/frameworks/rs/cpu_ref/ |
Android.mk | 5 ifeq ($(TARGET_BUILD_PDK), true) 15 LOCAL_CLANG := true 43 ifeq ($(RS_DISABLE_A53_WORKAROUND),true) 59 ifeq ($(ARCH_ARM_HAVE_NEON),true) 63 ifeq ($(ARCH_ARM_HAVE_VFP),true) 79 ifeq ($(ARCH_X86_HAVE_SSSE3),true)
/hardware/qcom/display/msm8226/ |
common.mk | 11 ifeq ($(TARGET_USES_POST_PROCESSING),true) 26 ifeq ($(ARCH_ARM_HAVE_NEON),true) 31 mpq8092 msm_bronze msm8916 msm8994), true) 36 ifeq ($(TARGET_HAS_VSYNC_FAILURE_FALLBACK), true) 44 ifeq ($(TARGET_USES_QCOM_BSP),true) 48 ifeq ($(call is-vendor-board-platform,QCOM),true)
/external/v8/test/mjsunit/ |
debug-setexceptionbreak.js | 84 testArguments(dcp, '{"type":"all"}', true, "all", true); 85 testArguments(dcp, '{"type":"all"}', true, "all", false); 86 testArguments(dcp, '{"type":"uncaught"}', true, "uncaught", true); 87 testArguments(dcp, '{"type":"uncaught"}', true, "uncaught", false); 90 testArguments(dcp, '{"type":"all","enabled":true}', true, "all", true); 91 testArguments(dcp, '{"type":"all","enabled":false}', true, "all", false) [all...] |
samevalue.js | 42 assertTrue(natives.SameValue(true, true)); 55 assertFalse(natives.SameValue(true, false)); 57 assertFalse(natives.SameValue(obj1, true)); 63 assertFalse(natives.SameValue(undefined, true)); 69 assertFalse(natives.SameValue(NaN, true)); 75 assertFalse(natives.SameValue("foo", true)); 81 assertFalse(natives.SameValue(true, 1)); 82 assertFalse(natives.SameValue(true, obj1)); 83 assertFalse(natives.SameValue(true, undefined)) [all...] |
double-equals.js | 29 * This test uses assert{True,False}(... == ...) instead of 95 testEqual(true, true); 97 testNotEqual(true, false); 117 var x = new Boolean(true); 156 testEqual(true, 1); 158 testEqual(true, "1"); 165 testEqual(new Boolean(true), true); 166 testEqual(new Boolean(true), 1); // First to primtive boolean, then to number [all...] |
string-index.js | 84 assertEquals(true, 0 in S, "0 in"); 86 assertEquals(true, 2 in S, "2 in"); 87 assertEquals(true, 3 in S, "3 in"); 90 assertEquals(true, "0" in S, '"0" in'); 92 assertEquals(true, "2" in S, '"2" in'); 93 assertEquals(true, "3" in S, '"3" in'); 96 assertEquals(true, S.hasOwnProperty(0), "0 hasOwnProperty"); 98 assertEquals(true, S.hasOwnProperty(2), "2 hasOwnProperty"); 99 assertEquals(true, S.hasOwnProperty(3), "3 hasOwnProperty"); 102 assertEquals(true, S.hasOwnProperty("0"), '"0" hasOwnProperty') [all...] |
/external/v8/test/webkit/ |
Object-create.js | 30 shouldBe("JSON.stringify(Object.create(null,{property:{value:'foo', enumerable:true}, property2:{value:'foo', enumerable:true}}))", '\'{"property":"foo","property2":"foo"}\''); 31 shouldBe("JSON.stringify(Object.create({},{property:{value:'foo', enumerable:true}, property2:{value:'foo', enumerable:true}}))", '\'{"property":"foo","property2":"foo"}\''); 32 shouldBe("JSON.stringify(Object.create({},{property:{value:'foo'}, property2:{value:'foo', enumerable:true}}))", '\'{"property2":"foo"}\''); 33 shouldBe("JSON.stringify(Object.create(null,{property:{value:'foo'}, property2:{value:'foo', enumerable:true}}))", '\'{"property2":"foo"}\''); 36 function valueGet() { return true; } 38 var DescriptorWithEnumerableGetter = { foo: Object.create(null, { value: {value: true}, enumerable: { get: valueGet }})}; 39 var DescriptorWithConfigurableGetter = { foo: Object.create(null, { value: {value: true}, configurable: { get: valueGet }})}; 40 var DescriptorWithWritableGetter = { foo: Object.create(null, { value: {value: true}, writable: { get: valueGet }})} [all...] |
