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      1 // Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 // found in the LICENSE file.
      5 // Needed on Windows to get |M_PI| from <cmath>
      6 #ifdef _WIN32
      7 #define _USE_MATH_DEFINES
      8 #endif
     10 #include <algorithm>
     11 #include <cmath>
     12 #include <limits>
     14 #include "base/logging.h"
     15 #include "cc/animation/transform_operation.h"
     16 #include "cc/animation/transform_operations.h"
     17 #include "ui/gfx/box_f.h"
     18 #include "ui/gfx/transform_util.h"
     19 #include "ui/gfx/vector3d_f.h"
     21 namespace {
     22 const SkMScalar kAngleEpsilon = 1e-4f;
     23 }
     25 namespace cc {
     27 bool TransformOperation::IsIdentity() const {
     28   return matrix.IsIdentity();
     29 }
     31 static bool IsOperationIdentity(const TransformOperation* operation) {
     32   return !operation || operation->IsIdentity();
     33 }
     35 static bool ShareSameAxis(const TransformOperation* from,
     36                           const TransformOperation* to,
     37                           SkMScalar* axis_x,
     38                           SkMScalar* axis_y,
     39                           SkMScalar* axis_z,
     40                           SkMScalar* angle_from) {
     41   if (IsOperationIdentity(from) && IsOperationIdentity(to))
     42     return false;
     44   if (IsOperationIdentity(from) && !IsOperationIdentity(to)) {
     45     *axis_x = to->rotate.axis.x;
     46     *axis_y = to->rotate.axis.y;
     47     *axis_z = to->rotate.axis.z;
     48     *angle_from = 0;
     49     return true;
     50   }
     52   if (!IsOperationIdentity(from) && IsOperationIdentity(to)) {
     53     *axis_x = from->rotate.axis.x;
     54     *axis_y = from->rotate.axis.y;
     55     *axis_z = from->rotate.axis.z;
     56     *angle_from = from->rotate.angle;
     57     return true;
     58   }
     60   SkMScalar length_2 = from->rotate.axis.x * from->rotate.axis.x +
     61                        from->rotate.axis.y * from->rotate.axis.y +
     62                        from->rotate.axis.z * from->rotate.axis.z;
     63   SkMScalar other_length_2 = to->rotate.axis.x * to->rotate.axis.x +
     64                              to->rotate.axis.y * to->rotate.axis.y +
     65                              to->rotate.axis.z * to->rotate.axis.z;
     67   if (length_2 <= kAngleEpsilon || other_length_2 <= kAngleEpsilon)
     68     return false;
     70   SkMScalar dot = to->rotate.axis.x * from->rotate.axis.x +
     71                   to->rotate.axis.y * from->rotate.axis.y +
     72                   to->rotate.axis.z * from->rotate.axis.z;
     73   SkMScalar error =
     74       std::abs(SK_MScalar1 - (dot * dot) / (length_2 * other_length_2));
     75   bool result = error < kAngleEpsilon;
     76   if (result) {
     77     *axis_x = to->rotate.axis.x;
     78     *axis_y = to->rotate.axis.y;
     79     *axis_z = to->rotate.axis.z;
     80     // If the axes are pointing in opposite directions, we need to reverse
     81     // the angle.
     82     *angle_from = dot > 0 ? from->rotate.angle : -from->rotate.angle;
     83   }
     84   return result;
     85 }
     87 static SkMScalar BlendSkMScalars(SkMScalar from,
     88                                  SkMScalar to,
     89                                  SkMScalar progress) {
     90   return from * (1 - progress) + to * progress;
     91 }
     93 bool TransformOperation::BlendTransformOperations(
     94     const TransformOperation* from,
     95     const TransformOperation* to,
     96     SkMScalar progress,
     97     gfx::Transform* result) {
     98   if (IsOperationIdentity(from) && IsOperationIdentity(to))
     99     return true;
    101   TransformOperation::Type interpolation_type =
    102       TransformOperation::TransformOperationIdentity;
    103   if (IsOperationIdentity(to))
    104     interpolation_type = from->type;
    105   else
    106     interpolation_type = to->type;
    108   switch (interpolation_type) {
    109   case TransformOperation::TransformOperationTranslate: {
    110     SkMScalar from_x = IsOperationIdentity(from) ? 0 : from->translate.x;
    111     SkMScalar from_y = IsOperationIdentity(from) ? 0 : from->translate.y;
    112     SkMScalar from_z = IsOperationIdentity(from) ? 0 : from->translate.z;
    113     SkMScalar to_x = IsOperationIdentity(to) ? 0 : to->translate.x;
