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      1 //===-- UniqueCStringMap.h --------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
      2 //
      3 //                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
      4 //
      5 // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
      6 // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
      7 //
      8 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
     10 #ifndef liblldb_UniqueCStringMap_h_
     11 #define liblldb_UniqueCStringMap_h_
     12 #if defined(__cplusplus)
     14 #include <assert.h>
     15 #include <algorithm>
     16 #include <vector>
     18 #include "lldb/Core/RegularExpression.h"
     20 namespace lldb_private {
     24 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
     25 // Templatized uniqued string map.
     26 //
     27 // This map is useful for mapping unique C string names to values of
     28 // type T. Each "const char *" name added must be unique for a given
     29 // C string value. ConstString::GetCString() can provide such strings.
     30 // Any other string table that has guaranteed unique values can also
     31 // be used.
     32 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
     33 template <typename T>
     34 class UniqueCStringMap
     35 {
     36 public:
     37     struct Entry
     38     {
     39         Entry () :
     40             cstring(NULL),
     41             value()
     42         {
     43         }
     45         Entry (const char *cstr) :
     46             cstring(cstr),
     47             value()
     48         {
     49         }
     51         Entry (const char *cstr, const T&v) :
     52             cstring(cstr),
     53             value(v)
     54         {
     55         }
     57         bool
     58         operator < (const Entry& rhs) const
     59         {
     60             return cstring < rhs.cstring;
     61         }
     63         const char* cstring;
     64         T value;
     65     };
     67     //------------------------------------------------------------------
     68     // Call this function multiple times to add a bunch of entries to
     69     // this map, then later call UniqueCStringMap<T>::Sort() before doing
     70     // any searches by name.
     71     //------------------------------------------------------------------
     72     void
     73     Append (const char *unique_cstr, const T& value)
     74     {
     75         m_map.push_back (typename UniqueCStringMap<T>::Entry(unique_cstr, value));
     76     }
     78     void
     79     Append (const Entry &e)
     80     {
     81         m_map.push_back (e);
     82     }
     84     void
     85     Clear ()
     86     {
     87         m_map.clear();
     88     }
     90     //------------------------------------------------------------------
     91     // Call this function to always keep the map sorted when putting
     92     // entries into the map.
     93     //------------------------------------------------------------------
     94     void
     95     Insert (const char *unique_cstr, const T& value)
     96     {
     97         typename UniqueCStringMap<T>::Entry e(unique_cstr, value);
     98         m_map.insert (std::upper_bound (m_map.begin(), m_map.end(), e), e);
     99     }
    101     void
    102     Insert (const Entry &e)
    103     {
    104         m_map.insert (std::upper_bound (m_map.begin(), m_map.end(), e), e);
    105     }
    107     //------------------------------------------------------------------
    108     // Get an entries by index in a variety of forms.
    109     //
    110     // The caller is responsible for ensuring that the collection does
    111     // not change during while using the returned values.
    112     //------------------------------------------------------------------
    113     bool
    114     GetValueAtIndex (uint32_t idx, T &value) const
    115     {
    116         if (idx < m_map.size())
    117         {
    118             value = m_map[idx].value;
    119             return true;
    120         }
    121         return false;
    122     }
    124     const char *
    125     GetCStringAtIndexUnchecked (uint32_t idx) const
    126     {
    127         return m_map[idx].cstring;
    128     }
    130     // Use this function if you have simple types in your map that you
    131     // can easily copy when accessing values by index.
    132     T
    133     GetValueAtIndexUnchecked (uint32_t idx) const
    134     {
    135         return m_map[idx].value;
    136     }
    138     // Use this function if you have complex types in your map that you
    139     // don't want to copy when accessing values by index.
    140     const T &
    141     GetValueRefAtIndexUnchecked (uint32_t idx) const
    142     {
    143         return m_map[idx].value;
    144     }
    146     const char *
    147     GetCStringAtIndex (uint32_t idx) const
    148     {
    149         if (idx < m_map.size())
    150             return m_map[idx].cstring;
    151         return NULL;
    152     }
    154     //------------------------------------------------------------------
    155     // Find the value for the unique string in the map.
    156     //
    157     // Return the value for \a unique_cstr if one is found, return
    158     // \a fail_value otherwise. This method works well for simple type
    159     // T values and only if there is a sensible failure value that can
    160     // be returned and that won't match any existing values.
    161     //------------------------------------------------------------------
    162     T
    163     Find (const char *unique_cstr, T fail_value) const
    164     {
    165         Entry search_entry (unique_cstr);
    166         const_iterator end = m_map.end();
    167         const_iterator pos = std::lower_bound (m_map.begin(), end, search_entry);
    168         if (pos != end)
    169         {
    170             if (pos->cstring == unique_cstr)
    171                 return pos->value;
    172         }
    173         return fail_value;
    174     }
    175     //------------------------------------------------------------------
    176     // Get a pointer to the first entry that matches "name". NULL will
    177     // be returned if there is no entry that matches "name".
    178     //
    179     // The caller is responsible for ensuring that the collection does
    180     // not change during while using the returned pointer.
    181     //------------------------------------------------------------------
    182     const Entry *
    183     FindFirstValueForName (const char *unique_cstr) const
    184     {
    185         Entry search_entry (unique_cstr);
    186         const_iterator end = m_map.end();
    187         const_iterator pos = std::lower_bound (m_map.begin(), end, search_entry);
    188         if (pos != end)
    189         {
    190             const char *pos_cstr = pos->cstring;
    191             if (pos_cstr == unique_cstr)
    192                 return &(*pos);
    193         }
    194         return NULL;
    195     }
    197     //------------------------------------------------------------------
    198     // Get a pointer to the next entry that matches "name" from a
    199     // previously returned Entry pointer. NULL will be returned if there
    200     // is no subsequent entry that matches "name".
