Lines Matching full:uint32
34 uint32 bbf_Scanner_scalePrd( uint32 scaleA, uint32 factorA /*0.32 */ )\
55 uint32 proL = ptrA->maxRadiusE;
56 uint32 pwoL = ( proL << 1 ) + 1;
59 uint32 woL = ptrA->maxImageWidthE;
60 uint32 hoL = ptrA->maxImageHeightE;
63 uint32 xwoL = woL + ( ptrA->borderWidthE << 1 );
64 uint32 xhoL = hoL + ( ptrA->borderHeightE << 1 );
99 uint32 w0L = ptrA->workWidthE;
100 uint32 h0L = ptrA->workHeightE;
101 uint32 w1L = w0L >> 1;
102 uint32 h1L = h0L >> 1;
103 uint32 w20L = ( w0L >> 1 ) + ( w0L & 1 );
106 uint32 iL, jL;
107 uint32 kL = 0;
113 uint32 idxL = jL * 2 * w20L + iL * 2;
124 uint32 idxL = jL * 2 * w20L + iL;
140 void bbf_Scanner_copyImage( struct bbs_Context* cpA, struct bbf_Scanner* ptrA, const void* imagePtrA, uint32 imageWidthA, uint32 imageHeightA, const struct bts_Int16Rect* roiPtrA )
153 uint32 iL, jL;
172 uint32 iL, jL;
214 uint32 proL, priL, pwoL, pwiL;
215 uint32 wiL, wi2L, hiL, woL, hoL, xwoL, xhoL; /* image size specifies */
216 uint32 stepL; /* scan step (16.16) */
217 uint32 bitMaskL; /* current bit mask */
218 uint32* bitRowL; /* pointer to bit-row */
219 uint32 wsL, hsL; /* size of summed area table (ringbuffer) */
220 uint32 satSizeL;
221 uint32* satL; /* pointer to summed area table */
223 uint32 yfL; /* fixed point y-coordinate (16.16) */
224 uint32 iL, jL;
226 uint32 swi1L; /* table writing index */
227 uint32 swi2L; /* table writing index */
228 uint32 sriL; /* table reading index */
230 uint32 poAreaL, piAreaL; /* areas of inner and outer rectangles */
231 uint32 siL[ 8 ]; /* table indices */
283 bitMaskL = ( uint32 )1 << ptrA->borderHeightE;
284 bitRowL = ( uint32* )ptrA->bitImageE.arrE.arrPtrE + ptrA->borderWidthE;
318 uint32 ypL = ( yfL >> 16 );
319 uint32 yoff1L = yfL & 0x0FFFF;
320 uint32 yoff0L = 0x010000 - yoff1L;
325 uint32 xfL = 0; /* fixed point x-coordinate (16.16) */
326 uint32 hSumL = 0;
342 uint32 xpL = ( xfL >> 16 );
343 uint32 xoff1L = xfL & 0x0FFFF;
369 const uint32* rSatL = satL;
390 uint32 oAvgL = ( rSatL[ siL[ 0 ] ] - rSatL[ siL[ 1 ] ] - rSatL[ siL[ 2 ] ] + rSatL[ siL[ 3 ] ] ) * piAreaL;
391 uint32 iAvgL = ( rSatL[ siL[ 4 ] ] - rSatL[ siL[ 5 ] ] - rSatL[ siL[ 6 ] ] + rSatL[ siL[ 7 ] ] ) * poAreaL;
573 uint32 bbf_Scanner_positions( const struct bbf_Scanner* ptrA )
582 uint32 bbf_Scanner_scanIndex( const struct bbf_Scanner* ptrA )
590 int32* xPtrA, int32* yPtrA, uint32* scalePtrA )
604 void bbf_Scanner_idxPos( const struct bbf_Scanner* ptrA, uint32 scanIndexA,
605 int32* xPtrA, int32* yPtrA, uint32* scalePtrA )
632 uint32 maxImageWidthA,
633 uint32 maxImageHeightA,
634 uint32 maxRadiusA,
635 uint32 patchWidthA,
636 uint32 patchHeightA,
637 uint32 minScaleA,
638 uint32 maxScaleA,
639 uint32 scaleStepA,
640 uint32 borderWidthA,
641 uint32 borderHeightA,
642 uint32 bufferSizeA,
684 uint32 bbf_Scanner_memSize( struct bbs_Context* cpA,
