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      1 // Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 // found in the LICENSE file.
      5 'use strict';
      7 /**
      8  * Namespace for utility functions.
      9  */
     10 var util = {};
     12 /**
     13  * Returns a function that console.log's its arguments, prefixed by |msg|.
     14  *
     15  * @param {string} msg The message prefix to use in the log.
     16  * @param {function(...string)=} opt_callback A function to invoke after
     17  *     logging.
     18  * @return {function(...string)} Function that logs.
     19  */
     20 util.flog = function(msg, opt_callback) {
     21   return function() {
     22     var ary = Array.apply(null, arguments);
     23     console.log(msg + ': ' + ary.join(', '));
     24     if (opt_callback)
     25       opt_callback.apply(null, arguments);
     26   };
     27 };
     29 /**
     30  * Returns a function that throws an exception that includes its arguments
     31  * prefixed by |msg|.
     32  *
     33  * @param {string} msg The message prefix to use in the exception.
     34  * @return {function(...string)} Function that throws.
     35  */
     36 util.ferr = function(msg) {
     37   return function() {
     38     var ary = Array.apply(null, arguments);
     39     throw new Error(msg + ': ' + ary.join(', '));
     40   };
     41 };
     43 /**
     44  * @param {string} name File error name.
     45  * @return {string} Translated file error string.
     46  */
     47 util.getFileErrorString = function(name) {
     48   var candidateMessageFragment;
     49   switch (name) {
     50     case 'NotFoundError':
     51       candidateMessageFragment = 'NOT_FOUND';
     52       break;
     53     case 'SecurityError':
     54       candidateMessageFragment = 'SECURITY';
     55       break;
     56     case 'NotReadableError':
     57       candidateMessageFragment = 'NOT_READABLE';
     58       break;
     59     case 'NoModificationAllowedError':
     60       candidateMessageFragment = 'NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED';
     61       break;
     62     case 'InvalidStateError':
     63       candidateMessageFragment = 'INVALID_STATE';
     64       break;
     65     case 'InvalidModificationError':
     66       candidateMessageFragment = 'INVALID_MODIFICATION';
     67       break;
     68     case 'PathExistsError':
     69       candidateMessageFragment = 'PATH_EXISTS';
     70       break;
     71     case 'QuotaExceededError':
     72       candidateMessageFragment = 'QUOTA_EXCEEDED';
     73       break;
     74   }
     76   return loadTimeData.getString('FILE_ERROR_' + candidateMessageFragment) ||
     77       loadTimeData.getString('FILE_ERROR_GENERIC');
     78 };
     80 /**
     81  * Mapping table for FileError.code style enum to DOMError.name string.
     82  *
     83  * @enum {string}
     84  * @const
     85  */
     86 util.FileError = Object.freeze({
     87   ABORT_ERR: 'AbortError',
     88   INVALID_MODIFICATION_ERR: 'InvalidModificationError',
     89   INVALID_STATE_ERR: 'InvalidStateError',
     90   NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR: 'NoModificationAllowedError',
     91   NOT_FOUND_ERR: 'NotFoundError',
     92   NOT_READABLE_ERR: 'NotReadable',
     93   PATH_EXISTS_ERR: 'PathExistsError',
     94   QUOTA_EXCEEDED_ERR: 'QuotaExceededError',
     95   TYPE_MISMATCH_ERR: 'TypeMismatchError',
     96   ENCODING_ERR: 'EncodingError',
     97 });
     99 /**
    100  * @param {string} str String to escape.
    101  * @return {string} Escaped string.
    102  */
    103 util.htmlEscape = function(str) {
    104   return str.replace(/[<>&]/g, function(entity) {
    105     switch (entity) {
    106       case '<': return '&lt;';
    107       case '>': return '&gt;';
    108       case '&': return '&amp;';
    109     }
    110   });
    111 };
    113 /**
    114  * @param {string} str String to unescape.
    115  * @return {string} Unescaped string.
    116  */
    117 util.htmlUnescape = function(str) {
    118   return str.replace(/&(lt|gt|amp);/g, function(entity) {
    119     switch (entity) {
    120       case '&lt;': return '<';
    121       case '&gt;': return '>';
    122       case '&amp;': return '&';
    123     }
    124   });
    125 };
    127 /**
    128  * Iterates the entries contained by dirEntry, and invokes callback once for
    129  * each entry. On completion, successCallback will be invoked.
    130  *
    131  * @param {DirectoryEntry} dirEntry The entry of the directory.
    132  * @param {function(Entry, function())} callback Invoked for each entry.
    133  * @param {function()} successCallback Invoked on completion.
    134  * @param {function(FileError)} errorCallback Invoked if an error is found on
    135  *     directory entry reading.
    136  */
    137 util.forEachDirEntry = function(
    138     dirEntry, callback, successCallback, errorCallback) {
    139   var reader = dirEntry.createReader();
    140   var iterate = function() {
    141     reader.readEntries(function(entries) {
    142       if (entries.length == 0) {
    143         successCallback();
    144         return;
    145       }
    147       AsyncUtil.forEach(
    148           entries,
    149           function(forEachCallback, entry) {
    150             // Do not pass index nor entries.
    151             callback(entry, forEachCallback);
    152           },
    153           iterate);
    154     }, errorCallback);
    155   };
    156   iterate();
    157 };
    159 /**
    160  * Reads contents of directory.
    161  * @param {DirectoryEntry} root Root entry.
    162  * @param {string} path Directory path.
    163  * @param {function(Array.<Entry>)} callback List of entries passed to callback.
    164  */
    165 util.readDirectory = function(root, path, callback) {
    166   var onError = function(e) {
    167     callback([], e);
    168   };
    169   root.getDirectory(path, {create: false}, function(entry) {
    170     var reader = entry.createReader();
    171     var r = [];
    172     var readNext = function() {
    173       reader.readEntries(function(results) {
    174         if (results.length == 0) {
    175           callback(r, null);
    176           return;
    177         }
    178         r.push.apply(r, results);
    179         readNext();
    180       }, onError);
    181     };
    182     readNext();
    183   }, onError);
    184 };
    186 /**
    187  * Utility function to resolve multiple directories with a single call.