    114     SkMScalar to_y = IsOperationIdentity(to) ? 0 : to->translate.y;
    115     SkMScalar to_z = IsOperationIdentity(to) ? 0 : to->translate.z;
    116     result->Translate3d(BlendSkMScalars(from_x, to_x, progress),
    117                         BlendSkMScalars(from_y, to_y, progress),
    118                         BlendSkMScalars(from_z, to_z, progress));
    119     break;
    120   }
    121   case TransformOperation::TransformOperationRotate: {
    122     SkMScalar axis_x = 0;
    123     SkMScalar axis_y = 0;
    124     SkMScalar axis_z = 1;
    125     SkMScalar from_angle = 0;
    126     SkMScalar to_angle = IsOperationIdentity(to) ? 0 : to->rotate.angle;
    127     if (ShareSameAxis(from, to, &axis_x, &axis_y, &axis_z, &from_angle)) {
    128       result->RotateAbout(gfx::Vector3dF(axis_x, axis_y, axis_z),
    129                           BlendSkMScalars(from_angle, to_angle, progress));
    130     } else {
    131       gfx::Transform to_matrix;
    132       if (!IsOperationIdentity(to))
    133         to_matrix = to->matrix;
    134       gfx::Transform from_matrix;
    135       if (!IsOperationIdentity(from))
    136         from_matrix = from->matrix;
    137       *result = to_matrix;
    138       if (!result->Blend(from_matrix, progress))
    139         return false;
    140     }
    141     break;
    142   }
    143   case TransformOperation::TransformOperationScale: {
    144     SkMScalar from_x = IsOperationIdentity(from) ? 1 : from->scale.x;
    145     SkMScalar from_y = IsOperationIdentity(from) ? 1 : from->scale.y;
    146     SkMScalar from_z = IsOperationIdentity(from) ? 1 : from->scale.z;
    147     SkMScalar to_x = IsOperationIdentity(to) ? 1 : to->scale.x;
    148     SkMScalar to_y = IsOperationIdentity(to) ? 1 : to->scale.y;
    149     SkMScalar to_z = IsOperationIdentity(to) ? 1 : to->scale.z;
    150     result->Scale3d(BlendSkMScalars(from_x, to_x, progress),
    151                     BlendSkMScalars(from_y, to_y, progress),
    152                     BlendSkMScalars(from_z, to_z, progress));
    153     break;
    154   }
    155   case TransformOperation::TransformOperationSkew: {
    156     SkMScalar from_x = IsOperationIdentity(from) ? 0 : from->skew.x;
    157     SkMScalar from_y = IsOperationIdentity(from) ? 0 : from->skew.y;
    158     SkMScalar to_x = IsOperationIdentity(to) ? 0 : to->skew.x;
    159     SkMScalar to_y = IsOperationIdentity(to) ? 0 : to->skew.y;
    160     result->SkewX(BlendSkMScalars(from_x, to_x, progress));
    161     result->SkewY(BlendSkMScalars(from_y, to_y, progress));
    162     break;
    163   }
    164   case TransformOperation::TransformOperationPerspective: {
    165     SkMScalar from_perspective_depth =
    166         IsOperationIdentity(from) ? std::numeric_limits<SkMScalar>::max()
    167                                   : from->perspective_depth;
    168     SkMScalar to_perspective_depth =
    169         IsOperationIdentity(to) ? std::numeric_limits<SkMScalar>::max()
    170                                 : to->perspective_depth;
    171     if (from_perspective_depth == 0.f || to_perspective_depth == 0.f)
    172       return false;
    174     SkMScalar blended_perspective_depth = BlendSkMScalars(
    175         1.f / from_perspective_depth, 1.f / to_perspective_depth, progress);
    177     if (blended_perspective_depth == 0.f)
    178       return false;
    180     result->ApplyPerspectiveDepth(1.f / blended_perspective_depth);
    181     break;
    182   }
    183   case TransformOperation::TransformOperationMatrix: {
    184     gfx::Transform to_matrix;
    185     if (!IsOperationIdentity(to))
    186       to_matrix = to->matrix;
    187     gfx::Transform from_matrix;
    188     if (!IsOperationIdentity(from))
    189       from_matrix = from->matrix;
    190     *result = to_matrix;
    191     if (!result->Blend(from_matrix, progress))
    192       return false;
    193     break;
    194   }
    195   case TransformOperation::TransformOperationIdentity:
    196     // Do nothing.
    197     break;
    198   }
    200   return true;
    201 }
    203 // If p = (px, py) is a point in the plane being rotated about (0, 0, nz), this
    204 // function computes the angles we would have to rotate from p to get to
    205 // (length(p), 0), (-length(p), 0), (0, length(p)), (0, -length(p)). If nz is
    206 // negative, these angles will need to be reversed.