array-defineOwnProperty.js | 27 shouldBeTrue("Object.defineProperty([], 'x', { get:function(){return true;} }).x"); 37 shouldThrow("Object.defineProperty([], 'length', { get:function(){return true;} })"); 38 shouldThrow("Object.defineProperty([], 'length', { enumerable: true })"); 39 shouldThrow("Object.defineProperty([], 'length', { configurable: true })"); 40 shouldThrow("Object.defineProperty(Object.defineProperty([], 'length', { writable: false }), 'length', { writable: true })"); 50 shouldBeTrue("Object.defineProperty([], '0', { get:function(){return true;} })[0]") 52 shouldBeTrue("Object.defineProperty(Object.defineProperty([true], '0', { configurable:true, writable: false }), '0', { writable: true })[0]"); 53 shouldThrow("Object.defineProperty(Object.defineProperty([true], '0', { configurable:false, writable: false }), '0', { writable: true })[0]") [all...] |
/external/v8/test/webkit/fast/js/kde/ |
exceptions.js | 39 caught = true; 41 kdeShouldBe(caught, true, "testing throw()"); 51 caught = true; 53 kdeShouldBe(caught, true, "testing throw()"); 63 caught = true; 67 kdeShouldBe(caught, true, "ReferenceError"); 81 caught = true; 83 kdeShouldBe(caught, true, "error propagation in functions"); 93 caught = true; 97 kdeShouldBe(caught, true, "Math() error") [all...] |
/external/v8/test/mjsunit/harmony/ |
proxies-for.js | 65 case "a": return {enumerable: false, value: "3", configurable: true}; 66 case "b": return {enumerable: true, get get() {}, configurable: true}; 67 case "c": return {value: 4, configurable: true}; 68 case "d": return {get enumerable() { return true }, configurable: true}; 106 return k == "0" || k == "a" ? {configurable: true} : undefined 114 return k == "null" || k == "a" ? {configurable: true} : undefined 122 case "a": return {enumerable: false, value: "3", configurable: true}; 123 case "b": return {enumerable: true, get get() {}, configurable: true} [all...] |
proxies-json.js | 46 return { enumerable: true }; 60 var parent1b = { a: 123, b: proxy1, c: true }; 61 testStringify('{"a":123,"b":{"a":"A","b":"B","c":"C"},"c":true}', parent1b); 63 var parent1c = [123, proxy1, true]; 64 testStringify('[123,{"a":"A","b":"B","c":"C"},true]', parent1c); 76 return { enumerable: true }; 97 return { enumerable: true }; 133 return { enumerable: true }; 149 return { enumerable: true }; 154 testStringify('[1,null,true]', [1, proxy6, true]) [all...] |
/build/core/ |
executable_prefer_symlink.mk | 11 ifneq ($(LOCAL_IS_HOST_MODULE),true) 13 ifeq ($(TARGET_IS_64_BIT),true) 14 ifeq ($(TARGET_SUPPORTS_64_BIT_APPS)|$(TARGET_SUPPORTS_32_BIT_APPS),true|true) 18 ifeq ($(TARGET_PREFER_32_BIT_APPS),true) 23 else ifeq ($(TARGET_SUPPORTS_64_BIT_APPS),true) 35 ifneq ($(HOST_PREFER_32_BIT),true)
/frameworks/native/services/surfaceflinger/ |
Android.mk | 4 LOCAL_CLANG := true 50 ifeq ($(TARGET_DISABLE_TRIPLE_BUFFERING),true) 54 ifeq ($(TARGET_FORCE_HWC_FOR_VIRTUAL_DISPLAYS),true) 62 ifeq ($(TARGET_RUNNING_WITHOUT_SYNC_FRAMEWORK),true) 119 LOCAL_CLANG := true 141 LOCAL_32_BIT_ONLY := true 153 LOCAL_CLANG := true
/frameworks/av/cmds/stagefright/ |
Android.mk | 21 LOCAL_CLANG := true 45 LOCAL_CLANG := true 69 LOCAL_CLANG := true 94 LOCAL_CLANG := true 118 LOCAL_CLANG := true 142 LOCAL_CLANG := true 167 LOCAL_CLANG := true 210 LOCAL_CLANG := true 234 LOCAL_CLANG := true
/device/asus/flo/camera/QCamera2/stack/mm-camera-test/ |
Android.mk | 11 ifeq ($(strip $(TARGET_USES_ION)),true) 34 ifeq ($(call is-board-platform,msm8974),true) 40 else ifeq ($(call is-board-platform,msm8226),true) 46 else ifeq ($(call is-board-platform,msm8960),true) 52 else ifeq ($(call is-chipset-prefix-in-board-platform,msm8660),true)
