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      1 /*
      2  * Copyright (C) 2009 The Android Open Source Project
      3  *
      4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
      7  *
      8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      9  *
     10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     14  * limitations under the License.
     15  */
     17 package com.android.phone;
     19 import com.android.internal.telephony.Phone;
     20 import com.android.internal.telephony.PhoneConstants;
     21 import com.android.internal.telephony.TelephonyCapabilities;
     22 import com.android.internal.telephony.TelephonyProperties;
     23 import com.android.phone.OtaUtils.CdmaOtaInCallScreenUiState.State;
     25 import android.app.Activity;
     26 import android.app.ActivityManager;
     27 import android.app.AlertDialog;
     28 import android.app.PendingIntent;
     29 import android.app.PendingIntent.CanceledException;
     30 import android.content.ActivityNotFoundException;
     31 import android.content.Context;
     32 import android.content.DialogInterface;
     33 import android.content.Intent;
     34 import android.net.Uri;
     35 import android.os.AsyncResult;
     36 import android.os.Handler;
     37 import android.os.SystemClock;
     38 import android.os.SystemProperties;
     39 import android.os.UserHandle;
     40 import android.telecom.PhoneAccount;
     41 import android.telephony.TelephonyManager;
     42 import android.util.Log;
     43 import android.view.KeyEvent;
     44 import android.view.View;
     45 import android.view.ViewGroup;
     46 import android.view.WindowManager;
     47 import android.widget.Button;
     48 import android.widget.ProgressBar;
     49 import android.widget.TextView;
     50 import android.widget.ToggleButton;
     52 /**
     53  * Handles all OTASP Call related logic and UI functionality.
     54  * The InCallScreen interacts with this class to perform an OTASP Call.
     55  *
     56  * OTASP is a CDMA-specific feature:
     57  *   OTA or OTASP == Over The Air service provisioning
     58  *   SPC == Service Programming Code
     59  *   TODO: Include pointer to more detailed documentation.
     60  *
     61  * TODO: This is Over The Air Service Provisioning (OTASP)
     62  *       A better name would be OtaspUtils.java.
     63  */
     64 public class OtaUtils {
     65     private static final String LOG_TAG = "OtaUtils";
     66     private static final boolean DBG = false;
     68     public static final int OTA_SHOW_ACTIVATION_SCREEN_OFF = 0;
     69     public static final int OTA_SHOW_ACTIVATION_SCREEN_ON = 1;
     70     public static final int OTA_SHOW_LISTENING_SCREEN_OFF =0;
     71     public static final int OTA_SHOW_LISTENING_SCREEN_ON =1;
     72     public static final int OTA_SHOW_ACTIVATE_FAIL_COUNT_OFF = 0;
     73     public static final int OTA_SHOW_ACTIVATE_FAIL_COUNT_THREE = 3;
     74     public static final int OTA_PLAY_SUCCESS_FAILURE_TONE_OFF = 0;
     75     public static final int OTA_PLAY_SUCCESS_FAILURE_TONE_ON = 1;
     77     // SPC Timeout is 60 seconds
     78     public final int OTA_SPC_TIMEOUT = 60;
     79     public final int OTA_FAILURE_DIALOG_TIMEOUT = 2;
     81     // Constants for OTASP-related Intents and intent extras.
     82     // Watch out: these must agree with the corresponding constants in
     83     // apps/SetupWizard!
     85     // Intent action to launch an OTASP call.
     86     public static final String ACTION_PERFORM_CDMA_PROVISIONING =
     87            "com.android.phone.PERFORM_CDMA_PROVISIONING";
     89     // Intent action to launch activation on a non-voice capable device
     90     public static final String ACTION_PERFORM_VOICELESS_CDMA_PROVISIONING =
     91             "com.android.phone.PERFORM_VOICELESS_CDMA_PROVISIONING";
     93     // Intent action to display the InCallScreen in the OTASP "activation" state.
     94     public static final String ACTION_DISPLAY_ACTIVATION_SCREEN =
     95             "com.android.phone.DISPLAY_ACTIVATION_SCREEN";
     97     // boolean voiceless provisioning extra that enables a "don't show this again" checkbox
     98     // the user can check to never see the activity upon bootup again
     99     public static final String EXTRA_VOICELESS_PROVISIONING_OFFER_DONTSHOW =
    100             "com.android.phone.VOICELESS_PROVISIONING_OFFER_DONTSHOW";
    102     // Activity result codes for the ACTION_PERFORM_CDMA_PROVISIONING intent
    103     // (see the InCallScreenShowActivation activity.)
    104     //
    105     // Note: currently, our caller won't ever actually receive the
    106     // RESULT_INTERACTIVE_OTASP_STARTED result code; see comments in
    107     // InCallScreenShowActivation.onCreate() for details.
    109     public static final int RESULT_INTERACTIVE_OTASP_STARTED = Activity.RESULT_FIRST_USER;
    110     public static final int RESULT_NONINTERACTIVE_OTASP_STARTED = Activity.RESULT_FIRST_USER + 1;
    111     public static final int RESULT_NONINTERACTIVE_OTASP_FAILED = Activity.RESULT_FIRST_USER + 2;
    113     // Testing: Extra for the ACTION_PERFORM_CDMA_PROVISIONING intent that
    114     // allows the caller to manually enable/disable "interactive mode" for
    115     // the OTASP call.   Only available in userdebug or eng builds.
    116     public static final String EXTRA_OVERRIDE_INTERACTIVE_MODE =
    117             "ota_override_interactive_mode";
    119     // Extra for the ACTION_PERFORM_CDMA_PROVISIONING intent, holding a
    120     // PendingIntent which the phone app can use to send a result code
    121     // back to the caller.
    122     public static final String EXTRA_OTASP_RESULT_CODE_PENDING_INTENT =
    123             "otasp_result_code_pending_intent";
    125     // Extra attached to the above PendingIntent that indicates
    126     // success or failure.
    127     public static final String EXTRA_OTASP_RESULT_CODE = "otasp_result_code";
    129     // Extra attached to the above PendingIntent that contains an error code.
    130     public static final String EXTRA_OTASP_ERROR_CODE = "otasp_error_code";
    132     public static final int OTASP_UNKNOWN = 0;
    133     public static final int OTASP_USER_SKIPPED = 1;  // Only meaningful with interactive OTASP
    134     public static final int OTASP_SUCCESS = 2;
    135     public static final int OTASP_FAILURE = 3;
    137     public static final int OTASP_FAILURE_SPC_RETRIES = 4;
    138     // TODO: Distinguish between interactive and non-interactive success
    139     // and failure.  Then, have the PendingIntent be sent after
    140     // interactive OTASP as well (so the caller can find out definitively
    141     // when interactive OTASP completes.)
    143     private static final String OTASP_NUMBER = "*228";
    144     private static final String OTASP_NUMBER_NON_INTERACTIVE = "*22899";
    146     private Context mContext;
    147     private PhoneGlobals mApplication;
    148     private OtaWidgetData mOtaWidgetData;
    150     private static boolean sIsWizardMode = true;
    152     // How many times do we retry maybeDoOtaCall() if the LTE state is not known yet,
    153     // and how long do we wait between retries
    154     private static final int OTA_CALL_LTE_RETRIES_MAX = 5;
    155     private static final int OTA_CALL_LTE_RETRY_PERIOD = 3000;
    156     private static int sOtaCallLteRetries = 0;
    158     // In "interactive mode", the OtaUtils object is tied to an
    159     // InCallScreen instance, where we display a bunch of UI specific to
    160     // the OTASP call.  But on devices that are not "voice capable", the
    161     // OTASP call runs in a non-interactive mode, and we don't have
    162     // an InCallScreen or CallCard or any OTASP UI elements at all.
    163     private boolean mInteractive = true;
    165     // used when setting speakerphone
    166     private final BluetoothManager mBluetoothManager;
    168     /**
    169      * OtaWidgetData class represent all OTA UI elements
    170      *
    171      * TODO(OTASP): It's really ugly for the OtaUtils object to reach into the
    172      *     InCallScreen like this and directly manipulate its widgets.
    173      *
    174      *     Instead, the model/view separation should be more clear: OtaUtils
    175      *     should only know about a higher-level abstraction of the
    176      *     OTASP-specific UI state (just like how the CallController uses the
    177      *     InCallUiState object), and the InCallScreen itself should translate
    178      *     that higher-level abstraction into actual onscreen views and widgets.
    179      */
    180     private class OtaWidgetData {
    181         public Button otaEndButton;
    182         public Button otaActivateButton;
    183         public Button otaSkipButton;
    184         public Button otaNextButton;
    185         public ToggleButton otaSpeakerButton;
    186         public ViewGroup otaUpperWidgets;
    187         public View callCardOtaButtonsFailSuccess;
    188         public ProgressBar otaTextProgressBar;
    189         public TextView otaTextSuccessFail;
    190         public View callCardOtaButtonsActivate;
    191         public View callCardOtaButtonsListenProgress;
    192         public TextView otaTextActivate;
    193         public TextView otaTextListenProgress;
    194         public AlertDialog spcErrorDialog;
    195         public AlertDialog otaFailureDialog;
    196         public AlertDialog otaSkipConfirmationDialog;
    197         public TextView otaTitle;
    198         public Button otaTryAgainButton;
    199     }
    201     /**
    202      * OtaUtils constructor.
    203      *
    204      * @param context the Context of the calling Activity or Application
    205      * @param interactive if true, use the InCallScreen to display the progress
    206      *                    and result of the OTASP call.  In practice this is
    207      *                    true IFF the current device is a voice-capable phone.
    208      *
    209      * Note if interactive is true, you must also call updateUiWidgets() as soon
    210      * as the InCallScreen instance is ready.