    188  *
    189  * The successCallback will be invoked once for each directory object
    190  * found.  The errorCallback will be invoked once for each
    191  * path that could not be resolved.
    192  *
    193  * The successCallback is invoked with a null entry when all paths have
    194  * been processed.
    195  *
    196  * @param {DirEntry} dirEntry The base directory.
    197  * @param {Object} params The parameters to pass to the underlying
    198  *     getDirectory calls.
    199  * @param {Array.<string>} paths The list of directories to resolve.
    200  * @param {function(!DirEntry)} successCallback The function to invoke for
    201  *     each DirEntry found.  Also invoked once with null at the end of the
    202  *     process.
    203  * @param {function(FileError)} errorCallback The function to invoke
    204  *     for each path that cannot be resolved.
    205  */
    206 util.getDirectories = function(dirEntry, params, paths, successCallback,
    207                                errorCallback) {
    209   // Copy the params array, since we're going to destroy it.
    210   params = [].slice.call(params);
    212   var onComplete = function() {
    213     successCallback(null);
    214   };
    216   var getNextDirectory = function() {
    217     var path = paths.shift();
    218     if (!path)
    219       return onComplete();
    221     dirEntry.getDirectory(
    222         path, params,
    223         function(entry) {
    224           successCallback(entry);
    225           getNextDirectory();
    226         },
    227         function(err) {
    228           errorCallback(err);
    229           getNextDirectory();
    230         });
    231   };
    233   getNextDirectory();
    234 };
    236 /**
    237  * Utility function to resolve multiple files with a single call.
    238  *
    239  * The successCallback will be invoked once for each directory object
    240  * found.  The errorCallback will be invoked once for each
    241  * path that could not be resolved.
    242  *
    243  * The successCallback is invoked with a null entry when all paths have
    244  * been processed.
    245  *
    246  * @param {DirEntry} dirEntry The base directory.
    247  * @param {Object} params The parameters to pass to the underlying
    248  *     getFile calls.
    249  * @param {Array.<string>} paths The list of files to resolve.
    250  * @param {function(!FileEntry)} successCallback The function to invoke for
    251  *     each FileEntry found.  Also invoked once with null at the end of the
    252  *     process.
    253  * @param {function(FileError)} errorCallback The function to invoke
    254  *     for each path that cannot be resolved.
    255  */
    256 util.getFiles = function(dirEntry, params, paths, successCallback,
    257                          errorCallback) {
    258   // Copy the params array, since we're going to destroy it.
    259   params = [].slice.call(params);
    261   var onComplete = function() {
    262     successCallback(null);
    263   };
    265   var getNextFile = function() {
    266     var path = paths.shift();
    267     if (!path)
    268       return onComplete();
    270     dirEntry.getFile(
    271         path, params,
    272         function(entry) {
    273           successCallback(entry);
    274           getNextFile();
    275         },
    276         function(err) {
    277           errorCallback(err);
    278           getNextFile();
    279         });
    280   };
    282   getNextFile();
    283 };
    285 /**
    286  * Renames the entry to newName.
    287  * @param {Entry} entry The entry to be renamed.
    288  * @param {string} newName The new name.
    289  * @param {function(Entry)} successCallback Callback invoked when the rename
    290  *     is successfully done.
    291  * @param {function(FileError)} errorCallback Callback invoked when an error
    292  *     is found.
    293  */
    294 util.rename = function(entry, newName, successCallback, errorCallback) {
    295   entry.getParent(function(parent) {
    296     // Before moving, we need to check if there is an existing entry at
    297     // parent/newName, since moveTo will overwrite it.
    298     // Note that this way has some timing issue. After existing check,
    299     // a new entry may be create on background. However, there is no way not to
    300     // overwrite the existing file, unfortunately. The risk should be low,
    301     // assuming the unsafe period is very short.
    302     (entry.isFile ? parent.getFile : parent.getDirectory).call(
    303         parent, newName, {create: false},
    304         function(entry) {
    305           // The entry with the name already exists.
    306           errorCallback(util.createDOMError(util.FileError.PATH_EXISTS_ERR));
    307         },
    308         function(error) {
    309           if (error.name != util.FileError.NOT_FOUND_ERR) {
    310             // Unexpected error is found.
    311             errorCallback(error);
    312             return;
    313           }
    315           // No existing entry is found.
    316           entry.moveTo(parent, newName, successCallback, errorCallback);
    317         });
    318   }, errorCallback);
    319 };
    321 /**
    322  * Remove a file or a directory.
    323  * @param {Entry} entry The entry to remove.
    324  * @param {function()} onSuccess The success callback.
    325  * @param {function(FileError)} onError The error callback.
    326  */
    327 util.removeFileOrDirectory = function(entry, onSuccess, onError) {
    328   if (entry.isDirectory)
    329     entry.removeRecursively(onSuccess, onError);
    330   else
    331     entry.remove(onSuccess, onError);
    332 };
    334 /**
    335  * Convert a number of bytes into a human friendly format, using the correct
    336  * number separators.
    337  *
    338  * @param {number} bytes The number of bytes.
    339  * @return {string} Localized string.
    340  */
    341 util.bytesToString = function(bytes) {
    342   // Translation identifiers for size units.
    343   var UNITS = ['SIZE_BYTES',
    344                'SIZE_KB',
    345                'SIZE_MB',
    346                'SIZE_GB',
    347                'SIZE_TB',
    348                'SIZE_PB'];
    350   // Minimum values for the units above.
