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      1 //===--- ContinuationIndenter.h - Format C++ code ---------------*- C++ -*-===//
      2 //
      3 //                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
      4 //
      5 // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
      6 // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
      7 //
      8 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
      9 ///
     10 /// \file
     11 /// \brief This file implements an indenter that manages the indentation of
     12 /// continuations.
     13 ///
     14 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
     19 #include "Encoding.h"
     20 #include "FormatToken.h"
     21 #include "clang/Format/Format.h"
     22 #include "llvm/Support/Regex.h"
     24 namespace clang {
     25 class SourceManager;
     27 namespace format {
     29 class AnnotatedLine;
     30 struct FormatToken;
     31 struct LineState;
     32 struct ParenState;
     33 class WhitespaceManager;
     35 class ContinuationIndenter {
     36 public:
     37   /// \brief Constructs a \c ContinuationIndenter to format \p Line starting in
     38   /// column \p FirstIndent.
     39   ContinuationIndenter(const FormatStyle &Style,
     40                        const AdditionalKeywords &Keywords,
     41                        SourceManager &SourceMgr, WhitespaceManager &Whitespaces,
     42                        encoding::Encoding Encoding,
     43                        bool BinPackInconclusiveFunctions);
     45   /// \brief Get the initial state, i.e. the state after placing \p Line's
     46   /// first token at \p FirstIndent.
     47   LineState getInitialState(unsigned FirstIndent, const AnnotatedLine *Line,
     48                             bool DryRun);
     50   // FIXME: canBreak and mustBreak aren't strictly indentation-related. Find a
     51   // better home.
     52   /// \brief Returns \c true, if a line break after \p State is allowed.
     53   bool canBreak(const LineState &State);
     55   /// \brief Returns \c true, if a line break after \p State is mandatory.
     56   bool mustBreak(const LineState &State);
     58   /// \brief Appends the next token to \p State and updates information
     59   /// necessary for indentation.
     60   ///
     61   /// Puts the token on the current line if \p Newline is \c false and adds a
     62   /// line break and necessary indentation otherwise.
     63   ///
     64   /// If \p DryRun is \c false, also creates and stores the required
     65   /// \c Replacement.
     66   unsigned addTokenToState(LineState &State, bool Newline, bool DryRun,
     67                            unsigned ExtraSpaces = 0);
     69   /// \brief Get the column limit for this line. This is the style's column
     70   /// limit, potentially reduced for preprocessor definitions.
     71   unsigned getColumnLimit(const LineState &State) const;
     73 private:
     74   /// \brief Mark the next token as consumed in \p State and modify its stacks
     75   /// accordingly.
     76   unsigned moveStateToNextToken(LineState &State, bool DryRun, bool Newline);
     78   /// \brief Update 'State' according to the next token's fake left parentheses.
     79   void moveStatePastFakeLParens(LineState &State, bool Newline);
     80   /// \brief Update 'State' according to the next token's fake r_parens.
     81   void moveStatePastFakeRParens(LineState &State);
     83   /// \brief Update 'State' according to the next token being one of "(<{[".
     84   void moveStatePastScopeOpener(LineState &State, bool Newline);
     85   /// \brief Update 'State' according to the next token being one of ")>}]".
     86   void moveStatePastScopeCloser(LineState &State);
     87   /// \brief Update 'State' with the next token opening a nested block.
     88   void moveStateToNewBlock(LineState &State);
     90   /// \brief If the current token sticks out over the end of the line, break
     91   /// it if possible.
     92   ///
     93   /// \returns An extra penalty if a token was broken, otherwise 0.
     94   ///
     95   /// The returned penalty will cover the cost of the additional line breaks and
     96   /// column limit violation in all lines except for the last one. The penalty
     97   /// for the column limit violation in the last line (and in single line
     98   /// tokens) is handled in \c addNextStateToQueue.
     99   unsigned breakProtrudingToken(const FormatToken &Current, LineState &State,
    100                                 bool DryRun);
    102   /// \brief Appends the next token to \p State and updates information
    103   /// necessary for indentation.
