Lines Matching full:affine
636 ???f.? 1???fff.? AVH??I??AUATI??US?? H???? ? L??H??? ? A??L??? A9?u[L??? H??? E??H??~%1???L??? ??H??H?ƒ?? D9?H??u?L??? L??? [H??]A\A]A^?f?A?? ? ? ? H??? L??? L??? []A\A]1?A^?? AWAVAUATUSH??H??H???? ? ???? ? H??? H??A?? ? A9?H???0 ? H??? E??I??H???? ? H??? E??I???? 1??z? H?x? H??? H??I???? H?}? H??? ? ? H??? ? H??? H??L??H??? H?‰?L???? A9?I??t]L??? ?? H??? H??H???j???1?? I??L??? H??? 1??@ ? L??H??[]A\A]A^A_ÐL??? H??L??[]A\A]A^A_?fD ? A? ? ? ? H??? H??? H??1?[]A\A]A^A_?D H??? A? ? ? ? H??? ?f? 1??Y???f? AUATUSH??H??H???? ? ? H??A??? H??? E??I??H???? ? H??? H??? 1?H??H??tH?x? H??? H??H??? E??H??~'1?H??t<@ ?E ??L??H???? A9?I??u?H??? H??L??[]A\A]?fD 1??L???? A9?I??u???? ? L??H??[]A\A]?D 1???fff.? SH??1?H??tH?{? H??? H??1?H??[? fD AWA??AVAUA??ATA??USH??? H??H??? H?xC?,,D??? 9?H?{v@? A?_ ? ? ? H??? H??H??[]A\A]A^A_? ? A9?w?D??D??D??? H??H?Ct?A??tN?C1??~/D Hc?D??D??L?4?D??I?~? H??I?Ft???9k?H??H??[]A\A]A^A_?@ 1?E1?E??tfD D?A??H?|?? E9?D??u?K9?sIc?A??H?T?C?,,9?H?T?r?D)?H??K?@ 1??@ AWAVAUI??ATUH??SH??H???O H???F H?~? I?}H??? H??H??? H??? I?}? I??? H?}A?? ? E??D$~?M??1?f?I?}? A;]?? I?WH??t???L????? I??A9?I??u?D$??~<1?fD H?}? 9]~rH?T?H??t?A?4L??H??? 9\$I???L??? H??? L??H??[]A\A]A^A_?f?? A?? ? ? H??? 1??[???@ ? A?? ? ? H??? 1??w???L??? H??? 1??H??SH??t_H?H?8 t.???t??H??? H??H??t8H?x? H??H?CtH??[?f? ?????? H??????D 1?H??[ÐS? H??t]H?xH??H?8 t.? ??t??H??? H??H??t3H?x? H??H?Ct H??[?@ ?????? H???m???D 1?H??[ÐAUATI??USH??H??H??? H???? H???? ? 9??? ?)???H????????1?I??H??????L??L??H??? H??H???? H?@H?x8 t*? H??H???? H?x? H??H?CH???? H??? H??txH?PH??H?z8 t"? H??H??t]H?x? H??H?CH??tZH??H??[]A\A]?@ H?{? A?? ? ? ? H??? H??? L??? H??1?[]A\H??A]?f????????????1??@ ??????~ 1??????fD ????1??-???@ AWAVAUATI??UH??SH??H???? H???? H??? A??? 9?A??w`I?|$? ? ??H???A??????D??D??L??)?H?????????1?H???????H??H??D??[]A\A]A^A_H??? ? H?}? A? ? ? ? H??? H??? L??? H??1?[]A\A]A^A_? /usr/local/google/home/chh/workdir/precise7/toolchain-src/cloog/cloog-0.18.0/isl/isl_aff.c domain of affine expression should be a set expecting (parameter) set space output/set dimension does not have a coefficient at least one affine expression should be constant second argument should be a constant cannot set name of output/set dimension cannot drop output/set dimension affine expression involves some of the domain dimensions cannot insert output/set dimensions /usr/local/google/home/chh/workdir/precise7/toolchain-src/cloog/cloog-0.18.0/isl/isl_pw_templ.c Assertion "isl_space_is_equal(pw->dim, el_dim)" failed Assertion "pw->n < pw->size" failed arguments should live in same space Assertion "isl_space_is_equal(pw1->dim, pw2->dim)" failed list should contain at least one element second argument should be a piecewise constant /usr/local/google/home/chh/workdir/precise7/toolchain-src/cloog/cloog-0.18.0/isl/isl_multi_templ.c invalid number of elements in list number of input and output dimensions needs to be the same arguments should live in the same space /usr/local/google/home/chh/workdir/precise7/toolchain-src/cloog/cloog-0.18.0/isl/isl_union_templ.c Assertion "isl_space_match(part->dim, isl_dim_param, u->dim, isl_dim_param)" failed isl_pw_multi_aff cannot be converted into an isl_set basic map should have a single output dimension unable to find suitable equality local space has unknown divs position out of bounds not an expansion spaces don't match cannot scale down by zero range out of bounds Assertion "n >= 0" failed model has unnamed parameters input has unnamed parameters unaligned unnamed parameters space of input is not a map space of input is not a set factor needs to be positive index out of bounds parameters don't match domains don't match expecting map space cannot handle divs yet map is not single-valued GCC: (GNU) 4.8 zR x? 0 D X l $ ? p A?D?D ]DA ? . Df ? A?