);
    120   if (misspelling_it != misspellings_.end()) {
    121     const Misspelling& existing_misspelling = misspelling_it->second;
    122     text_[existing_misspelling.GetMisspelledString()].erase(misspelling.hash);
    123     for (RendererHashesMap::iterator renderer_it = renderers_.begin();
    124          renderer_it != renderers_.end();) {
    125       HashCollection& renderer_hashes = renderer_it->second;
    126       RendererHashesMap::iterator erasable_renderer_it = renderer_it;
    127       ++renderer_it;
    128       renderer_hashes.erase(misspelling.hash);
    129       if (renderer_hashes.empty())
    130         renderers_.erase(erasable_renderer_it);
    131     }
    132   }
    133   misspellings_[misspelling.hash] = misspelling;
    134   text_[misspelling.GetMisspelledString()].insert(misspelling.hash);
    135   renderers_[renderer_process_id].insert(misspelling.hash);
    136 }
    138 bool Feedback::Empty() const {
    139   return misspellings_.empty();
    140 }
    142 std::vector<int> Feedback::GetRendersWithMisspellings() const {
    143   std::vector<int> renderers_with_misspellings;
    144   for (RendererHashesMap::const_iterator renderer_it = renderers_.begin();
    145        renderer_it != renderers_.end();
    146        ++renderer_it) {
    147     if (!renderer_it->second.empty())
    148       renderers_with_misspellings.push_back(renderer_it->first);
    149   }
    150   return renderers_with_misspellings;
    151 }
    153 void Feedback::FinalizeAllMisspellings() {
    154   for (HashMisspellingMap::iterator misspelling_it = misspellings_.begin();
    155        misspelling_it != misspellings_.end();
    156        ++misspelling_it) {
    157     if (!misspelling_it->second.action.IsFinal())
    158       misspelling_it->second.action.Finalize();
    159   }
    160 }
    162 std::vector<Misspelling> Feedback::GetAllMisspellings() const {
    163   std::vector<Misspelling> all_misspellings;
    164   for (HashMisspellingMap::const_iterator misspelling_it =
    165            misspellings_.begin();
    166        misspelling_it != misspellings_.end();
    167        ++misspelling_it) {
    168     all_misspellings.push_back(misspelling_it->second);
    169   }
    170   return all_misspellings;
    171 }
    173 void Feedback::Clear() {
    174   misspellings_.clear();
    175   text_.clear();
    176   renderers_.clear();
    177 }
    179 const std::set<uint32>& Feedback::FindMisspellings(
    180     const base::string16& misspelled_text) const {
    181   const TextHashesMap::const_iterator text_it = text_.find(misspelled_text);
    182   return text_it == text_.end() ? empty_hash_collection_ : text_it->second;
    183 }
    185 }  // namespace spellcheck