    351   var STEPS = [0,
    352                Math.pow(2, 10),
    353                Math.pow(2, 20),
    354                Math.pow(2, 30),
    355                Math.pow(2, 40),
    356                Math.pow(2, 50)];
    358   var str = function(n, u) {
    359     return strf(u, n.toLocaleString());
    360   };
    362   var fmt = function(s, u) {
    363     var rounded = Math.round(bytes / s * 10) / 10;
    364     return str(rounded, u);
    365   };
    367   // Less than 1KB is displayed like '80 bytes'.
    368   if (bytes < STEPS[1]) {
    369     return str(bytes, UNITS[0]);
    370   }
    372   // Up to 1MB is displayed as rounded up number of KBs.
    373   if (bytes < STEPS[2]) {
    374     var rounded = Math.ceil(bytes / STEPS[1]);
    375     return str(rounded, UNITS[1]);
    376   }
    378   // This loop index is used outside the loop if it turns out |bytes|
    379   // requires the largest unit.
    380   var i;
    382   for (i = 2 /* MB */; i < UNITS.length - 1; i++) {
    383     if (bytes < STEPS[i + 1])
    384       return fmt(STEPS[i], UNITS[i]);
    385   }
    387   return fmt(STEPS[i], UNITS[i]);
    388 };
    390 /**
    391  * Utility function to read specified range of bytes from file
    392  * @param {File} file The file to read.
    393  * @param {number} begin Starting byte(included).
    394  * @param {number} end Last byte(excluded).
    395  * @param {function(File, Uint8Array)} callback Callback to invoke.
    396  * @param {function(FileError)} onError Error handler.
    397  */
    398 util.readFileBytes = function(file, begin, end, callback, onError) {
    399   var fileReader = new FileReader();
    400   fileReader.onerror = onError;
    401   fileReader.onloadend = function() {
    402     callback(file, new ByteReader(fileReader.result));
    403   };
    404   fileReader.readAsArrayBuffer(file.slice(begin, end));
    405 };
    407 /**
    408  * Write a blob to a file.
    409  * Truncates the file first, so the previous content is fully overwritten.
    410  * @param {FileEntry} entry File entry.
    411  * @param {Blob} blob The blob to write.
    412  * @param {function(Event)} onSuccess Completion callback. The first argument is
    413  *     a 'writeend' event.
    414  * @param {function(FileError)} onError Error handler.
    415  */
    416 util.writeBlobToFile = function(entry, blob, onSuccess, onError) {
    417   var truncate = function(writer) {
    418     writer.onerror = onError;
    419     writer.onwriteend = write.bind(null, writer);
    420     writer.truncate(0);
    421   };
    423   var write = function(writer) {
    424     writer.onwriteend = onSuccess;
    425     writer.write(blob);
    426   };
    428   entry.createWriter(truncate, onError);
    429 };
    431 /**
    432  * Returns a string '[Ctrl-][Alt-][Shift-][Meta-]' depending on the event
    433  * modifiers. Convenient for writing out conditions in keyboard handlers.
    434  *
    435  * @param {Event} event The keyboard event.
    436  * @return {string} Modifiers.
    437  */
    438 util.getKeyModifiers = function(event) {
    439   return (event.ctrlKey ? 'Ctrl-' : '') +
    440          (event.altKey ? 'Alt-' : '') +
    441          (event.shiftKey ? 'Shift-' : '') +
    442          (event.metaKey ? 'Meta-' : '');
    443 };
    445 /**
    446  * @param {HTMLElement} element Element to transform.
    447  * @param {Object} transform Transform object,
    448  *                           contains scaleX, scaleY and rotate90 properties.
    449  */
    450 util.applyTransform = function(element, transform) {
    451   element.style.webkitTransform =
    452       transform ? 'scaleX(' + transform.scaleX + ') ' +
    453                   'scaleY(' + transform.scaleY + ') ' +
    454                   'rotate(' + transform.rotate90 * 90 + 'deg)' :
    455       '';
    456 };
    458 /**
    459  * Extracts path from filesystem: URL.
    460  * @param {string} url Filesystem URL.
    461  * @return {string} The path.
    462  */
    463 util.extractFilePath = function(url) {
    464   var match =
    465       /^filesystem:[\w-]*:\/\/[\w]*\/(external|persistent|temporary)(\/.*)$/.
    466       exec(url);
    467   var path = match && match[2];
    468   if (!path) return null;
    469   return decodeURIComponent(path);
    470 };
    472 /**
    473  * Traverses a directory tree whose root is the given entry, and invokes
    474  * callback for each entry. Upon completion, successCallback will be called.
    475  * On error, errorCallback will be called.
    476  *
    477  * @param {Entry} entry The root entry.
    478  * @param {function(Entry):boolean} callback Callback invoked for each entry.
    479  *     If this returns false, entries under it won't be traversed. Note that
    480  *     its siblings (and their children) will be still traversed.
    481  * @param {function()} successCallback Called upon successful completion.
    482  * @param {function(error)} errorCallback Called upon error.
    483  */
    484 util.traverseTree = function(entry, callback, successCallback, errorCallback) {
    485   if (!callback(entry)) {
    486     successCallback();
    487     return;
    488   }
    490   util.forEachDirEntry(
    491       entry,
    492       function(child, iterationCallback) {
    493         util.traverseTree(child, callback, iterationCallback, errorCallback);
    494       },
    495       successCallback,
    496       errorCallback);
    497 };
    499 /**
    500  * A shortcut function to create a child element with given tag and class.
    501  *
    502  * @param {HTMLElement} parent Parent element.
    503  * @param {string=} opt_className Class name.
    504  * @param {string=} opt_tag Element tag, DIV is omitted.
    505  * @return {Element} Newly created element.
    506  */
    507 util.createChild = function(parent, opt_className, opt_tag) {
    508   var child = parent.ownerDocument.createElement(opt_tag || 'div');
    509   if (opt_className)
    510     child.className = opt_className;
    511   parent.appendChild(child);
    512   return child;
    513 };
    515 /**
    516  * Updates the app state.