^ $ ? s A?G?D ]DA( w B?D?C ?hAD ( 0 y B?D?A ?lAD 4 \ ? B?A?A ?V
7668 H??H???? H?FI??H?? ? H?P? ???? H??? H??H??? H??H??? H??H??? H??H??? H??H??? H??H???? H???? ?CA? ??uWH??? H??? H??D??[]A\A]?f? ?SA? ??t?H??H??H??[]A\L?? A]????fD L??H?? H??????A???? A??????? A??????n???D AUATUSH??H??H???? H??H???? H?FI??H?? ? H?P? ??u|H??? H??H??? H??H??? H??H??? H??H??? H??H??? H??H???? H??t|?KA? ??uOH??? H??? H??D??[]A\A]Ð?sA? ??t?H??H??H??[]A\L??1?A]?y???f? L??H??1?H???`???A??? A??????A??????/usr/local/google/home/chh/workdir/precise7/toolchain-src/cloog/cloog-0.18.0/isl/isl_ilp.c Assertion "isl_basic_set_n_param(bset) == 0" failed expecting integer affine expression spaces don't match GCC: (GNU) 4.8 zR x? H ? B?B?B ?B(?A0?A8?J?N
7859 ? ? ? ? H??1?? ??fD 1??@ 1??@ USH??? H??H??tH??? H??H??? H??H??[]?1???fff.? UH??SH???????H??H??H?? tcH??tNH?? u H??[]?fD H?} A?T ? ? ? H?D$? H?D$H???SH??1?[]ÐH??1?[]?? H?? ? ?ATUS? H??H???? H???S???H??H??H?? t\H??tOH?? I??uH??? []L??A\? H?;A?T ? ? ? ? L??E1??U??? E1?? H?? ? ?f? E1?? unexpected EOF Assertion "n_row >= 0" failed dimensions don't match expecting coefficient expecting constant value expected denominator unknown identifier expecting factor unexpected isl_token expecting exponent expecting unique identifier missing operator parameters must be named expecting '[' unexpected token Assertion "n >= 1" failed Assertion "0" failed expecting '->' expecting '{' invalid input input is not a set expecting vector length unexpected object type expecting universe domain not an affine expression expecting constraint matrix dimensions /usr/local/google/home/chh/workdir/precise7/toolchain-src/cloog/cloog-0.18.0/isl/isl_input.c Assertion "!on_new_line" failed Assertion "n_col >= 2 + nparam" failed expecting number of output dimensions coefficient should appear on new line Assertion "type == 0 || type == 1" failed coefficient should not appear on new line unexpected extra token on line expecting number of input dimensions expecting number of existentials expecting number of parameters parameter tuples cannot be named or nested Assertion "obj1.type == obj2.type" failed Assertion "obj.type == (&isl_obj_map_vtable) || obj.type == (&isl_obj_set_vtable)" failed Assertion "obj.type == (&isl_obj_set_vtable)" failed Assertion "obj.type == (&isl_obj_union_set_vtable)" failed Assertion "map->n <= 1" failed Assertion "obj.type == (&isl_obj_pw_qpolynomial_vtable)" failed expecting universe parameter domain expecting single affine expression Assertion "obj.type == (&isl_obj_union_pw_qpolynomial_vtable)" failed GCC: (GNU) 4.8 zR x? d > B?B?B ?E(?A0?A8?Dp8
