Lines Matching full:turn
39 <string name="turn_on_radio" msgid="8706561489788373676">"Turn on radio"</string>
40 <string name="turn_off_radio" msgid="1820294552893884115">"Turn off radio"</string>
41 <string name="sms_over_ims_on" msgid="5085290395865632925">"Turn on SMS over IMS"</string>
42 <string name="sms_over_ims_off" msgid="8354792045992793959">"Turn off SMS over IMS"</string>
43 <string name="ims_reg_required_on" msgid="3885152087309614653">"Turn on IMS registration required"</string>
44 <string name="ims_reg_required_off" msgid="1720570343422743943">"Turn off IMS registration required"</string>
45 <string name="volte_provisioned_flag_on" msgid="6023503159480902956">"Turn on VoLTE provisioned flag"</string>
46 <string name="volte_provisioned_flag_off" msgid="6168612015904744405">"Turn off VoLTE provisioned flag"</string>
47 <string name="lte_ram_dump_on" msgid="8568568019520172177">"Turn on lte ram dump"</string>
48 <string name="lte_ram_dump_off" msgid="2514507918652378283">"Turn off lte ram dump"</string>
125 <string name="bluetooth_ask_enablement" msgid="1712443355224737143">"An app wants to turn Bluetooth ON for this device."</string>
130 <string name="bluetooth_ask_start_broadcast" product="default" msgid="3535628155254187911">"<xliff:g id="APP_NAME">%1$s</xliff:g> wants to turn on Bluetooth broadcasting to communicate with other devices nearby. You can change this later in Bluetooth settings."</string>
131 <string name="bluetooth_ask_enablement_and_start_broadcast" product="default" msgid="8810858601242763295">"<xliff:g id="APP_NAME">%1$s</xliff:g> wants to turn on Bluetooth and Bluetooth broadcasting to communicate with other devices nearby. You can change this later in Bluetooth settings."</string>
133 <string name="bluetooth_ask_enablement_and_discovery" product="tablet" msgid="3346529092809011149">"An app wants to turn on Bluetooth and make your tablet visible to other devices for <xliff:g id="TIMEOUT">%1$d</xliff:g> seconds."</string>
134 <string name="bluetooth_ask_enablement_and_discovery" product="default" msgid="4724094889807196118">"An app wants to turn on Bluetooth and make your phone visible to other devices for <xliff:g id="TIMEOUT">%1$d</xliff:g> seconds."</string>
135 <string name="bluetooth_ask_enablement_and_lasting_discovery" product="tablet" msgid="989613204829097159">"An app wants to turn on Bluetooth and make your tablet visible to other devices. You can change this later in Bluetooth settings."</string>
136 <string name="bluetooth_ask_enablement_and_lasting_discovery" product="default" msgid="6671615712909139801">"An app wants to turn on Bluetooth and make your phone visible to other devices. You can change this later in Bluetooth settings."</string>
267 <string name="roaming_turn_it_on_button" msgid="4387601818162120589">"Turn it on"</string>
383 <string name="crypt_keeper_force_power_cycle" product="tablet" msgid="556504311511212648">"To unlock your tablet, turn it off and then on."</string>
384 <string name="crypt_keeper_force_power_cycle" product="default" msgid="1794353635603020327">"To unlock your phone, turn it off and then on."</string>
418 <string name="unlock_disable_lock_title" msgid="1427036227416979120">"Turn off screen lock"</string>
490 <string name="bluetooth_quick_toggle_summary" msgid="5293641680139873341">"Turn on Bluetooth"</string>
583 <string name="wifi_quick_toggle_summary" msgid="2696547080481267642">"Turn on Wi?Fi"</string>
627 <string name="wifi_empty_list_wifi_off" msgid="8056223875951079463">"To see available networks, turn Wi?Fi on."</string>
673 <string name="wifi_scan_always_turnon_message" msgid="203123538572122989">"To improve location accuracy and for other purposes, <xliff:g id="APP_NAME">%1$s</xliff:g> wants to turn on network scanning, even when Wi-Fi is off.\n\nAllow this for all apps that want to scan?"</string>
674 <string name="wifi_scan_always_turnoff_message" msgid="5538901671131941043">"To turn this off, go to Advanced in the overflow menu."</string>
842 <string name="screensaver_settings_disabled_prompt" msgid="3857507943322777651">"To control what happens when the phone is docked and/or sleeping, turn Daydream on."</string>
1139 <string name="usb_tethering_turnon_subtext" msgid="4748616058219273033">"Connect to turn on"</string>
