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      1 BODY,H1,H2,H3,H4,H5,H6,P,CENTER,TD,TH,UL,DL,DIV {
      2 	font-family: Verdana,Geneva,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;
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      4 BODY,TD {
      5  font-size: 90%;
      6 }
      7 H1 {
      8  text-align: center;
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     12 H2 {
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     16 H3 {
     17  font-size: 100%;
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     19 CAPTION { font-weight: bold }
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     48 }
     49 A.qindex {
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     54 A.qindex:visited {
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     58 }
     59 A.qindex:hover {
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     62 }
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     67 	color: #ffffff;
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     73 	color: #ffffff;
     74 }
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     78 A.elRef { font-weight: bold }
     79 A.code:link { text-decoration: none; font-weight: normal; color: #0000FF}
     80 A.code:visited { text-decoration: none; font-weight: normal; color: #0000FF}
     81 A.codeRef:link { font-weight: normal; color: #0000FF}
     82 A.codeRef:visited { font-weight: normal; color: #0000FF}
     83 A:hover { text-decoration: none; background-color: #f2f2ff }
     84 DL.el { margin-left: -1cm }
     85 .fragment {
     86        font-family: Fixed, monospace;
     87        font-size: 95%;
     88 }
     89 PRE.fragment {
     90 	border: 1px solid #CCCCCC;
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     92 	margin-top: 4px;
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     96 	padding-left: 6px;
     97 	padding-right: 6px;
     98 	padding-top: 4px;
     99 	padding-bottom: 4px;
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    102 TD.md { background-color: #F4F4FB; font-weight: bold; }
    103 TD.mdPrefix {
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    106 	font-size: 80%;
    107 }
    108 TD.mdname1 { background-color: #F4F4FB; font-weight: bold; color: #602020; }
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    110 DIV.groupHeader {
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    117 BODY {
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    121 	margin-left: 20px;
    122 }
    123 TD.indexkey {
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    125 	font-weight: bold;
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    127 	padding-top    : 2px;
    128 	padding-left   : 10px;
    129 	padding-bottom : 2px;
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    132 	margin-top     : 2px;
    133 	margin-bottom  : 2px;
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    142 	padding-bottom : 2px;
    143 	margin-left    : 0px;
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    145 	margin-top     : 2px;
    146 	margin-bottom  : 2px;
    147 	border: 1px solid #CCCCCC;
    148 }
    149 TR.memlist {
    150    background-color: #f0f0f0; 
    151 }
    152 P.formulaDsp { text-align: center; }
    153 IMG.formulaDsp { }
    154 IMG.formulaInl { vertical-align: middle; }
    155 SPAN.keyword       { color: #008000 }
    156 SPAN.keywordtype   { color: #604020 }
    157 SPAN.keywordflow   { color: #e08000 }
    158 SPAN.comment       { color: #800000 }
    159 SPAN.preprocessor  { color: #806020 }
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    161 SPAN.charliteral   { color: #008080 }
    162 .mdTable {
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    164 	background-color: #F4F4FB;
    165 }
    166 .mdRow {
    167 	padding: 8px 10px;
    168 }
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    222 	border-bottom-style: none;
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    275 	border-right-style: none;
    276 	border-bottom-style: none;
    277 	border-left-style: none;
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    280 	font-size: 80%;
    281 }
    282 .search     { color: #003399;
    283               font-weight: bold;
    284 }
    285 FORM.search {
    286               margin-bottom: 0px;
    287               margin-top: 0px;
    288 }
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    291                font-weight: normal;
    292                background-color: #eeeeff;
    293 }
    294 TD.tiny      { font-size: 75%;
    295 }
    296 a {
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    298 }
    299 a:visited {
    300 	color: #3D2185;
    301 }
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    312 }
    314 /* 
    315  * LLVM Modifications.
    316  * Note: Everything above here is generated with "doxygen -w htlm" command. See
    317  * "doxygen --help" for details. What follows are CSS overrides for LLVM 
    318  * specific formatting. We want to keep the above so it can be replaced with
    319  * subsequent doxygen upgrades.
    320  */
    322 .footer {
    323         font-size: 80%;
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    328 .title {
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    355 A:active {
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    366 H2 {
    367  font-size: 120%;
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    369 }
    370 H3 {
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    372 }
    374 H2, H3 {
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    380 A.qindexRef {}
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    382 A.elRef { font-weight: bold }
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    386 div.memitem {
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