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      1 /*
      2  * Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
      3  *
      4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
      7  *
      8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      9  *
     10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     14  * limitations under the License.
     15  */
     17 package com.android.launcher3;
     19 import android.annotation.TargetApi;
     20 import android.content.Context;
     21 import android.graphics.Point;
     22 import android.os.Build;
     23 import android.util.DisplayMetrics;
     24 import android.view.Display;
     25 import android.view.WindowManager;
     27 import com.android.launcher3.util.Thunk;
     29 import java.util.ArrayList;
     30 import java.util.Collections;
     31 import java.util.Comparator;
     33 public class InvariantDeviceProfile {
     35     // This is a static that we use for the default icon size on a 4/5-inch phone
     36     private static float DEFAULT_ICON_SIZE_DP = 60;
     38     private static final float ICON_SIZE_DEFINED_IN_APP_DP = 48;
     40     // Constants that affects the interpolation curve between statically defined device profile
     41     // buckets.
     42     private static float KNEARESTNEIGHBOR = 3;
     43     private static float WEIGHT_POWER = 5;
     45     // used to offset float not being able to express extremely small weights in extreme cases.
     46     private static float WEIGHT_EFFICIENT = 100000f;
     48     // Profile-defining invariant properties
     49     String name;
     50     float minWidthDps;
     51     float minHeightDps;
     53     /**
     54      * Number of icons per row and column in the workspace.
     55      */
     56     public int numRows;
     57     public int numColumns;
     59     /**
     60      * The minimum number of predicted apps in all apps.
     61      */
     62     int minAllAppsPredictionColumns;
     64     /**
     65      * Number of icons per row and column in the folder.
     66      */
     67     public int numFolderRows;
     68     public int numFolderColumns;
     69     float iconSize;
     70     int iconBitmapSize;
     71     int fillResIconDpi;
     72     float iconTextSize;
     74     /**
     75      * Number of icons inside the hotseat area.
     76      */
     77     float numHotseatIcons;
     78     float hotseatIconSize;
     79     int defaultLayoutId;
     81     // Derived invariant properties
     82     int hotseatAllAppsRank;
     84     DeviceProfile landscapeProfile;
     85     DeviceProfile portraitProfile;
     87     InvariantDeviceProfile() {
     88     }
     90     public InvariantDeviceProfile(InvariantDeviceProfile p) {
     91         this(p.name, p.minWidthDps, p.minHeightDps, p.numRows, p.numColumns,
     92                 p.numFolderRows, p.numFolderColumns, p.minAllAppsPredictionColumns,
     93                 p.iconSize, p.iconTextSize, p.numHotseatIcons, p.hotseatIconSize,
     94                 p.defaultLayoutId);
     95     }
     97     InvariantDeviceProfile(String n, float w, float h, int r, int c, int fr, int fc, int maapc,
     98             float is, float its, float hs, float his, int dlId) {
     99         // Ensure that we have an odd number of hotseat items (since we need to place all apps)
    100         if (hs % 2 == 0) {
    101             throw new RuntimeException("All Device Profiles must have an odd number of hotseat spaces");
    102         }
    104         name = n;
    105         minWidthDps = w;
    106         minHeightDps = h;
    107         numRows = r;
    108         numColumns = c;
    109         numFolderRows = fr;
    110         numFolderColumns = fc;
    111         minAllAppsPredictionColumns = maapc;
    112         iconSize = is;
    113         iconTextSize = its;
    114         numHotseatIcons = hs;
    115         hotseatIconSize = his;
    116         defaultLayoutId = dlId;
    117     }
    119     @TargetApi(Build.VERSION_CODES.JELLY_BEAN_MR1)
    120     InvariantDeviceProfile(Context context) {
    121         WindowManager wm = (WindowManager) context.getSystemService(Context.WINDOW_SERVICE);
    122         Display display = wm.getDefaultDisplay();
    123         DisplayMetrics dm = new DisplayMetrics();
    124         display.getMetrics(dm);
    126         Point smallestSize = new Point();
    127         Point largestSize = new Point();
    128         display.getCurrentSizeRange(smallestSize, largestSize);
    130         // This guarantees that width < height
    131         minWidthDps = Utilities.dpiFromPx(Math.min(smallestSize.x, smallestSize.y), dm);
    132         minHeightDps = Utilities.dpiFromPx(Math.min(largestSize.x, largestSize.y), dm);
    134         ArrayList<InvariantDeviceProfile> closestProfiles =
    135                 findClosestDeviceProfiles(minWidthDps, minHeightDps, getPredefinedDeviceProfiles());