    211      */
    212     public OtaUtils(Context context, boolean interactive, BluetoothManager bluetoothManager) {
    213         if (DBG) log("OtaUtils constructor...");
    214         mApplication = PhoneGlobals.getInstance();
    215         mContext = context;
    216         mInteractive = interactive;
    217         mBluetoothManager = bluetoothManager;
    218     }
    220     /**
    221      * Starts the OTA provisioning call.  If the MIN isn't available yet, it returns false and adds
    222      * an event to return the request to the calling app when it becomes available.
    223      *
    224      * @param context
    225      * @param handler
    226      * @param request
    227      * @return true if we were able to launch Ota activity or it's not required; false otherwise
    228      */
    229     public static boolean maybeDoOtaCall(Context context, Handler handler, int request) {
    230         PhoneGlobals app = PhoneGlobals.getInstance();
    231         Phone phone = PhoneGlobals.getPhone();
    233         if (ActivityManager.isRunningInTestHarness()) {
    234             Log.i(LOG_TAG, "Don't run provisioning when in test harness");
    235             return true;
    236         }
    238         if (!TelephonyCapabilities.supportsOtasp(phone)) {
    239             // Presumably not a CDMA phone.
    240             if (DBG) log("maybeDoOtaCall: OTASP not supported on this device");
    241             return true;  // Nothing to do here.
    242         }
    244         if (!phone.isMinInfoReady()) {
    245             if (DBG) log("MIN is not ready. Registering to receive notification.");
    246             phone.registerForSubscriptionInfoReady(handler, request, null);
    247             return false;
    248         }
    249         phone.unregisterForSubscriptionInfoReady(handler);
    251         if (getLteOnCdmaMode(context) == PhoneConstants.LTE_ON_CDMA_UNKNOWN) {
    252             if (sOtaCallLteRetries < OTA_CALL_LTE_RETRIES_MAX) {
    253                 if (DBG) log("maybeDoOtaCall: LTE state still unknown: retrying");
    254                 handler.sendEmptyMessageDelayed(request, OTA_CALL_LTE_RETRY_PERIOD);
    255                 sOtaCallLteRetries++;
    256                 return false;
    257             } else {
    258                 Log.w(LOG_TAG, "maybeDoOtaCall: LTE state still unknown: giving up");
    259                 return true;
    260             }
    261         }
    263         boolean phoneNeedsActivation = phone.needsOtaServiceProvisioning();
    264         if (DBG) log("phoneNeedsActivation is set to " + phoneNeedsActivation);
    266         int otaShowActivationScreen = context.getResources().getInteger(
    267                 R.integer.OtaShowActivationScreen);
    268         if (DBG) log("otaShowActivationScreen: " + otaShowActivationScreen);
    270         // Run the OTASP call in "interactive" mode only if
    271         // this is a non-LTE "voice capable" device.
    272         if (PhoneGlobals.sVoiceCapable && getLteOnCdmaMode(context) == PhoneConstants.LTE_ON_CDMA_FALSE) {
    273             if (phoneNeedsActivation
    274                     && (otaShowActivationScreen == OTA_SHOW_ACTIVATION_SCREEN_ON)) {
    275                 app.cdmaOtaProvisionData.isOtaCallIntentProcessed = false;
    276                 sIsWizardMode = false;
    278                 if (DBG) Log.d(LOG_TAG, "==> Starting interactive CDMA provisioning...");
    279                 OtaUtils.startInteractiveOtasp(context);
    281                 if (DBG) log("maybeDoOtaCall: voice capable; activation started.");
    282             } else {
    283                 if (DBG) log("maybeDoOtaCall: voice capable; activation NOT started.");
    284             }
    285         } else {
    286             if (phoneNeedsActivation) {
    287                 app.cdmaOtaProvisionData.isOtaCallIntentProcessed = false;
    288                 Intent newIntent = new Intent(ACTION_PERFORM_VOICELESS_CDMA_PROVISIONING);
    289                 newIntent.setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK);
    290                 newIntent.putExtra(EXTRA_VOICELESS_PROVISIONING_OFFER_DONTSHOW, true);
    291                 try {
    292                     context.startActivity(newIntent);
    293                 } catch (ActivityNotFoundException e) {
    294                     loge("No activity Handling PERFORM_VOICELESS_CDMA_PROVISIONING!");
    295                     return false;
    296                 }
    297                 if (DBG) log("maybeDoOtaCall: non-interactive; activation intent sent.");
    298             } else {
    299                 if (DBG) log("maybeDoOtaCall: non-interactive, no need for OTASP.");
    300             }
    301         }
    302         return true;
    303     }
    305     /**
    306      * Starts a normal "interactive" OTASP call (i.e. CDMA activation
    307      * for regular voice-capable phone devices.)
    308      *
    309      * This method is called from the InCallScreenShowActivation activity when
    310      * handling the ACTION_PERFORM_CDMA_PROVISIONING intent.
    311      */
    312     public static void startInteractiveOtasp(Context context) {
    313         if (DBG) log("startInteractiveOtasp()...");
    314         PhoneGlobals app = PhoneGlobals.getInstance();
    316         // There are two ways to start OTASP on voice-capable devices:
    317         //
    318         // (1) via the PERFORM_CDMA_PROVISIONING intent
    319         //     - this is triggered by the "Activate device" button in settings,
    320         //       or can be launched automatically upon boot if the device
    321         //       thinks it needs to be provisioned.
    322         //     - the intent is handled by InCallScreenShowActivation.onCreate(),
    323         //       which calls this method
    324         //     - we prepare for OTASP by initializing the OtaUtils object
    325         //     - we bring up the InCallScreen in the ready-to-activate state
    326         //     - when the user presses the "Activate" button we launch the
    327         //       call by calling CallController.placeCall() via the
    328         //       otaPerformActivation() method.
    329         //
    330         // (2) by manually making an outgoing call to a special OTASP number
    331         //     like "*228" or "*22899".
    332         //     - That sequence does NOT involve this method (OtaUtils.startInteractiveOtasp()).
    333         //       Instead, the outgoing call request goes straight to CallController.placeCall().
    334         //     - CallController.placeCall() notices that it's an OTASP
    335         //       call, and initializes the OtaUtils object.
    336         //     - The InCallScreen is launched (as the last step of
    337         //       CallController.placeCall()).  The InCallScreen notices that
    338         //       OTASP is active and shows the correct UI.
    340         // Here, we start sequence (1):
    341         // Do NOT immediately start the call.  Instead, bring up the InCallScreen
    342         // in the special "activate" state (see OtaUtils.otaShowActivateScreen()).
    343         // We won't actually make the call until the user presses the "Activate"
    344         // button.
    346         Intent activationScreenIntent = new Intent().setClass(context, InCallScreen.class)
    347                 .setAction(ACTION_DISPLAY_ACTIVATION_SCREEN);
    349         // Watch out: in the scenario where OTASP gets triggered from the
    350         // BOOT_COMPLETED broadcast (see OtaStartupReceiver.java), we might be
    351         // running in the PhoneApp's context right now.
    352         // So the FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK flag is required here.
    353         activationScreenIntent.setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK);
    355         // We're about to start the OTASP sequence, so create and initialize the
    356         // OtaUtils instance.  (This needs to happen before bringing up the
    357         // InCallScreen.)
    358         OtaUtils.setupOtaspCall(activationScreenIntent);
    360         // And bring up the InCallScreen...
    361         Log.i(LOG_TAG, "startInteractiveOtasp: launching InCallScreen in 'activate' state: "
    362               + activationScreenIntent);
    363         context.startActivity(activationScreenIntent);
    364     }
    366     /**
    367      * Starts the OTASP call *without* involving the InCallScreen or
    368      * displaying any UI.
    369      *
    370      * This is used on data-only devices, which don't support any kind of
    371      * in-call phone UI.
    372      *
    373      * @return PhoneUtils.CALL_STATUS_DIALED if we successfully
    374      *         dialed the OTASP number, or one of the other
    375      *         CALL_STATUS_* constants if there was a failure.
    376      */
    377     public static int startNonInteractiveOtasp(Context context) {
    378         if (DBG) log("startNonInteractiveOtasp()...");
    379         PhoneGlobals app = PhoneGlobals.getInstance();
    381         if (app.otaUtils != null) {
    382             // An OtaUtils instance already exists, presumably from a previous OTASP call.
    383             Log.i(LOG_TAG, "startNonInteractiveOtasp: "
    384                   + "OtaUtils already exists; nuking the old one and starting again...");
    385         }
    387         // Create the OtaUtils instance.
    388         app.otaUtils = new OtaUtils(context, false /* non-interactive mode */,
    389                 app.getBluetoothManager());
    390         if (DBG) log("- created OtaUtils: " + app.otaUtils);
    392         // ... and kick off the OTASP call.
    393         // TODO(InCallScreen redesign): This should probably go through
    394         // the CallController, rather than directly calling
    395         // PhoneUtils.placeCall().
    396         Phone phone = PhoneGlobals.getPhone();
    397         String number = OTASP_NUMBER_NON_INTERACTIVE;
    398         Log.i(LOG_TAG, "startNonInteractiveOtasp: placing call to '" + number + "'...");
    399         int callStatus = PhoneUtils.placeCall(context,
    400                                               phone,
    401                                               number,
    402                                               null,   // contactRef
    403                                               false); //isEmergencyCall
    405         if (callStatus == PhoneUtils.CALL_STATUS_DIALED) {
    406             if (DBG) log("  ==> successful return from placeCall(): callStatus = " + callStatus);
    407         } else {
    408             Log.w(LOG_TAG, "Failure from placeCall() for OTA number '"
    409                   + number + "': code " + callStatus);
    410             return callStatus;
    411         }
    413         // TODO: Any other special work to do here?
