/external/jmonkeyengine/engine/src/core/com/jme3/audio/ |
ListenerParam.java | 38 Rotation,
/frameworks/native/include/gui/ |
ISurfaceComposer.h | 65 enum Rotation { 147 Rotation rotation = eRotateNone) = 0;
/packages/apps/Gallery2/src/com/android/gallery3d/filtershow/filters/ |
FilterRotateRepresentation.java | 30 public static final String SERIALIZATION_NAME = "ROTATION"; 34 Rotation mRotation; 36 public enum Rotation { 40 private Rotation(int value) { 48 public static Rotation fromValue(int value) { 64 public FilterRotateRepresentation(Rotation rotation) { 73 setRotation(rotation); 85 public Rotation getRotation() { 92 mRotation = Rotation.NINETY [all...] |
/external/jmonkeyengine/engine/src/core/com/jme3/animation/ |
AnimationFactory.java | 41 * you can add some keyFrames for a given time or a given keyFrameIndex, for translation rotation and scale. 58 * step for splitting rotation that have a n ange above PI/2 67 Translation, Rotation, Scale; 71 * Inner Rotation type class to kep track on a rotation Euler angle 73 protected class Rotation { 76 * The rotation Quaternion 78 Quaternion rotation = new Quaternion(); field in class:AnimationFactory.Rotation 80 * This rotation expressed in Euler angles 84 * the index of the parent key frame is this keyFrame is a splitted rotation [all...] |
/external/jmonkeyengine/engine/src/core/com/jme3/cinematic/events/ |
MotionTrack.java | 68 protected Quaternion rotation; field in class:MotionTrack 96 * The target rotates with the given rotation 98 Rotation, 202 oc.write(rotation, "rotation", Quaternion.IDENTITY); 213 rotation = (Quaternion) in.readSavable("rotation", Quaternion.IDENTITY); 239 if (rotation != null) { 242 q2.multLocal(rotation); 246 case Rotation [all...] |
/frameworks/base/core/java/android/view/ |
Surface.java | 98 public @interface Rotation {} 101 * Rotation constant: 0 degree rotation (natural orientation) 106 * Rotation constant: 90 degree rotation. 111 * Rotation constant: 180 degree rotation. 116 * Rotation constant: 270 degree rotation. 502 * Returns a human readable representation of a rotation [all...] |
/external/apache-commons-math/src/main/java/org/apache/commons/math/geometry/ |
Rotation.java | 34 * user can build a rotation from any of these representations, and 36 * <code>Rotation</code> instance (see the various constructors and 37 * getters). In addition, a rotation can also be built implicitly 40 * representation to another one. For example, converting a rotation 44 * double[] angles = new Rotation(matrix, 1.0e-10).getAngles(RotationOrder.XYZ); 46 * <p>Focus is oriented on what a rotation <em>do</em> rather than on its 48 * internal representation, a rotation is an <em>operator</em> which basically 51 * meaning of these vectors may vary and the semantics of the rotation also.</p> 54 * frames change. The rotation transforms the coordinates of the vector in inertial 56 * case, the rotation implicitly defines the relation between the two frames.</p [all...] |
/prebuilts/gcc/linux-x86/host/x86_64-w64-mingw32-4.8/x86_64-w64-mingw32/include/ |
dxgi.h | 160 DXGI_MODE_ROTATION Rotation; [all...] |
d2d1helper.h | 400 static D2D1FORCEINLINE Matrix3x2F Rotation(FLOAT angle, D2D1_POINT_2F center = D2D1::Point2F()) {
/prebuilts/devtools/tools/lib/ |
jcommon-1.0.12.jar | |
/prebuilts/tools/common/jfreechart/ |
jcommon-1.0.12.jar | |
/prebuilts/tools/common/m2/repository/jfree/jcommon/1.0.12/ |
jcommon-1.0.12.jar | |