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TopicAliasing_mult3.cpp 3 matA.noalias() = matA * matA;
MatrixBase_noalias.cpp 2 c.noalias() = a * b; // this computes the product directly to c
TopicAliasing_mult2.cpp 9 matB.noalias() = matA * matA;
2009-03-04-GEPNoalias.ll 3 declare noalias i32* @noalias()
7 %a = call i32* @noalias()
phi-and-select.ll 6 ; CHECK: NoAlias: double* %a, double* %b
8 ; CHECK: NoAlias: double* %a, double* %b
10 ; CHECK: NoAlias: double* %a, double* %b
12 ; CHECK: NoAlias: double* %a, double* %b
16 define void @foo(i1 %m, double* noalias %x, double* noalias %y) {
35 define void @bar(i1 %m, double* noalias %x, double* noalias %y) {
45 define void @qux(i1 %m, double* noalias %x, double* noalias %y
args-rets-allocas-loads.ll 7 declare noalias double* @noalias_returner()
11 double* noalias %noalias_arg_a0,
12 double* noalias %noalias_arg_a1,
52 ; CHECK-NEXT: NoAlias: double* %arg_a0, double* %noalias_arg_a0
53 ; CHECK-NEXT: NoAlias: double* %arg_a1, double* %noalias_arg_a0
54 ; CHECK-NEXT: NoAlias: double* %arg_a0, double* %noalias_arg_a1
55 ; CHECK-NEXT: NoAlias: double* %arg_a1, double* %noalias_arg_a1
56 ; CHECK-NEXT: NoAlias: double* %noalias_arg_a0, double* %noalias_arg_a1
59 ; CHECK-NEXT: NoAlias: double* %noalias_arg_a0, double** %indirect_a0
60 ; CHECK-NEXT: NoAlias: double* %noalias_arg_a1, double** %indirect_a
2009-03-01-MallocNoAlias.c 1 // RUN: %clang_cc1 %s -emit-llvm -o - | grep noalias
2007-07-29-RestrictPtrArg.c 1 // RUN: %clang_cc1 -emit-llvm %s -o - | grep noalias
restrict.c 9 // CHECK: define void @test1(i32* noalias %{{.*}}, i32 %{{.*}})
13 // CHECK: define void @test2(i32* %{{.*}}, i32* noalias %{{.*}})
19 // CHECK: define void @test3(i32* noalias %{{.*}}, i32 %{{.*}})
23 // CHECK: define void @test4(i32* %{{.*}}, i32* noalias %{{.*}})
basic-domains.ll 1 ; RUN: opt < %s -basicaa -scoped-noalias -aa-eval -evaluate-aa-metadata -print-all-alias-modref-info -disable-output 2>&1 | FileCheck %s
10 store float %0, float* %arrayidx.i, align 4, !noalias !6
14 store float %1, float* %arrayidx.i2, align 4, !noalias !6
18 store float %2, float* %arrayidx.i3, align 4, !noalias !5
45 ; CHECK: NoAlias: %0 = load float, float* %c, align 4, !alias.scope !0 <-> store float %0, float* %arrayidx.i, align 4, !noalias !6
46 ; CHECK: NoAlias: %0 = load float, float* %c, align 4, !alias.scope !0 <-> store float %1, float* %arrayidx.i2, align 4, !noalias !6
47 ; CHECK: MayAlias: %0 = load float, float* %c, align 4, !alias.scope !0 <-> store float %2, float* %arrayidx.i3, align 4, !noalias !7
48 ; CHECK: NoAlias: %1 = load float, float* %c, align 4, !alias.scope !7 <-> store float %0, float* %arrayidx.i, (…)
basic2.ll 1 ; RUN: opt < %s -basicaa -scoped-noalias -aa-eval -evaluate-aa-metadata -print-all-alias-modref-info -disable-output 2>&1 | FileCheck %s
10 store float %0, float* %arrayidx.i, align 4, !alias.scope !5, !noalias !4
12 store float %0, float* %arrayidx1.i, align 4, !alias.scope !0, !noalias !5
23 ; CHECK: MayAlias: %1 = load float, float* %c, align 4 <-> store float %0, float* %arrayidx.i, align 4, !alias.scope !4, !noalias !5
24 ; CHECK: MayAlias: %1 = load float, float* %c, align 4 <-> store float %0, float* %arrayidx1.i, align 4, !alias.scope !0, !noalias !4
26 ; CHECK: NoAlias: store float %0, float* %arrayidx1.i, align 4, !alias.scope !0, !noalias !4 <-> store float %0, float* %arrayidx.i, align
27 ; CHECK: 4, !alias.scope !4, !noalias !5
28 ; CHECK: NoAlias: store float %1, float* %arrayidx, align 4 <-> store float %0, float* %arrayidx.i, align 4, !alias.scope !4, !noalias !