    414         // Such as:
    415         //
    416         // - manually kick off progress updates, either using TelephonyRegistry
    417         //   or else by sending PendingIntents directly to our caller?
    418         //
    419         // - manually silence the in-call audio?  (Probably unnecessary
    420         //   if Stingray truly has no audio path from phone baseband
    421         //   to the device's speakers.)
    422         //
    424         return callStatus;
    425     }
    427     /**
    428      * @return true if the specified Intent is a CALL action that's an attempt
    429      * to initate an OTASP call.
    430      *
    431      * OTASP is a CDMA-specific concept, so this method will always return false
    432      * on GSM phones.
    433      *
    434      * This code was originally part of the InCallScreen.checkIsOtaCall() method.
    435      */
    436     public static boolean isOtaspCallIntent(Intent intent) {
    437         if (DBG) log("isOtaspCallIntent(" + intent + ")...");
    438         PhoneGlobals app = PhoneGlobals.getInstance();
    439         Phone phone = app.mCM.getDefaultPhone();
    441         if (intent == null) {
    442             return false;
    443         }
    444         if (!TelephonyCapabilities.supportsOtasp(phone)) {
    445             return false;
    446         }
    448         String action = intent.getAction();
    449         if (action == null) {
    450             return false;
    451         }
    452         if (!action.equals(Intent.ACTION_CALL)) {
    453             if (DBG) log("isOtaspCallIntent: not a CALL action: '" + action + "' ==> not OTASP");
    454             return false;
    455         }
    457         if ((app.cdmaOtaScreenState == null) || (app.cdmaOtaProvisionData == null)) {
    458             // Uh oh -- something wrong with our internal OTASP state.
    459             // (Since this is an OTASP-capable device, these objects
    460             // *should* have already been created by PhoneApp.onCreate().)
    461             throw new IllegalStateException("isOtaspCallIntent: "
    462                                             + "app.cdmaOta* objects(s) not initialized");
    463         }
    465         // This is an OTASP call iff the number we're trying to dial is one of
    466         // the magic OTASP numbers.
    467         String number;
    468         try {
    469             number = PhoneUtils.getInitialNumber(intent);
    470         } catch (PhoneUtils.VoiceMailNumberMissingException ex) {
    471             // This was presumably a "voicemail:" intent, so it's
    472             // obviously not an OTASP number.
    473             if (DBG) log("isOtaspCallIntent: VoiceMailNumberMissingException => not OTASP");
    474             return false;
    475         }
    476         if (phone.isOtaSpNumber(number)) {
    477             if (DBG) log("isOtaSpNumber: ACTION_CALL to '" + number + "' ==> OTASP call!");
    478             return true;
    479         }
    480         return false;
    481     }
    483     /**
    484      * Set up for an OTASP call.
    485      *
    486      * This method is called as part of the CallController placeCall() sequence
    487      * before initiating an outgoing OTASP call.
    488      *
    489      * The purpose of this method is mainly to create and initialize the
    490      * OtaUtils instance, along with some other misc pre-OTASP cleanup.
    491      */
    492     public static void setupOtaspCall(Intent intent) {
    493         if (DBG) log("setupOtaspCall(): preparing for OTASP call to " + intent);
    494         PhoneGlobals app = PhoneGlobals.getInstance();
    496         if (app.otaUtils != null) {
    497             // An OtaUtils instance already exists, presumably from a prior OTASP call.
    498             // Nuke the old one and start this call with a fresh instance.
    499             Log.i(LOG_TAG, "setupOtaspCall: "
    500                   + "OtaUtils already exists; replacing with new instance...");
    501         }
    503         // Create the OtaUtils instance.
    504         app.otaUtils = new OtaUtils(app.getApplicationContext(), true /* interactive */,
    505                 app.getBluetoothManager());
    506         if (DBG) log("- created OtaUtils: " + app.otaUtils);
    508         // NOTE we still need to call OtaUtils.updateUiWidgets() once the
    509         // InCallScreen instance is ready; see InCallScreen.checkOtaspStateOnResume()
    511         // Make sure the InCallScreen knows that it needs to switch into OTASP mode.
    512         //
    513         // NOTE in gingerbread and earlier, we used to do
    514         //     setInCallScreenMode(InCallScreenMode.OTA_NORMAL);
    515         // directly in the InCallScreen, back when this check happened inside the InCallScreen.
    516         //
    517         // But now, set the global CdmaOtaInCallScreenUiState object into
    518         // NORMAL mode, which will then cause the InCallScreen (when it
    519         // comes up) to realize that an OTA call is active.
    521         app.otaUtils.setCdmaOtaInCallScreenUiState(
    522             OtaUtils.CdmaOtaInCallScreenUiState.State.NORMAL);
    524         // TODO(OTASP): note app.inCallUiState.inCallScreenMode and
    525         // app.cdmaOtaInCallScreenUiState.state are mostly redundant.  Combine them.
    526         // app.inCallUiState.inCallScreenMode = InCallUiState.InCallScreenMode.OTA_NORMAL;
    528         // TODO(OTASP / bug 5092031): we ideally should call
    529         // otaShowListeningScreen() here to make sure that the DTMF dialpad
    530         // becomes visible at the start of the "*228" call:
    531         //
    532         //  // ...and get the OTASP-specific UI into the right state.
    533         //  app.otaUtils.otaShowListeningScreen();
    534         //  if (app.otaUtils.mInCallScreen != null) {
    535         //      app.otaUtils.mInCallScreen.requestUpdateScreen();
    536         //  }
    537         //
    538         // But this doesn't actually work; the call to otaShowListeningScreen()
    539         // *doesn't* actually bring up the listening screen, since the
    540         // cdmaOtaConfigData.otaShowListeningScreen config parameter hasn't been
    541         // initialized (we haven't run readXmlSettings() yet at this point!)
    543         // Also, since the OTA call is now just starting, clear out
    544         // the "committed" flag in app.cdmaOtaProvisionData.
    545         if (app.cdmaOtaProvisionData != null) {
    546             app.cdmaOtaProvisionData.isOtaCallCommitted = false;
    547         }
    548     }
    550     private void setSpeaker(boolean state) {
    551         if (DBG) log("setSpeaker : " + state );
    553         if (!mInteractive) {
    554             if (DBG) log("non-interactive mode, ignoring setSpeaker.");
    555             return;
    556         }
    558         if (state == PhoneUtils.isSpeakerOn(mContext)) {
    559             if (DBG) log("no change. returning");
    560             return;
    561         }
    563         if (state && mBluetoothManager.isBluetoothAvailable()
    564                 && mBluetoothManager.isBluetoothAudioConnected()) {
    565             mBluetoothManager.disconnectBluetoothAudio();
    566         }
    567         PhoneUtils.turnOnSpeaker(mContext, state, true);
    568     }
    570     /**
    571      * Handles OTA Provision events from the telephony layer.
    572      * These events come in to this method whether or not
    573      * the InCallScreen is visible.
    574      *
    575      * Possible events are:
    576      * OTA Commit Event - OTA provisioning was successful
    577      * SPC retries exceeded - SPC failure retries has exceeded, and Phone needs to
    578      *    power down.
    579      */
    580     public void onOtaProvisionStatusChanged(AsyncResult r) {
    581         int OtaStatus[] = (int[]) r.result;
    582         if (DBG) log("Provision status event!");
    583         if (DBG) log("onOtaProvisionStatusChanged(): status = "
    584                      + OtaStatus[0] + " ==> " + otaProvisionStatusToString(OtaStatus[0]));
    586         // In practice, in a normal successful OTASP call, events come in as follows:
    587         //   - SPL_UNLOCKED within a couple of seconds after the call starts
    588         //   - then a delay of around 45 seconds
    589         //   - then PRL_DOWNLOADED and MDN_DOWNLOADED and COMMITTED within a span of 2 seconds
    591         switch(OtaStatus[0]) {
    593                 if (DBG) log("onOtaProvisionStatusChanged(): RETRIES EXCEEDED");
    594                 updateOtaspProgress();
    595                 mApplication.cdmaOtaProvisionData.otaSpcUptime = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime();
    596                 if (mInteractive) {
    597                     otaShowSpcErrorNotice(OTA_SPC_TIMEOUT);
    598                 } else {
    599                     sendOtaspResult(OTASP_FAILURE_SPC_RETRIES);
    600                 }
    601                 // Power.shutdown();
    602                 break;
    604             case Phone.CDMA_OTA_PROVISION_STATUS_COMMITTED:
    605                 if (DBG) {
    606                     log("onOtaProvisionStatusChanged(): DONE, isOtaCallCommitted set to true");
    607                 }
    608                 mApplication.cdmaOtaProvisionData.isOtaCallCommitted = true;
    609                 if (mApplication.cdmaOtaScreenState.otaScreenState !=
    610                     CdmaOtaScreenState.OtaScreenState.OTA_STATUS_UNDEFINED) {
    611                     updateOtaspProgress();
    612                 }
    614                 break;
    616             case Phone.CDMA_OTA_PROVISION_STATUS_SPL_UNLOCKED:
    617             case Phone.CDMA_OTA_PROVISION_STATUS_A_KEY_EXCHANGED:
    618             case Phone.CDMA_OTA_PROVISION_STATUS_SSD_UPDATED:
    619             case Phone.CDMA_OTA_PROVISION_STATUS_NAM_DOWNLOADED:
    620             case Phone.CDMA_OTA_PROVISION_STATUS_MDN_DOWNLOADED:
    622             case Phone.CDMA_OTA_PROVISION_STATUS_PRL_DOWNLOADED:
    623             case Phone.CDMA_OTA_PROVISION_STATUS_OTAPA_STARTED:
    624             case Phone.CDMA_OTA_PROVISION_STATUS_OTAPA_STOPPED:
    625             case Phone.CDMA_OTA_PROVISION_STATUS_OTAPA_ABORTED:
    626                 // Only update progress when OTA call is in normal state
    627                 if (getCdmaOtaInCallScreenUiState() == CdmaOtaInCallScreenUiState.State.NORMAL) {
    628                     if (DBG) log("onOtaProvisionStatusChanged(): change to ProgressScreen");
    629                     updateOtaspProgress();
    630                 }
    631                 break;
    633             default:
    634                 if (DBG) log("onOtaProvisionStatusChanged(): Ignoring OtaStatus " + OtaStatus[0]);
    635                 break;
    636         }
    637     }
    639     /**
    640      * Handle a disconnect event from the OTASP call.