    517  *
    518  * @param {string} currentDirectoryURL Currently opened directory as an URL.
    519  *     If null the value is left unchanged.
    520  * @param {string} selectionURL Currently selected entry as an URL. If null the
    521  *     value is left unchanged.
    522  * @param {string|Object=} opt_param Additional parameters, to be stored. If
    523  *     null, then left unchanged.
    524  */
    525 util.updateAppState = function(currentDirectoryURL, selectionURL, opt_param) {
    526   window.appState = window.appState || {};
    527   if (opt_param !== undefined && opt_param !== null)
    528     window.appState.params = opt_param;
    529   if (currentDirectoryURL !== null)
    530     window.appState.currentDirectoryURL = currentDirectoryURL;
    531   if (selectionURL !== null)
    532     window.appState.selectionURL = selectionURL;
    533   util.saveAppState();
    534 };
    536 /**
    537  * Returns a translated string.
    538  *
    539  * Wrapper function to make dealing with translated strings more concise.
    540  * Equivalent to loadTimeData.getString(id).
    541  *
    542  * @param {string} id The id of the string to return.
    543  * @return {string} The translated string.
    544  */
    545 function str(id) {
    546   return loadTimeData.getString(id);
    547 }
    549 /**
    550  * Returns a translated string with arguments replaced.
    551  *
    552  * Wrapper function to make dealing with translated strings more concise.
    553  * Equivalent to loadTimeData.getStringF(id, ...).
    554  *
    555  * @param {string} id The id of the string to return.
    556  * @param {...string} var_args The values to replace into the string.
    557  * @return {string} The translated string with replaced values.
    558  */
    559 function strf(id, var_args) {
    560   return loadTimeData.getStringF.apply(loadTimeData, arguments);
    561 }
    563 /**
    564  * @return {boolean} True if Files.app is running as an open files or a select
    565  *     folder dialog. False otherwise.
    566  */
    567 util.runningInBrowser = function() {
    568   return !window.appID;
    569 };
    571 /**
    572  * Attach page load handler.
    573  * @param {function()} handler Application-specific load handler.
    574  */
    575 util.addPageLoadHandler = function(handler) {
    576   document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
    577     handler();
    578   });
    579 };
    581 /**
    582  * Save app launch data to the local storage.
    583  */
    584 util.saveAppState = function() {
    585   if (!window.appState)
    586     return;
    587   var items = {};
    589   items[window.appID] = JSON.stringify(window.appState);
    590   chrome.storage.local.set(items);
    591 };
    593 /**
    594  *  AppCache is a persistent timestamped key-value storage backed by
    595  *  HTML5 local storage.
    596  *
    597  *  It is not designed for frequent access. In order to avoid costly
    598  *  localStorage iteration all data is kept in a single localStorage item.
    599  *  There is no in-memory caching, so concurrent access is _almost_ safe.
    600  *
    601  *  TODO(kaznacheev) Reimplement this based on Indexed DB.
    602  */
    603 util.AppCache = function() {};
    605 /**
    606  * Local storage key.
    607  */
    608 util.AppCache.KEY = 'AppCache';
    610 /**
    611  * Max number of items.
    612  */
    613 util.AppCache.CAPACITY = 100;
    615 /**
    616  * Default lifetime.
    617  */
    618 util.AppCache.LIFETIME = 30 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000;  // 30 days.
    620 /**
    621  * @param {string} key Key.
    622  * @param {function(number)} callback Callback accepting a value.
    623  */
    624 util.AppCache.getValue = function(key, callback) {
    625   util.AppCache.read_(function(map) {
    626     var entry = map[key];
    627     callback(entry && entry.value);
    628   });
    629 };
    631 /**
    632  * Update the cache.
    633  *
    634  * @param {string} key Key.
    635  * @param {string} value Value. Remove the key if value is null.
    636  * @param {number=} opt_lifetime Maximum time to keep an item (in milliseconds).
    637  */
    638 util.AppCache.update = function(key, value, opt_lifetime) {
    639   util.AppCache.read_(function(map) {
    640     if (value != null) {
    641       map[key] = {
    642         value: value,
    643         expire: Date.now() + (opt_lifetime || util.AppCache.LIFETIME)
    644       };
    645     } else if (key in map) {
    646       delete map[key];
    647     } else {
    648       return;  // Nothing to do.
    649     }
    650     util.AppCache.cleanup_(map);
    651     util.AppCache.write_(map);
    652   });
    653 };
    655 /**
    656  * @param {function(Object)} callback Callback accepting a map of timestamped
    657  *   key-value pairs.
    658  * @private
    659  */
    660 util.AppCache.read_ = function(callback) {
    661   chrome.storage.local.get(util.AppCache.KEY, function(values) {
    662     var json = values[util.AppCache.KEY];
    663     if (json) {
    664       try {
    665         callback(JSON.parse(json));
    666       } catch (e) {
    667         // The local storage item somehow got messed up, start fresh.
    668       }
    669     }
    670     callback({});
    671   });
    672 };
    674 /**
    675  * @param {Object} map A map of timestamped key-value pairs.
    676  * @private
    677  */
    678 util.AppCache.write_ = function(map) {
    679   var items = {};
    680   items[util.AppCache.KEY] = JSON.stringify(map);
    681   chrome.storage.local.set(items);
    682 };
    684 /**
    685  * Remove over-capacity and obsolete items.
    686  *
    687  * @param {Object} map A map of timestamped key-value pairs.
    688  * @private
    689  */
    690 util.AppCache.cleanup_ = function(map) {
    691   // Sort keys by ascending timestamps.
