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      1 //===--- ASTMatchers.h - Structural query framework -------------*- C++ -*-===//
      2 //
      3 //                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
      4 //
      5 // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
      6 // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
      7 //
      8 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
      9 //
     10 //  This file implements matchers to be used together with the MatchFinder to
     11 //  match AST nodes.
     12 //
     13 //  Matchers are created by generator functions, which can be combined in
     14 //  a functional in-language DSL to express queries over the C++ AST.
     15 //
     16 //  For example, to match a class with a certain name, one would call:
     17 //    recordDecl(hasName("MyClass"))
     18 //  which returns a matcher that can be used to find all AST nodes that declare
     19 //  a class named 'MyClass'.
     20 //
     21 //  For more complicated match expressions we're often interested in accessing
     22 //  multiple parts of the matched AST nodes once a match is found. In that case,
     23 //  use the id(...) matcher around the match expressions that match the nodes
     24 //  you want to access.
     25 //
     26 //  For example, when we're interested in child classes of a certain class, we
     27 //  would write:
     28 //    recordDecl(hasName("MyClass"), hasChild(id("child", recordDecl())))
     29 //  When the match is found via the MatchFinder, a user provided callback will
     30 //  be called with a BoundNodes instance that contains a mapping from the
     31 //  strings that we provided for the id(...) calls to the nodes that were
     32 //  matched.
     33 //  In the given example, each time our matcher finds a match we get a callback
     34 //  where "child" is bound to the CXXRecordDecl node of the matching child
     35 //  class declaration.
     36 //
     37 //  See ASTMatchersInternal.h for a more in-depth explanation of the
     38 //  implementation details of the matcher framework.
     39 //
     40 //  See ASTMatchFinder.h for how to use the generated matchers to run over
     41 //  an AST.
     42 //
     43 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
     48 #include "clang/AST/ASTContext.h"
     49 #include "clang/AST/DeclFriend.h"
     50 #include "clang/AST/DeclObjC.h"
     51 #include "clang/AST/DeclTemplate.h"
     52 #include "clang/ASTMatchers/ASTMatchersInternal.h"
     53 #include "clang/ASTMatchers/ASTMatchersMacros.h"
     54 #include "llvm/ADT/Twine.h"
     55 #include "llvm/Support/Regex.h"
     56 #include <iterator>
     58 namespace clang {
     59 namespace ast_matchers {
     61 /// \brief Maps string IDs to AST nodes matched by parts of a matcher.
     62 ///
     63 /// The bound nodes are generated by calling \c bind("id") on the node matchers
     64 /// of the nodes we want to access later.
     65 ///
     66 /// The instances of BoundNodes are created by \c MatchFinder when the user's
     67 /// callbacks are executed every time a match is found.
     68 class BoundNodes {
     69 public:
     70   /// \brief Returns the AST node bound to \c ID.
     71   ///
     72   /// Returns NULL if there was no node bound to \c ID or if there is a node but
     73   /// it cannot be converted to the specified type.
     74   template <typename T>
     75   const T *getNodeAs(StringRef ID) const {
     76     return MyBoundNodes.getNodeAs<T>(ID);
     77   }
     79   /// \brief Deprecated. Please use \c getNodeAs instead.
     80   /// @{
     81   template <typename T>
     82   const T *getDeclAs(StringRef ID) const {
     83     return getNodeAs<T>(ID);
     84   }
     85   template <typename T>
     86   const T *getStmtAs(StringRef ID) const {
     87     return getNodeAs<T>(ID);
     88   }
     89   /// @}
     91   /// \brief Type of mapping from binding identifiers to bound nodes. This type
     92   /// is an associative container with a key type of \c std::string and a value
     93   /// type of \c clang::ast_type_traits::DynTypedNode
     94   typedef internal::BoundNodesMap::IDToNodeMap IDToNodeMap;
     96   /// \brief Retrieve mapping from binding identifiers to bound nodes.
     97   const IDToNodeMap &getMap() const {
     98     return MyBoundNodes.getMap();
     99   }
    101 private:
    102   /// \brief Create BoundNodes from a pre-filled map of bindings.
    103   BoundNodes(internal::BoundNodesMap &MyBoundNodes)
    104       : MyBoundNodes(MyBoundNodes) {}
    106   internal::BoundNodesMap MyBoundNodes;
    108   friend class internal::BoundNodesTreeBuilder;
    109 };
    111 /// \brief If the provided matcher matches a node, binds the node to \c ID.
    112 ///
    113 /// FIXME: Do we want to support this now that we have bind()?
    114 template <typename T>
    115 internal::Matcher<T> id(const std::string &ID,
    116                         const internal::BindableMatcher<T> &InnerMatcher) {
    117   return InnerMatcher.bind(ID);
    118 }
    120 /// \brief Types of matchers for the top-level classes in the AST class
    121 /// hierarchy.
    122 /// @{
    123 typedef internal::Matcher<Decl> DeclarationMatcher;
    124 typedef internal::Matcher<Stmt> StatementMatcher;
    125 typedef internal::Matcher<QualType> TypeMatcher;
    126 typedef internal::Matcher<TypeLoc> TypeLocMatcher;
    127 typedef internal::Matcher<NestedNameSpecifier> NestedNameSpecifierMatcher;
    128 typedef internal::Matcher<NestedNameSpecifierLoc> NestedNameSpecifierLocMatcher;
    129 /// @}
    131 /// \brief Matches any node.
    132 ///
    133 /// Useful when another matcher requires a child matcher, but there's no
    134 /// additional constraint. This will often be used with an explicit conversion
    135 /// to an \c internal::Matcher<> type such as \c TypeMatcher.
    136 ///
    137 /// Example: \c DeclarationMatcher(anything()) matches all declarations, e.g.,
    138 /// \code
    139 /// "int* p" and "void f()" in
    140 ///   int* p;
    141 ///   void f();
    142 /// \endcode
    143 ///
    144 /// Usable as: Any Matcher
    145 inline internal::TrueMatcher anything() { return internal::TrueMatcher(); }
    147 /// \brief Matches the top declaration context.
    148 ///
    149 /// Given
    150 /// \code
    151 ///   int X;
    152 ///   namespace NS {
    153 ///   int Y;
    154 ///   }  // namespace NS
    155 /// \endcode
    156 /// decl(hasDeclContext(translationUnitDecl()))
    157 ///   matches "int X", but not "int Y".
    158 const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Decl, TranslationUnitDecl>
    159     translationUnitDecl;
    161 /// \brief Matches typedef declarations.
    162 ///
    163 /// Given
    164 /// \code
    165 ///   typedef int X;
    166 /// \endcode
    167 /// typedefDecl()
    168 ///   matches "typedef int X"
    169 const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Decl, TypedefDecl> typedefDecl;
    171 /// \brief Matches AST nodes that were expanded within the main-file.
    172 ///
    173 /// Example matches X but not Y (matcher = recordDecl(isExpansionInMainFile())
    174 /// \code
    175 ///   #include <Y.h>
    176 ///   class X {};
    177 /// \endcode
    178 /// Y.h:
    179 /// \code
    180 ///   class Y {};
    181 /// \endcode
    182 ///
    183 /// Usable as: Matcher<Decl>, Matcher<Stmt>, Matcher<TypeLoc>
    184 AST_POLYMORPHIC_MATCHER(isExpansionInMainFile,
    185                         AST_POLYMORPHIC_SUPPORTED_TYPES(Decl, Stmt, TypeLoc)) {
    186   auto &SourceManager = Finder->getASTContext().getSourceManager();
    187   return SourceManager.isInMainFile(
    188       SourceManager.getExpansionLoc(Node.getLocStart()));
    189 }
    191 /// \brief Matches AST nodes that were expanded within system-header-files.
    192 ///
    193 /// Example matches Y but not X
    194 ///     (matcher = recordDecl(isExpansionInSystemHeader())
    195 /// \code
    196 ///   #include <SystemHeader.h>
    197 ///   class X {};
    198 /// \endcode
    199 /// SystemHeader.h:
    200 /// \code
    201 ///   class Y {};
    202 /// \endcode
    203 ///
    204 /// Usable as: Matcher<Decl>, Matcher<Stmt>, Matcher<TypeLoc>
    205 AST_POLYMORPHIC_MATCHER(isExpansionInSystemHeader,
    206                         AST_POLYMORPHIC_SUPPORTED_TYPES(Decl, Stmt, TypeLoc)) {
    207   auto &SourceManager = Finder->getASTContext().getSourceManager();
    208   auto ExpansionLoc = SourceManager.getExpansionLoc(Node.getLocStart());
    209   if (ExpansionLoc.isInvalid()) {
    210     return false;
    211   }
    212   return SourceManager.isInSystemHeader(ExpansionLoc);
    213 }
    215 /// \brief Matches AST nodes that were expanded within files whose name is
    216 /// partially matching a given regex.
    217 ///
    218 /// Example matches Y but not X
    219 ///     (matcher = recordDecl(isExpansionInFileMatching("AST.*"))
    220 /// \code
    221 ///   #include "ASTMatcher.h"
    222 ///   class X {};
    223 /// \endcode
    224 /// ASTMatcher.h:
    225 /// \code
    226 ///   class Y {};
    227 /// \endcode
    228 ///
    229 /// Usable as: Matcher<Decl>, Matcher<Stmt>, Matcher<TypeLoc>
    230 AST_POLYMORPHIC_MATCHER_P(isExpansionInFileMatching,
    231                           AST_POLYMORPHIC_SUPPORTED_TYPES(Decl, Stmt, TypeLoc),
    232                           std::string, RegExp) {
    233   auto &SourceManager = Finder->getASTContext().getSourceManager();
    234   auto ExpansionLoc = SourceManager.getExpansionLoc(Node.getLocStart());
    235   if (ExpansionLoc.isInvalid()) {
    236     return false;
    237   }
    238   auto FileEntry =
    239       SourceManager.getFileEntryForID(SourceManager.getFileID(ExpansionLoc));
    240   if (!FileEntry) {
    241     return false;
    242   }
    244   auto Filename = FileEntry->getName();
    245   llvm::Regex RE(RegExp);
    246   return RE.match(Filename);
    247 }
    249 /// \brief Matches declarations.
    250 ///
    251 /// Examples matches \c X, \c C, and the friend declaration inside \c C;
    252 /// \code
    253 ///   void X();
    254 ///   class C {
    255 ///     friend X;
    256 ///   };
    257 /// \endcode
    258 const internal::VariadicAllOfMatcher<Decl> decl;
    260 /// \brief Matches a declaration of a linkage specification.
    261 ///
    262 /// Given
    263 /// \code
    264 ///   extern "C" {}
    265 /// \endcode
    266 /// linkageSpecDecl()
    267 ///   matches "extern "C" {}"
    268 const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Decl, LinkageSpecDecl>
    269     linkageSpecDecl;
    271 /// \brief Matches a declaration of anything that could have a name.
    272 ///
    273 /// Example matches \c X, \c S, the anonymous union type, \c i, and \c U;
    274 /// \code
    275 ///   typedef int X;
    276 ///   struct S {
    277 ///     union {
    278 ///       int i;
    279 ///     } U;
    280 ///   };
    281 /// \endcode
    282 const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Decl, NamedDecl> namedDecl;
    284 /// \brief Matches a declaration of a namespace.
    285 ///
    286 /// Given
    287 /// \code
    288 ///   namespace {}
    289 ///   namespace test {}
    290 /// \endcode
    291 /// namespaceDecl()
    292 ///   matches "namespace {}" and "namespace test {}"
    293 const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Decl, NamespaceDecl> namespaceDecl;
    295 /// \brief Matches C++ class declarations.
    296 ///
    297 /// Example matches \c X, \c Z
    298 /// \code
    299 ///   class X;
    300 ///   template<class T> class Z {};
    301 /// \endcode
    302 const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<
    303   Decl,
    304   CXXRecordDecl> recordDecl;
    306 /// \brief Matches C++ class template declarations.
    307 ///
    308 /// Example matches \c Z
    309 /// \code
    310 ///   template<class T> class Z {};
    311 /// \endcode
    312 const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<
    313   Decl,
    314   ClassTemplateDecl> classTemplateDecl;
    316 /// \brief Matches C++ class template specializations.
    317 ///
    318 /// Given
    319 /// \code
    320 ///   template<typename T> class A {};
    321 ///   template<> class A<double> {};
    322 ///   A<int> a;
    323 /// \endcode
    324 /// classTemplateSpecializationDecl()
    325 ///   matches the specializations \c A<int> and \c A<double>
    326 const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<
    327   Decl,
    328   ClassTemplateSpecializationDecl> classTemplateSpecializationDecl;
    330 /// \brief Matches declarator declarations (field, variable, function
    331 /// and non-type template parameter declarations).
    332 ///
    333 /// Given
    334 /// \code
    335 ///   class X { int y; };
    336 /// \endcode
    337 /// declaratorDecl()
    338 ///   matches \c int y.
    339 const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Decl, DeclaratorDecl>
    340     declaratorDecl;
    342 /// \brief Matches parameter variable declarations.
    343 ///
    344 /// Given
    345 /// \code
    346 ///   void f(int x);
    347 /// \endcode
    348 /// parmVarDecl()
    349 ///   matches \c int x.
    350 const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Decl, ParmVarDecl> parmVarDecl;
    352 /// \brief Matches C++ access specifier declarations.
    353 ///
    354 /// Given
    355 /// \code
    356 ///   class C {
    357 ///   public:
    358 ///     int a;
    359 ///   };
    360 /// \endcode
    361 /// accessSpecDecl()
    362 ///   matches 'public:'
    363 const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<
    364   Decl,
    365   AccessSpecDecl> accessSpecDecl;
    367 /// \brief Matches constructor initializers.
    368 ///
    369 /// Examples matches \c i(42).
    370 /// \code
    371 ///   class C {
    372 ///     C() : i(42) {}
    373 ///     int i;
    374 ///   };
    375 /// \endcode
    376 const internal::VariadicAllOfMatcher<CXXCtorInitializer> ctorInitializer;
    378 /// \brief Matches template arguments.
    379 ///
    380 /// Given
    381 /// \code
    382 ///   template <typename T> struct C {};
    383 ///   C<int> c;
    384 /// \endcode
    385 /// templateArgument()
    386 ///   matches 'int' in C<int>.
    387 const internal::VariadicAllOfMatcher<TemplateArgument> templateArgument;
    389 /// \brief Matches public C++ declarations.
    390 ///
    391 /// Given
    392 /// \code
    393 ///   class C {
    394 ///   public:    int a;
    395 ///   protected: int b;
    396 ///   private:   int c;
    397 ///   };
    398 /// \endcode
    399 /// fieldDecl(isPublic())
    400 ///   matches 'int a;'
    401 AST_MATCHER(Decl, isPublic) {
    402   return Node.getAccess() == AS_public;
    403 }
    405 /// \brief Matches protected C++ declarations.
    406 ///
    407 /// Given
    408 /// \code
    409 ///   class C {
    410 ///   public:    int a;
    411 ///   protected: int b;
    412 ///   private:   int c;
    413 ///   };
    414 /// \endcode
    415 /// fieldDecl(isProtected())
    416 ///   matches 'int b;'
    417 AST_MATCHER(Decl, isProtected) {
    418   return Node.getAccess() == AS_protected;
    419 }
    421 /// \brief Matches private C++ declarations.
    422 ///
    423 /// Given
    424 /// \code
    425 ///   class C {
    426 ///   public:    int a;
    427 ///   protected: int b;
    428 ///   private:   int c;
    429 ///   };
    430 /// \endcode
    431 /// fieldDecl(isPrivate())
    432 ///   matches 'int c;'
    433 AST_MATCHER(Decl, isPrivate) {
    434   return Node.getAccess() == AS_private;
    435 }
    437 /// \brief Matches a declaration that has been implicitly added
    438 /// by the compiler (eg. implicit default/copy constructors).
    439 AST_MATCHER(Decl, isImplicit) {
    440   return Node.isImplicit();
    441 }
    443 /// \brief Matches classTemplateSpecializations that have at least one
    444 /// TemplateArgument matching the given InnerMatcher.
    445 ///
    446 /// Given
    447 /// \code
    448 ///   template<typename T> class A {};
    449 ///   template<> class A<double> {};
    450 ///   A<int> a;
    451 /// \endcode
    452 /// classTemplateSpecializationDecl(hasAnyTemplateArgument(
    453 ///     refersToType(asString("int"))))
    454 ///   matches the specialization \c A<int>
    456     hasAnyTemplateArgument,
    457     AST_POLYMORPHIC_SUPPORTED_TYPES(ClassTemplateSpecializationDecl,
    458                                     TemplateSpecializationType),
    459     internal::Matcher<TemplateArgument>, InnerMatcher) {
    460   ArrayRef<TemplateArgument> List =
    461       internal::getTemplateSpecializationArgs(Node);
    462   return matchesFirstInRange(InnerMatcher, List.begin(), List.end(), Finder,
    463                              Builder);
    464 }
    466 /// \brief Matches expressions that match InnerMatcher after any implicit casts
    467 /// are stripped off.
    468 ///
    469 /// Parentheses and explicit casts are not discarded.
    470 /// Given
    471 /// \code
    472 ///   int arr[5];
    473 ///   int a = 0;
    474 ///   char b = 0;
    475 ///   const int c = a;
    476 ///   int *d = arr;
    477 ///   long e = (long) 0l;
    478 /// \endcode
    479 /// The matchers
    480 /// \code
    481 ///    varDecl(hasInitializer(ignoringImpCasts(integerLiteral())))
    482 ///    varDecl(hasInitializer(ignoringImpCasts(declRefExpr())))
    483 /// \endcode
    484 /// would match the declarations for a, b, c, and d, but not e.
    485 /// While
    486 /// \code
    487 ///    varDecl(hasInitializer(integerLiteral()))
    488 ///    varDecl(hasInitializer(declRefExpr()))
    489 /// \endcode
    490 /// only match the declarations for b, c, and d.
    491 AST_MATCHER_P(Expr, ignoringImpCasts,
    492               internal::Matcher<Expr>, InnerMatcher) {
    493   return InnerMatcher.matches(*Node.IgnoreImpCasts(), Finder, Builder);
    494 }
    496 /// \brief Matches expressions that match InnerMatcher after parentheses and
    497 /// casts are stripped off.
    498 ///
    499 /// Implicit and non-C Style casts are also discarded.
    500 /// Given
    501 /// \code
    502 ///   int a = 0;
    503 ///   char b = (0);
    504 ///   void* c = reinterpret_cast<char*>(0);
    505 ///   char d = char(0);
    506 /// \endcode
    507 /// The matcher
    508 ///    varDecl(hasInitializer(ignoringParenCasts(integerLiteral())))
    509 /// would match the declarations for a, b, c, and d.
    510 /// while
    511 ///    varDecl(hasInitializer(integerLiteral()))
    512 /// only match the declaration for a.
    513 AST_MATCHER_P(Expr, ignoringParenCasts, internal::Matcher<Expr>, InnerMatcher) {
    514   return InnerMatcher.matches(*Node.IgnoreParenCasts(), Finder, Builder);
    515 }
    517 /// \brief Matches expressions that match InnerMatcher after implicit casts and
    518 /// parentheses are stripped off.
    519 ///
    520 /// Explicit casts are not discarded.
    521 /// Given
    522 /// \code
    523 ///   int arr[5];
    524 ///   int a = 0;
    525 ///   char b = (0);
    526 ///   const int c = a;
    527 ///   int *d = (arr);
    528 ///   long e = ((long) 0l);
    529 /// \endcode
    530 /// The matchers
    531 ///    varDecl(hasInitializer(ignoringParenImpCasts(integerLiteral())))
    532 ///    varDecl(hasInitializer(ignoringParenImpCasts(declRefExpr())))
    533 /// would match the declarations for a, b, c, and d, but not e.
    534 /// while
    535 ///    varDecl(hasInitializer(integerLiteral()))
    536 ///    varDecl(hasInitializer(declRefExpr()))
    537 /// would only match the declaration for a.
    538 AST_MATCHER_P(Expr, ignoringParenImpCasts,
    539               internal::Matcher<Expr>, InnerMatcher) {
    540   return InnerMatcher.matches(*Node.IgnoreParenImpCasts(), Finder, Builder);
    541 }
    543 /// \brief Matches classTemplateSpecializations where the n'th TemplateArgument
    544 /// matches the given InnerMatcher.