    201     //
    202     // The caller is responsible for ensuring that the collection does
    203     // not change during while using the returned pointer.
    204     //------------------------------------------------------------------
    205     const Entry *
    206     FindNextValueForName (const Entry *entry_ptr) const
    207     {
    208         if (!m_map.empty())
    209         {
    210             const Entry *first_entry = &m_map[0];
    211             const Entry *after_last_entry = first_entry + m_map.size();
    212             const Entry *next_entry = entry_ptr + 1;
    213             if (first_entry <= next_entry && next_entry < after_last_entry)
    214             {
    215                 if (next_entry->cstring == entry_ptr->cstring)
    216                     return next_entry;
    217             }
    218         }
    219         return NULL;
    220     }
    222     size_t
    223     GetValues (const char *unique_cstr, std::vector<T> &values) const
    224     {
    225         const size_t start_size = values.size();
    227         Entry search_entry (unique_cstr);
    228         const_iterator pos, end = m_map.end();
    229         for (pos = std::lower_bound (m_map.begin(), end, search_entry); pos != end; ++pos)
    230         {
    231             if (pos->cstring == unique_cstr)
    232                 values.push_back (pos->value);
    233             else
    234                 break;
    235         }
    237         return values.size() - start_size;
    238     }
    240     size_t
    241     GetValues (const RegularExpression& regex, std::vector<T> &values) const
    242     {
    243         const size_t start_size = values.size();
    245         const_iterator pos, end = m_map.end();
    246         for (pos = m_map.begin(); pos != end; ++pos)
    247         {
    248             if (regex.Execute(pos->cstring))
    249                 values.push_back (pos->value);
    250         }
    252         return values.size() - start_size;
    253     }
    255     //------------------------------------------------------------------
    256     // Get the total number of entries in this map.
    257     //------------------------------------------------------------------
    258     size_t
    259     GetSize () const
    260     {
    261         return m_map.size();
    262     }
    265     //------------------------------------------------------------------
    266     // Returns true if this map is empty.
    267     //------------------------------------------------------------------
    268     bool
    269     IsEmpty() const
    270     {
    271         return m_map.empty();
    272     }
    274     //------------------------------------------------------------------
    275     // Reserve memory for at least "n" entries in the map. This is
    276     // useful to call when you know you will be adding a lot of entries
    277     // using UniqueCStringMap::Append() (which should be followed by a
    278     // call to UniqueCStringMap::Sort()) or to UniqueCStringMap::Insert().
    279     //------------------------------------------------------------------
    280     void
    281     Reserve (size_t n)
    282     {
    283         m_map.reserve (n);
    284     }
    286     //------------------------------------------------------------------
    287     // Sort the unsorted contents in this map. A typical code flow would
    288     // be:
    289     // size_t approximate_num_entries = ....
    290     // UniqueCStringMap<uint32_t> my_map;
    291     // my_map.Reserve (approximate_num_entries);
    292     // for (...)
    293     // {
    294     //      my_map.Append (UniqueCStringMap::Entry(GetName(...), GetValue(...)));
    295     // }
    296     // my_map.Sort();
    297     //------------------------------------------------------------------
    298     void
    299     Sort ()
    300     {
    301         std::sort (m_map.begin(), m_map.end());
    302     }
    304     //------------------------------------------------------------------
    305     // Since we are using a vector to contain our items it will always
    306     // double its memory consumption as things are added to the vector,
    307     // so if you intend to keep a UniqueCStringMap around and have
    308     // a lot of entries in the map, you will want to call this function
    309     // to create a new vector and copy _only_ the exact size needed as
    310     // part of the finalization of the string map.
    311     //------------------------------------------------------------------
    312     void
    313     SizeToFit ()
    314     {
    315         if (m_map.size() < m_map.capacity())
    316         {
    317             collection temp (m_map.begin(), m_map.end());
    318             m_map.swap(temp);
    319         }
    320     }
    322     size_t
    323     Erase (const char *unique_cstr)
    324     {
    325         size_t num_removed = 0;
    326         Entry search_entry (unique_cstr);
    327         iterator end = m_map.end();
    328         iterator begin = m_map.begin();
    329         iterator lower_pos = std::lower_bound (begin, end, search_entry);
    330         if (lower_pos != end)
    331         {
    332             if (lower_pos->cstring == unique_cstr)
    333             {
    334                 iterator upper_pos = std::upper_bound (lower_pos, end, search_entry);
    335                 if (lower_pos == upper_pos)
    336                 {
    337                     m_map.erase (lower_pos);
    338                     num_removed = 1;
    339                 }
    340                 else
    341                 {
    342                     num_removed = std::distance (lower_pos, upper_pos);
    343                     m_map.erase (lower_pos, upper_pos);
    344                 }
    345             }
    346         }
    347         return num_removed;
    348     }
    349 protected:
    350     typedef std::vector<Entry> collection;
    351     typedef typename collection::iterator iterator;
    352     typedef typename collection::const_iterator const_iterator;
    353     collection m_map;
    354 };
    358 } // namespace lldb_private
    360 #endif  // #if defined(__cplusplus)
    361 #endif  // liblldb_UniqueCStringMap_h_