    104   ///
    105   /// Puts the token on the current line.
    106   ///
    107   /// If \p DryRun is \c false, also creates and stores the required
    108   /// \c Replacement.
    109   void addTokenOnCurrentLine(LineState &State, bool DryRun,
    110                              unsigned ExtraSpaces);
    112   /// \brief Appends the next token to \p State and updates information
    113   /// necessary for indentation.
    114   ///
    115   /// Adds a line break and necessary indentation.
    116   ///
    117   /// If \p DryRun is \c false, also creates and stores the required
    118   /// \c Replacement.
    119   unsigned addTokenOnNewLine(LineState &State, bool DryRun);
    121   /// \brief Calculate the new column for a line wrap before the next token.
    122   unsigned getNewLineColumn(const LineState &State);
    124   /// \brief Adds a multiline token to the \p State.
    125   ///
    126   /// \returns Extra penalty for the first line of the literal: last line is
    127   /// handled in \c addNextStateToQueue, and the penalty for other lines doesn't
    128   /// matter, as we don't change them.
    129   unsigned addMultilineToken(const FormatToken &Current, LineState &State);
    131   /// \brief Returns \c true if the next token starts a multiline string
    132   /// literal.
    133   ///
    134   /// This includes implicitly concatenated strings, strings that will be broken
    135   /// by clang-format and string literals with escaped newlines.
    136   bool nextIsMultilineString(const LineState &State);
    138   FormatStyle Style;
    139   const AdditionalKeywords &Keywords;
    140   SourceManager &SourceMgr;
    141   WhitespaceManager &Whitespaces;
    142   encoding::Encoding Encoding;
    143   bool BinPackInconclusiveFunctions;
    144   llvm::Regex CommentPragmasRegex;
    145 };
    147 struct ParenState {
    148   ParenState(unsigned Indent, unsigned IndentLevel, unsigned LastSpace,
    149              bool AvoidBinPacking, bool NoLineBreak)
    150       : Indent(Indent), IndentLevel(IndentLevel), LastSpace(LastSpace),
    151         NestedBlockIndent(Indent), FirstLessLess(0),
    152         BreakBeforeClosingBrace(false), QuestionColumn(0),
    153         AvoidBinPacking(AvoidBinPacking), BreakBeforeParameter(false),
    154         NoLineBreak(NoLineBreak), LastOperatorWrapped(true), ColonPos(0),
    155         StartOfFunctionCall(0), StartOfArraySubscripts(0),
    156         NestedNameSpecifierContinuation(0), CallContinuation(0), VariablePos(0),
    157         ContainsLineBreak(false), ContainsUnwrappedBuilder(0),
    158         AlignColons(true), ObjCSelectorNameFound(false),
    159         HasMultipleNestedBlocks(false), NestedBlockInlined(false) {}
    161   /// \brief The position to which a specific parenthesis level needs to be
    162   /// indented.
    163   unsigned Indent;
    165   /// \brief The number of indentation levels of the block.
    166   unsigned IndentLevel;
    168   /// \brief The position of the last space on each level.
    169   ///
    170   /// Used e.g. to break like:
    171   /// functionCall(Parameter, otherCall(
    172   ///                             OtherParameter));
    173   unsigned LastSpace;
    175   /// \brief If a block relative to this parenthesis level gets wrapped, indent
    176   /// it this much.
    177   unsigned NestedBlockIndent;
    179   /// \brief The position the first "<<" operator encountered on each level.
    180   ///
    181   /// Used to align "<<" operators. 0 if no such operator has been encountered
    182   /// on a level.
    183   unsigned FirstLessLess;
    185   /// \brief Whether a newline needs to be inserted before the block's closing
    186   /// brace.
    187   ///
    188   /// We only want to insert a newline before the closing brace if there also
    189   /// was a newline after the beginning left brace.
    190   bool BreakBeforeClosingBrace;
    192   /// \brief The column of a \c ? in a conditional expression;
    193   unsigned QuestionColumn;
    195   /// \brief Avoid bin packing, i.e. multiple parameters/elements on multiple
    196   /// lines, in this context.
