1 // Copyright 2014 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved. 2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be 3 // found in the LICENSE file. 4 5 // Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc. http://www.foxitsoftware.com 6 7 #ifndef _FX_RTFBREAK_IMP 8 #define _FX_RTFBREAK_IMP 9 10 #include "core/include/fxcrt/fx_arb.h" 11 12 class CFX_RTFLine; 13 class CFX_RTFBreak; 14 class CFX_RTFLine { 15 public: 16 CFX_RTFLine() 17 : m_LinePieces(16), 18 m_iStart(0), 19 m_iWidth(0), 20 m_iArabicChars(0), 21 m_iMBCSChars(0) {} 22 ~CFX_RTFLine() { RemoveAll(); } 23 int32_t CountChars() const { return m_LineChars.GetSize(); } 24 CFX_RTFChar& GetChar(int32_t index) { 25 FXSYS_assert(index > -1 && index < m_LineChars.GetSize()); 26 return *m_LineChars.GetDataPtr(index); 27 } 28 CFX_RTFChar* GetCharPtr(int32_t index) { 29 FXSYS_assert(index > -1 && index < m_LineChars.GetSize()); 30 return m_LineChars.GetDataPtr(index); 31 } 32 int32_t CountPieces() const { return m_LinePieces.GetSize(); } 33 CFX_RTFPiece& GetPiece(int32_t index) const { 34 FXSYS_assert(index > -1 && index < m_LinePieces.GetSize()); 35 return m_LinePieces.GetAt(index); 36 } 37 CFX_RTFPiece* GetPiecePtr(int32_t index) const { 38 FXSYS_assert(index > -1 && index < m_LinePieces.GetSize()); 39 return m_LinePieces.GetPtrAt(index); 40 } 41 int32_t GetLineEnd() const { return m_iStart + m_iWidth; } 42 void RemoveAll(FX_BOOL bLeaveMemory = FALSE) { 43 CFX_RTFChar* pChar; 44 IFX_Unknown* pUnknown; 45 int32_t iCount = m_LineChars.GetSize(); 46 for (int32_t i = 0; i < iCount; i++) { 47 pChar = m_LineChars.GetDataPtr(i); 48 if ((pUnknown = pChar->m_pUserData) != NULL) { 49 pUnknown->Release(); 50 } 51 } 52 m_LineChars.RemoveAll(); 53 m_LinePieces.RemoveAll(bLeaveMemory); 54 m_iWidth = 0; 55 m_iArabicChars = 0; 56 m_iMBCSChars = 0; 57 } 58 CFX_RTFCharArray m_LineChars; 59 CFX_RTFPieceArray m_LinePieces; 60 int32_t m_iStart; 61 int32_t m_iWidth; 62 int32_t m_iArabicChars; 63 int32_t m_iMBCSChars; 64 }; 65 class CFX_RTFBreak : public IFX_RTFBreak { 66 public: 67 CFX_RTFBreak(FX_DWORD dwPolicies); 68 ~CFX_RTFBreak(); 69 void Release() override { delete this; } 70 void SetLineBoundary(FX_FLOAT fLineStart, FX_FLOAT fLineEnd) override final; 71 void SetLineStartPos(FX_FLOAT fLinePos) override final; 72 FX_DWORD GetLayoutStyles() const override { return m_dwLayoutStyles; } 73 void SetLayoutStyles(FX_DWORD dwLayoutStyles) override; 74 void SetFont(IFX_Font* pFont) override; 75 void SetFontSize(FX_FLOAT fFontSize) override; 76 void SetTabWidth(FX_FLOAT fTabWidth) override; 77 void AddPositionedTab(FX_FLOAT fTabPos) override; 78 void SetPositionedTabs(const CFX_FloatArray& tabs) override; 79 void ClearPositionedTabs() override; 80 void SetDefaultChar(FX_WCHAR wch) override; 81 void SetLineBreakChar(FX_WCHAR wch) override; 82 void SetLineBreakTolerance(FX_FLOAT fTolerance) override; 83 void SetHorizontalScale(int32_t iScale) override; 84 void SetVerticalScale(int32_t iScale) override; 85 void SetCharRotation(int32_t iCharRotation) override; 86 void SetCharSpace(FX_FLOAT fCharSpace) override; 87 void SetWordSpace(FX_BOOL bDefault, FX_FLOAT fWordSpace) override; 88 void SetReadingOrder(FX_BOOL