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      1 // Copyright 2012 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 // found in the LICENSE file.
      5 #ifndef V8_HASHMAP_H_
      6 #define V8_HASHMAP_H_
      8 #include "src/allocation.h"
      9 #include "src/base/bits.h"
     10 #include "src/base/logging.h"
     11 #include "src/utils.h"
     13 namespace v8 {
     14 namespace internal {
     16 template<class AllocationPolicy>
     17 class TemplateHashMapImpl {
     18  public:
     19   typedef bool (*MatchFun) (void* key1, void* key2);
     21   // The default capacity.  This is used by the call sites which want
     22   // to pass in a non-default AllocationPolicy but want to use the
     23   // default value of capacity specified by the implementation.
     24   static const uint32_t kDefaultHashMapCapacity = 8;
     26   // initial_capacity is the size of the initial hash map;
     27   // it must be a power of 2 (and thus must not be 0).
     28   TemplateHashMapImpl(MatchFun match,
     29                       uint32_t capacity = kDefaultHashMapCapacity,
     30                       AllocationPolicy allocator = AllocationPolicy());
     32   ~TemplateHashMapImpl();
     34   // HashMap entries are (key, value, hash) triplets.
     35   // Some clients may not need to use the value slot
     36   // (e.g. implementers of sets, where the key is the value).
     37   struct Entry {
     38     void* key;
     39     void* value;
     40     uint32_t hash;  // The full hash value for key
     41     int order;  // If you never remove entries this is the insertion order.
     42   };
     44   // If an entry with matching key is found, returns that entry.
     45   // Otherwise, NULL is returned.
     46   Entry* Lookup(void* key, uint32_t hash) const;
     48   // If an entry with matching key is found, returns that entry.
     49   // If no matching entry is found, a new entry is inserted with
     50   // corresponding key, key hash, and NULL value.
     51   Entry* LookupOrInsert(void* key, uint32_t hash,
     52                         AllocationPolicy allocator = AllocationPolicy());
     54   // Removes the entry with matching key.
     55   // It returns the value of the deleted entry
     56   // or null if there is no value for such key.
     57   void* Remove(void* key, uint32_t hash);
     59   // Empties the hash map (occupancy() == 0).
     60   void Clear();
     62   // The number of (non-empty) entries in the table.
     63   uint32_t occupancy() const { return occupancy_; }
     65   // The capacity of the table. The implementation
     66   // makes sure that occupancy is at most 80% of
     67   // the table capacity.
     68   uint32_t capacity() const { return capacity_; }
     70   // Iteration
     71   //
     72   // for (Entry* p = map.Start(); p != NULL; p = map.Next(p)) {
     73   //   ...
     74   // }
     75   //
     76   // If entries are inserted during iteration, the effect of
     77   // calling Next() is undefined.
     78   Entry* Start() const;
     79   Entry* Next(Entry* p) const;
     81   // Some match functions defined for convenience.
     82   static bool PointersMatch(void* key1, void* key2) {
     83     return key1 == key2;
     84   }
     86  private:
     87   MatchFun match_;
     88   Entry* map_;
     89   uint32_t capacity_;
     90   uint32_t occupancy_;
     92   Entry* map_end() const { return map_ + capacity_; }
     93   Entry* Probe(void* key, uint32_t hash) const;
     94   void Initialize(uint32_t capacity, AllocationPolicy allocator);
     95   void Resize(AllocationPolicy allocator);
     96 };
     98 typedef TemplateHashMapImpl<FreeStoreAllocationPolicy> HashMap;
    100 template<class AllocationPolicy>
    101 TemplateHashMapImpl<AllocationPolicy>::TemplateHashMapImpl(
    102     MatchFun match, uint32_t initial_capacity, AllocationPolicy allocator) {
    103   match_ = match;
    104   Initialize(initial_capacity, allocator);
    105 }
    108 template<class AllocationPolicy>
    109 TemplateHashMapImpl<AllocationPolicy>::~TemplateHashMapImpl() {
    110   AllocationPolicy::Delete(map_);
    111 }
    114 template <class AllocationPolicy>
    115 typename TemplateHashMapImpl<AllocationPolicy>::Entry*
    116 TemplateHashMapImpl<AllocationPolicy>::Lookup(void* key, uint32_t hash) const {
    117   Entry* p = Probe(key, hash);
    118   return p->key != NULL ? p : NULL;
    119 }
    122 template <class AllocationPolicy>
    123 typename TemplateHashMapImpl<AllocationPolicy>::Entry*
    124 TemplateHashMapImpl<AllocationPolicy>::LookupOrInsert(
    125     void* key, uint32_t hash, AllocationPolicy allocator) {
    126   // Find a matching entry.