    197   bool AvoidBinPacking;
    199   /// \brief Break after the next comma (or all the commas in this context if
    200   /// \c AvoidBinPacking is \c true).
    201   bool BreakBeforeParameter;
    203   /// \brief Line breaking in this context would break a formatting rule.
    204   bool NoLineBreak;
    206   /// \brief True if the last binary operator on this level was wrapped to the
    207   /// next line.
    208   bool LastOperatorWrapped;
    210   /// \brief The position of the colon in an ObjC method declaration/call.
    211   unsigned ColonPos;
    213   /// \brief The start of the most recent function in a builder-type call.
    214   unsigned StartOfFunctionCall;
    216   /// \brief Contains the start of array subscript expressions, so that they
    217   /// can be aligned.
    218   unsigned StartOfArraySubscripts;
    220   /// \brief If a nested name specifier was broken over multiple lines, this
    221   /// contains the start column of the second line. Otherwise 0.
    222   unsigned NestedNameSpecifierContinuation;
    224   /// \brief If a call expression was broken over multiple lines, this
    225   /// contains the start column of the second line. Otherwise 0.
    226   unsigned CallContinuation;
    228   /// \brief The column of the first variable name in a variable declaration.
    229   ///
    230   /// Used to align further variables if necessary.
    231   unsigned VariablePos;
    233   /// \brief \c true if this \c ParenState already contains a line-break.
    234   ///
    235   /// The first line break in a certain \c ParenState causes extra penalty so
    236   /// that clang-format prefers similar breaks, i.e. breaks in the same
    237   /// parenthesis.
    238   bool ContainsLineBreak;
    240   /// \brief \c true if this \c ParenState contains multiple segments of a
    241   /// builder-type call on one line.
    242   bool ContainsUnwrappedBuilder;
    244   /// \brief \c true if the colons of the curren ObjC method expression should
    245   /// be aligned.
    246   ///
    247   /// Not considered for memoization as it will always have the same value at
    248   /// the same token.
    249   bool AlignColons;
    251   /// \brief \c true if at least one selector name was found in the current
    252   /// ObjC method expression.
    253   ///
    254   /// Not considered for memoization as it will always have the same value at
    255   /// the same token.
    256   bool ObjCSelectorNameFound;
    258   /// \brief \c true if there are multiple nested blocks inside these parens.
    259   ///
    260   /// Not considered for memoization as it will always have the same value at
    261   /// the same token.
    262   bool HasMultipleNestedBlocks;
    264   // \brief The start of a nested block (e.g. lambda introducer in C++ or
    265   // "function" in JavaScript) is not wrapped to a new line.
    266   bool NestedBlockInlined;
    268   bool operator<(const ParenState &Other) const {
    269     if (Indent != Other.Indent)
    270       return Indent < Other.Indent;
    271     if (LastSpace != Other.LastSpace)
    272       return LastSpace < Other.LastSpace;
    273     if (NestedBlockIndent != Other.NestedBlockIndent)
    274       return NestedBlockIndent < Other.NestedBlockIndent;
    275     if (FirstLessLess != Other.FirstLessLess)
    276       return FirstLessLess < Other.FirstLessLess;
    277     if (BreakBeforeClosingBrace != Other.BreakBeforeClosingBrace)
    278       return BreakBeforeClosingBrace;
    279     if (QuestionColumn != Other.QuestionColumn)
    280       return QuestionColumn < Other.QuestionColumn;
    281     if (AvoidBinPacking != Other.AvoidBinPacking)
    282       return AvoidBinPacking;
    283     if (BreakBeforeParameter != Other.BreakBeforeParameter)
    284       return BreakBeforeParameter;
    285     if (NoLineBreak != Other.NoLineBreak)
    286       return NoLineBreak;
    287     if (LastOperatorWrapped != Other.LastOperatorWrapped)
    288       return LastOperatorWrapped;
    289     if (ColonPos != Other.ColonPos)
    290       return ColonPos < Other.ColonPos;
    291     if (StartOfFunctionCall != Other.StartOfFunctionCall)
    292       return StartOfFunctionCall < Other.StartOfFunctionCall;
    293     if (StartOfArraySubscripts != Other.StartOfArraySubscripts)
    294       return StartOfArraySubscripts < Other.StartOfArraySubscripts;
    295     if (CallContinuation != Other.CallContinuation)
    296       return CallContinuation < Other.CallContinuation;
    297     if (VariablePos != Other.VariablePos)
    298       return VariablePos < Other.VariablePos;
    299     if (ContainsLineBreak != Other.ContainsLineBreak)
    300       return ContainsLineBreak < Other.ContainsLineBreak;
    301     if (ContainsUnwrappedBuilder != Other.ContainsUnwrappedBuilder)
    302       return ContainsUnwrappedBuilder < Other.ContainsUnwrappedBuilder;
    303     if (NestedBlockInlined != Other.NestedBlockInlined)
    304       return NestedBlockInlined < Other.NestedBlockInlined;
    305     return false;
    306   }
    307 };
    309 /// \brief The current state when indenting a unwrapped line.