    641      */
    642     public void onOtaspDisconnect() {
    643         if (DBG) log("onOtaspDisconnect()...");
    644         // We only handle this event explicitly in non-interactive mode.
    645         // (In interactive mode, the InCallScreen does any post-disconnect
    646         // cleanup.)
    647         if (!mInteractive) {
    648             // Send a success or failure indication back to our caller.
    649             updateNonInteractiveOtaSuccessFailure();
    650         }
    651     }
    653     private void otaShowHome() {
    654         if (DBG) log("otaShowHome()...");
    655         mApplication.cdmaOtaScreenState.otaScreenState =
    656                 CdmaOtaScreenState.OtaScreenState.OTA_STATUS_UNDEFINED;
    657         // mInCallScreen.endInCallScreenSession();
    658         Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_MAIN);
    659         intent.addCategory (Intent.CATEGORY_HOME);
    660         intent.setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK);
    661         mContext.startActivityAsUser(intent, UserHandle.CURRENT);
    662         return;
    663     }
    665     private void otaSkipActivation() {
    666         if (DBG) log("otaSkipActivation()...");
    668         sendOtaspResult(OTASP_USER_SKIPPED);
    670         // if (mInteractive) mInCallScreen.finish();
    671         return;
    672     }
    674     /**
    675      * Actually initiate the OTASP call.  This method is triggered by the
    676      * onscreen "Activate" button, and is only used in interactive mode.
    677      */
    678     private void otaPerformActivation() {
    679         if (DBG) log("otaPerformActivation()...");
    680         if (!mInteractive) {
    681             // We shouldn't ever get here in non-interactive mode!
    682             Log.w(LOG_TAG, "otaPerformActivation: not interactive!");
    683             return;
    684         }
    686         if (!mApplication.cdmaOtaProvisionData.inOtaSpcState) {
    687             // Place an outgoing call to the special OTASP number:
    688             Intent newIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_CALL);
    689             newIntent.setData(Uri.fromParts(PhoneAccount.SCHEME_TEL, OTASP_NUMBER, null));
    691             // Initiate the outgoing call:
    692             mApplication.callController.placeCall(newIntent);
    694             // ...and get the OTASP-specific UI into the right state.
    695             otaShowListeningScreen();
    696             // mInCallScreen.requestUpdateScreen();
    697         }
    698         return;
    699     }
    701     /**
    702      * Show Activation Screen when phone powers up and OTA provision is
    703      * required. Also shown when activation fails and user needs
    704      * to re-attempt it. Contains ACTIVATE and SKIP buttons
    705      * which allow user to start OTA activation or skip the activation process.
    706      */
    707     public void otaShowActivateScreen() {
    708         if (DBG) log("otaShowActivateScreen()...");
    709         if (mApplication.cdmaOtaConfigData.otaShowActivationScreen
    710                 == OTA_SHOW_ACTIVATION_SCREEN_ON) {
    711             if (DBG) log("otaShowActivateScreen(): show activation screen");
    712             if (!isDialerOpened()) {
    713                 otaScreenInitialize();
    714                 mOtaWidgetData.otaSkipButton.setVisibility(sIsWizardMode ?
    715                         View.VISIBLE : View.INVISIBLE);
    716                 mOtaWidgetData.otaTextActivate.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE);
    717                 mOtaWidgetData.callCardOtaButtonsActivate.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE);
    718             }
    719             mApplication.cdmaOtaScreenState.otaScreenState =
    720                     CdmaOtaScreenState.OtaScreenState.OTA_STATUS_ACTIVATION;
    721         } else {
    722             if (DBG) log("otaShowActivateScreen(): show home screen");
    723             otaShowHome();
    724         }
    725      }
    727     /**
    728      * Show "Listen for Instruction" screen during OTA call. Shown when OTA Call
    729      * is initiated and user needs to listen for network instructions and press
    730      * appropriate DTMF digits to proceed to the "Programming in Progress" phase.
    731      */
    732     private void otaShowListeningScreen() {
    733         if (DBG) log("otaShowListeningScreen()...");
    734         if (!mInteractive) {
    735             // We shouldn't ever get here in non-interactive mode!
    736             Log.w(LOG_TAG, "otaShowListeningScreen: not interactive!");
    737             return;
    738         }
    740         if (mApplication.cdmaOtaConfigData.otaShowListeningScreen
    741                 == OTA_SHOW_LISTENING_SCREEN_ON) {
    742             if (DBG) log("otaShowListeningScreen(): show listening screen");
    743             if (!isDialerOpened()) {
    744                 otaScreenInitialize();
    745                 mOtaWidgetData.otaTextListenProgress.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE);
    746                 mOtaWidgetData.otaTextListenProgress.setText(R.string.ota_listen);
    747                 // mOtaWidgetData.otaDtmfDialerView.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE);
    748                 mOtaWidgetData.callCardOtaButtonsListenProgress.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE);
    749                 mOtaWidgetData.otaSpeakerButton.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE);
    750                 boolean speakerOn = PhoneUtils.isSpeakerOn(mContext);
    751                 mOtaWidgetData.otaSpeakerButton.setChecked(speakerOn);
    752             }
    753             mApplication.cdmaOtaScreenState.otaScreenState =
    754                     CdmaOtaScreenState.OtaScreenState.OTA_STATUS_LISTENING;
    755         } else {
    756             if (DBG) log("otaShowListeningScreen(): show progress screen");
    757             otaShowInProgressScreen();
    758         }
    759     }
    761     /**
    762      * Do any necessary updates (of onscreen UI, for example)
    763      * based on the latest status of the OTASP call.
    764      */
    765     private void updateOtaspProgress() {
    766         if (DBG) log("updateOtaspProgress()...  mInteractive = " + mInteractive);
    767         if (mInteractive) {
    768             // On regular phones we just call through to
    769             // otaShowInProgressScreen(), which updates the
    770             // InCallScreen's onscreen UI.
    771             otaShowInProgressScreen();
    772         } else {
    773             // We're not using the InCallScreen to show OTA progress.
    775             // For now, at least, there's nothing to do here.
    776             // The overall "success" or "failure" indication we send back
    777             // (to our caller) is triggered by the DISCONNECT event;
    778             // see updateNonInteractiveOtaSuccessFailure().
    780             // But if we ever need to send *intermediate* progress updates back
    781             // to our caller, we'd do that here, possbily using the same
    782             // PendingIntent that we already use to indicate success or failure.
    783         }
    784     }
    786     /**
    787      * When a non-interactive OTASP call completes, send a success or
    788      * failure indication back to our caller.
    789      *
    790      * This is basically the non-interactive equivalent of
    791      * otaShowSuccessFailure().
    792      */
    793     private void updateNonInteractiveOtaSuccessFailure() {
    794         // This is basically the same logic as otaShowSuccessFailure(): we
    795         // check the isOtaCallCommitted bit, and if that's true it means
    796         // that activation was successful.
    798         if (DBG) log("updateNonInteractiveOtaSuccessFailure(): isOtaCallCommitted = "
    799                      + mApplication.cdmaOtaProvisionData.isOtaCallCommitted);
    800         int resultCode =
    801                 mApplication.cdmaOtaProvisionData.isOtaCallCommitted
    802                 ? OTASP_SUCCESS : OTASP_FAILURE;
    803         sendOtaspResult(resultCode);
    804     }
    806     /**
    807      * Sends the specified OTASP result code back to our caller (presumably
    808      * SetupWizard) via the PendingIntent that they originally sent along with
    809      * the ACTION_PERFORM_CDMA_PROVISIONING intent.
    810      */
    811     private void sendOtaspResult(int resultCode) {
    812         if (DBG) log("sendOtaspResult: resultCode = " + resultCode);
    814         // Pass the success or failure indication back to our caller by
    815         // adding an additional extra to the PendingIntent we already
    816         // have.
    817         // (NB: there's a PendingIntent send() method that takes a resultCode
    818         // directly, but we can't use that here since that call is only
    819         // meaningful for pending intents that are actually used as activity
    820         // results.)
    822         Intent extraStuff = new Intent();
    823         extraStuff.putExtra(EXTRA_OTASP_RESULT_CODE, resultCode);
    824         // When we call PendingIntent.send() below, the extras from this
    825         // intent will get merged with any extras already present in
    826         // cdmaOtaScreenState.otaspResultCodePendingIntent.