    545 ///
    546 /// Given
    547 /// \code
    548 ///   template<typename T, typename U> class A {};
    549 ///   A<bool, int> b;
    550 ///   A<int, bool> c;
    551 /// \endcode
    552 /// classTemplateSpecializationDecl(hasTemplateArgument(
    553 ///     1, refersToType(asString("int"))))
    554 ///   matches the specialization \c A<bool, int>
    556     hasTemplateArgument,
    557     AST_POLYMORPHIC_SUPPORTED_TYPES(ClassTemplateSpecializationDecl,
    558                                     TemplateSpecializationType),
    559     unsigned, N, internal::Matcher<TemplateArgument>, InnerMatcher) {
    560   ArrayRef<TemplateArgument> List =
    561       internal::getTemplateSpecializationArgs(Node);
    562   if (List.size() <= N)
    563     return false;
    564   return InnerMatcher.matches(List[N], Finder, Builder);
    565 }
    567 /// \brief Matches if the number of template arguments equals \p N.
    568 ///
    569 /// Given
    570 /// \code
    571 ///   template<typename T> struct C {};
    572 ///   C<int> c;
    573 /// \endcode
    574 /// classTemplateSpecializationDecl(templateArgumentCountIs(1))
    575 ///   matches C<int>.
    577     templateArgumentCountIs,
    578     AST_POLYMORPHIC_SUPPORTED_TYPES(ClassTemplateSpecializationDecl,
    579                                     TemplateSpecializationType),
    580     unsigned, N) {
    581   return internal::getTemplateSpecializationArgs(Node).size() == N;
    582 }
    584 /// \brief Matches a TemplateArgument that refers to a certain type.
    585 ///
    586 /// Given
    587 /// \code
    588 ///   struct X {};
    589 ///   template<typename T> struct A {};
    590 ///   A<X> a;
    591 /// \endcode
    592 /// classTemplateSpecializationDecl(hasAnyTemplateArgument(
    593 ///     refersToType(class(hasName("X")))))
    594 ///   matches the specialization \c A<X>
    595 AST_MATCHER_P(TemplateArgument, refersToType,
    596               internal::Matcher<QualType>, InnerMatcher) {
    597   if (Node.getKind() != TemplateArgument::Type)
    598     return false;
    599   return InnerMatcher.matches(Node.getAsType(), Finder, Builder);
    600 }
    602 /// \brief Matches a canonical TemplateArgument that refers to a certain
    603 /// declaration.
    604 ///
    605 /// Given
    606 /// \code
    607 ///   template<typename T> struct A {};
    608 ///   struct B { B* next; };
    609 ///   A<&B::next> a;
    610 /// \endcode
    611 /// classTemplateSpecializationDecl(hasAnyTemplateArgument(
    612 ///     refersToDeclaration(fieldDecl(hasName("next"))))
    613 ///   matches the specialization \c A<&B::next> with \c fieldDecl(...) matching
    614 ///     \c B::next
    615 AST_MATCHER_P(TemplateArgument, refersToDeclaration,
    616               internal::Matcher<Decl>, InnerMatcher) {
    617   if (Node.getKind() == TemplateArgument::Declaration)
    618     return InnerMatcher.matches(*Node.getAsDecl(), Finder, Builder);
    619   return false;
    620 }
    622 /// \brief Matches a sugar TemplateArgument that refers to a certain expression.
    623 ///
    624 /// Given
    625 /// \code
    626 ///   template<typename T> struct A {};
    627 ///   struct B { B* next; };
    628 ///   A<&B::next> a;
    629 /// \endcode
    630 /// templateSpecializationType(hasAnyTemplateArgument(
    631 ///   isExpr(hasDescendant(declRefExpr(to(fieldDecl(hasName("next"))))))))
    632 ///   matches the specialization \c A<&B::next> with \c fieldDecl(...) matching
    633 ///     \c B::next
    634 AST_MATCHER_P(TemplateArgument, isExpr, internal::Matcher<Expr>, InnerMatcher) {
    635   if (Node.getKind() == TemplateArgument::Expression)
    636     return InnerMatcher.matches(*Node.getAsExpr(), Finder, Builder);
    637   return false;
    638 }
    640 /// \brief Matches a TemplateArgument that is an integral value.
    641 ///
    642 /// Given
    643 /// \code
    644 ///   template<int T> struct A {};
    645 ///   C<42> c;
    646 /// \endcode
    647 /// classTemplateSpecializationDecl(
    648 ///   hasAnyTemplateArgument(isIntegral()))
    649 ///   matches the implicit instantiation of C in C<42>
    650 ///   with isIntegral() matching 42.
    651 AST_MATCHER(TemplateArgument, isIntegral) {
    652   return Node.getKind() == TemplateArgument::Integral;
    653 }
    655 /// \brief Matches a TemplateArgument that referes to an integral type.
    656 ///
    657 /// Given
    658 /// \code
    659 ///   template<int T> struct A {};
    660 ///   C<42> c;
    661 /// \endcode
    662 /// classTemplateSpecializationDecl(
    663 ///   hasAnyTemplateArgument(refersToIntegralType(asString("int"))))
    664 ///   matches the implicit instantiation of C in C<42>.
    665 AST_MATCHER_P(TemplateArgument, refersToIntegralType,
    666               internal::Matcher<QualType>, InnerMatcher) {
    667   if (Node.getKind() != TemplateArgument::Integral)
    668     return false;
    669   return InnerMatcher.matches(Node.getIntegralType(), Finder, Builder);
    670 }
    672 /// \brief Matches a TemplateArgument of integral type with a given value.
    673 ///
    674 /// Note that 'Value' is a string as the template argument's value is
    675 /// an arbitrary precision integer. 'Value' must be euqal to the canonical
    676 /// representation of that integral value in base 10.
    677 ///
    678 /// Given
    679 /// \code
    680 ///   template<int T> struct A {};
    681 ///   C<42> c;
    682 /// \endcode
    683 /// classTemplateSpecializationDecl(
    684 ///   hasAnyTemplateArgument(equalsIntegralValue("42")))
    685 ///   matches the implicit instantiation of C in C<42>.
    686 AST_MATCHER_P(TemplateArgument, equalsIntegralValue,
    687               std::string, Value) {
    688   if (Node.getKind() != TemplateArgument::Integral)
    689     return false;
    690   return Node.getAsIntegral().toString(10) == Value;
    691 }
    693 /// \brief Matches any value declaration.
    694 ///
    695 /// Example matches A, B, C and F
    696 /// \code
    697 ///   enum X { A, B, C };
    698 ///   void F();
    699 /// \endcode
    700 const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Decl, ValueDecl> valueDecl;
    702 /// \brief Matches C++ constructor declarations.
    703 ///
    704 /// Example matches Foo::Foo() and Foo::Foo(int)
    705 /// \code
    706 ///   class Foo {
    707 ///    public:
    708 ///     Foo();
    709 ///     Foo(int);
    710 ///     int DoSomething();
    711 ///   };
    712 /// \endcode
    713 const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<
    714   Decl,
    715   CXXConstructorDecl> constructorDecl;
    717 /// \brief Matches explicit C++ destructor declarations.
    718 ///
    719 /// Example matches Foo::~Foo()
    720 /// \code
    721 ///   class Foo {
    722 ///    public:
    723 ///     virtual ~Foo();
    724 ///   };
    725 /// \endcode
    726 const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<
    727   Decl,
    728   CXXDestructorDecl> destructorDecl;
    730 /// \brief Matches enum declarations.
    731 ///
    732 /// Example matches X
    733 /// \code
    734 ///   enum X {
    735 ///     A, B, C
    736 ///   };
    737 /// \endcode
    738 const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Decl, EnumDecl> enumDecl;
    740 /// \brief Matches enum constants.
    741 ///
    742 /// Example matches A, B, C
    743 /// \code
    744 ///   enum X {
    745 ///     A, B, C
    746 ///   };
    747 /// \endcode
    748 const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<
    749   Decl,
    750   EnumConstantDecl> enumConstantDecl;
    752 /// \brief Matches method declarations.
    753 ///
    754 /// Example matches y
    755 /// \code
    756 ///   class X { void y(); };
    757 /// \endcode
    758 const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Decl, CXXMethodDecl> methodDecl;
    760 /// \brief Matches variable declarations.
    761 ///
    762 /// Note: this does not match declarations of member variables, which are
    763 /// "field" declarations in Clang parlance.
    764 ///
    765 /// Example matches a
    766 /// \code
    767 ///   int a;
    768 /// \endcode
    769 const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Decl, VarDecl> varDecl;
    771 /// \brief Matches field declarations.
    772 ///
    773 /// Given
    774 /// \code
    775 ///   class X { int m; };
    776 /// \endcode
    777 /// fieldDecl()
    778 ///   matches 'm'.
    779 const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Decl, FieldDecl> fieldDecl;
    781 /// \brief Matches function declarations.
    782 ///
    783 /// Example matches f
    784 /// \code
    785 ///   void f();
    786 /// \endcode
    787 const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Decl, FunctionDecl> functionDecl;
    789 /// \brief Matches C++ function template declarations.
    790 ///
    791 /// Example matches f
    792 /// \code
    793 ///   template<class T> void f(T t) {}
    794 /// \endcode
    795 const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<
    796   Decl,
    797   FunctionTemplateDecl> functionTemplateDecl;
    799 /// \brief Matches friend declarations.
    800 ///
    801 /// Given
    802 /// \code
    803 ///   class X { friend void foo(); };
    804 /// \endcode
    805 /// friendDecl()
    806 ///   matches 'friend void foo()'.
    807 const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Decl, FriendDecl> friendDecl;
    809 /// \brief Matches statements.
    810 ///
    811 /// Given
    812 /// \code
    813 ///   { ++a; }
    814 /// \endcode
    815 /// stmt()
    816 ///   matches both the compound statement '{ ++a; }' and '++a'.
    817 const internal::VariadicAllOfMatcher<Stmt> stmt;
    819 /// \brief Matches declaration statements.
    820 ///
    821 /// Given
    822 /// \code
    823 ///   int a;
    824 /// \endcode
    825 /// declStmt()
    826 ///   matches 'int a'.
    827 const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<
    828   Stmt,
    829   DeclStmt> declStmt;
    831 /// \brief Matches member expressions.
    832 ///
    833 /// Given
    834 /// \code
    835 ///   class Y {
    836 ///     void x() { this->x(); x(); Y y; y.x(); a; this->b; Y::b; }
    837 ///     int a; static int b;
    838 ///   };
    839 /// \endcode
    840 /// memberExpr()
    841 ///   matches this->x, x, y.x, a, this->b
    842 const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Stmt, MemberExpr> memberExpr;
    844 /// \brief Matches call expressions.
    845 ///
    846 /// Example matches x.y() and y()
    847 /// \code
    848 ///   X x;
    849 ///   x.y();
    850 ///   y();
    851 /// \endcode
    852 const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Stmt, CallExpr> callExpr;
    854 /// \brief Matches lambda expressions.
    855 ///
    856 /// Example matches [&](){return 5;}
    857 /// \code
    858 ///   [&](){return 5;}
    859 /// \endcode
    860 const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Stmt, LambdaExpr> lambdaExpr;
    862 /// \brief Matches member call expressions.
    863 ///
    864 /// Example matches x.y()
    865 /// \code
    866 ///   X x;
    867 ///   x.y();
    868 /// \endcode
    869 const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<
    870   Stmt,
    871   CXXMemberCallExpr> memberCallExpr;
    873 /// \brief Matches ObjectiveC Message invocation expressions.
    874 ///
    875 /// The innermost message send invokes the "alloc" class method on the
    876 /// NSString class, while the outermost message send invokes the
    877 /// "initWithString" instance method on the object returned from
    878 /// NSString's "alloc". This matcher should match both message sends.
    879 /// \code
    880 ///   [[NSString alloc] initWithString:@"Hello"]
    881 /// \endcode
    882 const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<
    883   Stmt,
    884   ObjCMessageExpr> objcMessageExpr;
    887 /// \brief Matches expressions that introduce cleanups to be run at the end
    888 /// of the sub-expression's evaluation.
    889 ///
    890 /// Example matches std::string()
    891 /// \code
    892 ///   const std::string str = std::string();
    893 /// \endcode
    894 const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Stmt, ExprWithCleanups>
    895 exprWithCleanups;
    897 /// \brief Matches init list expressions.
    898 ///
    899 /// Given
    900 /// \code
    901 ///   int a[] = { 1, 2 };
    902 ///   struct B { int x, y; };
    903 ///   B b = { 5, 6 };
    904 /// \endcode
    905 /// initListExpr()
    906 ///   matches "{ 1, 2 }" and "{ 5, 6 }"
    907 const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Stmt, InitListExpr> initListExpr;
    909 /// \brief Matches substitutions of non-type template parameters.
    910 ///
    911 /// Given
    912 /// \code
    913 ///   template <int N>
    914 ///   struct A { static const int n = N; };
    915 ///   struct B : public A<42> {};
    916 /// \endcode
    917 /// substNonTypeTemplateParmExpr()
    918 ///   matches "N" in the right-hand side of "static const int n = N;"
    919 const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Stmt, SubstNonTypeTemplateParmExpr>
    920 substNonTypeTemplateParmExpr;
    922 /// \brief Matches using declarations.
    923 ///
    924 /// Given
    925 /// \code
    926 ///   namespace X { int x; }
    927 ///   using X::x;
    928 /// \endcode
    929 /// usingDecl()
    930 ///   matches \code using X::x \endcode
    931 const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Decl, UsingDecl> usingDecl;
    933 /// \brief Matches using namespace declarations.
    934 ///
    935 /// Given
    936 /// \code
    937 ///   namespace X { int x; }
    938 ///   using namespace X;
    939 /// \endcode
    940 /// usingDirectiveDecl()
    941 ///   matches \code using namespace X \endcode
    942 const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Decl, UsingDirectiveDecl>
    943     usingDirectiveDecl;
    945 /// \brief Matches unresolved using value declarations.
    946 ///
    947 /// Given
    948 /// \code
    949 ///   template<typename X>
    950 ///   class C : private X {
    951 ///     using X::x;
    952 ///   };
    953 /// \endcode
    954 /// unresolvedUsingValueDecl()
    955 ///   matches \code using X::x \endcode
    956 const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<
    957   Decl,
    958   UnresolvedUsingValueDecl> unresolvedUsingValueDecl;
    960 /// \brief Matches constructor call expressions (including implicit ones).
    961 ///
    962 /// Example matches string(ptr, n) and ptr within arguments of f
    963 ///     (matcher = constructExpr())
    964 /// \code
    965 ///   void f(const string &a, const string &b);
    966 ///   char *ptr;
    967 ///   int n;
    968 ///   f(string(ptr, n), ptr);
    969 /// \endcode
    970 const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<
    971   Stmt,
    972   CXXConstructExpr> constructExpr;
    974 /// \brief Matches unresolved constructor call expressions.
    975 ///
    976 /// Example matches T(t) in return statement of f
    977 ///     (matcher = unresolvedConstructExpr())
    978 /// \code
    979 ///   template <typename T>
    980 ///   void f(const T& t) { return T(t); }
    981 /// \endcode
    982 const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<
    983   Stmt,
    984   CXXUnresolvedConstructExpr> unresolvedConstructExpr;
    986 /// \brief Matches implicit and explicit this expressions.
    987 ///
    988 /// Example matches the implicit this expression in "return i".
    989 ///     (matcher = thisExpr())
    990 /// \code
    991 /// struct foo {
    992 ///   int i;
    993 ///   int f() { return i; }
    994 /// };
    995 /// \endcode
    996 const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Stmt, CXXThisExpr> thisExpr;
    998 /// \brief Matches nodes where temporaries are created.
    999 ///
   1000 /// Example matches FunctionTakesString(GetStringByValue())
   1001 ///     (matcher = bindTemporaryExpr())
   1002 /// \code
   1003 ///   FunctionTakesString(GetStringByValue());
   1004 ///   FunctionTakesStringByPointer(GetStringPointer());
   1005 /// \endcode
   1006 const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<
   1007   Stmt,
   1008   CXXBindTemporaryExpr> bindTemporaryExpr;
   1010 /// \brief Matches nodes where temporaries are materialized.
   1011 ///
   1012 /// Example: Given
   1013 /// \code
   1014 ///   struct T {void func()};
   1015 ///   T f();
   1016 ///   void g(T);
   1017 /// \endcode
   1018 /// materializeTemporaryExpr() matches 'f()' in these statements
   1019 /// \code
   1020 ///   T u(f());
   1021 ///   g(f());
   1022 /// \endcode
   1023 /// but does not match
   1024 /// \code
   1025 ///   f();
   1026 ///   f().func();
   1027 /// \endcode
   1028 const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<
   1029   Stmt,
   1030   MaterializeTemporaryExpr> materializeTemporaryExpr;
   1032 /// \brief Matches new expressions.
   1033 ///
   1034 /// Given
   1035 /// \code
   1036 ///   new X;
   1037 /// \endcode
   1038 /// newExpr()
   1039 ///   matches 'new X'.
   1040 const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Stmt, CXXNewExpr> newExpr;
   1042 /// \brief Matches delete expressions.
   1043 ///
   1044 /// Given
   1045 /// \code
   1046 ///   delete X;
   1047 /// \endcode
   1048 /// deleteExpr()
   1049 ///   matches 'delete X'.
   1050 const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Stmt, CXXDeleteExpr> deleteExpr;
   1052 /// \brief Matches array subscript expressions.
   1053 ///
   1054 /// Given
   1055 /// \code
   1056 ///   int i = a[1];
   1057 /// \endcode
   1058 /// arraySubscriptExpr()
   1059 ///   matches "a[1]"
   1060 const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<
   1061   Stmt,
   1062   ArraySubscriptExpr> arraySubscriptExpr;
   1064 /// \brief Matches the value of a default argument at the call site.
   1065 ///
   1066 /// Example matches the CXXDefaultArgExpr placeholder inserted for the
   1067 ///     default value of the second parameter in the call expression f(42)
   1068 ///     (matcher = defaultArgExpr())
   1069 /// \code
   1070 ///   void f(int x, int y = 0);
   1071 ///   f(42);
   1072 /// \endcode
   1073 const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<
   1074   Stmt,
   1075   CXXDefaultArgExpr> defaultArgExpr;
   1077 /// \brief Matches overloaded operator calls.
   1078 ///
   1079 /// Note that if an operator isn't overloaded, it won't match. Instead, use
   1080 /// binaryOperator matcher.
   1081 /// Currently it does not match operators such as new delete.
   1082 /// FIXME: figure out why these do not match?
   1083 ///
   1084 /// Example matches both operator<<((o << b), c) and operator<<(o, b)
   1085 ///     (matcher = operatorCallExpr())
   1086 /// \code
   1087 ///   ostream &operator<< (ostream &out, int i) { };
   1088 ///   ostream &o; int b = 1, c = 1;
   1089 ///   o << b << c;
   1090 /// \endcode
   1091 const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<
   1092   Stmt,
   1093   CXXOperatorCallExpr> operatorCallExpr;
   1095 /// \brief Matches expressions.
   1096 ///
   1097 /// Example matches x()
   1098 /// \code
   1099 ///   void f() { x(); }
   1100 /// \endcode
   1101 const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Stmt, Expr> expr;
   1103 /// \brief Matches expressions that refer to declarations.
   1104 ///
   1105 /// Example matches x in if (x)
   1106 /// \code
   1107 ///   bool x;
   1108 ///   if (x) {}
   1109 /// \endcode
   1110 const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Stmt, DeclRefExpr> declRefExpr;
   1112 /// \brief Matches if statements.
   1113 ///
   1114 /// Example matches 'if (x) {}'
   1115 /// \code
   1116 ///   if (x) {}
   1117 /// \endcode
   1118 const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Stmt, IfStmt> ifStmt;
   1120 /// \brief Matches for statements.
   1121 ///
   1122 /// Example matches 'for (;;) {}'
   1123 /// \code
   1124 ///   for (;;) {}
   1125 ///   int i[] =  {1, 2, 3}; for (auto a : i);
   1126 /// \endcode
   1127 const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Stmt, ForStmt> forStmt;
   1129 /// \brief Matches the increment statement of a for loop.
   1130 ///
   1131 /// Example:
   1132 ///     forStmt(hasIncrement(unaryOperator(hasOperatorName("++"))))
   1133 /// matches '++x' in
   1134 /// \code
   1135 ///     for (x; x < N; ++x) { }
   1136 /// \endcode
   1137 AST_MATCHER_P(ForStmt, hasIncrement, internal::Matcher<Stmt>,
   1138               InnerMatcher) {
   1139   const Stmt *const Increment = Node.getInc();
   1140   return (Increment != nullptr &&
   1141           InnerMatcher.matches(*Increment, Finder, Builder));
   1142 }
   1144 /// \brief Matches the initialization statement of a for loop.