    692   var keys = [];
    693   for (var key in map) {
    694     if (map.hasOwnProperty(key))
    695       keys.push(key);
    696   }
    697   keys.sort(function(a, b) { return map[a].expire > map[b].expire; });
    699   var cutoff = Date.now();
    701   var obsolete = 0;
    702   while (obsolete < keys.length &&
    703          map[keys[obsolete]].expire < cutoff) {
    704     obsolete++;
    705   }
    707   var overCapacity = Math.max(0, keys.length - util.AppCache.CAPACITY);
    709   var itemsToDelete = Math.max(obsolete, overCapacity);
    710   for (var i = 0; i != itemsToDelete; i++) {
    711     delete map[keys[i]];
    712   }
    713 };
    715 /**
    716  * Load an image.
    717  *
    718  * @param {Image} image Image element.
    719  * @param {string} url Source url.
    720  * @param {Object=} opt_options Hash array of options, eg. width, height,
    721  *     maxWidth, maxHeight, scale, cache.
    722  * @param {function()=} opt_isValid Function returning false iff the task
    723  *     is not valid and should be aborted.
    724  * @return {?number} Task identifier or null if fetched immediately from
    725  *     cache.
    726  */
    727 util.loadImage = function(image, url, opt_options, opt_isValid) {
    728   return ImageLoaderClient.loadToImage(url,
    729                                        image,
    730                                        opt_options || {},
    731                                        function() {},
    732                                        function() { image.onerror(); },
    733                                        opt_isValid);
    734 };
    736 /**
    737  * Cancels loading an image.
    738  * @param {number} taskId Task identifier returned by util.loadImage().
    739  */
    740 util.cancelLoadImage = function(taskId) {
    741   ImageLoaderClient.getInstance().cancel(taskId);
    742 };
    744 /**
    745  * Finds proerty descriptor in the object prototype chain.
    746  * @param {Object} object The object.
    747  * @param {string} propertyName The property name.
    748  * @return {Object} Property descriptor.
    749  */
    750 util.findPropertyDescriptor = function(object, propertyName) {
    751   for (var p = object; p; p = Object.getPrototypeOf(p)) {
    752     var d = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(p, propertyName);
    753     if (d)
    754       return d;
    755   }
    756   return null;
    757 };
    759 /**
    760  * Calls inherited property setter (useful when property is
    761  * overridden).
    762  * @param {Object} object The object.
    763  * @param {string} propertyName The property name.
    764  * @param {*} value Value to set.
    765  */
    766 util.callInheritedSetter = function(object, propertyName, value) {
    767   var d = util.findPropertyDescriptor(Object.getPrototypeOf(object),
    768                                       propertyName);
    769   d.set.call(object, value);
    770 };
    772 /**
    773  * Returns true if the board of the device matches the given prefix.
    774  * @param {string} boardPrefix The board prefix to match against.
    775  *     (ex. "x86-mario". Prefix is used as the actual board name comes with
    776  *     suffix like "x86-mario-something".
    777  * @return {boolean} True if the board of the device matches the given prefix.
    778  */
    779 util.boardIs = function(boardPrefix) {
    780   // The board name should be lower-cased, but making it case-insensitive for
    781   // backward compatibility just in case.
    782   var board = str('CHROMEOS_RELEASE_BOARD');
    783   var pattern = new RegExp('^' + boardPrefix, 'i');
    784   return board.match(pattern) != null;
    785 };
    787 /**
    788  * Adds an isFocused method to the current window object.
    789  */
    790 util.addIsFocusedMethod = function() {
    791   var focused = true;
    793   window.addEventListener('focus', function() {
    794     focused = true;
    795   });
    797   window.addEventListener('blur', function() {
    798     focused = false;
    799   });
    801   /**
    802    * @return {boolean} True if focused.
    803    */
    804   window.isFocused = function() {
    805     return focused;
    806   };
    807 };
    809 /**
    810  * Makes a redirect to the specified Files.app's window from another window.
    811  * @param {number} id Window id.
    812  * @param {string} url Target url.
    813  * @return {boolean} True if the window has been found. False otherwise.
    814  */
    815 util.redirectMainWindow = function(id, url) {
    816   // TODO(mtomasz): Implement this for Apps V2, once the photo importer is
    817   // restored.
    818   return false;
    819 };
    821 /**
    822  * Checks, if the Files.app's window is in a full screen mode.
    823  *
    824  * @param {AppWindow} appWindow App window to be maximized.
    825  * @return {boolean} True if the full screen mode is enabled.
    826  */
    827 util.isFullScreen = function(appWindow) {
    828   if (appWindow) {
    829     return appWindow.isFullscreen();
    830   } else {
    831     console.error('App window not passed. Unable to check status of ' +
    832                   'the full screen mode.');
    833     return false;
    834   }
    835 };
    837 /**
    838  * Toggles the full screen mode.
    839  *
    840  * @param {AppWindow} appWindow App window to be maximized.
    841  * @param {boolean} enabled True for enabling, false for disabling.
    842  */
    843 util.toggleFullScreen = function(appWindow, enabled) {
    844   if (appWindow) {
    845     if (enabled)
    846       appWindow.fullscreen();
    847     else
    848       appWindow.restore();
    849     return;
    850   }
    852   console.error(
    853       'App window not passed. Unable to toggle the full screen mode.');
    854 };
    856 /**
    857  * The type of a file operation.
    858  * @enum {string}
    859  * @const
    860  */
    861 util.FileOperationType = Object.freeze({
    862   COPY: 'COPY',
    863   MOVE: 'MOVE',
    864   ZIP: 'ZIP',
    865 });
    867 /**
    868  * The type of a file operation error.
    869  * @enum {number}
    870  * @const
    871  */
    872 util.FileOperationErrorType = Object.freeze({
    874   TARGET_EXISTS: 1,
    875   FILESYSTEM_ERROR: 2,
    876 });
    878 /**
    879  * The kind of an entry changed event.
    880  * @enum {number}
    881  * @const
    882  */
    883 util.EntryChangedKind = Object.freeze({
    884   CREATED: 0,
    885   DELETED: 1,
    886 });
    888 /**
    889  * Obtains whether an entry is fake or not.