    127   Entry* p = Probe(key, hash);
    128   if (p->key != NULL) {
    129     return p;
    130   }
    132   // No entry found; insert one.
    133   p->key = key;
    134   p->value = NULL;
    135   p->hash = hash;
    136   p->order = occupancy_;
    137   occupancy_++;
    139   // Grow the map if we reached >= 80% occupancy.
    140   if (occupancy_ + occupancy_ / 4 >= capacity_) {
    141     Resize(allocator);
    142     p = Probe(key, hash);
    143   }
    145   return p;
    146 }
    149 template<class AllocationPolicy>
    150 void* TemplateHashMapImpl<AllocationPolicy>::Remove(void* key, uint32_t hash) {
    151   // Lookup the entry for the key to remove.
    152   Entry* p = Probe(key, hash);
    153   if (p->key == NULL) {
    154     // Key not found nothing to remove.
    155     return NULL;
    156   }
    158   void* value = p->value;
    159   // To remove an entry we need to ensure that it does not create an empty
    160   // entry that will cause the search for another entry to stop too soon. If all
    161   // the entries between the entry to remove and the next empty slot have their
    162   // initial position inside this interval, clearing the entry to remove will
    163   // not break the search. If, while searching for the next empty entry, an
    164   // entry is encountered which does not have its initial position between the
    165   // entry to remove and the position looked at, then this entry can be moved to
    166   // the place of the entry to remove without breaking the search for it. The
    167   // entry made vacant by this move is now the entry to remove and the process
    168   // starts over.
    169   // Algorithm from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open_addressing.
    171   // This guarantees loop termination as there is at least one empty entry so
    172   // eventually the removed entry will have an empty entry after it.
    173   DCHECK(occupancy_ < capacity_);
    175   // p is the candidate entry to clear. q is used to scan forwards.
    176   Entry* q = p;  // Start at the entry to remove.
    177   while (true) {
    178     // Move q to the next entry.
    179     q = q + 1;
    180     if (q == map_end()) {
    181       q = map_;
    182     }
    184     // All entries between p and q have their initial position between p and q
    185     // and the entry p can be cleared without breaking the search for these
    186     // entries.
    187     if (q->key == NULL) {
    188       break;
    189     }
    191     // Find the initial position for the entry at position q.
    192     Entry* r = map_ + (q->hash & (capacity_ - 1));
    194     // If the entry at position q has its initial position outside the range
    195     // between p and q it can be moved forward to position p and will still be
    196     // found. There is now a new candidate entry for clearing.
    197     if ((q > p && (r <= p || r > q)) ||
    198         (q < p && (r <= p && r > q))) {
    199       *p = *q;
    200       p = q;
    201     }
    202   }
    204   // Clear the entry which is allowed to en emptied.
    205   p->key = NULL;
    206   occupancy_--;
    207   return value;
    208 }
    211 template<class AllocationPolicy>
    212 void TemplateHashMapImpl<AllocationPolicy>::Clear() {
    213   // Mark all entries as empty.
    214   const Entry* end = map_end();
    215   for (Entry* p = map_; p < end; p++) {
    216     p->key = NULL;
    217   }
    218   occupancy_ = 0;
    219 }
    222 template<class AllocationPolicy>
    223 typename TemplateHashMapImpl<AllocationPolicy>::Entry*
    224     TemplateHashMapImpl<AllocationPolicy>::Start() const {
    225   return Next(map_ - 1);
    226 }
    229 template<class AllocationPolicy>
    230 typename TemplateHashMapImpl<AllocationPolicy>::Entry*
    231     TemplateHashMapImpl<AllocationPolicy>::Next(Entry* p) const {
    232   const Entry* end = map_end();
    233   DCHECK(map_ - 1 <= p && p < end);
    234   for (p++; p < end; p++) {
    235     if (p->key != NULL) {
    236       return p;
    237     }
    238   }
    239   return NULL;
    240 }
    243 template <class AllocationPolicy>
    244 typename TemplateHashMapImpl<AllocationPolicy>::Entry*
    245 TemplateHashMapImpl<AllocationPolicy>::Probe(void* key, uint32_t hash) const {
    246   DCHECK(key != NULL);
    248   DCHECK(base::bits::IsPowerOfTwo32(capacity_));
    249   Entry* p = map_ + (hash & (capacity_ - 1));
    250   const Entry* end = map_end();