    828         if (mApplication.cdmaOtaScreenState == null) {
    829             Log.e(LOG_TAG, "updateNonInteractiveOtaSuccessFailure: no cdmaOtaScreenState object!");
    830             return;
    831         }
    832         if (mApplication.cdmaOtaScreenState.otaspResultCodePendingIntent == null) {
    833             Log.w(LOG_TAG, "updateNonInteractiveOtaSuccessFailure: "
    834                   + "null otaspResultCodePendingIntent!");
    835             return;
    836         }
    838         try {
    839             if (DBG) log("- sendOtaspResult:  SENDING PENDING INTENT: " +
    840                          mApplication.cdmaOtaScreenState.otaspResultCodePendingIntent);
    841             mApplication.cdmaOtaScreenState.otaspResultCodePendingIntent.send(
    842                     mContext,
    843                     0, /* resultCode (unused) */
    844                     extraStuff);
    845         } catch (CanceledException e) {
    846             // should never happen because no code cancels the pending intent right now,
    847             Log.e(LOG_TAG, "PendingIntent send() failed: " + e);
    848         }
    849     }
    851     /**
    852      * Show "Programming In Progress" screen during OTA call. Shown when OTA
    853      * provisioning is in progress after user has selected an option.
    854      */
    855     private void otaShowInProgressScreen() {
    856         if (DBG) log("otaShowInProgressScreen()...");
    857         if (!mInteractive) {
    858             // We shouldn't ever get here in non-interactive mode!
    859             Log.w(LOG_TAG, "otaShowInProgressScreen: not interactive!");
    860             return;
    861         }
    863         mApplication.cdmaOtaScreenState.otaScreenState =
    864             CdmaOtaScreenState.OtaScreenState.OTA_STATUS_PROGRESS;
    866         if ((mOtaWidgetData == null) /* || (mInCallScreen == null) */) {
    867             Log.w(LOG_TAG, "otaShowInProgressScreen: UI widgets not set up yet!");
    869             // TODO(OTASP): our CdmaOtaScreenState is now correct; we just set
    870             // it to OTA_STATUS_PROGRESS.  But we still need to make sure that
    871             // when the InCallScreen eventually comes to the foreground, it
    872             // notices that state and does all the same UI updating we do below.
    873             return;
    874         }
    876         if (!isDialerOpened()) {
    877             otaScreenInitialize();
    878             mOtaWidgetData.otaTextListenProgress.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE);
    879             mOtaWidgetData.otaTextListenProgress.setText(R.string.ota_progress);
    880             mOtaWidgetData.otaTextProgressBar.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE);
    881             mOtaWidgetData.callCardOtaButtonsListenProgress.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE);
    882             mOtaWidgetData.otaSpeakerButton.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE);
    883             boolean speakerOn = PhoneUtils.isSpeakerOn(mContext);
    884             mOtaWidgetData.otaSpeakerButton.setChecked(speakerOn);
    885         }
    886     }
    888     /**
    889      * Show programming failure dialog when OTA provisioning fails.
    890      * If OTA provisioning attempts fail more than 3 times, then unsuccessful
    891      * dialog is shown. Otherwise a two-second notice is shown with unsuccessful
    892      * information. When notice expires, phone returns to activation screen.
    893      */
    894     private void otaShowProgramFailure(int length) {
    895         if (DBG) log("otaShowProgramFailure()...");
    896         mApplication.cdmaOtaProvisionData.activationCount++;
    897         if ((mApplication.cdmaOtaProvisionData.activationCount <
    898                 mApplication.cdmaOtaConfigData.otaShowActivateFailTimes)
    899                 && (mApplication.cdmaOtaConfigData.otaShowActivationScreen ==
    900                 OTA_SHOW_ACTIVATION_SCREEN_ON)) {
    901             if (DBG) log("otaShowProgramFailure(): activationCount"
    902                     + mApplication.cdmaOtaProvisionData.activationCount);
    903             if (DBG) log("otaShowProgramFailure(): show failure notice");
    904             otaShowProgramFailureNotice(length);
    905         } else {
    906             if (DBG) log("otaShowProgramFailure(): show failure dialog");
    907             otaShowProgramFailureDialog();
    908         }
    909     }
    911     /**
    912      * Show either programming success dialog when OTA provisioning succeeds, or
    913      * programming failure dialog when it fails. See {@link #otaShowProgramFailure}
    914      * for more details.
    915      */
    916     public void otaShowSuccessFailure() {
    917         if (DBG) log("otaShowSuccessFailure()...");
    918         if (!mInteractive) {
    919             // We shouldn't ever get here in non-interactive mode!
    920             Log.w(LOG_TAG, "otaShowSuccessFailure: not interactive!");
    921             return;
    922         }
    924         otaScreenInitialize();
    925         if (DBG) log("otaShowSuccessFailure(): isOtaCallCommitted"
    926                 + mApplication.cdmaOtaProvisionData.isOtaCallCommitted);
    927         if (mApplication.cdmaOtaProvisionData.isOtaCallCommitted) {
    928             if (DBG) log("otaShowSuccessFailure(), show success dialog");
    929             otaShowProgramSuccessDialog();
    930         } else {
    931             if (DBG) log("otaShowSuccessFailure(), show failure dialog");
    932             otaShowProgramFailure(OTA_FAILURE_DIALOG_TIMEOUT);
    933         }
    934         return;
    935     }
    937     /**
    938      * Show programming failure dialog when OTA provisioning fails more than 3
    939      * times.
    940      */
    941     private void otaShowProgramFailureDialog() {
    942         if (DBG) log("otaShowProgramFailureDialog()...");
    943         mApplication.cdmaOtaScreenState.otaScreenState =
    944                 CdmaOtaScreenState.OtaScreenState.OTA_STATUS_SUCCESS_FAILURE_DLG;
    945         mOtaWidgetData.otaTitle.setText(R.string.ota_title_problem_with_activation);
    946         mOtaWidgetData.otaTextSuccessFail.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE);
    947         mOtaWidgetData.otaTextSuccessFail.setText(R.string.ota_unsuccessful);
    948         mOtaWidgetData.callCardOtaButtonsFailSuccess.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE);
    949         mOtaWidgetData.otaTryAgainButton.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE);
    950         //close the dialer if open
    951         // if (isDialerOpened()) {
    952         //     mOtaCallCardDtmfDialer.closeDialer(false);
    953         // }
    954     }
    956     /**
    957      * Show programming success dialog when OTA provisioning succeeds.
    958      */
    959     private void otaShowProgramSuccessDialog() {
    960         if (DBG) log("otaShowProgramSuccessDialog()...");
    961         mApplication.cdmaOtaScreenState.otaScreenState =
    962                 CdmaOtaScreenState.OtaScreenState.OTA_STATUS_SUCCESS_FAILURE_DLG;
    963         mOtaWidgetData.otaTitle.setText(R.string.ota_title_activate_success);
    964         mOtaWidgetData.otaTextSuccessFail.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE);
    965         mOtaWidgetData.otaTextSuccessFail.setText(R.string.ota_successful);
    966         mOtaWidgetData.callCardOtaButtonsFailSuccess.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE);
    967         mOtaWidgetData.otaNextButton.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE);
    968         //close the dialer if open
    969         // if (isDialerOpened()) {
    970         //     mOtaCallCardDtmfDialer.closeDialer(false);
    971         // }
    972     }
    974     /**
    975      * Show SPC failure notice when SPC attempts exceed 15 times.
    976      * During OTA provisioning, if SPC code is incorrect OTA provisioning will
    977      * fail. When SPC attempts are over 15, it shows SPC failure notice for one minute and
    978      * then phone will power down.
    979      */
    980     private void otaShowSpcErrorNotice(int length) {
    981         if (DBG) log("otaShowSpcErrorNotice()...");
    982         if (mOtaWidgetData.spcErrorDialog == null) {
    983             mApplication.cdmaOtaProvisionData.inOtaSpcState = true;
    984             DialogInterface.OnKeyListener keyListener;
    985             keyListener = new DialogInterface.OnKeyListener() {
    986                 public boolean onKey(DialogInterface dialog, int keyCode, KeyEvent event) {
    987                     log("Ignoring key events...");
    988                     return true;
    989                 }};
    990             mOtaWidgetData.spcErrorDialog = new AlertDialog.Builder(null /* mInCallScreen */)
    991                     .setMessage(R.string.ota_spc_failure)
    992                     .setOnKeyListener(keyListener)
    993                     .create();
    994             mOtaWidgetData.spcErrorDialog.getWindow().addFlags(
    995                     WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_NOT_TOUCHABLE
    996                     | WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_KEEP_SCREEN_ON);
    997             mOtaWidgetData.spcErrorDialog.show();
    998             //close the dialer if open
    999             // if (isDialerOpened()) {
   1000             //     mOtaCallCardDtmfDialer.closeDialer(false);
   1001             // }
   1002             long noticeTime = length*1000;
   1003             if (DBG) log("otaShowSpcErrorNotice(), remaining SPC noticeTime" + noticeTime);
   1004             // mInCallScreen.requestCloseSpcErrorNotice(noticeTime);
   1005         }
   1006     }
   1008     /**
   1009      * When SPC notice times out, force phone to power down.
   1010      */
   1011     public void onOtaCloseSpcNotice() {
   1012         if (DBG) log("onOtaCloseSpcNotice(), send shutdown intent");
   1013         Intent shutdown = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_REQUEST_SHUTDOWN);
   1014         shutdown.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_KEY_CONFIRM, false);
   1015         shutdown.setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK);
   1016         mContext.startActivity(shutdown);
   1017     }
   1019     /**
   1020      * Show two-second notice when OTA provisioning fails and number of failed attempts
   1021      * is less then 3.