    136         InvariantDeviceProfile interpolatedDeviceProfileOut =
    137                 invDistWeightedInterpolate(minWidthDps,  minHeightDps, closestProfiles);
    139         InvariantDeviceProfile closestProfile = closestProfiles.get(0);
    140         numRows = closestProfile.numRows;
    141         numColumns = closestProfile.numColumns;
    142         numHotseatIcons = closestProfile.numHotseatIcons;
    143         hotseatAllAppsRank = (int) (numHotseatIcons / 2);
    144         defaultLayoutId = closestProfile.defaultLayoutId;
    145         numFolderRows = closestProfile.numFolderRows;
    146         numFolderColumns = closestProfile.numFolderColumns;
    147         minAllAppsPredictionColumns = closestProfile.minAllAppsPredictionColumns;
    149         iconSize = interpolatedDeviceProfileOut.iconSize;
    150         iconBitmapSize = Utilities.pxFromDp(iconSize, dm);
    151         iconTextSize = interpolatedDeviceProfileOut.iconTextSize;
    152         hotseatIconSize = interpolatedDeviceProfileOut.hotseatIconSize;
    153         fillResIconDpi = getLauncherIconDensity(iconBitmapSize);
    155         // If the partner customization apk contains any grid overrides, apply them
    156         // Supported overrides: numRows, numColumns, iconSize
    157         applyPartnerDeviceProfileOverrides(context, dm);
    159         Point realSize = new Point();
    160         display.getRealSize(realSize);
    161         // The real size never changes. smallSide and largeSide will remain the
    162         // same in any orientation.
    163         int smallSide = Math.min(realSize.x, realSize.y);
    164         int largeSide = Math.max(realSize.x, realSize.y);
    166         landscapeProfile = new DeviceProfile(context, this, smallestSize, largestSize,
    167                 largeSide, smallSide, true /* isLandscape */);
    168         portraitProfile = new DeviceProfile(context, this, smallestSize, largestSize,
    169                 smallSide, largeSide, false /* isLandscape */);
    170     }
    172     ArrayList<InvariantDeviceProfile> getPredefinedDeviceProfiles() {
    173         ArrayList<InvariantDeviceProfile> predefinedDeviceProfiles = new ArrayList<>();
    174         // width, height, #rows, #columns, #folder rows, #folder columns,
    175         // iconSize, iconTextSize, #hotseat, #hotseatIconSize, defaultLayoutId.
    176         predefinedDeviceProfiles.add(new InvariantDeviceProfile("Super Short Stubby",
    177                 255, 300,     2, 3, 2, 3, 3, 48, 13, 3, 48, R.xml.default_workspace_4x4));
    178         predefinedDeviceProfiles.add(new InvariantDeviceProfile("Shorter Stubby",
    179                 255, 400,     3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 48, 13, 3, 48, R.xml.default_workspace_4x4));
    180         predefinedDeviceProfiles.add(new InvariantDeviceProfile("Short Stubby",
    181                 275, 420,     3, 4, 3, 4, 4, 48, 13, 5, 48, R.xml.default_workspace_4x4));
    182         predefinedDeviceProfiles.add(new InvariantDeviceProfile("Stubby",
    183                 255, 450,     3, 4, 3, 4, 4, 48, 13, 5, 48, R.xml.default_workspace_4x4));
    184         predefinedDeviceProfiles.add(new InvariantDeviceProfile("Nexus S",
    185                 296, 491.33f, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 48, 13, 5, 48, R.xml.default_workspace_4x4));
    186         predefinedDeviceProfiles.add(new InvariantDeviceProfile("Nexus 4",
    187                 335, 567,     4, 4, 4, 4, 4, DEFAULT_ICON_SIZE_DP, 13, 5, 56, R.xml.default_workspace_4x4));
    188         predefinedDeviceProfiles.add(new InvariantDeviceProfile("Nexus 5",
    189                 359, 567,     4, 4, 4, 4, 4, DEFAULT_ICON_SIZE_DP, 13, 5, 56, R.xml.default_workspace_4x4));
    190         predefinedDeviceProfiles.add(new InvariantDeviceProfile("Large Phone",
    191                 406, 694,     5, 5, 4, 4, 4, 64, 14.4f,  5, 56, R.xml.default_workspace_5x5));
    192         // The tablet profile is odd in that the landscape orientation
    193         // also includes the nav bar on the side
    194         predefinedDeviceProfiles.add(new InvariantDeviceProfile("Nexus 7",
    195                 575, 904,     5, 6, 4, 5, 4, 72, 14.4f,  7, 60, R.xml.default_workspace_5x6));
    196         // Larger tablet profiles always have system bars on the top & bottom
    197         predefinedDeviceProfiles.add(new InvariantDeviceProfile("Nexus 10",
    198                 727, 1207,    5, 6, 4, 5, 4, 76, 14.4f,  7, 64, R.xml.default_workspace_5x6));
    199         predefinedDeviceProfiles.add(new InvariantDeviceProfile("20-inch Tablet",
    200                 1527, 2527,   7, 7, 6, 6, 4, 100, 20,  7, 72, R.xml.default_workspace_4x4));
    201         return predefinedDeviceProfiles;
    202     }
    204     private int getLauncherIconDensity(int requiredSize) {
    205         // Densities typically defined by an app.