    207 static void FindCandidatesInPlane(float px,
    208                                   float py,
    209                                   float nz,
    210                                   double* candidates,
    211                                   int* num_candidates) {
    212   double phi = atan2(px, py);
    213   *num_candidates = 4;
    214   candidates[0] = phi;
    215   for (int i = 1; i < *num_candidates; ++i)
    216     candidates[i] = candidates[i - 1] + M_PI_2;
    217   if (nz < 0.f) {
    218     for (int i = 0; i < *num_candidates; ++i)
    219       candidates[i] *= -1.f;
    220   }
    221 }
    223 static float RadiansToDegrees(float radians) {
    224   return (180.f * radians) / M_PI;
    225 }
    227 static float DegreesToRadians(float degrees) {
    228   return (M_PI * degrees) / 180.f;
    229 }
    231 static void BoundingBoxForArc(const gfx::Point3F& point,
    232                               const TransformOperation* from,
    233                               const TransformOperation* to,
    234                               SkMScalar min_progress,
    235                               SkMScalar max_progress,
    236                               gfx::BoxF* box) {
    237   const TransformOperation* exemplar = from ? from : to;
    238   gfx::Vector3dF axis(exemplar->rotate.axis.x,
    239                       exemplar->rotate.axis.y,
    240                       exemplar->rotate.axis.z);
    242   const bool x_is_zero = axis.x() == 0.f;
    243   const bool y_is_zero = axis.y() == 0.f;
    244   const bool z_is_zero = axis.z() == 0.f;
    246   // We will have at most 6 angles to test (excluding from->angle and
    247   // to->angle).
    248   static const int kMaxNumCandidates = 6;
    249   double candidates[kMaxNumCandidates];
    250   int num_candidates = kMaxNumCandidates;
    252   if (x_is_zero && y_is_zero && z_is_zero)
    253     return;
    255   SkMScalar from_angle = from ? from->rotate.angle : 0.f;
    256   SkMScalar to_angle = to ? to->rotate.angle : 0.f;
    258   // If the axes of rotation are pointing in opposite directions, we need to
    259   // flip one of the angles. Note, if both |from| and |to| exist, then axis will
    260   // correspond to |from|.
    261   if (from && to) {
    262     gfx::Vector3dF other_axis(
    263         to->rotate.axis.x, to->rotate.axis.y, to->rotate.axis.z);
    264     if (gfx::DotProduct(axis, other_axis) < 0.f)
    265       to_angle *= -1.f;
    266   }
    268   float min_degrees =
    269       SkMScalarToFloat(BlendSkMScalars(from_angle, to_angle, min_progress));
    270   float max_degrees =
    271       SkMScalarToFloat(BlendSkMScalars(from_angle, to_angle, max_progress));
    272   if (max_degrees < min_degrees)
    273     std::swap(min_degrees, max_degrees);
    275   gfx::Transform from_transform;
    276   from_transform.RotateAbout(axis, min_degrees);
    277   gfx::Transform to_transform;
    278   to_transform.RotateAbout(axis, max_degrees);
    280   *box = gfx::BoxF();
    282   gfx::Point3F point_rotated_from = point;
    283   from_transform.TransformPoint(&point_rotated_from);
    284   gfx::Point3F point_rotated_to = point;
    285   to_transform.TransformPoint(&point_rotated_to);
    287   box->set_origin(point_rotated_from);
    288   box->ExpandTo(point_rotated_to);
    290   if (x_is_zero && y_is_zero) {
    291     FindCandidatesInPlane(
    292         point.x(), point.y(), axis.z(), candidates, &num_candidates);
    293   } else if (x_is_zero && z_is_zero) {
    294     FindCandidatesInPlane(
    295         point.z(), point.x(), axis.y(), candidates, &num_candidates);
    296   } else if (y_is_zero && z_is_zero) {
    297     FindCandidatesInPlane(
    298         point.y(), point.z(), axis.x(), candidates, &num_candidates);
    299   } else {
    300     gfx::Vector3dF normal = axis;
    301     normal.Scale(1.f / normal.Length());
    303     // First, find center of rotation.
    304     gfx::Point3F origin;
    305     gfx::Vector3dF to_point = point - origin;
    306     gfx::Point3F center =
    307         origin + gfx::ScaleVector3d(normal, gfx::DotProduct(to_point, normal));
    309     // Now we need to find two vectors in the plane of rotation. One pointing
    310     // towards point and another, perpendicular vector in the plane.
    311     gfx::Vector3dF v1 = point - center;
    312     float v1_length = v1.Length();
    313     if (v1_length == 0.f)
    314       return;
    316     v1.Scale(1.f / v1_length);
    317     gfx::Vector3dF v2 = gfx::CrossProduct(normal, v1);
    318     // v1 is the basis vector in the direction of the point.
    319     // i.e. with a rotation of 0, v1 is our +x vector.
    320     // v2 is a perpenticular basis vector of our plane (+y).
    322     // Take the parametric equation of a circle.
