Lines Matching full:rasterizationsamples
1236 <member><type>VkSampleCountFlagBits</type> <name>rasterizationSamples</name></member> <!-- Number of samples used for rasterization -->
1239 <member optional="true" len="latexmath:[$\lceil{\mathit{rasterizationSamples} \over 32}\rceil$]">const <type>VkSampleMask</type>* <name>pSampleMask</name></member> <!-- Array of sampleMask words, containing ceil(rasterSamples/32) words -->
1368 <usage>If pname:subpass uses color and/or depth/stencil attachments, then the pname:rasterizationSamples member of pname:pMultisampleState must: be the same as the sample count for those subpass attachments</usage>
1369 <usage>If pname:subpass does not use any color and/or depth/stencil attachments, then the pname:rasterizationSamples member of pname:pMultisampleState must: follow the rules for a <<renderpass-noattachments, zero-attachment subpass>></usage>