/device/lge/hammerhead/camera/QCamera2/stack/mm-camera-test/ |
Android.mk | 11 ifeq ($(strip $(TARGET_USES_ION)),true) 34 ifeq ($(call is-board-platform,msm8974),true) 40 else ifeq ($(call is-board-platform,msm8226),true) 46 else ifeq ($(call is-board-platform,msm8960),true) 52 else ifeq ($(call is-chipset-prefix-in-board-platform,msm8660),true)
/external/apache-harmony/jdwp/ |
Android.mk | 15 -Djpda.settings.verbose=true \ 35 LOCAL_NO_EMMA_INSTRUMENT := true 36 LOCAL_NO_EMMA_COMPILE := true 46 LOCAL_NO_EMMA_INSTRUMENT := true 47 LOCAL_NO_EMMA_COMPILE := true
/frameworks/av/media/libstagefright/tests/ |
Android.mk | 35 LOCAL_CLANG := true 37 LOCAL_32_BIT_ONLY := true 67 LOCAL_CLANG := true 94 LOCAL_32_BIT_ONLY := true 97 LOCAL_CLANG := true
/hardware/qcom/audio/legacy/alsa_sound/ |
Android.mk | 6 ifeq ($(strip $(BOARD_USES_ALSA_AUDIO)),true) 17 ifeq ($(strip $(BOARD_USES_FLUENCE_INCALL)),true) 21 ifeq ($(strip $(BOARD_USES_SEPERATED_AUDIO_INPUT)),true) 102 ifeq ($(strip $(BOARD_USES_FLUENCE_INCALL)),true) 106 ifeq ($(strip $(BOARD_USES_SEPERATED_AUDIO_INPUT)),true)
/hardware/qcom/display/msm8974/ |
common.mk | 19 ifeq ($(ARCH_ARM_HAVE_NEON),true) 28 ifeq ($(TARGET_FORCE_HWC_FOR_VIRTUAL_DISPLAYS), true) 36 ifeq ($(TARGET_USES_QCOM_BSP),true) 38 ifneq ($(call is-platform-sdk-version-at-least,18),true) 44 ifeq ($(call is-vendor-board-platform,QCOM),true)
/hardware/qcom/display/msm8994/ |
common.mk | 19 ifeq ($(TARGET_USES_POST_PROCESSING),true) 24 ifeq ($(ARCH_ARM_HAVE_NEON),true) 35 ifeq ($(TARGET_USES_QCOM_BSP),true) 39 ifneq ($(call is-platform-sdk-version-at-least,18),true) 42 ifeq ($(TARGET_COMPILE_WITH_MSM_KERNEL),true)
/system/extras/verity/ |
Android.mk | 58 LOCAL_IS_HOST_MODULE := true 67 LOCAL_IS_HOST_MODULE := true 76 LOCAL_IS_HOST_MODULE := true 85 LOCAL_IS_HOST_MODULE := true 94 LOCAL_IS_HOST_MODULE := true
/external/deqp/framework/delibs/coding_guidelines/ |
prettify.js | 1 function H(){var x=navigator&&navigator.userAgent&&/\bMSIE 6\./.test(navigator.userAgent);H=function(){return x};return x}(function(){function x(b){b=b.split(/ /g);var a={};for(var c=b.length;--c>=0;){var d=b[c];if(d)a[d]=null}return a}var y="break continue do else for if return while ",U=y+"auto case char const default double enum extern float goto int long register short signed sizeof static struct switch typedef union unsigned void volatile ",D=U+"catch class delete false import new operator private protected public this throw true try ", 3 K=D+"debugger eval export function get null set undefined var with Infinity NaN ",L="caller delete die do dump elsif eval exit foreach for goto if import last local my next no our print package redo require sub undef unless until use wantarray while BEGIN END ",M=y+"and as assert class def del elif except exec finally from global import in is lambda nonlocal not or pass print raise try with yield False True None ",N=y+"alias and begin case class def defined elsif end ensure false in module next nil not or redo rescue retry self super then true undef unless until when yield BEGIN END ", 16 "typ"}}u(n,i,j,2);j+=n.length-2}}return i}return function(f){var i=g(f);i=h(f,i);return i}}var G=r({keywords:W,hashComments:true,cStyleComments:true,multiLineStrings:true,regexLiterals:true});function sa(b,a){for(var c=0;c<a.length;c+=2){var d=a[c+1];if(d==="src"){var g,e;g=a[c];e=c+2<a.length?a[c+2]:b.length;var h=G(b.substring(g,e));for(var f=0,i=h.length;f<i;f+=2)h[f]+=g;u(h,a,c,2);c+=h.length-2}}return a}function ta(b,a){var c=false;for(var d=0;d<a.length;d+=2){var g=a[d+1],e,h;if(g==="atn"){e= 18 a,c){var d=[],g=0,e=null,h=null,f=0,i=0,j=ia(8);function o(k){if(k>g){if(e&&e!