   1022      */
   1023     private void otaShowProgramFailureNotice(int length) {
   1024         if (DBG) log("otaShowProgramFailureNotice()...");
   1025         if (mOtaWidgetData.otaFailureDialog == null) {
   1026             mOtaWidgetData.otaFailureDialog = new AlertDialog.Builder(null /* mInCallScreen */)
   1027                     .setMessage(R.string.ota_failure)
   1028                     .create();
   1029             mOtaWidgetData.otaFailureDialog.getWindow().addFlags(
   1030                     WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_NOT_TOUCHABLE
   1031                     | WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_KEEP_SCREEN_ON);
   1032             mOtaWidgetData.otaFailureDialog.show();
   1034             long noticeTime = length*1000;
   1035             // mInCallScreen.requestCloseOtaFailureNotice(noticeTime);
   1036         }
   1037     }
   1039     /**
   1040      * Handle OTA unsuccessful notice expiry. Dismisses the
   1041      * two-second notice and shows the activation screen.
   1042      */
   1043     public void onOtaCloseFailureNotice() {
   1044         if (DBG) log("onOtaCloseFailureNotice()...");
   1045         if (mOtaWidgetData.otaFailureDialog != null) {
   1046             mOtaWidgetData.otaFailureDialog.dismiss();
   1047             mOtaWidgetData.otaFailureDialog = null;
   1048         }
   1049         otaShowActivateScreen();
   1050     }
   1052     /**
   1053      * Initialize all OTA UI elements to be gone. Also set inCallPanel,
   1054      * callCard and the dialpad handle to be gone. This is called before any OTA screen
   1055      * gets drawn.
   1056      */
   1057     private void otaScreenInitialize() {
   1058         if (DBG) log("otaScreenInitialize()...");
   1060         if (!mInteractive) {
   1061             // We should never be doing anything with UI elements in
   1062             // non-interactive mode.
   1063             Log.w(LOG_TAG, "otaScreenInitialize: not interactive!");
   1064             return;
   1065         }
   1067         // if (mInCallTouchUi != null) mInCallTouchUi.setVisibility(View.GONE);
   1068         // if (mCallCard != null) {
   1069         //     mCallCard.setVisibility(View.GONE);
   1070         //     // TODO: try removing this.
   1071         //     mCallCard.hideCallCardElements();
   1072         // }
   1074         mOtaWidgetData.otaTitle.setText(R.string.ota_title_activate);
   1075         mOtaWidgetData.otaTextActivate.setVisibility(View.GONE);
   1076         mOtaWidgetData.otaTextListenProgress.setVisibility(View.GONE);
   1077         mOtaWidgetData.otaTextProgressBar.setVisibility(View.GONE);
   1078         mOtaWidgetData.otaTextSuccessFail.setVisibility(View.GONE);
   1079         mOtaWidgetData.callCardOtaButtonsActivate.setVisibility(View.GONE);
   1080         mOtaWidgetData.callCardOtaButtonsListenProgress.setVisibility(View.GONE);
   1081         mOtaWidgetData.callCardOtaButtonsFailSuccess.setVisibility(View.GONE);
   1082         // mOtaWidgetData.otaDtmfDialerView.setVisibility(View.GONE);
   1083         mOtaWidgetData.otaSpeakerButton.setVisibility(View.GONE);
   1084         mOtaWidgetData.otaTryAgainButton.setVisibility(View.GONE);
   1085         mOtaWidgetData.otaNextButton.setVisibility(View.GONE);
   1086         mOtaWidgetData.otaUpperWidgets.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE);
   1087         mOtaWidgetData.otaSkipButton.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE);
   1088     }
   1090     public void hideOtaScreen() {
   1091         if (DBG) log("hideOtaScreen()...");
   1093         mOtaWidgetData.callCardOtaButtonsActivate.setVisibility(View.GONE);
   1094         mOtaWidgetData.callCardOtaButtonsListenProgress.setVisibility(View.GONE);
   1095         mOtaWidgetData.callCardOtaButtonsFailSuccess.setVisibility(View.GONE);
   1096         mOtaWidgetData.otaUpperWidgets.setVisibility(View.GONE);
   1097     }
   1099     public boolean isDialerOpened() {
   1100         // boolean retval = (mOtaCallCardDtmfDialer != null && mOtaCallCardDtmfDialer.isOpened());
   1101         boolean retval = false;
   1102         if (DBG) log("- isDialerOpened() ==> " + retval);
   1103         return retval;
   1104     }
   1106     /**
   1107      * Show the appropriate OTA screen based on the current state of OTA call.
   1108      *
   1109      * This is called from the InCallScreen when the screen needs to be
   1110      * refreshed (and thus is only ever used in interactive mode.)
   1111      *
   1112      * Since this is called as part of the InCallScreen.updateScreen() sequence,
   1113      * this method does *not* post an mInCallScreen.requestUpdateScreen()
   1114      * request.
   1115      */
   1116     public void otaShowProperScreen() {
   1117         if (DBG) log("otaShowProperScreen()...");
   1118         if (!mInteractive) {
   1119             // We shouldn't ever get here in non-interactive mode!
   1120             Log.w(LOG_TAG, "otaShowProperScreen: not interactive!");
   1121             return;
   1122         }
   1124         // if ((mInCallScreen != null) && mInCallScreen.isForegroundActivity()) {
   1125         //     if (DBG) log("otaShowProperScreen(): InCallScreen in foreground, currentstate = "
   1126         //             + mApplication.cdmaOtaScreenState.otaScreenState);
   1127         //     if (mInCallTouchUi != null) {
   1128         //         mInCallTouchUi.setVisibility(View.GONE);
   1129         //     }
   1130         //     if (mCallCard != null) {
   1131         //         mCallCard.setVisibility(View.GONE);
   1132         //     }
   1133         //     if (mApplication.cdmaOtaScreenState.otaScreenState
   1134         //             == CdmaOtaScreenState.OtaScreenState.OTA_STATUS_ACTIVATION) {
   1135         //         otaShowActivateScreen();
   1136         //     } else if (mApplication.cdmaOtaScreenState.otaScreenState
   1137         //             == CdmaOtaScreenState.OtaScreenState.OTA_STATUS_LISTENING) {
   1138         //         otaShowListeningScreen();
   1139         //     } else if (mApplication.cdmaOtaScreenState.otaScreenState
   1140         //             == CdmaOtaScreenState.OtaScreenState.OTA_STATUS_PROGRESS) {
   1141         //         otaShowInProgressScreen();
   1142         //     }
   1144         //     if (mApplication.cdmaOtaProvisionData.inOtaSpcState) {
   1145         //         otaShowSpcErrorNotice(getOtaSpcDisplayTime());
   1146         //     }
   1147         // }
   1148     }
   1150     /**
   1151      * Read configuration values for each OTA screen from config.xml.
   1152      * These configuration values control visibility of each screen.
   1153      */
   1154     private void readXmlSettings() {
   1155         if (DBG) log("readXmlSettings()...");
   1156         if (mApplication.cdmaOtaConfigData.configComplete) {
   1157             return;
   1158         }
   1160         mApplication.cdmaOtaConfigData.configComplete = true;
   1161         int tmpOtaShowActivationScreen =
   1162                 mContext.getResources().getInteger(R.integer.OtaShowActivationScreen);
   1163         mApplication.cdmaOtaConfigData.otaShowActivationScreen = tmpOtaShowActivationScreen;
   1164         if (DBG) log("readXmlSettings(), otaShowActivationScreen = "
   1165                 + mApplication.cdmaOtaConfigData.otaShowActivationScreen);
   1167         int tmpOtaShowListeningScreen =
   1168                 mContext.getResources().getInteger(R.integer.OtaShowListeningScreen);
   1169         mApplication.cdmaOtaConfigData.otaShowListeningScreen = tmpOtaShowListeningScreen;
   1170         if (DBG) log("readXmlSettings(), otaShowListeningScreen = "
   1171                 + mApplication.cdmaOtaConfigData.otaShowListeningScreen);
   1173         int tmpOtaShowActivateFailTimes =
   1174                 mContext.getResources().getInteger(R.integer.OtaShowActivateFailTimes);
   1175         mApplication.cdmaOtaConfigData.otaShowActivateFailTimes = tmpOtaShowActivateFailTimes;
   1176         if (DBG) log("readXmlSettings(), otaShowActivateFailTimes = "
   1177                 + mApplication.cdmaOtaConfigData.otaShowActivateFailTimes);
   1179         int tmpOtaPlaySuccessFailureTone =
   1180                 mContext.getResources().getInteger(R.integer.OtaPlaySuccessFailureTone);
   1181         mApplication.cdmaOtaConfigData.otaPlaySuccessFailureTone = tmpOtaPlaySuccessFailureTone;
   1182         if (DBG) log("readXmlSettings(), otaPlaySuccessFailureTone = "
   1183                 + mApplication.cdmaOtaConfigData.otaPlaySuccessFailureTone);
   1184     }
   1186     /**
   1187      * Handle the click events for OTA buttons.