   1145 ///
   1146 /// Example:
   1147 ///     forStmt(hasLoopInit(declStmt()))
   1148 /// matches 'int x = 0' in
   1149 /// \code
   1150 ///     for (int x = 0; x < N; ++x) { }
   1151 /// \endcode
   1152 AST_MATCHER_P(ForStmt, hasLoopInit, internal::Matcher<Stmt>,
   1153               InnerMatcher) {
   1154   const Stmt *const Init = Node.getInit();
   1155   return (Init != nullptr && InnerMatcher.matches(*Init, Finder, Builder));
   1156 }
   1158 /// \brief Matches range-based for statements.
   1159 ///
   1160 /// forRangeStmt() matches 'for (auto a : i)'
   1161 /// \code
   1162 ///   int i[] =  {1, 2, 3}; for (auto a : i);
   1163 ///   for(int j = 0; j < 5; ++j);
   1164 /// \endcode
   1165 const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Stmt, CXXForRangeStmt> forRangeStmt;
   1167 /// \brief Matches the initialization statement of a for loop.
   1168 ///
   1169 /// Example:
   1170 ///     forStmt(hasLoopVariable(anything()))
   1171 /// matches 'int x' in
   1172 /// \code
   1173 ///     for (int x : a) { }
   1174 /// \endcode
   1175 AST_MATCHER_P(CXXForRangeStmt, hasLoopVariable, internal::Matcher<VarDecl>,
   1176               InnerMatcher) {
   1177   const VarDecl *const Var = Node.getLoopVariable();
   1178   return (Var != nullptr && InnerMatcher.matches(*Var, Finder, Builder));
   1179 }
   1181 /// \brief Matches the range initialization statement of a for loop.
   1182 ///
   1183 /// Example:
   1184 ///     forStmt(hasRangeInit(anything()))
   1185 /// matches 'a' in
   1186 /// \code
   1187 ///     for (int x : a) { }
   1188 /// \endcode
   1189 AST_MATCHER_P(CXXForRangeStmt, hasRangeInit, internal::Matcher<Expr>,
   1190               InnerMatcher) {
   1191   const Expr *const Init = Node.getRangeInit();
   1192   return (Init != nullptr && InnerMatcher.matches(*Init, Finder, Builder));
   1193 }
   1195 /// \brief Matches while statements.
   1196 ///
   1197 /// Given
   1198 /// \code
   1199 ///   while (true) {}
   1200 /// \endcode
   1201 /// whileStmt()
   1202 ///   matches 'while (true) {}'.
   1203 const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Stmt, WhileStmt> whileStmt;
   1205 /// \brief Matches do statements.
   1206 ///
   1207 /// Given
   1208 /// \code
   1209 ///   do {} while (true);
   1210 /// \endcode
   1211 /// doStmt()
   1212 ///   matches 'do {} while(true)'
   1213 const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Stmt, DoStmt> doStmt;
   1215 /// \brief Matches break statements.
   1216 ///
   1217 /// Given
   1218 /// \code
   1219 ///   while (true) { break; }
   1220 /// \endcode
   1221 /// breakStmt()
   1222 ///   matches 'break'
   1223 const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Stmt, BreakStmt> breakStmt;
   1225 /// \brief Matches continue statements.
   1226 ///
   1227 /// Given
   1228 /// \code
   1229 ///   while (true) { continue; }
   1230 /// \endcode
   1231 /// continueStmt()
   1232 ///   matches 'continue'
   1233 const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Stmt, ContinueStmt> continueStmt;
   1235 /// \brief Matches return statements.
   1236 ///
   1237 /// Given
   1238 /// \code
   1239 ///   return 1;
   1240 /// \endcode
   1241 /// returnStmt()
   1242 ///   matches 'return 1'
   1243 const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Stmt, ReturnStmt> returnStmt;
   1245 /// \brief Matches goto statements.
   1246 ///
   1247 /// Given
   1248 /// \code
   1249 ///   goto FOO;
   1250 ///   FOO: bar();
   1251 /// \endcode
   1252 /// gotoStmt()
   1253 ///   matches 'goto FOO'
   1254 const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Stmt, GotoStmt> gotoStmt;
   1256 /// \brief Matches label statements.
   1257 ///
   1258 /// Given
   1259 /// \code
   1260 ///   goto FOO;
   1261 ///   FOO: bar();
   1262 /// \endcode
   1263 /// labelStmt()
   1264 ///   matches 'FOO:'
   1265 const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Stmt, LabelStmt> labelStmt;
   1267 /// \brief Matches switch statements.
   1268 ///
   1269 /// Given
   1270 /// \code
   1271 ///   switch(a) { case 42: break; default: break; }
   1272 /// \endcode
   1273 /// switchStmt()
   1274 ///   matches 'switch(a)'.
   1275 const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Stmt, SwitchStmt> switchStmt;
   1277 /// \brief Matches case and default statements inside switch statements.
   1278 ///
   1279 /// Given
   1280 /// \code
   1281 ///   switch(a) { case 42: break; default: break; }
   1282 /// \endcode
   1283 /// switchCase()
   1284 ///   matches 'case 42: break;' and 'default: break;'.
   1285 const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Stmt, SwitchCase> switchCase;
   1287 /// \brief Matches case statements inside switch statements.
   1288 ///
   1289 /// Given
   1290 /// \code
   1291 ///   switch(a) { case 42: break; default: break; }
   1292 /// \endcode
   1293 /// caseStmt()
   1294 ///   matches 'case 42: break;'.
   1295 const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Stmt, CaseStmt> caseStmt;
   1297 /// \brief Matches default statements inside switch statements.
   1298 ///
   1299 /// Given
   1300 /// \code
   1301 ///   switch(a) { case 42: break; default: break; }
   1302 /// \endcode
   1303 /// defaultStmt()
   1304 ///   matches 'default: break;'.
   1305 const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Stmt, DefaultStmt> defaultStmt;
   1307 /// \brief Matches compound statements.
   1308 ///
   1309 /// Example matches '{}' and '{{}}'in 'for (;;) {{}}'
   1310 /// \code
   1311 ///   for (;;) {{}}
   1312 /// \endcode
   1313 const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Stmt, CompoundStmt> compoundStmt;
   1315 /// \brief Matches catch statements.
   1316 ///
   1317 /// \code
   1318 ///   try {} catch(int i) {}
   1319 /// \endcode
   1320 /// catchStmt()
   1321 ///   matches 'catch(int i)'
   1322 const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Stmt, CXXCatchStmt> catchStmt;
   1324 /// \brief Matches try statements.
   1325 ///
   1326 /// \code
   1327 ///   try {} catch(int i) {}
   1328 /// \endcode
   1329 /// tryStmt()
   1330 ///   matches 'try {}'
   1331 const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Stmt, CXXTryStmt> tryStmt;
   1333 /// \brief Matches throw expressions.
   1334 ///
   1335 /// \code
   1336 ///   try { throw 5; } catch(int i) {}
   1337 /// \endcode
   1338 /// throwExpr()
   1339 ///   matches 'throw 5'
   1340 const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Stmt, CXXThrowExpr> throwExpr;
   1342 /// \brief Matches null statements.
   1343 ///
   1344 /// \code
   1345 ///   foo();;
   1346 /// \endcode
   1347 /// nullStmt()
   1348 ///   matches the second ';'
   1349 const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Stmt, NullStmt> nullStmt;
   1351 /// \brief Matches asm statements.
   1352 ///
   1353 /// \code
   1354 ///  int i = 100;
   1355 ///   __asm("mov al, 2");
   1356 /// \endcode
   1357 /// asmStmt()
   1358 ///   matches '__asm("mov al, 2")'
   1359 const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Stmt, AsmStmt> asmStmt;
   1361 /// \brief Matches bool literals.
   1362 ///
   1363 /// Example matches true
   1364 /// \code
   1365 ///   true
   1366 /// \endcode
   1367 const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<
   1368   Stmt,
   1369   CXXBoolLiteralExpr> boolLiteral;
   1371 /// \brief Matches string literals (also matches wide string literals).
   1372 ///
   1373 /// Example matches "abcd", L"abcd"
   1374 /// \code
   1375 ///   char *s = "abcd"; wchar_t *ws = L"abcd"
   1376 /// \endcode
   1377 const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<
   1378   Stmt,
   1379   StringLiteral> stringLiteral;
   1381 /// \brief Matches character literals (also matches wchar_t).
   1382 ///
   1383 /// Not matching Hex-encoded chars (e.g. 0x1234, which is a IntegerLiteral),
   1384 /// though.
   1385 ///
   1386 /// Example matches 'a', L'a'
   1387 /// \code
   1388 ///   char ch = 'a'; wchar_t chw = L'a';
   1389 /// \endcode
   1390 const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<
   1391   Stmt,
   1392   CharacterLiteral> characterLiteral;
   1394 /// \brief Matches integer literals of all sizes / encodings, e.g.
   1395 /// 1, 1L, 0x1 and 1U.
   1396 ///
   1397 /// Does not match character-encoded integers such as L'a'.
   1398 const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<
   1399   Stmt,
   1400   IntegerLiteral> integerLiteral;
   1402 /// \brief Matches float literals of all sizes / encodings, e.g.
   1403 /// 1.0, 1.0f, 1.0L and 1e10.
   1404 ///
   1405 /// Does not match implicit conversions such as
   1406 /// \code
   1407 ///   float a = 10;
   1408 /// \endcode
   1409 const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<
   1410   Stmt,
   1411   FloatingLiteral> floatLiteral;
   1413 /// \brief Matches user defined literal operator call.
   1414 ///
   1415 /// Example match: "foo"_suffix
   1416 const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<
   1417   Stmt,
   1418   UserDefinedLiteral> userDefinedLiteral;
   1420 /// \brief Matches compound (i.e. non-scalar) literals
   1421 ///
   1422 /// Example match: {1}, (1, 2)
   1423 /// \code
   1424 ///   int array[4] = {1}; vector int myvec = (vector int)(1, 2);
   1425 /// \endcode
   1426 const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<
   1427   Stmt,
   1428   CompoundLiteralExpr> compoundLiteralExpr;
   1430 /// \brief Matches nullptr literal.
   1431 const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<
   1432   Stmt,
   1433   CXXNullPtrLiteralExpr> nullPtrLiteralExpr;
   1435 /// \brief Matches binary operator expressions.
   1436 ///
   1437 /// Example matches a || b
   1438 /// \code
   1439 ///   !(a || b)
   1440 /// \endcode
   1441 const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<
   1442   Stmt,
   1443   BinaryOperator> binaryOperator;
   1445 /// \brief Matches unary operator expressions.
   1446 ///
   1447 /// Example matches !a
   1448 /// \code
   1449 ///   !a || b
   1450 /// \endcode
   1451 const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<
   1452   Stmt,
   1453   UnaryOperator> unaryOperator;
   1455 /// \brief Matches conditional operator expressions.
   1456 ///
   1457 /// Example matches a ? b : c
   1458 /// \code
   1459 ///   (a ? b : c) + 42
   1460 /// \endcode
   1461 const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<
   1462   Stmt,
   1463   ConditionalOperator> conditionalOperator;
   1465 /// \brief Matches a reinterpret_cast expression.
   1466 ///
   1467 /// Either the source expression or the destination type can be matched
   1468 /// using has(), but hasDestinationType() is more specific and can be
   1469 /// more readable.
   1470 ///
   1471 /// Example matches reinterpret_cast<char*>(&p) in
   1472 /// \code
   1473 ///   void* p = reinterpret_cast<char*>(&p);
   1474 /// \endcode
   1475 const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<
   1476   Stmt,
   1477   CXXReinterpretCastExpr> reinterpretCastExpr;
   1479 /// \brief Matches a C++ static_cast expression.
   1480 ///
   1481 /// \see hasDestinationType
   1482 /// \see reinterpretCast
   1483 ///
   1484 /// Example:
   1485 ///   staticCastExpr()
   1486 /// matches
   1487 ///   static_cast<long>(8)
   1488 /// in
   1489 /// \code
   1490 ///   long eight(static_cast<long>(8));
   1491 /// \endcode
   1492 const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<
   1493   Stmt,
   1494   CXXStaticCastExpr> staticCastExpr;
   1496 /// \brief Matches a dynamic_cast expression.
   1497 ///
   1498 /// Example:
   1499 ///   dynamicCastExpr()
   1500 /// matches
   1501 ///   dynamic_cast<D*>(&b);
   1502 /// in
   1503 /// \code
   1504 ///   struct B { virtual ~B() {} }; struct D : B {};
   1505 ///   B b;
   1506 ///   D* p = dynamic_cast<D*>(&b);
   1507 /// \endcode
   1508 const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<
   1509   Stmt,
   1510   CXXDynamicCastExpr> dynamicCastExpr;
   1512 /// \brief Matches a const_cast expression.
   1513 ///
   1514 /// Example: Matches const_cast<int*>(&r) in
   1515 /// \code
   1516 ///   int n = 42;
   1517 ///   const int &r(n);
   1518 ///   int* p = const_cast<int*>(&r);
   1519 /// \endcode
   1520 const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<
   1521   Stmt,
   1522   CXXConstCastExpr> constCastExpr;
   1524 /// \brief Matches a C-style cast expression.
   1525 ///
   1526 /// Example: Matches (int*) 2.2f in
   1527 /// \code
   1528 ///   int i = (int) 2.2f;
   1529 /// \endcode
   1530 const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<
   1531   Stmt,
   1532   CStyleCastExpr> cStyleCastExpr;
   1534 /// \brief Matches explicit cast expressions.
   1535 ///
   1536 /// Matches any cast expression written in user code, whether it be a
   1537 /// C-style cast, a functional-style cast, or a keyword cast.
   1538 ///
   1539 /// Does not match implicit conversions.
   1540 ///
   1541 /// Note: the name "explicitCast" is chosen to match Clang's terminology, as
   1542 /// Clang uses the term "cast" to apply to implicit conversions as well as to
   1543 /// actual cast expressions.
   1544 ///
   1545 /// \see hasDestinationType.
   1546 ///
   1547 /// Example: matches all five of the casts in
   1548 /// \code
   1549 ///   int((int)(reinterpret_cast<int>(static_cast<int>(const_cast<int>(42)))))
   1550 /// \endcode
   1551 /// but does not match the implicit conversion in
   1552 /// \code
   1553 ///   long ell = 42;
   1554 /// \endcode
   1555 const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<
   1556   Stmt,
   1557   ExplicitCastExpr> explicitCastExpr;
   1559 /// \brief Matches the implicit cast nodes of Clang's AST.
   1560 ///
   1561 /// This matches many different places, including function call return value
   1562 /// eliding, as well as any type conversions.
   1563 const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<
   1564   Stmt,
   1565   ImplicitCastExpr> implicitCastExpr;
   1567 /// \brief Matches any cast nodes of Clang's AST.
   1568 ///
   1569 /// Example: castExpr() matches each of the following:
   1570 /// \code
   1571 ///   (int) 3;
   1572 ///   const_cast<Expr *>(SubExpr);
   1573 ///   char c = 0;
   1574 /// \endcode
   1575 /// but does not match
   1576 /// \code
   1577 ///   int i = (0);
   1578 ///   int k = 0;
   1579 /// \endcode
   1580 const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Stmt, CastExpr> castExpr;
   1582 /// \brief Matches functional cast expressions
   1583 ///
   1584 /// Example: Matches Foo(bar);
   1585 /// \code
   1586 ///   Foo f = bar;
   1587 ///   Foo g = (Foo) bar;
   1588 ///   Foo h = Foo(bar);
   1589 /// \endcode
   1590 const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<
   1591   Stmt,
   1592   CXXFunctionalCastExpr> functionalCastExpr;
   1594 /// \brief Matches functional cast expressions having N != 1 arguments
   1595 ///
   1596 /// Example: Matches Foo(bar, bar)
   1597 /// \code
   1598 ///   Foo h = Foo(bar, bar);
   1599 /// \endcode
   1600 const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<
   1601   Stmt,
   1602   CXXTemporaryObjectExpr> temporaryObjectExpr;
   1604 /// \brief Matches \c QualTypes in the clang AST.
   1605 const internal::VariadicAllOfMatcher<QualType> qualType;
   1607 /// \brief Matches \c Types in the clang AST.
   1608 const internal::VariadicAllOfMatcher<Type> type;
   1610 /// \brief Matches \c TypeLocs in the clang AST.
   1611 const internal::VariadicAllOfMatcher<TypeLoc> typeLoc;
   1613 /// \brief Matches if any of the given matchers matches.
   1614 ///
   1615 /// Unlike \c anyOf, \c eachOf will generate a match result for each
   1616 /// matching submatcher.
   1617 ///
   1618 /// For example, in:
   1619 /// \code
   1620 ///   class A { int a; int b; };
   1621 /// \endcode
   1622 /// The matcher:
   1623 /// \code
   1624 ///   recordDecl(eachOf(has(fieldDecl(hasName("a")).bind("v")),
   1625 ///                     has(fieldDecl(hasName("b")).bind("v"))))
   1626 /// \endcode
   1627 /// will generate two results binding "v", the first of which binds
   1628 /// the field declaration of \c a, the second the field declaration of
   1629 /// \c b.
   1630 ///
   1631 /// Usable as: Any Matcher
   1632 const internal::VariadicOperatorMatcherFunc<2, UINT_MAX> eachOf = {
   1633   internal::DynTypedMatcher::VO_EachOf
   1634 };
   1636 /// \brief Matches if any of the given matchers matches.
   1637 ///
   1638 /// Usable as: Any Matcher
   1639 const internal::VariadicOperatorMatcherFunc<2, UINT_MAX> anyOf = {
   1640   internal::DynTypedMatcher::VO_AnyOf
   1641 };
   1643 /// \brief Matches if all given matchers match.
   1644 ///
   1645 /// Usable as: Any Matcher
   1646 const internal::VariadicOperatorMatcherFunc<2, UINT_MAX> allOf = {
   1647   internal::DynTypedMatcher::VO_AllOf
   1648 };
   1650 /// \brief Matches sizeof (C99), alignof (C++11) and vec_step (OpenCL)
   1651 ///
   1652 /// Given
   1653 /// \code
   1654 ///   Foo x = bar;
   1655 ///   int y = sizeof(x) + alignof(x);
   1656 /// \endcode
   1657 /// unaryExprOrTypeTraitExpr()
   1658 ///   matches \c sizeof(x) and \c alignof(x)
   1659 const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<
   1660   Stmt,
   1661   UnaryExprOrTypeTraitExpr> unaryExprOrTypeTraitExpr;
   1663 /// \brief Matches unary expressions that have a specific type of argument.
   1664 ///
   1665 /// Given
   1666 /// \code
   1667 ///   int a, c; float b; int s = sizeof(a) + sizeof(b) + alignof(c);
   1668 /// \endcode
   1669 /// unaryExprOrTypeTraitExpr(hasArgumentOfType(asString("int"))
   1670 ///   matches \c sizeof(a) and \c alignof(c)
   1671 AST_MATCHER_P(UnaryExprOrTypeTraitExpr, hasArgumentOfType,
   1672               internal::Matcher<QualType>, InnerMatcher) {
   1673   const QualType ArgumentType = Node.getTypeOfArgument();
   1674   return InnerMatcher.matches(ArgumentType, Finder, Builder);
   1675 }
   1677 /// \brief Matches unary expressions of a certain kind.
   1678 ///
   1679 /// Given
   1680 /// \code
   1681 ///   int x;
   1682 ///   int s = sizeof(x) + alignof(x)
   1683 /// \endcode
   1684 /// unaryExprOrTypeTraitExpr(ofKind(UETT_SizeOf))
   1685 ///   matches \c sizeof(x)
   1686 AST_MATCHER_P(UnaryExprOrTypeTraitExpr, ofKind, UnaryExprOrTypeTrait, Kind) {
   1687   return Node.getKind() == Kind;
   1688 }
   1690 /// \brief Same as unaryExprOrTypeTraitExpr, but only matching
   1691 /// alignof.
   1692 inline internal::Matcher<Stmt> alignOfExpr(
   1693     const internal::Matcher<UnaryExprOrTypeTraitExpr> &InnerMatcher) {
   1694   return stmt(unaryExprOrTypeTraitExpr(allOf(
   1695       ofKind(UETT_AlignOf), InnerMatcher)));
   1696 }
   1698 /// \brief Same as unaryExprOrTypeTraitExpr, but only matching
   1699 /// sizeof.
