Lines Matching full:webkit
152 <p>The code underlying the {@link android.webkit.WebView} class and related APIs has been upgraded to be based on a modern snapshot of the Chromium source code. This brings a variety of improvements for performance, support for new HTML5 features, and support for remote debugging of your {@link android.webkit.WebView} content. The scope of this upgrade means that if your app uses {@link android.webkit.WebView}, it's behavior may be impacted in some cases. Although known behavior changes are documented and mostly affect your app only when you update your app's <a
153 href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/manifest/uses-sdk-element.html#target">{@code targetSdkVersion}</a> to "19" or higher—the new {@link android.webkit.WebView} operates in "quirks mode" to provide some legacy functionality in apps that target API level 18 and lower—it's possible that your app depends on unknown behaviors from the previous version of {@link android.webkit.WebView}.</p>
155 <p>So if your existing app uses {@link android.webkit.WebView}, it's important that you test on Android 4.4 as soon as possible and consult <a href="{@docRoot}guide/webapps/migrating.html">Migrating to WebView in Android 4.4</a> for information about how your app might be affected when you update your <a