   1188      */
   1189     public void onClickHandler(int id) {
   1190         switch (id) {
   1191             case R.id.otaEndButton:
   1192                 onClickOtaEndButton();
   1193                 break;
   1195             case R.id.otaSpeakerButton:
   1196                 onClickOtaSpeakerButton();
   1197                 break;
   1199             case R.id.otaActivateButton:
   1200                 onClickOtaActivateButton();
   1201                 break;
   1203             case R.id.otaSkipButton:
   1204                 onClickOtaActivateSkipButton();
   1205                 break;
   1207             case R.id.otaNextButton:
   1208                 onClickOtaActivateNextButton();
   1209                 break;
   1211             case R.id.otaTryAgainButton:
   1212                 onClickOtaTryAgainButton();
   1213                 break;
   1215             default:
   1216                 if (DBG) log ("onClickHandler: received a click event for unrecognized id");
   1217                 break;
   1218         }
   1219     }
   1221     private void onClickOtaTryAgainButton() {
   1222         if (DBG) log("Activation Try Again Clicked!");
   1223         if (!mApplication.cdmaOtaProvisionData.inOtaSpcState) {
   1224             otaShowActivateScreen();
   1225         }
   1226     }
   1228     private void onClickOtaEndButton() {
   1229         if (DBG) log("Activation End Call Button Clicked!");
   1230         if (!mApplication.cdmaOtaProvisionData.inOtaSpcState) {
   1231             if (PhoneUtils.hangup(mApplication.mCM) == false) {
   1232                 // If something went wrong when placing the OTA call,
   1233                 // the screen is not updated by the call disconnect
   1234                 // handler and we have to do it here
   1235                 setSpeaker(false);
   1236                 // mInCallScreen.handleOtaCallEnd();
   1237             }
   1238         }
   1239     }
   1241     private void onClickOtaSpeakerButton() {
   1242         if (DBG) log("OTA Speaker button Clicked!");
   1243         if (!mApplication.cdmaOtaProvisionData.inOtaSpcState) {
   1244             boolean isChecked = !PhoneUtils.isSpeakerOn(mContext);
   1245             setSpeaker(isChecked);
   1246         }
   1247     }
   1249     private void onClickOtaActivateButton() {
   1250         if (DBG) log("Call Activation Clicked!");
   1251         otaPerformActivation();
   1252     }
   1254     private void onClickOtaActivateSkipButton() {
   1255         if (DBG) log("Activation Skip Clicked!");
   1256         DialogInterface.OnKeyListener keyListener;
   1257         keyListener = new DialogInterface.OnKeyListener() {
   1258             public boolean onKey(DialogInterface dialog, int keyCode,
   1259                     KeyEvent event) {
   1260                 if (DBG) log("Ignoring key events...");
   1261                 return true;
   1262             }
   1263         };
   1264         mOtaWidgetData.otaSkipConfirmationDialog = new AlertDialog.Builder(null /* mInCallScreen */)
   1265                 .setTitle(R.string.ota_skip_activation_dialog_title)
   1266                 .setMessage(R.string.ota_skip_activation_dialog_message)
   1267                 .setPositiveButton(
   1268                     android.R.string.ok,
   1269                     // "OK" means "skip activation".
   1270                     new AlertDialog.OnClickListener() {
   1271                         public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) {
   1272                             otaSkipActivation();
   1273                         }
   1274                     })
   1275                 .setNegativeButton(
   1276                     android.R.string.cancel,
   1277                     // "Cancel" means just dismiss the dialog.
   1278                     // Don't actually start an activation call.
   1279                     null)
   1280                 .setOnKeyListener(keyListener)
   1281                 .create();
   1282         mOtaWidgetData.otaSkipConfirmationDialog.show();
   1283     }
   1285     private void onClickOtaActivateNextButton() {
   1286         if (DBG) log("Dialog Next Clicked!");
   1287         if (!mApplication.cdmaOtaProvisionData.inOtaSpcState) {
   1288             mApplication.cdmaOtaScreenState.otaScreenState =
   1289                     CdmaOtaScreenState.OtaScreenState.OTA_STATUS_UNDEFINED;
   1290             otaShowHome();
   1291         }
   1292     }
   1294     public void dismissAllOtaDialogs() {
   1295         if (mOtaWidgetData != null) {
   1296             if (mOtaWidgetData.spcErrorDialog != null) {
   1297                 if (DBG) log("- DISMISSING mSpcErrorDialog.");
   1298                 mOtaWidgetData.spcErrorDialog.dismiss();
   1299                 mOtaWidgetData.spcErrorDialog = null;
   1300             }
   1301             if (mOtaWidgetData.otaFailureDialog != null) {
   1302                 if (DBG) log("- DISMISSING mOtaFailureDialog.");
   1303                 mOtaWidgetData.otaFailureDialog.dismiss();
   1304                 mOtaWidgetData.otaFailureDialog = null;
   1305             }
   1306         }
   1307     }
   1309     private int getOtaSpcDisplayTime() {
   1310         if (DBG) log("getOtaSpcDisplayTime()...");
   1311         int tmpSpcTime = 1;
   1312         if (mApplication.cdmaOtaProvisionData.inOtaSpcState) {
   1313             long tmpOtaSpcRunningTime = 0;
   1314             long tmpOtaSpcLeftTime = 0;
   1315             tmpOtaSpcRunningTime = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime();
   1316             tmpOtaSpcLeftTime =
   1317                 tmpOtaSpcRunningTime - mApplication.cdmaOtaProvisionData.otaSpcUptime;
   1318             if (tmpOtaSpcLeftTime >= OTA_SPC_TIMEOUT*1000) {
   1319                 tmpSpcTime = 1;
   1320             } else {
   1321                 tmpSpcTime = OTA_SPC_TIMEOUT - (int)tmpOtaSpcLeftTime/1000;
   1322             }
   1323         }
   1324         if (DBG) log("getOtaSpcDisplayTime(), time for SPC error notice: " + tmpSpcTime);
   1325         return tmpSpcTime;
   1326     }
   1328     /**
   1329      * Initialize the OTA widgets for all OTA screens.
   1330      */
   1331     private void initOtaInCallScreen() {
   1332         if (DBG) log("initOtaInCallScreen()...");
   1333         // mOtaWidgetData.otaTitle = (TextView) mInCallScreen.findViewById(R.id.otaTitle);
   1334         // mOtaWidgetData.otaTextActivate = (TextView) mInCallScreen.findViewById(R.id.otaActivate);
   1335         mOtaWidgetData.otaTextActivate.setVisibility(View.GONE);
   1336         // mOtaWidgetData.otaTextListenProgress =
   1337         //         (TextView) mInCallScreen.findViewById(R.id.otaListenProgress);
   1338         // mOtaWidgetData.otaTextProgressBar =
   1339         //         (ProgressBar) mInCallScreen.findViewById(R.id.progress_large);
   1340         mOtaWidgetData.otaTextProgressBar.setIndeterminate(true);
   1341         // mOtaWidgetData.otaTextSuccessFail =
   1342         //         (TextView) mInCallScreen.findViewById(R.id.otaSuccessFailStatus);
   1344         // mOtaWidgetData.otaUpperWidgets =
   1345         //         (ViewGroup) mInCallScreen.findViewById(R.id.otaUpperWidgets);
   1346         // mOtaWidgetData.callCardOtaButtonsListenProgress =
   1347         //         (View) mInCallScreen.findViewById(R.id.callCardOtaListenProgress);
   1348         // mOtaWidgetData.callCardOtaButtonsActivate =
   1349         //         (View) mInCallScreen.findViewById(R.id.callCardOtaActivate);
   1350         // mOtaWidgetData.callCardOtaButtonsFailSuccess =
   1351         //         (View) mInCallScreen.findViewById(R.id.callCardOtaFailOrSuccessful);
   1353         // mOtaWidgetData.otaEndButton = (Button) mInCallScreen.findViewById(R.id.otaEndButton);
   1354         // mOtaWidgetData.otaEndButton.setOnClickListener(mInCallScreen);
   1355         // mOtaWidgetData.otaSpeakerButton =
   1356         //         (ToggleButton) mInCallScreen.findViewById(R.id.otaSpeakerButton);
   1357         // mOtaWidgetData.otaSpeakerButton.setOnClickListener(mInCallScreen);
   1358         // mOtaWidgetData.otaActivateButton =
   1359         //         (Button) mInCallScreen.findViewById(R.id.otaActivateButton);
   1360         // mOtaWidgetData.otaActivateButton.setOnClickListener(mInCallScreen);
   1361         // mOtaWidgetData.otaSkipButton = (Button) mInCallScreen.findViewById(R.id.otaSkipButton);
   1362         // mOtaWidgetData.otaSkipButton.setOnClickListener(mInCallScreen);
   1363         // mOtaWidgetData.otaNextButton = (Button) mInCallScreen.findViewById(R.id.otaNextButton);
   1364         // mOtaWidgetData.otaNextButton.setOnClickListener(mInCallScreen);
   1365         // mOtaWidgetData.otaTryAgainButton =
   1366         //         (Button) mInCallScreen.findViewById(R.id.otaTryAgainButton);
   1367         // mOtaWidgetData.otaTryAgainButton.setOnClickListener(mInCallScreen);
   1369         // mOtaWidgetData.otaDtmfDialerView =
   1370         //         (DTMFTwelveKeyDialerView) mInCallScreen.findViewById(R.id.otaDtmfDialerView);
   1371         // Sanity-check: the otaDtmfDialerView widget should *always* be present.
   1372         // if (mOtaWidgetData.otaDtmfDialerView == null) {
   1373         //     throw new IllegalStateException("initOtaInCallScreen: couldn't find otaDtmfDialerView");
   1374         // }
   1376         // Create a new DTMFTwelveKeyDialer instance purely for use by the
   1377         // DTMFTwelveKeyDialerView ("otaDtmfDialerView") that comes from
   1378         // otacall_card.xml.
   1379         // mOtaCallCardDtmfDialer = new DTMFTwelveKeyDialer(mInCallScreen,
   1380         //                                                  mOtaWidgetData.otaDtmfDialerView);
   1382         // Initialize the new DTMFTwelveKeyDialer instance.  This is
   1383         // needed to play local DTMF tones.
   1384         // mOtaCallCardDtmfDialer.startDialerSession();
   1386         // mOtaWidgetData.otaDtmfDialerView.setDialer(mOtaCallCardDtmfDialer);
   1387     }
   1389     /**
   1390      * Clear out all OTA UI widget elements. Needs to get called
   1391      * when OTA call ends or InCallScreen is destroyed.
   1392      * @param disableSpeaker parameter control whether Speaker should be turned off.