   1700 inline internal::Matcher<Stmt> sizeOfExpr(
   1701     const internal::Matcher<UnaryExprOrTypeTraitExpr> &InnerMatcher) {
   1702   return stmt(unaryExprOrTypeTraitExpr(
   1703       allOf(ofKind(UETT_SizeOf), InnerMatcher)));
   1704 }
   1706 /// \brief Matches NamedDecl nodes that have the specified name.
   1707 ///
   1708 /// Supports specifying enclosing namespaces or classes by prefixing the name
   1709 /// with '<enclosing>::'.
   1710 /// Does not match typedefs of an underlying type with the given name.
   1711 ///
   1712 /// Example matches X (Name == "X")
   1713 /// \code
   1714 ///   class X;
   1715 /// \endcode
   1716 ///
   1717 /// Example matches X (Name is one of "::a::b::X", "a::b::X", "b::X", "X")
   1718 /// \code
   1719 ///   namespace a { namespace b { class X; } }
   1720 /// \endcode
   1721 inline internal::Matcher<NamedDecl> hasName(const std::string &Name) {
   1722   return internal::Matcher<NamedDecl>(new internal::HasNameMatcher(Name));
   1723 }
   1725 /// \brief Matches NamedDecl nodes whose fully qualified names contain
   1726 /// a substring matched by the given RegExp.
   1727 ///
   1728 /// Supports specifying enclosing namespaces or classes by
   1729 /// prefixing the name with '<enclosing>::'.  Does not match typedefs
   1730 /// of an underlying type with the given name.
   1731 ///
   1732 /// Example matches X (regexp == "::X")
   1733 /// \code
   1734 ///   class X;
   1735 /// \endcode
   1736 ///
   1737 /// Example matches X (regexp is one of "::X", "^foo::.*X", among others)
   1738 /// \code
   1739 ///   namespace foo { namespace bar { class X; } }
   1740 /// \endcode
   1741 AST_MATCHER_P(NamedDecl, matchesName, std::string, RegExp) {
   1742   assert(!RegExp.empty());
   1743   std::string FullNameString = "::" + Node.getQualifiedNameAsString();
   1744   llvm::Regex RE(RegExp);
   1745   return RE.match(FullNameString);
   1746 }
   1748 /// \brief Matches overloaded operator names.
   1749 ///
   1750 /// Matches overloaded operator names specified in strings without the
   1751 /// "operator" prefix: e.g. "<<".
   1752 ///
   1753 /// Given:
   1754 /// \code
   1755 ///   class A { int operator*(); };
   1756 ///   const A &operator<<(const A &a, const A &b);
   1757 ///   A a;
   1758 ///   a << a;   // <-- This matches
   1759 /// \endcode
   1760 ///
   1761 /// \c operatorCallExpr(hasOverloadedOperatorName("<<"))) matches the specified
   1762 /// line and \c recordDecl(hasMethod(hasOverloadedOperatorName("*"))) matches
   1763 /// the declaration of \c A.
   1764 ///
   1765 /// Usable as: Matcher<CXXOperatorCallExpr>, Matcher<FunctionDecl>
   1766 inline internal::PolymorphicMatcherWithParam1<
   1767     internal::HasOverloadedOperatorNameMatcher, StringRef,
   1768     AST_POLYMORPHIC_SUPPORTED_TYPES(CXXOperatorCallExpr, FunctionDecl)>
   1769 hasOverloadedOperatorName(StringRef Name) {
   1770   return internal::PolymorphicMatcherWithParam1<
   1771       internal::HasOverloadedOperatorNameMatcher, StringRef,
   1772       AST_POLYMORPHIC_SUPPORTED_TYPES(CXXOperatorCallExpr, FunctionDecl)>(Name);
   1773 }
   1775 /// \brief Matches C++ classes that are directly or indirectly derived from
   1776 /// a class matching \c Base.
   1777 ///
   1778 /// Note that a class is not considered to be derived from itself.
   1779 ///
   1780 /// Example matches Y, Z, C (Base == hasName("X"))
   1781 /// \code
   1782 ///   class X;
   1783 ///   class Y : public X {};  // directly derived
   1784 ///   class Z : public Y {};  // indirectly derived
   1785 ///   typedef X A;
   1786 ///   typedef A B;
   1787 ///   class C : public B {};  // derived from a typedef of X
   1788 /// \endcode
   1789 ///
   1790 /// In the following example, Bar matches isDerivedFrom(hasName("X")):
   1791 /// \code
   1792 ///   class Foo;
   1793 ///   typedef Foo X;
   1794 ///   class Bar : public Foo {};  // derived from a type that X is a typedef of
   1795 /// \endcode
   1796 AST_MATCHER_P(CXXRecordDecl, isDerivedFrom,
   1797               internal::Matcher<NamedDecl>, Base) {
   1798   return Finder->classIsDerivedFrom(&Node, Base, Builder);
   1799 }
   1801 /// \brief Overloaded method as shortcut for \c isDerivedFrom(hasName(...)).
   1802 AST_MATCHER_P_OVERLOAD(CXXRecordDecl, isDerivedFrom, std::string, BaseName, 1) {
   1803   assert(!BaseName.empty());
   1804   return isDerivedFrom(hasName(BaseName)).matches(Node, Finder, Builder);
   1805 }
   1807 /// \brief Similar to \c isDerivedFrom(), but also matches classes that directly
   1808 /// match \c Base.
   1809 AST_MATCHER_P_OVERLOAD(CXXRecordDecl, isSameOrDerivedFrom,
   1810                        internal::Matcher<NamedDecl>, Base, 0) {
   1811   return Matcher<CXXRecordDecl>(anyOf(Base, isDerivedFrom(Base)))
   1812       .matches(Node, Finder, Builder);
   1813 }
   1815 /// \brief Overloaded method as shortcut for
   1816 /// \c isSameOrDerivedFrom(hasName(...)).
   1817 AST_MATCHER_P_OVERLOAD(CXXRecordDecl, isSameOrDerivedFrom, std::string,
   1818                        BaseName, 1) {
   1819   assert(!BaseName.empty());
   1820   return isSameOrDerivedFrom(hasName(BaseName)).matches(Node, Finder, Builder);
   1821 }
   1823 /// \brief Matches the first method of a class or struct that satisfies \c
   1824 /// InnerMatcher.
   1825 ///
   1826 /// Given:
   1827 /// \code
   1828 ///   class A { void func(); };
   1829 ///   class B { void member(); };
   1830 /// \code
   1831 ///
   1832 /// \c recordDecl(hasMethod(hasName("func"))) matches the declaration of \c A
   1833 /// but not \c B.
   1834 AST_MATCHER_P(CXXRecordDecl, hasMethod, internal::Matcher<CXXMethodDecl>,
   1835               InnerMatcher) {
   1836   return matchesFirstInPointerRange(InnerMatcher, Node.method_begin(),
   1837                                     Node.method_end(), Finder, Builder);
   1838 }
   1840 /// \brief Matches AST nodes that have child AST nodes that match the
   1841 /// provided matcher.
   1842 ///
   1843 /// Example matches X, Y (matcher = recordDecl(has(recordDecl(hasName("X")))
   1844 /// \code
   1845 ///   class X {};  // Matches X, because X::X is a class of name X inside X.
   1846 ///   class Y { class X {}; };
   1847 ///   class Z { class Y { class X {}; }; };  // Does not match Z.
   1848 /// \endcode
   1849 ///
   1850 /// ChildT must be an AST base type.
   1851 ///
   1852 /// Usable as: Any Matcher
   1853 const internal::ArgumentAdaptingMatcherFunc<internal::HasMatcher>
   1854 LLVM_ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED has = {};
   1856 /// \brief Matches AST nodes that have descendant AST nodes that match the
   1857 /// provided matcher.
   1858 ///
   1859 /// Example matches X, Y, Z
   1860 ///     (matcher = recordDecl(hasDescendant(recordDecl(hasName("X")))))
   1861 /// \code
   1862 ///   class X {};  // Matches X, because X::X is a class of name X inside X.
   1863 ///   class Y { class X {}; };
   1864 ///   class Z { class Y { class X {}; }; };
   1865 /// \endcode
   1866 ///
   1867 /// DescendantT must be an AST base type.
   1868 ///
   1869 /// Usable as: Any Matcher
   1870 const internal::ArgumentAdaptingMatcherFunc<internal::HasDescendantMatcher>
   1871 LLVM_ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED hasDescendant = {};
   1873 /// \brief Matches AST nodes that have child AST nodes that match the
   1874 /// provided matcher.
   1875 ///
   1876 /// Example matches X, Y (matcher = recordDecl(forEach(recordDecl(hasName("X")))
   1877 /// \code
   1878 ///   class X {};  // Matches X, because X::X is a class of name X inside X.
   1879 ///   class Y { class X {}; };
   1880 ///   class Z { class Y { class X {}; }; };  // Does not match Z.
   1881 /// \endcode
   1882 ///
   1883 /// ChildT must be an AST base type.
   1884 ///
   1885 /// As opposed to 'has', 'forEach' will cause a match for each result that
   1886 /// matches instead of only on the first one.
   1887 ///
   1888 /// Usable as: Any Matcher
   1889 const internal::ArgumentAdaptingMatcherFunc<internal::ForEachMatcher>
   1890 LLVM_ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED forEach = {};
   1892 /// \brief Matches AST nodes that have descendant AST nodes that match the
   1893 /// provided matcher.
   1894 ///
   1895 /// Example matches X, A, B, C
   1896 ///     (matcher = recordDecl(forEachDescendant(recordDecl(hasName("X")))))
   1897 /// \code
   1898 ///   class X {};  // Matches X, because X::X is a class of name X inside X.
   1899 ///   class A { class X {}; };
   1900 ///   class B { class C { class X {}; }; };
   1901 /// \endcode
   1902 ///
   1903 /// DescendantT must be an AST base type.
   1904 ///
   1905 /// As opposed to 'hasDescendant', 'forEachDescendant' will cause a match for
   1906 /// each result that matches instead of only on the first one.
   1907 ///
   1908 /// Note: Recursively combined ForEachDescendant can cause many matches:
   1909 ///   recordDecl(forEachDescendant(recordDecl(forEachDescendant(recordDecl()))))
   1910 /// will match 10 times (plus injected class name matches) on:
   1911 /// \code
   1912 ///   class A { class B { class C { class D { class E {}; }; }; }; };
   1913 /// \endcode
   1914 ///
   1915 /// Usable as: Any Matcher
   1916 const internal::ArgumentAdaptingMatcherFunc<internal::ForEachDescendantMatcher>
   1917 LLVM_ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED forEachDescendant = {};
   1919 /// \brief Matches if the node or any descendant matches.
   1920 ///
   1921 /// Generates results for each match.
   1922 ///
   1923 /// For example, in:
   1924 /// \code
   1925 ///   class A { class B {}; class C {}; };
   1926 /// \endcode
   1927 /// The matcher:
   1928 /// \code
   1929 ///   recordDecl(hasName("::A"), findAll(recordDecl(isDefinition()).bind("m")))
   1930 /// \endcode
   1931 /// will generate results for \c A, \c B and \c C.
   1932 ///
   1933 /// Usable as: Any Matcher
   1934 template <typename T>
   1935 internal::Matcher<T> findAll(const internal::Matcher<T> &Matcher) {
   1936   return eachOf(Matcher, forEachDescendant(Matcher));
   1937 }
   1939 /// \brief Matches AST nodes that have a parent that matches the provided
   1940 /// matcher.
   1941 ///
   1942 /// Given
   1943 /// \code
   1944 /// void f() { for (;;) { int x = 42; if (true) { int x = 43; } } }
   1945 /// \endcode
   1946 /// \c compoundStmt(hasParent(ifStmt())) matches "{ int x = 43; }".
   1947 ///
   1948 /// Usable as: Any Matcher
   1949 const internal::ArgumentAdaptingMatcherFunc<
   1950     internal::HasParentMatcher, internal::TypeList<Decl, Stmt>,
   1951     internal::TypeList<Decl, Stmt> > LLVM_ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED hasParent = {};
   1953 /// \brief Matches AST nodes that have an ancestor that matches the provided
   1954 /// matcher.
   1955 ///
   1956 /// Given
   1957 /// \code
   1958 /// void f() { if (true) { int x = 42; } }
   1959 /// void g() { for (;;) { int x = 43; } }
   1960 /// \endcode
   1961 /// \c expr(integerLiteral(hasAncestor(ifStmt()))) matches \c 42, but not 43.
   1962 ///
   1963 /// Usable as: Any Matcher
   1964 const internal::ArgumentAdaptingMatcherFunc<
   1965     internal::HasAncestorMatcher, internal::TypeList<Decl, Stmt>,
   1966     internal::TypeList<Decl, Stmt> > LLVM_ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED hasAncestor = {};
   1968 /// \brief Matches if the provided matcher does not match.
   1969 ///
   1970 /// Example matches Y (matcher = recordDecl(unless(hasName("X"))))
   1971 /// \code
   1972 ///   class X {};
   1973 ///   class Y {};
   1974 /// \endcode
   1975 ///
   1976 /// Usable as: Any Matcher
   1977 const internal::VariadicOperatorMatcherFunc<1, 1> unless = {
   1978   internal::DynTypedMatcher::VO_UnaryNot
   1979 };
   1981 /// \brief Matches a node if the declaration associated with that node
   1982 /// matches the given matcher.
   1983 ///
   1984 /// The associated declaration is:
   1985 /// - for type nodes, the declaration of the underlying type
   1986 /// - for CallExpr, the declaration of the callee
   1987 /// - for MemberExpr, the declaration of the referenced member
   1988 /// - for CXXConstructExpr, the declaration of the constructor
   1989 ///
   1990 /// Also usable as Matcher<T> for any T supporting the getDecl() member
   1991 /// function. e.g. various subtypes of clang::Type and various expressions.
   1992 ///
   1993 /// Usable as: Matcher<CallExpr>, Matcher<CXXConstructExpr>,
   1994 ///   Matcher<DeclRefExpr>, Matcher<EnumType>, Matcher<InjectedClassNameType>,
   1995 ///   Matcher<LabelStmt>, Matcher<MemberExpr>, Matcher<QualType>,
   1996 ///   Matcher<RecordType>, Matcher<TagType>,
   1997 ///   Matcher<TemplateSpecializationType>, Matcher<TemplateTypeParmType>,
   1998 ///   Matcher<TypedefType>, Matcher<UnresolvedUsingType>
   1999 inline internal::PolymorphicMatcherWithParam1<
   2000     internal::HasDeclarationMatcher, internal::Matcher<Decl>,
   2001     void(internal::HasDeclarationSupportedTypes)>
   2002 hasDeclaration(const internal::Matcher<Decl> &InnerMatcher) {
   2003   return internal::PolymorphicMatcherWithParam1<
   2004       internal::HasDeclarationMatcher, internal::Matcher<Decl>,
   2005       void(internal::HasDeclarationSupportedTypes)>(InnerMatcher);
   2006 }
   2008 /// \brief Matches on the implicit object argument of a member call expression.
   2009 ///
   2010 /// Example matches y.x() (matcher = callExpr(on(hasType(recordDecl(hasName("Y"))))))
   2011 /// \code
   2012 ///   class Y { public: void x(); };
   2013 ///   void z() { Y y; y.x(); }",
   2014 /// \endcode
   2015 ///
   2016 /// FIXME: Overload to allow directly matching types?
   2017 AST_MATCHER_P(CXXMemberCallExpr, on, internal::Matcher<Expr>,
   2018               InnerMatcher) {
   2019   const Expr *ExprNode = Node.getImplicitObjectArgument()
   2020                             ->IgnoreParenImpCasts();
   2021   return (ExprNode != nullptr &&
   2022           InnerMatcher.matches(*ExprNode, Finder, Builder));
   2023 }
   2026 /// \brief Matches on the receiver of an ObjectiveC Message expression.
   2027 ///
   2028 /// Example
   2029 /// matcher = objCMessageExpr(hasRecieverType(asString("UIWebView *")));
   2030 /// matches the [webView ...] message invocation.
   2031 /// \code
   2032 ///   NSString *webViewJavaScript = ...
   2033 ///   UIWebView *webView = ...
   2034 ///   [webView stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString:webViewJavascript];
   2035 /// \endcode
   2036 AST_MATCHER_P(ObjCMessageExpr, hasReceiverType, internal::Matcher<QualType>,
   2037               InnerMatcher) {
   2038   const QualType TypeDecl = Node.getReceiverType();
   2039   return InnerMatcher.matches(TypeDecl, Finder, Builder);
   2040 }
   2042 /// \brief Matches when BaseName == Selector.getAsString()
   2043 ///
   2044 ///  matcher = objCMessageExpr(hasSelector("loadHTMLString:baseURL:"));
   2045 ///  matches the outer message expr in the code below, but NOT the message
   2046 ///  invocation for self.bodyView.
   2047 /// \code
   2048 ///     [self.bodyView loadHTMLString:html baseURL:NULL];
   2049 /// \endcode
   2050   AST_MATCHER_P(ObjCMessageExpr, hasSelector, std::string, BaseName) {
   2051   Selector Sel = Node.getSelector();
   2052   return BaseName.compare(Sel.getAsString()) == 0;
   2053 }
   2056 /// \brief Matches ObjC selectors whose name contains
   2057 /// a substring matched by the given RegExp.
   2058 ///  matcher = objCMessageExpr(matchesSelector("loadHTMLString\:baseURL?"));
   2059 ///  matches the outer message expr in the code below, but NOT the message
   2060 ///  invocation for self.bodyView.
   2061 /// \code
   2062 ///     [self.bodyView loadHTMLString:html baseURL:NULL];
   2063 /// \endcode
   2064 AST_MATCHER_P(ObjCMessageExpr, matchesSelector, std::string, RegExp) {
   2065   assert(!RegExp.empty());
   2066   std::string SelectorString = Node.getSelector().getAsString();
   2067   llvm::Regex RE(RegExp);
   2068   return RE.match(SelectorString);
   2069 }
   2071 /// \brief Matches when the selector is the empty selector
   2072 ///
   2073 /// Matches only when the selector of the objCMessageExpr is NULL. This may
   2074 /// represent an error condition in the tree!
   2075 AST_MATCHER(ObjCMessageExpr, hasNullSelector) {
   2076   return Node.getSelector().isNull();
   2077 }
   2079 /// \brief Matches when the selector is a Unary Selector
   2080 ///
   2081 ///  matcher = objCMessageExpr(matchesSelector(hasUnarySelector());
   2082 ///  matches self.bodyView in the code below, but NOT the outer message
   2083 ///  invocation of "loadHTMLString:baseURL:".
   2084 /// \code
   2085 ///     [self.bodyView loadHTMLString:html baseURL:NULL];
   2086 /// \endcode
   2087 AST_MATCHER(ObjCMessageExpr, hasUnarySelector) {
   2088   return Node.getSelector().isUnarySelector();
   2089 }
   2091 /// \brief Matches when the selector is a keyword selector
   2092 ///
   2093 /// objCMessageExpr(hasKeywordSelector()) matches the generated setFrame
   2094 /// message expression in
   2095 ///
   2096 /// \code
   2097 ///   UIWebView *webView = ...;
   2098 ///   CGRect bodyFrame = webView.frame;
   2099 ///   bodyFrame.size.height = self.bodyContentHeight;
   2100 ///   webView.frame = bodyFrame;
   2101 ///   //     ^---- matches here
   2102 /// \endcode
   2104 AST_MATCHER(ObjCMessageExpr, hasKeywordSelector) {
   2105   return Node.getSelector().isKeywordSelector();
   2106 }
   2108 /// \brief Matches when the selector has the specified number of arguments
   2109 ///
   2110 ///  matcher = objCMessageExpr(numSelectorArgs(1));
   2111 ///  matches self.bodyView in the code below
   2112 ///
   2113 ///  matcher = objCMessageExpr(numSelectorArgs(2));
   2114 ///  matches the invocation of "loadHTMLString:baseURL:" but not that
   2115 ///  of self.bodyView
   2116 /// \code
   2117 ///     [self.bodyView loadHTMLString:html baseURL:NULL];
   2118 /// \endcode
   2119 AST_MATCHER_P(ObjCMessageExpr, numSelectorArgs, unsigned, N) {
   2120   return Node.getSelector().getNumArgs() == N;
   2121 }
   2123 /// \brief Matches if the call expression's callee expression matches.