    323     // x = r*cos(t); y = r*sin(t);
    324     // We can treat that as a circle on the plane v1xv2.
    325     // From that we get the parametric equations for a circle on the
    326     // plane in 3d space of:
    327     // x(t) = r*cos(t)*v1.x + r*sin(t)*v2.x + cx
    328     // y(t) = r*cos(t)*v1.y + r*sin(t)*v2.y + cy
    329     // z(t) = r*cos(t)*v1.z + r*sin(t)*v2.z + cz
    330     // Taking the derivative of (x, y, z) and solving for 0 gives us our
    331     // maximum/minimum x, y, z values.
    332     // x'(t) = r*cos(t)*v2.x - r*sin(t)*v1.x = 0
    333     // tan(t) = v2.x/v1.x
    334     // t = atan2(v2.x, v1.x) + n*M_PI;
    335     candidates[0] = atan2(v2.x(), v1.x());
    336     candidates[1] = candidates[0] + M_PI;
    337     candidates[2] = atan2(v2.y(), v1.y());
    338     candidates[3] = candidates[2] + M_PI;
    339     candidates[4] = atan2(v2.z(), v1.z());
    340     candidates[5] = candidates[4] + M_PI;
    341   }
    343   double min_radians = DegreesToRadians(min_degrees);
    344   double max_radians = DegreesToRadians(max_degrees);
    346   for (int i = 0; i < num_candidates; ++i) {
    347     double radians = candidates[i];
    348     while (radians < min_radians)
    349       radians += 2.0 * M_PI;
    350     while (radians > max_radians)
    351       radians -= 2.0 * M_PI;
    352     if (radians < min_radians)
    353       continue;
    355     gfx::Transform rotation;
    356     rotation.RotateAbout(axis, RadiansToDegrees(radians));
    357     gfx::Point3F rotated = point;
    358     rotation.TransformPoint(&rotated);
    360     box->ExpandTo(rotated);
    361   }
    362 }
    364 bool TransformOperation::BlendedBoundsForBox(const gfx::BoxF& box,
    365                                              const TransformOperation* from,
    366                                              const TransformOperation* to,
    367                                              SkMScalar min_progress,
    368                                              SkMScalar max_progress,
    369                                              gfx::BoxF* bounds) {
    370   bool is_identity_from = IsOperationIdentity(from);
    371   bool is_identity_to = IsOperationIdentity(to);
    372   if (is_identity_from && is_identity_to) {
    373     *bounds = box;
    374     return true;
    375   }
    377   TransformOperation::Type interpolation_type =
    378       TransformOperation::TransformOperationIdentity;
    379   if (is_identity_to)
    380     interpolation_type = from->type;
    381   else
    382     interpolation_type = to->type;
    384   switch (interpolation_type) {
    385     case TransformOperation::TransformOperationIdentity:
    386       *bounds = box;
    387       return true;
    388     case TransformOperation::TransformOperationTranslate:
    389     case TransformOperation::TransformOperationSkew:
    390     case TransformOperation::TransformOperationPerspective:
    391     case TransformOperation::TransformOperationScale: {
    392       gfx::Transform from_transform;
    393       gfx::Transform to_transform;
    394       if (!BlendTransformOperations(from, to, min_progress, &from_transform) ||
    395           !BlendTransformOperations(from, to, max_progress, &to_transform))
    396         return false;
    398       *bounds = box;
    399       from_transform.TransformBox(bounds);
    401       gfx::BoxF to_box = box;
    402       to_transform.TransformBox(&to_box);
    403       bounds->ExpandTo(to_box);
    405       return true;
    406     }
    407     case TransformOperation::TransformOperationRotate: {
    408       SkMScalar axis_x = 0;
    409       SkMScalar axis_y = 0;
    410       SkMScalar axis_z = 1;
    411       SkMScalar from_angle = 0;
    412       if (!ShareSameAxis(from, to, &axis_x, &axis_y, &axis_z, &from_angle))
    413         return false;
    415       bool first_point = true;
    416       for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
    417         gfx::Point3F corner = box.origin();
    418         corner += gfx::Vector3dF(i & 1 ? box.width() : 0.f,
    419                                  i & 2 ? box.height() : 0.f,
    420                                  i & 4 ? box.depth() : 0.f);
    421         gfx::BoxF box_for_arc;
    422         BoundingBoxForArc(
    423             corner, from, to, min_progress, max_progress, &box_for_arc);
    424         if (first_point)
    425           *bounds = box_for_arc;
    426         else
    427           bounds->Union(box_for_arc);
    428         first_point = false;
    429       }
    430       return true;
    431     }
    432     case TransformOperation::TransformOperationMatrix:
    433       return false;
    434   }
    435   NOTREACHED();
    436   return false;
    437 }
    439 }  // namespace cc