bRTL = FALSE) override; 89 void SetAlignment(int32_t iAlignment = FX_RTFLINEALIGNMENT_Left) override; 90 void SetUserData(IFX_Unknown* pUserData) override; 91 FX_DWORD AppendChar(FX_WCHAR wch) override; 92 FX_DWORD EndBreak(FX_DWORD dwStatus = FX_RTFBREAK_PieceBreak) override; 93 int32_t CountBreakPieces() const override; 94 const CFX_RTFPiece* GetBreakPiece(int32_t index) const override; 95 void GetLineRect(CFX_RectF& rect) const override; 96 void ClearBreakPieces() override; 97 void Reset() override; 98 int32_t GetDisplayPos( 99 FX_LPCRTFTEXTOBJ pText, 100 FXTEXT_CHARPOS* pCharPos, 101 FX_BOOL bCharCode = FALSE, 102 CFX_WideString* pWSForms = NULL, 103 FX_AdjustCharDisplayPos pAdjustPos = NULL) const override; 104 int32_t GetCharRects(FX_LPCRTFTEXTOBJ pText, 105 CFX_RectFArray& rtArray, 106 FX_BOOL bCharBBox = FALSE) const override; 107 FX_DWORD AppendChar_CharCode(FX_WCHAR wch); 108 FX_DWORD AppendChar_Combination(CFX_RTFChar* pCurChar, int32_t iRotation); 109 FX_DWORD AppendChar_Tab(CFX_RTFChar* pCurChar, int32_t iRotation); 110 FX_DWORD AppendChar_Control(CFX_RTFChar* pCurChar, int32_t iRotation); 111 FX_DWORD AppendChar_Arabic(CFX_RTFChar* pCurChar, int32_t iRotation); 112 FX_DWORD AppendChar_Others(CFX_RTFChar* pCurChar, int32_t iRotation); 113 114 protected: 115 FX_DWORD m_dwPolicies; 116 IFX_ArabicChar* m_pArabicChar; 117 int32_t m_iBoundaryStart; 118 int32_t m_iBoundaryEnd; 119 FX_DWORD m_dwLayoutStyles; 120 FX_BOOL m_bPagination; 121 FX_BOOL m_bVertical; 122 FX_BOOL m_bSingleLine; 123 FX_BOOL m_bCharCode; 124 IFX_Font* m_pFont; 125 int32_t m_iFontHeight; 126 int32_t m_iFontSize; 127 int32_t m_iTabWidth; 128 CFX_Int32Array m_PositionedTabs; 129 FX_BOOL m_bOrphanLine; 130 FX_WCHAR m_wDefChar; 131 int32_t m_iDefChar; 132 FX_WCHAR m_wLineBreakChar; 133 int32_t m_iHorizontalScale; 134 int32_t m_iVerticalScale; 135 int32_t m_iLineRotation; 136 int32_t m_iCharRotation; 137 int32_t m_iRotation; 138 int32_t m_iCharSpace; 139 FX_BOOL m_bWordSpace; 140 int32_t m_iWordSpace; 141 FX_BOOL m_bRTL; 142 int32_t m_iAlignment; 143 IFX_Unknown* m_pUserData; 144 FX_DWORD m_dwCharType; 145 FX_DWORD m_dwIdentity; 146 CFX_RTFLine m_RTFLine1; 147 CFX_RTFLine m_RTFLine2; 148 CFX_RTFLine* m_pCurLine; 149 int32_t m_iReady; 150 int32_t m_iTolerance; 151 int32_t GetLineRotation(FX_DWORD dwStyles) const; 152 void SetBreakStatus(); 153 CFX_RTFChar* GetLastChar(int32_t index) const; 154 CFX_RTFLine* GetRTFLine(FX_BOOL bReady) const; 155 CFX_RTFPieceArray* GetRTFPieces(FX_BOOL bReady) const; 156 FX_DWORD GetUnifiedCharType(FX_DWORD dwType) const; 157 int32_t GetLastPositionedTab() const; 158 FX_BOOL GetPositionedTab(int32_t& iTabPos) const; 159 int32_t GetBreakPos(CFX_RTFCharArray& tca, 160 int32_t& iEndPos, 161 FX_BOOL bAllChars = FALSE, 162 FX_BOOL bOnlyBrk = FALSE); 163 void SplitTextLine(CFX_RTFLine* pCurLine, 164 CFX_RTFLine* pNextLine, 165 FX_BOOL bAllChars = FALSE); 166 FX_BOOL EndBreak_SplitLine(CFX_RTFLine* pNextLine, 167 FX_BOOL bAllChars, 168 FX_DWORD dwStatus); 169 void EndBreak_BidiLine(CFX_TPOArray& tpos, FX_DWORD dwStatus); 170 void EndBreak_Alignment(CFX_TPOArray& tpos, 171 FX_BOOL bAllChars, 172 FX_DWORD dwStatus); 173 }; 174 #endif 175