   2124 ///
   2125 /// Given
   2126 /// \code
   2127 ///   class Y { void x() { this->x(); x(); Y y; y.x(); } };
   2128 ///   void f() { f(); }
   2129 /// \endcode
   2130 /// callExpr(callee(expr()))
   2131 ///   matches this->x(), x(), y.x(), f()
   2132 /// with callee(...)
   2133 ///   matching this->x, x, y.x, f respectively
   2134 ///
   2135 /// Note: Callee cannot take the more general internal::Matcher<Expr>
   2136 /// because this introduces ambiguous overloads with calls to Callee taking a
   2137 /// internal::Matcher<Decl>, as the matcher hierarchy is purely
   2138 /// implemented in terms of implicit casts.
   2139 AST_MATCHER_P(CallExpr, callee, internal::Matcher<Stmt>,
   2140               InnerMatcher) {
   2141   const Expr *ExprNode = Node.getCallee();
   2142   return (ExprNode != nullptr &&
   2143           InnerMatcher.matches(*ExprNode, Finder, Builder));
   2144 }
   2146 /// \brief Matches if the call expression's callee's declaration matches the
   2147 /// given matcher.
   2148 ///
   2149 /// Example matches y.x() (matcher = callExpr(callee(methodDecl(hasName("x")))))
   2150 /// \code
   2151 ///   class Y { public: void x(); };
   2152 ///   void z() { Y y; y.x(); }
   2153 /// \endcode
   2154 AST_MATCHER_P_OVERLOAD(CallExpr, callee, internal::Matcher<Decl>, InnerMatcher,
   2155                        1) {
   2156   return callExpr(hasDeclaration(InnerMatcher)).matches(Node, Finder, Builder);
   2157 }
   2159 /// \brief Matches if the expression's or declaration's type matches a type
   2160 /// matcher.
   2161 ///
   2162 /// Example matches x (matcher = expr(hasType(recordDecl(hasName("X")))))
   2163 ///             and z (matcher = varDecl(hasType(recordDecl(hasName("X")))))
   2164 /// \code
   2165 ///  class X {};
   2166 ///  void y(X &x) { x; X z; }
   2167 /// \endcode
   2169     hasType, AST_POLYMORPHIC_SUPPORTED_TYPES(Expr, ValueDecl),
   2170     internal::Matcher<QualType>, InnerMatcher, 0) {
   2171   return InnerMatcher.matches(Node.getType(), Finder, Builder);
   2172 }
   2174 /// \brief Overloaded to match the declaration of the expression's or value
   2175 /// declaration's type.
   2176 ///
   2177 /// In case of a value declaration (for example a variable declaration),
   2178 /// this resolves one layer of indirection. For example, in the value
   2179 /// declaration "X x;", recordDecl(hasName("X")) matches the declaration of X,
   2180 /// while varDecl(hasType(recordDecl(hasName("X")))) matches the declaration
   2181 /// of x."
   2182 ///
   2183 /// Example matches x (matcher = expr(hasType(recordDecl(hasName("X")))))
   2184 ///             and z (matcher = varDecl(hasType(recordDecl(hasName("X")))))
   2185 /// \code
   2186 ///  class X {};
   2187 ///  void y(X &x) { x; X z; }
   2188 /// \endcode
   2189 ///
   2190 /// Usable as: Matcher<Expr>, Matcher<ValueDecl>
   2192                                    AST_POLYMORPHIC_SUPPORTED_TYPES(Expr,
   2193                                                                    ValueDecl),
   2194                                    internal::Matcher<Decl>, InnerMatcher, 1) {
   2195   return qualType(hasDeclaration(InnerMatcher))
   2196       .matches(Node.getType(), Finder, Builder);
   2197 }
   2199 /// \brief Matches if the type location of the declarator decl's type matches
   2200 /// the inner matcher.
   2201 ///
   2202 /// Given
   2203 /// \code
   2204 ///   int x;
   2205 /// \endcode
   2206 /// declaratorDecl(hasTypeLoc(loc(asString("int"))))
   2207 ///   matches int x
   2208 AST_MATCHER_P(DeclaratorDecl, hasTypeLoc, internal::Matcher<TypeLoc>, Inner) {
   2209   if (!Node.getTypeSourceInfo())
   2210     // This happens for example for implicit destructors.
   2211     return false;
   2212   return Inner.matches(Node.getTypeSourceInfo()->getTypeLoc(), Finder, Builder);
   2213 }
   2215 /// \brief Matches if the matched type is represented by the given string.
   2216 ///
   2217 /// Given
   2218 /// \code
   2219 ///   class Y { public: void x(); };
   2220 ///   void z() { Y* y; y->x(); }
   2221 /// \endcode
   2222 /// callExpr(on(hasType(asString("class Y *"))))
   2223 ///   matches y->x()
   2224 AST_MATCHER_P(QualType, asString, std::string, Name) {
   2225   return Name == Node.getAsString();
   2226 }
   2228 /// \brief Matches if the matched type is a pointer type and the pointee type
   2229 /// matches the specified matcher.
   2230 ///
   2231 /// Example matches y->x()
   2232 ///     (matcher = callExpr(on(hasType(pointsTo(recordDecl(hasName("Y")))))))
   2233 /// \code
   2234 ///   class Y { public: void x(); };
   2235 ///   void z() { Y *y; y->x(); }
   2236 /// \endcode
   2237 AST_MATCHER_P(
   2238     QualType, pointsTo, internal::Matcher<QualType>,
   2239     InnerMatcher) {
   2240   return (!Node.isNull() && Node->isPointerType() &&
   2241           InnerMatcher.matches(Node->getPointeeType(), Finder, Builder));
   2242 }
   2244 /// \brief Overloaded to match the pointee type's declaration.
   2245 AST_MATCHER_P_OVERLOAD(QualType, pointsTo, internal::Matcher<Decl>,
   2246                        InnerMatcher, 1) {
   2247   return pointsTo(qualType(hasDeclaration(InnerMatcher)))
   2248       .matches(Node, Finder, Builder);
   2249 }
   2251 /// \brief Matches if the matched type is a reference type and the referenced
   2252 /// type matches the specified matcher.
   2253 ///
   2254 /// Example matches X &x and const X &y
   2255 ///     (matcher = varDecl(hasType(references(recordDecl(hasName("X"))))))
   2256 /// \code
   2257 ///   class X {
   2258 ///     void a(X b) {
   2259 ///       X &x = b;
   2260 ///       const X &y = b;
   2261 ///     }
   2262 ///   };
   2263 /// \endcode
   2264 AST_MATCHER_P(QualType, references, internal::Matcher<QualType>,
   2265               InnerMatcher) {
   2266   return (!Node.isNull() && Node->isReferenceType() &&
   2267           InnerMatcher.matches(Node->getPointeeType(), Finder, Builder));
   2268 }
   2270 /// \brief Matches QualTypes whose canonical type matches InnerMatcher.
   2271 ///
   2272 /// Given:
   2273 /// \code
   2274 ///   typedef int &int_ref;
   2275 ///   int a;
   2276 ///   int_ref b = a;
   2277 /// \code
   2278 ///
   2279 /// \c varDecl(hasType(qualType(referenceType()))))) will not match the
   2280 /// declaration of b but \c
   2281 /// varDecl(hasType(qualType(hasCanonicalType(referenceType())))))) does.
   2282 AST_MATCHER_P(QualType, hasCanonicalType, internal::Matcher<QualType>,
   2283               InnerMatcher) {
   2284   if (Node.isNull())
   2285     return false;
   2286   return InnerMatcher.matches(Node.getCanonicalType(), Finder, Builder);
   2287 }
   2289 /// \brief Overloaded to match the referenced type's declaration.
   2290 AST_MATCHER_P_OVERLOAD(QualType, references, internal::Matcher<Decl>,
   2291                        InnerMatcher, 1) {
   2292   return references(qualType(hasDeclaration(InnerMatcher)))
   2293       .matches(Node, Finder, Builder);
   2294 }
   2296 AST_MATCHER_P(CXXMemberCallExpr, onImplicitObjectArgument,
   2297               internal::Matcher<Expr>, InnerMatcher) {
   2298   const Expr *ExprNode = Node.getImplicitObjectArgument();
   2299   return (ExprNode != nullptr &&
   2300           InnerMatcher.matches(*ExprNode, Finder, Builder));
   2301 }
   2303 /// \brief Matches if the expression's type either matches the specified
   2304 /// matcher, or is a pointer to a type that matches the InnerMatcher.
   2305 AST_MATCHER_P_OVERLOAD(CXXMemberCallExpr, thisPointerType,
   2306                        internal::Matcher<QualType>, InnerMatcher, 0) {
   2307   return onImplicitObjectArgument(
   2308       anyOf(hasType(InnerMatcher), hasType(pointsTo(InnerMatcher))))
   2309       .matches(Node, Finder, Builder);
   2310 }
   2312 /// \brief Overloaded to match the type's declaration.
   2313 AST_MATCHER_P_OVERLOAD(CXXMemberCallExpr, thisPointerType,
   2314                        internal::Matcher<Decl>, InnerMatcher, 1) {
   2315   return onImplicitObjectArgument(
   2316       anyOf(hasType(InnerMatcher), hasType(pointsTo(InnerMatcher))))
   2317       .matches(Node, Finder, Builder);
   2318 }
   2320 /// \brief Matches a DeclRefExpr that refers to a declaration that matches the
   2321 /// specified matcher.
   2322 ///
   2323 /// Example matches x in if(x)
   2324 ///     (matcher = declRefExpr(to(varDecl(hasName("x")))))
   2325 /// \code
   2326 ///   bool x;
   2327 ///   if (x) {}
   2328 /// \endcode
   2329 AST_MATCHER_P(DeclRefExpr, to, internal::Matcher<Decl>,
   2330               InnerMatcher) {
   2331   const Decl *DeclNode = Node.getDecl();
   2332   return (DeclNode != nullptr &&
   2333           InnerMatcher.matches(*DeclNode, Finder, Builder));
   2334 }
   2336 /// \brief Matches a \c DeclRefExpr that refers to a declaration through a
   2337 /// specific using shadow declaration.
   2338 ///
   2339 /// FIXME: This currently only works for functions. Fix.
   2340 ///
   2341 /// Given
   2342 /// \code
   2343 ///   namespace a { void f() {} }
   2344 ///   using a::f;
   2345 ///   void g() {
   2346 ///     f();     // Matches this ..
   2347 ///     a::f();  // .. but not this.
   2348 ///   }
   2349 /// \endcode
   2350 /// declRefExpr(throughUsingDeclaration(anything()))
   2351 ///   matches \c f()
   2352 AST_MATCHER_P(DeclRefExpr, throughUsingDecl,
   2353               internal::Matcher<UsingShadowDecl>, InnerMatcher) {
   2354   const NamedDecl *FoundDecl = Node.getFoundDecl();
   2355   if (const UsingShadowDecl *UsingDecl = dyn_cast<UsingShadowDecl>(FoundDecl))
   2356     return InnerMatcher.matches(*UsingDecl, Finder, Builder);
   2357   return false;
   2358 }
   2360 /// \brief Matches the Decl of a DeclStmt which has a single declaration.
   2361 ///
   2362 /// Given
   2363 /// \code
   2364 ///   int a, b;
   2365 ///   int c;
   2366 /// \endcode
   2367 /// declStmt(hasSingleDecl(anything()))
   2368 ///   matches 'int c;' but not 'int a, b;'.
   2369 AST_MATCHER_P(DeclStmt, hasSingleDecl, internal::Matcher<Decl>, InnerMatcher) {
   2370   if (Node.isSingleDecl()) {
   2371     const Decl *FoundDecl = Node.getSingleDecl();
   2372     return InnerMatcher.matches(*FoundDecl, Finder, Builder);
   2373   }
   2374   return false;
   2375 }
   2377 /// \brief Matches a variable declaration that has an initializer expression
   2378 /// that matches the given matcher.
   2379 ///
   2380 /// Example matches x (matcher = varDecl(hasInitializer(callExpr())))
   2381 /// \code
   2382 ///   bool y() { return true; }
   2383 ///   bool x = y();
   2384 /// \endcode
   2385 AST_MATCHER_P(
   2386     VarDecl, hasInitializer, internal::Matcher<Expr>,
   2387     InnerMatcher) {
   2388   const Expr *Initializer = Node.getAnyInitializer();
   2389   return (Initializer != nullptr &&
   2390           InnerMatcher.matches(*Initializer, Finder, Builder));
   2391 }
   2393 /// \brief Matches a variable declaration that has function scope and is a
   2394 /// non-static local variable.
   2395 ///
   2396 /// Example matches x (matcher = varDecl(hasLocalStorage())
   2397 /// \code
   2398 /// void f() {
   2399 ///   int x;
   2400 ///   static int y;
   2401 /// }
   2402 /// int z;
   2403 /// \endcode
   2404 AST_MATCHER(VarDecl, hasLocalStorage) {
   2405   return Node.hasLocalStorage();
   2406 }
   2408 /// \brief Matches a variable declaration that does not have local storage.
   2409 ///
   2410 /// Example matches y and z (matcher = varDecl(hasGlobalStorage())
   2411 /// \code
   2412 /// void f() {
   2413 ///   int x;
   2414 ///   static int y;
   2415 /// }
   2416 /// int z;
   2417 /// \endcode
   2418 AST_MATCHER(VarDecl, hasGlobalStorage) {
   2419   return Node.hasGlobalStorage();
   2420 }
   2422 /// \brief Checks that a call expression or a constructor call expression has
   2423 /// a specific number of arguments (including absent default arguments).
   2424 ///
   2425 /// Example matches f(0, 0) (matcher = callExpr(argumentCountIs(2)))
   2426 /// \code
   2427 ///   void f(int x, int y);
   2428 ///   f(0, 0);
   2429 /// \endcode
   2430 AST_POLYMORPHIC_MATCHER_P(argumentCountIs,
   2431                           AST_POLYMORPHIC_SUPPORTED_TYPES(CallExpr,
   2432                                                           CXXConstructExpr,
   2433                                                           ObjCMessageExpr),
   2434                           unsigned, N) {
   2435   return Node.getNumArgs() == N;
   2436 }
   2438 /// \brief Matches the n'th argument of a call expression or a constructor
   2439 /// call expression.
   2440 ///
   2441 /// Example matches y in x(y)
   2442 ///     (matcher = callExpr(hasArgument(0, declRefExpr())))
   2443 /// \code
   2444 ///   void x(int) { int y; x(y); }
   2445 /// \endcode
   2446 AST_POLYMORPHIC_MATCHER_P2(hasArgument,
   2447                            AST_POLYMORPHIC_SUPPORTED_TYPES(CallExpr,
   2448                                                            CXXConstructExpr,
   2449                                                            ObjCMessageExpr),
   2450                            unsigned, N, internal::Matcher<Expr>, InnerMatcher) {
   2451   return (N < Node.getNumArgs() &&
   2452           InnerMatcher.matches(
   2453               *Node.getArg(N)->IgnoreParenImpCasts(), Finder, Builder));
   2454 }
   2456 /// \brief Matches declaration statements that contain a specific number of
   2457 /// declarations.
   2458 ///
   2459 /// Example: Given
   2460 /// \code
   2461 ///   int a, b;
   2462 ///   int c;
   2463 ///   int d = 2, e;
   2464 /// \endcode
   2465 /// declCountIs(2)
   2466 ///   matches 'int a, b;' and 'int d = 2, e;', but not 'int c;'.
   2467 AST_MATCHER_P(DeclStmt, declCountIs, unsigned, N) {
   2468   return std::distance(Node.decl_begin(), Node.decl_end()) == (ptrdiff_t)N;
   2469 }
   2471 /// \brief Matches the n'th declaration of a declaration statement.
   2472 ///
   2473 /// Note that this does not work for global declarations because the AST
   2474 /// breaks up multiple-declaration DeclStmt's into multiple single-declaration
   2475 /// DeclStmt's.
   2476 /// Example: Given non-global declarations
   2477 /// \code
   2478 ///   int a, b = 0;
   2479 ///   int c;
   2480 ///   int d = 2, e;
   2481 /// \endcode
   2482 /// declStmt(containsDeclaration(
   2483 ///       0, varDecl(hasInitializer(anything()))))
   2484 ///   matches only 'int d = 2, e;', and
   2485 /// declStmt(containsDeclaration(1, varDecl()))
   2486 /// \code
   2487 ///   matches 'int a, b = 0' as well as 'int d = 2, e;'
   2488 ///   but 'int c;' is not matched.
   2489 /// \endcode
   2490 AST_MATCHER_P2(DeclStmt, containsDeclaration, unsigned, N,
   2491                internal::Matcher<Decl>, InnerMatcher) {
   2492   const unsigned NumDecls = std::distance(Node.decl_begin(), Node.decl_end());
   2493   if (N >= NumDecls)
   2494     return false;
   2495   DeclStmt::const_decl_iterator Iterator = Node.decl_begin();
   2496   std::advance(Iterator, N);
   2497   return InnerMatcher.matches(**Iterator, Finder, Builder);
   2498 }
   2500 /// \brief Matches a constructor initializer.
   2501 ///
   2502 /// Given
   2503 /// \code
   2504 ///   struct Foo {
   2505 ///     Foo() : foo_(1) { }
   2506 ///     int foo_;
   2507 ///   };
   2508 /// \endcode
   2509 /// recordDecl(has(constructorDecl(hasAnyConstructorInitializer(anything()))))
   2510 ///   record matches Foo, hasAnyConstructorInitializer matches foo_(1)
   2511 AST_MATCHER_P(CXXConstructorDecl, hasAnyConstructorInitializer,
   2512               internal::Matcher<CXXCtorInitializer>, InnerMatcher) {
   2513   return matchesFirstInPointerRange(InnerMatcher, Node.init_begin(),
   2514                                     Node.init_end(), Finder, Builder);
   2515 }
   2517 /// \brief Matches the field declaration of a constructor initializer.
   2518 ///
   2519 /// Given
   2520 /// \code
   2521 ///   struct Foo {
   2522 ///     Foo() : foo_(1) { }
   2523 ///     int foo_;
   2524 ///   };
   2525 /// \endcode
   2526 /// recordDecl(has(constructorDecl(hasAnyConstructorInitializer(
   2527 ///     forField(hasName("foo_"))))))
   2528 ///   matches Foo
   2529 /// with forField matching foo_
   2530 AST_MATCHER_P(CXXCtorInitializer, forField,
   2531               internal::Matcher<FieldDecl>, InnerMatcher) {
   2532   const FieldDecl *NodeAsDecl = Node.getMember();
   2533   return (NodeAsDecl != nullptr &&
   2534       InnerMatcher.matches(*NodeAsDecl, Finder, Builder));
   2535 }
   2537 /// \brief Matches the initializer expression of a constructor initializer.
   2538 ///
   2539 /// Given
   2540 /// \code
   2541 ///   struct Foo {
   2542 ///     Foo() : foo_(1) { }
   2543 ///     int foo_;
   2544 ///   };
   2545 /// \endcode
   2546 /// recordDecl(has(constructorDecl(hasAnyConstructorInitializer(
   2547 ///     withInitializer(integerLiteral(equals(1)))))))
   2548 ///   matches Foo
   2549 /// with withInitializer matching (1)
   2550 AST_MATCHER_P(CXXCtorInitializer, withInitializer,
   2551               internal::Matcher<Expr>, InnerMatcher) {
   2552   const Expr* NodeAsExpr = Node.getInit();
   2553   return (NodeAsExpr != nullptr &&
   2554       InnerMatcher.matches(*NodeAsExpr, Finder, Builder));
   2555 }
   2557 /// \brief Matches a constructor initializer if it is explicitly written in
   2558 /// code (as opposed to implicitly added by the compiler).
   2559 ///
   2560 /// Given
   2561 /// \code
   2562 ///   struct Foo {
   2563 ///     Foo() { }
   2564 ///     Foo(int) : foo_("A") { }
   2565 ///     string foo_;
   2566 ///   };
   2567 /// \endcode
   2568 /// constructorDecl(hasAnyConstructorInitializer(isWritten()))
   2569 ///   will match Foo(int), but not Foo()
   2570 AST_MATCHER(CXXCtorInitializer, isWritten) {
   2571   return Node.isWritten();
   2572 }
   2574 /// \brief Matches any argument of a call expression or a constructor call
   2575 /// expression.
   2576 ///
   2577 /// Given
   2578 /// \code
   2579 ///   void x(int, int, int) { int y; x(1, y, 42); }
   2580 /// \endcode
   2581 /// callExpr(hasAnyArgument(declRefExpr()))
   2582 ///   matches x(1, y, 42)
   2583 /// with hasAnyArgument(...)