    310 ///
    311 /// As the indenting tries different combinations this is copied by value.
    312 struct LineState {
    313   /// \brief The number of used columns in the current line.
    314   unsigned Column;
    316   /// \brief The token that needs to be next formatted.
    317   FormatToken *NextToken;
    319   /// \brief \c true if this line contains a continued for-loop section.
    320   bool LineContainsContinuedForLoopSection;
    322   /// \brief The \c NestingLevel at the start of this line.
    323   unsigned StartOfLineLevel;
    325   /// \brief The lowest \c NestingLevel on the current line.
    326   unsigned LowestLevelOnLine;
    328   /// \brief The start column of the string literal, if we're in a string
    329   /// literal sequence, 0 otherwise.
    330   unsigned StartOfStringLiteral;
    332   /// \brief A stack keeping track of properties applying to parenthesis
    333   /// levels.
    334   std::vector<ParenState> Stack;
    336   /// \brief Ignore the stack of \c ParenStates for state comparison.
    337   ///
    338   /// In long and deeply nested unwrapped lines, the current algorithm can
    339   /// be insufficient for finding the best formatting with a reasonable amount
    340   /// of time and memory. Setting this flag will effectively lead to the
    341   /// algorithm not analyzing some combinations. However, these combinations
    342   /// rarely contain the optimal solution: In short, accepting a higher
    343   /// penalty early would need to lead to different values in the \c
    344   /// ParenState stack (in an otherwise identical state) and these different
    345   /// values would need to lead to a significant amount of avoided penalty
    346   /// later.
    347   ///
    348   /// FIXME: Come up with a better algorithm instead.
    349   bool IgnoreStackForComparison;
    351   /// \brief The indent of the first token.
    352   unsigned FirstIndent;
    354   /// \brief The line that is being formatted.
    355   ///
    356   /// Does not need to be considered for memoization because it doesn't change.
    357   const AnnotatedLine *Line;
    359   /// \brief Comparison operator to be able to used \c LineState in \c map.
    360   bool operator<(const LineState &Other) const {
    361     if (NextToken != Other.NextToken)
    362       return NextToken < Other.NextToken;
    363     if (Column != Other.Column)
    364       return Column < Other.Column;
    365     if (LineContainsContinuedForLoopSection !=
    366         Other.LineContainsContinuedForLoopSection)
    367       return LineContainsContinuedForLoopSection;
    368     if (StartOfLineLevel != Other.StartOfLineLevel)
    369       return StartOfLineLevel < Other.StartOfLineLevel;
    370     if (LowestLevelOnLine != Other.LowestLevelOnLine)
    371       return LowestLevelOnLine < Other.LowestLevelOnLine;
    372     if (StartOfStringLiteral != Other.StartOfStringLiteral)
    373       return StartOfStringLiteral < Other.StartOfStringLiteral;
    374     if (IgnoreStackForComparison || Other.IgnoreStackForComparison)
    375       return false;
    376     return Stack < Other.Stack;
    377   }
    378 };
    380 } // end namespace format
    381 } // end namespace clang
    383 #endif