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2 ad,"add normalized (long)","won't do","hfp instruction"
3 adr,"add normalized (long)","won't do","hfp instruction"
4 ae,"add normalized (short)","won't do","hfp instruction"
5 aer,"add normalized (short)","won't do","hfp instruction"
11 au,"add unnormalized (short)","won't do","hfp instruction"
12 aur,"add unnormalized (short)","won't do","hfp instruction"
13 aw,"add unnormalized (long)","won't do","hfp instruction"
14 awr,"add unnormalized (long)","won't do","hfp instruction"
15 axr,"add normalized","won't do","hfp instruction"
31 cd,"compare (long)","won't do","hfp instruction"
32 cdr,"compare (long)","won't do","hfp instruction"
34 ce,"compare (short)","won't do","hfp instruction"
35 cer,"compare (short)","won't do","hfp instruction"
49 csch,"clear subchannel",N/A,"privileged instruction"
51 csp,"compare and swap and purge",N/A,"privileged instruction"
54 cxr,"compare extended hfp","won't do","hfp instruction"
56 dd,"divide (long)","won't do","hfp instruction"
57 ddr,"divide (long)","won't do","hfp instruction"
58 de,"divide (short)","won't do","hfp instruction"
59 der,"divide (short)","won't do","hfp instruction"
60 diag,diagnose,N/A,"privileged instruction"
63 dxr,"divide (ext.)","won't do","hfp instruction"
67 epar,"extract primary ASN",N/A,"privileged instruction"
68 epair,"extract primary ASN and instance",N/A,"privileged instruction"
70 esar,"extract secondary ASN",N/A,"privileged instruction",
71 esair,"extract secondary ASN and instance,N/A,"privileged instruction",
74 hdr,"halve (long)","won't do","hfp instruction"
75 her,"halve (short)","won't do","hfp instruction"
76 hsch,"halt subchannel",N/A,"privileged instruction"
77 iac,"insert address space control",N/A,"privileged instruction"
80 ipk,"insert PSW key",N/A,"privileged instruction"
82 ipte,"invalidate page table entry",N/A,"privileged instruction"
83 iske,"insert storage key extended",N/A,"privileged instruction"
84 ivsk,"insert virtual storage key",N/A,"privileged instruction"
89 lasp,"load address space parameters",N/A,"privileged instruction"
90 lcdr,"load complement (long)","won't do","hfp instruction"
91 lcer,"load complement (short)","won't do","hfp instruction"
93 lctl,"load control",N/A,"privileged instruction"
100 lndr,"load negative (long)","won't do","hfp instruction"
101 lner,"load negative (short)","won't do","hfp instruction"
103 lpdr,"load positive (long)","won't do","hfp instruction"
104 lper,"load positive (short)","won't do","hfp instruction"
106 lpsw,"load PSW",N/A,"privileged instruction"
108 lra,"load real address",N/A,"privileged instruction"
109 ldxr,"load rounded (ext. to long)","won't do","hfp instruction"
110 ledr,"load rounded (long to short)","won't do","hfp instruction"
111 ltdr,"load and test (long)","won't do","hfp instruction"
112 lter,"load and test (short)","won't do","hfp instruction"
114 lura,"load using real address",N/A,"privileged instruction"
117 md,"multiply (long)","won't do","hfp instruction"
118 mdr,"multiply (long)","won't do","hfp instruction"
119 mde,"multiply (short to long)","won't do","hfp instruction"
120 mder,"multiply short to long hfp","won't do","hfp instruction"
124 msch,"modify subchannel",N/A,"privileged instruction"
127 mvcdk,"move with destination key",N/A,"privileged instruction"
129 mvck,"move with key",N/A,"privileged instruction"
131 mvcp,"move to primary",N/A,"privileged instruction"
132 mvcs,"move to secondary",N/A,"privileged instruction"
137 mvpg,"move page",N/A,"privileged instruction"
140 mxd,"multiply (long to ext.)","won't do","hfp instruction"
141 mxdr,"multiply (long to ext.)","won't do","hfp instruction"
142 mxr,"multiply (ext.)","won't do","hfp instruction"
152 palb,"purge ALB",N/A,"privileged instruction"
153 pc,"program call",N/A,"privileged instruction"
155 pt,"program transfer",N/A,"privileged instruction",
156 pti,"program transfer with instance",N/A,"privileged instruction",
157 ptlb,"purge TLB",N/A,"privileged instruction"
158 rchp,"reset channel path",N/A,"privileged instruction"
159 rrbe,"reset reference bit extended",N/A,"privileged instruction"
160 rsch,"resume subchannel",N/A,"privileged instruction"
162 sac,"set address space control",N/A,"privileged instruction"
163 sacf,"set address space control fast",N/A,"privileged instruction"
164 sal,"set address limit",N/A,"privileged instruction"
166 schm,"set channel monitor",N/A,"privileged instruction"