   2584 ///   matching y
   2585 ///
   2586 /// FIXME: Currently this will ignore parentheses and implicit casts on
   2587 /// the argument before applying the inner matcher. We'll want to remove
   2588 /// this to allow for greater control by the user once \c ignoreImplicit()
   2589 /// has been implemented.
   2590 AST_POLYMORPHIC_MATCHER_P(hasAnyArgument,
   2591                           AST_POLYMORPHIC_SUPPORTED_TYPES(CallExpr,
   2592                                                           CXXConstructExpr),
   2593                           internal::Matcher<Expr>, InnerMatcher) {
   2594   for (const Expr *Arg : Node.arguments()) {
   2595     BoundNodesTreeBuilder Result(*Builder);
   2596     if (InnerMatcher.matches(*Arg->IgnoreParenImpCasts(), Finder, &Result)) {
   2597       *Builder = std::move(Result);
   2598       return true;
   2599     }
   2600   }
   2601   return false;
   2602 }
   2604 /// \brief Matches a constructor call expression which uses list initialization.
   2605 AST_MATCHER(CXXConstructExpr, isListInitialization) {
   2606   return Node.isListInitialization();
   2607 }
   2609 /// \brief Matches the n'th parameter of a function declaration.
   2610 ///
   2611 /// Given
   2612 /// \code
   2613 ///   class X { void f(int x) {} };
   2614 /// \endcode
   2615 /// methodDecl(hasParameter(0, hasType(varDecl())))
   2616 ///   matches f(int x) {}
   2617 /// with hasParameter(...)
   2618 ///   matching int x
   2619 AST_MATCHER_P2(FunctionDecl, hasParameter,
   2620                unsigned, N, internal::Matcher<ParmVarDecl>,
   2621                InnerMatcher) {
   2622   return (N < Node.getNumParams() &&
   2623           InnerMatcher.matches(
   2624               *Node.getParamDecl(N), Finder, Builder));
   2625 }
   2627 /// \brief Matches any parameter of a function declaration.
   2628 ///
   2629 /// Does not match the 'this' parameter of a method.
   2630 ///
   2631 /// Given
   2632 /// \code
   2633 ///   class X { void f(int x, int y, int z) {} };
   2634 /// \endcode
   2635 /// methodDecl(hasAnyParameter(hasName("y")))
   2636 ///   matches f(int x, int y, int z) {}
   2637 /// with hasAnyParameter(...)
   2638 ///   matching int y
   2639 AST_MATCHER_P(FunctionDecl, hasAnyParameter,
   2640               internal::Matcher<ParmVarDecl>, InnerMatcher) {
   2641   return matchesFirstInPointerRange(InnerMatcher, Node.param_begin(),
   2642                                     Node.param_end(), Finder, Builder);
   2643 }
   2645 /// \brief Matches \c FunctionDecls that have a specific parameter count.
   2646 ///
   2647 /// Given
   2648 /// \code
   2649 ///   void f(int i) {}
   2650 ///   void g(int i, int j) {}
   2651 /// \endcode
   2652 /// functionDecl(parameterCountIs(2))
   2653 ///   matches g(int i, int j) {}
   2654 AST_MATCHER_P(FunctionDecl, parameterCountIs, unsigned, N) {
   2655   return Node.getNumParams() == N;
   2656 }
   2658 /// \brief Matches the return type of a function declaration.
   2659 ///
   2660 /// Given:
   2661 /// \code
   2662 ///   class X { int f() { return 1; } };
   2663 /// \endcode
   2664 /// methodDecl(returns(asString("int")))
   2665 ///   matches int f() { return 1; }
   2666 AST_MATCHER_P(FunctionDecl, returns,
   2667               internal::Matcher<QualType>, InnerMatcher) {
   2668   return InnerMatcher.matches(Node.getReturnType(), Finder, Builder);
   2669 }
   2671 /// \brief Matches extern "C" function declarations.
   2672 ///
   2673 /// Given:
   2674 /// \code
   2675 ///   extern "C" void f() {}
   2676 ///   extern "C" { void g() {} }
   2677 ///   void h() {}
   2678 /// \endcode
   2679 /// functionDecl(isExternC())
   2680 ///   matches the declaration of f and g, but not the declaration h
   2681 AST_MATCHER(FunctionDecl, isExternC) {
   2682   return Node.isExternC();
   2683 }
   2685 /// \brief Matches deleted function declarations.
   2686 ///
   2687 /// Given:
   2688 /// \code
   2689 ///   void Func();
   2690 ///   void DeletedFunc() = delete;
   2691 /// \endcode
   2692 /// functionDecl(isDeleted())
   2693 ///   matches the declaration of DeletedFunc, but not Func.
   2694 AST_MATCHER(FunctionDecl, isDeleted) {
   2695   return Node.isDeleted();
   2696 }
   2698 /// \brief Matches the condition expression of an if statement, for loop,
   2699 /// or conditional operator.
   2700 ///
   2701 /// Example matches true (matcher = hasCondition(boolLiteral(equals(true))))
   2702 /// \code
   2703 ///   if (true) {}
   2704 /// \endcode
   2705 AST_POLYMORPHIC_MATCHER_P(hasCondition,
   2706                           AST_POLYMORPHIC_SUPPORTED_TYPES(IfStmt, ForStmt,
   2707                                                           WhileStmt, DoStmt,
   2708                                                           ConditionalOperator),
   2709                           internal::Matcher<Expr>, InnerMatcher) {
   2710   const Expr *const Condition = Node.getCond();
   2711   return (Condition != nullptr &&
   2712           InnerMatcher.matches(*Condition, Finder, Builder));
   2713 }
   2715 /// \brief Matches the then-statement of an if statement.
   2716 ///
   2717 /// Examples matches the if statement
   2718 ///   (matcher = ifStmt(hasThen(boolLiteral(equals(true)))))
   2719 /// \code
   2720 ///   if (false) true; else false;
   2721 /// \endcode
   2722 AST_MATCHER_P(IfStmt, hasThen, internal::Matcher<Stmt>, InnerMatcher) {
   2723   const Stmt *const Then = Node.getThen();
   2724   return (Then != nullptr && InnerMatcher.matches(*Then, Finder, Builder));
   2725 }
   2727 /// \brief Matches the else-statement of an if statement.
   2728 ///
   2729 /// Examples matches the if statement
   2730 ///   (matcher = ifStmt(hasElse(boolLiteral(equals(true)))))
   2731 /// \code
   2732 ///   if (false) false; else true;
   2733 /// \endcode
   2734 AST_MATCHER_P(IfStmt, hasElse, internal::Matcher<Stmt>, InnerMatcher) {
   2735   const Stmt *const Else = Node.getElse();
   2736   return (Else != nullptr && InnerMatcher.matches(*Else, Finder, Builder));
   2737 }
   2739 /// \brief Matches if a node equals a previously bound node.
   2740 ///
   2741 /// Matches a node if it equals the node previously bound to \p ID.
   2742 ///
   2743 /// Given
   2744 /// \code
   2745 ///   class X { int a; int b; };
   2746 /// \endcode
   2747 /// recordDecl(
   2748 ///     has(fieldDecl(hasName("a"), hasType(type().bind("t")))),
   2749 ///     has(fieldDecl(hasName("b"), hasType(type(equalsBoundNode("t"))))))
   2750 ///   matches the class \c X, as \c a and \c b have the same type.
   2751 ///
   2752 /// Note that when multiple matches are involved via \c forEach* matchers,
   2753 /// \c equalsBoundNodes acts as a filter.
   2754 /// For example:
   2755 /// compoundStmt(
   2756 ///     forEachDescendant(varDecl().bind("d")),
   2757 ///     forEachDescendant(declRefExpr(to(decl(equalsBoundNode("d"))))))
   2758 /// will trigger a match for each combination of variable declaration
   2759 /// and reference to that variable declaration within a compound statement.
   2760 AST_POLYMORPHIC_MATCHER_P(equalsBoundNode,
   2761                           AST_POLYMORPHIC_SUPPORTED_TYPES(Stmt, Decl, Type,
   2762                                                           QualType),
   2763                           std::string, ID) {
   2764   // FIXME: Figure out whether it makes sense to allow this
   2765   // on any other node types.
   2766   // For *Loc it probably does not make sense, as those seem
   2767   // unique. For NestedNameSepcifier it might make sense, as
   2768   // those also have pointer identity, but I'm not sure whether
   2769   // they're ever reused.
   2770   internal::NotEqualsBoundNodePredicate Predicate;
   2771   Predicate.ID = ID;
   2772   Predicate.Node = ast_type_traits::DynTypedNode::create(Node);
   2773   return Builder->removeBindings(Predicate);
   2774 }
   2776 /// \brief Matches the condition variable statement in an if statement.
   2777 ///
   2778 /// Given
   2779 /// \code
   2780 ///   if (A* a = GetAPointer()) {}
   2781 /// \endcode
   2782 /// hasConditionVariableStatement(...)
   2783 ///   matches 'A* a = GetAPointer()'.
   2784 AST_MATCHER_P(IfStmt, hasConditionVariableStatement,
   2785               internal::Matcher<DeclStmt>, InnerMatcher) {
   2786   const DeclStmt* const DeclarationStatement =
   2787     Node.getConditionVariableDeclStmt();
   2788   return DeclarationStatement != nullptr &&
   2789          InnerMatcher.matches(*DeclarationStatement, Finder, Builder);
   2790 }
   2792 /// \brief Matches the index expression of an array subscript expression.
   2793 ///
   2794 /// Given
   2795 /// \code
   2796 ///   int i[5];
   2797 ///   void f() { i[1] = 42; }
   2798 /// \endcode
   2799 /// arraySubscriptExpression(hasIndex(integerLiteral()))
   2800 ///   matches \c i[1] with the \c integerLiteral() matching \c 1
   2801 AST_MATCHER_P(ArraySubscriptExpr, hasIndex,
   2802               internal::Matcher<Expr>, InnerMatcher) {
   2803   if (const Expr* Expression = Node.getIdx())
   2804     return InnerMatcher.matches(*Expression, Finder, Builder);
   2805   return false;
   2806 }
   2808 /// \brief Matches the base expression of an array subscript expression.
   2809 ///
   2810 /// Given
   2811 /// \code
   2812 ///   int i[5];
   2813 ///   void f() { i[1] = 42; }
   2814 /// \endcode
   2815 /// arraySubscriptExpression(hasBase(implicitCastExpr(
   2816 ///     hasSourceExpression(declRefExpr()))))
   2817 ///   matches \c i[1] with the \c declRefExpr() matching \c i
   2818 AST_MATCHER_P(ArraySubscriptExpr, hasBase,
   2819               internal::Matcher<Expr>, InnerMatcher) {
   2820   if (const Expr* Expression = Node.getBase())
   2821     return InnerMatcher.matches(*Expression, Finder, Builder);
   2822   return false;
   2823 }
   2825 /// \brief Matches a 'for', 'while', or 'do while' statement that has
   2826 /// a given body.
   2827 ///
   2828 /// Given
   2829 /// \code
   2830 ///   for (;;) {}
   2831 /// \endcode
   2832 /// hasBody(compoundStmt())
   2833 ///   matches 'for (;;) {}'
   2834 /// with compoundStmt()
   2835 ///   matching '{}'
   2837                           AST_POLYMORPHIC_SUPPORTED_TYPES(DoStmt, ForStmt,
   2838                                                           WhileStmt,
   2839                                                           CXXForRangeStmt),
   2840                           internal::Matcher<Stmt>, InnerMatcher) {
   2841   const Stmt *const Statement = Node.getBody();
   2842   return (Statement != nullptr &&
   2843           InnerMatcher.matches(*Statement, Finder, Builder));
   2844 }
   2846 /// \brief Matches compound statements where at least one substatement matches
   2847 /// a given matcher.
   2848 ///
   2849 /// Given
   2850 /// \code
   2851 ///   { {}; 1+2; }
   2852 /// \endcode
   2853 /// hasAnySubstatement(compoundStmt())
   2854 ///   matches '{ {}; 1+2; }'
   2855 /// with compoundStmt()
   2856 ///   matching '{}'
   2857 AST_MATCHER_P(CompoundStmt, hasAnySubstatement,
   2858               internal::Matcher<Stmt>, InnerMatcher) {
   2859   return matchesFirstInPointerRange(InnerMatcher, Node.body_begin(),
   2860                                     Node.body_end(), Finder, Builder);
   2861 }
   2863 /// \brief Checks that a compound statement contains a specific number of
   2864 /// child statements.
   2865 ///
   2866 /// Example: Given
   2867 /// \code
   2868 ///   { for (;;) {} }
   2869 /// \endcode
   2870 /// compoundStmt(statementCountIs(0)))
   2871 ///   matches '{}'
   2872 ///   but does not match the outer compound statement.
   2873 AST_MATCHER_P(CompoundStmt, statementCountIs, unsigned, N) {
   2874   return Node.size() == N;
   2875 }
   2877 /// \brief Matches literals that are equal to the given value.
   2878 ///
   2879 /// Example matches true (matcher = boolLiteral(equals(true)))
   2880 /// \code
   2881 ///   true
   2882 /// \endcode
   2883 ///
   2884 /// Usable as: Matcher<CharacterLiteral>, Matcher<CXXBoolLiteral>,
   2885 ///            Matcher<FloatingLiteral>, Matcher<IntegerLiteral>
   2886 template <typename ValueT>
   2887 internal::PolymorphicMatcherWithParam1<internal::ValueEqualsMatcher, ValueT>
   2888 equals(const ValueT &Value) {
   2889   return internal::PolymorphicMatcherWithParam1<
   2890     internal::ValueEqualsMatcher,
   2891     ValueT>(Value);
   2892 }
   2894 /// \brief Matches the operator Name of operator expressions (binary or
   2895 /// unary).
   2896 ///
   2897 /// Example matches a || b (matcher = binaryOperator(hasOperatorName("||")))
   2898 /// \code
   2899 ///   !(a || b)
   2900 /// \endcode
   2901 AST_POLYMORPHIC_MATCHER_P(hasOperatorName,
   2902                           AST_POLYMORPHIC_SUPPORTED_TYPES(BinaryOperator,
   2903                                                           UnaryOperator),
   2904                           std::string, Name) {
   2905   return Name == Node.getOpcodeStr(Node.getOpcode());
   2906 }
   2908 /// \brief Matches the left hand side of binary operator expressions.
   2909 ///
   2910 /// Example matches a (matcher = binaryOperator(hasLHS()))
   2911 /// \code
   2912 ///   a || b
   2913 /// \endcode
   2914 AST_MATCHER_P(BinaryOperator, hasLHS,
   2915               internal::Matcher<Expr>, InnerMatcher) {
   2916   Expr *LeftHandSide = Node.getLHS();
   2917   return (LeftHandSide != nullptr &&
   2918           InnerMatcher.matches(*LeftHandSide, Finder, Builder));
   2919 }
   2921 /// \brief Matches the right hand side of binary operator expressions.
   2922 ///
   2923 /// Example matches b (matcher = binaryOperator(hasRHS()))
   2924 /// \code
   2925 ///   a || b
   2926 /// \endcode
   2927 AST_MATCHER_P(BinaryOperator, hasRHS,
   2928               internal::Matcher<Expr>, InnerMatcher) {
   2929   Expr *RightHandSide = Node.getRHS();
   2930   return (RightHandSide != nullptr &&
   2931           InnerMatcher.matches(*RightHandSide, Finder, Builder));
   2932 }
   2934 /// \brief Matches if either the left hand side or the right hand side of a
   2935 /// binary operator matches.
   2936 inline internal::Matcher<BinaryOperator> hasEitherOperand(
   2937     const internal::Matcher<Expr> &InnerMatcher) {
   2938   return anyOf(hasLHS(InnerMatcher), hasRHS(InnerMatcher));
   2939 }
   2941 /// \brief Matches if the operand of a unary operator matches.
   2942 ///
   2943 /// Example matches true (matcher = hasUnaryOperand(boolLiteral(equals(true))))
   2944 /// \code
   2945 ///   !true
   2946 /// \endcode
   2947 AST_MATCHER_P(UnaryOperator, hasUnaryOperand,
   2948               internal::Matcher<Expr>, InnerMatcher) {
   2949   const Expr * const Operand = Node.getSubExpr();
   2950   return (Operand != nullptr &&
   2951           InnerMatcher.matches(*Operand, Finder, Builder));
   2952 }
   2954 /// \brief Matches if the cast's source expression matches the given matcher.
   2955 ///
   2956 /// Example: matches "a string" (matcher =
   2957 ///                                  hasSourceExpression(constructExpr()))
   2958 /// \code
   2959 /// class URL { URL(string); };
   2960 /// URL url = "a string";
   2961 AST_MATCHER_P(CastExpr, hasSourceExpression,
   2962               internal::Matcher<Expr>, InnerMatcher) {
   2963   const Expr* const SubExpression = Node.getSubExpr();
   2964   return (SubExpression != nullptr &&
   2965           InnerMatcher.matches(*SubExpression, Finder, Builder));
   2966 }
   2968 /// \brief Matches casts whose destination type matches a given matcher.
   2969 ///
   2970 /// (Note: Clang's AST refers to other conversions as "casts" too, and calls
   2971 /// actual casts "explicit" casts.)
   2972 AST_MATCHER_P(ExplicitCastExpr, hasDestinationType,
   2973               internal::Matcher<QualType>, InnerMatcher) {
   2974   const QualType NodeType = Node.getTypeAsWritten();
   2975   return InnerMatcher.matches(NodeType, Finder, Builder);
   2976 }
   2978 /// \brief Matches implicit casts whose destination type matches a given
   2979 /// matcher.
   2980 ///
   2981 /// FIXME: Unit test this matcher
   2982 AST_MATCHER_P(ImplicitCastExpr, hasImplicitDestinationType,
   2983               internal::Matcher<QualType>, InnerMatcher) {
   2984   return InnerMatcher.matches(Node.getType(), Finder, Builder);
   2985 }
   2987 /// \brief Matches the true branch expression of a conditional operator.
   2988 ///
   2989 /// Example matches a
   2990 /// \code
   2991 ///   condition ? a : b
   2992 /// \endcode
   2993 AST_MATCHER_P(ConditionalOperator, hasTrueExpression,
   2994               internal::Matcher<Expr>, InnerMatcher) {
   2995   Expr *Expression = Node.getTrueExpr();
   2996   return (Expression != nullptr &&
   2997           InnerMatcher.matches(*Expression, Finder, Builder));
   2998 }
   3000 /// \brief Matches the false branch expression of a conditional operator.
   3001 ///
   3002 /// Example matches b
   3003 /// \code
   3004 ///   condition ? a : b
   3005 /// \endcode
   3006 AST_MATCHER_P(ConditionalOperator, hasFalseExpression,
   3007               internal::Matcher<Expr>, InnerMatcher) {
   3008   Expr *Expression = Node.getFalseExpr();
   3009   return (Expression != nullptr &&
   3010           InnerMatcher.matches(*Expression, Finder, Builder));
   3011 }
   3013 /// \brief Matches if a declaration has a body attached.
   3014 ///
   3015 /// Example matches A, va, fa
   3016 /// \code
   3017 ///   class A {};
   3018 ///   class B;  // Doesn't match, as it has no body.
   3019 ///   int va;
   3020 ///   extern int vb;  // Doesn't match, as it doesn't define the variable.
   3021 ///   void fa() {}
   3022 ///   void fb();  // Doesn't match, as it has no body.
   3023 /// \endcode
   3024 ///
   3025 /// Usable as: Matcher<TagDecl>, Matcher<VarDecl>, Matcher<FunctionDecl>
   3026 AST_POLYMORPHIC_MATCHER(isDefinition,
   3027                         AST_POLYMORPHIC_SUPPORTED_TYPES(TagDecl, VarDecl,
   3028                                                         FunctionDecl)) {
   3029   return Node.isThisDeclarationADefinition();
   3030 }
   3032 /// \brief Matches the class declaration that the given method declaration
   3033 /// belongs to.
   3034 ///
   3035 /// FIXME: Generalize this for other kinds of declarations.
   3036 /// FIXME: What other kind of declarations would we need to generalize
   3037 /// this to?