15329 H?}? L??H??? 1?H??H??tH?x? H??H??? H??H??H??[]A\A]?r?? H??? H??H??t~D?@E???? H?x(H???? 1?E1?H?GH?pH??`? I?UH??H??H?Dt.??;]}ULc?I?UH??H?|H??u?I??I??J?D- ?E ?????E ~Q1?L??? H??? H??1?[]A\A]? M????????D A?1 ? ? ? H??? ?H??????E1??f?AWAVAUATI??UH??SH??H???s H???j D?WE???@ H?VH?? ? ? ???~ L??? H??I??? H??? H??H?D$? H??H??? ?X??y?? D ??????? Lc?L??I??I?? I?~ I??? L??H??? H??I??? I?~(L??A??? H?|$I?F(? I?~ H??? I?~( I?F ?? H???? E???v???H??? I?~(? ?E??9?tHc?H??H??L?L L?TM?N M?V(???E????;???H?|$? L??? H??H??[]A\A]A^A_? H?D$ ? H??? H?|$? L??? H??1?[]A\A]A^A_?D L??? H??H??? 1?H??H??tH?x? H??L??? I???I???? AWAVAUI??ATUSH??H??H?4$?? H???? D?_E???? H?$H?? ? H?P? ???? H?<$? H??H?$? H??? L??H?D$? H??I???C ?h??y? fD ??????? H?<$Hc?H??L?? H?{ I??? L??H??? H??I??? L?{(1?A??M??tI?? H??? L??H??? L??H??? H?|$H?C(? H?{ H??? H?{( H?C ?? H???? E???O???H??? H?{(? A?E?H?9?tHc?H??H??I?TI?D H?S(H?C ??A?M???????H?|$? H?<$? H??L??[]A\A]A^A_ÐH?D$ ? L??? H?|$? H?<$? H??1?[]A\A]A^A_?@ H??? 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H?$ ?????1?????? /usr/local/google/home/chh/workdir/precise7/toolchain-src/cloog/cloog-0.18.0/isl/isl_polynomial.c Assertion "up->var < 0" failed Assertion "up->var >= 0" failed Assertion "rec->n >= 1" failed domain of polynomial should be a set Assertion "qp1->div->n_row >= qp2->div->n_row && qp1->div->n_col >= qp2->div->n_col" failed Assertion "isl_space_is_equal(qp1->dim, qp2->dim)" failed Assertion "div1->n_row >= div2->n_row && div1->n_col >= div2->n_col" failed Assertion "rec->n == 2" failed Assertion "isl_space_dim(dim, isl_dim_in) == 0" failed Assertion "pos < isl_space_dim(dim, type)" failed Assertion "first + n <= isl_qpolynomial_dim(qp, type)" failed Assertion "type == isl_dim_param || type == isl_dim_in" failed cannot drop output/set dimension Assertion "first + n <= isl_space_dim(qp->dim, type)" failed Assertion "type == isl_dim_param || type == isl_dim_set" failed polynomial involves some of the domain dimensions /usr/local/google/home/chh/workdir/precise7/toolchain-src/cloog/cloog-0.18.0/isl/isl_pw_templ.c Assertion "isl_space_is_equal(pw->dim, el_dim)" failed Assertion "pw->n < pw->size" failed Assertion "isl_space_is_equal(pw1->dim, pw2->dim)" failed Assertion "isl_space_is_equal(pwqp1->dim, pwqp2->dim)" failed Assertion "isl_space_is_equal(pnt->dim, qp->dim)" failed Assertion "isl_space_is_domain_internal(pnt_dim, pw->dim)" failed Assertion "isl_upoly_is_cst(qp1->upoly)" failed Assertion "isl_upoly_is_cst(qp2->upoly)" failed cannot insert output/set dimensions Assertion "first <= isl_space_dim(qp->dim, type)" failed cannot move output/set dimension Assertion "src_pos + n <= isl_space_dim(qp->dim, src_type)" failed cannot substitute output/set dimension Assertion "isl_space_is_equal(qp->dim, subs[i]->dim)" failed Assertion "qp->div->n_row == 0" failed Assertion "subs[i]->div->n_row == 0" failed output/set dimension does not have a coefficient Assertion "t_pos < isl_space_dim(qp->dim, type)" failed Assertion "pos < isl_term_dim(term, type)" failed Assertion "pos < isl_term_dim(term, isl_dim_div)" failed Assertion "!isl_upoly_is_nan(up)" failed Assertion "!isl_upoly_is_infty(up)" failed Assertion "!isl_upoly_is_neginfty(up)" failed Assertion "isl_space_is_equal(qp->dim, morph->dom->dim)" failed Assertion "isl_space_is_domain_internal(morph->dom->dim, pw->dim)" failed /usr/local/google/home/chh/workdir/precise7/toolchain-src/cloog/cloog-0.18.0/isl/isl_union_templ.c Assertion "isl_space_match(part->dim, isl_dim_param, u->dim, isl_dim_param)" failed input quasi-polynomial not affine