/external/chromium_org/chrome/browser/chromeos/login/screens/ |
chrome_user_selection_screen.h | 15 #include "chrome/browser/chromeos/login/screens/user_selection_screen.h"
/external/chromium_org/chrome/browser/ui/cocoa/constrained_window/ |
constrained_window_animation.mm | 77 NSArray *screens = [NSScreen screens]; 78 if ([screens count] == 0) 83 NSScreen* main_screen = [screens objectAtIndex:0];
/external/chromium_org/chrome/browser/ui/webui/chromeos/login/ |
app_launch_splash_screen_handler.h | 11 #include "chrome/browser/chromeos/login/screens/app_launch_splash_screen_actor.h"
network_dropdown.h | 75 // Is the dropdown shown on one of the OOBE screens.
reset_screen_handler.h | 12 #include "chrome/browser/chromeos/login/screens/reset_screen_actor.h"
/external/chromium_org/chrome/browser/ui/window_sizer/ |
window_sizer_mac.mm | 22 NSRect main_area = [[[NSScreen screens] objectAtIndex:0] frame];
/external/chromium_org/third_party/mesa/src/src/egl/main/ |
eglmode.c | 56 if (!disp || !disp->Screens) 59 /* loop over all screens on the display */ 60 for (scrnum = 0; scrnum < disp->Screens->Size; scrnum++) { 61 const _EGLScreen *scrn = disp->Screens->Elements[scrnum];
/external/chromium_org/third_party/webrtc/video_engine/test/auto_test/interface/ |
vie_file_based_comparison_tests.h | 26 // black screens.
/external/chromium_org/ui/display/util/ |
display_util_unittest.cc | 48 // Corner case; slightly higher density but smaller screens. DPI ~= 165
/external/chromium_org/ui/events/ |
event_switches.cc | 23 // Enable compensation for unstable pinch zoom. Some touch screens display
/external/chromium_org/ui/message_center/cocoa/ |
tray_controller_unittest.mm | 39 NSScreen* screen = [[NSScreen screens] objectAtIndex:0];
/external/mesa3d/src/egl/main/ |
eglmode.c | 56 if (!disp || !disp->Screens) 59 /* loop over all screens on the display */ 60 for (scrnum = 0; scrnum < disp->Screens->Size; scrnum++) { 61 const _EGLScreen *scrn = disp->Screens->Elements[scrnum];
/external/qemu/distrib/sdl-1.2.15/src/video/Xext/extensions/ |
panoramiXext.h | 44 int ScreenCount; /* real physical number of screens */
/frameworks/base/docs/html/design/tv/ |
principles.jd | 34 perform actions. Build apps with the fewest screens possible between app entry and content
style.jd | 31 <li>Design layouts for landscape orientation. TV screens always use this 50 screens, areas outside that zone may not be visible.</p> 66 TV screens. Some color gradient combinations will show bands. You should avoid pure whites on
/frameworks/base/docs/html-intl/intl/ru/training/multiscreen/ |
index.jd | 1 page.title=Designing for Multiple Screens
/frameworks/base/packages/SystemUI/res/values-sw600dp-land/ |
dimens.xml | 37 <!-- Screen pinning request, controls padding on bigger screens, bigger nav bar -->
/packages/apps/Launcher2/res/layout-sw720dp/ |
workspace.xml | 17 <!-- The workspace contains 5 screens of cells -->
/frameworks/base/docs/html/training/multiscreen/ |
screensizes.jd | 2 parent.title=Designing for Multiple Screens 30 <li><a href="{@docRoot}guide/practices/screens_support.html">Supporting Multiple Screens</a></li> 148 different screens by stretching the space within and around components, they 157 screens (the app might show a list of items on one pane and the content on 159 simultaneously on screen, but phone screens have to show them separately. So, 174 will be selected on devices with screens classified as large (for example, 7" tablets and above). The 184 though they are all considered to be "large" screens. That's why Android introduced the 187 <p>The Smallest-width qualifier allows you to target screens that have a certain minimum 189 600 dp, so if you want your UI to have two panes on those screens (but a single 190 list on smaller screens), you can use the same two layouts from the previous section for singl [all...] |
adaptui.jd | 2 parent.title=Designing for Multiple Screens 152 <p>A recurring pattern in designing for multiple screens is having a portion of 156 large screens, but is a separate activity on smaller screens.</p> 165 <p>And reused (without a layout) in the activity layout for smaller screens
/external/chromium_org/chrome/browser/media/ |
native_desktop_media_list.cc | 136 webrtc::ScreenCapturer::ScreenList screens; local 137 if (screen_capturer_->GetScreenList(&screens)) { 138 bool mutiple_screens = screens.size() > 1; 140 for (size_t i = 0; i < screens.size(); ++i) { 150 DesktopMediaID::TYPE_SCREEN, screens[i].id), title));
/frameworks/base/docs/html/guide/webapps/ |
targeting.jd | 1 page.title=Supporting Different Screens in Web Apps 115 that your web page layout is flexible and the content will fit the width of small screens.</p> 129 or high density screens, respectively.</p> 147 /* CSS for high-density screens */ 154 /* CSS for low-density screens */
/frameworks/base/docs/html-intl/intl/zh-cn/distribute/essentials/quality/ |
tablets.jd | 21 <li><a href="#support-screens">10. ????????????</a></li> 60 <li><a href="#support-screens">??????????</a></li> 354 <div class="headerLine"><h2 id="support-screens">10. ????????????</h2></div> 359 <li>???? <a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/manifest/supports-screens-element.html"><code><supports-screens></code></a> ???????? <code>android:largeScreens="false"</code> ? <code>android:xlargeScreens="false"</code>?</li> 360 <li>??????? <code>minSdkVersion</code> ??? 13????? <code>android:largeScreens="true"</code> ? <code>android:xlargeScreens="true"</code> ?? <a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/manifest/supports-screens-element.html"><code><supports-screens></code></a> ???</li> 363 <p>??????????? <a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/manifest/compatible-screens-element.html"><code><compatible-screens></code></a> ??????????????????????????????????????<em></em>??????????????????? <a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/manifest/compatible-screens-element.html"><code><compatible-screens></code></a> ???</p [all...] |
/external/chromium_org/third_party/mesa/src/src/gallium/state_trackers/egl/x11/ |
glxinit.c | 191 GLint i, screens; local 194 screens = ScreenCount(priv->dpy); 195 for (i = 0; i < screens; i++) { 565 GLint i, screens; local 570 screens = ScreenCount(dpy); 571 priv->screenConfigs = Xmalloc(screens * sizeof *priv->screenConfigs); 583 for (i = 0; i < screens; i++) {
/external/mesa3d/src/gallium/state_trackers/egl/x11/ |
glxinit.c | 191 GLint i, screens; local 194 screens = ScreenCount(priv->dpy); 195 for (i = 0; i < screens; i++) { 565 GLint i, screens; local 570 screens = ScreenCount(dpy); 571 priv->screenConfigs = Xmalloc(screens * sizeof *priv->screenConfigs); 583 for (i = 0; i < screens; i++) {