687 uint32 memSizeL = bbs_SIZEOF16( uint32 ) +
688 bbs_SIZEOF16( uint32 ); /* version */
704 uint32 bbf_Scanner_memWrite( struct bbs_Context* cpA,
708 uint32 memSizeL = bbf_Scanner_memSize( cpA, ptrA );
726 uint32 bbf_Scanner_memRead( struct bbs_Context* cpA,
731 uint32 memSizeL, versionL;
750 bbs_ERR0( bbs_ERR_CORRUPT_DATA, "uint32 bbf_Scanner_memRead( struct bem_ScanGradientMove* ptrA, const uint16* memPtrA ):\n"
786 uint32 imageWidthA,
787 uint32 imageHeightA,
800 uint32 maxHScaleL = ( ptrA->workWidthE << 16 ) / ( ptrA->patchWidthE + 1 );
801 uint32 maxVScaleL = ( ptrA->workHeightE << 16 ) / ( ptrA->patchHeightE + 1 );
812 while( ptrA->scaleE > ( ( uint32 )( 2 << ptrA->scaleExpE ) << 20 ) ) bbf_Scanner_downscale( cpA, ptrA );
826 while( ptrA->scaleE > ( ( uint32 )( 2 << ptrA->scaleExpE ) << 20 ) ) bbf_Scanner_downscale( cpA, ptrA );
835 const uint32* bbf_Scanner_getPatch( const struct bbf_Scanner* ptrA )
856 uint32 offL = ( ptrA->yE & 0x1F );
857 uint32 rowL = ( ptrA->yE >> 5 ) + ( offL > 0 ? 1 : 0 );
859 uint32 sizeL = ptrA->bitImageE.widthE;
860 uint32* dstL = ptrA->patchBufferE.arrPtrE;
861 uint32 iL;
865 uint32* srcL = ( uint32* )ptrA->bitImageE.arrE.arrPtrE + rowL * sizeL;
868 uint32 shlL = 32 - offL;
909 uint32 offL, rowL;
910 uint32 sizeL;
911 uint32* dstL;
912 uint32 iL;
923 uint32* srcL = ptrA->bitImageE.arrE.arrPtrE + rowL * sizeL;
926 uint32 shlL = 32 - offL;
941 uint32 offL, rowL;
942 uint32 sizeL;
943 uint32* dstL;
944 uint32 iL;
957 uint32* src1L = ptrA->bitImageE.arrE.arrPtrE + rowL * sizeL;
958 uint32* src0L = src1L - sizeL;
959 uint32 shlL = 32 - offL;
969 uint32* srcL = ptrA->bitImageE.arrE.arrPtrE + ( rowL - 1 ) * sizeL;
977 void bbf_Scanner_goToIndex( struct bbs_Context* cpA, struct bbf_Scanner* ptrA, uint32 scanIndexA )
987 int32 xA, int32 yA, uint32 scaleA )
1022 uint32 idxA,
1037 uint32 minIdxL = 0;
1038 uint32 iL;
1064 uint32 scaleA,
1081 uint32 minIdxL = 0;
1082 uint32 iL;
1106 uint32 bbf_Scanner_removeOutOverlaps( struct bbs_Context* cpA,
1108 uint32 overlapThrA )
1110 uint32 begIdxL = 0; /* begin index */
1111 uint32 endIdxL = ptrA->outCountE; /* end index */
1112 uint32 iL;
1113 uint32 rw0L = ptrA->patchWidthE;
1114 uint32 rh0L = ptrA->patchHeightE;
1123 uint32 r1aL;
1126 uint32 maxIdxL = 0;
1159 r1aL = ( uint32 )r1wL * ( uint32 )r1hL;
1179 uint32 r2aL = r2wL * r2hL;
1186 uint32 riwL;
1190 riwL = ( uint32 )( rx2L - rx1L ) * ( uint32 )( ry2L - ry1L );
1213 uint32 bbf_Scanner_removeIntOverlaps( struct bbs_Context* cpA,
1215 uint32 overlapThrA )
1217 uint32 begIdxL = 0; /* begin index */
1218 uint32 endIdxL = ptrA->intCountE; /* end index */
1219 uint32 iL;
1220 uint32 rw0L = ptrA->patchWidthE;
1221 uint32 rh0L = ptrA->patchHeightE;
1225 uint32* idxArrL = ptrA->idxArrE.arrPtrE;
1233 uint32 i1L = 0;
1234 uint32 maxIdxL = 0;
1261 uint32* i2pL = &idxArrL[ iL ];