==h){d.push("</span>");e=null}if(!e&&h){e=h;d.push('<span class="',e,'">')}var l=E(j(b.substring(g,k))).replace(/(\r\n?|\n| ) /g,"$1 ").replace(/\r\n?|\n/g,"<br />");d.push(l);g=k}}while(true){var m;m=f<a.length?(i<c.length?a[f]<=c[i]:true):false;if(m){o(a[f]);if(e){d.push("</span>");e=null}d.push(a[f+1]);f+=2}else if(i<c.length){o(c[i]);h=c[i+1];i+=2}else break}o(b.length);if(e)d.push("</span>");return d.join("")} 19 var C={};function q(b,a){for(var c=a.length;--c>=0;){var d=a[c];if(!C.hasOwnProperty(d))C[d]=b;else if("console"in window)console.log("cannot override language handler %s",d)}}q(G,["default-code"]);q(ua,["default-markup","html","htm","xhtml","xml","xsl"]);q(r({keywords:I,hashComments:true,cStyleComments:true}),["c","cc","cpp","cs","cxx","cyc"]);q(r({keywords:J,cStyleComments:true}),["j (…) [all...] |
/external/slf4j/slf4j-site/src/site/pages/js/ |
prettify.js | 1 function H(){var x=navigator&&navigator.userAgent&&/\bMSIE 6\./.test(navigator.userAgent);H=function(){return x};return x}(function(){function x(b){b=b.split(/ /g);var a={};for(var c=b.length;--c>=0;){var d=b[c];if(d)a[d]=null}return a}var y="break continue do else for if return while ",U=y+"auto case char const default double enum extern float goto int long register short signed sizeof static struct switch typedef union unsigned void volatile ",D=U+"catch class delete false import new operator private protected public this throw true try ", 3 K=D+"debugger eval export function get null set undefined var with Infinity NaN ",L="caller delete die do dump elsif eval exit foreach for goto if import last local my next no our print package redo require sub undef unless until use wantarray while BEGIN END ",M=y+"and as assert class def del elif except exec finally from global import in is lambda nonlocal not or pass print raise try with yield False True None ",N=y+"alias and begin case class def defined elsif end ensure false in module next nil not or redo rescue retry self super then true undef unless until when yield BEGIN END ", 16 "typ"}}u(n,i,j,2);j+=n.length-2}}return i}return function(f){var i=g(f);i=h(f,i);return i}}var G=r({keywords:W,hashComments:true,cStyleComments:true,multiLineStrings:true,regexLiterals:true});function sa(b,a){for(var c=0;c<a.length;c+=2){var d=a[c+1];if(d==="src"){var g,e;g=a[c];e=c+2<a.length?a[c+2]:b.length;var h=G(b.substring(g,e));for(var f=0,i=h.length;f<i;f+=2)h[f]+=g;u(h,a,c,2);c+=h.length-2}}return a}function ta(b,a){var c=false;for(var d=0;d<a.length;d+=2){var g=a[d+1],e,h;if(g==="atn"){e= 18 a,c){var d=[],g=0,e=null,h=null,f=0,i=0,j=ia(8);function o(k){if(k>g){if(e&&e!==h){d.push("</span>");e=null}if(!e&&h){e=h;d.push('<span class="',e,'">')}var l=E(j(b.substring(g,k))).replace(/(\r\n?|\n| ) /g,"$1 ").replace(/\r\n?|\n/g,"<br />");d.push(l);g=k}}while(true){var m;m=f<a.length?(i<c.length?a[f]<=c[i]:true):false;if(m){o(a[f]);if(e){d.push("</span>");e=null}d.push(a[f+1]);f+=2}else if(i<c.length){o(c[i]);h=c[i+1];i+=2}else break}o(b.length);if(e)d.push("</span>");return d.join("")} 19 var C={};function q(b,a){for(var c=a.length;--c>=0;){var d=a[c];if(!C.hasOwnProperty(d))C[d]=b;else if("console"in window)console.log("cannot override language handler %s",d)}}q(G,["default-code"]);q(ua,["default-markup","html","htm","xhtml","xml","xsl"]);q(r({keywords:I,hashComments:true,cStyleComments:true}),["c","cc","cpp","cs","cxx","cyc"]);q(r({keywords:J,cStyleComments:true}),["j (…) [all...] |
/external/chromium-libpac/test/js-unittest/ |
passthrough.js | 39 return true; 41 return true; 43 return true;