    206         int[] densityBuckets = new int[] {
    207                 DisplayMetrics.DENSITY_LOW,
    208                 DisplayMetrics.DENSITY_MEDIUM,
    209                 DisplayMetrics.DENSITY_TV,
    210                 DisplayMetrics.DENSITY_HIGH,
    211                 DisplayMetrics.DENSITY_XHIGH,
    212                 DisplayMetrics.DENSITY_XXHIGH,
    213                 DisplayMetrics.DENSITY_XXXHIGH
    214         };
    216         int density = DisplayMetrics.DENSITY_XXXHIGH;
    217         for (int i = densityBuckets.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
    218             float expectedSize = ICON_SIZE_DEFINED_IN_APP_DP * densityBuckets[i]
    219                     / DisplayMetrics.DENSITY_DEFAULT;
    220             if (expectedSize >= requiredSize) {
    221                 density = densityBuckets[i];
    222             }
    223         }
    225         return density;
    226     }
    228     /**
    229      * Apply any Partner customization grid overrides.
    230      *
    231      * Currently we support: all apps row / column count.
    232      */
    233     private void applyPartnerDeviceProfileOverrides(Context context, DisplayMetrics dm) {
    234         Partner p = Partner.get(context.getPackageManager());
    235         if (p != null) {
    236             p.applyInvariantDeviceProfileOverrides(this, dm);
    237         }
    238     }
    240     @Thunk float dist(float x0, float y0, float x1, float y1) {
    241         return (float) Math.hypot(x1 - x0, y1 - y0);
    242     }
    244     /**
    245      * Returns the closest device profiles ordered by closeness to the specified width and height
    246      */
    247     // Package private visibility for testing.
    248     ArrayList<InvariantDeviceProfile> findClosestDeviceProfiles(
    249             final float width, final float height, ArrayList<InvariantDeviceProfile> points) {
    251         // Sort the profiles by their closeness to the dimensions
    252         ArrayList<InvariantDeviceProfile> pointsByNearness = points;
    253         Collections.sort(pointsByNearness, new Comparator<InvariantDeviceProfile>() {
    254             public int compare(InvariantDeviceProfile a, InvariantDeviceProfile b) {
    255                 return (int) (dist(width, height, a.minWidthDps, a.minHeightDps)
    256                         - dist(width, height, b.minWidthDps, b.minHeightDps));
    257             }
    258         });
    260         return pointsByNearness;
    261     }
    263     // Package private visibility for testing.
    264     InvariantDeviceProfile invDistWeightedInterpolate(float width, float height,
    265                 ArrayList<InvariantDeviceProfile> points) {
    266         float weights = 0;
    268         InvariantDeviceProfile p = points.get(0);
    269         if (dist(width, height, p.minWidthDps, p.minHeightDps) == 0) {
    270             return p;
    271         }
    273         InvariantDeviceProfile out = new InvariantDeviceProfile();
    274         for (int i = 0; i < points.size() && i < KNEARESTNEIGHBOR; ++i) {
    275             p = new InvariantDeviceProfile(points.get(i));
    276             float w = weight(width, height, p.minWidthDps, p.minHeightDps, WEIGHT_POWER);
    277             weights += w;
    278             out.add(p.multiply(w));
    279         }
    280         return out.multiply(1.0f/weights);
    281     }
    283     private void add(InvariantDeviceProfile p) {
    284         iconSize += p.iconSize;
    285         iconTextSize += p.iconTextSize;
    286         hotseatIconSize += p.hotseatIconSize;
    287     }
    289     private InvariantDeviceProfile multiply(float w) {
    290         iconSize *= w;
    291         iconTextSize *= w;
    292         hotseatIconSize *= w;
    293         return this;
    294     }
    296     private float weight(float x0, float y0, float x1, float y1, float pow) {
    297         float d = dist(x0, y0, x1, y1);
    298         if (Float.compare(d, 0f) == 0) {
    299             return Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
    300         }
    301         return (float) (WEIGHT_EFFICIENT / Math.pow(d, pow));
    302     }
    303 }