Lines Matching full:renderpass
2266 // For give primary and secondary RenderPass objects, verify that they're compatible
2286 errorStr << "RenderPass for primary cmdBuffer has " << primaryRPCI->subpassCount
2287 << " subpasses but renderPass for secondary cmdBuffer has " << secondaryRPCI->subpassCount << " subpasses.";
2763 if (pCreateInfo->renderPass != VK_NULL_HANDLE)
2764 rp = my_data->renderPassMap[pCreateInfo->renderPass];
3073 // emit errors for renderpass being invalid.
3074 auto rp_data = my_data->renderPassMap.find(pPipeline->graphicsPipelineCI.renderPass);
3079 "is out of range for this renderpass (0..%u)",
3359 ") with %u samples while current RenderPass (%#" PRIxLEAST64 ") w/ %u samples!",
6288 vkDestroyRenderPass(VkDevice device, VkRenderPass renderPass, const VkAllocationCallbacks *pAllocator) {
6290 dev_data->device_dispatch_table->DestroyRenderPass(device, renderPass, pAllocator);
6292 dev_data->renderPassMap.erase(renderPass);
6942 if (!pInfo->renderPass) { // renderpass should NOT be null for an Secondary CB
6946 "vkBeginCommandBuffer(): Secondary Command Buffers (%p) must specify a valid renderpass parameter.",
6960 VkRenderPass fbRP = fbNode->second.createInfo.renderPass;
6961 if (!verify_renderpass_compatibility(dev_data, fbRP, pInfo->renderPass, errorString)) {
6962 // renderPass that framebuffer was created with
6964 // be compatible with local renderPass
6970 "Buffer (%p) renderPass (%#" PRIxLEAST64 ") is incompatible w/ framebuffer "
6972 reinterpret_cast<void *>(commandBuffer), (uint64_t)(pInfo->renderPass),
6992 if (pInfo && pInfo->renderPass != VK_NULL_HANDLE) {
6993 auto rp_data = dev_data->renderPassMap.find(pInfo->renderPass);
7146 "Incorrectly binding compute pipeline (%#" PRIxLEAST64 ") during active RenderPass (%#" PRIxLEAST64 ")",
8178 " It is recommended you use RenderPass LOAD_OP_CLEAR on Attachments prior to any Draw.",
9096 const VkRenderPassCreateInfo *pCreateInfo = my_data->>renderPass)->pCreateInfo;
9338 // TODOSC : Merge in tracking of renderpass from shader_checker
9432 // Free the renderpass shadow
9466 const VkRenderPassCreateInfo *pRenderPassInfo = dev_data->renderPassMap[pRenderPassBegin->renderPass]->pCreateInfo;
9509 auto render_pass_data = dev_data->renderPassMap.find(pRenderPassBegin->renderPass);
9547 auto render_pass_data = dev_data->renderPassMap.find(pRenderPassBegin->renderPass);
9570 if (pRenderPassBegin && pRenderPassBegin->renderPass) {
9572 auto pass_data = dev_data->renderPassMap.find(pRenderPassBegin->renderPass);
9592 VK_DEBUG_REPORT_OBJECT_TYPE_RENDER_PASS_EXT, (uint64_t)(pRenderPassBegin->renderPass), __LINE__,
9624 auto render_pass_data = dev_data->renderPassMap.find(pRenderPassBegin->renderPass);
9631 pCB->activeRenderPass = pRenderPassBegin->renderPass;
9642 DRAWSTATE_INVALID_RENDERPASS, "DS", "You cannot use a NULL RenderPass object in vkCmdBeginRenderPass()");
9837 // Early exit if renderPass objects are identical (and therefore compatible)
9900 skip_call |= validateRenderPassCompatibility(dev_data, secondaryBuffer, fb_data->second.createInfo.renderPass,
9901 secondaryBuffer, pSubCB->beginInfo.pInheritanceInfo->renderPass);
9966 } else if (pCB->activeRenderPass) { // Secondary CB w/i RenderPass must have *CONTINUE_BIT set
9977 pSubCB->beginInfo.pInheritanceInfo->renderPass);
9982 pSubCB->beginInfo.pInheritanceInfo->renderPass, errorString)) {
9988 (void *)pCommandBuffers[i], (uint64_t)pSubCB->beginInfo.pInheritanceInfo->renderPass, (void *)commandBuffer,
9992 // that this CB will be executed in AND framebuffer must have been created w/ RP compatible w/ renderpass
9999 ") that does not match framebuffer (%#" PRIxLEAST64 ") in active renderpass (%#" PRIxLEAST64 ").",