Lines Matching full:iterations
1096 iterations = _iterations;
1121 for( int i = 1; i < iterations; i++ )
1129 int iterations;
1264 const Mat& _kernel, Point anchor, int iterations,
1306 if( iterations == 0 || kernel.rows*kernel.cols == 1 )
1315 ksize = Size(1+iterations*2,1+iterations*2);
1316 anchor = Point(iterations, iterations);
1318 iterations = 1;
1320 else if( iterations >= 1 && countNonZero(kernel) == kernel.rows*kernel.cols )
1322 ksize = Size(ksize.width + (iterations-1)*(ksize.width-1),
1323 ksize.height + (iterations-1)*(ksize.height-1)),
1324 anchor = Point(anchor.x*iterations, anchor.y*iterations);
1327 iterations = 1;
1330 // TODO: implement the case of iterations > 1.
1331 if( iterations > 1 )
1499 Point anchor, int iterations, int op, int borderType,
1517 kernel = getStructuringElement(MORPH_RECT, Size(1+iterations*2,1+iterations*2));
1518 anchor = Point(iterations, iterations);
1519 iterations = 1;
1521 else if( iterations > 1 && countNonZero(kernel) == kernel.rows*kernel.cols )
1523 anchor = Point(anchor.x*iterations, anchor.y*iterations);
1525 Size(ksize.width + (iterations-1)*(ksize.width-1),
1526 ksize.height + (iterations-1)*(ksize.height-1)),
1528 iterations = 1;
1535 (iterations == 1)
1545 if (iterations == 0 || kernel.rows*kernel.cols == 1)
1588 std::vector<ocl::Kernel> kernels(iterations);
1589 for (int i = 0; i < iterations; i++)
1591 int current_op = iterations == i + 1 ? actual_op : op;
1612 if (iterations == 1 && src.u != dst.u)
1630 for (int i = 0; i < iterations; i++)
1660 if (haveExtraMat && iterations == i + 1)
1679 Point anchor, int iterations,
1690 ocl_morphOp(_src, _dst, kernel, anchor, iterations, op, borderType, borderValue) )
1692 if (iterations == 0 || kernel.rows*kernel.cols == 1)
1700 kernel = getStructuringElement(MORPH_RECT, Size(1+iterations*2,1+iterations*2));
1701 anchor = Point(iterations, iterations);
1702 iterations = 1;
1704 else if( iterations > 1 && countNonZero(kernel) == kernel.rows*kernel.cols )
1706 anchor = Point(anchor.x*iterations, anchor.y*iterations);
1708 Size(ksize.width + (iterations-1)*(ksize.width-1),
1709 ksize.height + (iterations-1)*(ksize.height-1)),
1711 iterations = 1;
1717 if( IPPMorphOp(op, _src, _dst, kernel, anchor, iterations, borderType, borderValue) )
1731 if ( != && iterations == 1 && //NOTE: threads are not used for inplace processing
1738 MorphologyRunner(src, dst, nStripes, iterations, op, kernel, anchor, borderType, borderType, borderValue));
1744 Point anchor, int iterations,
1747 morphOp( MORPH_ERODE, src, dst, kernel, anchor, iterations, borderType, borderValue );
1752 Point anchor, int iterations,
1755 morphOp( MORPH_DILATE, src, dst, kernel, anchor, iterations, borderType, borderValue );
1763 InputArray kernel, Point anchor, int iterations,
1774 if (!ocl_morphOp( _src, _dst, kernel, anchor, iterations, MORPH_ERODE, borderType, borderValue ))
1778 if (!ocl_morphOp( _src, _dst, kernel, anchor, iterations, MORPH_DILATE, borderType, borderValue ))
1782 if (!ocl_morphOp( _src, _temp, kernel, anchor, iterations, MORPH_ERODE, borderType, borderValue ))
1784 if (!ocl_morphOp( _temp, _dst, kernel, anchor, iterations, MORPH_DILATE, borderType, borderValue ))
1788 if (!ocl_morphOp( _src, _temp, kernel, anchor, iterations, MORPH_DILATE, borderType, borderValue ))
1790 if (!ocl_morphOp( _temp, _dst, kernel, anchor, iterations, MORPH_ERODE, borderType, borderValue ))
1794 if (!ocl_morphOp( _src, temp, kernel, anchor, iterations, MORPH_ERODE, borderType, borderValue ))
1796 if (!ocl_morphOp( _src, _dst, kernel, anchor, iterations, MORPH_DILATE, borderType, borderValue, MORPH_GRADIENT, temp ))
1800 if (!ocl_morphOp( _src, _temp, kernel, anchor, iterations, MORPH_ERODE, borderType, borderValue ))
1802 if (!ocl_morphOp( _temp, _dst, kernel, anchor, iterations, MORPH_DILATE, borderType, borderValue, MORPH_TOPHAT, _src ))
1806 if (!ocl_morphOp( _src, _temp, kernel, anchor, iterations, MORPH_DILATE, borderType, borderValue ))
1808 if (!ocl_morphOp( _temp, _dst, kernel, anchor, iterations, MORPH_ERODE, borderType, borderValue, MORPH_BLACKHAT, _src ))
1823 InputArray _kernel, Point anchor, int iterations,
1838 ocl_morphologyEx(_src, _dst, op, kernel, anchor, iterations, borderType, borderValue))
1848 erode( src, dst, kernel, anchor, iterations
1851 dilate( src, dst, kernel, anchor, iterations, borderType, borderValue );
1854 erode( src, dst, kernel, anchor, iterations, borderType, borderValue );
1855 dilate( dst, dst, kernel, anchor, iterations, borderType, borderValue );
1858 dilate( src, dst, kernel, anchor, iterations, borderType, borderValue );
1859 erode( dst, dst, kernel, anchor, iterations, borderType, borderValue );
1862 erode( src, temp, kernel, anchor, iterations, borderType, borderValue );
1863 dilate( src, dst, kernel, anchor, iterations, borderType, borderValue );
1869 erode( src, temp, kernel, anchor, iterations, borderType, borderValue );
1870 dilate( temp, temp, kernel, anchor, iterations, borderType, borderValue );
1876 dilate( src, temp, kernel, anchor, iterations, borderType, borderValue );
1877 erode( temp, temp, kernel, anchor, iterations, borderType, borderValue );
1949 cvErode( const CvArr* srcarr, CvArr* dstarr, IplConvKernel* element, int iterations )
1955 cv::erode( src, dst, kernel, anchor, iterations, cv::BORDER_REPLICATE );
1960 cvDilate( const CvArr* srcarr, CvArr* dstarr, IplConvKernel* element, int iterations )
1966 cv::dilate( src, dst, kernel, anchor, iterations, cv::BORDER_REPLICATE );
1972 IplConvKernel* element, int op, int iterations )
1989 cv::morphologyEx( src, dst, op, kernel, anchor, iterations, cv::BORDER_REPLICATE );