    890  * @param {!Entry|!Object} entry Entry or a fake entry.
    891  * @return {boolean} True if the given entry is fake.
    892  */
    893 util.isFakeEntry = function(entry) {
    894   return !('getParent' in entry);
    895 };
    897 /**
    898  * Creates an instance of UserDOMError with given error name that looks like a
    899  * FileError except that it does not have the deprecated FileError.code member.
    900  *
    901  * TODO(uekawa): remove reference to FileError.
    902  *
    903  * @param {string} name Error name for the file error.
    904  * @return {UserDOMError} FileError instance
    905  */
    906 util.createDOMError = function(name) {
    907   return new util.UserDOMError(name);
    908 };
    910 /**
    911  * Creates a DOMError-like object to be used in place of returning file errors.
    912  *
    913  * @param {string} name Error name for the file error.
    914  * @constructor
    915  */
    916 util.UserDOMError = function(name) {
    917   /**
    918    * @type {string}
    919    * @private
    920    */
    921   this.name_ = name;
    922   Object.freeze(this);
    923 };
    925 util.UserDOMError.prototype = {
    926   /**
    927    * @return {string} File error name.
    928    */
    929   get name() { return this.name_;
    930   }
    931 };
    933 /**
    934  * Compares two entries.
    935  * @param {Entry|Object} entry1 The entry to be compared. Can be a fake.
    936  * @param {Entry|Object} entry2 The entry to be compared. Can be a fake.
    937  * @return {boolean} True if the both entry represents a same file or
    938  *     directory. Returns true if both entries are null.
    939  */
    940 util.isSameEntry = function(entry1, entry2) {
    941   if (!entry1 && !entry2)
    942     return true;
    943   if (!entry1 || !entry2)
    944     return false;
    945   return entry1.toURL() === entry2.toURL();
    946 };
    948 /**
    949  * Compares two file systems.
    950  * @param {DOMFileSystem} fileSystem1 The file system to be compared.
    951  * @param {DOMFileSystem} fileSystem2 The file system to be compared.
    952  * @return {boolean} True if the both file systems are equal. Also, returns true
    953  *     if both file systems are null.
    954  */
    955 util.isSameFileSystem = function(fileSystem1, fileSystem2) {
    956   if (!fileSystem1 && !fileSystem2)
    957     return true;
    958   if (!fileSystem1 || !fileSystem2)
    959     return false;
    960   return util.isSameEntry(fileSystem1.root, fileSystem2.root);
    961 };
    963 /**
    964  * Collator for sorting.
    965  * @type {Intl.Collator}
    966  */
    967 util.collator = new Intl.Collator(
    968     [], {usage: 'sort', numeric: true, sensitivity: 'base'});
    970 /**
    971  * Compare by name. The 2 entries must be in same directory.
    972  * @param {Entry} entry1 First entry.
    973  * @param {Entry} entry2 Second entry.
    974  * @return {number} Compare result.
    975  */
    976 util.compareName = function(entry1, entry2) {
    977   return util.collator.compare(entry1.name, entry2.name);
    978 };
    980 /**
    981  * Compare by path.
    982  * @param {Entry} entry1 First entry.
    983  * @param {Entry} entry2 Second entry.
    984  * @return {number} Compare result.
    985  */
    986 util.comparePath = function(entry1, entry2) {
    987   return util.collator.compare(entry1.fullPath, entry2.fullPath);
    988 };
    990 /**
    991  * Checks if the child entry is a descendant of another entry. If the entries
    992  * point to the same file or directory, then returns false.
    993  *
    994  * @param {DirectoryEntry|Object} ancestorEntry The ancestor directory entry.
    995  *     Can be a fake.
    996  * @param {Entry|Object} childEntry The child entry. Can be a fake.
    997  * @return {boolean} True if the child entry is contained in the ancestor path.
    998  */
    999 util.isDescendantEntry = function(ancestorEntry, childEntry) {
   1000   if (!ancestorEntry.isDirectory)
   1001     return false;
   1002   if (!util.isSameFileSystem(ancestorEntry.filesystem, childEntry.filesystem))
   1003     return false;
   1004   if (util.isSameEntry(ancestorEntry, childEntry))
   1005     return false;
   1006   if (util.isFakeEntry(ancestorEntry) || util.isFakeEntry(childEntry))
   1007     return false;
   1009   // Check if the ancestor's path with trailing slash is a prefix of child's
   1010   // path.
   1011   var ancestorPath = ancestorEntry.fullPath;
   1012   if (ancestorPath.slice(-1) !== '/')
   1013     ancestorPath += '/';
   1014   return childEntry.fullPath.indexOf(ancestorPath) === 0;
   1015 };
   1017 /**
   1018  * Visit the URL.
   1019  *
   1020  * If the browser is opening, the url is opened in a new tag, otherwise the url
   1021  * is opened in a new window.
   1022  *
   1023  * @param {string} url URL to visit.
   1024  */
   1025 util.visitURL = function(url) {
   1026   window.open(url);
   1027 };
   1029 /**
   1030  * Returns normalized current locale, or default locale - 'en'.
   1031  * @return {string} Current locale
   1032  */
   1033 util.getCurrentLocaleOrDefault = function() {
   1034   // chrome.i18n.getMessage('@@ui_locale') can't be used in packed app.
   1035   // Instead, we pass it from C++-side with strings.
   1036   return str('UI_LOCALE') || 'en';
   1037 };
   1039 /**
   1040  * Converts array of entries to an array of corresponding URLs.
   1041  * @param {Array.<Entry>} entries Input array of entries.
   1042  * @return {Array.<string>} Output array of URLs.
   1043  */
   1044 util.entriesToURLs = function(entries) {
   1045   return entries.map(function(entry) {
   1046     return entry.toURL();
   1047   });
   1048 };
   1050 /**
   1051  * Converts array of URLs to an array of corresponding Entries.