   3038 ///
   3039 /// Example matches A() in the last line
   3040 ///     (matcher = constructExpr(hasDeclaration(methodDecl(
   3041 ///         ofClass(hasName("A"))))))
   3042 /// \code
   3043 ///   class A {
   3044 ///    public:
   3045 ///     A();
   3046 ///   };
   3047 ///   A a = A();
   3048 /// \endcode
   3049 AST_MATCHER_P(CXXMethodDecl, ofClass,
   3050               internal::Matcher<CXXRecordDecl>, InnerMatcher) {
   3051   const CXXRecordDecl *Parent = Node.getParent();
   3052   return (Parent != nullptr &&
   3053           InnerMatcher.matches(*Parent, Finder, Builder));
   3054 }
   3056 /// \brief Matches if the given method declaration is virtual.
   3057 ///
   3058 /// Given
   3059 /// \code
   3060 ///   class A {
   3061 ///    public:
   3062 ///     virtual void x();
   3063 ///   };
   3064 /// \endcode
   3065 ///   matches A::x
   3066 AST_MATCHER(CXXMethodDecl, isVirtual) {
   3067   return Node.isVirtual();
   3068 }
   3070 /// \brief Matches if the given method declaration is pure.
   3071 ///
   3072 /// Given
   3073 /// \code
   3074 ///   class A {
   3075 ///    public:
   3076 ///     virtual void x() = 0;
   3077 ///   };
   3078 /// \endcode
   3079 ///   matches A::x
   3080 AST_MATCHER(CXXMethodDecl, isPure) {
   3081   return Node.isPure();
   3082 }
   3084 /// \brief Matches if the given method declaration is const.
   3085 ///
   3086 /// Given
   3087 /// \code
   3088 /// struct A {
   3089 ///   void foo() const;
   3090 ///   void bar();
   3091 /// };
   3092 /// \endcode
   3093 ///
   3094 /// methodDecl(isConst()) matches A::foo() but not A::bar()
   3095 AST_MATCHER(CXXMethodDecl, isConst) {
   3096   return Node.isConst();
   3097 }
   3099 /// \brief Matches if the given method declaration overrides another method.
   3100 ///
   3101 /// Given
   3102 /// \code
   3103 ///   class A {
   3104 ///    public:
   3105 ///     virtual void x();
   3106 ///   };
   3107 ///   class B : public A {
   3108 ///    public:
   3109 ///     virtual void x();
   3110 ///   };
   3111 /// \endcode
   3112 ///   matches B::x
   3113 AST_MATCHER(CXXMethodDecl, isOverride) {
   3114   return Node.size_overridden_methods() > 0 || Node.hasAttr<OverrideAttr>();
   3115 }
   3117 /// \brief Matches member expressions that are called with '->' as opposed
   3118 /// to '.'.
   3119 ///
   3120 /// Member calls on the implicit this pointer match as called with '->'.
   3121 ///
   3122 /// Given
   3123 /// \code
   3124 ///   class Y {
   3125 ///     void x() { this->x(); x(); Y y; y.x(); a; this->b; Y::b; }
   3126 ///     int a;
   3127 ///     static int b;
   3128 ///   };
   3129 /// \endcode
   3130 /// memberExpr(isArrow())
   3131 ///   matches this->x, x, y.x, a, this->b
   3132 AST_MATCHER(MemberExpr, isArrow) {
   3133   return Node.isArrow();
   3134 }
   3136 /// \brief Matches QualType nodes that are of integer type.
   3137 ///
   3138 /// Given
   3139 /// \code
   3140 ///   void a(int);
   3141 ///   void b(long);
   3142 ///   void c(double);
   3143 /// \endcode
   3144 /// functionDecl(hasAnyParameter(hasType(isInteger())))
   3145 /// matches "a(int)", "b(long)", but not "c(double)".
   3146 AST_MATCHER(QualType, isInteger) {
   3147     return Node->isIntegerType();
   3148 }
   3150 /// \brief Matches QualType nodes that are const-qualified, i.e., that
   3151 /// include "top-level" const.
   3152 ///
   3153 /// Given
   3154 /// \code
   3155 ///   void a(int);
   3156 ///   void b(int const);
   3157 ///   void c(const int);
   3158 ///   void d(const int*);
   3159 ///   void e(int const) {};
   3160 /// \endcode
   3161 /// functionDecl(hasAnyParameter(hasType(isConstQualified())))
   3162 ///   matches "void b(int const)", "void c(const int)" and
   3163 ///   "void e(int const) {}". It does not match d as there
   3164 ///   is no top-level const on the parameter type "const int *".
   3165 AST_MATCHER(QualType, isConstQualified) {
   3166   return Node.isConstQualified();
   3167 }
   3169 /// \brief Matches QualType nodes that have local CV-qualifiers attached to
   3170 /// the node, not hidden within a typedef.
   3171 ///
   3172 /// Given
   3173 /// \code
   3174 ///   typedef const int const_int;
   3175 ///   const_int i;
   3176 ///   int *const j;
   3177 ///   int *volatile k;
   3178 ///   int m;
   3179 /// \endcode
   3180 /// \c varDecl(hasType(hasLocalQualifiers())) matches only \c j and \c k.
   3181 /// \c i is const-qualified but the qualifier is not local.
   3182 AST_MATCHER(QualType, hasLocalQualifiers) {
   3183   return Node.hasLocalQualifiers();
   3184 }
   3186 /// \brief Matches a member expression where the member is matched by a
   3187 /// given matcher.
   3188 ///
   3189 /// Given
   3190 /// \code
   3191 ///   struct { int first, second; } first, second;
   3192 ///   int i(second.first);
   3193 ///   int j(first.second);
   3194 /// \endcode
   3195 /// memberExpr(member(hasName("first")))
   3196 ///   matches second.first
   3197 ///   but not first.second (because the member name there is "second").
   3198 AST_MATCHER_P(MemberExpr, member,
   3199               internal::Matcher<ValueDecl>, InnerMatcher) {
   3200   return InnerMatcher.matches(*Node.getMemberDecl(), Finder, Builder);
   3201 }
   3203 /// \brief Matches a member expression where the object expression is
   3204 /// matched by a given matcher.
   3205 ///
   3206 /// Given
   3207 /// \code
   3208 ///   struct X { int m; };
   3209 ///   void f(X x) { x.m; m; }
   3210 /// \endcode
   3211 /// memberExpr(hasObjectExpression(hasType(recordDecl(hasName("X")))))))
   3212 ///   matches "x.m" and "m"
   3213 /// with hasObjectExpression(...)
   3214 ///   matching "x" and the implicit object expression of "m" which has type X*.
   3215 AST_MATCHER_P(MemberExpr, hasObjectExpression,
   3216               internal::Matcher<Expr>, InnerMatcher) {
   3217   return InnerMatcher.matches(*Node.getBase(), Finder, Builder);
   3218 }
   3220 /// \brief Matches any using shadow declaration.
   3221 ///
   3222 /// Given
   3223 /// \code
   3224 ///   namespace X { void b(); }
   3225 ///   using X::b;
   3226 /// \endcode
   3227 /// usingDecl(hasAnyUsingShadowDecl(hasName("b"))))
   3228 ///   matches \code using X::b \endcode
   3229 AST_MATCHER_P(UsingDecl, hasAnyUsingShadowDecl,
   3230               internal::Matcher<UsingShadowDecl>, InnerMatcher) {
   3231   return matchesFirstInPointerRange(InnerMatcher, Node.shadow_begin(),
   3232                                     Node.shadow_end(), Finder, Builder);
   3233 }
   3235 /// \brief Matches a using shadow declaration where the target declaration is
   3236 /// matched by the given matcher.
   3237 ///
   3238 /// Given
   3239 /// \code
   3240 ///   namespace X { int a; void b(); }
   3241 ///   using X::a;
   3242 ///   using X::b;
   3243 /// \endcode
   3244 /// usingDecl(hasAnyUsingShadowDecl(hasTargetDecl(functionDecl())))
   3245 ///   matches \code using X::b \endcode
   3246 ///   but not \code using X::a \endcode
   3247 AST_MATCHER_P(UsingShadowDecl, hasTargetDecl,
   3248               internal::Matcher<NamedDecl>, InnerMatcher) {
   3249   return InnerMatcher.matches(*Node.getTargetDecl(), Finder, Builder);
   3250 }
   3252 /// \brief Matches template instantiations of function, class, or static
   3253 /// member variable template instantiations.
   3254 ///
   3255 /// Given
   3256 /// \code
   3257 ///   template <typename T> class X {}; class A {}; X<A> x;
   3258 /// \endcode
   3259 /// or
   3260 /// \code
   3261 ///   template <typename T> class X {}; class A {}; template class X<A>;
   3262 /// \endcode
   3263 /// recordDecl(hasName("::X"), isTemplateInstantiation())
   3264 ///   matches the template instantiation of X<A>.
   3265 ///
   3266 /// But given
   3267 /// \code
   3268 ///   template <typename T>  class X {}; class A {};
   3269 ///   template <> class X<A> {}; X<A> x;
   3270 /// \endcode
   3271 /// recordDecl(hasName("::X"), isTemplateInstantiation())
   3272 ///   does not match, as X<A> is an explicit template specialization.
   3273 ///
   3274 /// Usable as: Matcher<FunctionDecl>, Matcher<VarDecl>, Matcher<CXXRecordDecl>
   3275 AST_POLYMORPHIC_MATCHER(isTemplateInstantiation,
   3276                         AST_POLYMORPHIC_SUPPORTED_TYPES(FunctionDecl, VarDecl,
   3277                                                         CXXRecordDecl)) {
   3278   return (Node.getTemplateSpecializationKind() == TSK_ImplicitInstantiation ||
   3279           Node.getTemplateSpecializationKind() ==
   3280           TSK_ExplicitInstantiationDefinition);
   3281 }
   3283 /// \brief Matches declarations that are template instantiations or are inside
   3284 /// template instantiations.
   3285 ///
   3286 /// Given
   3287 /// \code
   3288 ///   template<typename T> void A(T t) { T i; }
   3289 ///   A(0);
   3290 ///   A(0U);
   3291 /// \endcode
   3292 /// functionDecl(isInstantiated())
   3293 ///   matches 'A(int) {...};' and 'A(unsigned) {...}'.
   3294 AST_MATCHER_FUNCTION(internal::Matcher<Decl>, isInstantiated) {
   3295   auto IsInstantiation = decl(anyOf(recordDecl(isTemplateInstantiation()),
   3296                                     functionDecl(isTemplateInstantiation())));
   3297   return decl(anyOf(IsInstantiation, hasAncestor(IsInstantiation)));
   3298 }
   3300 /// \brief Matches statements inside of a template instantiation.
   3301 ///
   3302 /// Given
   3303 /// \code
   3304 ///   int j;
   3305 ///   template<typename T> void A(T t) { T i; j += 42;}
   3306 ///   A(0);
   3307 ///   A(0U);
   3308 /// \endcode
   3309 /// declStmt(isInTemplateInstantiation())
   3310 ///   matches 'int i;' and 'unsigned i'.
   3311 /// unless(stmt(isInTemplateInstantiation()))
   3312 ///   will NOT match j += 42; as it's shared between the template definition and
   3313 ///   instantiation.
   3314 AST_MATCHER_FUNCTION(internal::Matcher<Stmt>, isInTemplateInstantiation) {
   3315   return stmt(
   3316       hasAncestor(decl(anyOf(recordDecl(isTemplateInstantiation()),
   3317                              functionDecl(isTemplateInstantiation())))));
   3318 }
   3320 /// \brief Matches explicit template specializations of function, class, or
   3321 /// static member variable template instantiations.
   3322 ///
   3323 /// Given
   3324 /// \code
   3325 ///   template<typename T> void A(T t) { }
   3326 ///   template<> void A(int N) { }
   3327 /// \endcode
   3328 /// functionDecl(isExplicitTemplateSpecialization())
   3329 ///   matches the specialization A<int>().
   3330 ///
   3331 /// Usable as: Matcher<FunctionDecl>, Matcher<VarDecl>, Matcher<CXXRecordDecl>
   3332 AST_POLYMORPHIC_MATCHER(isExplicitTemplateSpecialization,
   3333                         AST_POLYMORPHIC_SUPPORTED_TYPES(FunctionDecl, VarDecl,
   3334                                                         CXXRecordDecl)) {
   3335   return (Node.getTemplateSpecializationKind() == TSK_ExplicitSpecialization);
   3336 }
   3338 /// \brief Matches \c TypeLocs for which the given inner
   3339 /// QualType-matcher matches.
   3340 AST_MATCHER_FUNCTION_P_OVERLOAD(internal::BindableMatcher<TypeLoc>, loc,
   3341                                 internal::Matcher<QualType>, InnerMatcher, 0) {
   3342   return internal::BindableMatcher<TypeLoc>(
   3343       new internal::TypeLocTypeMatcher(InnerMatcher));
   3344 }
   3346 /// \brief Matches type \c void.
   3347 ///
   3348 /// Given
   3349 /// \code
   3350 ///  struct S { void func(); };
   3351 /// \endcode
   3352 /// functionDecl(returns(voidType()))
   3353 ///   matches "void func();"
   3354 AST_MATCHER(Type, voidType) {
   3355   return Node.isVoidType();
   3356 }
   3358 /// \brief Matches builtin Types.
   3359 ///
   3360 /// Given
   3361 /// \code
   3362 ///   struct A {};
   3363 ///   A a;
   3364 ///   int b;
   3365 ///   float c;
   3366 ///   bool d;
   3367 /// \endcode
   3368 /// builtinType()
   3369 ///   matches "int b", "float c" and "bool d"
   3370 AST_TYPE_MATCHER(BuiltinType, builtinType);
   3372 /// \brief Matches all kinds of arrays.
   3373 ///
   3374 /// Given
   3375 /// \code
   3376 ///   int a[] = { 2, 3 };
   3377 ///   int b[4];
   3378 ///   void f() { int c[a[0]]; }
   3379 /// \endcode
   3380 /// arrayType()
   3381 ///   matches "int a[]", "int b[4]" and "int c[a[0]]";
   3382 AST_TYPE_MATCHER(ArrayType, arrayType);
   3384 /// \brief Matches C99 complex types.
   3385 ///
   3386 /// Given
   3387 /// \code
   3388 ///   _Complex float f;
   3389 /// \endcode
   3390 /// complexType()
   3391 ///   matches "_Complex float f"
   3392 AST_TYPE_MATCHER(ComplexType, complexType);
   3394 /// \brief Matches arrays and C99 complex types that have a specific element
   3395 /// type.
   3396 ///
   3397 /// Given
   3398 /// \code
   3399 ///   struct A {};
   3400 ///   A a[7];
   3401 ///   int b[7];
   3402 /// \endcode
   3403 /// arrayType(hasElementType(builtinType()))
   3404 ///   matches "int b[7]"
   3405 ///
   3406 /// Usable as: Matcher<ArrayType>, Matcher<ComplexType>
   3407 AST_TYPELOC_TRAVERSE_MATCHER(hasElementType, getElement,
   3408                              AST_POLYMORPHIC_SUPPORTED_TYPES(ArrayType,
   3409                                                              ComplexType));
   3411 /// \brief Matches C arrays with a specified constant size.
   3412 ///
   3413 /// Given
   3414 /// \code
   3415 ///   void() {
   3416 ///     int a[2];
   3417 ///     int b[] = { 2, 3 };
   3418 ///     int c[b[0]];
   3419 ///   }
   3420 /// \endcode
   3421 /// constantArrayType()
   3422 ///   matches "int a[2]"
   3423 AST_TYPE_MATCHER(ConstantArrayType, constantArrayType);
   3425 /// \brief Matches \c ConstantArrayType nodes that have the specified size.
   3426 ///
   3427 /// Given
   3428 /// \code
   3429 ///   int a[42];
   3430 ///   int b[2 * 21];
   3431 ///   int c[41], d[43];
   3432 /// \endcode
   3433 /// constantArrayType(hasSize(42))
   3434 ///   matches "int a[42]" and "int b[2 * 21]"
   3435 AST_MATCHER_P(ConstantArrayType, hasSize, unsigned, N) {
   3436   return Node.getSize() == N;
   3437 }
   3439 /// \brief Matches C++ arrays whose size is a value-dependent expression.
   3440 ///
   3441 /// Given
   3442 /// \code
   3443 ///   template<typename T, int Size>
   3444 ///   class array {
   3445 ///     T data[Size];
   3446 ///   };
   3447 /// \endcode
   3448 /// dependentSizedArrayType
   3449 ///   matches "T data[Size]"
   3450 AST_TYPE_MATCHER(DependentSizedArrayType, dependentSizedArrayType);
   3452 /// \brief Matches C arrays with unspecified size.
   3453 ///
   3454 /// Given
   3455 /// \code
   3456 ///   int a[] = { 2, 3 };
   3457 ///   int b[42];
   3458 ///   void f(int c[]) { int d[a[0]]; };
   3459 /// \endcode
   3460 /// incompleteArrayType()
   3461 ///   matches "int a[]" and "int c[]"
   3462 AST_TYPE_MATCHER(IncompleteArrayType, incompleteArrayType);
   3464 /// \brief Matches C arrays with a specified size that is not an
   3465 /// integer-constant-expression.
   3466 ///
   3467 /// Given
   3468 /// \code
   3469 ///   void f() {
   3470 ///     int a[] = { 2, 3 }
   3471 ///     int b[42];
   3472 ///     int c[a[0]];
   3473 ///   }
   3474 /// \endcode
   3475 /// variableArrayType()
   3476 ///   matches "int c[a[0]]"
   3477 AST_TYPE_MATCHER(VariableArrayType, variableArrayType);
   3479 /// \brief Matches \c VariableArrayType nodes that have a specific size
   3480 /// expression.
   3481 ///
   3482 /// Given
   3483 /// \code
   3484 ///   void f(int b) {
   3485 ///     int a[b];
   3486 ///   }
   3487 /// \endcode
   3488 /// variableArrayType(hasSizeExpr(ignoringImpCasts(declRefExpr(to(
   3489 ///   varDecl(hasName("b")))))))
   3490 ///   matches "int a[b]"
   3491 AST_MATCHER_P(VariableArrayType, hasSizeExpr,
   3492               internal::Matcher<Expr>, InnerMatcher) {
   3493   return InnerMatcher.matches(*Node.getSizeExpr(), Finder, Builder);
   3494 }
   3496 /// \brief Matches atomic types.
   3497 ///
   3498 /// Given
   3499 /// \code
   3500 ///   _Atomic(int) i;
   3501 /// \endcode
   3502 /// atomicType()
   3503 ///   matches "_Atomic(int) i"
   3504 AST_TYPE_MATCHER(AtomicType, atomicType);
   3506 /// \brief Matches atomic types with a specific value type.
   3507 ///
   3508 /// Given
   3509 /// \code
   3510 ///   _Atomic(int) i;
   3511 ///   _Atomic(float) f;
   3512 /// \endcode
   3513 /// atomicType(hasValueType(isInteger()))
   3514 ///  matches "_Atomic(int) i"
   3515 ///
   3516 /// Usable as: Matcher<AtomicType>
   3517 AST_TYPELOC_TRAVERSE_MATCHER(hasValueType, getValue,
   3518                              AST_POLYMORPHIC_SUPPORTED_TYPES(AtomicType));
   3520 /// \brief Matches types nodes representing C++11 auto types.
   3521 ///
   3522 /// Given:
   3523 /// \code
   3524 ///   auto n = 4;
   3525 ///   int v[] = { 2, 3 }
   3526 ///   for (auto i : v) { }
   3527 /// \endcode
   3528 /// autoType()
   3529 ///   matches "auto n" and "auto i"
   3530 AST_TYPE_MATCHER(AutoType, autoType);
   3532 /// \brief Matches \c AutoType nodes where the deduced type is a specific type.
   3533 ///
   3534 /// Note: There is no \c TypeLoc for the deduced type and thus no
   3535 /// \c getDeducedLoc() matcher.
   3536 ///
   3537 /// Given
   3538 /// \code
   3539 ///   auto a = 1;
   3540 ///   auto b = 2.0;
   3541 /// \endcode
   3542 /// autoType(hasDeducedType(isInteger()))
   3543 ///   matches "auto a"
   3544 ///
   3545 /// Usable as: Matcher<AutoType>
   3546 AST_TYPE_TRAVERSE_MATCHER(hasDeducedType, getDeducedType,
   3547                           AST_POLYMORPHIC_SUPPORTED_TYPES(AutoType));
   3549 /// \brief Matches \c FunctionType nodes.
   3550 ///
   3551 /// Given
   3552 /// \code
   3553 ///   int (*f)(int);
   3554 ///   void g();
   3555 /// \endcode
   3556 /// functionType()
   3557 ///   matches "int (*f)(int)" and the type of "g".
