/external/dexmaker/src/dx/java/com/android/dx/util/ |
Uint.java | 23 public final int intValue; 26 this.intValue = value; 30 return Unsigned.compare(intValue, uint.intValue);
/frameworks/base/tests/RenderScriptTests/PerfTest/src/com/android/perftest/ |
RsPerfTestRunner.java | 50 int intValue = Integer.parseInt(strValue); 52 iterations = intValue;
/libcore/luni/src/main/java/java/lang/ |
Number.java | 43 return (byte) intValue(); 66 public abstract int intValue(); 83 return (short) intValue();
Byte.java | 134 int intValue = Integer.decode(string); 135 byte result = (byte) intValue; 136 if (result == intValue) { 174 public int intValue() { 213 int intValue = Integer.parseInt(string, radix); 214 byte result = (byte) intValue; 215 if (result == intValue) {
Short.java | 134 int intValue = Integer.decode(string).intValue(); 135 short result = (short) intValue; 136 if (result == intValue) { 173 public int intValue() { 212 int intValue = Integer.parseInt(string, radix); 213 short result = (short) intValue; 214 if (result == intValue) {
/libcore/luni/src/main/native/ |
valueOf.cpp | 50 jint intValue(JNIEnv* env, jobject javaLangInteger) {
/system/netd/include/ |
Fwmark.h | 25 uint32_t intValue; 32 Fwmark() : intValue(0) {}
/external/antlr/antlr-3.4/tool/src/main/java/org/antlr/codegen/ |
Perl5Target.java | 83 final int intValue; 85 intValue = v; 87 intValue = -(0x10000 - v); 90 return String.valueOf(intValue);
/external/bouncycastle/bcprov/src/main/java/org/bouncycastle/jce/spec/ |
ECNamedCurveSpec.java | 86 super(convertCurve(curve, null), convertPoint(g), n, h.intValue()); 98 super(curve, g, n, h.intValue()); 111 super(convertCurve(curve, seed), convertPoint(g), n, h.intValue());
/external/deqp/framework/common/ |
tcuEither.cpp | 89 const int intValue = 1503457782; 90 const Either<int, float> either (intValue); 98 TCU_CHECK(either.getFirst() == intValue); 99 TCU_CHECK(either.get<int>() == intValue); 119 const int intValue = 1942092699; 123 either = intValue; 131 TCU_CHECK(either.getFirst() == intValue); 132 TCU_CHECK(either.get<int>() == intValue); 137 const int intValue = 1942092699; 139 Either<int, float> either (intValue); [all...] |
/external/icu/icu4c/source/samples/udata/ |
reader.c | 79 uint16_t intValue = 0;
writer.c | 64 uint16_t intValue=2000; 89 printf("Writing uint16_t value of %d\n", intValue); 90 udata_write16(pData, intValue); 100 size=sizeof(stringValue) + sizeof(intValue);
/libcore/luni/src/main/java/java/util/logging/ |
MemoryHandler.java | 149 pushLevel.intValue(); 194 if (record.getLevel().intValue() >= push.intValue()) { 258 newLevel.intValue();
/external/deqp/framework/qphelper/ |
qpXmlWriter.h | 48 int intValue; 58 attrib.intValue = -678; 69 attrib.intValue = value; 80 attrib.intValue = -679;
/external/icu/icu4c/source/tools/gentest/ |
gentest.c | 106 uint16_t intValue=2000; 120 udata_write16(pData, intValue); 129 size=sizeof(stringValue) + sizeof(intValue);
/external/apache-harmony/jdwp/src/test/java/org/apache/harmony/jpda/tests/jdwp/ReferenceType/ |
GetValues003Test.java | 130 int intValue = fieldValue.getIntValue(); 131 logWriter.println("=> Returned value = " + intValue); 134 assertEquals("Invalid int value,", expectedIntValue, intValue);
GetValues004Test.java | 139 int intValue = fieldValue.getIntValue(); 140 logWriter.println("## Returned value = " + intValue);
/external/guava/guava/src/com/google/common/primitives/ |
UnsignedInteger.java | 93 return fromIntBits(value.intValue()); 183 public int intValue() {
/external/guava/guava-gwt/src-super/com/google/common/primitives/super/com/google/common/primitives/ |
UnsignedInteger.java | 92 return fromIntBits(value.intValue()); 169 public int intValue() {
/external/guava/guava-gwt/src-super/java/util/super/java/util/concurrent/atomic/ |
AtomicInteger.java | 94 public int intValue() {
AtomicLong.java | 94 public int intValue() {
/external/icu/icu4c/source/test/cintltst/ |
cstrtest.c | 37 int32_t intValue=0; 82 intValue=T_CString_stringToInteger("34556", 10); 83 if(intValue != 34556){ 84 log_err("FAIL: ****T_CString_stringToInteger(\"34556\", 10) failed. Expected: 34556, Got: %d\n", intValue); 86 intValue=T_CString_stringToInteger("100", 16); 87 if(intValue != 256){ 88 log_err("FAIL: ****T_CString_stringToInteger(\"100\", 16) failed. Expected: 256, Got: %d\n", intValue); 111 if((intValue=uprv_stricmp(NULL, "first string is null") )!= -1){ 112 log_err("FAIL: uprv_stricmp() where the first string is null failed. Expected: -1, returned %d\n", intValue); 114 if((intValue=uprv_stricmp("second string is null", NULL)) != 1) [all...] |
/libcore/support/src/test/java/tests/support/ |
Support_GetPutFields.java | 43 public int intValue = 0; 83 intValue = 77777; 100 intValue == other.intValue && 114 intValue = getField.get("intValue", 0); 128 putField.put("intValue", intValue);
Support_GetPutFieldsDefaulted.java | 54 public int intValue = 0; 94 intValue = 999999; 111 intValue == other.intValue && 125 intValue = getField.get("intValue", 999999);
Support_GetPutFieldsDeprecated.java | 45 public int intValue = 0; 85 intValue = 33333; 102 intValue == other.intValue && 115 intValue = getField.get("intValue", 0); 129 putField.put("intValue", intValue);