   1052  *
   1053  * @param {Array.<string>} urls Input array of URLs.
   1054  * @param {function(Array.<Entry>, Array.<URL>)=} opt_callback Completion
   1055  *     callback with array of success Entries and failure URLs.
   1056  * @return {Promise} Promise fulfilled with the object that has entries property
   1057  *     and failureUrls property. The promise is never rejected.
   1058  */
   1059 util.URLsToEntries = function(urls, opt_callback) {
   1060   var promises = urls.map(function(url) {
   1061     return new Promise(webkitResolveLocalFileSystemURL.bind(null, url)).
   1062         then(function(entry) {
   1063           return {entry: entry};
   1064         }, function(failureUrl) {
   1065           // Not an error. Possibly, the file is not accessible anymore.
   1066           console.warn('Failed to resolve the file with url: ' + url + '.');
   1067           return {failureUrl: url};
   1068         });
   1069   });
   1070   var resultPromise = Promise.all(promises).then(function(results) {
   1071     var entries = [];
   1072     var failureUrls = [];
   1073     for (var i = 0; i < results.length; i++) {
   1074       if ('entry' in results[i])
   1075         entries.push(results[i].entry);
   1076       if ('failureUrl' in results[i]) {
   1077         failureUrls.push(results[i].failureUrl);
   1078       }
   1079     }
   1080     return {
   1081       entries: entries,
   1082       failureUrls: failureUrls
   1083     };
   1084   });
   1086   // Invoke the callback. If opt_callback is specified, resultPromise is still
   1087   // returned and fulfilled with a result.
   1088   if (opt_callback) {
   1089     resultPromise.then(function(result) {
   1090       opt_callback(result.entries, result.failureUrls);
   1091     }).catch(function(error) {
   1092       console.error(
   1093           'util.URLsToEntries is failed.',
   1094           error.stack ? error.stack : error);
   1095     });
   1096   }
   1098   return resultPromise;
   1099 };
   1101 /**
   1102  * Returns whether the window is teleported or not.
   1103  * @param {DOMWindow} window Window.
   1104  * @return {Promise.<boolean>} Whether the window is teleported or not.
   1105  */
   1106 util.isTeleported = function(window) {
   1107   return new Promise(function(onFulfilled) {
   1108     window.chrome.fileManagerPrivate.getProfiles(
   1109         function(profiles, currentId, displayedId) {
   1110           onFulfilled(currentId !== displayedId);
   1111         });
   1112   });
   1113 };
   1115 /**
   1116  * Sets up and shows the alert to inform a user the task is opened in the
   1117  * desktop of the running profile.
   1118  *
   1119  * TODO(hirono): Move the function from the util namespace.
   1120  * @param {cr.ui.AlertDialog} alertDialog Alert dialog to be shown.
   1121  * @param {Array.<Entry>} entries List of opened entries.
   1122  */
   1123 util.showOpenInOtherDesktopAlert = function(alertDialog, entries) {
   1124   if (!entries.length)
   1125     return;
   1126   chrome.fileManagerPrivate.getProfiles(
   1127       function(profiles, currentId, displayedId) {
   1128         // Find strings.
   1129         var displayName;
   1130         for (var i = 0; i < profiles.length; i++) {
   1131           if (profiles[i].profileId === currentId) {
   1132             displayName = profiles[i].displayName;
   1133             break;
   1134           }
   1135         }
   1136         if (!displayName) {
   1137           console.warn('Display name is not found.');
   1138           return;
   1139         }
   1141         var title = entries.size > 1 ?
   1142             entries[0].name + '\u2026' /* ellipsis */ : entries[0].name;
   1143         var message = strf(entries.size > 1 ?
   1144                            'OPEN_IN_OTHER_DESKTOP_MESSAGE_PLURAL' :
   1145                            'OPEN_IN_OTHER_DESKTOP_MESSAGE',
   1146                            displayName,
   1147                            currentId);
   1149         // Show the dialog.
   1150         alertDialog.showWithTitle(title, message);
   1151       }.bind(this));
   1152 };
   1154 /**
   1155  * Runs chrome.test.sendMessage in test environment. Does nothing if running
   1156  * in production environment.
   1157  *
   1158  * @param {string} message Test message to send.
   1159  */
   1160 util.testSendMessage = function(message) {
   1161   var test = chrome.test || window.top.chrome.test;
   1162   if (test)
   1163     test.sendMessage(message);
   1164 };
   1166 /**
   1167  * Returns the localized name for the root type. If not available, then returns
   1168  * null.
   1169  *
   1170  * @param {VolumeManagerCommon.RootType} rootType The root type.
   1171  * @return {?string} The localized name, or null if not available.
   1172  */
   1173 util.getRootTypeLabel = function(rootType) {
   1174   var str = function(id) {
   1175     return loadTimeData.getString(id);
   1176   };
   1178   switch (rootType) {
   1179     case VolumeManagerCommon.RootType.DOWNLOADS:
   1180       return str('DOWNLOADS_DIRECTORY_LABEL');
   1181     case VolumeManagerCommon.RootType.DRIVE:
   1182       return str('DRIVE_MY_DRIVE_LABEL');
   1183     case VolumeManagerCommon.RootType.DRIVE_OFFLINE:
   1184       return str('DRIVE_OFFLINE_COLLECTION_LABEL');
   1185     case VolumeManagerCommon.RootType.DRIVE_SHARED_WITH_ME:
   1186       return str('DRIVE_SHARED_WITH_ME_COLLECTION_LABEL');
   1187     case VolumeManagerCommon.RootType.DRIVE_RECENT:
   1188       return str('DRIVE_RECENT_COLLECTION_LABEL');
   1189   }
   1191   // Translation not found.
   1192   return null;
   1193 };
   1195 /**
   1196  * Extracts the extension of the path.