   1393      */
   1394     public void cleanOtaScreen(boolean disableSpeaker) {
   1395         if (DBG) log("OTA ends, cleanOtaScreen!");
   1397         mApplication.cdmaOtaScreenState.otaScreenState =
   1398                 CdmaOtaScreenState.OtaScreenState.OTA_STATUS_UNDEFINED;
   1399         mApplication.cdmaOtaProvisionData.isOtaCallCommitted = false;
   1400         mApplication.cdmaOtaProvisionData.isOtaCallIntentProcessed = false;
   1401         mApplication.cdmaOtaProvisionData.inOtaSpcState = false;
   1402         mApplication.cdmaOtaProvisionData.activationCount = 0;
   1403         mApplication.cdmaOtaProvisionData.otaSpcUptime = 0;
   1404         mApplication.cdmaOtaInCallScreenUiState.state = State.UNDEFINED;
   1406         if (mInteractive && (mOtaWidgetData != null)) {
   1407             // if (mInCallTouchUi != null) mInCallTouchUi.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE);
   1408             // if (mCallCard != null) {
   1409             //     mCallCard.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE);
   1410             //     mCallCard.hideCallCardElements();
   1411             // }
   1413             // Free resources from the DTMFTwelveKeyDialer instance we created
   1414             // in initOtaInCallScreen().
   1415             // if (mOtaCallCardDtmfDialer != null) {
   1416             //     mOtaCallCardDtmfDialer.stopDialerSession();
   1417             // }
   1419             mOtaWidgetData.otaTextActivate.setVisibility(View.GONE);
   1420             mOtaWidgetData.otaTextListenProgress.setVisibility(View.GONE);
   1421             mOtaWidgetData.otaTextProgressBar.setVisibility(View.GONE);
   1422             mOtaWidgetData.otaTextSuccessFail.setVisibility(View.GONE);
   1423             mOtaWidgetData.callCardOtaButtonsActivate.setVisibility(View.GONE);
   1424             mOtaWidgetData.callCardOtaButtonsListenProgress.setVisibility(View.GONE);
   1425             mOtaWidgetData.callCardOtaButtonsFailSuccess.setVisibility(View.GONE);
   1426             mOtaWidgetData.otaUpperWidgets.setVisibility(View.GONE);
   1427             // mOtaWidgetData.otaDtmfDialerView.setVisibility(View.GONE);
   1428             mOtaWidgetData.otaNextButton.setVisibility(View.GONE);
   1429             mOtaWidgetData.otaTryAgainButton.setVisibility(View.GONE);
   1430         }
   1432         // turn off the speaker in case it was turned on
   1433         // but the OTA call could not be completed
   1434         if (disableSpeaker) {
   1435             setSpeaker(false);
   1436         }
   1437     }
   1439     /**
   1440      * Defines OTA information that needs to be maintained during
   1441      * an OTA call when display orientation changes.
   1442      */
   1443     public static class CdmaOtaProvisionData {
   1444         public boolean isOtaCallCommitted;
   1445         public boolean isOtaCallIntentProcessed;
   1446         public boolean inOtaSpcState;
   1447         public int activationCount;
   1448         public long otaSpcUptime;
   1449     }
   1451     /**
   1452      * Defines OTA screen configuration items read from config.xml
   1453      * and used to control OTA display.
   1454      */
   1455     public static class CdmaOtaConfigData {
   1456         public int otaShowActivationScreen;
   1457         public int otaShowListeningScreen;
   1458         public int otaShowActivateFailTimes;
   1459         public int otaPlaySuccessFailureTone;
   1460         public boolean configComplete;
   1461         public CdmaOtaConfigData() {
   1462             if (DBG) log("CdmaOtaConfigData constructor!");
   1463             otaShowActivationScreen = OTA_SHOW_ACTIVATION_SCREEN_OFF;
   1464             otaShowListeningScreen = OTA_SHOW_LISTENING_SCREEN_OFF;
   1465             otaShowActivateFailTimes = OTA_SHOW_ACTIVATE_FAIL_COUNT_OFF;
   1466             otaPlaySuccessFailureTone = OTA_PLAY_SUCCESS_FAILURE_TONE_OFF;
   1467         }
   1468     }
   1470     /**
   1471      * The state of the OTA InCallScreen UI.
   1472      */
   1473     public static class CdmaOtaInCallScreenUiState {
   1474         public enum State {
   1475             UNDEFINED,
   1476             NORMAL,
   1477             ENDED
   1478         }
   1480         public State state;
   1482         public CdmaOtaInCallScreenUiState() {
   1483             if (DBG) log("CdmaOtaInCallScreenState: constructor init to UNDEFINED");
   1484             state = CdmaOtaInCallScreenUiState.State.UNDEFINED;
   1485         }
   1486     }
   1488     /**
   1489      * Save the Ota InCallScreen UI state
   1490      */
   1491     public void setCdmaOtaInCallScreenUiState(CdmaOtaInCallScreenUiState.State state) {
   1492         if (DBG) log("setCdmaOtaInCallScreenState: " + state);
   1493         mApplication.cdmaOtaInCallScreenUiState.state = state;
   1494     }
   1496     /**
   1497      * Get the Ota InCallScreen UI state
   1498      */
   1499     public CdmaOtaInCallScreenUiState.State getCdmaOtaInCallScreenUiState() {
   1500         if (DBG) log("getCdmaOtaInCallScreenState: "
   1501                      + mApplication.cdmaOtaInCallScreenUiState.state);
   1502         return mApplication.cdmaOtaInCallScreenUiState.state;
   1503     }
   1505     /**
   1506      * The OTA screen state machine.
   1507      */
   1508     public static class CdmaOtaScreenState {
   1509         public enum OtaScreenState {
   1510             OTA_STATUS_UNDEFINED,
   1511             OTA_STATUS_ACTIVATION,
   1512             OTA_STATUS_LISTENING,
   1513             OTA_STATUS_PROGRESS,
   1515         }
   1517         public OtaScreenState otaScreenState;
   1519         public CdmaOtaScreenState() {
   1520             otaScreenState = OtaScreenState.OTA_STATUS_UNDEFINED;
   1521         }
   1523         /**
   1524          * {@link PendingIntent} used to report an OTASP result status code
   1525          * back to our caller. Can be null.
   1526          *
   1527          * Our caller (presumably SetupWizard) may create this PendingIntent,
   1528          * pointing back at itself, and passes it along as an extra with the
   1529          * ACTION_PERFORM_CDMA_PROVISIONING intent.  Then, when there's an
   1530          * OTASP result to report, we send that PendingIntent back, adding an
   1531          * extra called EXTRA_OTASP_RESULT_CODE to indicate the result.
   1532          *
   1533          * Possible result values are the OTASP_RESULT_* constants.
   1534          */
   1535         public PendingIntent otaspResultCodePendingIntent;
   1536     }
   1538     /** @see com.android.internal.telephony.Phone */
   1539     private static String otaProvisionStatusToString(int status) {
   1540         switch (status) {
   1541             case Phone.CDMA_OTA_PROVISION_STATUS_SPL_UNLOCKED:
   1542                 return "SPL_UNLOCKED";
   1544                 return "SPC_RETRIES_EXCEEDED";
   1545             case Phone.CDMA_OTA_PROVISION_STATUS_A_KEY_EXCHANGED:
   1546                 return "A_KEY_EXCHANGED";
   1547             case Phone.CDMA_OTA_PROVISION_STATUS_SSD_UPDATED:
   1548                 return "SSD_UPDATED";
   1549             case Phone.CDMA_OTA_PROVISION_STATUS_NAM_DOWNLOADED:
   1550                 return "NAM_DOWNLOADED";
   1551             case Phone.CDMA_OTA_PROVISION_STATUS_MDN_DOWNLOADED:
   1552                 return "MDN_DOWNLOADED";
   1554                 return "IMSI_DOWNLOADED";
   1555             case Phone.CDMA_OTA_PROVISION_STATUS_PRL_DOWNLOADED:
   1556                 return "PRL_DOWNLOADED";
   1557             case Phone.CDMA_OTA_PROVISION_STATUS_COMMITTED:
   1558                 return "COMMITTED";
   1559             case Phone.CDMA_OTA_PROVISION_STATUS_OTAPA_STARTED:
   1560                 return "OTAPA_STARTED";
   1561             case Phone.CDMA_OTA_PROVISION_STATUS_OTAPA_STOPPED:
   1562                 return "OTAPA_STOPPED";
   1563             case Phone.CDMA_OTA_PROVISION_STATUS_OTAPA_ABORTED:
   1564                 return "OTAPA_ABORTED";
   1565             default:
   1566                 return "<unknown status" + status + ">";
   1567         }
   1568     }
   1570     private static int getLteOnCdmaMode(Context context) {
   1571         final TelephonyManager telephonyManager = (TelephonyManager) context.getSystemService(
   1572                 Context.TELEPHONY_SERVICE);
   1573         // If the telephony manager is not available yet, or if it doesn't know the answer yet,
   1574         // try falling back on the system property that may or may not be there
   1575         if (telephonyManager == null
   1576                 || telephonyManager.getLteOnCdmaMode() == PhoneConstants.LTE_ON_CDMA_UNKNOWN) {
   1577             return SystemProperties.getInt(TelephonyProperties.PROPERTY_LTE_ON_CDMA_DEVICE,
   1578                     PhoneConstants.LTE_ON_CDMA_UNKNOWN);
   1579         }
   1580         return telephonyManager.getLteOnCdmaMode();
   1581     }
   1583     private static void log(String msg) {
   1584         Log.d(LOG_TAG, msg);
   1585     }
   1587     private static void loge(String msg) {
   1588         Log.e(LOG_TAG, msg);
   1589     }
   1590 }