167 sck,"set clock",N/A,"privileged instruction"
168 sckc,"set clock comparator",N/A,"privileged instruction"
169 sd,"subtract normalized (long)","won't do","hfp instruction"
170 sdr,"subtract normalized (long)","won't do","hfp instruction"
171 se,"subtract normalized (short)","won't do","hfp instruction"
172 ser,"subtract normalized (short)","won't do","hfp instruction"
175 sigp,"signal processor",N/A,"privileged instruction"
183 spka,"set PSW key from address",N/A,"privileged instruction"
185 spt,"set CPU timer",N/A,"privileged instruction"
186 spx,"set prefix",N/A,"privileged instruction"
187 sqdr,"square root (long)","won't do","hfp instruction"
188 sqer,"square root (short)","won't do","hfp instruction"
198 ssch,"start subchannel",N/A,"privileged instruction"
199 sske,"set storage key extended",N/A,"privileged instruction"
200 ssm,"set system mask",N/A,"privileged instruction"
203 stap,"store CPU address",N/A,"privileged instruction"
206 stckc,"store clock comparator",N/A,"privileged instruction"
208 stcps,"store channel path status",N/A,"privileged instruction"
209 stcrw,"store channel report word",N/A,"privileged instruction"
210 stctl,"store control",N/A,"privileged instruction"
214 stidp,"store CPU id",N/A,"privileged instruction"
216 stnsm,"store then AND system mask",N/A,"privileged instruction"
217 stosm,"store then OR system mask",N/A,"privileged instruction"
218 stpt,"store CPU timer",N/A,"privileged instruction"
219 stpx,"store prefix",N/A,"privileged instruction"
220 stsch,"store subchannel",N/A,"privileged instruction"
221 stura,"store using real address",N/A,"privileged instruction"
222 su,"subtract unnormalized (short)","won't do","hfp instruction"
223 sur,"subtract unnormalized (short)","won't do","hfp instruction"
225 sw,"subtract unnormalized (long)","won't do","hfp instruction"
226 swr,"subtract unnormalized (long)","won't do","hfp instruction"
227 sxr,"subtract normalized (ext.)","won't do","hfp instruction"
229 tb,"test block",N/A,"privileged instruction"
231 tpi,"test pending interruption",N/A,"privileged instruction"
232 tprot,"test protection",N/A,"privileged instruction"
234 trace,trace,N/A,"privileged instruction"
236 ts,"test and set","won't do","deprecated instruction"
237 tsch,"test subchannel",N/A,"privileged instruction"
350 bsa,"branch and set authority",N/A,"privileged instruction"
351 rp,"resume program",N/A,"privileged instruction"
352 sckpf,"set clock programmable field",N/A,"privileged instruction"
353 stsi,"store system information",N/A,"privileged instruction"
367 thder,"convert short bfp to long hfp","won't do","hfp instruction"
368 thdr,"convert long bfp to long hfp","won't do","hfp instruction"
369 tbedr,"convert long hfp to short bfp","won't do","hfp instruction"
370 tbdr,"convert long hfp to long bfp","won't do","hfp instruction"
437 tracg,"trace 64",N/A,"privileged instruction"
438 lrag,"load real address 64",N/A,"privileged instruction"
439 strag,"store read address",N/A,"privileged instruction"
440 stctg,"store control 64",N/A,"privileged instruction"
441 lctlg,"load control 64",N/A,"privileged instruction"
456 sturg,"store using real address 64",N/A,"privileged instruction"
458 lurag,"load using real address 64",N/A,"privileged instruction"
467 cegr,"convert from fixed 64 to short hfp","won't do","hfp instruction"
468 cdgr,"convert from fixed 64 to long hfp","won't do","hfp instruction"
469 cxgr,"convert from fixed 64 to extended hfp","won't do","hfp instruction"
470 cger,"convert to fixed short hfp to 64","won't do","hfp instruction"
471 cgdr,"convert to fixed long hfp to 64","won't do","hfp instruction"
472 cgxr,"convert to fixed extended hfp to 64","won't do","hfp instruction"
493 stfl,"store facility list",N/A,"privileged instruction"
494 lpswe,"load psw extended",N/A,"privileged instruction"
510 esea,"extract and set extended authority",N/A,"privileged instruction"
536 cxfr,"convert from fixed 32 to extended hfp","won't do","hfp instruction"
537 cdfr,"convert from fixed 32 to long hfp","won't do","hfp instruction"
538 cefr,"convert from fixed 32 to short hfp","won't do","hfp instruction"
539 cfxr,"convert to fixed extended hfp to 32","won't do","hfp instruction"
540 cfdr,"convert to fixed long hfp to 32","won't do","hfp instruction"
541 cfer,"convert to fixed short hfp to 32","won't do","hfp instruction"
542 ltxr,"load and test extended hfp","won't do","hfp instruction"