1387 <string name="app_disable_notifications_dlg_title" msgid="7669264654851761857">"Turn off notifications"</string>
1388 <string name="app_disable_notifications_dlg_text" msgid="5088484670924769845">"If you turn off notifications for this app, you may miss important alerts and updates."</string>
1436 <string name="runningservicedetails_stop_dlg_text" product="tablet" msgid="3371302398335665793">"If you stop this service, some features of your tablet may stop working correctly until you turn it off and then on again."</string>
1437 <string name="runningservicedetails_stop_dlg_text" product="default" msgid="3920243762189484756">"If you stop this service, some features of your phone may stop working correctly until you turn it off and then on again."</string>
1655 <string name="enable_service_encryption_warning" msgid="3064686622453974606">"If you turn on <xliff:g id="SERVICE">%1$s</xliff:g>, your device won?t use your screen lock to enhance data encryption."</string>
1776 <string name="battery_sugg_wifi" msgid="7776093125855397043">"Turn off Wi?Fi when not using it or when it isn\'t available"</string>
1778 <string name="battery_sugg_bluetooth_basic" msgid="4565141162650835009">"Turn off Bluetooth when you aren\'t using it"</string>
1797 <string name="battery_saver_turn_on_automatically_title" msgid="9023847300114669426">"Turn on automatically"</string>
1967 <string name="fullbackup_data_summary" msgid="960850365007767734">"Automatically back up device data (such as Wi-Fi passwords and call history) and app data (such as settings and files stored by apps) remotely.\n\nWhen you turn on automatic backup, device and app data is periodically saved remotely. App data can be any data that an app has saved (based on developer settings), including potentially sensitive data such as contacts, messages and photos."</string>
2063 <string name="cant_sync_dialog_message" msgid="1938380442159016449">"Sync for this item is currently disabled. To change your preference, temporarily turn on background data and automatic sync."</string>
2170 <string name="data_usage_disable_mobile" msgid="2613595056882494652">"Turn off mobile data?"</string>
2194 <string name="data_usage_auto_sync_on_dialog_title" msgid="2438617846762244389">"Turn auto-sync data on?"</string>
2197 <string name="data_usage_auto_sync_off_dialog_title" msgid="9013139130490125793">"Turn auto-sync data off?"</string>
2205 <string name="data_usage_limit_dialog_mobile" product="tablet" msgid="5788774061143636263">"Your tablet will turn off mobile data once it reaches the limit that you set.\n\nSince data usage is measured by your tablet, and your operator may account for usage differently, consider setting a conservative limit."</string>
2206 <string name="data_usage_limit_dialog_mobile" product="default" msgid="3511301596446820549">"Your phone will turn off mobile data once it reaches the limit that you set.\n\nSince data usage is measured by your phone, and your operator may account for usage differently, consider setting a conservative limit."</string>
2223 <string name="data_usage_metered_wifi_disabled" msgid="727808462375941567">"To select metered networks, turn Wi?Fi on."</string>
2342 <string name="user_enable_calling" msgid="5128605672081602348">"Turn
2343 <string name="user_enable_calling_sms" msgid="9172507088023097063">"Turn on phone calls & SMS"</string>
2345 <string name="user_enable_calling_confirm_title" msgid="4315789475268695378">"Turn on phone calls?"</string>
2347 <string name="user_enable_calling_and_sms_confirm_title" msgid="7243308401401932681">"Turn on phone calls & SMS?"</string>
2586 <string name="zen_schedule_rule_enabled_toast" msgid="3379499360390382259">"Automatic rule set to turn on Do Not Disturb during specified times"</string>
2588 <string name="zen_event_rule_enabled_toast" msgid="6910577623330811480">"Automatic rule set to turn on Do Not Disturb during specified events"</string>
2619 <string name="zen_mode_when" msgid="2767193283311106373">"Automatically turn on"</string>
2837 <string name="zen_access_warning_dialog_summary" msgid="4015885767653010873">"The app will be able to turn on/off Do Not Disturb and make changes to related settings."</string>