2007-07-29-RestrictPtrArg.cpp 4 // CHECK: noalias
2007-07-29-RestrictRefArg.cpp 4 // CHECK: noalias
mips-size_t-ptrdiff_t.cpp 13 // O32: call noalias i8* @_Znwj(i32 zeroext 4)
16 // N32: call noalias i8* @_Znwj(i32 zeroext 4)
19 // N64: call noalias i8* @_Znwm(i64 zeroext 8)
27 // O32: call noalias i8* @_Znaj(i32 zeroext 8)
30 // N32: call noalias i8* @_Znaj(i32 zeroext 8)
33 // N64: call noalias i8* @_Znam(i64 zeroext 16)
product_notemporary.cpp 61 VERIFY_EVALUATION_COUNT( m3.noalias() = m1 * m2.adjoint(), 0);
63 VERIFY_EVALUATION_COUNT( m3.noalias() = s1 * (m1 * m2.transpose()), 0);
65 VERIFY_EVALUATION_COUNT( m3.noalias() = s1 * m1 * s2 * m2.adjoint(), 0);
66 VERIFY_EVALUATION_COUNT( m3.noalias() = s1 * m1 * s2 * (m1*s3+m2*s2).adjoint(), 1);
67 VERIFY_EVALUATION_COUNT( m3.noalias() = (s1 * m1).adjoint() * s2 * m2, 0);
68 VERIFY_EVALUATION_COUNT( m3.noalias() += s1 * (-m1*s3).adjoint() * (s2 * m2 * s3), 0);
69 VERIFY_EVALUATION_COUNT( m3.noalias() -= s1 * (m1.transpose() * m2), 0);
71 VERIFY_EVALUATION_COUNT(( m3.block(r0,r0,r1,r1).noalias() += -m1.block(r0,c0,r1,c1) * (s2*m2.block(r0,c0,r1,c1)).adjoint() ), 0);
72 VERIFY_EVALUATION_COUNT(( m3.block(r0,r0,r1,r1).noalias() -= s1 * m1.block(r0,c0,r1,c1) * m2.block(c0,r0,c1,r1) ), 0);
75 VERIFY_EVALUATION_COUNT(( m3.block(r0,r0,r1,r1).noalias() = s1 * m1.block(r0,c0,r1,c1) * (s1*m2).block(c0,r0,c1,r1) ), 1)
2010-01-15-SelectionDAGCycle.ll 6 define void @numvec_(i32* noalias %ncelet, i32* noalias %ncel, i32* noalias %nfac, i32* noalias %nfabor, i32* noalias %lregis, i32* noalias %irveci, i32* noalias %irvecb, [0 x [2 x i32]]* noalias %ifacel, [0 x i32]* noalias %ifabor, [0 x i32]* noalias %inumfi, [0 x i32]* noalias %inumfb, [1 x i32]* noalias %iworkf, [0 x i32]* noalias %ismbs)
complex-fca.ll 6 define void @ccosl({ x86_fp80, x86_fp80 }* noalias sret %agg.result, { x86_fp80, x86_fp80 } %z) nounwind {
13 call void @ccoshl({ x86_fp80, x86_fp80 }* noalias sret %agg.result, { x86_fp80, x86_fp80 } %insert7) nounwind
17 declare void @ccoshl({ x86_fp80, x86_fp80 }* noalias sret, { x86_fp80, x86_fp80 }) nounwind
phi-and-select.ll 5 ; CHECK: NoAlias: double* %a, double* %b
9 define void @qux(i1 %m, double* noalias %x, double* noalias %y,
10 i1 %n, double* noalias %v, double* noalias %w) {
noalias2.ll 1 ; RUN: opt -inline -enable-noalias-to-md-conversion -S < %s | FileCheck %s
5 define void @hello(float* noalias nocapture %a, float* noalias nocapture readonly %c) #0 {
13 define void @foo(float* noalias nocapture %a, float* noalias nocapture readonly %c) #0 {
22 ; CHECK: define void @foo(float* noalias nocapture %a, float* noalias nocapture readonly %c) #0 {
24 ; CHECK: %0 = load float, float* %c, align 4, !alias.scope !0, !noalias !3
26 ; CHECK: store float %0, float* %arrayidx.i, align 4, !alias.scope !3, !noalias !0
33 define void @hello2(float* noalias nocapture %a, float* noalias nocapture %b, float* nocapture readonly %c) #0
add_i64.ll 9 define void @test_i64_vreg(i64 addrspace(1)* noalias %out, i64 addrspace(1)* noalias %inA, i64 addrspace(1)* noalias %inB) {
24 define void @sgpr_operand(i64 addrspace(1)* noalias %out, i64 addrspace(1)* noalias %in, i64 addrspace(1)* noalias %in_bar, i64 %a) {
37 define void @sgpr_operand_reversed(i64 addrspace(1)* noalias %out, i64 addrspace(1)* noalias %in, i64 %a) {
50 define void @test_v2i64_sreg(<2 x i64> addrspace(1)* noalias %out, <2 x i64> %a, <2 x i64> %b) {
61 define void @test_v2i64_vreg(<2 x i64> addrspace(1)* noalias %out, <2 x i64> addrspace(1)* noalias %inA, <2 x i64> addrspace(1)* noalias %inB)
array-ptr-calc-i64.ll 8 define void @test_array_ptr_calc(i32 addrspace(1)* noalias %out, [1025 x i32] addrspace(1)* noalias %inA, i32 addrspace(1)* noalias %inB) {
basic-branch.ll 6 define void @test_branch(i32 addrspace(1)* noalias %out, i32 addrspace(1)* noalias %in, i32 %val) nounwind {
2009-01-04-Annotate.ll 3 ; CHECK: declare noalias i8* @fopen(i8* nocapture readonly, i8* nocapture readonly) #0
9 ; CHECK: declare noalias i32* @realloc(i32* nocapture, i32) #0
15 ; CHECK-NOT: strcpy{{.*}}noalias
fast-isel-call-return.ll 8 %0 = call noalias i8* @xmalloc(i64 undef)
12 declare noalias i8* @xmalloc(i64)
fp16.ll 10 define void @test_convert_fp16_to_fp32(float addrspace(1)* noalias %out, i16 addrspace(1)* noalias %in) nounwind {
20 define void @test_convert_fp16_to_fp64(double addrspace(1)* noalias %out, i16 addrspace(1)* noalias %in) nounwind {
30 define void @test_convert_fp32_to_fp16(i16 addrspace(1)* noalias %out, float addrspace(1)* noalias %in) nounwind {
40 define void @test_convert_fp64_to_fp16(i16 addrspace(1)* noalias %out, double addrspace(1)* noalias %in) nounwind {

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