   3558 AST_TYPE_MATCHER(FunctionType, functionType);
   3560 /// \brief Matches \c ParenType nodes.
   3561 ///
   3562 /// Given
   3563 /// \code
   3564 ///   int (*ptr_to_array)[4];
   3565 ///   int *array_of_ptrs[4];
   3566 /// \endcode
   3567 ///
   3568 /// \c varDecl(hasType(pointsTo(parenType()))) matches \c ptr_to_array but not
   3569 /// \c array_of_ptrs.
   3570 AST_TYPE_MATCHER(ParenType, parenType);
   3572 /// \brief Matches \c ParenType nodes where the inner type is a specific type.
   3573 ///
   3574 /// Given
   3575 /// \code
   3576 ///   int (*ptr_to_array)[4];
   3577 ///   int (*ptr_to_func)(int);
   3578 /// \endcode
   3579 ///
   3580 /// \c varDecl(hasType(pointsTo(parenType(innerType(functionType()))))) matches
   3581 /// \c ptr_to_func but not \c ptr_to_array.
   3582 ///
   3583 /// Usable as: Matcher<ParenType>
   3584 AST_TYPE_TRAVERSE_MATCHER(innerType, getInnerType,
   3585                           AST_POLYMORPHIC_SUPPORTED_TYPES(ParenType));
   3587 /// \brief Matches block pointer types, i.e. types syntactically represented as
   3588 /// "void (^)(int)".
   3589 ///
   3590 /// The \c pointee is always required to be a \c FunctionType.
   3591 AST_TYPE_MATCHER(BlockPointerType, blockPointerType);
   3593 /// \brief Matches member pointer types.
   3594 /// Given
   3595 /// \code
   3596 ///   struct A { int i; }
   3597 ///   A::* ptr = A::i;
   3598 /// \endcode
   3599 /// memberPointerType()
   3600 ///   matches "A::* ptr"
   3601 AST_TYPE_MATCHER(MemberPointerType, memberPointerType);
   3603 /// \brief Matches pointer types.
   3604 ///
   3605 /// Given
   3606 /// \code
   3607 ///   int *a;
   3608 ///   int &b = *a;
   3609 ///   int c = 5;
   3610 /// \endcode
   3611 /// pointerType()
   3612 ///   matches "int *a"
   3613 AST_TYPE_MATCHER(PointerType, pointerType);
   3615 /// \brief Matches both lvalue and rvalue reference types.
   3616 ///
   3617 /// Given
   3618 /// \code
   3619 ///   int *a;
   3620 ///   int &b = *a;
   3621 ///   int &&c = 1;
   3622 ///   auto &d = b;
   3623 ///   auto &&e = c;
   3624 ///   auto &&f = 2;
   3625 ///   int g = 5;
   3626 /// \endcode
   3627 ///
   3628 /// \c referenceType() matches the types of \c b, \c c, \c d, \c e, and \c f.
   3629 AST_TYPE_MATCHER(ReferenceType, referenceType);
   3631 /// \brief Matches lvalue reference types.
   3632 ///
   3633 /// Given:
   3634 /// \code
   3635 ///   int *a;
   3636 ///   int &b = *a;
   3637 ///   int &&c = 1;
   3638 ///   auto &d = b;
   3639 ///   auto &&e = c;
   3640 ///   auto &&f = 2;
   3641 ///   int g = 5;
   3642 /// \endcode
   3643 ///
   3644 /// \c lValueReferenceType() matches the types of \c b, \c d, and \c e. \c e is
   3645 /// matched since the type is deduced as int& by reference collapsing rules.
   3646 AST_TYPE_MATCHER(LValueReferenceType, lValueReferenceType);
   3648 /// \brief Matches rvalue reference types.
   3649 ///
   3650 /// Given:
   3651 /// \code
   3652 ///   int *a;
   3653 ///   int &b = *a;
   3654 ///   int &&c = 1;
   3655 ///   auto &d = b;
   3656 ///   auto &&e = c;
   3657 ///   auto &&f = 2;
   3658 ///   int g = 5;
   3659 /// \endcode
   3660 ///
   3661 /// \c rValueReferenceType() matches the types of \c c and \c f. \c e is not
   3662 /// matched as it is deduced to int& by reference collapsing rules.
   3663 AST_TYPE_MATCHER(RValueReferenceType, rValueReferenceType);
   3665 /// \brief Narrows PointerType (and similar) matchers to those where the
   3666 /// \c pointee matches a given matcher.
   3667 ///
   3668 /// Given
   3669 /// \code
   3670 ///   int *a;
   3671 ///   int const *b;
   3672 ///   float const *f;
   3673 /// \endcode
   3674 /// pointerType(pointee(isConstQualified(), isInteger()))
   3675 ///   matches "int const *b"
   3676 ///
   3677 /// Usable as: Matcher<BlockPointerType>, Matcher<MemberPointerType>,
   3678 ///   Matcher<PointerType>, Matcher<ReferenceType>
   3679 AST_TYPELOC_TRAVERSE_MATCHER(pointee, getPointee,
   3680                              AST_POLYMORPHIC_SUPPORTED_TYPES(BlockPointerType,
   3681                                                              MemberPointerType,
   3682                                                              PointerType,
   3683                                                              ReferenceType));
   3685 /// \brief Matches typedef types.
   3686 ///
   3687 /// Given
   3688 /// \code
   3689 ///   typedef int X;
   3690 /// \endcode
   3691 /// typedefType()
   3692 ///   matches "typedef int X"
   3693 AST_TYPE_MATCHER(TypedefType, typedefType);
   3695 /// \brief Matches template specialization types.
   3696 ///
   3697 /// Given
   3698 /// \code
   3699 ///   template <typename T>
   3700 ///   class C { };
   3701 ///
   3702 ///   template class C<int>;  // A
   3703 ///   C<char> var;            // B
   3704 /// \code
   3705 ///
   3706 /// \c templateSpecializationType() matches the type of the explicit
   3707 /// instantiation in \c A and the type of the variable declaration in \c B.
   3708 AST_TYPE_MATCHER(TemplateSpecializationType, templateSpecializationType);
   3710 /// \brief Matches types nodes representing unary type transformations.
   3711 ///
   3712 /// Given:
   3713 /// \code
   3714 ///   typedef __underlying_type(T) type;
   3715 /// \endcode
   3716 /// unaryTransformType()
   3717 ///   matches "__underlying_type(T)"
   3718 AST_TYPE_MATCHER(UnaryTransformType, unaryTransformType);
   3720 /// \brief Matches record types (e.g. structs, classes).
   3721 ///
   3722 /// Given
   3723 /// \code
   3724 ///   class C {};
   3725 ///   struct S {};
   3726 ///
   3727 ///   C c;
   3728 ///   S s;
   3729 /// \code
   3730 ///
   3731 /// \c recordType() matches the type of the variable declarations of both \c c
   3732 /// and \c s.
   3733 AST_TYPE_MATCHER(RecordType, recordType);
   3735 /// \brief Matches types specified with an elaborated type keyword or with a
   3736 /// qualified name.
   3737 ///
   3738 /// Given
   3739 /// \code
   3740 ///   namespace N {
   3741 ///     namespace M {
   3742 ///       class D {};
   3743 ///     }
   3744 ///   }
   3745 ///   class C {};
   3746 ///
   3747 ///   class C c;
   3748 ///   N::M::D d;
   3749 /// \code
   3750 ///
   3751 /// \c elaboratedType() matches the type of the variable declarations of both
   3752 /// \c c and \c d.
   3753 AST_TYPE_MATCHER(ElaboratedType, elaboratedType);
   3755 /// \brief Matches ElaboratedTypes whose qualifier, a NestedNameSpecifier,
   3756 /// matches \c InnerMatcher if the qualifier exists.
   3757 ///
   3758 /// Given
   3759 /// \code
   3760 ///   namespace N {
   3761 ///     namespace M {
   3762 ///       class D {};
   3763 ///     }
   3764 ///   }
   3765 ///   N::M::D d;
   3766 /// \code
   3767 ///
   3768 /// \c elaboratedType(hasQualifier(hasPrefix(specifiesNamespace(hasName("N"))))
   3769 /// matches the type of the variable declaration of \c d.
   3770 AST_MATCHER_P(ElaboratedType, hasQualifier,
   3771               internal::Matcher<NestedNameSpecifier>, InnerMatcher) {
   3772   if (const NestedNameSpecifier *Qualifier = Node.getQualifier())
   3773     return InnerMatcher.matches(*Qualifier, Finder, Builder);
   3775   return false;
   3776 }
   3778 /// \brief Matches ElaboratedTypes whose named type matches \c InnerMatcher.
   3779 ///
   3780 /// Given
   3781 /// \code
   3782 ///   namespace N {
   3783 ///     namespace M {
   3784 ///       class D {};
   3785 ///     }
   3786 ///   }
   3787 ///   N::M::D d;
   3788 /// \code
   3789 ///
   3790 /// \c elaboratedType(namesType(recordType(
   3791 /// hasDeclaration(namedDecl(hasName("D")))))) matches the type of the variable
   3792 /// declaration of \c d.
   3793 AST_MATCHER_P(ElaboratedType, namesType, internal::Matcher<QualType>,
   3794               InnerMatcher) {
   3795   return InnerMatcher.matches(Node.getNamedType(), Finder, Builder);
   3796 }
   3798 /// \brief Matches declarations whose declaration context, interpreted as a
   3799 /// Decl, matches \c InnerMatcher.
   3800 ///
   3801 /// Given
   3802 /// \code
   3803 ///   namespace N {
   3804 ///     namespace M {
   3805 ///       class D {};
   3806 ///     }
   3807 ///   }
   3808 /// \code
   3809 ///
   3810 /// \c recordDecl(hasDeclContext(namedDecl(hasName("M")))) matches the
   3811 /// declaration of \c class \c D.
   3812 AST_MATCHER_P(Decl, hasDeclContext, internal::Matcher<Decl>, InnerMatcher) {
   3813   const DeclContext *DC = Node.getDeclContext();
   3814   if (!DC) return false;
   3815   return InnerMatcher.matches(*Decl::castFromDeclContext(DC), Finder, Builder);
   3816 }
   3818 /// \brief Matches nested name specifiers.
   3819 ///
   3820 /// Given
   3821 /// \code
   3822 ///   namespace ns {
   3823 ///     struct A { static void f(); };
   3824 ///     void A::f() {}
   3825 ///     void g() { A::f(); }
   3826 ///   }
   3827 ///   ns::A a;
   3828 /// \endcode
   3829 /// nestedNameSpecifier()
   3830 ///   matches "ns::" and both "A::"
   3831 const internal::VariadicAllOfMatcher<NestedNameSpecifier> nestedNameSpecifier;
   3833 /// \brief Same as \c nestedNameSpecifier but matches \c NestedNameSpecifierLoc.
   3834 const internal::VariadicAllOfMatcher<
   3835   NestedNameSpecifierLoc> nestedNameSpecifierLoc;
   3837 /// \brief Matches \c NestedNameSpecifierLocs for which the given inner
   3838 /// NestedNameSpecifier-matcher matches.
   3840     internal::BindableMatcher<NestedNameSpecifierLoc>, loc,
   3841     internal::Matcher<NestedNameSpecifier>, InnerMatcher, 1) {
   3842   return internal::BindableMatcher<NestedNameSpecifierLoc>(
   3843       new internal::LocMatcher<NestedNameSpecifierLoc, NestedNameSpecifier>(
   3844           InnerMatcher));
   3845 }
   3847 /// \brief Matches nested name specifiers that specify a type matching the
   3848 /// given \c QualType matcher without qualifiers.
   3849 ///
   3850 /// Given
   3851 /// \code
   3852 ///   struct A { struct B { struct C {}; }; };
   3853 ///   A::B::C c;
   3854 /// \endcode
   3855 /// nestedNameSpecifier(specifiesType(hasDeclaration(recordDecl(hasName("A")))))
   3856 ///   matches "A::"
   3857 AST_MATCHER_P(NestedNameSpecifier, specifiesType,
   3858               internal::Matcher<QualType>, InnerMatcher) {
   3859   if (!Node.getAsType())
   3860     return false;
   3861   return InnerMatcher.matches(QualType(Node.getAsType(), 0), Finder, Builder);
   3862 }
   3864 /// \brief Matches nested name specifier locs that specify a type matching the
   3865 /// given \c TypeLoc.
   3866 ///
   3867 /// Given
   3868 /// \code
   3869 ///   struct A { struct B { struct C {}; }; };
   3870 ///   A::B::C c;
   3871 /// \endcode
   3872 /// nestedNameSpecifierLoc(specifiesTypeLoc(loc(type(
   3873 ///   hasDeclaration(recordDecl(hasName("A")))))))
   3874 ///   matches "A::"
   3875 AST_MATCHER_P(NestedNameSpecifierLoc, specifiesTypeLoc,
   3876               internal::Matcher<TypeLoc>, InnerMatcher) {
   3877   return Node && InnerMatcher.matches(Node.getTypeLoc(), Finder, Builder);
   3878 }
   3880 /// \brief Matches on the prefix of a \c NestedNameSpecifier.
   3881 ///
   3882 /// Given
   3883 /// \code
   3884 ///   struct A { struct B { struct C {}; }; };
   3885 ///   A::B::C c;
   3886 /// \endcode
   3887 /// nestedNameSpecifier(hasPrefix(specifiesType(asString("struct A")))) and
   3888 ///   matches "A::"
   3889 AST_MATCHER_P_OVERLOAD(NestedNameSpecifier, hasPrefix,
   3890                        internal::Matcher<NestedNameSpecifier>, InnerMatcher,
   3891                        0) {
   3892   NestedNameSpecifier *NextNode = Node.getPrefix();
   3893   if (!NextNode)
   3894     return false;
   3895   return InnerMatcher.matches(*NextNode, Finder, Builder);
   3896 }
   3898 /// \brief Matches on the prefix of a \c NestedNameSpecifierLoc.
   3899 ///
   3900 /// Given
   3901 /// \code
   3902 ///   struct A { struct B { struct C {}; }; };
   3903 ///   A::B::C c;
   3904 /// \endcode
   3905 /// nestedNameSpecifierLoc(hasPrefix(loc(specifiesType(asString("struct A")))))
   3906 ///   matches "A::"
   3907 AST_MATCHER_P_OVERLOAD(NestedNameSpecifierLoc, hasPrefix,
   3908                        internal::Matcher<NestedNameSpecifierLoc>, InnerMatcher,
   3909                        1) {
   3910   NestedNameSpecifierLoc NextNode = Node.getPrefix();
   3911   if (!NextNode)
   3912     return false;
   3913   return InnerMatcher.matches(NextNode, Finder, Builder);
   3914 }
   3916 /// \brief Matches nested name specifiers that specify a namespace matching the
   3917 /// given namespace matcher.
   3918 ///
   3919 /// Given
   3920 /// \code
   3921 ///   namespace ns { struct A {}; }
   3922 ///   ns::A a;
   3923 /// \endcode
   3924 /// nestedNameSpecifier(specifiesNamespace(hasName("ns")))
   3925 ///   matches "ns::"
   3926 AST_MATCHER_P(NestedNameSpecifier, specifiesNamespace,
   3927               internal::Matcher<NamespaceDecl>, InnerMatcher) {
   3928   if (!Node.getAsNamespace())
   3929     return false;
   3930   return InnerMatcher.matches(*Node.getAsNamespace(), Finder, Builder);
   3931 }
   3933 /// \brief Overloads for the \c equalsNode matcher.
   3934 /// FIXME: Implement for other node types.
   3935 /// @{
   3937 /// \brief Matches if a node equals another node.
   3938 ///
   3939 /// \c Decl has pointer identity in the AST.
   3940 AST_MATCHER_P_OVERLOAD(Decl, equalsNode, const Decl*, Other, 0) {
   3941   return &Node == Other;
   3942 }
   3943 /// \brief Matches if a node equals another node.
   3944 ///
   3945 /// \c Stmt has pointer identity in the AST.
   3946 ///
   3947 AST_MATCHER_P_OVERLOAD(Stmt, equalsNode, const Stmt*, Other, 1) {
   3948   return &Node == Other;
   3949 }
   3951 /// @}
   3953 /// \brief Matches each case or default statement belonging to the given switch
   3954 /// statement. This matcher may produce multiple matches.
   3955 ///
   3956 /// Given
   3957 /// \code
   3958 ///   switch (1) { case 1: case 2: default: switch (2) { case 3: case 4: ; } }
   3959 /// \endcode
   3960 /// switchStmt(forEachSwitchCase(caseStmt().bind("c"))).bind("s")
   3961 ///   matches four times, with "c" binding each of "case 1:", "case 2:",
   3962 /// "case 3:" and "case 4:", and "s" respectively binding "switch (1)",
   3963 /// "switch (1)", "switch (2)" and "switch (2)".
   3964 AST_MATCHER_P(SwitchStmt, forEachSwitchCase, internal::Matcher<SwitchCase>,
   3965               InnerMatcher) {
   3966   BoundNodesTreeBuilder Result;
   3967   // FIXME: getSwitchCaseList() does not necessarily guarantee a stable
   3968   // iteration order. We should use the more general iterating matchers once
   3969   // they are capable of expressing this matcher (for example, it should ignore
   3970   // case statements belonging to nested switch statements).
   3971   bool Matched = false;
   3972   for (const SwitchCase *SC = Node.getSwitchCaseList(); SC;
   3973        SC = SC->getNextSwitchCase()) {
   3974     BoundNodesTreeBuilder CaseBuilder(*Builder);
   3975     bool CaseMatched = InnerMatcher.matches(*SC, Finder, &CaseBuilder);
   3976     if (CaseMatched) {
   3977       Matched = true;
   3978       Result.addMatch(CaseBuilder);
   3979     }
   3980   }
   3981   *Builder = std::move(Result);
   3982   return Matched;
   3983 }
   3985 /// \brief Matches each constructor initializer in a constructor definition.
   3986 ///
   3987 /// Given
   3988 /// \code
   3989 ///   class A { A() : i(42), j(42) {} int i; int j; };
   3990 /// \endcode
   3991 /// constructorDecl(forEachConstructorInitializer(forField(decl().bind("x"))))
   3992 ///   will trigger two matches, binding for 'i' and 'j' respectively.
   3993 AST_MATCHER_P(CXXConstructorDecl, forEachConstructorInitializer,
   3994               internal::Matcher<CXXCtorInitializer>, InnerMatcher) {
   3995   BoundNodesTreeBuilder Result;
   3996   bool Matched = false;
   3997   for (const auto *I : Node.inits()) {
   3998     BoundNodesTreeBuilder InitBuilder(*Builder);
   3999     if (InnerMatcher.matches(*I, Finder, &InitBuilder)) {
   4000       Matched = true;
   4001       Result.addMatch(InitBuilder);
   4002     }
   4003   }
   4004   *Builder = std::move(Result);
   4005   return Matched;
   4006 }
   4008 /// \brief If the given case statement does not use the GNU case range
   4009 /// extension, matches the constant given in the statement.
   4010 ///
   4011 /// Given
   4012 /// \code
   4013 ///   switch (1) { case 1: case 1+1: case 3 ... 4: ; }
   4014 /// \endcode
   4015 /// caseStmt(hasCaseConstant(integerLiteral()))
   4016 ///   matches "case 1:"
   4017 AST_MATCHER_P(CaseStmt, hasCaseConstant, internal::Matcher<Expr>,
   4018               InnerMatcher) {
   4019   if (Node.getRHS())
   4020     return false;
   4022   return InnerMatcher.matches(*Node.getLHS(), Finder, Builder);
   4023 }
   4025 /// \brief Matches declaration that has a given attribute.
   4026 ///
   4027 /// Given
   4028 /// \code
   4029 ///   __attribute__((device)) void f() { ... }
   4030 /// \endcode
   4031 /// decl(hasAttr(clang::attr::CUDADevice)) matches the function declaration of
   4032 /// f.
   4033 AST_MATCHER_P(Decl, hasAttr, attr::Kind, AttrKind) {
   4034   for (const auto *Attr : Node.attrs()) {
   4035     if (Attr->getKind() == AttrKind)
   4036       return true;
   4037   }
   4038   return false;
   4039 }
   4041 /// \brief Matches CUDA kernel call expression.
   4042 ///
   4043 /// Example matches,
   4044 /// \code
   4045 ///   kernel<<<i,j>>>();
   4046 /// \endcode
   4047 const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Stmt, CUDAKernelCallExpr>
   4048     CUDAKernelCallExpr;
   4050 } // end namespace ast_matchers
   4051 } // end namespace clang
   4053 #endif