543 lcxr,"load complement extended hfp","won't do","hfp instruction"
544 fixr,"load fp integer extended hfp","won't do","hfp instruction"
545 fidr,"load fp integer long hfp","won't do","hfp instruction"
546 fier,"load fp integer short hfp","won't do","hfp instruction"
547 lxdr,"load lengthened long to extended hfp","won't do","hfp instruction"
548 lxd,"load lengthened long to extended hfp","won't do","hfp instruction"
549 lxer,"load lengthened short to extended hfp","won't do","hfp instruction"
550 lxe,"load lengthened short to extended hfp","won't do","hfp instruction"
551 lder,"load lengthened short to long hfp","won't do","hfp instruction"
552 lde,"load lengthened short to long hfp","won't do","hfp instruction"
553 lnxr,"load negative extended hfp","won't do","hfp instruction"
554 lpxr,"load positive extended hfp","won't do","hfp instruction"
555 lexr,"load rounded extended to short hfp","won't do","hfp instruction"
556 meer,"multiply short hfp","won't do","hfp instruction"
557 mee,"multiply short hfp","won't do","hfp instruction"
558 sqxr,"square root extended hfp","won't do","hfp instruction"
559 sqe,"square root short hfp","won't do","hfp instruction"
560 sqd,"square root long hfp","won't do","hfp instruction"
564 pgin,"page in",N/A,"privileged instruction"
565 pgout,"page out",N/A,"privileged instruction"
566 xsch,"cancel subchannel",N/A,"privileged instruction"
594 lray,"load real address with long offset",N/A,"privileged instruction"
612 cspg,"compare and swap and purge",N/A,"privileged instruction"
613 idte,"invalidate dat table entry",N/A,"privileged instruction"
614 madr,"multiply and add long hfp","won't do","hfp instruction"
615 mad,"multiply and add long hfp","won't do","hfp instruction"
616 maer,"multiply and add short hfp","won't do","hfp instruction"
617 mae,"multiply and add short hfp","won't do","hfp instruction"
618 msdr,"multiply and subtract long hfp","won't do","hfp instruction"
619 msd,"multiply and subtract long hfp","won't do","hfp instruction"
620 mser,"mutliply and subtract short hfp","won't do","hfp instruction"
621 mse,"multiply and subttract short hfp","won't do","hfp instruction"
665 ptff,"perform timing facility function",N/A,"privileged instruction"
668 mvcos,"move with optional specifications",N/A,"privileged instruction"
669 lptea,"load page-table-entry address",N/A,"privileged instruction"
678 myr,"multiply unnormalized long hfp","won't do","hfp instruction"
679 myhr,"multiply unnormalized long hfp high","won't do","hfp instruction"
680 mylr,"multiply unnormalized long hfp low","won't do","hfp instruction"
681 my,"multiply unnormalized long hfp","won't do","hfp instruction"
682 myh,"multiply unnormalized long hfp high","won't do","hfp instruction"
683 myl,"multiply unnormalized long hfp low","won't do","hfp instruction"
684 mayr,"multiply and add unnormalized long hfp","won't do","hfp instruction"
685 mayhr,"multiply and add unnormalized long hfp high","won't do","hfp instruction"
686 maylr,"multiply and add unnormalized long hfp low","won't do","hfp instruction"
687 may,"multiply and add unnormalized long hfp","won't do","hfp instruction"
688 mayh,"multiply and add unnormalized long hfp high","won't do","hfp instruction"
689 mayl,"multiply and add unnormalized long hfp low","won't do","hfp instruction"
820 ptf,"perform topology function",N/A,"privileged instruction"
821 pfmf,"perform frame management function",N/A,"privileged instruction"
824 ecpga,"extract coprocessor-group address",N/A,"privileged instruction"
825 ecctr,"extract cpu counter",N/A,"privileged instruction"
826 epctr,"extract peripheral counter",N/A,"privileged instruction"
827 lcctl,"load cpu-counter-set controls",N/A,"privileged instruction"
828 lpctl,"load peripheral-counter-set controls",N/A,"privileged instruction"
829 lsctl,"load sampling controls",N/A,"privileged instruction"
830 qctri,"query counter information",N/A,"privileged instruction"
831 qsi,"query sampling information",N/A,"privileged instruction"
832 scctr,"set cpu counter",N/A,"privileged instruction"
833 spctr,"set peripheral counter",N/A,"privileged instruction"
834 lpp,"load program parameter",N/A,"privileged instruction"
835 pckmo,"perform cryptographic key management operation",N/A,"privileged instruction"
907 rrbm,"reset reference bits multiple",N/A,"privileged instruction"
969 niai,"next instruction access intent","not implemented",zEC12,
970 crdte,"compare and replace DAT table entry",N/A,"privileged instruction"