    251   DCHECK(map_ <= p && p < end);
    253   DCHECK(occupancy_ < capacity_);  // Guarantees loop termination.
    254   while (p->key != NULL && (hash != p->hash || !match_(key, p->key))) {
    255     p++;
    256     if (p >= end) {
    257       p = map_;
    258     }
    259   }
    261   return p;
    262 }
    265 template<class AllocationPolicy>
    266 void TemplateHashMapImpl<AllocationPolicy>::Initialize(
    267     uint32_t capacity, AllocationPolicy allocator) {
    268   DCHECK(base::bits::IsPowerOfTwo32(capacity));
    269   map_ = reinterpret_cast<Entry*>(allocator.New(capacity * sizeof(Entry)));
    270   if (map_ == NULL) {
    271     v8::internal::FatalProcessOutOfMemory("HashMap::Initialize");
    272     return;
    273   }
    274   capacity_ = capacity;
    275   Clear();
    276 }
    279 template<class AllocationPolicy>
    280 void TemplateHashMapImpl<AllocationPolicy>::Resize(AllocationPolicy allocator) {
    281   Entry* map = map_;
    282   uint32_t n = occupancy_;
    284   // Allocate larger map.
    285   Initialize(capacity_ * 2, allocator);
    287   // Rehash all current entries.
    288   for (Entry* p = map; n > 0; p++) {
    289     if (p->key != NULL) {
    290       Entry* entry = LookupOrInsert(p->key, p->hash, allocator);
    291       entry->value = p->value;
    292       entry->order = p->order;
    293       n--;
    294     }
    295   }
    297   // Delete old map.
    298   AllocationPolicy::Delete(map);
    299 }
    302 // A hash map for pointer keys and values with an STL-like interface.
    303 template<class Key, class Value, class AllocationPolicy>
    304 class TemplateHashMap: private TemplateHashMapImpl<AllocationPolicy> {
    305  public:
    306   STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(Key*) == sizeof(void*));  // NOLINT
    307   STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(Value*) == sizeof(void*));  // NOLINT
    308   struct value_type {
    309     Key* first;
    310     Value* second;
    311   };
    313   class Iterator {
    314    public:
    315     Iterator& operator++() {
    316       entry_ = map_->Next(entry_);
    317       return *this;
    318     }
    320     value_type* operator->() { return reinterpret_cast<value_type*>(entry_); }
    321     bool operator!=(const Iterator& other) { return  entry_ != other.entry_; }
    323    private:
    324     Iterator(const TemplateHashMapImpl<AllocationPolicy>* map,
    325              typename TemplateHashMapImpl<AllocationPolicy>::Entry* entry) :
    326         map_(map), entry_(entry) { }
    328     const TemplateHashMapImpl<AllocationPolicy>* map_;
    329     typename TemplateHashMapImpl<AllocationPolicy>::Entry* entry_;
    331     friend class TemplateHashMap;
    332   };
    334   TemplateHashMap(
    335       typename TemplateHashMapImpl<AllocationPolicy>::MatchFun match,
    336       AllocationPolicy allocator = AllocationPolicy())
    337         : TemplateHashMapImpl<AllocationPolicy>(
    338             match,
    339             TemplateHashMapImpl<AllocationPolicy>::kDefaultHashMapCapacity,
    340             allocator) { }
    342   Iterator begin() const { return Iterator(this, this->Start()); }
    343   Iterator end() const { return Iterator(this, NULL); }
    344   Iterator find(Key* key, bool insert = false,
    345                 AllocationPolicy allocator = AllocationPolicy()) {
    346     if (insert) {
    347       return Iterator(this, this->LookupOrInsert(key, key->Hash(), allocator));
    348     }
    349     return Iterator(this, this->Lookup(key, key->Hash()));
    350   }
    351 };
    353 }  // namespace internal
    354 }  // namespace v8
    356 #endif  // V8_HASHMAP_H_