   1197  *
   1198  * Examples:
   1199  * util.splitExtension('abc.ext') -> ['abc', '.ext']
   1200  * util.splitExtension('a/b/abc.ext') -> ['a/b/abc', '.ext']
   1201  * util.splitExtension('a/b') -> ['a/b', '']
   1202  * util.splitExtension('.cshrc') -> ['', '.cshrc']
   1203  * util.splitExtension('a/b.backup/hoge') -> ['a/b.backup/hoge', '']
   1204  *
   1205  * @param {string} path Path to be extracted.
   1206  * @return {Array.<string>} Filename and extension of the given path.
   1207  */
   1208 util.splitExtension = function(path) {
   1209   var dotPosition = path.lastIndexOf('.');
   1210   if (dotPosition <= path.lastIndexOf('/'))
   1211     dotPosition = -1;
   1213   var filename = dotPosition != -1 ? path.substr(0, dotPosition) : path;
   1214   var extension = dotPosition != -1 ? path.substr(dotPosition) : '';
   1215   return [filename, extension];
   1216 };
   1218 /**
   1219  * Returns the localized name of the entry.
   1220  *
   1221  * @param {VolumeManager} volumeManager The volume manager.
   1222  * @param {Entry} entry The entry to be retrieve the name of.
   1223  * @return {?string} The localized name.
   1224  */
   1225 util.getEntryLabel = function(volumeManager, entry) {
   1226   var locationInfo = volumeManager.getLocationInfo(entry);
   1228   if (locationInfo && locationInfo.isRootEntry) {
   1229     switch (locationInfo.rootType) {
   1230       case VolumeManagerCommon.RootType.DOWNLOADS:
   1231         return str('DOWNLOADS_DIRECTORY_LABEL');
   1232       case VolumeManagerCommon.RootType.DRIVE:
   1233         return str('DRIVE_MY_DRIVE_LABEL');
   1234       case VolumeManagerCommon.RootType.DRIVE_OFFLINE:
   1235         return str('DRIVE_OFFLINE_COLLECTION_LABEL');
   1236       case VolumeManagerCommon.RootType.DRIVE_SHARED_WITH_ME:
   1237         return str('DRIVE_SHARED_WITH_ME_COLLECTION_LABEL');
   1238       case VolumeManagerCommon.RootType.DRIVE_RECENT:
   1239         return str('DRIVE_RECENT_COLLECTION_LABEL');
   1240       case VolumeManagerCommon.RootType.DRIVE_OTHER:
   1241       case VolumeManagerCommon.RootType.DOWNLOADS:
   1242       case VolumeManagerCommon.RootType.ARCHIVE:
   1243       case VolumeManagerCommon.RootType.REMOVABLE:
   1244       case VolumeManagerCommon.RootType.MTP:
   1245       case VolumeManagerCommon.RootType.PROVIDED:
   1246         return locationInfo.volumeInfo.label;
   1247       default:
   1248         console.error('Unsupported root type: ' + locationInfo.rootType);
   1249         return locationInfo.volumeInfo.label;
   1250     }
   1251   }
   1253   return entry.name;
   1254 };
   1256 /**
   1257  * Checks if the specified set of allowed effects contains the given effect.
   1258  * See: http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/editing.html#the-datatransfer-interface
   1259  *
   1260  * @param {string} effectAllowed The string denoting the set of allowed effects.
   1261  * @param {string} dropEffect The effect to be checked.
   1262  * @return {boolean} True if |dropEffect| is included in |effectAllowed|.
   1263  */
   1264 util.isDropEffectAllowed = function(effectAllowed, dropEffect) {
   1265   return effectAllowed === 'all' ||
   1266       effectAllowed.toLowerCase().indexOf(dropEffect) !== -1;
   1267 };
   1269 /**
   1270  * Verifies the user entered name for file or folder to be created or
   1271  * renamed to. Name restrictions must correspond to File API restrictions
   1272  * (see DOMFilePath::isValidPath). Curernt WebKit implementation is
   1273  * out of date (spec is
   1274  * http://dev.w3.org/2009/dap/file-system/file-dir-sys.html, 8.3) and going to
   1275  * be fixed. Shows message box if the name is invalid.
   1276  *
   1277  * It also verifies if the name length is in the limit of the filesystem.
   1278  *
   1279  * @param {DirectoryEntry} parentEntry The URL of the parent directory entry.
   1280  * @param {string} name New file or folder name.
   1281  * @param {boolean} filterHiddenOn Whether to report the hidden file name error
   1282  *     or not.
   1283  * @return {Promise} Promise fulfilled on success, or rejected with the error
   1284  *     message.
   1285  */
   1286 util.validateFileName = function(parentEntry, name, filterHiddenOn) {
   1287   var testResult = /[\/\\\<\>\:\?\*\"\|]/.exec(name);
   1288   var msg;
   1289   if (testResult)
   1290     return Promise.reject(strf('ERROR_INVALID_CHARACTER', testResult[0]));
   1291   else if (/^\s*$/i.test(name))
   1292     return Promise.reject(str('ERROR_WHITESPACE_NAME'));
   1293   else if (/^(CON|PRN|AUX|NUL|COM[1-9]|LPT[1-9])$/i.test(name))
   1294     return Promise.reject(str('ERROR_RESERVED_NAME'));
   1295   else if (filterHiddenOn && /\.crdownload$/i.test(name))
   1296     return Promise.reject(str('ERROR_RESERVED_NAME'));
   1297   else if (filterHiddenOn && name[0] == '.')
   1298     return Promise.reject(str('ERROR_HIDDEN_NAME'));
   1300   return new Promise(function(fulfill, reject) {
   1301     chrome.fileManagerPrivate.validatePathNameLength(
   1302         parentEntry.toURL(),
   1303         name,
   1304         function(valid) {
   1305           if (valid)
   1306             fulfill();
   1307           else
   1308             reject(str('ERROR_LONG_NAME'));
   1309         });
   1310   });
   1311 };